


Good day,
I have emailed you earlier without a response.In my first email I mentioned about my late client whose relatives I can not get in touch with.But both of you have the same last name so it will be very easy to make you become his official next of kin. I am compelled to do this because I would not want the bank to push my late client's funds amount 10.5 million dollars into the bank treasury as unclaimed inheritance.If you are interested you do let me know.

Yours faithfully,
Barrister Avuvuh Zobah

I am glad to help you .After all,it won't do any harm to me .
But ,how can I help you ?



Thanks for your mail, this claim will not do you any harm, i am for real and this is a legal and risk free cliam. I have every information about the claim and what i need is your full interest. My duty is to guide you with information and advice until the fund is approved and transferred to your account, while your duty is to stand as next of kin to my late client.

To claim the fund you will apply to the bank where my late client made the deposit to request for approval and transfer of the fund to your account, as soon as you apply the bank will contact you for approval and transfer of the fund to your account as next of kin to my late client.

It is my duty to draft the application letter while it is your duty to fill the application and send to the bank.

If you are ready for the claim you let me know and send the following information to me,

Your Complete names
Your location address.
Your age.
Your Occupation and telephone number.

Barrister Avuvuh Zobah.
Togo West Africa
+228 91294568.

My complete name is xxxx,Wei.
My location is : BeiHang University,XueYuan Road No.37,HaiDian District,BeiJing,China
My age is :25
My Occupation:Programmer
My Phone:xxxxx

As you can see, I am a Chinese.
And my spoken English is worse than my written English.
So I hope that you don't call my phone to avoid embarrassment.
We can communicate by email.
Thank you .



Thanks for your mail, I received your mail with your personal information as i requested. Well i understand you don't speak english and is better we communicate by email as you said.

As i already said, i have every information about the claim and my duty is to guide you with information and advice until the 10.5 million dollars is approved and transferred to your account, while your duty is to stand as next of kin to my late client.

If the fund is approved and transferred to your account both of us will share the money or we can use the money for joint investment in your country China. I am a very honest person and i will like you to keep to our agreement. As you are 25 years i am sure you can receive the money in your account.

Well the next step is to apply for release of the fund, to apply you will send application to the bank where my late client made the deposit and as soon as you send the application the bank will contact you for approval and transfer of the fund to your account as next of kin to my late client. It is my duty to draft the application letter while it is your duty to fill the application and send to the bank. As soon as you get back to me and request for the application letter i will draft the application and send to you. I wait for your reply.

OK,just send me the application .



Thanks for your mail. Well i have been waiting to hear from you and i am happy to hear from you. Please i want you to know that this is a confidential claim and you must keep every thing about this claim confidential for safety and security reasons.

Attach is application letter, open the attach application letter fill it and send it to the bank. the bank email address is (customercenter_banqueatlantique@accountant.com). If you send the application you let me know and when you hear from the bank kindly inform me.

Thank you,sir.
I think I finished this doc .
Now I have 3 questions :

  1. Shall I send email to the bank now ?
  2. Which kind of questions do you think they will ask me to verify ? I think I should prepare for this .
  3. Why me ? How did you find me ? After all , it's such a good thing that I doubt whether it's real.

I like writing emails with you .
It's beneficial to my written English.
Actually I am a postgraduate majored in Computer Science in Beihang University .



Thanks for your mail, Well i am very happy with your questions because we don't know each other and i just contacted you about 10.5 million dollars, i have been waiting to see if you can ask question because you need to ask questions mostly as we don't know each other and you don't know my late client.

Yes you should send the application to the bank through the bank email address which i already gave you in my last email.

I don't work in the bank , so i don't know the kind of question the bank may ask you, but i already told you that i have every information about the claim, so when the bank ask you any question you should forward it to me for advice before you answer the bank. But for now i don't know what the bank will ask you but we must wait until the bank contact you as soon as you send the application.

I was the personal lawyer to the late China national who made the deposit until he died in 2015, and when he died the bank where he made the deposit contacted me and directed me to locate his blood relation who will stand as next of kin and he did not write inheritance will before he died, I have been making every possible effort to locate his blood relation who will stand for this fund, but all my effort to locate his blood relation did not work, As i was not able to locate his blood relation i started making search over the internet and that was how i say you over the internet and contacted you. So i saw your email contact over the internet as i was searching to locate any of my late client blood relation.

You should not doubt whether it's real, this is a real, official and legal claim and every thing about the claim is real legal and risk free. I assure you that every thing will work out with out problem, but you must do every thing possible to bring out time for the claim you must put more effort, not just to write english but you the interest of the fund. So fill the application and send it to the bank.


Barrister Avuvuh Zobah.



I have send the email .
I don't think the bank will allow me to inherit in such a simple application .
Can you tell me more about you late client ?
Give me more details on his life .
Which province does he come ?
How old is he ?
When did he go to Africa ?
I think the workers in bank should verify whether I have the qualification to inherit .
Your English seems good. Is it your mother tongue ?
I think you are a rich man because your late client is so rich .


Thanks for your mail, well from what you wrote i understood that you already sent the application to the bank.Look i contacted you and i already told you that i have every information about the claim and all the information in the application you filled are correct, so the bank will approve you as next of kin, you may see it as easy claim or simple application letter because we don't know each other and i trusted you and gave you information to contact the bank, but i want to advice you that this is not an easy claim as you may see it because you don't know what the bank will ask you, but let pray that the bank will not ask what i don't know.

I have already told you that my late client made the deposit in the bank before he died, he was a China national and he died at the age of 64, he was into oil and gas business. I don't know his provive in China because i have not been to China but what i know is that he was a China national.

He has been in Africa for over 30 years, he was in Egypt before he came over to Togo 18 years before he died.

Yes the bank will process the claim before they will approve you as next of kin and transfer the fund to your account.Your qualification to inherit the fund is the information in the application letter, you may see the application letter as a simple letter but the most important thing is the information in the application letter such like the bank account and the name of the late person who made the deposit, it does not mean that you will write 100 pages before the bank can approve you as next of kin but the most important thing is the information in the letter.

Here in Togo we speak English and French. But i am well educated and i am a lawyer. I am not rich but my late client was a a rich business man, i was only working as his personal lawyer, i was not into the same business with him, if i am rich i will not be making all this effort to claim this fund with you, but i want to make sure this fund is transferred out of the bank so that the bank will not sit on the fund. My interest is to see that this fund is transferred to your account so that both of us will share the fund and use it for good business project in your country and i am sure you will not sit on the fund if transferred to your account.

Lastly i will be waiting to hear from you and when you hear from the bank kindly inform me.

Barrister Avuvuh Zobah.


Thank you for your explanations about your late client .
There is no doubt I won't sit on the fund if it's transferred to my account .
I am an honest man ,too.
Actually I don't think we can get the money out of the bank . So if we succeed, it's all your effort. I will be very happy not matter how much you give me . After all ,it's really a glory to make friends with such a rich layer .
Let us make a rule , I won't give out any money in this process .

I don't think you are serious about the claim because you have already wrote that you are writing for the sake of English, i have told you that i am not rich but you keep saying that you are happy to meet a rich lawyer, what is the meaning of that, the fund was deposited by my late client and the fund is still in the bank, so why are you always saying that i am a rich lawyer, please if you are not srrious about the claim you can drop from the claim, i am 54 years old and i am a serious person i am not here for childs play.




LOME- 16TH AUGUST , 2017


Sorry to make you feel that.
I will be serious from now on and stop joking.
I swear all the information I give you is true.
Here is the reply of the bank.
So what should we do now .




I got your mail with the bank's letter. Well i hope you should be serious this time because the bank have contacted you and you have seen that it is not as easy as you where thinking.

After going through the bank's letter i understand that the bank requested for 5 inheritance claim documents and also requested that you should fly down to the bank to procure and submit the 5 inheritance documents and sign fund release order in the bank here in Togo.

First i will like to know if you will be able to fly down to the bank in person under this 10 working days as directed by the bank. So you should reply and let me know if you can fly down to the bank under 10 working days as the bank wrote.

I am sure you have already gone through the bank letter and you can see that the bank requested for 5 inheritance claim documents, and you will only get the documents from High Court of Togo, Ministry of Justice of Togo and Ministry of Interior Togo. As you know i don't work in any of this Ministry and i don't work in the court. As a lawyer i know that such documents are not free, the 5 documents will cost money but as it stand i don't know the current cost of the 5 documents and as i am writing is already late here in Togo and i can not go to the Ministry until tomorrow.

By tomorrow i will go to the Ministry and High Court to find out cost of the 5 documents and as soon as i find out i will inform you, But you must let me know if you can fly down to the bank under this 10 working days.

In one of your mail you wrote that the application form is very simple and i told you that it is not simple as you may see it, now what will make the bank approve you as next of kin to my late client is this 5 documents, and to procure this 5 documents is not all that easy but i will do my best and with your help we will get the documents.

Also in your last mail before this very mail, you wrote that you will not give out any money in the process, But you can see that both of us must spend money because we must pay for the documents before the Ministry and High Court can issue the documents to you, I am not here to play my interest is this fund, and i want us to agree that both of us will pay for the documents as soon as i find out the cost . If i find out the cost we have to agree on how we are going to pay the money and any amount you agreed to pay it means you will fly down with the money and when you come down i will complete it and both of us will go to the Ministry and High Court to pay for the documents. I am sure you will understand this letter very well.


Barrister Avuvuh Eobah.

I have to say it's difficult for me to go to Togo.
Because I have never gone abroad.

What's more , the procedure of going abroad is very troublesome.
Now I am a postgraduate in school.
I don't know how to go to Togo at all.
I have no such courage to go to a unfamiliar country for a unsure treasure.

What's more , there is a great possibility we can get nothing .
After all, I don't have the qualification to inherit such a big deal money.
So it's illegal to inherit the money.
And I will feel guilty if I get the money which don't belong to me.
If this defraud action is published someday , both of us will enter the prison .
As a personal layer, you should obey your late client's advice to find his real kin.
I don't think you tried every method because it's not hard to locate his province .
According to the passport or id card you can find his province easily.
But now you know too little about your late client .
If you know where he live before he went to Africa,you should come to China to find his kin.
I am sure the real kin will be grateful for you and your late client will be grateful for you too.
It's really a bad way to find his real kin by the internet.
You should collect more information about your late client rather than finding the kin directly.
I am a common person as most people.
And I don't think any Chinese will do the same choice as me : they won't go abroad for a unsure treasure.
At last, if you come to China ,you can inform me .
There are many African students in my university.
I can be your translator to help you find his real kin.



What's going on ? I am eager to hear from you.
How much is the cost to get the materials ?
Did you ask that ?
I think you are too unfamiliar with the procedure to apply for inheritance.
You should make full investigation before my apply to the bank.
But now you don't even know how much it will cost to get the material . This is routine. Is not it ?


I read your massage but did not understand why you still want to know cost of the documents whrn you have already told me that you are not interested in the money , you wrote that you can not claim the money because you are not the real blood relation of my late client. Maybe you just want to write english as you said. You said you can not come to the bank for what you are not sure, from what you write in that massage i find out that you are not serious about the claim even the way you have been writing will still confirm that you are not serious about the claim, You even wrote that i should come to China to look for the real blood relation of my late client.

I told you that i will find out cost of the documents and i was able to find out cost of the documents but when i read your last massage i understood that you can not complete the claim because with the way you write you will not be ready to pay for the documents. Go bcak and read your last mail and after that you will find out that what you wrote was to tell me that you are notserious about the claim, what do i have to do with African student in China, does it mean i will tell every body about this claim.

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