CDRouter IPv6 Test Case


basic-v6 (16) Basic IPv6 extension header processing tests
ipv6_basic_1 Verify DUT forwards packets with multiple extension headers
step 1. Generate a valid ICMPv6 Echo Request packet with the IPv6 Hop-by-Hop
    Options and Destination Options extension headers using the PadN and Pad1
    options, respectively

            Hop-by-Hop Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3c (Destination Options)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x01 (PadN)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (6 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

            Destination Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMP)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)

    step 2. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request to a WAN IPv6 destination
            using the extension headers generated in Step 1
    step 3. Verify that an ICMPv6 Echo Reply packet is received within 3 seconds

    IETF RFC2460 Sections 4, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.6
ipv6_basic_2 Verify DUT responds to packets with multiple extension headers
step 1. Generate a valid ICMPv6 Echo Request packet with the IPv6 Hop-by-Hop
            Options and Destination Options extension headers using the PadN and
            Pad1 options, respectively

            Hop-by-Hop Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3c (Destination Options)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x01 (PadN)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (6 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

            Destination Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMP)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)

    step 2. Initiate an ICMPv6 Echo Request to the DUT's LAN-side IPv6
            link-local address using the extension headers generated in Step 1
    step 3. Verify that an ICMPv6 Echo Reply packet is received within 3 seconds

    IETF RFC2460 Sections 4, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.6
ipv6_basic_3 Verify DUT discards packets with unknown extension headers
step 1. Generate an ICMPv6 Echo Request packet containing a IPv6 Hop-by-Hop
            Options extension header with a Next Header value of 200 (IP
            protocol type 200 is currently unassigned)

            Hop-by-Hop Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0xc8 (IP protocol type 200, unknown)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x01 (PadN)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (6 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

            Unrecognized Next Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMP)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)

    step 2. Initiate an ICMPv6 Echo Request (ping) to the DUT's LAN-side IPv6
            link-local address using the extension headers generated in Step 1
    step 3. Verify that the packet transmitted in Step 2 is discarded by
            ensuring that no ICMPv6 Echo Reply packets are received within 3
    step 4. Optional - if an ICMPv6 Parameter Problem packet is received, verify
            that the ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message contains a value of 1 in
            the Code field
    step 5. Optional - if an ICMPv6 Parameter Problem packet is received, verify
            that the ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message contains a value of 40 in
            the Pointer field


    IETF RFC2460 Section 4:

       If, as a result of processing a header, a node is required to proceed
       to the next header but the Next Header value in the current header is
       unrecognized by the node, it should discard the packet and send an
       ICMP Parameter Problem message to the source of the packet, with an
       ICMP Code value of 1 ("unrecognized Next Header type encountered")
       and the ICMP Pointer field containing the offset of the unrecognized
       value within the original packet.  The same action should be taken if
       a node encounters a Next Header value of zero in any header other
       than an IPv6 header.

    IETF RFC4443 Section 3.4:

       If an IPv6 node processing a packet finds a problem with a field in
       the IPv6 header or extension headers such that it cannot complete
       processing the packet, it MUST discard the packet and SHOULD send an
       ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message to the packet's source, indicating
       the type and location of the problem.

       Codes 1 and 2 are more informative subsets of Code 0.

       The pointer identifies the octet of the original packet's header
       where the error was detected. For example, an ICMPv6 message with
       Type field = 4, Code field = 1, and Pointer field = 40 would indicate
       that the IPv6 extension header following the IPv6 header of the
       original packet holds an unrecognized Next Header field value.
ipv6_basic_4 Verify DUT discards packets with Next Header value of zero in extension header
step 1. Generate an ICMPv6 Echo Request packet containing the IPv6
            Hop-by-Hop Options extension header with a Next Header value of 0

            Hop-by-Hop Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x00 (HOPOPT)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x01 (PadN)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (6 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

            Next Extension Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMP)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)
              Option Type        = 0x00 (Pad1)

    step 2. Initiate an ICMPv6 Echo Request (ping) to the DUT's LAN-side IPv6
            link-local address using the extension headers generated in Step 1
    step 3. Verify that the packet transmitted in Step 2 is discarded by
            ensuring that no ICMPv6 Echo Reply packets are received within 3
    step 4. Optional - if an ICMPv6 Parameter Problem packet is received, verify
            that the ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message contains a value of 1 in
            the Code field
    step 5. Optional - if an ICMPv6 Parameter Problem packet is received, verify
            that the ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message contains a value of 40 in
            the Pointer field


    IETF RFC2460 Section 4:

       If, as a result of processing a header, a node is required to proceed
       to the next header but the Next Header value in the current header is
       unrecognized by the node, it should discard the packet and send an
       ICMP Parameter Problem message to the source of the packet, with an
       ICMP Code value of 1 ("unrecognized Next Header type encountered")
       and the ICMP Pointer field containing the offset of the unrecognized
       value within the original packet.  The same action should be taken if
       a node encounters a Next Header value of zero in any header other
       than an IPv6 header.

    IETF RFC4443 Section 3.4:

       If an IPv6 node processing a packet finds a problem with a field in
       the IPv6 header or extension headers such that it cannot complete
       processing the packet, it MUST discard the packet and SHOULD send an
       ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message to the packet's source, indicating
       the type and location of the problem.

       Codes 1 and 2 are more informative subsets of Code 0.

       The pointer identifies the octet of the original packet's header
       where the error was detected. For example, an ICMPv6 message with
       Type field = 4, Code field = 1, and Pointer field = 40 would indicate
       that the IPv6 extension header following the IPv6 header of the
       original packet holds an unrecognized Next Header field value.
ipv6_basic_5 Verify DUT ignores packets with extension header containing 'no Next Header'
step 1. Generate a valid ICMPv6 Echo Request packet with the IPv6 Hop-by-Hop
            Options and Destination Options extension headers. The Hop-by-Hop
            Options extension header will have a Next Header value of 59 (no
            Next Header).

            Hop-by-Hop Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3b (no Next Header)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x01 (PadN)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (6 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

            Destination Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMP)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x01 (PadN)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (6 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

    step 2. Initiate an ICMPv6 Echo Request (ping) to the DUT's LAN-side IPv6
            link-local address using the extension header generated in Step 1
    step 3. Verify that the DUT ignores the ICMPv6 Echo Request packet by
            ensuring that no ICMPv6 Echo Reply packets are received within 3


    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.7:

       The value 59 in the Next Header field of an IPv6 header or any
       extension header indicates that there is nothing following that
       header.  If the Payload Length field of the IPv6 header indicates the
       presence of octets past the end of a header whose Next Header field
       contains 59, those octets must be ignored, and passed on unchanged if
       the packet is forwarded.
ipv6_basic_6 Verify DUT forwards packets with extension headers containing 'no Next Header'
step 1. Generate a valid ICMPv6 Echo Request packet with the IPv6 Hop-by-Hop
            Options and Destination Options extension headers. The Hop-by-Hop
            Options extension header will have a Next Header value of 59 (no
            Next Header).

            Hop-by-Hop Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3b (no Next Header)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x01 (PadN)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (6 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

            Destination Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMP)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x01 (PadN)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (6 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

    step 2. Initiate an ICMPv6 Echo Request (ping) to a WAN IPv6 destination
            address using the extension header generated in Step 1
    step 3. Verify that the WAN host receives the packet transmitted in Step 2
    step 4. Verify that the ICMPv6 Echo Request packet received by the WAN host
            is identical to the packet that was transmitted. Note that the
            ICMPv6 Echo Request packet may be displayed as as an IPv6 protocol
            type 0 packet (Hop-by-Hop Options) due to the inclusion of the no
            Next Header field in the Hop-by-Hop Options extension header. The
            data portion of the received IPv6 packet on the WAN should be
            analayzed for the original ICMPv6 Echo Request.


    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.7:

       The value 59 in the Next Header field of an IPv6 header or any
       extension header indicates that there is nothing following that
       header.  If the Payload Length field of the IPv6 header indicates the
       presence of octets past the end of a header whose Next Header field
       contains 59, those octets must be ignored, and passed on unchanged if
       the packet is forwarded.
ipv6_basic_10 Verify DUT properly processes unknown Option Type identifiers with 00 high order bits
step 1. Generate a Hop-by-Hop Options extension header with an unknown
            Option Type of 7 (0x07). Option Type 7 contains high order bits of

            Hop-by-Hop Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMP)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x07 (unknown, 00 high order bits)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (4 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

    step 2. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request (ping) from a LAN client to
            a WAN IPv6 destination using the extension header generated in
            Step 1
    step 3. Verify that the DUT ignores the unknown Option Type by ensuring that
            an ICMPv6 Echo Reply (ping response) packet is received


    IPv6 Ready Phase-1/Phase-2 Test Specification Core Protocols

    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.2:

       The Option Type identifiers are internally encoded such that their
       highest-order two bits specify the action that must be taken if the
       processing IPv6 node does not recognize the Option Type:

         00 - skip over this option and continue processing the header.

         01 - discard the packet.

         10 - discard the packet and, regardless of whether or not the
              packet's Destination Address was a multicast address, send an
              ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's
              Source Address, pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.

         11 - discard the packet and, only if the packet's Destination
              Address was not a multicast address, send an ICMP Parameter
              Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's Source Address,
              pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.

    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.3:

       The Hop-by-Hop Options header is used to carry optional information
       that must be examined by every node along a packet's delivery path.
ipv6_basic_11 Verify DUT properly processes unknown Option Type identifiers with 01 high order bits
step 1. Generate a Hop-by-Hop Options extension header with an unknown
            Option Type of 71 (0x47). Option Type 71 contains high order bits of

            Hop-by-Hop Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMP)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x47 (type 71 unknown, 01 high order bits)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (4 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

    step 2. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request (ping) from a LAN client to
            a WAN IPv6 destination using the extension header generated in
            Step 1
    step 3. Verify that the DUT silently discards the packet transmitted in Step
            2 be ensuring that it does not forward an ICMPv6 Echo Request packet
            to the WAN IPv6 destination within 3 seconds
    step 4. Repeat Step 2
    step 5. Verify that the DUT silently discards the packet transmitted in Step
            4 by ensuring that it does not send an ICMPv6 Parameter Problem
            packet to the LAN source within 3 seconds


    IPv6 Ready Phase-1/Phase-2 Test Specification Core Protocols

    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.2:

       The Option Type identifiers are internally encoded such that their
       highest-order two bits specify the action that must be taken if the
       processing IPv6 node does not recognize the Option Type:

         00 - skip over this option and continue processing the header.

         01 - discard the packet.

         10 - discard the packet and, regardless of whether or not the
              packet's Destination Address was a multicast address, send an
              ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's
              Source Address, pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.

         11 - discard the packet and, only if the packet's Destination
              Address was not a multicast address, send an ICMP Parameter
              Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's Source Address,
              pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.

    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.3:

       The Hop-by-Hop Options header is used to carry optional information
       that must be examined by every node along a packet's delivery path.
ipv6_basic_12 Verify DUT properly processes unknown Option Type identifiers with 10 high order bits - unicast destination
step 1. Generate a Hop-by-Hop Options extension header with an unknown
            Option Type of 135 (0x87). Option Type 135 contains high order bits
            of 10.

            Hop-by-Hop Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMP)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x87 (type 135 unknown, 10 high order bits)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (4 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

    step 2. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request (ping) from a LAN client to
            a WAN IPv6 destination using the extension header generated in
            Step 1
    step 3. Verify that the DUT discards the packet transmitted in Step 2 by
            ensuring that it does not forward an ICMPv6 Echo Request packet to
            the WAN IPv6 destination within 3 seconds
    step 4. Repeat Step 2
    step 5. Verify that the DUT sends an ICMPv6 Parameter Problem packet to the
            source in response to the packet transmitted in Step 4 within 3
    step 6. Verify that the ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message contains a value of
            2 in the Code field
    step 7. Verify that the ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message contains a value of
            42 in the Pointer field


    IPv6 Ready Phase-1/Phase-2 Test Specification Core Protocols

    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.2:

       The Option Type identifiers are internally encoded such that their
       highest-order two bits specify the action that must be taken if the
       processing IPv6 node does not recognize the Option Type:

         00 - skip over this option and continue processing the header.

         01 - discard the packet.

         10 - discard the packet and, regardless of whether or not the
              packet's Destination Address was a multicast address, send an
              ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's
              Source Address, pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.

         11 - discard the packet and, only if the packet's Destination
              Address was not a multicast address, send an ICMP Parameter
              Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's Source Address,
              pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.

    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.3:

       The Hop-by-Hop Options header is used to carry optional information
       that must be examined by every node along a packet's delivery path.
ipv6_basic_13 Verify DUT properly processes unknown Option Type identifiers with 10 high order bits - multicast destination
step 1. Generate a Hop-by-Hop Options extension header with an unknown
            Option Type of 135 (0x87). Option Type 135 contains high order bits
            of 10.

            Hop-by-Hop Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMP)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0x87 (type 135 unknown, 10 high order bits)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (4 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

    step 2. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request (ping) from a LAN client to
            the all nodes multicast destination using the extension header
            generated in Step 1
    step 3. Verify that the DUT discards the packet transmitted in Step 2 be
            ensuring that it does not forward an ICMPv6 Echo Request packet to
            the LAN host within 3 seconds
    step 4. Repeat Step 2
    step 5. Verify that the DUT sends an ICMPv6 Parameter Problem packet to the
            source in response to the packet transmitted in Step 4 within 3
    step 6. Verify that the ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message contains a value of
            2 in the Code field
    step 7. Verify that the ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message contains a value of
            42 in the Pointer field


    IPv6 Ready Phase-1/Phase-2 Test Specification Core Protocols

    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.2:

       The Option Type identifiers are internally encoded such that their
       highest-order two bits specify the action that must be taken if the
       processing IPv6 node does not recognize the Option Type:

         00 - skip over this option and continue processing the header.

         01 - discard the packet.

         10 - discard the packet and, regardless of whether or not the
              packet's Destination Address was a multicast address, send an
              ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's
              Source Address, pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.

         11 - discard the packet and, only if the packet's Destination
              Address was not a multicast address, send an ICMP Parameter
              Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's Source Address,
              pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.
ipv6_basic_14 Verify DUT properly processes unknown Option Type identifiers with 11 high order bits - unicast destination
step 1. Generate a Hop-by-Hop Options extension header with an unknown
            Option Type of 199 (0xc7). Option Type 199 contains high order bits
            of 11.

            Hop-by-Hop Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMP)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0xc7 (type 199 unknown, 11 high order bits)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (4 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

    step 2. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request (ping) from a LAN client to
            a WAN IPv6 destination using the extension header generated in
            Step 1
    step 3. Verify that the DUT discards the packet transmitted in Step 2 be
            ensuring that it does not forward an ICMPv6 Echo Request packet to
            the WAN IPv6 destination within 3 seconds
    step 4. Repeat Step 2
    step 5. Verify that the DUT sends an ICMPv6 Parameter Problem packet to the
            source in response to the packet transmitted in Step 4 within 3
    step 6. Verify that the ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message contains a value of
            2 in the Code field
    step 7. Verify that the ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message contains a value of
            42 in the Pointer field


    IPv6 Ready Phase-1/Phase-2 Test Specification Core Protocols

    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.2:

       The Option Type identifiers are internally encoded such that their
       highest-order two bits specify the action that must be taken if the
       processing IPv6 node does not recognize the Option Type:

         00 - skip over this option and continue processing the header.

         01 - discard the packet.

         10 - discard the packet and, regardless of whether or not the
              packet's Destination Address was a multicast address, send an
              ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's
              Source Address, pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.

         11 - discard the packet and, only if the packet's Destination
              Address was not a multicast address, send an ICMP Parameter
              Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's Source Address,
              pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.

    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.3:

       The Hop-by-Hop Options header is used to carry optional information
       that must be examined by every node along a packet's delivery path.
ipv6_basic_15 Verify DUT properly processes unknown Option Type identifiers with 11 high order bits - multicast destination
step 1. Generate a Hop-by-Hop Options extension header with an unknown
            Option Type of 199 (0xc7). Option Type 199 contains high order bits
            of 11.

            Hop-by-Hop Options Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMP)
              Length             = 0x00 (8 bytes)
              Option Type        = 0xc7 (type 199 unknown, 11 high order bits)
              Option Data Length = 0x04 (4 bytes)
              Option Data        = 0x00000000

    step 2. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request (ping) from a LAN client to
            the all nodes multicast destination using the extension header
            generated in Step 1
    step 3. Verify that the DUT discards the packet transmitted in Step 2 and
            does not send an ICMPv6 Parameter Problem packet to the source


    IPv6 Ready Phase-1/Phase-2 Test Specification Core Protocols

    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.2:

       The Option Type identifiers are internally encoded such that their
       highest-order two bits specify the action that must be taken if the
       processing IPv6 node does not recognize the Option Type:

         00 - skip over this option and continue processing the header.

         01 - discard the packet.

         10 - discard the packet and, regardless of whether or not the
              packet's Destination Address was a multicast address, send an
              ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's
              Source Address, pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.

         11 - discard the packet and, only if the packet's Destination
              Address was not a multicast address, send an ICMP Parameter
              Problem, Code 2, message to the packet's Source Address,
              pointing to the unrecognized Option Type.
ipv6_basic_20 Verify DUT discards packets with Type 0 Routing Extension Header as an Intermediary Node
step 1. Generate an ICMP Echo Request packet containing an IPv6 Routing
            extension header. The destination address is the gateway's global
            address, which forces header processing. The segment is set to the
            RemoteHost's IPv6 address.

            Routing Extension Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMPv6)
              Length             = 0x06 (56 bytes)
              Routing Type       = 0x00 (Source Routing)
              Segments Left:     = 0x01

    step 2. The RemoteHost is inspected to verify the gateway did not resend the
    step 3. The packet is resent
    step 4. ICMPv6 Parameter Problem packet is verified as delivered to the LAN


    IPv6 Ready Phase-1/Phase-2 Test Specification Core Protocols

    IETF RFC5095 Section 3:

      An IPv6 node that receives a packet with a destination address
      assigned to it and that contains an RH0 extension header MUST NOT
      execute the algorithm specified in the latter part of Section 4.4 of
      [RFC2460] for RH0.  Instead, such packets MUST be processed according
      to the behaviour specified in Section 4.4 of [RFC2460] for a datagram
      that includes an unrecognised Routing Type value, namely:

         If Segments Left is zero, the node must ignore the Routing header
         and proceed to process the next header in the packet, whose type
         is identified by the Next Header field in the Routing header.

         If Segments Left is non-zero, the node must discard the packet and
         send an ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 0, message to the packet's
         Source Address, pointing to the unrecognized Routing Type.
ipv6_basic_21 Verify DUT processes packets with Type 0 Routing Extension Header as an End Node
step 1. Generate an ICMP Echo Request packet containing an IPv6 Routing
            extension header. The destination address is the gateway's global
            address, which forces header processing. The segment is set to the
            RemoteHost's IPv6 address.

            Routing Extension Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMPv6)
              Length             = 0x06 (56 bytes)
              Routing Type       = 0x00 (Source Routing)
              Segments Left:     = 0x00

    step 2. The RemoteHost is inspected to verify the gateway did not resend the
    step 3. The packet is resent
    step 4. The LAN client is inspected to verify the ICMPv6 Echo Reply was
            received from the gateway


    IPv6 Ready Phase-1/Phase-2 Test Specification Core Protocols

    IETF RFC5095 Section 3:

      An IPv6 node that receives a packet with a destination address
      assigned to it and that contains an RH0 extension header MUST NOT
      execute the algorithm specified in the latter part of Section 4.4 of
      [RFC2460] for RH0.  Instead, such packets MUST be processed according
      to the behaviour specified in Section 4.4 of [RFC2460] for a datagram
      that includes an unrecognised Routing Type value, namely:

         If Segments Left is zero, the node must ignore the Routing header
         and proceed to process the next header in the packet, whose type
         is identified by the Next Header field in the Routing header.

         If Segments Left is non-zero, the node must discard the packet and
         send an ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 0, message to the packet's
         Source Address, pointing to the unrecognized Routing Type.
ipv6_basic_22 Verify DUT discards packets with Unknown Routing Extension Header as an Intermediary Node
step 1. Generate an ICMP Echo Request packet containing an IPv6 Routing
            extension header. The destination address is the gateway's global
            address, which forces header processing. The segment is set to the
            RemoteHost's IPv6 address.

            Routing Extension Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMPv6)
              Length             = 0x06 (56 bytes)
              Routing Type       = 0x33 (Unknown Type)
              Segments Left:     = 0x01

    step 2. The RemoteHost is inspected to verify the gateway did not resend the
    step 3. The packet is resent
    step 4. ICMPv6 Parameter Problem packet is verified as delivered to the LAN


    IPv6 Ready Phase-1/Phase-2 Test Specification Core Protocols

    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.4:

      If, while processing a received packet, a node encounters a Routing
      header with an unrecognized Routing Type value, the required behavior
      of the node depends on the value of the Segments Left field, as

        If Segments Left is zero, the node must ignore the Routing header
        and proceed to process the next header in the packet, whose type
        is identified by the Next Header field in the Routing header.

        If Segments Left is non-zero, the node must discard the packet and
        send an ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 0, message to the packet's
        Source Address, pointing to the unrecognized Routing Type.
ipv6_basic_23 Verify DUT processes packets with Unknown Routing Extension Header as an End Node
step 1. Generate an ICMP Echo Request packet containing an IPv6 Routing
            extension header. The destination address is the gateway's global
            address, which forces header processing. The segment is set to the
            RemoteHost's IPv6 address.

            Routing Extension Header:
              Next Header        = 0x3a (ICMPv6)
              Length             = 0x06 (56 bytes)
              Routing Type       = 0x33 (Unknown Type)
              Segments Left:     = 0x00

    step 2. The RemoteHost is inspected to verify the gateway did not resend the
    step 3. The packet is resent
    step 4. The LAN client is inspected to verify the ICMPv6 Echo Reply was
            received from the gateway


    IPv6 Ready Phase-1/Phase-2 Test Specification Core Protocols

    IETF RFC2460 Section 4.4:

      If, while processing a received packet, a node encounters a Routing
      header with an unrecognized Routing Type value, the required behavior
      of the node depends on the value of the Segments Left field, as

        If Segments Left is zero, the node must ignore the Routing header
        and proceed to process the next header in the packet, whose type
        is identified by the Next Header field in the Routing header.

        If Segments Left is non-zero, the node must discard the packet and
        send an ICMP Parameter Problem, Code 1, message to the packet's
        Source Address, pointing to the unrecognized Routing Type.
frag-v6 (3) IPv6 fragmentation tests
ipv6_frag_1 Verify DUT responds to fragmented ICMPv6 Echo Requests
step 1. Generate a valid 3000 byte ICMPv6 Echo Request packet
    step 2. Set IPv6 MTU of the LAN to 1280 bytes
    step 3. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request (ping) to the DUT's
            LAN-side IPv6 link-local address using the packet generated in
            Step 1
    step 4. Verify that an ICMPv6 Echo Reply packet is received within 3 seconds


    IETF RFC2460 Sections 4, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.6
ipv6_frag_2 Verify DUT forwards fragmented ICMPv6 packets
step 1. Generate a valid 3000 byte ICMPv6 Echo Request packet
    step 2. Set IPv6 MTU of the LAN client to 1280 bytes
    step 3. Set IPv6 MTU of the remoteHost WAN server to 1280 bytes
    step 4. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request to a WAN IPv6 destination
            using the packet generated in Step 1
    step 5. Verify that an ICMPv6 Echo Reply packet is received within 3 seconds


    IETF RFC2460 Sections 4, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.6
ipv6_frag_3 Verify DUT forwards fragmented UDP packets
step 1. Generate a valid 3000 byte UDP Echo packet
    step 2. Set IPv6 MTU of the LAN client to 1280 bytes
    step 3. Set IPv6 MTU of the remoteHost WAN server to 1280 bytes
    step 4. Initiate an outbound UDP Echo to a WAN IPv6 destination using the
            packet generated in Step 1
    step 5. Verify that a UDP Echo response is received on the LAN


    IETF RFC2460 Sections 4, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.6
ndp (13) Neighbor Discovery Protocol and Router Advertisement tests for IPv6 devices
ipv6_ndp_1 Verify DUT responds to Router Solicitations on the LAN
step 1. Send a Router Solicitation from the LAN
    step 2. Wait for a Router Advertisement from the DUT
    step 3. Verify the fields in the Router Advertisement

    Reference: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ipv6_ndp_2 Verify DUT periodically sends unsolicited Router Advertisements
step 1. Listen for a Router Advertisement on the LAN
    step 2. Wait for a second Router Advertisement on the LAN
    step 3. Verify that the DUT is periodically sending Advertisments

    Reference: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6

    NOTE: The testvar ipv6RAInterval will control how long this test waits for a
    Router Advertisement.
ipv6_ndp_10 Verify DUT responds to Neighbor Solicitations for its link-local address
step 1. Send a Neighbor Solicitation on the LAN for the DUT's link-local address
    step 2. Wait for a Neighbor Advertisement from the DUT
    step 3. Verify fields of the Neighbor Advertisement

    Reference: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ipv6_ndp_11 Verify DUT responds to Neighbor Solicitations for its global IPv6 address
step 1. Send a Neighbor Solicitation on the LAN for the DUT's global IPv6 address
    step 2. Wait for a Neighbor Advertisement from the DUT
    step 3. Verify fields of Neighbor Advertisement

    Reference: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ipv6_ndp_12 Verify DUT ignores Neighbor Solicitations with an invalid hop-count
step 1. Send an Neighbor Solicitation for the DUT's link-local address with a hop-count of 64
    step 2. Verify the DUT ignores the Solicitation and doesn't respond with a Neighbor Advertisement
    step 3. Send a valid Neighbor Solicitation to make sure DUT is properly responding

    Reference: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ipv6_ndp_13 Verify DUT responds to DAD-style Neighbor Solicitations
step 1. Send a Duplicate-Address-Detection style Neighbor Solicition for the DUT's link-local address
    step 2. Wait for a Neighbor Advertisement from the DUT
    step 3. Verify source, destination, and contents of Neighbor Advertisement

    Reference:  IETF RFC 2462 - IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
                Section 5.4 Duplicate Address Detection
ipv6_ndp_14 Verify DUT ignores Neighbor Solicitations with a different target than itself
step 1. Send an Neighbor Solicitation for the lanStack's link-local address to the DUT's link-local address
            and its global address
    step 2. Verify the DUT ignores the Solicitation and doesn't respond with a Neighbor Advertisement
    step 3. Send a valid Neighbor Solicitation to make sure DUT is properly responding

    Reference: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ipv6_ndp_15 Verify DUT ignores Neighbor Solicitations sent to the wrong Solicited-Node Multicast Address
step 1. Send an Neighbor Solicitation for the DUT's link-local address, but sent to the wrong
            Solicited-Node Multicast Address
    step 2. Verify the DUT ignores the Solicitation and doesn't respond with a Neighbor Advertisement
    step 3. Send a valid Neighbor Solicitation to make sure DUT is properly responding

    Reference: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ipv6_ndp_20 Verify DUT sends ICMPv6 Redirect messages for neighbor traffic forwarded to it
step 1: Create a new client on the LAN
    step 2: Send a ping to the Global-Unicast-Address of the new client
    step 3: Verify the DUT sends an ICMPv6 Redirect messsage
    step 4. Verify the ICMPv6 Redirect message
    step 5: Verify the new client responds to the ping

    Reference: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
               Section 8 Redirect Function

    NOTE: This test is similar to ipv6_forward_3, except it verifies that the
    DUT is sending valid ICMPv6 Redirect messages back to the sender. Test
    ipv6_forward_3 verifies that the packet is forwarded to the correct
ipv6_ndp_30 Verify Router Advertisements contain M bit and O bit based on LAN mode
step 1. Listen for a Router Advertisement on the LAN
    step 2. Check the "managed address configuration" flag (M bit) in the Router
            Advertisement received in Step 1
    step 3. If the DUT is configured to provide global addresses via DHCPv6 on
            the LAN, the M bit should be set; if autoconfiguration is used
            instead, the M bit should not be set
    step 4. If the DUT is configured to provide global addresses via
            autoconfiguration on the LAN, and the "other stateful configuration"
            flag (O bit) is set, send a DHCPv6 Information-request including an
            Option Request for DHCPv6 Options 23 'DNS Recursive Name Server'
            and 24 'Domain Search List' to the DUT. Skip to Step 6.
    step 5. If the DUT is configured to provide global addresses via
            DHCPv6 and the "managed address configuration" flag
            (M bit) is set, send a DHCPv6 Information-request including an
            Option Request for DHCPv6 Options 23 'DNS Recursive Name Server'
            and 24 'Domain Search List' to the DUT
    step 6. Verify that the DUT sends a DHCPv6 Reply in response to the DHCPv6
            Information-request message sent by the client in Steps 4 or 5
    step 7. Verify that the DUT's DHCPv6 Reply includes DHCPv6 Options 23 and 24
    Step 8. Verify the DNS server information provided by the DUT. If the testvar
            ipv6DNStoLAN is set to "yes", the DNS server addresses provided should
            match the addresses of the DNS servers configured on the WAN. If the
            ipv6DNStoLAN testvar is set to "no", the LAN side IPv6 address of the
            DUT should be provided as the DNS server.
    step 9. Verify the domain search list information provided by the DUT

    Reference: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
               Section 4.2 "Router Advertisement Message Format"
ipv6_ndp_31 Verify Router Advertisements contain valid prefix, A bit, and L bit based on LAN settings
step 1. Listen for Router Advertisements on the LAN for one Router
            Advertisement interval
    step 2. Verify at least one Router Advertisement contains a valid prefix
            based on the DUT's LAN IPv6 address
    step 3. Verify that the prefix length associated with the prefix discovered
            in Step 2 is the same as the DUT's configured LAN prefix length
            (skip this step if the IPv6 WAN mode is 6to4)
    step 4. Verify that the prefix discovered in Step 2 contains a valid
    step 5. Check the autonomous address-configuration flag (A bit) in the
            Router Advertisement received in Step 1
    step 6. If the DUT is configured to provide global addresses via DHCPv6 on
            the LAN, the A bit should not be set; if autoconfiguration is used
            instead, the A bit should be set
    step 7. Verify that the prefix discovered in Step 2 has the on-link flag
            (L bit) set

    Reference: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
               Section 4.6.2 "Prefix Information"

    NOTE: This test is designed to work with DUT's that support only a single
    LAN mode for address autoconfiguration, either DHCPv6 or autoconfiguration.
    DUT configurations in which both modes are enabled simultaneously (where
    the 'A' and 'M' bits are both set) are not currently supported by this test.
ipv6_ndp_32 Verify Router Advertisements contain RDNSS option
step 1. Listen for a Router Advertisement on the LAN
    step 2. Verify that one or more RDNSS options (25) are present in RA
    step 3. Verify the addresses provided in RDNSS options. If the testvar
            ipv6DNStoLAN is set to "yes", the DNS server addresses listed
            in the RDNSS option should match the addresses of the DNS
            servers configured on the WAN. If the ipv6DNStoLAN testvar is
            set to "no", the RDNSS option should list only the LAN side
            IPv6 address of the DUT (global or link-local address).
    step 4. Verify the RDNSS option lifetime

    Reference: IETF RFC 6106 - IPv6 Router Advertisement Options for DNS

    NOTE: This test is skipped if the testvar ipv6RdnssSupport is set to no
    indicating that the device does not support the RDNSS option.
ipv6_ndp_33 Verify Router Advertisements contain DNSSL option
step 1. Listen for a Router Advertisement on the LAN
    step 2. Verify that one or more DNSSL options (31) are present in RA
    step 3. Verify the domain search list provided in the DNSSL option. The
            domain search list should contain the domain name specified by the
            testvar wanDomainName.
    step 4. Verify the DNSSL option lifetime

    Reference: IETF RFC 6106 - IPv6 Router Advertisement Options for DNS

    NOTE: This test is skipped if the testvar ipv6DnsslSupport is set to no
    indicating that the device does not support the DNSSL option.
ndp-wan (8) Neighbor Discovery Protocol and Router Advertisement tests for the WAN side of IPv6 devices
ipv6_ndp_wan_1 Verify if DUT responds to Router Solicitations on the WAN
step 1. Send a Router Solicitation from the WAN
    step 2. Wait to see if DUT sends a Router Advertisement on the WAN
    step 3. Verify the expected behavior

    Note: The testvar ipv6ExpectRAonWan determines if this test should
          expect to see Router Advertisements from the DUT on the WAN

    Reference: RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ipv6_ndp_wan_2 Verify if DUT periodically sends unsolicited Router Advertisements
step 1. Wait for a Router Advertisement on the WAN
    step 2. Wait for a second Router Advertisement on the WAN
    step 3. Verify if the DUT is periodically sending Advertisments as expected

    Notes: The testvar ipv6ExpectRAonWan determines if this test should
           expect to see Router Advertisements from the DUT on the WAN

           The testvar ipv6RAInterval will control how long
           this test waits for a Router Advertisement.

    Reference: RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ipv6_ndp_wan_10 Verify DUT responds to Neighbor Solicitations on the WAN for its link-local address
step 1. Send a Neighbor Solicitation on the WAN for the DUT's link-local address
    step 2. Wait for a Neighbor Advertisement from the DUT
    step 3. Verify fields of the Neighbor Advertisement

    Reference: RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ipv6_ndp_wan_11 Verify DUT responds to Neighbor Solicitations from the WAN for its global IPv6 address
step 1. Send a Neighbor Solicitation on the WAN for the DUT's global IPv6 address
    step 2. Wait for a Neighbor Advertisement from the DUT
    step 3. Verify fields of Neighbor Advertisement

    Reference: RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ipv6_ndp_wan_12 Verify DUT ignores invalid Neighbor Solicitations sent on the WAN
step 1. Send an invalid Neighbor Solicitation for the DUT's WAN-side global address
    step 2. Verify the DUT ignores the Solicitation and doesn't respond with a Neighbor Advertisement
    step 3. Send a valid Neighbor Solicitation to make sure DUT is properly responding

    Reference: RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ipv6_ndp_wan_13 Verify DUT responds to DAD-style Neighbor Solicitations on the WAN
step 1. Send a Duplicate-Address-Detection style Neighbor Solicition for the DUT's
            link-local address on the WAN
    step 2. Wait for a Neighbor Advertisement from the DUT
    step 3. Verify source, destination, and contents of Neighbor Advertisement

    Reference:  RFC 2462 - IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
                Section 5.4 Duplicate Address Detection
ipv6_ndp_wan_14 Verify DUT ignores Neighbor Solicitations with a different target than itself
step 1. Send an Neighbor Solicitation for the wanStack's link-local address to the DUT's
            link-local address and its global address
    step 2. Verify the DUT ignores the Solicitation and doesn't respond with a Neighbor Advertisement
    step 3. Send a valid Neighbor Solicitation to make sure DUT is properly responding

    Reference: RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ipv6_ndp_wan_15 Verify DUT ignores Neighbor Solicitations sent to the wrong Solicited-Node Multicast Address
step 1. Send an Neighbor Solicitation for the DUT's link-local address, but sent to the wrong
            Solicited-Node Multicast Address
    step 2. Verify the DUT ignores the Solicitation and doesn't respond with a Neighbor Advertisement
    step 3. Send a valid Neighbor Solicitation to make sure DUT is properly responding

    Reference: RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
dhcpv6-c (20) DHCPv6 client tests for the WAN side of the router
dhcpv6_1 Verify client requests the assignment of a non-temporary address
step 1. Check existing DHCPv6 bindings on the WAN side of the CPE
    step 2. Verify whether or not a non-temporary address binding exists
    step 3. Verify Valid and Preferred lifetimes for binding
    step 4. Verify that the binding has not expired

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 17 "DHCP Server Solicitation"
dhcpv6_2 Verify client renews non-temporary address when current binding expires
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            T1 timer to expire
    step 2. Verify DHCPv6 client sends DHCPv6 Renew
    step 3. Verify Renew contains Server Identifier option (2) with correct
            server DUID
    step 4. Verify Renew contains IA_NA option (3) for same non-temporary
    step 5. Send valid Reply to update binding

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.1.3 "Creation and Transmission of
    Renew Messages"

    To extend the valid and preferred lifetimes for the addresses
    associated with an IA, the client sends a Renew message to the server
    from which the client obtained the addresses in the IA containing an
    IA option for the IA.  The client includes IA Address options in the
    IA option for the addresses associated with the IA.  The server
    determines new lifetimes for the addresses in the IA according to the
    administrative configuration of the server.
dhcpv6_4 Verify client obtains address from server using various undefined server DUID values
step 1. Configure the server to use an undefined server DUID format
    step 2. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            to expire
    step 3. Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 4. Verify client sends Solicit message and obtains an IPv6 address
    step 5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 for various undefined DUID server formats
    step 6. Reestablish the DHCPv6 binding using the original DUID format

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 9 "DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID)"
dhcpv6_10 Verify client ignores replies with mismatched client DUID
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            to expire
    step 2. Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 3. Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 4. Verify Solicit contains IA_NA option (3)
    step 5. Respond to first Solicit message with incorrect Client
            Identifier option(1) DUID
    step 6. Verify client restransmits Solicit message
    step 7. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 17.1.2 "Transmission of Solicit Messages"

    If the client does not receive any Advertise messages before the
    first RT has elapsed, it begins the retransmission mechanism
    described in section 14.  The client terminates the retransmission
    process as soon as it receives any Advertise message, and the client
    acts on the received Advertise message without waiting for any
    additional Advertise messages.
dhcpv6_11 Verify client ignores unknown or invalid DHCPv6 packets
step 1. Send invalid DHCPv6 packet with message type 0 to client
            on the WAN
    step 2. Verify that client does not respond to packet transmitted
            in Step 1
    step 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for message types 1 through 255
dhcpv6_14 Verify client handles fragmented IPv6 packets
step 1. Configure DHCPv6 server to use a large User Class option (15)
            to force IPv6 fragmentation
    step 2. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            to expire
    step 3. Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 4. Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 5. Respond to first Solicit message with Advertise containing
            large User Class Option (15) causing fragmentation
    step 6. Verify client sends valid Request in response to Advertise
    step 7. Disable server User Class option (15) created in Step 1
    step 8. If client fails Step 6, cleanup and wait for client to
            retransmit Solicit message
    step 9. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.1 "Client Behavior"
dhcpv6_15 Verify client ignores server messages with invalid UDP checksum
step 1. Configure DHCPv6 server to use bad UDP checksums
    step 2. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            to expire
    step 3. Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 4. Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 5. Respond to first Solicit message with Advertise containing
            invalid UDP checksum
    step 6. Verify client does not send valid Request in response to
    step 7. Configure DHCPv6 server to use valid UDP checksums
    step 8. Wait for client to retransmit Solicit message
    step 9. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to
dhcpv6_16 Verify client composes DUID correctly
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            T1 timer to expire
    step 2. Verify DHCPv6 client sends DHCPv6 Renew
    step 3. Inspect the composition of the DUID to ensure correctness

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 9 "DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID)"
dhcpv6_20 Verify client restarts when NoBinding failure occurs during Renew
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            T1 timer to expire
    step 2. Verify DHCPv6 client sends DHCPv6 Renew
    step 3. Verify Renew contains IA_NA option (3) for same non-temporary
    step 4. Send valid DHCPv6 Reply with NoBinding status code (3)
    step 5. Verify DHCPv6 client sends Request message
    step 6. Verify Request contains IA_NA option (3) for same non-temporary

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.1.8 "Receipt of Reply Messages"

    When the client receives a Reply message in response to a Renew or
    Rebind message, the client examines each IA independently.  For each
    IA in the original Renew or Rebind message, the client:

    -  sends a Request message if the IA contained a Status Code option
       with the NoBinding status (and does not send any additional
       Renew/Rebind messages)

    -  sends a Renew/Rebind if the IA is not in the Reply message

    -  otherwise accepts the information in the IA
dhcpv6_21 Verify client restarts when UnspecFail failure occurs during Renew
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            T1 timer to expire
    step 2. Verify DHCPv6 client sends DHCPv6 Renew
    step 3. Verify Renew contains IA_NA option (3) for same non-temporary
    step 4. Send valid DHCPv6 Reply with UnspecFail status code (1)
    step 5. Verify DHCPv6 client recovers by retransmitting Renew or
            sending Request
    step 6. Verify Renew or Request contains IA_NA option (3) for same
            non-temporary address

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.1.8 "Receipt of Reply Messages"

    If the client receives a Reply message with a Status Code containing
    UnspecFail, the server is indicating that it was unable to process
    the message due to an unspecified failure condition.  If the client
    retransmits the original message to the same server to retry the
    desired operation, the client MUST limit the rate at which it
    retransmits the message and limit the duration of the time during
    which it retransmits the message.
dhcpv6_30 Verify client sends Rebind message if Renew for non-temporary address fails
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            T1 to expire
    step 2. Verify DHCPv6 client sends DHCPv6 Renew
    step 3. Do not respond to Renew message
    step 4. Verify DHCPv6 client sends Rebind message
    step 5. Verify Rebind contains IA_NA option (3) for same non-temporary
    step 6. Send valid Reply to update binding

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.1.4 "Creation and Transmission of
    Rebind Messages"

    At time T2 for an IA (which will only be reached if the server to
    which the Renew message was sent at time T1 has not responded), the
    client initiates a Rebind/Reply message exchange with any available
    server.  The client includes an IA option with all addresses
    currently assigned to the IA in its Rebind message.
dhcpv6_31 Verify client sends Solicit message if Renew and Rebind for non-temporary address fails
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            to expire
    step 2. Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 3. Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 4. Verify Solicit contains IA_NA option (3)
    step 5. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.1.4 "Creation and Transmission of
    Rebind Messages"

    The message exchange is terminated when the valid lifetimes of all
    the addresses assigned to the IA expire (see section 10), at which
    time the client has several alternative actions to choose from; for

    -  The client may choose to use a Solicit message to locate a new
       DHCP server and send a Request for the expired IA to the new

    -  The client may have other addresses in other IAs, so the client
       may choose to discard the expired IA and use the addresses in the
       other IAs.
dhcpv6_50 Verify client retransmits DHCPv6 Solicit messages for non-temporary address
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            to expire
    step 2. Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 3. Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 4. Verify Solicit contains IA_NA option (3)
    step 5. Do not respond to first Solicit message
    step 6. Verify client restransmits Solicit message
    step 7. Verify retransmitted Solicit message contains same transaction
            ID as first Solicit message
    step 8. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 17.1.2 "Transmission of Solicit Messages"

    If the client does not receive any Advertise messages before the
    first RT has elapsed, it begins the retransmission mechanism
    described in section 14.  The client terminates the retransmission
    process as soon as it receives any Advertise message, and the client
    acts on the received Advertise message without waiting for any
    additional Advertise messages.

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 15.1 "Use of Transaction IDs"

    The "transaction-id" field holds a value used by clients and servers
    to synchronize server responses to client messages.  A client SHOULD
    generate a random number that cannot easily be guessed or predicted
    to use as the transaction ID for each new message it sends.  Note
    that if a client generates easily predictable transaction
    identifiers, it may become more vulnerable to certain kinds of
    attacks from off-path intruders.  A client MUST leave the transaction
    ID unchanged in retransmissions of a message.
dhcpv6_51 Verify client retransmits DHCPv6 Request messages for non-temporary address
step 1.  Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
             to expire
    step 2.  Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 3.  Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 4.  Verify Solicit contains IA_NA option (3)
    step 5.  Send valid Advertise message
    step 6.  Verify client sends Request message containing IA_NA option (3)
    step 7.  Do not respond to Request message
    step 8.  Verify client retransmists Request message
    step 9.  Verify retransmitted Request message contains same transaction
             ID as first Request message
    step 10. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 14 "Reliability of Client Initiated
    Message Exchanges"

    DHCP clients are responsible for reliable delivery of messages in the
    client-initiated message exchanges described in sections 17 and 18.
    If a DHCP client fails to receive an expected response from a server,
    the client must retransmit its message.  This section describes the
    retransmission strategy to be used by clients in client-initiated
    message exchanges.

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 15.1 "Use of Transaction IDs"

    The "transaction-id" field holds a value used by clients and servers
    to synchronize server responses to client messages.  A client SHOULD
    generate a random number that cannot easily be guessed or predicted
    to use as the transaction ID for each new message it sends.  Note
    that if a client generates easily predictable transaction
    identifiers, it may become more vulnerable to certain kinds of
    attacks from off-path intruders.  A client MUST leave the transaction
    ID unchanged in retransmissions of a message.

    NOTE: This test will not work if Rapid-Commit is used!
dhcpv6_60 Verify client learns new non-temporary address when WAN DHCPv6 server renumbers
step 1. Change the client's DHCPv6 binding to use the new
            non-temporary IPv6 address address specified by the testvar
    step 2. Verify DHCPv6 client sends DHCPv6 Renew or Request
    step 3. Verify Renew or Request contains IA_NA option (3) for same
            non-temporary address
    step 4. Send valid DHCPv6 Reply with new non-temporary address
    step 5. Verify client updates with new non-temporary address
    step 6. Ping client's new non-temporary address
    step 7. Restore client's original non-temporary address by repeating
            Steps 1 through 5 using original non-temporary address
    step 8. Ping client's original non-temporary address

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.1.8 "Receipt of Reply Messages"

    If the Reply was received in response to a Solicit (with a Rapid
    Commit option), Request, Renew or Rebind message, the client updates
    the information it has recorded about IAs from the IA options
    contained in the Reply message:

    -  Record T1 and T2 times.

    -  Add any new addresses in the IA option to the IA as recorded by
       the client.

    -  Update lifetimes for any addresses in the IA option that the
       client already has recorded in the IA.

    -  Discard any addresses from the IA, as recorded by the client, that
       have a valid lifetime of 0 in the IA Address option.

    -  Leave unchanged any information about addresses the client has
       recorded in the IA but that were not included in the IA from the
dhcpv6_100 Verify client obtains IPv6 address when server uses unknown DHCPv6 options
step 1. Configure DHCPv6 server to use unknown DHCPv6 option type
    step 2. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            to expire
    step 3. Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 4. Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 5. Respond to first Solicit message with Advertise containing
            unknown DHCPv6 option type
    step 6. Verify client sends valid Request in response to Advertise
    step 7. Disable unknown DHCPv6 server option
    step 8. If client fails Step 6, cleanup and wait for client to
            retransmit Solicit message
    step 9. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.1 "Client Behavior"
dhcpv6_101 Verify client ignores DHCPv6 messages with unknown options and invalid option length
step 1. Configure DHCPv6 server to use unknown DHCPv6 option type
            with invalid length
    step 2. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            to expire
    step 3. Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 4. Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 5. Respond to first Solicit message with Advertise containing
            unknown DHCPv6 option type
    step 6. Verify client does not send valid Request in response to
    step 7. Disable unknown DHCPv6 server option
    step 8. Wait for client to retransmit Solicit message
    step 9. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to
dhcpv6_102 Verify client includes the Elapsed Time option with value 0 in first message
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            to expire
    step 2. Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 3. Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 4. Verify Solicit contains IA_NA option (3)
    step 5. Verify Solicit contains Elapsed Time option (8) with value of 0
    step 6. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 22.9 "Elapsed Time Option"

    A client MUST include an Elapsed Time option in messages to indicate
    how long the client has been trying to complete a DHCP message
    exchange.  The elapsed time is measured from the time at which the
    client sent the first message in the message exchange, and the
    elapsed-time field is set to 0 in the first message in the message
dhcpv6_103 Verify client increases value of Elapsed Time option when Solicit is retransmitted
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
            to expire
    step 2. Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 3. Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 4. Verify Solicit contains IA_NA option (3)
    step 5. Verify Solicit contains Elapsed Time option (8) with value of 0
    step 6. Do not respond to Solicit
    step 7. Verify client retransmists Solicit message
    step 8. Verify retransmitted Solicit message contains Elapsed Time option
            (8) with a value greater than 0
    step 9. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 22.9 "Elapsed Time Option"

    A client MUST include an Elapsed Time option in messages to indicate
    how long the client has been trying to complete a DHCP message
    exchange.  The elapsed time is measured from the time at which the
    client sent the first message in the message exchange, and the
    elapsed-time field is set to 0 in the first message in the message
dhcpv6_130 Verify client handles Server Unicast Option
step 1.  Configure DHCPv6 server to use Server Unicast Option (12)
    step 2.  Wait for DHCPv6 client's current non-temporary address binding
             to expire
    step 3.  Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 4.  Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 5.  Respond to first Solicit message with Advertise containing
             Server Unicast Option (12)
    step 6.  Verify client sends valid Renew message
    step 7.  Verify Renew message in Step 6 is sent to the address in
             the Server Unicast Option (12)
    step 8.  Disable Server Unicast option (12) created in Step 1
    step 9.  If client fails Step 6, cleanup and wait for client to
             retransmit Solicit message
    step 10. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 22.12 "Server Unicast Option"
dhcpv6-pd (18) DHCPv6 prefix delegation tests for WAN to LAN IPv6 configuration
dhcpv6_pd_1 Verify client requests the assignment of an IPv6 prefix
step 1. Check existing DHCPv6 bindings on the WAN side of the CPE
    step 2. Verify whether or not prefix binding exists
    step 3. Verify Valid and Preferred lifetimes for binding
    step 4. Verify that the binding has not expired

    Reference: IETF RFC 3633 Section 12.1 "Requesting router behavior"

    The requesting router uses a Request message to populate IA_PDs with
    prefixes.  The requesting router includes one or more IA_PD options
    in the Request message.  The delegating router then returns the
    prefixes for the IA_PDs to the requesting router in IA_PD options in
    a Reply message.
dhcpv6_pd_2 Verify client renews prefix when current binding expires
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current prefix binding
            T1 timer to expire
    step 2. Verify DHCPv6 client sends DHCPv6 Renew
    step 3. Verify Renew contains Server Identifier option (2) with correct
            server DUID
    step 4. Verify Renew contains IA_NA option (3) for same address
    step 5. Send valid Reply to update binding

    Reference: IETF RFC 3633 Section 7 "Overview of DHCP with Prefix

    Before the valid lifetime on each delegated prefix expires, the
    requesting router includes the prefix in an IA_PD option sent in a
    Renew message to the delegating router.  The delegating router
    responds by returning the prefix with updated lifetimes to the
    requesting router.
dhcpv6_pd_10 Verify client sends router advertisements on LAN with delegated prefix
step 1. Listen for IPv6 router advertisements from DUT on LAN
    step 2. Verify that router advertisement contains Prefix Information
            option (3) with valid prefix based on prefix assigned
            by DHCPv6 server on WAN

    Reference: IETF RFC 3633 Section 12.1 "Requesting router behavior"

    Upon the receipt of a valid Reply message, for each IA_PD the
    requesting router assigns a subnet from each of the delegated
    prefixes to each of the links to which the associated interfaces are
    attached, with the following exception: the requesting router MUST
    NOT assign any delegated prefixes or subnets from the delegated
    prefix(es) to the link through which it received the DHCP message
    from the delegating router.

    Reference: IETF RFC 6204 - IPv6 CE Router Requirements, Requirement L-2:

           The IPv6 CE router MUST assign a separate /64 from its
           delegated prefix(es) (and ULA prefix if configured to provide
           ULA addressing) for each of its LAN interfaces.
dhcpv6_pd_11 Verify client sends router advertisements on LAN with prefix lifetimes based on IA_PD lifetimes
step 1. Listen for IPv6 router advertisements from DUT on LAN
    step 2. Verify that router advertisement contains Prefix Information
            option (3) with valid prefix based on prefix assigned
            by DHCPv6 server on WAN
    step 3. Verify Prefix Information option (3) contains a Valid lifetime
            not greater than the valid lifetime provided by the DHCPv6
            server in the IA_PD Prefix option
    step 4. Verify Prefix Information option (3) contains a Preferred
            lifetime not greater than the preferred lifetime provided by
            the DHCPv6 server in the IA_PD Prefix option

    Reference: IETF RFC 3633 Section 12.1 "Requesting router behavior"

    If the requesting router assigns a delegated prefix to a link to
    which the router is attached, and begins to send router
    advertisements for the prefix on the link, the requesting router MUST
    set the valid lifetime in those advertisements to be no later than
    the valid lifetime specified in the IA_PD Prefix option.  A
    requesting router MAY use the preferred lifetime specified in the
    IA_PD Prefix option.
dhcpv6_pd_12 Verify LAN side DHCPv6 client address is based on WAN side delegated prefix
step 1. Check existing DHCPv6 bindings on the LAN side of the CPE
    step 2. Verify whether or not a non-temporary address binding exists
    step 3. Verify that the non-temporary address prefix on the LAN
            matches the prefix delegated on the WAN

    NOTE: This test only applies to configurations where LAN clients
    obtain IPv6 addresses via DHCPv6
dhcpv6_pd_13 Verify LAN side DHCPv6 client lifetime is based on WAN side IA_PD prefix lifetimes
step 1. Listen for IPv6 router advertisements from DUT on LAN
    step 2. Verify that router advertisement contains Prefix Information
            option (3) with valid prefix based on prefix assigned
            by DHCPv6 server on WAN
    step 3. Verify Prefix Information option (3) contains a Valid lifetime
            not greater than the valid lifetime provided by the DHCPv6
            server in the IA_PD Prefix option
    step 4. Verify Prefix Information option (3) contains a Preferred
            lifetime not greater than the preferred lifetime provided by
            the DHCPv6 server in the IA_PD Prefix option
dhcpv6_pd_14 Verify client router advertisements on LAN include expected subnet ID
step 1. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 2. Verify RA contains prefix based on public IPv4 WAN
    step 3. Verify advertised prefix includes the expected subnet ID

    Note: The expected subnet ID bits can be configured using the testvar
    ipv6LanSubnetId. The ipv6LanSubnetId testvar is a variable length string
    of hex characters. Examples:

    testvar ipv6LanSubnetId ffff
    testvar ipv6LanSubnetId 1
dhcpv6_pd_15 Verify DUT does not advertise itself as a default router when WAN link is down
step 1. Bring down WAN link
    step 2. Listen for Router Advertisements on the LAN for up to one Router
            Advertisement interval
    step 3. Verify that the advertised Router Lifetime is not greater
            than 0, or that the router advertisement does not contain
            Prefix Information option (3) with valid prefix based on
            prefix assigned by DHCPv6 server on WAN
    step 4. Bring up WAN link

    Reference: IETF RFC 6204 - IPv6 CE Router Requirements, Requirement G-4:

               By default, an IPv6 CE router that has no default
               router(s) on its WAN interface MUST NOT advertise
               itself as an IPv6 default router on its LAN interfaces.
               That is, the "Router Lifetime" is set to zero in all
               Router Advertisement messages it originates [RFC4861].

    Reference: IETF RFC 6204 - IPv6 CE Router Requirements, Requirement G-5:

               By default, if the IPv6 CE router is an advertising
               router and loses its IPv6 default router(s) on the WAN
               interface, it MUST explicitly invalidate itself as an
               IPv6 default router on each of its advertising
               interfaces by immediately transmitting one or more
               Router Advertisement messages with the "Router
               Lifetime" field set to zero [RFC4861].
dhcpv6_pd_20 Verify client restarts when NoBinding failure occurs during IA_PD Renew
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current prefix binding
            T1 timer to expire
    step 2. Verify DHCPv6 client sends DHCPv6 Renew
    step 3. Verify Renew contains IA_PD option (26) for same address
    step 4. Send valid DHCPv6 Reply with NoBinding status code (3)
    step 5. Verify DHCPv6 client sends Request message
    step 6. Verify Request contains IA_PD option (26) for same address

    Reference: IETF RFC 3633 Section 12.1 "Requesting router behavior"
dhcpv6_pd_21 Verify client restarts when UnspecFail failure occurs during IA_PD Renew
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current prefix binding
            T1 timer to expire
    step 2. Verify DHCPv6 client sends DHCPv6 Renew
    step 3. Verify Renew contains IA_PD option (26) for same address
    step 4. Send valid DHCPv6 Reply with UnspecFail status code (1)
    step 5. Verify DHCPv6 client recovers by retransmitting Renew or
            sending Request
    step 6. Verify Renew or Request contains IA_PD option (26) for same

    Reference: IETF RFC 3633 Section 12.1 "Requesting router behavior"
dhcpv6_pd_30 Verify client sends Rebind message if Renew for prefix fails
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current prefix binding
            T1 to expire
    step 2. Verify DHCPv6 client sends DHCPv6 Renew
    step 3. Do not respond to Renew message
    step 4. Verify DHCPv6 client sends Rebind message
    step 5. Verify Rebind contains IA_PD option (26) for same address
    step 6. Send valid Reply to update binding

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.1.4 "Creation and Transmission of
    Rebind Messages"

    At time T2 for an IA (which will only be reached if the server to
    which the Renew message was sent at time T1 has not responded), the
    client initiates a Rebind/Reply message exchange with any available
    server.  The client includes an IA option with all addresses
    currently assigned to the IA in its Rebind message.
dhcpv6_pd_31 Verify client sends Solicit message if Renew and Rebind for prefix fails
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current prefix binding
            to expire
    step 2. Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 3. Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 4. Verify Solicit contains IA_PD option (26)
    step 5. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.1.4 "Creation and Transmission of
    Rebind Messages"

    The message exchange is terminated when the valid lifetimes of all
    the addresses assigned to the IA expire (see section 10), at which
    time the client has several alternative actions to choose from; for

    -  The client may choose to use a Solicit message to locate a new
       DHCP server and send a Request for the expired IA to the new

    -  The client may have other addresses in other IAs, so the client
       may choose to discard the expired IA and use the addresses in the
       other IAs.
dhcpv6_pd_60 Verify client learns new IPv6 prefix when WAN DHCPv6 server renumbers
step 1. Change the client's DHCPv6 binding to use the new IPv6
            prefix specified by the testvar "dhcpv6WanAssignNextPrefix"
    step 2. Verify DHCPv6 client sends DHCPv6 Renew or Request
    step 3. Verify Renew or Request contains IA_PD option (26) for
            same prefix
    step 4. Send valid DHCPv6 Reply with new prefix
    step 5. Verify client updates router advertisements on LAN with new
            prefix information
    step 6. Send pings from LAN client to an IPv6 remote host on the
            WAN to verify connectivity with new prefix
    step 7. Restore client's original prefix by repeating Steps 1
            through 5 using original IPv6 prefix
    step 8. Send pings from LAN client to an IPv6 remote host on the
            WAN to verify connectivity with original prefix

    Reference: IETF RFC 3633 Section 12.1 "Requesting router behavior"

    Upon the receipt of a valid Reply message, for each IA_PD the
    requesting router assigns a subnet from each of the delegated
    prefixes to each of the links to which the associated interfaces are
    attached, with the following exception: the requesting router MUST
    NOT assign any delegated prefixes or subnets from the delegated
    prefix(es) to the link through which it received the DHCP message
    from the delegating router.
dhcpv6_pd_61 Verify LAN side DHCPv6 server switches to new IPv6 prefix when WAN DHCPv6 server renumbers
step 1. Change the client's DHCPv6 binding to use the new IPv6
            prefix specified by the testvar "dhcpv6WanAssignNextPrefix"
    step 2. Verify DHCPv6 client sends DHCPv6 Renew or Request
    step 3. Verify Renew or Request contains IA_PD option (26) for
            same prefix
    step 4. Send valid DHCPv6 Reply with new prefix
    step 5. Verify client updates router advertisements on LAN with new
            prefix information
    step 6. Verify client updates DHCPv6 server on the LAN with new
    step 7. Send pings from LAN DHCPv6 client to an IPv6 remote host
            on the WAN to verify connectivity with new prefix
    step 8. Restore client's original prefix by repeating Steps 1
            through 6 using original IPv6 prefix
    step 9. Send pings from LAN DHCPv6 client to an IPv6 remote host
            on the WAN to verify connectivity with original prefix

    Reference: IETF RFC 3633 Section 12.1 "Requesting router behavior"

    Upon the receipt of a valid Reply message, for each IA_PD the
    requesting router assigns a subnet from each of the delegated
    prefixes to each of the links to which the associated interfaces are
    attached, with the following exception: the requesting router MUST
    NOT assign any delegated prefixes or subnets from the delegated
    prefix(es) to the link through which it received the DHCP message
    from the delegating router.

    NOTE: This test only applies to configurations where LAN clients
    obtain IPv6 addresses via DHCPv6
dhcpv6_pd_100 Verify client attempts to learn non-temporary address and prefix in a single DHCPv6 session
step 1. Wait for DHCPv6 client's current prefix binding to expire
    step 2. Do not respond to Renew or Rebind messages from client
    step 3. Verify client sends Solicit message
    step 4. Verify Solicit contains both IA_NA option (3) and
            IA_PD option (26)
    step 5. Send valid Advertise message and wait for transaction to

    Reference: IETF RFC 6204 - IPv6 CE Router Requirements, Requirement W-5:

          DHCPv6 address assignment (IA_NA) and DHCPv6 prefix delegation
          (IA_PD) SHOULD be done as a single DHCPv6 session.
dhcpv6_pd_110 Verify packets to unreachable subnets in the delegated prefix are dropped
step 1. Build a destination IPv6 address by setting all subnet bits
    step 2. This test assumes that this address is not configured on an
    step 3. Send an UDP echo to this destination from the LAN client
    step 4. Verify the packet is not forwarded to the WAN

    Reference: IETF RFC 6204 - IPv6 CE Router Requirements, Requirement WPD-6:

            If the delegated prefix(es) are aggregate route(s) of
            multiple, more-specific routes, the IPv6 CE router MUST
            discard packets that match the aggregate route(s), but not
            any of the more-specific routes.  In other words, the next-
            hop for the aggregate route(s) should be the null
            destination.  This is necessary to prevent forwarding loops
            when some addresses covered by the aggregate are not
            reachable [RFC4632].

            (a) The IPv6 CE router SHOULD send an ICMPv6 Destination
                Unreachable message in accordance with Section 3.1 of
                [RFC4443] back to the source of the packet, if the
                packet is to be dropped due to this rule.

    NOTE: This test is only applicable if the delegated prefix length
    is less than 64.
dhcpv6_pd_120 Verify LAN side DHCPv6 client address includes SLA ID
step 1. Check existing DHCPv6 bindings on the LAN side of the CPE
    step 2. Verify whether or not a non-temporary address binding exists
    step 3. Verify that the non-temporary address on the LAN includes
            the expected SLA ID

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 2. IPv6 Prefix Allocation

    RFC 3056 defines a 16 bit "SLA ID" field for subnetting. Most
    DUT's allow the SLA ID to be arbitrarily configured. This test
    verifies that the DUT uses the expected SLA ID. The expected SLA
    can be configured using the testvar "ipv6LanSubnetId" which must
    be a hex string with four or less characters. Examples:

    testvar ipv6LanSubnetId ffff
    testvar ipv6LanSubnetId 1
dhcpv6_pd_130 Verify Route Information option is advertised for delegated prefix
step 1. Listen for Router Advertisements on the LAN for up to one Router
            Advertisement interval
    step 2. Verify that the DUT includes a Route Information option for the
            delegated prefix configured using the testvar

    References: IETF RFC 6204 - IPv6 CE Router Requirements, Requirement L-3:

                An IPv6 CE router MUST advertise itself as a router for the
                delegated prefix(es) (and ULA prefix if configured to provide
                ULA addressing) using the "Route Information Option" specified
                in Section 2.3 of [RFC4191].  This advertisement is
                independent of having or not having IPv6 connectivity on the
                WAN interface.
dhcpv6-s (38) DHCPv6 server tests for the LAN side of the router
dhcpv6_server_1 Verify server assigns same address after client restart
step 1. Restart DHCPv6 on LAN client without sending a Release to the server
    step 2. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client
    step 3. Verify that the address assigned by the server is the same as the
            client's original address

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.1 "Receipt of Request Messages"
dhcpv6_server_5 Verify server assigns address to client using undefined client DUID values
step 1. Release client's current DHCPv6 binding
    step 2. Configure the client to use a client DUID with unknown format
    step 3. Restart DHCPv6 on client
    step 4. Verify the client obtains an address
    step 5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for different unknown client DUID formats
    step 6. Release the DHCPv6 binding
    step 7. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client using the
            client's original DUID format

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 9 "DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID)"
dhcpv6_server_8 Verify server ignores Solicits sent to unicast address
step 1. Release client's current DHCPv6 binding
    step 2. Verify the DHCPv6 server reply contains a status code of 0 'Success'
    step 3. Configure LAN client to send DHCPv6 Solicit messages to server's
            unicast address
    step 4. Restart DHCPv6 on LAN client
    step 5. Verify that server does not respond to unicast DHCPv6 Solicit
            messages from client
    step 6. Restart DHCPv6 on LAN client using All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers
            multicast address
    step 7. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 13 "Transmission of Messages by a Client"

    Unless otherwise specified in this document, or in a document that
    describes how IPv6 is carried over a specific type of link (for link
    types that do not support multicast), a client sends DHCP messages to
    the All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers.
dhcpv6_server_9 Verify server provides DNS and domain information to clients
step 1. Release client's current DHCPv6 binding
    step 2. Restart DHCPv6 on client
    step 3. Verify that LAN client receives DHCPv6 DNS Recursive Name Server
            (23) option from server
    step 4. Verify the DNS server addresses provided by the DHCPv6 server. If
            the testvar ipv6DNStoLAN is set to "yes", the DNS server addresses
            provided should match the addresses of the DNS servers configured on
            the WAN. If the ipv6DNStoLAN testvar is set to "no", the LAN side
            IPv6 address of the DUT should be provided as the DNS server.
    step 5. Check if LAN client receives DHCPv6 Domain Search List (24) option
            from server

    Reference: IETF RFC 3646
dhcpv6_server_10 Verify server ignores requests with mismatched server DUID
step 1. Modify client to use an unknown server DUID
    step 2. Restart DHCPv6 on client with sending Release to the server
    step 3. Verify that server does not reply to Renew with unknown server DUID

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.3 "Receipt of Renew Messages"
dhcpv6_server_11 Verify server ignores unknown or invalid DHCPv6 packets
step 1. Build DHCPv6 packet with msg-type field set to 0
    step 2. Send packet built in Step 1 to server
    step 3. Verify that server ignores invalid DHCPv6 packet generated in Step 2
    step 4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 using msg-types 1 through 255
    step 5. Verify server is still functioning by running test dhcpv6_server_1
dhcpv6_server_12 Verify server assigns address when IA_NA request from client does not contain an IPv6 address
step 1. Release client's current DHCPv6 binding
    step 2. Configure client to omit address hint in DHCPv6 Request messages
    step 3. Restart DHCPv6 on client
    step 4. Verify client obtains an address
    step 5. Release client's current DHCPv6 binding
    step 6. Configure client to include address hint in DHCPv6 Request message
    step 7. Verify client obtains an address

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.1 "Receipt of Request Messages"
dhcpv6_server_13 Verify server assigns multiple addresses to client using multiple IA_NA identifiers
step 1. Configure the client to use a new IA_NA IAID
    step 2. Restart DHCPv6 on client without sending a Release to the server
    step 3. Verify that the server assigns a new address to the client
    step 4. Restore client's original IA_NA IAID
    step 5. Restart DHCPv6 on client without sending a Release to the server
    step 6. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client
    step 7. Verify that the address assigned by the server is the same as the
            client's original address

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.1 "Receipt of Request Messages"
dhcpv6_server_14 Verify server handles fragmented IPv6 packets
step 1. Configure client to use a large User Class (15) option to force
            IPv6 fragmentation
    step 2. Initiate Renew for client's current IPv6 address
    step 3. Verify that server responds to Renew with valid Reply message

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2 "Server Behavior"
dhcpv6_server_15 Verify server ignores client request with invalid UDP checksum
step 1. Configure the client to send invalid UDP checksums
    step 2. Restart DHCPv6 on client without sending a Release to the server
    step 3. Verify that the server does not respond to DHCPv6 requests with bad
            UDP checksums
    step 4. Configure the client to send valid UDP checksums
    step 5. Restart DHCPv6 on the client without sending a Release to the server
    step 6. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client
    step 7. Verify that the address assigned by the server is the same as the
            client's original address
dhcpv6_server_16 Verify server composes DUID correctly
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Renew for the client's current IPv6 address
    step 2. Verify that the server sends a Reply
    step 3. Inspect the composition of the server DUID in Reply to ensure

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 9 "DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID)"
dhcpv6_server_20 Verify server assigns same IPv6 address after DHCPv6 Request from client
step 1. Initiate DHCPv6 Request from the client
    step 2. Verify that the server assigns the same address to the client

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.1 "Receipt of Request Messages"

    When the server receives a valid Request message, the server creates
    the bindings for that client according to the server's policy and
    configuration information and records the IAs and other information
    requested by the client.
dhcpv6_server_21 Verify server sends UseMulticast status code when client sends a unicast Request
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Request from the client using the server's unicast
    step 2. Verify the that the server sends a Reply message with a status code
            of 5 'UseMulticast'

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.1 "Receipt of Request Messages"

    When the server receives a Request message via unicast from a client
    to which the server has not sent a unicast option, the server
    discards the Request message and responds with a Reply message
    containing a Status Code option with the value UseMulticast, a Server
    Identifier option containing the server's DUID, the Client Identifier
    option from the client message, and no other options.
dhcpv6_server_22 Verify server sends NotOnLink status code when client sends Request with invalid link address
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Request from the client with an unknown
            IAID containing an unknown address, which is not
            considered "on link"
    step 2. Verify that the server sends a Reply message with a status code of
            4 'NotOnLink'

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.1 "Receipt of Request Messages"

    If the server finds that the prefix on one or more IP addresses in
    any IA in the message from the client is not appropriate for the link
    to which the client is connected, the server MUST return the IA to
    the client with a Status Code option with the value NotOnLink.
dhcpv6_server_30 Verify server assigns same IPv6 address after DHCPv6 Confirm from client
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Confirm from the client
    step 2. Verify that the server Reply contains a status code of 0 'success'

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.2 "Receipt of Confirm Messages"
dhcpv6_server_31 Verify server sends NotOnLink status code when client sends Confirm with invalid link address
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Confirm from the client with an unknown
            IAID containing an unknown address, which is not
            considered "on link"
    step 2. Verify that the server sends a Reply message with a status code of
            4 'NotOnLink'

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.2 "Receipt of Confirm Messages"

    When the server receives a Confirm message, the server determines
    whether the addresses in the Confirm message are appropriate for the
    link to which the client is attached.  If all of the addresses in the
    Confirm message pass this test, the server returns a status of
    Success.  If any of the addresses do not pass this test, the server
    returns a status of NotOnLink.  If the server is unable to perform
    this test (for example, the server does not have information about
    prefixes on the link to which the client is connected), or there were
    no addresses in any of the IAs sent by the client, the server MUST
    NOT send a reply to the client.
dhcpv6_server_32 Verify server silently discards client Confirm messages that do not contain any addresses
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Confirm from the client with an unknown IAID
            containing no addresses
    step 2. Verify that the server does not send a Reply message

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.2 "Receipt of Confirm Messages"

    When the server receives a Confirm message, the server determines
    whether the addresses in the Confirm message are appropriate for the
    link to which the client is attached.  If all of the addresses in the
    Confirm message pass this test, the server returns a status of
    Success.  If any of the addresses do not pass this test, the server
    returns a status of NotOnLink.  If the server is unable to perform
    this test (for example, the server does not have information about
    prefixes on the link to which the client is connected), or there were
    no addresses in any of the IAs sent by the client, the server MUST
    NOT send a reply to the client.
dhcpv6_server_40 Verify server assigns same IPv6 address after DHCPv6 Renew from client
step 1. Initiate DHCPv6 Renew for the client's current IPv6 address
    step 2. Verify that the server updates the client's current IPv6 address

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.3 "Receipt of Renew Messages"
dhcpv6_server_41 Verify server sends UseMulticast status code when client sends unicast Renew
step 1. Initiate DHCPv6 Renew using the server's unicast address
    step 2. Verify the that the server sends a Reply message with a status
            code of 5 'UseMulticast'

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.3 "Receipt of Renew Messages"

    When the server receives a Renew message via unicast from a client to
    which the server has not sent a unicast option, the server discards
    the Renew message and responds with a Reply message containing a
    Status Code option with the value UseMulticast, a Server Identifier
    option containing the server's DUID, the Client Identifier option
    from the client message, and no other options.
dhcpv6_server_42 Verify server sends NoBinding status code when client attempts to renew unknown IAID
step 1. Initiate DHCPv6 Renew with an unknown IAID that should not have a
    step 2. Verify that the server sends a Reply message with a status code of
            3 'NoBinding'

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.3 "Receipt of Renew Messages"

    If the server cannot find a client entry for the IA the server
    returns the IA containing no addresses with a Status Code option set
    to NoBinding in the Reply message.
dhcpv6_server_43 Verify server sends Reply with lifetimes of 0 when client attempts to renew unknown address
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Renew from client with a valid IAID containing
            unknown address
    step 2. Verify that the server sends Reply message with correct IAID
    step 3. Verify Reply contains correct IA IPv6 address
    step 4. Verify Reply contains IA Preferred lifetime of 0
    step 5. Verify Reply contains IA Valid lifetime of 0
    step 6. Restart DHPCv6 on client
    step 7. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.3 "Receipt of Renew Messages"

    If the server finds that any of the addresses are not appropriate for
    the link to which the client is attached, the server returns the
    address to the client with lifetimes of 0.
dhcpv6_server_50 Verify server assigns same IPv6 address after DHCPv6 Rebind from client
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Rebind from the client
    step 2. Verify that the server updates the client's current IPv6 address

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.4 "Receipt of Rebind Messages"
dhcpv6_server_52 Verify server sends Reply with lifetimes of 0 when client attempts to rebind with unknown address
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Rebind with a valid IAID containing unknown
    step 2. Verify that the server sends a Reply message with correct IAID
    step 3. Verify Reply contains correct IA IPv6 address
    step 4. Verify Reply contains IA Preferred lifetime of 0
    step 5. Verify Reply contains IA Valid lifetime of 0
    step 6. Restart DHPCv6 on client
    step 7. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.4 "Receipt of Rebind Messages"

    If the server finds that any of the addresses are not appropriate for
    the link to which the client is attached, the server returns the
    address to the client with lifetimes of 0.
dhcpv6_server_60 Verify server responds to an Information-request message from client
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Information-request from client
    step 2. Verify response from server

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.5 "Receipt of Information-request Messages"
dhcpv6_server_70 Verify server assigns same IPv6 address after DHCPv6 Release from client
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Release from the client
    step 2. Verify that the server sends a Reply message with a status code of
            0 'Success'
    step 3. Restart DHCPv6 on client
    step 4. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.6 "Receipt of Release Messages"
dhcpv6_server_71 Verify server sends UseMulticast status code when clients sends unicast DHCPv6 Release
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Release from the client using the server's unicast
    step 2. Verify the that the server sends a Reply message with a status code
            of 5 'UseMulticast'
    step 3. Restart DHCPv6 on client
    step 4. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.6 "Receipt of Release Messages"

    When the server receives a Release message via unicast from a client
    to which the server has not sent a unicast option, the server
    discards the Release message and responds with a Reply message
    containing a Status Code option with value UseMulticast, a Server
    Identifier option containing the server's DUID, the Client Identifier
    option from the client message, and no other options.
dhcpv6_server_72 Verify server sends NoBinding status code when client attempts to release unknown IAID
step 1. Initiate DHCPv6 Release with an unknown IAID that should not have a
    step 2. Verify that the server sends a Reply message with a status code of
            3 'NoBinding'

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.6 "Receipt of Release Messages"

    For each IA in the Release message for which the server has no binding information,
    the serve adds an IA option using the IAID from the Release message, an includes a
    Status Code option with the value NoBinding in the IA option.  No other options are
    included in the IA option.
dhcpv6_server_80 Verify server assigns IPv6 address after DHCPv6 Decline from client
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Decline for the client's current IPv6 address
    step 2. Verify that the server sends a Reply message with status code of 0
    step 3. Restart DHCPv6 on client with a sending a Release to the server
    step 4. Verify that the server assigns an address to client
    step 5. Verify that the address assigned by the server is not the same as
            the client's original address

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.7 "Receipt of Decline Messages"
dhcpv6_server_81 Verify server sends UseMulticast status code when client sends unicast DHCPv6 Decline
step 1. Initiate a DHCPv6 Decline fro the client using the server's unicast
    step 2. Verify the that the server sends a Reply message with a status code
            of 5 'UseMulticast'
    step 3. Restart DHCPv6 on LAN interface without sending a Release to the
    step 4. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client
    step 5. Verify that the address assigned by the server is the same as the
            client's original address

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.7 "Receipt of Decline Messages"

    When the server receives a Decline message via unicast from a client
    to which the server has not sent a unicast option, the server
    discards the Decline message and responds with a Reply message
    containing a Status Code option with the value UseMulticast, a Server
    Identifier option containing the server's DUID, the Client Identifier
    option from the client message, and no other options.
dhcpv6_server_82 Verify server sends NoBinding status code when client attempts to decline unknown IAID
step 1. Initiate DHCPv6 Decline with an unknown IAID that should not have a
    step 2. Verify that the server sends a Reply message with a status code of 3

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 18.2.7 "Receipt of Decline Messages"

    For each IA in the Decline message for which the server has no binding information,
    the server adds an IA option using the IAID from the Release message and includes a
    Status Code option with the value NoBinding in the IA option.  No other options are
    included in the IA option.
dhcpv6_server_100 Verify server assigns IPv6 address when client uses unknown DHCPv6 options
step 1. Configure client to use unknown DHCPv6 option
    step 2. Restart DHCPv6 on LAN client without sending a Release to the server
    step 3. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client
    step 4. Verify that the address assigned by the server is the same as the
            client's original address

    Note: To ensure compatibility with future client implemenations that may
    support yet to be defined DHCPv6 options, servers should ignore any options
    that are unknown.
dhcpv6_server_101 Verify server ignores client requests with invalid option length
step 1. Configure client to use invalid DHCPv6 option length
    step 2. Restart DHCPv6 on LAN client without sending a Release to the server
    step 3. Verify that the server does not assign an address to the client
    step 4. Configure client to use valid DHCPv6 option length
    step 5. Restart DHCPv6 on LAN client without sending a Release to the server
    step 6. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client
    step 7. Verify that the address assigned by the server is the same as the
            client's original address
dhcpv6_server_102 Verify server supports Rapid Commit option
step 1. Configure the client to request DHCPv6 option 14 'Rapid Commit'
    step 2. Restart DHCPv6 on the client
    step 3. Verify that DHCPv6 server responds with Reply message containing the
           'Rapid Commit' option
    step 4. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client
    step 5. Verify that the address assigned by the server is the same as the
            client's original address

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 22.14 "Rapid Commit Option"

    A client MAY include this option in a Solicit message if the client
    is prepared to perform the Solicit-Reply message exchange described
    in section 17.1.1.

    A server MUST include this option in a Reply message sent in response
    to a Solicit message when completing the Solicit-Reply message
dhcpv6_server_110 Verify server assigns same IPv6 address when client requests both IA_NA and IA_PD
step 1. Configure client to send DHCPv6 Request with both IA_NA and IA_PD
    step 2. Restart DHCPv6 on LAN without sending DHCPv6 Release to the server
    step 3. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client
    step 4. Verify that the address assigned by the server is the same as the
            client's original address
dhcpv6_server_111 Verify server assigns same IPv6 address when client requests both IA_NA and IA_TA
step 1. Configure client to send DHCPv6 Request with both IA_NA and IA_TA
    step 2. Restart DHCPv6 on LAN without sending DHCPv6 Release to the server
    step 3. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client
    step 4. Verify that the address assigned by the server is the same as the
            client's original address
dhcpv6_server_120 Verify server responds to Relay-Forward requests sent to the All_DHCP_Servers multicast address
step 1. Configure a relay agent on the LAN to send to DHCPv6 messages to the
            All_DHCP_Servers multicast address
    step 2. Restart DHCPv6 on the client without sending a Release to the server
    step 3. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 20 "Relay Agent Behavior"

    The relay agent MAY be configured to use a list of destination
    addresses, which MAY include unicast addresses, the All_DHCP_Servers
    multicast address, or other addresses selected by the network
dhcpv6_server_121 Verify server responds to Relay-Forward requests sent to server unicast address
step 1. Configure a relay agent on the LAN to send DHCPv6 messages to the
            server's global unicast address
    step 2. Restart DHCPv6 on the client without sending a Release to the server
    step 3. Verify that the server assigns an address to the client

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 20 "Relay Agent Behavior"

    The relay agent MAY be configured to use a list of destination
    addresses, which MAY include unicast addresses, the All_DHCP_Servers
    multicast address, or other addresses selected by the network
dhcpv6_server_122 Verify server includes Interface-Id option in Relay-Reply if included by relay agent
step 1. Configure a relay agent on the LAN to send DHCPv6 messages to the
            server's global unicast address
    step 2. Configure a relay agent to include the Interface-Id (18) option in
            Relay-Forward messages
    step 3. Restart DHCPv6 on the client without sending a Release to the server
    step 4. Verify that the server sends a Relay-Reply message to the relay
    step 5. Verify that the Relay-Reply message includes the original
            Interface-Id (18) option value included by the relay agent
    step 6. Wait for DHCPv6 transaction to complete

    Reference: IETF RFC 3315 Section 22.18 "Interface-Id Option"

    The server MUST copy the Interface-Id option from the Relay-Forward
    message into the Relay-Reply message the server sends to the relay
    agent in response to the Relay-Forward message.  This option MUST NOT
    appear in any message except a Relay-Forward or Relay-Reply message.
pppoe-c-v6 (11) PPPoE client tests with IPv6 on the WAN side of the router
ipv6_pppoe_client_1 PPPoE client restarts PPPoE Discovery when PPP LCP Echo-Requests fail
step 1. Turn off PPP LCP Echo-Reply on PPPoE server
    step 2. PPP client should send an LCP Echo-Request
    step 3. PPP client will not receive an LCP Echo-Reply
    step 4. Verify WAN PPPoE client sends PADI to restart PPPoE Discovery
            (wait upto 5 minutes for LCP to failover)
    step 5. Verify PPPoE client brings new PPPoE session up

    NOTE: Most PPPoE clients will terminate the existing PPPoE session after
    several LCP Echo-Requests have failed. However, some routers will
    simply initiate a new PPPoE session without sending a PADT. This
    test case does not FAIL the test if the existing PPPoE session is not
    terminated before starting a new PPPoE session. However, a warning
    will be issued.

    NOTE: The amount of time the test waits to recover the PPP based
    link can be configured by adjusting the testvar pppRestartTimeout.
    This variable contains the number of milliseconds to wait for
    PPP based protocols to recover. The default is 300000 (300 seconds).

    NOTE: By default, CDRouter will still respond to ICMP Echo
    Requests during this test. This allows the test to verify failure
    occurs because of PPP and not the ICMP Echo Replies. However, you
    can configure CDRouter to also ignore ICMP Echo Requests during
    this test by setting the testvar pppFailUsesICMP to yes:

    testvar pppFailUsesICMP yes
ipv6_pppoe_client_10 PPPoE client restarts PPPoE Discovery when PPP LCP terminates PPP link
step 1. Check the current PPPoE session is established
    step 2. Terminate the current PPP session using LCP Terminate
    step 3. Verify WAN PPPoE client sends PADI to restart PPPoE Discovery
    step 4. Verify PPPoE client brings new PPPoE session up

    NOTE: The amount of time the test waits to recover the PPP based
    link can be configured by adjusting the testvar pppRestartTimeout.
    This variable contains the number of milliseconds to wait for
    PPP based protocols to recover. The default is 300000 (300 seconds).
ipv6_pppoe_client_50 PPPoE PPP client replies to LCP Echo-Requests
step 1. Send 5 LCP Echo-Requests
    step 2. Verify LCP Echo-Replies are received
    step 3. Verify LCP Echo-Request data is echoed back in response
ipv6_pppoe_client_60 PPPoE PPP client maintains LCP Magic Number during session
step 1. Terminate the current PPP session using LCP Terminate
    step 2. Check for Magic Number in LCP Configure Request
    step 3. Wait for LCP Echo Request and verify Magic Number is the same
    step 4. Send LCP Echo Request
    step 5. Verify Magic Number in LCP Echo Response is the same

    RFC 1548 The Point-to-Point Protocol
    5.8 Echo-Request and Echo-Reply

    NOTE: CDRouter does not fail this test if the PPPoE PPP client
    does not send an LCP Echo Request. Some clients do not
    use LCP Echo Requests automtically.
ipv6_pppoe_client_70 IPv6CP Configure-Requests include Interface Identifier option
step 1. Terminate the current PPP session using LCP Terminate
    step 2. Check for Interface Identifier in IPv6CP Configure Request
    step 3. Verify PPPoE link is restablished

    Reference: RFC 5072 IP Version 6 over PPP

    5.  Stateless Autoconfiguration and Link-Local Addresses

    The interface identifier of IPv6 unicast addresses [5] of a PPP
    interface SHOULD be negotiated in the IPV6CP phase of the PPP
    connection setup (see Section 4.1).
ipv6_pppoe_client_200 PPPoE/PPP restarts if PPP authentication fails
step 1. Terminate the current PPP session using LCP Terminate
    step 2. Verify WAN PPPoE client sends PADI to restart PPPoE Discovery
    step 3. Verify PPPoE client brings new PPPoE session up
    step 4. Reject any PAP or CHAP authentication attempts
    step 5. Wait 60 seconds, continuing to reject PPP authentication
    step 6. Accept PPP authentication after 60 seconds
    step 7. Send pings from LAN side to WAN side to force link to reestablish
    step 8. Verify PPP link is reestablished in 300 seconds (pppRestartTimeout)

    NOTE: This test supports PAP, CHAP, and MSCHAP authentication.

    NOTE: The amount of time the test waits to recover the PPP based
    link can be configured by adjusting the testvar pppRestartTimeout.
    This variable contains the number of milliseconds to wait for
    PPP based protocols to recover. The default is 300000 (300 seconds).
ipv6_pppoe_client_210 PPPoE/PPP can recover if LCP renegotiation is attempted
step 1. Send LCP Configure-Request to PPP peer
    step 2. Verify peer resends LCP configuration
    step 3. Verify the configuration is the same
    step 4. If the PPPoE link is terminated, issue ping to reestablish link
    step 5. Verify ping succeeds from LAN to WAN

    NOTE: Renegotiating LCP can cause some PPP implementations to terminate
    the PPP link or the PPPoE link. This test does not fail the DUT if this
    happens, but it does issue a warning if the PPPoE session is restarted.

    NOTE: The amount of time the test waits to recover the PPP based
    link can be configured by adjusting the testvar pppRestartTimeout.
    This variable contains the number of milliseconds to wait for
    PPP based protocols to recover. The default is 300000 (300 seconds).
ipv6_pppoe_client_230 PPPoE/PPP can recover if LCP Echo-Request contains bad length
step 1. Send out LCP Echo-Request with length 4096, but no data
    step 2. Peer may respond or drop LCP Echo-Request
    step 3. Verify PPP is still functioning using ICMP Echo

    NOTE: This test checks that the device under test behaves gracefully
    when it receives PPP options with a bad length. Some devices may
    still respond to the LCP Echo-Request, but it is not considered a failure if
    the device does not respond.
ipv6_pppoe_client_300 PPPoE client recovers if PPPoE server drops PADR from PPPoE client
step 1. Terminate the current PPP session using LCP Terminate
    step 2. Verify WAN PPPoE client sends PADI to restart PPPoE Discovery
    step 3. Do not respond to the PADR packet from client
    step 4. Continue to ignore any PPPoE packets from the client until
            the client sends a new PADI packet
    step 5. Restore PPPoE server to normal operation
    step 6. Verify PPPoE client session recovers

    Reference: RFC 2516 A Method for Transmitting PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE)
    Section 8. Other Considerations

    From RFC 2516 "If the Host is waiting to receive a PADS packet, a
    similar timeout mechanism SHOULD be used, with the Host re-sending
    the PADR.  After a specified number of retries, the Host SHOULD
    then resend a PADI packet."

    NOTE: The amount of time the test waits to recover the PPP based
    link can be configured by adjusting the testvar pppRestartTimeout.
    This variable contains the number of milliseconds to wait for
    PPP based protocols to recover. The default is 300000 (300 seconds).
ipv6_pppoe_client_310 PPPoE client returns AC-Cookie in PADR when server sends AC-Cookie in PADO
step 1. Configure PPPoE server to use AC-Cookie Tag in PADO responses
    step 2. Terminate the current PPP session using LCP Terminate
    step 3. Verify WAN PPPoE client sends PADI to restart PPPoE Discovery
    step 4. Send AC-Cookie Tag in PADO
    step 5. Verify PADR from client contains AC-Cookie with the same cookie data

    Reference: RFC 2516 A Method for Transmitting PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE)
    Appendix A. AC-Cookie

    From RFC 2516 "If a Host receives this TAG, it MUST return the TAG
    unmodified in the following PADR."
ipv6_pppoe_client_320 PPPoE client maintains Relay-Session-Id during PPPoE session establishment
step 1. Configure PPPoE server to use Relay-Session-Id in PADO responses
    step 2. Terminate the current PPP session using LCP Terminate
    step 3. Verify WAN PPPoE client sends PADI to restart PPPoE Discovery
    step 4. If the PADI already contains a Relay-Session-Id from an actual
            PPPoE Relay server, configure the PPPoE server to use the same
            tag value
    step 5. Send Relay-Session-Id Tag in PADO
    step 6. Verify PADR from client contains Relay-Session-Id tag with the same cookie data

    Reference: RFC 2516 A Method for Transmitting PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE)
    Appendix A. Relay-Session-Id

    From RFC 2516 "If either the Host or Access Concentrator receives this TAG they
    MUST include it unmodified in any discovery packet they send as a response."

    NOTE: Normally, CDRouter does not expect a PPPoE relay server to be present
    between the PPPoE client and CDRouter. However, this test does check for
    an existing Relay-Session-Id in the PADI and will use this tag value
    for the test instead of generating a unique value. This allows the test
    to work with an existing PPPoE relay server on the WAN.
6to4 (14) 6to4 tunnel tests for connecting IPv6 hosts over IPv4 networks
ipv6_6to4_1 Verify IPv6 Router Advertisements include 6to4 prefix based on IPv4 WAN
step 1. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 2. Verify RA contains 6to4 prefix based on public IPv4 WAN
    step 3. Verify 6to4 prefix contains a valid lifetime

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 2. IPv6 Prefix Allocation
ipv6_6to4_2 Verify DUT assigns itself a global address on the LAN side 6to4 network
step 1. Determine the DUT's LAN side IPv6 global address
    step 2. Send ICMPv6 Echo Request to the DUT's global IPv6 address
    step 3. Verify ICMPv6 Echo Response is received from the global IPv6 address

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 2. IPv6 Prefix Allocation
ipv6_6to4_3 Verify IPv6 Router Advertisements include SLA ID
step 1. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 2. Verify RA contains 6to4 prefix based on public IPv4 WAN
    step 3. Verify advertised 6to4 prefix includes the expected SLA ID

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 2. IPv6 Prefix Allocation

    RFC 3056 defines a 16 bit "SLA ID" field for subnetting. Most DUT's allow
    the SLA ID to be arbitrarily configured. This test verifies that the DUT
    advertises the expected SLA ID. The expected SLA can be configured using
    the testvar "ipv6LanSubnetId" which must be a hex string with four or less
    characters. Examples:

    testvar ipv6LanSubnetId ffff
    testvar ipv6LanSubnetId 1
ipv6_6to4_10 Verify packets to 6to4 addresses are tunneled directly to IPv4 address
step 1. Forward IPv6 UDP to IPv6 address on 6to4 network that maps to
            remoteHost IPv4
    step 2. Verify remoteHost IPv4 on the WAN received tunneled IPv6 packet
    step 3. Verify return IPv6 UDP traffic is forwarded back from remoteHost IPv4

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 5.1 Simple scenario - all sites work the same
ipv6_6to4_11 Verify packets to non 6to4 addresses are tunneled to 6to4 relay server
step 1. Forward IPv6 UDP to remoteHostv6 address on non-6to4 network
    step 2. Verify 6to4 relay server on the WAN received tunneled IPv6 packet
    step 3. Verify return IPv6 UDP traffic is forwarded back from relay server

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 5.2 Mixed scenario with relay to native IPv6
ipv6_6to4_12 Verify IPv4 src address of tunneled 6to4 packets matches WAN IPv4 address
step 1. Forward IPv6 UDP to remoteHostv6 address on non-6to4 network
    step 2. Verify 6to4 relay server on the WAN received tunneled IPv6 packet
    setp 3. Verify IPv4 src address of tunneled IPv6 traffic matches WAN
            IPv4 address

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 5.2 Mixed scenario with relay to native IPv6
ipv6_6to4_13 Verify encapsulating IPv4 header for 6to4 does not have the DF flag set
step 1. Forward IPv6 UDP to remoteHostv6 address
    step 2. Verify 6to4 relay server on the WAN received tunneled IPv6 packet
    setp 3. Verify 'do not fragment' flag is not set on IPv4 header

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 4. Maximum Transmission Unit

    The IPv4 "do not fragment" bit SHOULD NOT be set in the encapsulating
    IPv4 header.
ipv6_6to4_14 Verify DUT handles incoming 6to4 fragmented packets
step 1. Configure 6to4 Relay server to use an IPv4 MTU of 252
    step 2. Forward IPv6 UDP to remoteHostv6 address with 1000 bytes of UDP data
    step 3. Verify 6to4 relay server on the WAN received tunneled IPv6 packet
    step 4. Send same UDP data back through 6to4 relay server
    step 5. 6to4 relay server will fragment the IPv4 packet
    step 6. Verify UDP data is sent to original IPv6 LAN client

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 4. Maximum Transmission Unit
ipv6_6to4_100 Verify IPv6 Router Advertisements announce new 6to4 prefix when IPv4 WAN changes
step 1. Bring down WAN link
    step 2. Bring up WAN link with new external IP address
    step 3. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 4. Verify RA contains 6to4 prefix based on new public WAN IP
    step 5. Verify 6to4 prefix contains a valid lifetime
    step 6. Bring down WAN link
    step 7. Bring up WAN link with new original IP address

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 2. IPv6 Prefix Allocation
ipv6_6to4_101 Verify DUT updates global IPv6 address after IPv4 WAN change
step 1. Bring down WAN link
    step 2. Bring up WAN link with new external IPv4 address
    step 3. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 4. Verify RA contains 6to4 prefix based on new public WAN IPv4
    step 5. Verify 6to4 prefix contains a valid lifetime
    step 6. Ping DUT's new IPv6 global address
    step 7. Verify IPv6 ping response
    step 8. Bring down WAN link
    step 9. Bring up WAN link with new original IPv4 address

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 2. IPv6 Prefix Allocation
ipv6_6to4_102 Verify DUT forwards tunneled IPv6 traffic after IPv4 WAN change
step 1. Bring down WAN link
    step 2. Bring up WAN link with new external IPv4 address
    step 3. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 4. Verify RA contains 6to4 prefix based on new public WAN IPv4
    step 5. Verify 6to4 prefix contains a valid lifetime
    step 6. Forward IPv6 traffic from LAN to remoteHostv6
    step 7. Verify traffic is forwarded and src IPv4 of tunneled packets matched new IPv4 address
    step 8. Bring down WAN link
    step 9. Bring up WAN link with new original IPv4 address

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 2. IPv6 Prefix Allocation
ipv6_6to4_103 Verify IPv6 router advertisements age out 6to4 prefix when IPv4 WAN link is down
step 1. Bring down WAN link
    step 2. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 3. Verify either the RA does not contain previous 6to4 prefix
            or the advertised 6to4 prefix preferred lifetime is now 0
    step 4. Bring up WAN link
    step 5. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 6. Verify the RA contains the expected 6to4 prefix

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
ipv6_6to4_150 Verify LAN side DHCPv6 client address contains a 6to4 prefix based on IPv4 WAN
step 1. Check existing DHCPv6 bindings on the LAN side of the CPE
    step 2. Verify whether or not a non-temporary address binding exists
    step 3. Verify that the non-temporary address on the LAN contains
            a 6to4 prefix based on public IPv4 WAN

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 2. IPv6 Prefix Allocation
ipv6_6to4_160 Verify LAN side DHCPv6 client address contains a 6to4 prefix which includes SLA ID
step 1. Check existing DHCPv6 bindings on the LAN side of the CPE
    step 2. Verify whether or not a non-temporary address binding exists
    step 3. Verify that the non-temporary address on the LAN contains
            a 6to4 prefix which includes the expected SLA ID

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 2. IPv6 Prefix Allocation

    RFC 3056 defines a 16 bit "SLA ID" field for subnetting. Most
    DUT's allow the SLA ID to be arbitrarily configured. This test
    verifies that the DUT uses the expected SLA ID. The expected SLA
    can be configured using the testvar "ipv6LanSubnetId" which must
    be a hex string with four or less characters. Examples:

    testvar ipv6LanSubnetId ffff
    testvar ipv6LanSubnetId 1
6rd (14) 6rd tunnel tests for connecting IPv6 hosts over IPv4 networks
ipv6_6rd_1 Verify IPv6 Router Advertisements include 6rd prefix based on IPv4 WAN
step 1. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 2. Verify RA contains 6rd prefix based on public IPv4 WAN
    step 3. Verify 6rd prefix contains a valid lifetime

    Reference: RFC 5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)
ipv6_6rd_2 Verify DUT assigns itself a global address on the LAN side 6rd network
step 1. Determine the DUT's LAN side IPv6 global address based
    step 2. Send ICMPv6 Echo Request to the DUT's global IPv6 address
    step 3. Verify ICMPv6 Echo Response is received from the global IPv6 address

    Reference: RFC 5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)
ipv6_6rd_3 Verify IPv6 Router Advertisements include subnet ID
step 1. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 2. Verify RA contains 6rd prefix based on public IPv4 WAN
    step 3. Verify advertised 6rd prefix includes the expected subnet ID

    Reference: RFC 5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)

    Note: The expected subnet ID bits can be configured using the testvar
    ipv6LanSubnetId. The ipv6LanSubnetId testvar is a variable length string
    of hex characters. Examples:

    testvar ipv6LanSubnetId ffff
    testvar ipv6LanSubnetId 1
ipv6_6rd_10 Verify packets to 6rd addresses are tunneled directly to IPv4 address
step 1. Forward IPv6 UDP to IPv6 address on 6rd network that maps to
            new WAN side IPv4 gateway based on testvar wanIspNextIp
    step 2. Verify new gateway on the WAN receives tunneled IPv6 packet
    step 3. Verify return IPv6 UDP traffic is forwarded back from new IPv4 gateway

    Reference: RFC 5569 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)

    IPv6 communication between customer sites of a same ISP is direct
    across the ISP IPv4 infrastructure: when a CPE sees that the IPv6
    destination address of an outgoing packet starts with its own 6rd
    relay ISPv6 prefix, it takes the 32 bits that follow this prefix as
    IPv4 destination of the encapsulating packet.

    NOTE: The testvar wanIspNextIp must be properly configured in order
    for this test to work correctly. Both wanIspNextIp and wanIspAssignIp
    must be in the same WAN network.
ipv6_6rd_11 Verify packets to non 6rd addresses are tunneled to 6rd relay server
step 1. Forward IPv6 UDP to remoteHostv6 address on non-6rd network
    step 2. Verify 6rd relay server on the WAN received tunneled IPv6 packet
    step 3. Verify return IPv6 UDP traffic is forwarded back from relay server

    Reference: RFC 5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)
ipv6_6rd_12 Verify IPv4 src address of tunneled 6rd packets matches WAN IPv4 address
step 1. Forward IPv6 UDP to remoteHostv6 address on non-6rd network
    step 2. Verify 6rd relay server on the WAN received tunneled IPv6 packet
    setp 3. Verify IPv4 src address of tunneled IPv6 traffic matches WAN
            IPv4 address

    Reference: RFC 5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)
ipv6_6rd_13 Verify encapsulating IPv4 header for 6rd does not have the DF flag set
step 1. Forward IPv6 UDP to remoteHostv6 address
    step 2. Verify 6rd relay server on the WAN received tunneled IPv6 packet
    setp 3. Verify 'do not fragment' flag is not set on IPv4 header

    Reference: RFC 5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)

    Reference: RFC 3056 Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 4. Maximum Transmission Unit

    The IPv4 "do not fragment" bit SHOULD NOT be set in the encapsulating
    IPv4 header.
ipv6_6rd_14 Verify DUT handles incoming 6rd fragmented packets
step 1. Configure 6rd Relay server to use an IPv4 MTU of 252
    step 2. Forward IPv6 UDP to remoteHostv6 address with 1000 bytes of UDP data
    step 3. Verify 6rd relay server on the WAN received tunneled IPv6 packet
    step 4. Send same UDP data back through 6rd relay server
    step 5. 6rd relay server will fragment the IPv4 packet
    step 6. Verify UDP data is sent to original IPv6 LAN client

    Reference: RFC 5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)
ipv6_6rd_100 Verify IPv6 Router Advertisements announce new 6rd prefix when IPv4 WAN changes
step 1. Bring down WAN link
    step 2. Bring up WAN link with new external IP address
    step 3. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 4. Verify RA contains 6rd prefix based on new public WAN IP
    step 5. Verify 6rd prefix contains a valid lifetime
    step 6. Bring down WAN link
    step 7. Bring up WAN link with new original IP address

    Reference: RFC 5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)
ipv6_6rd_101 Verify DUT updates global IPv6 address after IPv4 WAN change
step 1. Bring down WAN link
    step 2. Bring up WAN link with new external IPv4 address
    step 3. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 4. Verify RA contains 6rd prefix based on new public WAN IPv4
    step 5. Verify 6rd prefix contains a valid lifetime
    step 6. Ping DUT's new IPv6 global address
    step 7. Verify IPv6 ping response
    step 8. Bring down WAN link
    step 9. Bring up WAN link with new original IPv4 address

    Reference: RFC 5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)
ipv6_6rd_102 Verify DUT forwards tunneled IPv6 traffic after IPv4 WAN change
step 1. Bring down WAN link
    step 2. Bring up WAN link with new external IPv4 address
    step 3. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 4. Verify RA contains 6rd prefix based on new public WAN IPv4
    step 5. Verify 6rd prefix contains a valid lifetime
    step 6. Forward IPv6 traffic from LAN to remoteHostv6
    step 7. Verify traffic is forwarded and src IPv4 of tunneled packets matched new IPv4 address
    step 8. Bring down WAN link
    step 9. Bring up WAN link with new original IPv4 address

    Reference: RFC 5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)
ipv6_6rd_103 Verify IPv6 router advertisements age out 6rd prefix when IPv4 WAN link is down
step 1. Bring down WAN link
    step 2. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 3. Verify either the RA does not contain previous 6rd prefix
            or the advertised 6rd prefix preferred lifetime is now 0
    step 4. Bring up WAN link
    step 5. Listen for IPv6 RA from DUT
    step 6. Verify the RA contains the expected 6rd prefix

    Reference: RFC 5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)
ipv6_6rd_150 Verify LAN side DHCPv6 client address contains a 6rd prefix based on IPv4 WAN
step 1. Check existing DHCPv6 bindings on the LAN side of the CPE
    step 2. Verify whether or not a non-temporary address binding exists
    step 3. Verify that the non-temporary address on the LAN contains
            a 6rd prefix based on public IPv4 WAN

    Reference: RFC 5969 IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd)
ipv6_6rd_160 Verify LAN side DHCPv6 client address contains a 6rd prefix which includes SLA ID
step 1. Check existing DHCPv6 bindings on the LAN side of the CPE
    step 2. Verify whether or not a non-temporary address binding exists
    step 3. Verify that the non-temporary address on the LAN contains
            a 6rd prefix which includes the expected SLA ID

    Reference: RFC 3056
    Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
    Section 2. IPv6 Prefix Allocation

    RFC 3056 defines a 16 bit "SLA ID" field for subnetting. Most
    DUT's allow the SLA ID to be arbitrarily configured. This test
    verifies that the DUT uses the expected SLA ID. The expected SLA
    can be configured using the testvar "ipv6LanSubnetId" which must
    be a hex string with four or less characters. Examples:

    testvar ipv6LanSubnetId ffff
    testvar ipv6LanSubnetId 1
icmp-v6 (16) ICMPv6 tests for baseline ICMPv6 not including Neighbor Discovery
icmpv6_1 Verify ICMPv6 Echo Requests work through DUT
step 1. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request to a WAN IPv6 destination
    step 2. Verify ICMPv6 Echo Reply is received
icmpv6_2 Verify ICMPv6 Echo Requests from multiple LAN clients work through DUT
step 1. Configure additional lan host
    step 2. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request to a WAN destination from host 1
    step 3. Verify ICMPv6 Echo Reply is received
    step 4. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request to a WAN destination from host 2
    step 5. Verify ICMPv6 Echo Reply is received
icmpv6_3 Verify DUT responds to ICMPv6 Echo Requests to its global IPv6 address from LAN
step 1. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request to the DUT's global IPv6 address
    step 2. Verify ICMPv6 Echo Reply is received
icmpv6_4 Verify DUT responds to ICMPv6 Echo Requests to its link-local address
step 1. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request to the router's LAN side link-local address
    step 2. Verify ICMPv6 Echo Reply is received
icmpv6_5 Verify ICMPv6 Echo Requests to DUT's global IPv6 address behave as expected
step 1. Determine expected DUT global address
    step 2. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request to the DUT's global address from the LAN
    step 3. Verify response is received
    step 4. Initiate an inbound ICMPv6 Echo Request to the DUT's global address from the WAN
    step 5. Verify the device behaves as expected.

    Note: the testvar ipv6WanPingRespond is used to determine if pinging the WAN-side of the DUT
    is expcted to work or not.  It defaults to "no" which signifies that the device will not
    respond to IPv6 pings on its WAN interface.
icmpv6_6 Verify DUT responds to ICMPv6 Echo Requests sent to the All-Routers multicast group
step 1. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Ping to ff02::2 from the link-local IPv6 address
    step 2. Verify ICMPv6 Echo Reply is received
icmpv6_7 Verify DUT responds to ICMPv6 Echo Requests to the All-Routers group from a global prefix
step 1. Initiaite an outbound ICMPv6 Ping to ff02::2 from the global-prefix
    step 2. Verify ICMPv6 Echo Reply is received
icmpv6_8 Verify DUT responds to ICMPv6 Echo Requests sent to the All-Nodes group from a link-local address
step 1. Send an ICMPv6 Echo Request from the LAN to the All-Nodes Multicast group (ff02::1)
    step 2. Wait for an ICMPv6 Echo Response
    step 3. Verify the Echo Response is from the DUT
    step 4. Continue waiting until the DUT responds, or timeout
icmpv6_9 Verify DUT responds to ICMPv6 Echo Requests to the All Nodes group from a global IPv6 address
step 1. Send an ICMPv6 Echo Request from the LAN to the All-Nodes Multicast group (ff02::1)
    step 2. Wait for an ICMPv6 Echo Response
    step 3. Verify the Echo Response is from the DUT
    step 4. Continue waiting until the DUT responds, or timeout
icmpv6_10 Verify ICMPv6 Time Exceeded packet is sent when incoming Hop Limit is 1
step 1. Set the IP Hop Limit of outbound packets to 1
    step 2. Forward an IPv6 packet from a LAN client to the WAN
    step 3. Verify ICMPv6 Time Exceeded packet is sent to initial LAN host
    step 4. Verify the ICMPv6 Time Exceeded packet contains the IP header of the original packet

    RFC 2463
icmpv6_11 Verify DUT forwards inbound ICMPv6 Time Exceeded
step 1. Forward a UDP packet from a LAN client to the WAN
    step 2. Verify packet is received on WAN side
    step 3. Send ICMPv6 Time Exceeded packet with original UDP packet as data
    step 4. Verify ICMPv6 Time Exceeded packet is received by LAN host
    step 5. Verify the contents of the original IP packet included
            in the ICMPv6 Time Exceeded packet
icmpv6_12 Verify DUT forwards inbound ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable
step 1. Forward a UDP packet from a LAN client to the WAN
    step 2. Verify packet is received on WAN side
    step 3. Send ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable packet with original UDP packet as data
    step 4. Verify ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable is received by LAN host
    step 5. Verify the contents of the original IPv6 packet included
            in the ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable packet
icmpv6_13 Verify DUT forwards inbound ICMPv6 Packet Too Big messages
step 1. Forward a UDP packet from a LAN client to the WAN
    step 2. Verify packet is received on WAN side
    step 3. Send ICMPv6 Packet Too Big packet with MTU size 1280
    step 4. Verify ICMPv6 Packet Too Big is received by LAN host
    step 5. Verify the received MTU in Packet Too Big message is unchanged
icmpv6_14 Verify DUT forwards inbound ICMPv6 Parameter Problem
step 1. Forward a UDP packet from a LAN client to the WAN
    step 2. Verify packet is received on WAN side
    step 3. Send ICMPv6 Parameter Problem packet with pointer value of 40
    step 4. Verify ICMPv6 Parameter Problem is received by LAN host
    step 5. Verify the pointer value is unchanged
    step 6. Verify the contents of the include IPv6 packet in the ICMPv6 packet
icmpv6_20 Verify DUT supports Path MTU Discovery over WAN interface
step 1. Send 1500 byte UDP packet
    step 2. Check for an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big packet with code = 0
    step 3. Repeat process 2 more times until an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big
            is received, or all 3 packets are sent
    step 4. If an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big packet was sent, verify that
            the code value is 0 and verify the MTU value in the ICMP header
    step 5. Reduce the UDP packet size by 1 byte and repeat the process
            until no ICMPv6 Packet Too Big packet is sent
    step 6. When a packet size is found that does not generate an
            ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message,verify packets can be
            forwarded using this packet size
    step 7. Verify the final MTU size is the same as the MTU size
            reported in the ICMPv6 Packet Too Big packet

    Reference: RFC 1981: Path MTU Discovery for IP version 6

    NOTE: This test starts with an initial MTU of 1500. If the WAN interface
          already supports this MTU (DHCP), then this test will pass without
          exercising the real part of Path MTU Discovery. If the interface
          has VLANs enabled, the initial MTU will be 1496 bytes.

    NOTE: Some devices rate limit the number of ICMP packets that may be
          sent. This test will send 3 UDP packets over a 15 second window
          in order to generate an ICMP Packet Too Big packet. If the
          router under test uses rate limiting on ICMP packets, it must allow
          at least one ICMP packet every 10 seconds.
icmpv6_30 Verify Path MTU value is consistent with Router Advertisement MTU value
step 1. Send a Router Solicitation from LAN side
    step 2. Verify a Router Advertisement with an MTU option is
            received on LAN side
    step 3. Send 1500 byte UDP packet
    step 4. Check for an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big packet
    step 5. Repeat process 2 more times until an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big
            is received, or all 3 packets are sent
    step 6. If an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big packet was sent, verify that
            the MTU value is less than or equal to the MTU option
            contained in the Router Advertisement.
    step 7. Reduce the UDP packet size by 1 byte and repeat the process
            until no ICMPv6 Packet Too Big packet is sent
    step 8. Verify the final MTU size is less than or equal to the MTU
            option contained in the Router Advertisement.

    Reference: RFC 1981: Path MTU Discovery for IP version 6

    NOTE: This test starts with an initial MTU of 1500. If the WAN interface
          already supports this MTU (DHCP), then this test will pass without
          exercising the real part of Path MTU Discovery. If the interface
          has VLANs enabled, the initial MTU will be 1496 bytes.

    NOTE: Some devices rate limit the number of ICMP packets that may be
          sent. This test will send 3 UDP packets over a 15 second window
          in order to generate an ICMP Packet Too Big packet. If the
          router under test uses rate limiting on ICMP packets, it must allow
          at least one ICMP packet every 10 seconds.
firewall-v6 (18) IPv6 Firewall tests including port scans
ipv6_firewall_1 Inbound TCP connections to public side HTTP port are blocked
step 1. Initiate a WAN TCP connection to the DUT's global IPv6 address management port
    step 2. Verify the connection is not established
ipv6_firewall_2 Inbound TCP connections to LAN hosts are blocked
step 1. Initiate a WAN TCP connection to a LAN client address
    step 2. Verify the connection is not established
ipv6_firewall_100 TCP port scan the LAN Client from WAN to verify the DUT does not forward unsolicited packets
step 1. Send TCP SYN packets from WAN to each port of the LAN Client in the port scan range
    step 2. Verify that each packet is not forwarded to the LAN IPv6 Client,
            unless the port is configured as open.

    NOTE: The speed of the scan can be adjusted using the 'portScanDelay'
    testvar. By default, it is set to 1. The value indicates the number of
    milliseconds to wait in between the sending of each packet:

    testvar portScanDelay 100

    NOTE: The list of closed and open ports can be configured using the
    'ipv6FirewallTcpClosedPorts' and 'ipv6FirewallTcpOpenPorts' testvars:

    testvar ipv6FirewallTcpClosedPorts "2323"
    testvar ipv6FirewallTcpOpenPorts "22 443"
ipv6_firewall_101 UDP port scan the LAN Client from WAN to verify the DUT does not forward unsolicited packets
step 1. Send UDP packets from WAN to each port of the LAN Client in the port scan range
    step 2. Verify that each packet is not forwarded to the LAN IPv6 Client,
            unless the port is configured as open.

    NOTE: The speed of the scan can be adjusted using the 'portScanDelay'
    testvar. By default, it is set to 1. The value indicates the number of
    milliseconds to wait in between the sending of each packet:

    testvar portScanDelay 100

    NOTE: The list of closed and open ports can be configured using the
    'ipv6FirewallTcpClosedPorts' and 'ipv6FirewallTcpOpenPorts' testvars:

    testvar ipv6FirewallUdpClosedPorts "2323"
    testvar ipv6FirewallUdpOpenPorts "22 443"
ipv6_firewall_110 TCP fragmentation port scan test to verify the DUT does not forward unsolicited packets
step 1. Set the IPv6 fragmentation size to 56 bytes
    step 2. Send TCP SYN packets from WAN to each port in the port scan range
            of the LAN Client
    step 3. Verify packets are not forwarded to LAN Client
    step 4. Verify the router does not accept the TCP connection or
            send a RST for the TCP connection unless the port has
            been configured as an open or closed port
    step 5. Do not flag ports that have port forwarding configured

    NOTE: The speed of the scan can be adjusted using the 'portScanDelay'
    testvar. By default, it is set to 1. The value indicates the number of
    milliseconds to wait in between the sending of each packet:

    testvar portScanDelay 100

    NOTE: The list of closed and open ports can be configured using the
    'firewallTcpClosedPorts' and 'firewallTclOpenPorts' testvars:

    testvar ipv6FirewallTcpClosedPorts "2323"
    testvar ipv6FirewallTcpOpenPorts "22 443"
ipv6_firewall_301 Verify firewall blocks/accepts piggyback TCP SYN connections from WAN
step 1. Send a TCP SYN from LAN host to IP address on WAN
    step 2. Send a TCP SYN from the WAN host to the original LAN host
            using the same TCP source port
    step 3. If the router blocks simultaneous TCP SYNs
            (testvar 'natSimultaneousTcp' is set to no), verify the TCP
            SYN from the WAN is dropped


            If the router supports simultaneous TCP SYNs
            (testvar 'natSimultaneousTcp' is set to yes), verify the TCP
            SYN from the WAN is forwarded to the LAN

    step 4. Repeat step 1 using new TCP port numbers
    step 5. Send a TCP SYN from the WAN host to the original LAN host
            using a new TCP source port
    step 6. Verify the TCP SYN from the WAN is dropped

    NOTE: This test verifies that the firewall only allows TCP packets
    for established TCP sessions. If simultaneous TCP open is supported through
    the firewall, this test will verify that TCP SYN packets from the WAN are
    forwarded to the LAN. If simultaneous TCP open through the firewall is
    not supported, the test will verify that no TCP SYN packets are allowed
    from the WAN to the LAN for sessions that have been initiated from the LAN.

    NOTE: The testvar natSimultaneousTcp originates from IPv4 concepts. However,
    this testvar is used to indicate if this same behavior exists for IPv6.
ipv6_firewall_505 Verify outbound packets with forbidden source address are not forwarded onto the WAN
step 1. Configure a variety of invalid source addresses for traffic
    step 2. Send traffic with these addresses to the WAN
    step 3. Verify packets are not forwarded

    Reference: RFC 6092 Section 3.1 "Stateless Filters"

    REC-1: Packets bearing multicast source addresses in their outer IPv6
    headers MUST NOT be forwarded or transmitted on any interface.

    REC-2: Packets bearing multicast destination addresses in their outer
    IPv6 headers of equal or narrower scope (see "IPv6 Scoped Address
    Architecture" [RFC4007]) than the configured scope boundary level of
    the gateway MUST NOT be forwarded in any direction.  The DEFAULT
    scope boundary level SHOULD be organization-local scope, and it
    SHOULD be configurable by the network administrator.
ipv6_firewall_506 Verify inbound packets with forbidden source addresses are not forwarded onto the LAN
Step 1. Create a new vnode on the RemoteHostv6
    Step 2. Send UDP traffic to the LAN with forbidden sources from vnode
    Step 3. Verify traffic is not forwarded onto the LAN

    Reference: RFC 6092 Section 3.1 "Stateless Filters"

    REC-1: Packets bearing multicast source addresses in their outer IPv6
    headers MUST NOT be forwarded or transmitted on any interface.

    REC-2: Packets bearing multicast destination addresses in their outer
    IPv6 headers of equal or narrower scope (see "IPv6 Scoped Address
    Architecture" [RFC4007]) than the configured scope boundary level of
    the gateway MUST NOT be forwarded in any direction.  The DEFAULT
    scope boundary level SHOULD be organization-local scope, and it
    SHOULD be configurable by the network administrator.
ipv6_firewall_508 Verify outbound packets are not forwarded if the source address is not a prefix of the interior network
step 1. Create a new LAN client
    step 2. Assign a different global prefix to the LAN
    step 3. Send traffic to the WAN from the martian source address
    step 4. Verify traffic is not forwarded

    Reference: RFC 6092 Section 3.1 "Stateless Filters"

    REC-5: Outbound packets MUST NOT be forwarded if the source address
    in their outer IPv6 header does not have a unicast prefix configured
    for use by globally reachable nodes on the interior network.
ipv6_firewall_509 Verify inbound packets are not forwarded if the source address is assigned for use on the interior network
step 1. Create a new stack on the remoteHost
    step 2. Assign the stack the same global prefix as is used on the LAN
    step 3. Send traffic to the LAN from the remote stack
    step 4. Verify traffic is NOT forwarded to the LAN

    Reference: RFC 6092 Section 3.1 "Stateless Filters"

    REC-6: Inbound packets MUST NOT be forwarded if the source address in
    their outer IPv6 header has a global unicast prefix assigned for use
    by globally reachable nodes on the interior network.
ipv6_firewall_510 Verify outbound packets with unique local source addresses are not forwarded to the WAN
step 1. Send traffic from the LAN to the WAN with a link-local source address
    step 2. Verify traffic is not forwarded to the WAN

    Reference: RFC 6092 Section 3.1 "Stateless Filters"

    REC-7: By DEFAULT, packets with unique local source and/or
    destination addresses [RFC4193] SHOULD NOT be forwarded to or from
    the exterior network.
ipv6_firewall_511 Verify inbound packets with unique local source addresses are not forwarded to the LAN
step 1. Initiate a new UDP session with the device to allow inbound traffic
    step 2. Configure a new stack on the WAN with a link-local prefix as the source
    step 3. Send traffic from this new stack to the LAN
    step 3. Verify traffic is not forwarded to the LAN

    Reference: RFC 6092 Section 3.1 "Stateless Filters"

    REC-7: By DEFAULT, packets with unique local source and/or
    destination addresses [RFC4193] SHOULD NOT be forwarded to or from
    the exterior network.
ipv6_firewall_512 Verify inbound IPv6 DNS queries on the WAN are not processed by DNS proxy
step 1. Initiate an AAAA IPv6 DNS query from the LAN client to the DUT's
            global IPv6 address
    step 2. Verify that the query is received by either the primary or backup
            DNS server on the WAN
    step 3. Verify that the DNS response is received by the LAN client
    step 4. Initiate an AAAA IPv6 DNS query from a remote host on the WAN to the
            DUT's global IPv6 address
    step 5. Verify that a DNS response is not received by the remote host on the
            WAN that initiated the original request

    Reference: RFC 6092 Section 3.1 "Stateless Filters"

    REC-8: By DEFAULT, inbound DNS queries received on exterior
    interfaces MUST NOT be processed by any integrated DNS resolving
ipv6_firewall_513 Verify inbound DHCPv6 discovery packets on the WAN are not processed by DHCPv6 server
step 1. Start new DHCPv6 client on WAN interface
    step 2. Verify new client does not obtain an IPv6 address via DHCPv6 from
            the DUT
    step 3. Send three pings from LAN to WAN to verify that the DUT is still
            operating properly

    Reference: RFC 6092 Section 3.1 "Stateless Filters"

    REC-9: Inbound DHCPv6 discovery packets [RFC3315] received on
    exterior interfaces MUST NOT be processed by any integrated DHCPv6
    server or relay agent.
ipv6_firewall_540 Verify ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message from WAN does not destroy UDP firewall state
step 1. Send IPv6 UDP packet from LAN to WAN
    step 2. Verify UDP packet is received on the WAN and return an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message
    step 3. Verify ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message is received on the LAN
    step 4. Send UDP response from WAN to LAN
    step 5. Verify UDP response is received on LAN since IPv6 firewall state is still present

    IETF RFC 6092
    Simple Security in IPv6 Gateway CPE

    REC-18: If a gateway forwards a UDP flow, it MUST also forward ICMPv6
    "Destination Unreachable" and "Packet Too Big" messages containing
    UDP headers that match the flow state record.

    REC-19: Receipt of any sort of ICMPv6 message MUST NOT terminate the
    state record for a UDP flow.
ipv6_firewall_541 Verify ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message from WAN does not destroy TCP firewall state
step 1. Establish TCP connection from LAN to WAN
    step 2. Send an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message from the WAN for the connection
    step 3. Verify ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message is received on the LAN
    step 4. Send TCP data segment from WAN to LAN for the session
    step 5. Verify TCP data segment is received on LAN since IPv6 firewall state is still present

    IETF RFC 6092
    Simple Security in IPv6 Gateway CPE

    REC-36: If a gateway forwards a TCP flow, it MUST also forward ICMPv6
    "Destination Unreachable" and "Packet Too Big" messages containing
    TCP headers that match the flow state record.

    REC-37: Receipt of any sort of ICMPv6 message MUST NOT terminate the
    state record for a TCP flow.
ipv6_firewall_542 Verify ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message from WAN does not destroy UDP firewall state
step 1. Send IPv6 UDP packet from LAN to WAN
    step 2. Verify UDP packet is received on the WAN and return an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message
    step 3. Verify ICMPv6 Too Big message is received on the LAN
    step 4. Send UDP response from WAN to LAN
    step 5. Verify UDP response is received on LAN since IPv6 firewall state is still present

    IETF RFC 6092
    Simple Security in IPv6 Gateway CPE

    REC-18: If a gateway forwards a UDP flow, it MUST also forward ICMPv6
    "Destination Unreachable" and "Packet Too Big" messages containing
    UDP headers that match the flow state record.

    REC-19: Receipt of any sort of ICMPv6 message MUST NOT terminate the
    state record for a UDP flow.
ipv6_firewall_543 Verify ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message from WAN does not destroy TCP firewall state
step 1. Establish TCP connection from LAN to WAN
    step 2. Send an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message from the WAN for the connection
    step 3. Verify ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message is received on the LAN
    step 4. Send TCP data segment from WAN to LAN for the session
    step 5. Verify TCP data segment is received on LAN since IPv6 firewall state is still present

    IETF RFC 6092
    Simple Security in IPv6 Gateway CPE

    REC-36: If a gateway forwards a TCP flow, it MUST also forward ICMPv6
    "Destination Unreachable" and "Packet Too Big" messages containing
    TCP headers that match the flow state record.

    REC-37: Receipt of any sort of ICMPv6 message MUST NOT terminate the
    state record for a TCP flow.
firewall-out-v6 (3) IPv6 Firewall tests for limiting outbound access to services
ipv6_firewall_outbound_1 Verify CPE does not forward outbound TCP packets to ports that have been administratively blocked
step 1. Configure the DUT to block outbound access from the LAN to specific TCP ports
    step 2. Send a TCP SYN packet from the LAN to each blocked port
    step 3. Verify the DUT does not forward TCP packets to any of the blocked ports

    The firewallOutBlockedTcpPorts testvar is used to determine the list of TCP ports 
    that the DUT has been configured to block access to.
ipv6_firewall_outbound_2 Verify CPE does not forward outbound UDP packets to ports that have been administratively blocked
step 1. Configure the DUT to block outbound access from the LAN to specific UDP ports
    step 2. Send a UDP packet from the LAN to each blocked port
    step 3. Verify the DUT does not forward UDP packets to any of the blocked ports

    The firewallOutBlockedUdpPorts testvar is used to determine the list of UDP ports 
    that the DUT has been configured to block access to.
ipv6_firewall_outbound_3 Verify CPE does not forward outbound IP packets for protocols that have been administratively blocked
step 1. Configure the DUT to block outbound access from the LAN to specific IP Protocol types
    step 2. Send an IP packet from the LAN to the WAN for each blocked IP protocol
    step 3. Verify the DUT does not forward any of the blocked IP protocols

    The firewallOutBlockedIpProtos testvar is used to determine the list of IP Protocol types
    that the DUT has been configured to block access to.
apps-v6 (10) Application tests for IPv6
ipv6_app_100 Verify IPv6 HTTP session through the router
step 1. Initiate an outbound TCP connection to HTTP server over IPv6
    step 2. Verify the TCP connection is established
    step 3. Verify the IPv6 source address on the WAN side is the LAN client's address
    step 4. Send HTTP GET request to server
    step 5. Verify HTTP response is received
    step 6. Close TCP connection from LAN side
ipv6_app_110 Verify IPv6 HTTPS session through the router
step 1. Initiate an outbound TCP connection to HTTPS server over IPv6
    step 2. Verify the TCP connection is established
    step 3. Verify the IPv6 source address on the WAN side is the LAN client's address
    step 4. Verify the TLS session is established
    step 5. Send HTTPS GET request to server
    step 6. Verify HTTPS response is received
    step 7. Close TCP connection from LAN side
ipv6_app_112 Verify IPv6 DNS query through the router
step 1. Enable a DNS server on the IPv6 remoteHost
    step 2. Initiate an AAAA IPv6 DNS query to the IPv6 remoteHost
    step 3. Verify the query is received by real DNS server on the WAN side
    step 4. Send a return response back to LAN
    step 5. Verify the response is received by LAN client

    NOTE: The router must support some type of DNS relay or proxy to
    pass this test case. The DNS relay or proxy must understand IPv6 DNS
    type AAAA lookups.

    Reference: RFC 4074 Common Misbehavior Against DNS Queries for IPv6 Addresses
ipv6_app_114 Verify IPv6 FTP session through the router
step 1. Initiate an outbound TCP connection to FTP server port
    step 2. Verify the connection is established
    step 3. Send the FTP EPRT command using all upper case letters
    step 4. Verify router translates EPRT command using router's address
    step 5. Initiate inbound TCP connection for FTP data connection
    step 6. Verify inbound TCP connection is established
    step 7. Close both connections

    Reference: RFC 2428 FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs
ipv6_app_120 Verify IPv6 SMTP session through the router
step 1. Initiate an outbound TCP connection to SMTP server
    step 2. Send email message using SMTP server
    step 3. Verify SMTP server correctly receives email message
    step 4. Close SMTP session from LAN side

    RFC 821 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
ipv6_app_122 Verify IPv6 POP3 session through the router
step 1. Initiate an outbound TCP connection to POP3 server
    step 2. Retreive email messages using POP3 protocol
    step 3. Verify POP3 server correctly returns email messages
    step 4. Close POP3 session from LAN side

    RFC 1939 Post Office Protocol Version 3
ipv6_app_124 Verify IPv6 TFTP session through the router
step 1. Startup a TFTP server on the WAN
    step 2. Initiate an outbound TFTP connection to TFTP server from LAN
    step 3. Send TFTP GET to receive file via TFTP
    step 4. Verify TFTP server correctly returns file via TFTP
    step 5. Close TFTP session from LAN side

    RFC 1350 TFTP Protocol Version 2
ipv6_app_126 Verify IPv6 NTP session through the router
step 1. Initiate an outbound NTP connection to NTP server
    step 2. Verify NTP request is sent to the WAN
    step 3. Verify NTP response is sent to LAN client
ipv6_app_130 Verify IPv6 STUN session through the router
step 1. Initiate an outbound STUN Binding Request to remoteHost
    step 2. Verify STUN Binding Response is received
    step 3. Verify the STUN MAPPED-ADDRESS matches the expected global IPv6
            address of the STUN client

    Reference: RFC 3489 STUN
ipv6_app_131 Verify IPv6 authenticated STUN session through the router
step 1. Configure STUN server and client to use authentication
    step 2. Initiate an outbound STUN Binding Request to remoteHost
    step 3. STUN server should sent back a 401 Binding Error Response
    step 4. STUN client retransmits Binding Request using message-integrity attribute
    step 5. Verify STUN Binding Response is received
    step 6. Verify the STUN MAPPED-ADDRESS matches the expected global IPv6
            address of the STUN client

    Reference: RFC 3489 STUN
forward-v6 (5) IPv6 forwarding tests with different packet sizes and directions
ipv6_forward_1 Verify IPv6 Hop Limit is decremented for forwarded packets
step 1. Forward an IPv6 packet from a LAN client to the WAN
    step 2. Verify the Hop Limit of the packet is decremented by 1

    Reference: RFC 2640 Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification
    Section 3. IPv6 Header Format

    NOTE: Decremented by 1 by each node that forwards the packet.
ipv6_forward_2 Verify IPv6 packet is not forwarded when IPv6 Hop Limit is 1 or 0
step 1. Set the IPv6 Hop Limit of outbound packets to 1
    step 2. Forward an IPv6 packet from a LAN client to the WAN
    step 3. Verify the packet is not forwarded
    step 4. Repeat the test with a Hop Limit of 0

    Reference: RFC 2640 Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification
    Section 3. IPv6 Header Format

    NOTE: The packet is discarded if Hop Limit is decremented to zero.
ipv6_forward_3 Verify IPv6 packet can be forwarded back through incoming LAN interface
step 1. Forward an IP packet from a LAN client to another LAN client
    step 2. Forward packet using router's MAC address
    step 3. Verify packet is forwarded back out the LAN interface

    NOTE: The router may send an ICMP Redirect back to the originator.
ipv6_forward_10 Forward IPv6 UDP packets with various packet lengths (LAN to WAN)
step 1. Initiate an outbound UDP connection with UDP data length of 4
    step 2. Verify packets are received on the WAN interface
    step 3. Continue forwarding until the maximum unfragmented packet length is reached

    NOTE: Some routers will stop forwarding IP traffic while they renew their
    WAN side IPv4/IPv6 address. This can cause this test to fail.

    NOTE: Some routers allow static configuration of the MTU size. This may
    default to 1492 even for routers running DHCP on the WAN side.

    NOTE: This test will stop if the number of max failures is reached. This
    value may be configured using testvar forwardingMaxFailures. Setting this
    value to 0 will test each packet size regardless of the result.

    testvar forwardingMaxFailures 20
ipv6_forward_11 Forward IPv6 UDP packets with various packet lengths (WAN to LAN)
step 1. Initiate an outbound UDP connection with UDP data length of 4
    step 2. Verify packet is received on the WAN interface
    step 3. Forward a return packet from the WAN to the LAN
    step 4. Verify packets are received on the LAN interface
    step 5. Continue forwarding until the maximum unfragmented packet length is reached

    NOTE: Some routers will stop forwarding IP traffic while they renew their
    WAN side IPv6/IPv6 address. This can cause this test to fail.

    NOTE: Some routers allow static configuration of the MTU size. This may
    default to 1492 even for routers running DHCP on the WAN side.

    NOTE: This test will stop if the number of max failures is reached. This
    value may be configured using testvar forwardingMaxFailures. Setting this
    value to 0 will test each packet size regardless of the result.

    testvar forwardingMaxFailures 20
jumbo-v6 (5) Jumbo MTU IPv6 forwarding tests with different packet sizes and directions
ipv6_jumbo_1 Verify IPv6 Hop Limit is decremented for forwarded jumbo MTU packets
step 1. Forward an IPv6 packet from a LAN client to the WAN that utilizes
            the maximum supported jumbo mtu of both interfaces
    step 2. Verify the Hop Limit of the packet is decremented by 1

    Reference: RFC 2640 Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification
    Section 3. IPv6 Header Format

    NOTE: Decremented by 1 by each node that forwards the packet.

    NOTE: The maximum jumbo packet size is configured using the testvar
ipv6_jumbo_2 Verify jumbo MTU IPv6 packet is not forwarded when IPv6 Hop Limit is 1 or 0
step 1. Set the IPv6 Hop Limit of outbound packets to 1
    step 2. Forward an IPv6 packet from a LAN client to the WAN that utilizes
            the maximum supported jumbo mtu of both interfaces
    step 3. Verify the packet is not forwarded
    step 4. Repeat the test with a Hop Limit of 0

    Reference: RFC 2640 Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification
    Section 3. IPv6 Header Format

    NOTE: The packet is discarded if Hop Limit is decremented to zero.

    NOTE: The maximum jumbo packet size is configured using the testvar
ipv6_jumbo_3 Verify jumbo MTU IPv6 packet can be forwarded back through incoming LAN interface
step 1. Forward an IP packet from a LAN client to another LAN client that
            utilizes the maximum supported jumbo mtu of both interfaces
    step 2. Forward packet using router's MAC address
    step 3. Verify packet is forwarded back out the LAN interface

    NOTE: The router may send an ICMP Redirect back to the originator.

    NOTE: The maximum jumbo packet size is configured using the testvar
ipv6_jumbo_10 Forward jumbo MTU IPv6 UDP packets with various packet lengths (LAN to WAN)
step 1. Initiate an outbound UDP connection with UDP packet that
            utilizes the maximum supported standard mtu of both interfaces
    step 2. Verify packets are received on the WAN interface
    step 3. Continue forwarding until the maximum unfragmented packet length is
            reached, i.e. maximum supported jumbo mtu of both interfaces

    NOTE: Some routers will stop forwarding IP traffic while they renew their
    WAN side IPv4/IPv6 address. This can cause this test to fail.

    NOTE: The maximum jumbo packet size is configured using the testvar

    NOTE: This test will stop if the number of max failures is reached. This
    value may be configured using testvar forwardingMaxFailures. Setting this
    value to 0 will test each packet size regardless of the result.

    testvar forwardingMaxFailures 20
ipv6_jumbo_11 Forward jumbo MTU IPv6 UDP packets with various packet lengths (WAN to LAN)
scaling-v6 (3) Scaling tests for maximum number of IPv6 clients and connections (TCP, HTTP, etc)
ipv6_scale_1 Verify all IPv6 clients obtain an IPv6 address via autoconf or DHCPv6 and are operational
step 1. Determine the size of the client DHCPv6 address pool
    step 2. Create a new client for each available address within the pool
    step 3. Verify the client obtains an IPv6 address via autoconfiguration or DHCPv6
    step 4. Verify there are no address conflicts
    step 5. Verify each client can establish an outbound HTTP connection
    step 6. Verify each client can send/receive data over the connection
    step 7. Close each TCP connection

    NOTE: The DHCPv6 address pool size is set in your configuration file using
    the 'ipv6DhcpClientStart' and 'ipv6DhcpClientEnd' testvars. One of the addresses
    remains in use through the test run for a host on the LAN side. This test
    will attempt to create clients for the pool size - 1. If you are using
    multiple LAN interfaces, the number of DHCPv6 clients from each interface
    will also be subtracted from the DHCPv6 pool size.
ipv6_scale_2 Verify all IPv6 clients with multiple TCP connections
step 1. Determine the size of the client DHCPv6 address pool
    step 2. Determine the maximum number of TCP connections to create for
            each client
    step 3. Create a new client for each available address within the pool
    step 4. Verify the client obtains an IPv6 address via autoconf or DHCPv6
    step 5. Verify there are no address conflicts
    step 6. Verify each client can establish X outbound HTTP connections to
            port 80, where X is the number of TCP connections per DHCPv6 client
            to create. Each connection is to a unique IP address.
    step 7. Verify each client can send/receive data over each connection
    step 8. Close each TCP connection

    NOTE: The DHCPv6 address pool size is set in your configuration file using
    the 'ipv6DhcpClientStart' and 'ipv6DhcpClientEnd' testvars. One of the addresses
    remains in use through the test run for a host on the LAN side. This test
    will attempt to create clients for the pool size - 1. If you are using
    multiple LAN interfaces, the number of DHCPv6 clients from each interface
    will also be subtracted from the DHCPv6 pool size.

    NOTE: The maximum number of TCP connections per host is set in your
    configuration file using the testvar 'scaleTcpConnsPerHost'. If this entry
    is not included in your configuration file, it defaults to 5.
ipv6_scale_3 Verify all IPv6 clients with single UDP connection
step 1. Determine the size of the client DHCPv6 address pool
    step 2. Determine the maximum number of TCP connections to create for
            each client
    step 3. Create a new client for each available address within the pool
    step 4. Verify the client obtains an IPv6 address via autoconf or DHCPv6
    step 5. Verify there are no address conflicts
    step 6. Verify each client can establish 1 outbound UDP connection
    step 7. Verify each client can send/receive data over each connection

    NOTE: The DHCPv6 address pool size is set in your configuration file using
    the 'ipv6DhcpClientStart' and 'ipv6DhcpClientEnd' testvars. One of the addresses
    remains in use through the test run for a host on the LAN side. This test
    will attempt to create clients for the pool size - 1. If you are using
    multiple LAN interfaces, the number of DHCPv6 clients from each interface
    will also be subtracted from the DHCPv6 pool size.
dslite (9) DS-Lite tests for tunneling IPv4 over IPv6
dslite_1 Verify NAT is not enabled on DS-Lite B4 interface
step 1. Initiate an outbound TCP connection to HTTP server
    step 2. Verify the connection is established
    step 3. Send HTTP GET request to server
    step 4. Verify HTTP response is received
    step 5. Verify the IPv4 source address on the WAN side is original LAN address
    step 6. Close TCP connection from LAN side

    Reference: RFC 6333 Section 4.2 "CPE"
    A DS-Lite CPE SHOULD NOT operate a NAT function between an internal
    interface and a B4 interface, as the NAT function will be performed
    by the AFTR in the service provider's network.  This will avoid
    accidentally operating in a double-NAT environment.
dslite_10 Verify B4 Element announces itself as the IPv4 default gateway using DHCPv4
step 1. Send a DHCPREQUEST for the current IP address
    step 2. Verify DHCP server sends DHCPACK
    step 3. Verify the gateway address is the router's LAN IPv4 address
    Reference: RFC 6333 Section 4.2 "CPE"
    A DS-Lite CPE SHOULD NOT operate a NAT function between an internal
    interface and a B4 interface, as the NAT function will be performed
    by the AFTR in the service provider's network.  This will avoid
    accidentally operating in a double-NAT environment.
    However, it SHOULD operate its own DHCP(v4) server handing out
    [RFC1918] address space (e.g. to hosts in the home.
    It SHOULD advertise itself as the default IPv4 router to those home
    hosts.  It SHOULD also advertise itself as a DNS server in the DHCP
    Option 6 (DNS Server).  Additionally, it SHOULD operate a DNS proxy
    to accept DNS IPv4 requests from home hosts and send them using IPv6
    to the service provider DNS servers, as described in Section 5.5.
dslite_11 Verify B4 Element announces itself as the IPv4 DNS server using DHCPv4
step 1. Send a DHCPREQUEST for the current IP address
    step 2. Verify DHCP server sends DHCPACK
    step 3. Verify the DNS server address is the router's LAN IPv4 address
    Reference: RFC 6333 Section 4.2 "CPE"
    A DS-Lite CPE SHOULD NOT operate a NAT function between an internal
    interface and a B4 interface, as the NAT function will be performed
    by the AFTR in the service provider's network.  This will avoid
    accidentally operating in a double-NAT environment.
    However, it SHOULD operate its own DHCP(v4) server handing out
    [RFC1918] address space (e.g. to hosts in the home.
    It SHOULD advertise itself as the default IPv4 router to those home
    hosts.  It SHOULD also advertise itself as a DNS server in the DHCP
    Option 6 (DNS Server).  Additionally, it SHOULD operate a DNS proxy
    to accept DNS IPv4 requests from home hosts and send them using IPv6
    to the service provider DNS servers, as described in Section 5.5.
dslite_20 Verify DS-Lite packet fragmentation occurs at IPv6 layer and not the IPv4 layer
step 1. Forward an IPv4 packet from a LAN client to the WAN with packet size 1496
    step 2. Verify the packet is received on the WAN
    step 3. Verify the packet results in IPv6 fragments and no IPv4 fragments
    Reference: RFC 6333 Section 5.3 "Fragmentation and Reassembly"
    Using an encapsulation (IPv4-in-IPv6 or anything else) to carry IPv4
    traffic over IPv6 will reduce the effective MTU of the datagram.
    Unfortunately, path MTU discovery [RFC1191] is not a reliable method
    to deal with this problem.
    A solution to deal with this problem is for the service provider to
    increase the MTU size of all the links between the B4 element and the
    AFTR elements by at least 40 bytes to accommodate both the IPv6
    encapsulation header and the IPv4 datagram without fragmenting the
    IPv6 packet.
    However, as not all service providers will be able to increase their
    link MTU, the B4 element MUST perform fragmentation and reassembly if
    the outgoing link MTU cannot accommodate the extra IPv6 header.  The
    original IPv4 packet is not oversized.  The packet is oversized after
    the IPv6 encapsulation.  The inner IPv4 packet MUST NOT be
    fragmented.  Fragmentation MUST happen after the encapsulation of the
    IPv6 packet.  Reassembly MUST happen before the decapsulation of the
    IPv4 packet.  A detailed procedure has been specified in [RFC2473]
    Section 7.2.
    Reference: RFC 2473 Section 7.2 IPv4 Tunnel Packet Fragmentation

        (b)  if in the original packet header the Don't Fragment - DF  -
             bit flag is CLEAR, the tunnel entry-point node encapsulates
             the original packet, and subsequently fragments the
             resulting IPv6 tunnel packet into IPv6 fragments that do
             not exceed the Path MTU to the tunnel exit-point.
dslite_21 Verify IPv4 ICMP Unreachable is generated if DF=1 and packet would fragment
step 1. Forward an IPv4 packet from a LAN client to the WAN with packet size 1496
    step 2. Verify an ICMP unreachable with code 4 is received on the LAN
    step 3. Forward an additional IPv4 packet from a LAN client to the WAN with same size
    step 4. Verify packet is not forwarded to the WAN
    Reference: RFC 6333 Section 5.3 "Fragmentation and Reassembly"
    Using an encapsulation (IPv4-in-IPv6 or anything else) to carry IPv4
    traffic over IPv6 will reduce the effective MTU of the datagram.
    Unfortunately, path MTU discovery [RFC1191] is not a reliable method
    to deal with this problem.
    A solution to deal with this problem is for the service provider to
    increase the MTU size of all the links between the B4 element and the
    AFTR elements by at least 40 bytes to accommodate both the IPv6
    encapsulation header and the IPv4 datagram without fragmenting the
    IPv6 packet.
    However, as not all service providers will be able to increase their
    link MTU, the B4 element MUST perform fragmentation and reassembly if
    the outgoing link MTU cannot accommodate the extra IPv6 header.  The
    original IPv4 packet is not oversized.  The packet is oversized after
    the IPv6 encapsulation.  The inner IPv4 packet MUST NOT be
    fragmented.  Fragmentation MUST happen after the encapsulation of the
    IPv6 packet.  Reassembly MUST happen before the decapsulation of the
    IPv4 packet.  A detailed procedure has been specified in [RFC2473]
    Section 7.2.
    Reference: RFC 2473 Section 7.2 IPv4 Tunnel Packet Fragmentation
        (a)  if in the original IPv4 packet header the Don't Fragment  -
             DF - bit flag is SET, the entry-point node discards the
             packet and returns an ICMP message.  The ICMP message has
             the type = "unreachable", the code = "packet too big", and
             the recommended MTU size field set to the size of the
             tunnel MTU - see sections 6.7 and 8.3.
dslite_22 Verify IPv4 packet is dropped if DF=1 and packet would fragment
step 1. Forward an IPv4 packet from a LAN client to the WAN with packet size 1496
    step 2. Verify packet is not forwarded to the WAN
    Reference: RFC 6333 Section 5.3 "Fragmentation and Reassembly"
    Using an encapsulation (IPv4-in-IPv6 or anything else) to carry IPv4
    traffic over IPv6 will reduce the effective MTU of the datagram.
    Unfortunately, path MTU discovery [RFC1191] is not a reliable method
    to deal with this problem.
    A solution to deal with this problem is for the service provider to
    increase the MTU size of all the links between the B4 element and the
    AFTR elements by at least 40 bytes to accommodate both the IPv6
    encapsulation header and the IPv4 datagram without fragmenting the
    IPv6 packet.
    However, as not all service providers will be able to increase their
    link MTU, the B4 element MUST perform fragmentation and reassembly if
    the outgoing link MTU cannot accommodate the extra IPv6 header.  The
    original IPv4 packet is not oversized.  The packet is oversized after
    the IPv6 encapsulation.  The inner IPv4 packet MUST NOT be
    fragmented.  Fragmentation MUST happen after the encapsulation of the
    IPv6 packet.  Reassembly MUST happen before the decapsulation of the
    IPv4 packet.  A detailed procedure has been specified in [RFC2473]
    Section 7.2.
    Reference: RFC 2473 Section 7.2 IPv4 Tunnel Packet Fragmentation
        (a)  if in the original IPv4 packet header the Don't Fragment  -
             DF - bit flag is SET, the entry-point node discards the
             packet and returns an ICMP message.  The ICMP message has
             the type = "unreachable", the code = "packet too big", and
             the recommended MTU size field set to the size of the
             tunnel MTU - see sections 6.7 and 8.3.
dslite_30 Verify DNS queries sent to router over IPv4 are forwarded to IPv6 DNS server
step 1. Initiate a DNS query to the router's LAN ip address
    step 2. Verify the query is received by real DNS server on the WAN side
    step 3. The query may be received by the primary or backup DNS server
    step 4. Verify the DNS query is using IPv6 and not IPv4
    step 5. Send a return response back to LAN
    step 6. Verify the response is received by the LAN client
    NOTE: The router must support some type of DNS relay or proxy to
          pass this test case.

    Reference: RFC 6333 Section 5.5 "DNS"
    A B4 element is only configured from the service provider with IPv6.
    As such, it can only learn the address of a DNS recursive server
    through DHCPv6 (or other similar method over IPv6).  As DHCPv6 only
    defines an option to get the IPv6 address of such a DNS recursive
    server, the B4 element cannot easily discover the IPv4 address of
    such a recursive DNS server, and as such will have to perform all DNS
    resolution over IPv6.
dslite_40 Verify LAN clients can reach the IPv4 address of DS-Lite AFTR
step 1. Initiate an outbound ICMP Echo Request to the IPv4 address of the WAN (AFTR)
    step 2. Verify ICMP Echo Reply (ping response) is received

    Reference: RFC 6333 Section 6.5 "Well-Known IPv4 Address"
    The AFTR SHOULD use the well-known IPv4 address reserved by
    IANA to configure the IPv4-in-IPv6 tunnel.  That address can then be
    used to report ICMP problems and will appear in traceroute outputs.
dslite_41 Verify LAN clients can reach the IPv4 address of DS-Lite B4
step 1. Initiate an outbound ICMP Echo Request to the IPv4 address of the CPE WAN (B4)
    step 2. Verify ICMP Echo Reply (ping response) is received
    Reference: RFC 6333 Section 5.7 "Well-Known IPv4 Address"
    Any locally unique IPv4 address could be configured on the IPv4-in-
    IPv6 tunnel to represent the B4 element.  Configuring such an address
    is often necessary when the B4 element is sourcing IPv4 datagrams
    directly over the tunnel.  In order to avoid conflicts with any other
    address, IANA has defined a well-known range, is the reserved subnet address. is reserved for
    the AFTR element, and is reserved for the B4 element.  If a
    service provider has a special configuration that prevents the B4
    element from using, the B4 element MAY use any other
    addresses within the range.
    Note: A range of addresses has been reserved for this purpose.  The
    intent is to accommodate nodes implementing multiple B4 elements.
dns-v6 (20) IPv6 DNS proxy and DNS failover related tests
ipv6_dns_10 Verify IPv6 DNS proxy does not cache DNS entry when DNS TTL is 0
step 1. Initiate a DNS lookup for a new unique hostname from LAN client
    step 2. Return DNS response with TTL set to 0 from WAN DNS server
    step 3. Change the IP address on the DNS server for the new hostname
    step 4. Initiate a new DNS lookup for the same hostname
    step 5. Verify a new DNS request is sent to the primary or backup
            DNS servers

    Reference: RFC 1035
    Section 3.2.1 Format

    NOTE: Zero values are interpreted to mean that the RR can only be
    used for the transaction in progress, and should not be cached.
ipv6_dns_11 Verify IPv6 DNS proxy returns TTL of 0 when returned DNS TTL is 0
step 1. Initiate a DNS lookup for a new unique hostname from LAN client
    step 2. Return DNS response with TTL set to 0 from WAN DNS server
    step 3. Verify the returned TTL from the DNS proxy is 0

    Reference: RFC 1035
    Section 3.2.1 Format

    NOTE: Zero values are interpreted to mean that the RR can only be
    used for the transaction in progress, and should not be cached.
ipv6_dns_40 Verify AAAA IPv6 DNS queries to router are forwarded to real DNS server
step 1. Initiate an AAAA IPv6 DNS query to the router's LAN ip address
    step 2. Verify the query is received by real DNS server on the WAN side
    step 3. The query may be received by the primary or backup DNS server
    step 4. Send a return response back to LAN
    step 5. Verify the response is received by LAN client

    NOTE: The router must support some type of DNS relay or proxy to
    pass this test case. The DNS relay or proxy must understand IPv6 DNS
    type AAAA lookups.

    Reference: RFC 4074 Common Misbehavior Against DNS Queries for IPv6 Addresses
ipv6_dns_41 Verify AAAA IPv6 DNS queries can return no address for IPv6 to IPv4 failover
step 1. Initiate an AAAA IPv6 DNS query to the router's LAN ip address
    step 2. Verify the query is received by real DNS server on the WAN side
    step 3. The query may be received by the primary or backup DNS server
    step 4. Send an empty return response back to LAN
    step 5. Verify the response is received by LAN client

    NOTE: The router must support some type of DNS relay or proxy to
    pass this test case. The DNS relay or proxy must understand IPv6
    DNS type AAAA lookups.

    Reference: RFC 4074 Common Misbehavior Against DNS Queries for IPv6 Addresses
ipv6_dns_45 Verify IPv6 DNS failover when non-zero error codes are received in non-authoritative DNS response
step 1. Verify DNS error codes from 1 - 15
    step 2. For each error code, configure the primary DNS server to
            return the error code, and the backup to return the normal
    step 3. All responses will have the authoritative bit set
    step 4. Send 3 DNS queries for a new hostname to router's lanIp
    step 5. Verify a valid DNS response is received if the error
            code is expected to trigger DNS failover
    step 6. Configure the primary DNS server back to normal operation
            and configure the backup to return the DNS error
    step 7. Send 3 DNS queries for a new hostname to router's lanIp
    step 8. Verify a valid DNS response is received if the error
            code is expected to trigger DNS failover

    NOTE: This test sets up the failover to happen from primary to
    backup in the first part and then backup to primary. This is
    required for implmentations that maybe load balancing DNS across
    the DNS servers or may have already failed all future requests to
    the primary or backup.

    NOTE: Most DNS clients that support multiple DNS servers (primary
    and backup) use some type of failover for certain DNS error codes.
    The behavior for each error code is implementation dependent. The
    list of error codes that will cause DNS failover can be configured
    using the testvar 'dnsFailoverErrorCodes'. If no DNS error codes will
    cause failover, the testvar should be configured with the keyword 'none'.


    testvar dnsFailoverNonAuth "2 4 5"

    Example with no failover support:

    testvar dnsFailoverNonAuth none

    NOTE: Unix OSes based on bind will normally failover if DNS error
    codes 2, 4, or 5 are received. Windows based OSes will normally failover
    on all DNS error codes except 3 (No Such Name).
ipv6_dns_46 Verify IPv6 DNS failover when non-zero error codes are received in authoritative DNS response
step 1. Verify DNS error codes from 1 - 15
    step 2. For each error code, configure the primary DNS server to
            return the error code, and the backup to return the normal
    step 3. All responses will have the authoritative bit set
    step 4. Send 3 DNS queries for a new hostname to router's lanIp
    step 5. Verify a valid DNS response is received if the error
            code is expected to trigger DNS failover
    step 6. Confgiure the primary DNS server back to normal operation
            and configure the backup to return the DNS error
    step 7. Send 3 DNS queries for a new hostname to router's lanIp
    step 8. Verify a valid DNS response is received if the error
            code is expected to trigger DNS failover

    NOTE: This test sets up the failover to happen from primary to
    backup in the first part and then backup to primary. This is required
    for implmentations that maybe load balancing DNS across the DNS servers
    or may have already failed all future requests to the primary or backup.

    NOTE: Most DNS clients that support multiple DNS servers (primary
    and backup) use some type of failover for certain DNS error codes.
    The behavior for each error code is implementation dependent. The list
    of error codes that will cause DNS failover can be configured using the
    testvar 'dnsFailoverAuth'. If no DNS error codes will cause failover, the
    testvar should be configured with the keyword 'none'.


    testvar dnsFailoverAuth "2 4 5"

    Example with no failover support:

    testvar dnsFailoverAuth none

    NOTE: Unix OSes based on bind will normally failover if DNS error
    codes 2, 4, or 5 are received. Windows based OSes will normally failover
    on all DNS error codes except 3 (No Such Name).
ipv6_dns_50 Verify Reverse DNS queries to router are forwarded to real DNS server
step 1. Initiate a reverse DNS query to the router's LAN ip address
    step 2. Verify the query is received by real DNS server on the WAN side
    step 3. The query may be received by the primary or backup DNS server
    step 4. Send a return response back to LAN
    step 5. Verify the response is received by LAN client

    NOTE: The router must support some type of DNS relay or proxy to
    pass this test case.
ipv6_dns_51 Verify Reverse AAAA IPv6 DNS queries to router are forwarded to real DNS server
step 1. Initiate a reverse DNS query to the router's LAN ip address
    step 2. Verify the query is received by real DNS server on the WAN side
    step 3. The query may be received by the primary or backup DNS server
    step 4. Send a return response back to LAN
    step 5. Verify the response is received by LAN client

    NOTE: The router must support some type of DNS relay or proxy to
    pass this test case.
ipv6_dns_60 Verify IPv6 DNS proxy fails over when new primary DNS server is learned
step 1. Create a new primary and backup DNS server
    step 2. Terminate the WAN link and bring back up
    step 3. Issue DNS query from LAN client
    step 4. Verify LAN client receives response from new DNS servers
    step 5. Terminate the WAN link and bring back up with original DNS servers

    NOTE: This test is only run when the WAN mode is dynamic.

    NOTE: The amount of time to wait before checking that DNS has been updated
    after the WAN link is restored can be configured using the testvar
    'dnsFailoverDelay'. The default is 10 seconds.
ipv6_dns_70 Verify IPv6 DNS lookups with multiple IPv4 responses
step 1. Initiate a DNS lookup for a new unique hostname from LAN client
    step 2. Return DNS response with multiple IPv4 answers from WAN DNS server
    step 3. Verify LAN client learns all IPv4 answers from DNS lookup

    Reference: RFC 1035
ipv6_dns_100 Verify IPv6 DNS proxy recovers after DNS server outage
step 1. Verify initial DNS lookup is working
    step 2. Disable all DNS servers
    step 3. Initiate 3 DNS lookups for new domains which should fail
    step 4. Enable all DNS servers
    step 5. Verify DNS looks start working again

    NOTE: Zero values are interpreted to mean that the RR can only be
    used for the transaction in progress, and should not be cached.
ipv6_dns_110 Verify IPv6 DNS queries including the EDNS0 option
step 1. Initiate a DNS lookup for a new unique hostname from LAN client
    step 2. Return DNS response with TTL set to 0 from WAN DNS server
    step 3. Change the IP address on the DNS server for the new hostname
    step 4. Initiate a new DNS lookup for the same hostname
    step 5. Verify a new DNS request is sent to the primary or backup
            DNS servers

    Reference: RFC 1035
    Section 3.2.1 Format

    NOTE: Zero values are interpreted to mean that the RR can only be
    used for the transaction in progress, and should not be cached.
ipv6_dns_120 Verify large DNS responses using EDNS0 option
step 1. Configure a DNS entry with 200 IPv4 matching records that
            requires a UDP response slightly less than 4096
    step 2. Initiate a DNS lookup for a new unique hostname from LAN client
            using EDNS0 option announcing a UDP buffer size of 4096
    step 3. Return DNS response with multiple IPv4 answers from WAN DNS server
    step 4. Verify LAN client learns all IPv4 answers from DNS lookup

    Reference: RFC 2671 Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0)
ipv6_dns_121 Verify maximum UDP payload value in EDNS0 option
step 1. Initiate a DNS lookup for a unique hostname from LAN client
            using EDNS0 option announcing a UDP buffer size of 4096
    step 2. Verify DNS response contains EDNS0 option
    step 3. Configure a DNS entry with enough matching IPv4 records that
            requires a UDP response slightly less than the EDNS0 UDP 
            buffer size seen in step 2.
    step 4. Initiate a DNS lookup for the same hostname from LAN client
            using EDNS0 option announcing a UDP buffer size of 4096
    step 5. Return DNS response with multiple IPv4 answers from WAN DNS server
    step 6. Verify LAN client learns all IPv4 answers from DNS lookup

    Reference: RFC 2671 Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0)
ipv6_dns_130 Verify IPv6 DNS queries for TXT records
step 1. Initiate a DNS TXT query to the router's LAN IPv4 address
    step 2. Verify the query is received by real DNS server on the WAN side
    step 3. The query may be received by the primary or backup DNS server
    step 4. Send a return TXT response back to LAN
    step 5. Verify the response is received by LAN client

    NOTE: The router must support some type of DNS relay or proxy to
    pass this test case.

    Reference: RFC 1035 Domain names - implementation and specification
ipv6_dns_140 Verify IPv6 DNS queries for SPF records
step 1. Initiate a DNS SPF query to the router's LAN IPv4 address
    step 2. Verify the query is received by real DNS server on the WAN side
    step 3. The query may be received by the primary or backup DNS server
    step 4. Send a return SPF response back to LAN
    step 5. Verify the response is received by LAN client

    NOTE: The router must support some type of DNS relay or proxy to
    pass this test case.

    Reference: RFC 4408
    Sender Policy Framework (SPF) for
    Authorizing Use of Domains in E-Mail, Version 1
ipv6_dns_150 Verify IPv6 DNS proxy does not forward DNS server status requests
step 1. Send an IPv6 DNS server status request from LAN client
    step 2. Verify the DNS proxy does not forward the request to the
            real DNS server

    NOTE: Scanning tools including nmap utilize DNS server status
    requests when probing a host.

    Reference: draft-hall-status-opcode-00-1
    Section 6 Security Considerations
ipv6_dns_200 Verify IPv6 DNS proxy does not mangle DNSSEC queries
step 1. Initiate a DNSKEY query to the router's LAN IPv6 address
    step 2. The query may be received by the primary or backup DNS server
    step 3. Send a DNSKEY response back to LAN
    step 4. Verify the response is received by LAN client and all fields are correct
    step 5. Repeat steps 1-5 for RRSIG, DS, and NSEC queries

    NOTE: The router must support some type of DNS relay or proxy to
    pass this test case.

    Reference: RFC 4034
    Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions
ipv6_dns_201 Verify IPv6 DNS proxy does not mangle large DNSSEC responses
step 1. Initiate a DNSKEY query to the router's LAN IPv6 address
    step 2. The query may be received by the primary or backup DNS server
    step 3. Send a large RRSIG response (greater than 1220 bytes) back to LAN
    step 4. Verify full response is received by LAN client and all fields are correct

    NOTE: The router must support some type of DNS relay or proxy to
    pass this test case.

    Reference: RFC 4035
    Section 4.1 EDNS Support
ipv6_dns_300 Verify IPv6 DNS proxy honors TTL values when caching responses
step 1. Perform a DNS lookup on a hostname from the LAN via IPv6
    step 2. Verify DUT's DNS proxy forwards the query to the WAN DNS server
    step 3. Change the address on the WAN DNS server for the new hostname
    step 4. Wait half the TTL value of the response
    step 5. Perform a DNS lookup on the same hostname from the LAN
    step 6. If supportsDnsCaching is yes, verify DUT's DNS proxy returns 
            cached response from step 2 and does not forward the query
            to the WAN DNS server.  If supportsDnsCaching is no, verify DUT's
            DNS proxy forwards the query to the WAN DNS server.
    step 7. Wait long enough for the TTL value of the response from step 2
            to have elapsed
    step 8. Perform a DNS lookup on the same hostname from the LAN
    step 9. Verify DUT's DNS proxy forwards the query to the WAN DNS server

    Reference: RFC 1035 Domain Names - Implementation and Specification
    Section 4.1.3 Resource Record format
url-filter-v6 (6) IPv6 URL filtering tests for LAN side HTTP clients
ipv6_urlfilter_10 Verify HTTP GETs to filtered URLs over IPv6 are blocked
step 1. Set up new web server on WAN side using IPv6 free network address
    step 2. Resolve domain IPv6 address using DNS AAAA lookup from LAN client
    step 3. Initiate IPv6 TCP connection to web server from LAN client
    step 4. Verify TCP connection is opened
    step 5. Send HTTP GET from LAN client to new server for requested URL
    step 6. URL is considered blocked if one of the following occurs:
              a. The LAN client does not receive a page from the webserver
              b. The LAN client receives a page from the webserver, but 
                 the HTTP status code is not 200 "OK"
              c. The LAN client receives a page from the webserver with 
                 an HTTP status code of 200, but the returned page contains 
                 text indicating that the page was administratively blocked, 
                 as defined by the testvar 'urlFilterBlockedText'
    step 7. Repeat for each configured filtered URL
    step 8. Verify that each configured non-filtered URL returns a valid 

    NOTE: This test is only performed if the testvar 'urlFilterSupported'
    is set to "yes". The testvars 'filtered-urls' and 'non-filtered-urls'
    are used to specify which URLs are used during this test.

    NOTE: This test allows the CPE to block a URL by preventing establishment
    of the TCP connection in step 4, using a proxy to return a non-200 HTTP
    status code in step 6, or using a proxy to return a 200 HTTP status code
    in step 6 with alternate webpage text indicating that the page was
    admninistratively blocked. The testvar 'urlFilterBlockedText' should be
    configured with a portion of the expected text returned when a page is
    blocked by the CPE.
ipv6_urlfilter_12 Verify HTTP GETs to filtered URLs over IPv6 are blocked without DNS lookups
step 1. Set up new web server on WAN side using IPv6 free network address
    step 2. Resolve only domain IPv6 addresses for non-filtered URLs using AAAA
            lookup from LAN client
    step 3. Initiate IPv6 TCP connection to web server from LAN client
    step 4. Verify TCP connection is opened
    step 5. Send HTTP GET from LAN client to new server for requested URL
    step 6. URL is considered blocked if one of the following occurs:
              a. The LAN client does not receive a page from the webserver
              b. The LAN client receives a page from the webserver, but 
                 the HTTP status code is not 200 "OK"
              c. The LAN client receives a page from the webserver with 
                 an HTTP status code of 200, but the returned page contains 
                 text indicating that the page was administratively blocked, 
                 as defined by the testvar 'urlFilterBlockedText'
    step 7. Repeat for each configured filtered URL
    step 8. Verify that each configured non-filtered URL returns a valid 

    NOTE: This test is only performed if the testvar 'urlFilterSupported'
    is set to "yes". The testvars 'filtered-urls' and 'non-filtered-urls'
    are used to specify which URLs are used during this test.

    NOTE: This test allows the CPE to block a URL by preventing establishment
    of the TCP connection in step 4, using a proxy to return a non-200 HTTP
    status code in step 6, or using a proxy to return a 200 HTTP status code
    in step 6 with alternate webpage text indicating that the page was
    admninistratively blocked. The testvar 'urlFilterBlockedText' should be
    configured with a portion of the expected text returned when a page is
    blocked by the CPE.
ipv6_urlfilter_15 Verify HTTP HEADs to filtered URLs over IPv6 are blocked
step 1. Set up new web server on WAN side using IPv6 free network address
    step 2. Resolve domain IPv6 address using DNS AAAA lookup from LAN client
    step 3. Initiate IPv6 TCP connection to web server from LAN client
    step 4. Verify TCP connection is opened
    step 5. Send HTTP HEAD from LAN client to new server for requested URL
    step 6. URL is considered blocked if one of the following occurs:
              a. The LAN client does not receive a page from the webserver
              b. The LAN client receives a page from the webserver, but 
                 the HTTP status code is not 200 "OK"
              c. The LAN client receives a page from the webserver with 
                 an HTTP status code of 200, but the returned page contains 
                 text indicating that the page was administratively blocked, 
                 as defined by the testvar 'urlFilterBlockedText'
    step 7. Repeat for each configured filtered URL
    step 8. Verify that each configured non-filtered URL returns a valid 

    NOTE: This test is only performed if the testvar 'urlFilterSupported'
    is set to "yes". The testvars 'filtered-urls' and 'non-filtered-urls'
    are used to specify which URLs are used during this test.

    NOTE: This test allows the CPE to block a URL by preventing establishment
    of the TCP connection in step 4, using a proxy to return a non-200 HTTP
    status code in step 6, or using a proxy to return a 200 HTTP status code
    in step 6 with alternate webpage text indicating that the page was
    admninistratively blocked. The testvar 'urlFilterBlockedText' should be
    configured with a portion of the expected text returned when a page is
    blocked by the CPE.
ipv6_urlfilter_20 Verify HTTP POSTs to filtered URLs over IPv6 are blocked
step 1. Set up new web server on WAN side using IPv6 free network address
    step 2. Resolve domain IPv6 address using DNS AAAA lookup from LAN client
    step 3. Initiate IPv6 TCP connection to web server from LAN client
    step 4. Verify TCP connection is opened
    step 5. Send HTTP POST from LAN client to new server for requested URL
    step 6. URL is considered blocked if one of the following occurs:
              a. The LAN client does not receive a page from the webserver
              b. The LAN client receives a page from the webserver, but 
                 the HTTP status code is not 200 "OK"
              c. The LAN client receives a page from the webserver with 
                 an HTTP status code of 200, but the returned page contains 
                 text indicating that the page was administratively blocked, 
                 as defined by the testvar 'urlFilterBlockedText'
    step 7. Repeat for each configured filtered URL
    step 8. Verify that each configured non-filtered URL returns a valid 

    NOTE: This test is only performed if the testvar 'urlFilterSupported'
    is set to "yes". The testvars 'filtered-urls' and 'non-filtered-urls'
    are used to specify which URLs are used during this test.

    NOTE: This test allows the CPE to block a URL by preventing establishment
    of the TCP connection in step 4, using a proxy to return a non-200 HTTP
    status code in step 6, or using a proxy to return a 200 HTTP status code
    in step 6 with alternate webpage text indicating that the page was
    admninistratively blocked. The testvar 'urlFilterBlockedText' should be
    configured with a portion of the expected text returned when a page is
    blocked by the CPE.
ipv6_urlfilter_30 Verify URL filtering over IPv6 does not look at Cookie data
step 1. Set up new web server on WAN side using IPv6 free network address
    step 2. Resolve domain IPv6 address using DNS AAAA lookup from LAN client
    step 3. Initiate IPv6 TCP connection to web server from LAN client
    step 4. Verify TCP connection is opened
    step 5. Send HTTP GET from LAN client to new server for requested URL
    step 6. Use one of the filtered URLs as the cookie data
    step 7. Verify webserver does return a response
    step 8. Repeat for each configured allowed URL

    NOTE: This test is only performed if the testvar 'urlFilterSupported'
    is set to "yes". The testvars 'filtered-urls' and 'non-filtered-urls'
    are used to specify which URLs are used during this test.
ipv6_urlfilter_40 Verify HTTPS GETs to filtered URLs over IPv6 are blocked
step 1. Set up new HTTPS server on WAN side using IPv6 free network address
    step 2. Resolve domain IPv6 address using DNS AAAA lookup from LAN client
    step 3. Initiate IPv6 TCP connection to web server from LAN client
    step 4. If TCP connection is not established, skip to step 9
    step 5. Verify TCP connection is opened
    step 6.  Establish SSL connection to server
    step 7.  Send HTTPS GET from LAN client to new server for requested URL
    step 8.  URL is considered blocked if one of the following occurs:
              a. The LAN client does not receive a page from the webserver
              b. The LAN client receives a page from the webserver, but 
                 the HTTP status code is not 200 "OK"
              c. The LAN client receives a page from the webserver with 
                 an HTTP status code of 200, but the returned page contains 
                 text indicating that the page was administratively blocked, 
                 as defined by the testvar 'urlFilterBlockedText'
    step 9.  Repeat for each configured filtered URL
    step 10. Verify that each configured non-filtered URL returns a valid 

    NOTE: This test is only performed if the testvar 'urlFilterSupported'
    is set to "yes". The testvars 'filtered-urls' and 'non-filtered-urls'
    are used to specify which URLs are used during this test.

    NOTE: This test allows the CPE to block a URL by preventing establishment
    of the TCP connection in step 4, using a proxy to return a non-200 HTTP
    status code in step 8, or using a proxy to return a 200 HTTP status code
    in step 8 with alternate webpage text indicating that the page was
    admninistratively blocked. The testvar 'urlFilterBlockedText' should be
    configured with a portion of the expected text returned when a page is
    blocked by the CPE.
mcast-v6 (24) MLDv1/v2 and multicast data tests for IPv6 MLD proxy
ipv6_mcast_1 MLD packets from LAN are proxied to WAN interface
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Send an MLDv1/2 Membership Report packet on the LAN interface
    step 3. Verify an MLDv1/2 Membership Report packet is received on the WAN interface
    step 4. For MLDv2, verify group record is CHANGE_TO_EXCLUDE_MODE for the group
            with an empty source list.
    step 5. Repeat test using an MLDv1 Leave packet or MLDv2 Memebership Report
            to leave the multicast group
    step 6. For MLDv2, verify group record is CHANGE_TO_INCLUDE_MODE for the group
            with an empty source list.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6

    NOTE: Some routers may send an MLD query on the LAN interface after the
    MLD Leave from the LAN client. The MLD Leave may not be sent on the
    WAN interface until the LAN side has made multiple queries.

    The amount of time this test case should wait before expecting the
    MLD Leave on the WAN interface may be configured by setting the
    testvar 'ipv6MulticastCacheTimeout'.


    testvar ipv6MulticastCacheTimeout 30
ipv6_mcast_2 Verify IPv6 Hop-Limit is decremented for multicast packets
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Join a multicast group on the LAN interface
    step 3. Send a UDP packet to the multicast group from the WAN
    step 4. Verify the multicast packet is received on the LAN
    step 5. Verify the TTL is decremented by the expected IP hop count

    NOTE: This test will work with either a multicast pass through implementation
    or a multicast proxy implementation.

    NOTE: The number of expected IP hops can be configured using the testvar
    'IPv6HopCount'. The default is 1 IP hop.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6

    NOTE: The testvar ipv6MulticastJoinDelay can be used to control how long
    the test waits to verify the multicast traffic after receiving the
    MLD report. The default value is 2 seconds.

    testvar ipv6MulticastJoinDelay 2
ipv6_mcast_11 Forward Multicast IPv6 UDP packets with various packet lengths (LAN to WAN)
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Join a multicast group on the WAN interface
    step 3. Forward a multicast UDP packet from the LAN with UDP length 4
    step 4. Verify the packet is received on the LAN interface
    step 5. Repeat for all packet sizes up to the max MTU

    NOTE: This test will work with either a multicast pass through implementation
    or a multicast proxy implementation.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6

    NOTE: The testvar ipv6MulticastJoinDelay can be used to control how long
    the test waits to verify the multicast traffic after receiving the
    MLD report. The default value is 2 seconds.

    testvar ipv6MulticastJoinDelay 2

    NOTE: If the device does not support forwarding multiast traffic
    to the WAN, this test case may be skipped by setting
    the testvar supportsIPv6MulticastOut to no.

    For example,

       testvar supportsIPv6MulticastOut no
ipv6_mcast_12 Forward Multicast IPv6 UDP packets with various packet lengths (WAN to LAN)
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Join a multicast group on the LAN interface
    step 3. Forward a multicast UDP packet from the WAN with UDP length 4
    step 4. Verify the packet is received on the LAN interface
    step 5. Repeat for all packet sizes up to the max MTU

    NOTE: This test will work with either a multicast pass through implementation
    or a multicast proxy implementation.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6

    NOTE: The testvar ipv6MulticastJoinDelay can be used to control how long
    the test waits to verify the multicast traffic after receiving the
    MLD report. The default value is 2 seconds.

    testvar ipv6MulticastJoinDelay 2
ipv6_mcast_20 Verify MLD router periodically sends general MLD Query on LAN interface
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Wait up to mldQueryInterval seconds for a general MLD Query on the LAN
    step 3. Repeat for 2 queries

    NOTE: This test will work with a multicast proxy implementation only.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_50 Multicast streams are not forwarded if no group members exist
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Allocate a multicast group that has no members on the LAN
    step 3. Forward UDP multicast packet from WAN to LAN using group
    step 4. Verify the packet is not received on the LAN

    NOTE: This test will work with a multicast proxy implementation only.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_51 Multicast streams are not forwarded after last member leaves group
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Join a multicast group on the LAN interface
    step 3. Send a UDP packet to the multicast group from the WAN
    step 4. Verify the multicast packet is received on the LAN
    step 5. Send a MLD Leave packet on the LAN interface for group
    step 6. Wait for the multicast cache to expire
    step 7. Forward UDP multicast packet from WAN to LAN using group
    step 8. Verify the packet is not received on the LAN

    NOTE: This test will work with a multicast proxy implementation only.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_52 Multicast streams are not forwarded after last member ages out
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Join a multicast group on the LAN interface
    step 3. Send a UDP packet to the multicast group from the WAN
    step 4. Verify the multicast packet is received on the LAN
    step 5. Wait for the multicast group to expire
    step 6. Forward UDP multicast packet from WAN to LAN using group
    step 7. Verify the packet is not received on the LAN

    NOTE: This test will work with a multicast proxy implementation only.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6

    NOTE: The amount of time it takes the multicast group to expire is
    based on the mldQueryInterval, mldRobustnessVariable, and
    mldQueryResponseInterval. These can all be configured using the
    following testvars:

      testvar mldQueryInterval 125
      testvar mldRobustnessVariable 2
      testvar mldQueryResponseInterval 10
ipv6_mcast_53 MLD proxy interface answers MLD general query requests
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Join a multicast group on the LAN interface
    step 3. Wait up to 10 seconds for MLD membership report on the WAN
    step 4. Issue an MLD Membership query to ff02::1 on WAN for group address ::
    step 5. Verify router's WAN side responds with MLD membership report for
            the multicast group

    NOTE: This test will work with a multicast proxy implementation only.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_54 MLD proxy interface answers MLD specific query requests
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Join a multicast group on the LAN interface
    step 3. Wait up to 10 seconds for MLD membership report on the WAN
    step 4. Issue an MLD Membership query to ff02::1 on WAN for specific group address
    step 5. Verify router's WAN side responds with MLD membership report for
            the multicast group

    NOTE: This test will work with a multicast proxy implementation only.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_60 Verify MLD router sends MLD Group Specific Query after last member leaves group
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Send an MLDv1/2 Membership Report packet on the LAN interface
    step 3. Send an MLDv2 Leave or MLDv2 Memebership packet on the LAN interface
            to leave the multicast group
    step 4. Verify an MLDv1/2 Query packet is sent on the LAN interface
            to the specific multicast group. If mldFastLeave is set
            to yes, verify that no MLD Query is sent.

    NOTE: This test will work with a multicast proxy implementation only.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6

    NOTE: If the device supports MLD Fast Leave, the testvar mldFastLeave
    should be set to yes. In this case, the test case will verify that
    no group specific MLD query is sent after the MLD Leave.
ipv6_mcast_70 Verify MLD router sends MLD Leave after last group member ages out
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Send an MLDv1/2 Membership Report packet on the LAN interface
    step 3. Verify an MLDv1/2 Membership Report packet is received on the WAN interface
    step 4. For MLDv2, verify group record is CHANGE_TO_EXCLUDE_MODE for the group
            with an empty source list.
    step 5. Let group member on the LAN age out. No responses will sent to MLD
            queries and no MLD Leave will be sent.
    step 6. Verify MLD leave or MLDv2 membership report is received for the group
            on the WAN interface
    step 7. For MLDv2, verify group record is CHANGE_TO_INCLUDE_MODE for the group
            with an empty source list.

    NOTE: This test will work with either a multicast pass through implementation
    or a multicast proxy implementation.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6

    NOTE: The amount of time it takes the multicast group to expire is
    based on the mldQueryInterval, mldRobustnessVariable, and
    mldQueryResponseInterval. These can all be configured using the
    following testvars:

      testvar mldQueryInterval 125
      testvar mldRobustnessVariable 2
      testvar mldQueryResponseInterval 10
ipv6_mcast_100 Verify the maximum number of multicast groups received on the LAN
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Join mldMaxGroups multicast groups on the LAN interface
    step 3. Forward a multicast UDP packet from the WAN to each group
    step 4. Verify each group is received on the LAN interface
    step 5. Send a MLD Leave for each multicast group

    NOTE: This test will work with either a multicast pass through implementation
    or a multicast proxy implementation.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6

    NOTE: You can slow down the rate at which CDRouter will join each group
    by configuring the testvar ipv6MulticastScaleDelay. It defaults to 1

    testvar ipv6MulticastScaleDelay 1
ipv6_mcast_110 Verify IPTV channel change test scenario 1 (no overlap)
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Check the testvar ipv6IptvChannelRange to determine the number of channels
    step 3. For each channel, join the multicast group on the LAN
    step 4. Verify the MLDv1 or MLDv2 report is received in the WAN
    step 5. Start sending multicast data on the WAN for the new group
    step 6. Verify the LAN side starts to receive the multicast data
    step 7. Wait for a small delay determined by testvar ipv6IptvChannelChangeDelay
    step 8. Leave the multicast group on the LAN using MLDv1/2
    step 9. Switch to the next channel or exit if too many failures have occured

    NOTE: There are a few test variables that can control the number of channels
    and speed of this test.

    The testvar ipv6IptvChannelChangeDelay specifies a delay in milliseconds to wait
    between each channel change.

    The testvar ipv6IptvChannelRange specifies the total number of channel changes to

    The testvar ipv6IptvMaxFailures is used to stop the test after a specific number
    of failures. When testing a large number of channels, it can be useful
    to stop the test earily is many channels start failing.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_120 Verify IPTV channel change test scenario 2 (overlap)
step 1. Send an MLDv1/2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Check the testvar ipv6IptvChannelRange to determine the number of channels
    step 3. For each channel, join the multicast group on the LAN
    step 4. Verify the MLDv1 or MLDv2 report is received in the WAN
    step 5. Leave any previous multicast group for the last channel
    step 6. Start sending multicast data on the WAN for the new group
    step 7. Verify the LAN side starts to receive the multicast data
    step 8. Wait for a small delay determined by testvar ipv6IptvChannelChangeDelay
    step 9. Switch to the next channel or exit if too many failures have occured

    NOTE: There are a few test variables that can control the number of channels
    and speed of this test.

    The testvar ipv6IptvChannelChangeDelay specifies a delay in milliseconds to wait
    between each channel change.

    The testvar ipv6IptvChannelRange specifies the total number of channel changes to

    The testvar ipv6IptvMaxFailures is used to stop the test after a specific number
    of failures. When testing a large number of channels, it can be useful
    to stop the test earily is many channels start failing.

    Reference: RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery for IPv6
    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_200 Verify MLDv2 membership with source specific ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES/BLOCK_OLD_SOURCES
step 1. Send an MLDv2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Send an MLDv2 Membership Report packet on the LAN interface
            with ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES record containing specific source
    step 3. Verify an MLDv2 Membership Report packet is received on the WAN interface
    step 4. Verify group record is ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES for the group
            with a matching source list.
    step 5. Verify multicast forwarding from WAN to LAN for new group using
            the specific source address.
    step 6. Continue test using an MLDv2 BLOCK_OLD_SOURCES to leave the multicast group
    step 7. Verify group record is BLOCK_OLD_SOURCES for the group
            with a matching source list.

    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_210 Verify MLDv2 router blocks incoming multicast sources that do not match the source list
step 1. Send an MLDv2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Send an MLDv2 Membership Report packet on the LAN interface
            with ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES record containing specific source
    step 3. Verify an MLDv2 Membership Report packet is received on the WAN interface
    step 4. Verify group record is ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES for the group
            with a matching source list.
    step 5. Verify multicast forwarding fails from WAN to LAN for new group using
            the different source address.
    step 6. Continue test using an MLDv2 BLOCK_OLD_SOURCES to leave the multicast group
    step 7. Verify group record is BLOCK_OLD_SOURCES for the group
            with a matching source list.

    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_220 Verify MLDv2 router blocks incoming sources on a per group basis
step 1. Send an MLDv2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Send an MLDv2 Membership Report packet on the LAN interface
            with ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES record containing specific source
    step 3. Verify an MLDv2 Membership Report packet is received on the WAN interface
    step 4. Verify group record is ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES for the group
            with a matching source list.
    step 5. Verify multicast forwarding from WAN to LAN for new group using
            the specific source address.
    step 6. Verify multicast forwarding fails from WAN to LAN for a different group
            using the same specific source address.
    step 7. Continue test using an MLDv2 BLOCK_OLD_SOURCES to leave the multicast group
    step 8. Verify group record is BLOCK_OLD_SOURCES for the group
            with a matching source list.

    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_230 Verify MLDv2 source specific group with multiple sources
step 1. Send an MLDv2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Create a new server on the WAN for a multicast source
    step 3. Send an MLDv2 Membership Report packet on the LAN interface
            with ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES record containing multiple specific source
    step 4. Verify an MLDv2 Membership Report packet is received on the WAN interface
    step 5. Verify group record is ALLOW_NEW_SOURCES for the group
            with a matching source list.
    step 6. Verify multicast forwarding from WAN to LAN for new group using
            the specific source address from source address 1.
    step 7. Verify multicast forwarding from WAN to LAN for new group using
            the specific source address from source address 2.
    step 8. Continue test using an MLDv2 BLOCK_OLD_SOURCES to leave the multicast group
    step 9. Verify group record is BLOCK_OLD_SOURCES for the group
            with a matching source list.

    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_240 Verify MLDv2 general query requests with source specific memberships
step 1. Send an MLDv2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Join a multicast group on the LAN interface
    step 3. Wait up to 10 seconds for MLD membership report on the WAN
    step 4. Issue an MLD Membership query to ff02::1 on WAN for group ::
    step 5. Verify router's WAN side responds with MLD membership report for
            the multicast group

    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_250 Verify MLDv2 specific query requests with source specific memberships
step 1. Send an MLDv2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Join a multicast group on the LAN interface
    step 3. Wait up to 10 seconds for MLD membership report on the WAN
    step 4. Issue an MLD Membership query on WAN for specific group address
    step 5. Verify router's WAN side responds with MLD membership report for
            the multicast group

    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_260 Verify MLDv2 group and source specific query requests
step 1. Send an MLDv2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 1. Join a multicast group on the LAN interface
    step 2. Wait up to 10 seconds for MLD membership report on the WAN
    step 3. Issue an MLD Membership query on WAN for specific group address
    step 4. Verify router's WAN side responds with MLD membership report for
            the multicast group

    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_300 Verify MLDv2 maximum number of multicast groups with multiple group records
step 1. Send an MLDv2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Join mldMaxGroups multicast groups on the LAN interface using
            multiple group records in a single MLDv2 membership report
    step 3. Forward a multicast UDP packet from the WAN to each group
    step 4. Verify each group is received on the LAN interface
    step 5. Send a MLD Leave for each multicast group

    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ipv6_mcast_310 Verify MLDv2 source specific IPTV channel change test scenario
step 1. Send an MLDv2 Query on the WAN to allow device to detect MLD version
    step 2. Check the testvar ipv6IptvChannelRange to determine the number of channels
    step 3. For each channel, join the multicast group on the LAN
    step 4. Verify the MLDv2 report is received in the WAN
    step 5. Start sending multicast data on the WAN for the new group
    step 6. Verify the LAN side starts to receive the multicast data
    step 7. Wait for a small delay determined by testvar ipv6IptvChannelChangeDelay
    step 8. Send new MLDv2 report to leave current channel and join next channel
            or exit if too many failures have occured

    NOTE: There are a few test variables that can control the number of channels
    and speed of this test.

    The testvar ipv6IptvChannelChangeDelay specifies a delay in milliseconds to wait
    between each channel change.

    The testvar ipv6IptvChannelRange specifies the total number of channel changes to

    The testvar ipv6IptvMaxFailures is used to stop the test after a specific number
    of failures. When testing a large number of channels, it can be useful
    to stop the test earily is many channels start failing.

    Reference: RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 for IPv6
ula (15) IPv6 unique local address (ULA) test module
ula_1 Verify Router Advertisements include valid unique local prefix
step 1. Listen for Router Advertisements on the LAN for up to one Router
            Advertisement interval
    step 2. Verify at least one Router Advertisement contains a valid unique
            local prefix that matches the expected unique local prefix
            configured using the testvar ipv6LanUlaPrefix
    step 3. Verify that the unique local prefix discovered in Step 2 contains
            a valid lifetime

    References: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
                Section 4.6.2 "Prefix Information"
                IETF RFC 4193 - Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses

    NOTE: The testvar ipv6LanUlaPrefix must be configured to match the
    expected unique local prefix advertised by the DUT.
ula_2 Verify Route Information option is advertised for unique local prefix
step 1. Listen for Router Advertisements on the LAN for up to one Router
            Advertisement interval
    step 2. Verify at least one Router Advertisement contains a valid unique
            local prefix that matches the expected unique local prefix
            configured using the testvar ipv6LanUlaPrefix
    step 3. Verify that the unique local prefix discovered in Step 2 contains
            a valid lifetime
    step 4. Verify that the DUT includes a Route Information option for the
            unqiue local prefix discovered in Step 2

    References: IETF RFC 6204 - IPv6 CE Router Requirements, Requirement L-3:

                An IPv6 CE router MUST advertise itself as a router for the
                delegated prefix(es) (and ULA prefix if configured to provide
                ULA addressing) using the "Route Information Option" specified
                in Section 2.3 of [RFC4191].  This advertisement is
                independent of having or not having IPv6 connectivity on the
                WAN interface.

    NOTE: The testvar ipv6LanUlaPrefix must be configured to match the
    expected unique local prefix advertised by the DUT.
ula_3 Verify advertised unique local prefix includes A bit and L bit based on LAN settings
step 1. Listen for Router Advertisements on the LAN for up to one Router
            Advertisement interval
    step 2. Verify at least one Router Advertisement contains a valid unique
            local prefix that matches the expected unique local prefix
            configured using the testvar ipv6LanUlaPrefix
    step 3. Verify that the unique local prefix discovered in Step 2 contains
            a valid lifetime
    step 4. Check the autonomous address-configuration flag (A bit) in the
            Router Advertisement received in Step 1
    step 5. If the DUT is configured to provide global addresses via DHCPv6 on
            the LAN, the A bit should not be set; if autoconfiguration is used
            instead, the A bit should be set
    step 6. Verify that the prefix discovered in Step 2 has the on-link flag
            (L bit) set

    References: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
                Section 4.6.2 "Prefix Information"
                IETF RFC 4193 - Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses

    NOTE: This test is designed to work with DUT's that support only a single
    LAN mode for address autoconfiguration, either DHCPv6 or autoconfiguration.
    DUT configurations in which both modes are enabled simultaneously (where
    the 'A' and 'M' bits are both set) are not currently supported by this test.

    NOTE: The testvar ipv6LanUlaPrefix must be configured to match the
    expected unique local prefix advertised by the DUT.
ula_4 Verify DUT responds to Neighbor Solicitations for its IPv6 unique local address
step 1. Send a Neighbor Solicitation on the LAN for the DUT's IPv6 unique
            local address
    step 2. Wait for a Neighbor Advertisement from the DUT
    step 3. Verify fields of Neighbor Advertisement

    Reference: IETF RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ula_5 Verify that DUT does not advertise unique local prefixes on the WAN
step 1. Send a Router Solicitation from the WAN
    step 2. Wait to see if DUT sends a Router Advertisement on the WAN
    step 3. Verify that Router Advertisement does not contain any unique local

    NOTE: The testvar ipv6ExpectRAonWan determines if this test should
    expect to see Router Advertisements from the DUT on the WAN

    Reference: RFC 4861 - Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
ula_10 Verify unique local prefix is advertised when WAN link is down
step 1. Bring down WAN link
    step 2. Listen for IPv6 Router Advertisements on the LAN from DUT
    step 3. Verify that the Router Advertisement contains a valid prefix
            information option for the expected unique local prefix
    step 4. Bring up WAN link

    Reference: IETF RFC 6204 - IPv6 CE Router Requirements
               Section 4.3: LAN-Side Configuration

    NOTE: The testvar ipv6LanUlaPrefix must be configured to match the
    expected unique local prefix advertised by the DUT.
ula_11 Verify Route Information option for unique local prefix is valid when WAN link is down
step 1. Bring down WAN link
    step 2. Listen for Router Advertisements on the LAN for up to one Router
            Advertisement interval
    step 3. Verify that the Router Advertisement contains a valid prefix
            information option for the expected unique local prefix
    step 4. Verify that the Router Advertisement contains a valid route
            information option for the expected unique local prefix
    step 5. Bring up WAN link

    Reference: IETF RFC 6204 - IPv6 CE Router Requirements
               Section 4.3: LAN-Side Configuration

    NOTE: The testvar ipv6LanUlaPrefix must be configured to match the
    expected unique local prefix advertised by the DUT.
ula_12 Verify DUT does not advertise itself as a default router when WAN link is down
step 1. Bring down WAN link
    step 2. Listen for Router Advertisements on the LAN for up to one Router
            Advertisement interval
    step 3. Verify that the Router Advertisement contains only prefix
            information options for unique local prefixes
    step 4. Verify that the advertised Router Lifetime is not greater than 0
    step 5. Bring up WAN link

    Reference: IETF RFC 6204 - IPv6 CE Router Requirements, Requirement ULA-5:

               An IPv6 CE router MUST NOT advertise itself as a default
               router with a Router Lifetime greater than zero whenever all
               of its configured and delegated prefixes are ULA prefixes.

    NOTE: The testvar ipv6LanUlaPrefix must be configured to match the
    expected unique local prefix advertised by the DUT.
ula_20 Verify DUT responds to ICMPv6 Echo Requests to its IPv6 unique local address from LAN
step 1. Initiate an outbound ICMPv6 Echo Request to the DUT's IPv6 unique
            local address
    step 2. Verify ICMPv6 Echo Reply is received
    step 3. Verify the IPv6 source address is a unique local address
ula_21 Verify DUT responds to ICMPv6 Echo Requests to the All-Routers group from a unique local prefix
step 1. Initiaite an outbound ICMPv6 Ping to ff02::2 from the LAN client's
            unique local address
    step 2. Verify ICMPv6 Echo Reply is received
ula_22 Verify DUT responds to ICMPv6 Echo Requests to the All Nodes group from a unique local IPv6 address
step 1. Send an ICMPv6 Echo Request from the LAN client's unique local
            address to the All-Nodes Multicast group (ff02::1)
    step 2. Wait for an ICMPv6 Echo Response
    step 3. Verify the Echo Response is from the DUT
    step 4. Continue waiting until the DUT responds, or timeout
ula_30 Verify packets with IPv6 unique local source addresses are not forwarded to the WAN
step 1. Force the LAN client to transmit using its IPv6 unique local address
    step 2. Forward an IPv6 packet from the LAN client to the IPv6 remote host
            on the WAN
    step 3. Verify the packet is not forwarded
ula_31 Verify packets with IPv6 unique local destination addresses are not forwarded to the WAN
step 1. Force the LAN client to transmit using its IPv6 global address
    step 2. Create a new IPv6 host on the WAN with only unique local address
    step 3. Forward an IPv6 packet from the LAN client to the new IPv6 host on
            the WAN
    step 4. Verify the packet is not forwarded
ula_32 Verify packets with IPv6 unique local source addresses are not forwarded to the LAN
step 1. Create a new IPv6 host on the WAN with only unique local address
    step 2. Forward an IPv6 packet from the new host on the WAN to the LAN
            client using the LAN client's global address as the destination
    step 3. Verify the packet is not forwarded
ula_33 Verify packets with IPv6 unique local destination addresses are not forwarded to the LAN
step 1. Set the IPv6 remote host on the WAN to send using its global address
    step 2. Forward an IPv6 packet from the new host on the WAN to the LAN
            client using the LAN client's unique local address as the destination
    step 3. Verify the packet is not forwarded
static-v6 (4) IPv6 static route related tests
static_v6_1 Verify all LAN IPv6 static routes with LAN side traffic only
step 1. Find all configured IPv6 static routes with next hops on the LAN interface
    step 2. Create new gateways for each next hop on the LAN
    step 3. Send ICMPv6 Echo Request to a host within the static route from the LAN host
    step 4. Verify that the host in the static route reponds with ICMPv6 Echo Reply

    NOTE: When configuring static routes on the CPE device, CDRouter expects
    that the next hop or gateway address is not contained within any LAN-side
    DHCPv6 address pools. CDRouter will create a new host for each next hop
static_v6_2 Verify all LAN IPv6 static routes with LAN to WAN traffic
step 1. Find all configured IPv6 static routes with next hops on the LAN interface
    step 2. Create new gateways for each nexthop on the LAN
    step 3. Send ICMPv6 Echo Request from host in static route network to the WAN side remoteHost
    step 4. Verify that the remoteHost on the WAN receives the ICMPv6 Echo Request
    step 5. Verify the WAN host ICMPv6 Echo Reply is received by the host in static route network

    NOTE: When configuring static routes on the CPE device, CDRouter expects
    that the next hop or gateway address is not contained within any LAN-side
    DHCPv6 address pools. CDRouter will create a new host for each next hop
static_v6_10 Verify all WAN IPv6 static routes
step 1. Find all configured IPv6 static routes with next hops on the WAN interface
    step 2. Create new gateways for each next hop on the WAN if not the ipv6WanIspIp
    step 3. Send ICMPv6 Echo Request to a host within the static route from the LAN host
    step 4. Verify that the host in the static route receives the ICMPv6 Echo Request
static_v6_20 Verify all WAN IPv6 static routes after WAN ISP address change
step 1. Find all configured IPv6 static routes with next hops on the WAN interface
    step 2. Create new gateways for each next hop on the WAN if not the wanIspIp
    step 3. Send ICMPv6 Echo Request to a host within the static route from the LAN host
    step 4. Verify that the host in the static route reponds with ICMPv6 Echo Reply

    NOTE: This test is intended to test static routes that are configured on the CPE
    device by specifying a next hop address of "Wan" instead of a specific IPv6 address.
    Most CPEs allow this type of static route configuration since the actual next hop will
    not be known during configuration when running a dynamic WAN protocol such as PPPoE,
    PPTP, L2TP, or DHCP.

    NOTE: This test is only run when the WAN protocol is dynamic.
cpe-v6 (27) IPv6 Forum CE (CPE) Conformance Test Specification tests
v6_cpe_1_1_a RA Prefix Information Option L-flag, L-flag=0 without Default Router
Purpose: Verify that the DUT properly processes the L-flag of the Prefix 
             Information Option in the RA.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 0 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 0
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. The DUT Transmits an Echo Request to PF2::a.
    step 3. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 3. The DUT must not perform any address resolution.

    NOTE: This test may be omitted if the DUT does not implement an
    application for sending ICMPv6 Echo Requests.

    NOTE: If the testvar interactiveTestMode is set to "skip", this test will
    not be run.  If the testvar interactiveTestMode is set to "prompt", the
    user will be prompted to cause the DUT to send the ICMPv6 Echo Request in
    step 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.1 RA Prefix Information Option L-Flag
               Part A: L-flag = 0 without Default Router
v6_cpe_1_1_b RA Prefix Information Option L-flag, L-flag=1 without Default Router
Purpose: Verify that the DUT properly processes the L-flag of the Prefix 
             Information Option in the RA.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA2 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 0 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. The DUT Transmits an Echo Request to PF2::a.
    step 3. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 3. The DUT must perform address resolution.

    NOTE: This test may be omitted if the DUT does not implement an
    application for sending ICMPv6 Echo Requests.

    NOTE: If the testvar interactiveTestMode is set to "skip", this test will
    not be run.  If the testvar interactiveTestMode is set to "prompt", the
    user will be prompted to cause the DUT to send the ICMPv6 Echo Request in
    step 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.1 RA Prefix Information Option L-Flag
               Part B: L-flag = 1 without Default Router
v6_cpe_1_1_c RA Prefix Information Option L-flag, L-flag=0 with Default Router
Purpose: Verify that the DUT properly processes the L-flag of the Prefix 
             Information Option in the RA.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA3 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 0
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. The DUT Transmits an Echo Request to PF2::a.
    step 3. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 3. The DUT must not perform any address resolution and transmits the Echo
            Request to TR1.

    NOTE: This test may be omitted if the DUT does not implement an
    application for sending ICMPv6 Echo Requests.

    NOTE: If the testvar interactiveTestMode is set to "skip", this test will
    not be run.  If the testvar interactiveTestMode is set to "prompt", the
    user will be prompted to cause the DUT to send the ICMPv6 Echo Request in
    step 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.1 RA Prefix Information Option L-Flag
               Part C: L-flag = 0 with Default Router
v6_cpe_1_1_d RA Prefix Information Option L-flag, L-flag=1 with Default Router
Purpose: Verify that the DUT properly processes the L-flag of the Prefix 
             Information Option in the RA.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA4 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. The DUT Transmits an Echo Request to PF2::a.
    step 3. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 3. The DUT must perform address resolution.

    NOTE: This test may be omitted if the DUT does not implement an
    application for sending ICMPv6 Echo Requests.

    NOTE: If the testvar interactiveTestMode is set to "skip", this test will
    not be run.  If the testvar interactiveTestMode is set to "prompt", the
    user will be prompted to cause the DUT to send the ICMPv6 Echo Request in
    step 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.1 RA Prefix Information Option L-Flag
               Part D: L-flag = 1 with Default Router
v6_cpe_1_2 DHCPv6 Option: Reconfigure Accept Option
Purpose: Verify that the DUT supports the DHCPv6 Reconfigure Accept Option.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 1
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.
    step 3. TR1 transmits an Echo Request to the DUT's global address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 2. The DUT transmits packets as per the DHCPv6 basic message exchange.
            The DUT transmits Solicit and Request messages. The DHCPv6 server
            replies with Advertise and Reply messages respectively.

            DHCPv6 Solicit Message           DHCPv6 Request Message
              IPv6 Header:                     IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 17            Next Header      = 17
              DHCPv6:                          DHCPv6:
                Message Type     = 1             Message Type     = 3
              Reconfigure Accept Option:       Reconfigure Accept Option:
                Option Code      = 20            Option Code      = 20
                Option Length    = 0             Option Length    = 0
              IA_PD Option:                    IA_PD Option:
                Option Code      = 25             Option Code     = 25
                                               IA_PD Prefix Option:
                                                 Option Code      = 26
                                                 Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                                                 Valid Lifetime   = 600
                                                 Prefix Length    = 60
                                                 IPv6 Prefix      = PF1

            DHCPv6 Advertise Message         DHCPv6 Reply Message
              IPv6 Header:                     IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 17            Next Header      = 17
              DHCPv6:                          DHCPv6:
                Message Type     = 2             Message Type     = 7
              Reconfigure Accept Option:       Reconfigure Accept Option:
                Option Code      = 20            Option Code      = 20
                Option Length    = 0             Option Length    = 0
              IA_PD Option:                    IA_PD Option:
                Option-Code      = 25             Option-Code     = 25
              IA_PD Prefix Option:             IA_PD Prefix Option:
                Option Code      = 26             Option Code     = 26
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600            Pref. Lifetime  = 600
                Valid Lifetime   = 600            Valid Lifetime  = 600
                Prefix Length    = 60             Prefix Length   = 60
                IPv6 Prefix      = PF1            IPv6 Prefix     = PF1

    step 4. The DUT must transmit an Echo Reply to TR1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.2 DHCPv6 Option: Reconfigure Accept Option
v6_cpe_1_3 RA M-flag is Set
Purpose: Verify that the DUT initiates DHCPv6 address assignment process 
             when the M-flag is set in a received RA.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 1
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.
    step 3. Wait for the DUT to configure a global address.
    step 4. TN3 transmits an Echo Request to the DUT's global address.
    step 5. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 2. The DUT transmits packets as per the DHCPv6 basic message exchange
            including an IA_NA option in the Request message.

            DHCPv6 Solicit Message           DHCPv6 Request Message
              IPv6 Header:                     IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 17            Next Header      = 17
              DHCPv6:                          DHCPv6:
                Message Type     = 1             Message Type     = 3
              IA_NA Option:                    IA_NA Option:
                Option Code      = 3             Option Code      = 3
                                               IA Address Option:
                                                 Option Code      = 5
                                                 IPv6 Address     = PF2::100

            DHCPv6 Advertise Message         DHCPv6 Reply Message
              IPv6 Header:                     IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 17            Next Header      = 17
              DHCPv6:                          DHCPv6:
                Message Type     = 2             Message Type     = 7
              IA_NA Option:                    IA_NA Option:
                Option Code      = 3             Option Code      = 3
              IA Address Option:               IA_NA Address Option:
                Option Code      = 5             Option Code      = 5
                IPv6 Address     = PF2::100      IPv6 Address     = PF2::100
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Valid Lifetime   = 600

    step 5. The DUT must transmit an Echo Reply to TN3.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.3 RA M-Flag is Set
v6_cpe_1_4 Weak Host Model
Purpose: Verify that the DUT supports the weak host model.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Enable DHCPv6-PD and wait 20 seconds to let the DUT perform the
            DHCPv6-PD process and assign addresses to TN1 on the LAN network.
            The DHCP server replies to all the DUT's messages with valid DHCP
    step 3. TR1 transmits an Echo Request to the DUT's LAN global address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 4. The DUT must reply to the Echo Reply to TR1 with the source address
            of the DUT LAN global address.

    NOTE: The subnet ID of the DUT's LAN global address in step 3 will
    be computed using the value of the testvar ipv6LanSubnetId.  The
    default is to use a subnet ID of 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.4 Weak Host Model
v6_cpe_1_5_a RA M and O flags Effect on DHCP Prefix Delegation, M-flag=0, O-flag=0
Purpose: Verify that the DUT initiates DHCPv6 prefix delegation regardless 
             of the M and O-flags in a received RA.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.
    step 3. TN3 transmits an Echo Request to the DUT's global address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 2. The DUT must follow the DHCPv6 message procedure defined in the
            DHCPv6 basic message exchange. The DUT transmits Solicit and Request
            messages. The DHCPv6 server replies with Advertise and Reply
            messages respectively.
    step 4. The DUT must respond to the Echo Request from TN3 with an Echo

    NOTE: Because the intent of the test is to verify that prefix delegation
    occurs, the Echo Request in step 3 will be sent to the DUT's global PF1

    NOTE: If the testvar cpeRebootMode is set to "skip", this test will not
    be run.  If the testvar cpeRebootMode is set to "reboot", the CPE will be
    restarted at the end of the test, either using the testvar RestartDUT or
    by prompting the user.

    NOTE: The subnet ID of the DUT's global address in step 3 will be
    computed using the value of the testvar ipv6LanSubnetId.  The
    default is to use a subnet ID of 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.5 RA M and O Flags Effect on DHCP Prefix Delegation
               Part A: M-Flag = 0, O-Flag = 0
v6_cpe_1_5_b RA M and O flags Effect on DHCP Prefix Delegation, M-flag=1, O-flag=0
Purpose: Verify that the DUT initiates DHCPv6 prefix delegation regardless 
             of the M and O-flags in a received RA.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA2 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 1
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.
    step 3. TN3 transmits an Echo Request to the DUT's global address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 2. The DUT must follow the DHCPv6 message procedure defined in the
            DHCPv6 basic message exchange. The DUT transmits Solicit and Request
            messages. The DHCPv6 server replies with Advertise and Reply
            messages respectively.
    step 4. The DUT must respond to the Echo Request from TN3 with an Echo

    NOTE: Because the intent of the test is to verify that prefix delegation
    occurs, the Echo Request in step 3 will be sent to the DUT's global PF1

    NOTE: The subnet ID of the DUT's global address in step 3 will be
    computed using the value of the testvar ipv6LanSubnetId.  The
    default is to use a subnet ID of 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.5 RA M and O Flags Effect on DHCP Prefix Delegation
               Part B: M-Flag = 1, O-Flag = 0
v6_cpe_1_5_c RA M and O flags Effect on DHCP Prefix Delegation, M-flag=0, O-flag=1
Purpose: Verify that the DUT initiates DHCPv6 prefix delegation regardless 
             of the M and O-flags in a received RA.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA3 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 1
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.
    step 3. TN3 transmits an Echo Request to the DUT's global address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 2. The DUT must follow the DHCPv6 message procedure defined in the
            DHCPv6 basic message exchange. The DUT transmits Solicit and Request
            messages. The DHCPv6 server replies with Advertise and Reply
            messages respectively.
    step 4. The DUT must respond to the Echo Request from TN3 with an Echo

    NOTE: Because the intent of the test is to verify that prefix delegation
    occurs, the Echo Request in step 3 will be sent to the DUT's global PF1

    NOTE: If the testvar cpeRebootMode is set to "skip", this test will not
    be run.  If the testvar cpeRebootMode is set to "reboot", the CPE will be
    restarted at the end of the test, either using the testvar RestartDUT or
    by prompting the user.

    NOTE: The subnet ID of the DUT's global address in step 3 will be
    computed using the value of the testvar ipv6LanSubnetId.  The
    default is to use a subnet ID of 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.5 RA M and O Flags Effect on DHCP Prefix Delegation
               Part C: M-Flag = 0, O-Flag = 1
v6_cpe_1_5_d RA M and O flags Effect on DHCP Prefix Delegation, M-flag=1, O-flag=1
Purpose: Verify that the DUT initiates DHCPv6 prefix delegation regardless 
             of the M and O-flags in a received RA.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA4 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 1
                O-flag           = 1
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.
    step 3. TN3 transmits an Echo Request to the DUT's global address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 2. The DUT must follow the DHCPv6 message procedure defined in the
            DHCPv6 basic message exchange. The DUT transmits Solicit and Request
            messages. The DHCPv6 server replies with Advertise and Reply
            messages respectively.
    step 4. The DUT must respond to the Echo Request from TN3 with an Echo

    NOTE: Because the intent of the test is to verify that prefix delegation
    occurs, the Echo Request in step 3 will be sent to the DUT's global PF1

    NOTE: The subnet ID of the DUT's global address in step 3 will be
    computed using the value of the testvar ipv6LanSubnetId.  The
    default is to use a subnet ID of 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.5 RA M and O Flags Effect on DHCP Prefix Delegation
               Part D: M-Flag = 1, O-Flag = 1
v6_cpe_1_6 No Global Address is Configured
Purpose: Verify that the DUT creates its global IPv6 address from its 
             delegated prefix if it does not acquire global IPv6 address from 
             SLAAC or DHCPv6.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 with no prefix on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 1
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds

    step 2. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.
    step 3. TN3 transmits an Echo Request to the DUT's global address with
            prefix PF1.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 2. The DUT must follow the DHCPv6 message procedure defined in the
            DHCPv6 basic message exchange. The DUT transmits Solicit and Request
            messages. The DHCPv6 server replies with Advertise and Reply
            messages respectively. The DUT must perform DAD on its WAN

            DHCPv6 Solicit Message           DHCPv6 Request Message
              IPv6 Header:                     IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 17            Next Header      = 17
              DHCPv6:                          DHCPv6:
                Message Type     = 1             Message Type     = 3
              IA_NA Option:                    IA_PD Option:
                Option Code      = 3             Option Code      = 25
              IA_PD Option:                    IA_PD Prefix Option:
                Option Code      = 25            Option Code      = 26
                                                 Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                                                 Valid Lifetime   = 600
                                                 Prefix Length    = 60
                                                 IPv6 Prefix      = PF1

            DHCPv6 Advertise Message         DHCPv6 Reply Message
              IPv6 Header:                     IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 17            Next Header      = 17
              DHCPv6:                          DHCPv6:
                Message Type     = 2             Message Type     = 7
              IA_PD Option:                    IA_PD Option:
                Option-Code      = 25             Option-Code     = 25
              IA_PD Prefix Option:             IA_PD Prefix Option:
                Option Code      = 26             Option Code     = 26
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600            Pref. Lifetime  = 600
                Valid Lifetime   = 600            Valid Lifetime  = 600
                Prefix Length    = 60             Prefix Length   = 60
                IPv6 Prefix      = PF1            IPv6 Prefix     = PF1

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
                Source Address   = Unspecified address (::)
                Dest. Address    = Solicited multicast of the DUT's tentative
                                   global address
                Hop Limit        = 255
              Neighbor Solicitation:
                Target Address   = The DUT's tentative global address

    step 4. The DUT must transmit and Echo Reply to TN3.

    NOTE: If the testvar cpeRebootMode is set to "skip", this test will not
    be run.  If the testvar cpeRebootMode is set to "reboot", the CPE will be
    restarted at the end of the test, either using the testvar RestartDUT or
    by prompting the user.

    NOTE: The subnet ID of the DUT's global address in step 3 will be
    computed using the value of the testvar ipv6LanSubnetId.  The
    default is to use a subnet ID of 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.6 No Global Address is Configured
v6_cpe_1_7 Different DHCPv6 Prefix Size from Hint
Purpose: Verify that the DUT accepts a different delegated prefix length 
             from its hint.

    Test Setup:

    Configure the hint of the prefix length of DUT less than 64.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 0
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.
    step 3. TN3 transmits an Echo Request to TN1's global address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 2. The DUT must follow the DHCPv6 message procedure defined in the
            DHCPv6 basic message exchange. The DUT transmits Solicit and Request
            messages. The DHCPv6 server replies with Advertise and Reply
            messages respectively.

            DHCPv6 Solicit Message           DHCPv6 Request Message
              IPv6 Header:                     IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 17            Next Header      = 17
              DHCPv6:                          DHCPv6:
                Message Type     = 1             Message Type     = 3
              IA_PD Option:                    IA_PD Option:
                Option Code      = 25            Option Code      = 25
              IA_PD Prefix Option:             IA_PD Prefix Option:
                Option Code      = 26            Option Code      = 26
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600           Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Valid Lifetime   = 600           Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix Length    = <64           Prefix Length    = <64
                IPv6 Prefix      = PF1           IPv6 Prefix      = PF1

            DHCPv6 Advertise Message         DHCPv6 Reply Message
              IPv6 Header:                     IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 17            Next Header      = 17
              DHCPv6:                          DHCPv6:
                Message Type     = 2             Message Type     = 7
              IA_PD Option:                    IA_PD Option:
                Option-Code      = 25             Option-Code     = 25
              IA_PD Prefix Option:             IA_PD Prefix Option:
                Option Code      = 26             Option Code     = 26
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600            Pref. Lifetime  = 600
                Valid Lifetime   = 600            Valid Lifetime  = 600
                Prefix Length    = 64             Prefix Length   = 64
                IPv6 Prefix      = PF1            IPv6 Prefix     = PF1

    step 4. The DUT must forward the Echo Request to TN1 and Echo Reply from TN1

            The prefix destination address of the Echo Request must be PF1 which
            has a prefix length of 64.

    Possible Problems:

    This test may be omitted if the DUT does not implement an
    application for sending ICMPv6 Echo Requests.

    NOTE: The subnet ID of the TN1's global address in step 3 will be
    computed using the value of the testvar ipv6LanSubnetId.  The
    default is to use a subnet ID of 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.7 Different DHCPv6 Prefix Size for Hint
v6_cpe_1_8 Prevent Forwarding Loops
Purpose: Verify that the DUT prevents forwarding loops when  some addresses 
             covered by the aggregate are not reachable.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Wait 20 seconds to let the DUT perform the DHCPv6-PD process and
            assign addresses to the LAN side hosts with prefix PF1.
    step 3. TN3 transmits an Echo Request to an address that was not assigned to
            the LAN interface, but the prefix must be PF1.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 4. The DUT must not forward the Echo Request to the LAN interface.

            The DUT should send an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message to
            TN3. The code field must be set to "0".

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.1.8 Prevent Forwarding Loops
v6_cpe_2_1_a Assign /64 Prefixes to LAN Interfaces, Prefix Length of /64
Purpose: Verify that the DUT assigns /64 addresses from prefix delegation to
             the LAN interfaces.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

            RA1                                  RS1
              IPv6 Header:                         IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:                  Dest. Address    = ff02::2
                M-flag           = 0               Router Solicitation:
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Wait 20 seconds to allow the DUT to perform the DHCPv6-PD process
            and assign address to the LAN side hosts. The prefix length is 64.
    step 3. TN1 transmits RS1 to the all-routers address on the LAN network.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.
    step 5. TN1 transmits an Echo Request to TN3.
    step 6. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 4. The DUT must transmit RA2 with /64 prefix.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 1
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF1

    step 6. The DUT must forward the Echo Request to TN3.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.2.1 Assign /64 Prefixes to LAN Interfaces
               Part A: Prefix Length of /64
v6_cpe_2_1_b Assign /64 Prefixes to LAN Interfaces, Prefix Length of /48
Purpose: Verify that the DUT assigns /64 addresses from prefix delegation to
             the LAN interfaces.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

            RA1                                  RS1
              IPv6 Header:                         IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:                  Dest. Address    = ff02::2
                M-flag           = 0               Router Solicitation:
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 48
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Wait 20 seconds to allow the DUT to perform the DHCPv6-PD process
            and assign address to the LAN side hosts. The prefix length is 48.
    step 3. TN1 transmits RS1 to the all-routers address on the LAN network.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.
    step 5. TN1 transmits an Echo Request to TN3.
    step 6. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 4. The DUT must transmit RA2 with /64 prefix.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 1
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF1

    step 6. The DUT must forward the Echo Request to TN3.

    NOTE: The subnet ID of the DUT's expected LAN prefix in step 4
    will be computed using the value of the testvar ipv6LanSubnetId.
    The default is to use a subnet ID of 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.2.1 Assign /64 Prefixes to LAN Interfaces
               Part B: Prefix Length of /48
v6_cpe_2_1_c Assign /64 Prefixes to LAN Interfaces, Prefix Length of /56
Purpose: Verify that the DUT assigns /64 addresses from prefix delegation to
             the LAN interfaces.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

            RA1                                  RS1
              IPv6 Header:                         IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:                  Dest. Address    = ff02::2
                M-flag           = 0               Router Solicitation:
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 56
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Wait 20 seconds to allow the DUT to perform the DHCPv6-PD process
            and assign address to the LAN side hosts. The prefix length is 56.
    step 3. TN1 transmits RS1 to the all-routers address on the LAN network.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.
    step 5. TN1 transmits an Echo Request to TN3.
    step 6. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 4. The DUT must transmit RA2 with /64 prefix.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 1
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF1

    step 6. The DUT must forward the Echo Request to TN3.

    NOTE: The subnet ID of the DUT's expected LAN prefix in step 4
    will be computed using the value of the testvar ipv6LanSubnetId.
    The default is to use a subnet ID of 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.2.1 Assign /64 Prefixes to LAN Interfaces
               Part C: Prefix Length of /56
v6_cpe_2_2_a RA Route Information Option, Having WAN Connectivity
Purpose: Verify that the DUT advertises itself as a router for the delegated
             prefix using the Route Information Option and the advertising is 
             independent of having or not IPv6 connectivity on WAN. 


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

            RA1                                  RS1
              IPv6 Header:                         IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:                  Dest. Address    = ff02::2
                M-flag           = 0               Router Solicitation:
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Wait 20 seconds to allow the DUT to perform the DHCPv6-PD process
            and assign address to the LAN side hosts.
    step 3. TN1 transmits RS1 to the all-routers address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.
    step 5. TN1 transmits an Echo Request to TN3's global address.
    step 6. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 4. The DUT must transmit RA2 with a Route Information option.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 1
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF1
              Route Information Option:
                Type             = 24
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Prefix Lifetime  = 600
                Prefix           = PF1

    step 6. The DUT must forward the Echo Request to TN3.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.2.2 RA Route Information Option
               Part A: Having WAN Connectivity
v6_cpe_2_2_b RA Route Information Option, Without WAN Connectivity
Purpose: Verify that the DUT advertises itself as a router for the delegated
             prefix using the Route Information Option and the advertising is 
             independent of having or not IPv6 connectivity on WAN. 


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

            RA1                                  RS1
              IPv6 Header:                         IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:                  Dest. Address    = ff02::2
                M-flag           = 0               Router Solicitation:
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Wait 20 seconds to allow the DUT to perform the DHCPv6-PD
            process and assign address to the LAN side hosts.  The
            IA_PD lifetime is three times that of the IA_NA lifetime.
    step 3. Disable the DUT's connection on the WAN network.
    step 4. Wait for 20 seconds.
    step 5. TN1 transmits RS1 to the all-routers address.
    step 6. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 6. The DUT must transmit RA3 with a Route Information option.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 1
                Router Lifetime  = 0 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF1
              Route Information Option:
                Type             = 24
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Prefix Lifetime  = 600
                Prefix           = PF1

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.2.2 RA Route Information Option
               Part B: Without WAN Connectivity
v6_cpe_2_3_a No Prefixes Delegated
Purpose: Verify that the DUT does not advertise itself as a default router 
             if no prefixes are configured or delegated. 


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 with no prefixes on the WAN network.

            RA1                                  RS1
              IPv6 Header:                         IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:                  Dest. Address    = ff02::2
                M-flag           = 0               Router Solicitation:
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds

    step 2. Wait 20 seconds to allow the DUT to perform the DHCPv6-PD process.
            DHCPv6 server delegated no prefix.
    step 3. TN1 transmits RS1 to the all-routers address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 4. The DUT must transmit RA2 with router lifetime of 0 in response to
            the Router Solicitation.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 1
                Router Lifetime  = 0 seconds

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.2.3 No Prefixes Delegated
               Part A: No Prefixes Delegated
v6_cpe_2_3_b No Prefixes Delegated, Delegated Prefix Expired
Purpose: Verify that the DUT does not advertise itself as a default router 
             if no prefixes are configured or delegated. 


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

            RA1                                  RS1
              IPv6 Header:                         IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:                  Dest. Address    = ff02::2
                M-flag           = 0               Router Solicitation:
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 30
                Pref. Lifetime   = 30
                Prefix           = PF1

    step 2. Wait 20 seconds to allow the DUT to perform the DHCPv6-PD process.
    step 3. TN1 transmits RS1 to the all-routers address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.
    step 5. Wait for delegated prefix to expire.
    step 6. TN1 transmits RS1 to the all-routers address.
    step 7. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 4. The DUT must transmit RA3 with router lifetime greater than 0 in
            response to the Router Solicitation.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 1
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF1

    step 7. The DUT must transmit RA2 with Router Lifetime of 0 in response to
            the Router Solicitation.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 1
                Router Lifetime  = 0 seconds

    NOTE: The subnet ID of the DUT's expected LAN prefix in step 4
    will be computed using the value of the testvar ipv6LanSubnetId.
    The default is to use a subnet ID of 1.

    NOTE: The valid-lifetime of the delegated IA_PD prefix in step 2
    is dictated by the testvar dhcpv6IAValidLifetime.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.2.3 No Prefixes Delegated
               Part B: Delegated Prefix Expired
v6_cpe_2_4 Advertising to Each LAN Inteface
Purpose: Verify that the DUT makes each LAN interface an advertising 


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

            RA1                                  RS1
              IPv6 Header:                         IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:                  Dest. Address    = ff02::2
                M-flag           = 0               Router Solicitation:
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Wait 20 seconds to allow the DUT to perform the DHCPv6-PD process
            and assign addresses to the LAN side hosts.
    step 3. TN1 transmits RS1 to the all-routers address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 4. The DUT must transmit RA2 with Prefix Information option. The A and
            L flags of the Prefix Information option must be set to 1.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 1
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF1

    NOTE: The subnet ID of the DUT's expected LAN prefix in step 4
    will be computed using the value of the testvar ipv6LanSubnetId.
    The default is to use a subnet ID of 1.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.2.4 Advertising to Each LAN Interface
v6_cpe_2_5 Delegated Prefix Changed
Purpose: Verify that the DUT properly advertises RA when the delegated 
             prefix changed. 


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 on the WAN network.

              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.
    step 3. TN1 transmits and Echo Request to TN3's global address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.
    step 5. Wait for PF1 to expire.
    step 6. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.
    step 7. The DHCPv6 server transmits Reply message 1 with the new prefix PF4
            to the DUT.

            Reply Message 1
              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 17
                Message Type     = 7
              IA_PD Option:
                Option Code      = 25
              IA_PD Prefix Option:
                Option Code      = 26
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix Length    = 60
                Prefix           = PF4

    step 8. TN3 transmits an Echo Request to TN1's prefix PF1 global address.
    step 9. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.
    step 10. TN3 transmits an Echo Request to TN1's prefix PF4 global address.
    step 11. Observe the packets transmitted on the LAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 2. The DUT must follow the DHCPv6 message procedure defined in the
            DHCPv6 basic message exchange. The DUT transmits Solicit message
            and Request message. The DHCPv6 server replies with Advertise
            message 1 and Reply message 1 respectively.

            The prefix is PF1.

            Advertise Message 1                  Reply Message 1
              IPv6 Header:                         IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 17                Next Header      = 17
              DHCPv6:                              DHCPv6:
                Message Type     = 2                 Message Type     = 7
              IA_PD Option:                        IA_PD Option:
                Option Code      = 25                Option Code      = 25
              IA_PD Prefix Option:                 IA_PD Prefix Option:
                Option Code      = 26                Option Code      = 26
                Pref. Lifetime   = 60                Pref. Lifetime   = 60
                Valid Lifetime   = 60                Valid Lifetime   = 60
                Prefix Length    = 60                Prefix Length    = 60
                Prefix           = PF1               Prefix           = PF1

    step 4. The DUT must forward the Echo Request to TN3. The DUT must forward
            the Echo Reply from TN3 to TN1.
    step 6. The DUT must transmit a properly formatted Renew message.

            Renew Message
              IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 17
                Message Type     = 5
              Servier Identifier Option:
                DUID             = DHCPv6 server's DUID
              Client Identifier Option:
                DUID             = DUT's DUID
              IA_PD Option:
                Option Code      = 25
              IA_PD PRefix Option:
                Option Code      = 26
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix Length    = 60
                IPv6 Prefix      = PF1

    step 9. The DUT must not forward the Echo Request to TN1. The DUT must send
            an ICMP Destination Unreachable message, code 5 to TR1.
    step 11. The DUT must forward the Echo Request to TN1. The DUT must forward
             the Echo Reply from TN1 to TN3.

    NOTE: The subnet ID of TN1's PF1/PF4 global address in step 8/10
    will be computed using the value of the testvar ipv6LanSubnetId.
    The default is to use a subnet ID of 1.

    NOTE: The valid-lifetime of the delegated IA_PD prefix in step 2
    is dictated by the testvar dhcpv6IAValidLifetime.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.2.5 Delegated Prefix Changed
v6_cpe_3_1_a Default Source Address Selection, Prefer Appropriate Scope
Purpose: Verify that the DUT properly selects default source address.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 and RA2 on the WAN network.

            RA1                                  RA2
              IPv6 Header:                         IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:                Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0                 M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 0                 O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds       Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:           Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3                 Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1                 L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1                 A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600               Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600               Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF4               Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Wait 10 seconds.
    step 3. The DUT transmits an Echo Request to TN2's global address.
    step 4. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 4. The DUT must transmit the Echo Request with PF2 prefix as the source

    NOTE: This test may be omitted if the DUT does not implement an
    application for sending ICMPv6 Echo Requests.

    NOTE: If the testvar interactiveTestMode is set to "skip", this test will
    not be run.  If the testvar interactiveTestMode is set to "prompt", the
    user will be prompted to cause the DUT to send the ICMPv6 Echo Request in
    step 3.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.3.1 Default Source Address Selection
               Part A: Prefer Appropriate Scope
v6_cpe_3_1_b Default Source Address Selection, Avoid Deprecated Addresses
Purpose: Verify that the DUT properly selects default source address.


    step 1. TR1 transmits RA1 and RA2 on the WAN network.

            RA1                                  RA2
              IPv6 Header:                         IPv6 Header:
                Next Header      = 58                Next Header      = 58
              Router Advertisement:                Router Advertisement:
                M-flag           = 0                 M-flag           = 0
                O-flag           = 0                 O-flag           = 0
                Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds       Router Lifetime  = 600 seconds
              Prefix Information Option:           Prefix Information Option:
                Type             = 3                 Type             = 3
                L-flag           = 1                 L-flag           = 1
                A-flag           = 1                 A-flag           = 1
                Prefix Length    = 64                Prefix Length    = 64
                Valid Lifetime   = 600               Valid Lifetime   = 600
                Pref. Lifetime   = 600               Pref. Lifetime   = 600
                Prefix           = PF4               Prefix           = PF2

    step 2. Wait 10 seconds.
    step 3. TR1 transmits a RA with PF2's prefix lifetime of 0.
    step 4. The DUT transmits an Echo Request to TN2's global address.
    step 5. Observe the packets transmitted on the WAN.

    Observable Results:

    step 5. The DUT must transmit an Echo Request with PF4 prefix as the source

    NOTE: This test may be omitted if the DUT does not implement an
    application for sending ICMPv6 Echo Requests.

    NOTE: If the testvar interactiveTestMode is set to "skip", this test will
    not be run.  If the testvar interactiveTestMode is set to "prompt", the
    user will be prompted to cause the DUT to send the ICMPv6 Echo Request in
    step 4.

    Reference: IPv6 Forum CE Router Conformance Test Specification, Rev 1.02
               CPE.Conf.3.1 Default Source Address Selection
               Part B: Avoid Deprecated Addresses
v6_cpe_3_1_c Default Source Address Selection, Use Longest Matching Prefix
v6_cpe_3_2 Default Router Changed
sip-v6 (6) SIP over IPv6 testing
ipv6_sip_1 Verify SIPv6 registration
step 1. Send a REGISTER from LAN client to SIP proxy on WAN
    step 2. Verify the LAN client's registration is successful

    A SIP Application Level Gateway for Network Address Translation
    IETF Draft draft-biggs-sip-nat-00.txt
ipv6_sip_2 Verify SIPv6 registration with short format SIP headers
step 1. Configure the SIP client and server to use short
            header formats
    step 2. Send a REGISTER from LAN client to SIP proxy on WAN
    step 3. Verify the LAN client's registration is successful

    A SIP Application Level Gateway for Network Address Translation
    IETF Draft draft-biggs-sip-nat-00.txt
    Section 3.1 Outgoing SIP Message Mangling

    RFC 3261 SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
    Section 20 Header Fields
ipv6_sip_10 Verify SIPv6 outbound call
step 1. Register SIP client with SIP proxy on WAN
    step 2. Initiate an outbound call to remote SIP destination
    step 3. Verify the outbound call is successful

    A SIP Application Level Gateway for Network Address Translation
    IETF Draft draft-biggs-sip-nat-00.txt

    A SIP Application Level Gateway for Network Address Translation
    IETF Draft draft-biggs-sip-nat-00.txt
    Section 3.1 Outgoing SIP Message Mangling

    RFC 3261 SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
    Section 20 Header Fields
ipv6_sip_11 Verify short format SIP headers during outbound SIPv6 call
step 1. Configure SIP client and server to use short format
            for all SIP headers
    step 2. Register SIP client with SIP proxy on WAN
    step 3. Initiate an outbound call to remote SIP destination
    step 4. Verify the outbound call is successful

    A SIP Application Level Gateway for Network Address Translation
    IETF Draft draft-biggs-sip-nat-00.txt

    A SIP Application Level Gateway for Network Address Translation
    IETF Draft draft-biggs-sip-nat-00.txt
    Section 3.1 Outgoing SIP Message Mangling

    RFC 3261 SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
    Section 20 Header Fields
ipv6_sip_20 Verify SIPv6 inbound call
step 1. Register SIP client with SIP proxy on WAN
    step 2. Initiate an inbound call to LAN side SIP destination
    step 3. Verify the inbound call is successful

    A SIP Application Level Gateway for Network Address Translation
    IETF Draft draft-biggs-sip-nat-00.txt

    A SIP Application Level Gateway for Network Address Translation
    IETF Draft draft-biggs-sip-nat-00.txt
    Section 3.1 Outgoing SIP Message Mangling

    RFC 3261 SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
    Section 20 Header Fields
ipv6_sip_21 Verify short format SIP headers during inbound SIPv6 call
step 1. Configure SIP client and server to use short format
            for all SIP headers
    step 2. Register SIP client with SIP proxy on WAN
    step 3. Initiate an inbound call to LAN side SIP destination
    step 4. Verify the inbound call is successful

    A SIP Application Level Gateway for Network Address Translation
    IETF Draft draft-biggs-sip-nat-00.txt

    A SIP Application Level Gateway for Network Address Translation
    IETF Draft draft-biggs-sip-nat-00.txt
    Section 3.1 Outgoing SIP Message Mangling

    RFC 3261 SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
    Section 20 Header Fields
triggerp-v6 (2) Tests to verify configured IPv6 trigger ports on the router
ipv6_tport_10 Verify basic case for each configured IPv6 trigger port application
step 1. Read all the configured trigger ports
    step 2. For each port, verify that none of the public triggered ports
            are currently open on the WAN side.
    step 3. Initiate a TCP or UDP session from the LAN to the WAN side
            using the triggered port as the destination port.
    step 4. Verify the TCP or UDP session is created
    step 5. For each public port that should now be triggered, open
            a connection from the WAN to the LAN using the public
            port as the destination port and the router's nat IP address
            as the destination IP address
    step 5. Verify a connection can be estabished for each public port
    step 6. Close down each public port
    step 7. Close down the original LAN side connection used for the trigger
    step 8. Repeat for each configured port trigger

    NOTE: Up to 4096 trigger ports can be configured in your configuration
    file. For example,

    testvar triggerName1                  net2phone-1
    testvar triggerAddrType1              ipv6
    testvar triggerPort1                  6801
    testvar triggerType1                  udp
    testvar triggerPublic1                30000
    testvar triggerPublicType1            both

    testvar triggerName2                  app1
    testvar triggerAddrType2              ipv6
    testvar triggerPort2                  20000
    testvar triggerType2                  udp
    testvar triggerPublic2                20001-20010
    testvar triggerPublicType2            udp

    NOTE: Many routers will not time out the triggered port connection once
    it is open. This will cause this test to fail if it is executed more
    than once.

    The PublicType may be either "tcp", "udp", or "both". If "both" is used,
    the test case will verify both a TCP and UDP connection for each port
    in the Public range.

    A delay can be configured between each trigger port. This is sometimes
    required for port trigger implementations using Smart ALGs. To configure
    the delay, configure the testvar 'portTriggerDelay' with the number of

    A delay can also be configured before a trigger port is verified as being
    open with WAN to LAN traffic. This is sometimes required for
    implemenatations that have a delay associated with processing the outbound
    trigger packet. To configure the delay, configure the testvar
    'portTriggerOpenDelay' with the number of milliseconds.


    testvar portTriggerDelay 5000
    testvar portTriggerOpenDelay 1000
ipv6_tport_30 Verify multiple LAN hosts can use IPv6 trigger ports after mappings are aged out
step 1. Read all the configured trigger ports
    step 2. Create a second DHCP LAN client
    step 3. Initiate a TCP or UDP session from the LAN to the WAN side
            using the triggered port as the destination port
    step 4. Verify the TCP or UDP session is created
    step 5. For each public port that should now be triggered, open
            a connection from the WAN to the LAN using the public
            port as the destination port and the router's nat IP address
            as the destination IP address.
    step 6. Verify a connection can be estabished for each public port
    step 7. Close down each public port
    step 8. Close down the original LAN side connection used for the trigger
    step 9. Wait for port mappings to be aged out
    step 10. Repeat from step 2. using the second LAN client
    step 11. Repeat for each configured port trigger

    NOTE: The port mapping aging time for trigger ports is configured
    using the portTriggerTimeout variable in your config file. Your
    router must support the aging of trigger ports in order to run this

    NOTE: Up to 4096 trigger ports can be configured in your configuration
    file. For example,

    testvar triggerName1                  net2phone-1
    testvar triggerAddrType1              ipv6
    testvar triggerPort1                  6801
    testvar triggerType1                  udp
    testvar triggerPublic1                30000
    testvar triggerPublicType1            both

    NOTE: Many routers will not time out the triggered port connection once
    it is open. This will cause this test to fail if it is executed more
    than once.

    The PublicType may be either tcp, udp, or both. If "both" is used,
    the test case will verify both a TCP and UDP connection for each port
    in the Public range.

    A delay can be configured between each trigger port. This is sometimes
    required for port trigger implementations using Smart ALGs. To configure
    the delay, configure the testvar 'portTriggerDelay' with the number of

    A delay can also be configured before a trigger port is verified as being
    open with WAN to LAN traffic. This is sometimes required for
    implemenatations that have a delay associated with processing the outbound
    trigger packet. To configure the delay, configure the testvar
    'portTriggerOpenDelay' with the number of milliseconds.


    testvar portTriggerDelay 5000
    testvar portTriggerOpenDelay 1000
rfc6092 (31) IETF RFC 6092 simple security in IPv6 gateway CPE tests
rfc6092_rec_1 Section 3.1: Stateless filters, REC-1
step 1. Forward a packet with a node-local multicast source address from LAN to WAN
    step 2. Verify packet in Step 1 is not forwarded to the WAN
    step 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with a site-local multicast source address
    step 4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 with a global multicast source address
    step 5. Forward a packet with a node-local multicast source address from WAN to LAN
    step 6. Verify packet in Step 3 is not forwarded to the LAN 
    step 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 with a site-local multicast source address
    step 8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 with a global multicast source address


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.1: Stateless Filters

    Certain kinds of IPv6 packets MUST NOT be forwarded in either
    direction by residential Internet gateways regardless of network
    state.  These include packets with multicast source addresses,
    packets to destinations with certain non-routable and/or reserved
    prefixes, and packets with deprecated extension headers.

    Other stateless filters are recommended to implement ingress
    filtering (see [RFC2827] and [RFC3704]), to enforce multicast scope
    boundaries, and to isolate certain local network services from the
    public Internet.

    REC-1: Packets bearing multicast source addresses in their outer IPv6
    headers MUST NOT be forwarded or transmitted on any interface.
rfc6092_rec_2 Section 3.1: Stateless filters, REC-2
step 1. Forward a packet with a node-local multicast destination
            address from WAN to LAN
    step 2. Verify packet in Step 1 is not forwarded to the LAN
    step 3. Forward a packet with a node-local multicast destination
            address from LAN to WAN
    step 4. Verify packet in Step 3 is not forwarded to the WAN
    step 5. Repeat steps 1-4 with a link-local multicast destination
    step 6. Repeat steps 1-4 with a site-local multicast destination
    step 7. Repeat steps 1-4 with a organization-local multicast
            destination address


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.1: Stateless Filters

    Certain kinds of IPv6 packets MUST NOT be forwarded in either
    direction by residential Internet gateways regardless of network
    state.  These include packets with multicast source addresses,
    packets to destinations with certain non-routable and/or reserved
    prefixes, and packets with deprecated extension headers.

    Other stateless filters are recommended to implement ingress
    filtering (see [RFC2827] and [RFC3704]), to enforce multicast scope
    boundaries, and to isolate certain local network services from the
    public Internet.

    REC-2: Packets bearing multicast destination addresses in their outer
    IPv6 headers of equal or narrower scope (see "IPv6 Scoped Address
    Architecture" [RFC4007]) than the configured scope boundary level of
    the gateway MUST NOT be forwarded in any direction.  The DEFAULT
    scope boundary level SHOULD be organization-local scope, and it
    SHOULD be configurable by the network administrator.

    IETF RFC 2464 Section 7: Address Mapping -- Multicast

    An IPv6 packet with a multicast destination address DST, consisting
    of the sixteen octets DST[1] through DST[16], is transmitted to the
    Ethernet multicast address whose first two octets are the value 3333
    hexadecimal and whose last four octets are the last four octets of

    IETF RFC 6085 Section 3: Receiving IPv6 Multicast Packets

    An IPv6 node receiving an IPv6 packet with a multicast destination
    address and an Ethernet link-layer unicast address MUST NOT drop the
    packet as a result of the use of this form of address mapping.
rfc6092_rec_3 Section 3.1: Stateless filters, REC-3
step 1. Forward a packet with a non-routable source address from LAN to WAN
    step 2. Verify packet in Step 1 is not forwarded to the WAN
    step 3. Forward a packet with a non-routable destination address from LAN to 
    step 4. Verify packet in Step 3 is not forwarded to the WAN
    step 5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for various well known non-routable 


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.1: Stateless Filters

    Certain kinds of IPv6 packets MUST NOT be forwarded in either
    direction by residential Internet gateways regardless of network
    state.  These include packets with multicast source addresses,
    packets to destinations with certain non-routable and/or reserved
    prefixes, and packets with deprecated extension headers.

    Other stateless filters are recommended to implement ingress
    filtering (see [RFC2827] and [RFC3704]), to enforce multicast scope
    boundaries, and to isolate certain local network services from the
    public Internet.

    REC-3: Packets bearing source and/or destination addresses forbidden
    to appear in the outer headers of packets transmitted over the public
    Internet MUST NOT be forwarded.  In particular, site-local addresses
    are deprecated by [RFC3879], and [RFC5156] explicitly forbids the use
    of address blocks of types IPv4-Mapped Addresses, IPv4-Compatible
    Addresses, Documentation Prefix, and Overlay Routable Cryptographic
    Hash IDentifiers (ORCHID).
rfc6092_rec_4 Section 3.1: Stateless filters, REC-4
step 1. Forward a packet with routing extension header type 0 from LAN to 
    step 2. Verify packet in Step 1 is not forwarded to the WAN


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.1: Stateless Filters

    Certain kinds of IPv6 packets MUST NOT be forwarded in either
    direction by residential Internet gateways regardless of network
    state.  These include packets with multicast source addresses,
    packets to destinations with certain non-routable and/or reserved
    prefixes, and packets with deprecated extension headers.

    Other stateless filters are recommended to implement ingress
    filtering (see [RFC2827] and [RFC3704]), to enforce multicast scope
    boundaries, and to isolate certain local network services from the
    public Internet.

    REC-4: Packets bearing deprecated extension headers prior to their
    first upper-layer-protocol header SHOULD NOT be forwarded or
    transmitted on any interface.  In particular, all packets with
    routing extension header type 0 [RFC2460] preceding the first upper-
    layer-protocol header MUST NOT be forwarded.  See [RFC5095] for
    additional background.
rfc6092_rec_5 Section 3.1: Stateless filters, REC-5
step 1. Create a new LAN client
    step 2. Assign a different global prefix to the LAN
    step 3. Send traffic to the WAN from the martian source address
    step 4. Verify traffic is not forwarded


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.1: Stateless Filters

    Certain kinds of IPv6 packets MUST NOT be forwarded in either
    direction by residential Internet gateways regardless of network
    state.  These include packets with multicast source addresses,
    packets to destinations with certain non-routable and/or reserved
    prefixes, and packets with deprecated extension headers.

    Other stateless filters are recommended to implement ingress
    filtering (see [RFC2827] and [RFC3704]), to enforce multicast scope
    boundaries, and to isolate certain local network services from the
    public Internet.

    REC-5: Outbound packets MUST NOT be forwarded if the source address
    in their outer IPv6 header does not have a unicast prefix configured
    for use by globally reachable nodes on the interior network.
rfc6092_rec_6 Section 3.1: Stateless filters, REC-6
step 1. Create a new stack on the remoteHost
    step 2. Assign the stack the same global prefix as is used on the LAN
    step 3. Send traffic to the LAN from the remote stack
    step 4. Verify traffic is NOT forwarded to the LAN


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.1: Stateless Filters

    Certain kinds of IPv6 packets MUST NOT be forwarded in either
    direction by residential Internet gateways regardless of network
    state.  These include packets with multicast source addresses,
    packets to destinations with certain non-routable and/or reserved
    prefixes, and packets with deprecated extension headers.

    Other stateless filters are recommended to implement ingress
    filtering (see [RFC2827] and [RFC3704]), to enforce multicast scope
    boundaries, and to isolate certain local network services from the
    public Internet.

    REC-6: Inbound packets MUST NOT be forwarded if the source address in
    their outer IPv6 header has a global unicast prefix assigned for use
    by globally reachable nodes on the interior network.
rfc6092_rec_7 Section 3.1: Stateless filters, REC-7
step 1. Send traffic from the LAN to the WAN with a unique-local source address
    step 2. Verify traffic is not forwarded to the WAN
    step 3. Initiate a new UDP session with the device to allow inbound traffic
    step 4. Configure a new stack on the WAN with a unique-local prefix as the source
    step 5. Send traffic from this new stack to the LAN
    step 6. Verify traffic is not forwarded to the LAN


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.1: Stateless Filters

    Certain kinds of IPv6 packets MUST NOT be forwarded in either
    direction by residential Internet gateways regardless of network
    state.  These include packets with multicast source addresses,
    packets to destinations with certain non-routable and/or reserved
    prefixes, and packets with deprecated extension headers.

    Other stateless filters are recommended to implement ingress
    filtering (see [RFC2827] and [RFC3704]), to enforce multicast scope
    boundaries, and to isolate certain local network services from the
    public Internet.

    REC-7: By DEFAULT, packets with unique local source and/or
    destination addresses [RFC4193] SHOULD NOT be forwarded to or from
    the exterior network.
rfc6092_rec_8 Section 3.1: Stateless filters, REC-8
step 1. Initiate an AAAA IPv6 DNS query from the LAN client to the DUT's
            global IPv6 address
    step 2. Verify that the query is received by either the primary or backup
            DNS server on the WAN
    step 3. Verify that the DNS response is received by the LAN client
    step 4. Initiate an AAAA IPv6 DNS query from a remote host on the WAN to the
            DUT's global IPv6 address
    step 5. Verify that a DNS response is not received by the remote host on the
            WAN that initiated the original request


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.1: Stateless Filters

    Certain kinds of IPv6 packets MUST NOT be forwarded in either
    direction by residential Internet gateways regardless of network
    state.  These include packets with multicast source addresses,
    packets to destinations with certain non-routable and/or reserved
    prefixes, and packets with deprecated extension headers.

    Other stateless filters are recommended to implement ingress
    filtering (see [RFC2827] and [RFC3704]), to enforce multicast scope
    boundaries, and to isolate certain local network services from the
    public Internet.

    REC-8: By DEFAULT, inbound DNS queries received on exterior
    interfaces MUST NOT be processed by any integrated DNS resolving
rfc6092_rec_9 Section 3.1: Stateless filters, REC-9
step 1. Start new DHCPv6 client on WAN interface
    step 2. Verify new client does not obtain an IPv6 address via DHCPv6 from
            the DUT
    step 3. Send three pings from LAN to WAN to verify that the DUT is still
            operating properly


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.1: Stateless Filters

    Certain kinds of IPv6 packets MUST NOT be forwarded in either
    direction by residential Internet gateways regardless of network
    state.  These include packets with multicast source addresses,
    packets to destinations with certain non-routable and/or reserved
    prefixes, and packets with deprecated extension headers.

    Other stateless filters are recommended to implement ingress
    filtering (see [RFC2827] and [RFC3704]), to enforce multicast scope
    boundaries, and to isolate certain local network services from the
    public Internet.

    REC-9: Inbound DHCPv6 discovery packets [RFC3315] received on
    exterior interfaces MUST NOT be processed by any integrated DHCPv6
    server or relay agent.
rfc6092_rec_10 Section 3.2.1: Internet Control and Management, REC-10
step 1. Send UDP message from LAN client to WAN server
    step 2. Verify UDP message is received by WAN server
    step 3. Send ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message from WAN
            server to LAN client containing a different UDP port than
            the UDP message sent by the LAN client in step 1.
    step 4. Verify the DUT does not forward the ICMPv6 message to the
            LAN client
    step 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.2.1: Internet Control and Management

    Recommendations for filtering ICMPv6 messages in firewall devices are
    described separately in [RFC4890] and apply to residential gateways,
    with the additional recommendation that incoming "Destination
    Unreachable" and "Packet Too Big" error messages that don't match any
    filtering state should be dropped.

    REC-10: IPv6 gateways SHOULD NOT forward ICMPv6 "Destination
    Unreachable" and "Packet Too Big" messages containing IP headers that
    do not match generic upper-layer transport state records.
rfc6092_rec_12 Section 3.2.2: Upper Layer Transport Protocols, REC-12
step 1. Initiate LAN client UDP ping to WAN server
    step 2. Verify LAN client receives response
    step 3. Wait 115 seconds
    step 4. Initiate WAN client UDP ping on same connection as step 1
            from WAN side
    step 5. Verify WAN client receives a response


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.2.2: Upper Layer Transport Protocols

    Residential IPv6 gateways are not expected to prohibit the use of
    applications to be developed using future upper-layer transport
    protocols.  In particular, transport protocols not otherwise
    discussed in subsequent sections of this document are expected to be
    treated consistently, i.e., as having connection-free semantics and
    no special requirements to inspect the transport headers.

    In general, upper-layer transport filter state records are expected
    to be created when an interior endpoint sends a packet to an exterior
    address.  The filter allocates (or reuses) a record for the duration
    of communications, with an idle timer to delete the state record when
    no further communications are detected.

    One key aspect of how a packet filter behaves is the way it evaluates
    the exterior address of an endpoint when applying a filtering rule.
    A gateway is said to have "endpoint-independent filtering" behavior
    when the exterior address is not evaluated when matching a packet
    with a flow.  A gateway is said to have "address-dependent filtering"
    behavior when the exterior address of a packet is required to match
    the exterior address for its flow.

    REC-12: Filter state records for generic upper-layer transport
    protocols MUST NOT be deleted or recycled until an idle timer not
    less than two minutes has expired without having forwarded a packet
    matching the state in some configurable amount of time.  By DEFAULT,
    the idle timer for such state records is five minutes.
rfc6092_rec_14 Section 3.2.3: UDP Filters, REC-14
step 1. Initiate LAN client UDP ping to WAN server
    step 2. Verify LAN client receives response
    step 3. Wait natUdpTimeout - 10 seconds
    step 4. Send UDP ping on same connection from WAN side
    step 5. Verify WAN client receives response


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.2.3: UDP Filters

    "Network Address Translation (NAT) Behavioral Requirements for
    Unicast UDP" [RFC4787] defines the terminology and best current
    practice for stateful filtering of UDP applications in IPv4 with NAT,
    which serves as the model for behavioral requirements for simple UDP
    security in IPv6 gateways, notwithstanding the requirements related
    specifically to network address translation.

    An interior endpoint initiates a UDP flow through a stateful packet
    filter by sending a packet to an exterior address.  The filter
    allocates (or reuses) a filter state record for the duration of the
    flow.  The state record defines the interior and exterior IP
    addresses and ports used between all packets in the flow.

    State records for UDP flows remain active while they are in use and
    are only abandoned after an idle period of some time.

    REC-14: A state record for a UDP flow where both source and
    destination ports are outside the well-known port range
    (ports 0-1023) MUST NOT expire in less than two minutes of idle time.
    The value of the UDP state record idle timer MAY be configurable.
    The DEFAULT is five minutes.
rfc6092_rec_16 Section 3.2.3: UDP Filters, REC-16
step 1. Initiate a LAN client UDP ping to WAN server
    step 2. Verify LAN client receives response
    step 3. Wait natUdpTimeout/2 seconds
    step 4. Initiate a LAN client UDP ping to WAN server
    step 5. Verify LAN client receives a response
    step 6. Wait natUdpTimeout - 10 seconds
    step 7. Initiate a WAN server UDP ping to LAN client
    step 8. Verify WAN server received a response


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.2.3: UDP Filters

    As [RFC4787] notes, outbound refresh is necessary for allowing the
    interior endpoint to keep the state record alive.  Inbound refresh
    may be useful for applications with no outbound UDP traffic.
    However, allowing inbound refresh can allow an attacker in the
    exterior or a misbehaving application to keep a state record alive
    indefinitely.  This could be a security risk.  Also, if the process
    is repeated with different ports, over time, it could use up all the
    state record memory and resources in the filter.

    REC-16: A state record for a UDP flow MUST be refreshed when a packet
    is forwarded from the interior to the exterior, and it MAY be
    refreshed when a packet is forwarded in the reverse direction.
rfc6092_rec_17 Section 3.2.3: UDP Filters, REC-17
step 1. Forward a UDP packet from a LAN client to the WAN
    step 2. Forward a packet back from the WAN to the same LAN client
    step 3. Verify packet is received

    For Full-Cone NAT
    step 4. Forward a packet using a different source port but same IP address from the WAN
    step 5. Verify the packet is forwarded to the LAN
    step 6. Forward a packet using a different IPv4 address and same source port
    step 7. Verify the packet is forwarded to the LAN
    step 8. Forward a packet usuing the same IPv4 address and same source port
    step 9. Verify the packet is forwarded to the LAN

    For Address-Restricted NAT
    step 4. Forward a packet using a different IPv4 address and same source port
    step 5. Verify the packet is not forwarded to the LAN
    step 6. Forward a packet using a different source port but same IP address from the WAN
    step 7. Verify the packet is forwarded to the LAN
    step 8. Forward a packet usuing the same IPv4 address and same source port
    step 9. Verify the packet is forwarded to the LAN

    For Port-Restricted NAT
    step 4. Forward a packet using a different source port but same IP address from the WAN
    step 5. Verify the packet is not forwarded to the LAN
    step 6. Forward a packet using the same source port and IP address from the WAN
    step 7. Verify the packet is forwarded to the LAN


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.2.3: UDP Filters

    As described in Section 5 of [RFC4787], the connection-free semantics
    of UDP pose a difficulty for packet filters in trying to recognize
    which packets comprise an application flow and which are unsolicited.
    Various strategies have been used in IPv4/NAT gateways with differing

    REC-17: If application transparency is most important, then a
    stateful packet filter SHOULD have "endpoint-independent filtering"
    behavior for UDP.  If a more stringent filtering behavior is most
    important, then a filter SHOULD have "address-dependent filtering"
    behavior.  The filtering behavior MAY be an option configurable by
    the network administrator, and it MAY be independent of the filtering
    behavior for TCP and other protocols.  Filtering behavior SHOULD be
    endpoint independent by DEFAULT in gateways intended for provisioning
    without service-provider management.
rfc6092_rec_18 Section 3.2.3: UDP Filters, REC-18
step 1. Send IPv6 UDP packet from LAN to WAN
    step 2. Verify UDP packet is received on the WAN and return an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message
    step 3. Verify ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message is received on the LAN
    step 4. Send IPv6 UDP packet from LAN to WAN
    step 5. Verify UDP packet is received on the WAN and return an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message
    step 6. Verify ICMPv6 Too Big message is received on the LAN


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.2.3: UDP Filters

    Application mechanisms may depend on the reception of ICMPv6 error
    messages triggered by the transmission of UDP messages.  One such
    mechanism is path MTU discovery [RFC1981].

    REC-18: If a gateway forwards a UDP flow, it MUST also forward ICMPv6
    "Destination Unreachable" and "Packet Too Big" messages containing
    UDP headers that match the flow state record.
rfc6092_rec_19 Section 3.2.3: UDP Filters, REC-19
step 1. Send IPv6 UDP packet from LAN to WAN
    step 2. Verify UDP packet is received on the WAN and return an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message
    step 3. Verify ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message is received on the LAN
    step 4. Send UDP response from WAN to LAN
    step 5. Verify UDP response is received on LAN since IPv6 firewall state is still present
    step 6. Send IPv6 UDP packet from LAN to WAN
    step 7. Verify UDP packet is received on the WAN and return an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message
    step 8. Verify ICMPv6 Too Big message is received on the LAN
    step 9. Send UDP response from WAN to LAN
    step 10. Verify UDP response is received on LAN since IPv6 firewall state is still present


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.2.3: UDP Filters

    Application mechanisms may depend on the reception of ICMPv6 error
    messages triggered by the transmission of UDP messages.  One such
    mechanism is path MTU discovery [RFC1981].

    REC-19: Receipt of any sort of ICMPv6 message MUST NOT terminate the
    state record for a UDP flow.
rfc6092_rec_20 Section 3.2.3: UDP Filters, REC-20
step 1. Forward UDP packet from LAN to WAN
    step 2. Verify UDP packet in step 1 is forwarded to the WAN
    step 3. Forward matching UDP-Lite packet from WAN to LAN
    step 4. Verify UDP-Lite packet in step 3 is not forwarded to the
    step 5. Forward UDP-Lite packet from LAN to WAN
    step 6. Verify UDP-Lite packet in step 5 is forwarded to the WAN
    step 7. Forward matching UDP packet from WAN to LAN
    step 8. Verify UDP packet in step 7 is not forwarded to the LAN


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.2.3: UDP Filters

    Application mechanisms may depend on the reception of ICMPv6 error
    messages triggered by the transmission of UDP messages.  One such
    mechanism is path MTU discovery [RFC1981].

    REC-20: UDP-Lite flows [RFC3828] SHOULD be handled in the same way as
    UDP flows, except that the upper-layer transport protocol identifier
    for UDP-Lite is not the same as UDP; therefore, UDP packets MUST NOT
    match UDP-Lite state records, and vice versa.
rfc6092_rec_21 Section 3.2.4: IPSec and Internet Key Exchange (IKE), REC-21
step 1. Forward UDP packet with IPv6 Authentication Header from
            LAN to WAN
    step 2. Verify UDP packet is forwarded to the WAN
    step 3. Forward UDP packet with IPv6 Authentication Header from
            WAN to LAN
    step 4. Verify UDP packet is forwarded to the LAN


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.2.4: IPSec and Internet Key Exchange (IKE)

    The Internet Protocol security (IPsec) suite offers greater
    flexibility and better overall security than the simple security of
    stateful packet filtering at network perimeters.  Therefore,
    residential IPv6 gateways need not prohibit IPsec traffic flows.

    REC-21: In their DEFAULT operating mode, IPv6 gateways MUST NOT
    prohibit the forwarding of packets, to and from legitimate node
    addresses, with destination extension headers of type "Authentication
    Header (AH)" [RFC4302] in their outer IP extension header chain.
rfc6092_rec_31 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters, REC-31
step 1. Initiate an outbound TCP session from LAN client to WAN
    step 2. Verify session initiation is successful
    step 3. Terminate TCP session from LAN side
    step 4. Verify session is terminated successfully


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters

    An interior endpoint initiates a TCP flow through a stateful packet
    filter by sending a SYN packet.  The filter allocates (or reuses) a
    filter state record for the flow.  The state record defines the
    interior and exterior IP addresses and ports used for forwarding all
    packets for that flow.

    Some peer-to-peer applications use an alternate method of connection
    initiation termed "simultaneous-open" ([RFC0793], Figure 8) to
    traverse stateful filters.  In the simultaneous-open mode of
    operation, both peers send SYN packets for the same TCP flow.  The
    SYN packets cross in the network.  Upon receiving the other end's SYN
    packet, each end responds with a SYN-ACK packet, which also cross in
    the network.  The connection is established at each endpoint once the
    SYN-ACK packets are received.

    To provide stateful packet filtering service for TCP, it is necessary
    for a filter to receive, process, and forward all packets for a flow
    that conform to valid transitions of the TCP state machine
    ([RFC0793], Figure 6).

    REC-31: All valid sequences of TCP packets (defined in [RFC0793])
    MUST be forwarded for outbound flows and explicitly permitted inbound
    flows.  In particular, both the normal TCP 3-way handshake mode of
    operation and the simultaneous-open mode of operation MUST be

    NOTE: This test case only verifies that the normal TCP 3-way
    handshake mode is supported.
rfc6092_rec_32 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters, REC-32
step 1. Configure TCP LAN client and TCP WAN server to use a TCP
            window size of 10 bytes
    step 2. Configure LAN client and WAN server to be in an
            established TCP session
    step 3. Transmit 20 bytes of TCP data from LAN client to WAN
    step 4. Verify WAN server receives 20 bytes of TCP data
    step 5. Transmit 20 bytes of TCP data from WAN server to LAN
    step 6. Verify LAN client receives 20 bytes of TCP data
    step 7. Terminate TCP session from LAN side


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters

    It is possible to reconstruct enough of the state of a TCP flow to
    allow forwarding between an interior and exterior node, even when the
    filter starts operating after TCP enters the established state.  In
    this case, because the filter has not seen the TCP window-scale
    option, it is not possible for the filter to enforce the TCP window
    invariant by dropping out-of-window segments.

    REC-32: The TCP window invariant MUST NOT be enforced on flows for
    which the filter did not detect whether the window-scale option (see
    [RFC1323]) was sent in the 3-way handshake or simultaneous-open.
rfc6092_rec_33 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters, REC-33
step 1. Forward a TCP packet from a LAN client to the WAN
    step 2. Forward a packet back from the WAN to the same LAN client
    step 3. Verify packet is received

    For Full-Cone NAT
    step 4. Forward a packet using a different source port but same IP address from the WAN
    step 5. Verify the packet is forwarded to the LAN
    step 6. Forward a packet using a different IPv4 address and same source port
    step 7. Verify the packet is forwarded to the LAN
    step 8. Forward a packet usuing the same IPv4 address and same source port
    step 9. Verify the packet is forwarded to the LAN

    For Address-Restricted NAT
    step 4. Forward a packet using a different IPv4 address and same source port
    step 5. Verify the packet is not forwarded to the LAN
    step 6. Forward a packet using a different source port but same IP address from the WAN
    step 7. Verify the packet is forwarded to the LAN
    step 8. Forward a packet usuing the same IPv4 address and same source port
    step 9. Verify the packet is forwarded to the LAN

    For Port-Restricted NAT
    step 4. Forward a packet using a different source port but same IP address from the WAN
    step 5. Verify the packet is not forwarded to the LAN
    step 6. Forward a packet using the same source port and IP address from the WAN
    step 7. Verify the packet is forwarded to the LAN


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters

    A stateful filter can allow an existing state record to be reused by
    an externally initiated flow if its security policy permits.  Several
    different policies are possible, as described in [RFC4787] and
    extended in [RFC5382].

    REC-33: If application transparency is most important, then a
    stateful packet filter SHOULD have "endpoint-independent filtering"
    behavior for TCP.  If a more stringent filtering behavior is most
    important, then a filter SHOULD have "address-dependent filtering"
    behavior.  The filtering behavior MAY be an option configurable by
    the network administrator, and it MAY be independent of the filtering
    behavior for UDP and other protocols.  Filtering behavior SHOULD be
    endpoint independent by DEFAULT in gateways intended for provisioning
    without service-provider management.
rfc6092_rec_34 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters, REC-34
step 1. Initiate an unsolicited inbound TCP session from WAN
            server to LAN client
    step 2. Verify WAN server receives an ICMPv6 Destination
            Unreachable message with error code 1


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters

    If an inbound SYN packet is filtered, either because a corresponding
    state record does not exist or because of the filter's normal
    behavior, a filter has two basic choices: to discard the packet
    silently, or to signal an error to the sender.  Signaling an error
    through ICMPv6 messages allows the sender to detect that the SYN did
    not reach the intended destination.  Discarding the packet, on the
    other hand, allows applications to perform simultaneous-open more
    reliably.  A more detailed discussion of this issue can be found in
    [RFC5382], but the basic outcome of it is that filters need to wait
    on signaling errors until simultaneous-open will not be impaired.

    REC-34: By DEFAULT, a gateway MUST respond with an ICMPv6
    "Destination Unreachable" error code 1 (Communication with
    destination administratively prohibited) to any unsolicited inbound
    SYN packet after waiting at least 6 seconds without first forwarding
    the associated outbound SYN or SYN/ACK from the interior peer.
rfc6092_rec_35 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters, REC-35
step 1. Initiate an outbound TCP session from LAN client to WAN
    step 2. Verify session initiation is successful
    step 3. Allow TCP session to idle for 2 hours
    step 4. Transfer TCP data from WAN server to LAN client
    step 5. Verify LAN client receives TCP data
    step 6. Terminate TCP session from LAN side


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters

    A TCP filter maintains state associated with in-progress connections
    and established flows.  Because of this, a filter is susceptible to a
    resource-exhaustion attack whereby an attacker (or virus) on the
    interior attempts to cause the filter to exhaust its capacity for
    creating state records.  To defend against such attacks, a filter
    needs to abandon unused state records after a sufficiently long
    period of idleness.

    A common method used for TCP filters in IPv4/NAT gateways is to
    abandon preferentially flow state records for crashed endpoints,
    followed by closed flows and partially open flows.  A gateway can
    check if an endpoint for a session has crashed by sending a TCP keep-
    alive packet on behalf of the other endpoint and receiving a TCP RST
    packet in response.  If the gateway cannot determine whether the
    endpoint is active, then the associated state record needs to be
    retained until the TCP flow has been idle for some time.

      Note: An established TCP flow can stay idle (but live)
      indefinitely; hence, there is no fixed value for an idle-timeout
      that accommodates all applications.  However, a large idle-timeout
      motivated by recommendations in [RFC1122] and [RFC4294] can reduce
      the chances of abandoning a live flow.

    TCP flows can stay in the established phase indefinitely without
    exchanging packets.  Some end-hosts can be configured to send keep-
    alive packets on such idle flows; by default, such packets are sent
    every two hours, if enabled [RFC1122].  Consequently, a filter that
    waits for slightly over two hours can detect idle flows with keep-
    alive packets being sent at the default rate.  TCP flows in the
    partially open or closing phases, on the other hand, can stay idle
    for at most four minutes while waiting for in-flight packets to be
    delivered [RFC1122].

    The "established flow idle-timeout" for a stateful packet filter is
    defined as the minimum time a TCP flow in the established phase must
    remain idle before the filter considers the associated state record a
    candidate for collection.  The "transitory flow idle-timeout" for a
    filter is defined as the minimum time a TCP flow in the partially
    open or closing phases must remain idle before the filter considers
    the associated state record a candidate for collection.  TCP flows in
    the TIME-WAIT state are not affected by the "transitory flow idle-
    timeout" parameter.

    REC-35: If a gateway cannot determine whether the endpoints of a TCP
    flow are active, then it MAY abandon the state record if it has been
    idle for some time.  In such cases, the value of the "established
    flow idle-timeout" MUST NOT be less than two hours four minutes, as
    discussed in [RFC5382].  The value of the "transitory flow idle-
    timeout" MUST NOT be less than four minutes.  The value of the idle-
    timeouts MAY be configurable by the network administrator.
rfc6092_rec_36 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters, REC-36
step 1. Establish TCP connection from LAN to WAN
    step 2. Send an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message from the WAN for the connection
    step 3. Verify ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message is received on the LAN
    step 4. Send an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message from the WAN for the connection
    step 5. Verify ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message is received on the LAN


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters

    Behavior for handling RST packets or TCP flows in the TIME-WAIT state
    is left unspecified.  A gateway MAY hold state for a flow in the
    TIME-WAIT state to accommodate retransmissions of the last ACK.
    However, since the TIME-WAIT state is commonly encountered by
    interior endpoints properly closing the TCP flow, holding state for a
    closed flow can limit the throughput of flows through a gateway with
    limited resources.  [RFC1337] discusses hazards associated with
    TIME-WAIT assassination.

    The handling of non-SYN packets for which there is no active state
    record is left unspecified.  Such packets can be received if the
    gateway abandons a live flow, or abandons a flow in the TIME-WAIT
    state before the four-minute TIME-WAIT period expires.  The decision
    either to discard or to respond with an ICMPv6 "Destination
    Unreachable" error code 1 (Communication with destination
    administratively prohibited) is left up to the implementation.

    Behavior for notifying endpoints when abandoning live flows is left
    unspecified.  When a gateway abandons a live flow, for example due to
    a timeout expiring, the filter MAY send a TCP RST packet to each
    endpoint on behalf of the other.  Sending a RST notification allows
    endpoint applications to recover more quickly; however, notifying
    endpoints might not always be possible if, for example, state records
    are lost due to power interruption.

    Several TCP mechanisms depend on the reception of ICMPv6 error
    messages triggered by the transmission of TCP segments.  One such
    mechanism is path MTU discovery, which is required for correct
    operation of TCP.

    REC-36: If a gateway forwards a TCP flow, it MUST also forward ICMPv6
    "Destination Unreachable" and "Packet Too Big" messages containing
    TCP headers that match the flow state record.
rfc6092_rec_37 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters, REC-37
step 1. Establish TCP connection from LAN to WAN
    step 2. Send an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message from the WAN for the connection
    step 3. Send TCP data segment from WAN to LAN for the session
    step 4. Verify TCP data segment is received on LAN since IPv6 firewall state is still present
    step 5. Send an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message from the WAN for the connection
    step 6. Send TCP data segment from WAN to LAN for the session
    step 7. Verify TCP data segment is received on LAN since IPv6 firewall state is still present


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.1: TCP Filters

    Behavior for handling RST packets or TCP flows in the TIME-WAIT state
    is left unspecified.  A gateway MAY hold state for a flow in the
    TIME-WAIT state to accommodate retransmissions of the last ACK.
    However, since the TIME-WAIT state is commonly encountered by
    interior endpoints properly closing the TCP flow, holding state for a
    closed flow can limit the throughput of flows through a gateway with
    limited resources.  [RFC1337] discusses hazards associated with
    TIME-WAIT assassination.

    The handling of non-SYN packets for which there is no active state
    record is left unspecified.  Such packets can be received if the
    gateway abandons a live flow, or abandons a flow in the TIME-WAIT
    state before the four-minute TIME-WAIT period expires.  The decision
    either to discard or to respond with an ICMPv6 "Destination
    Unreachable" error code 1 (Communication with destination
    administratively prohibited) is left up to the implementation.

    Behavior for notifying endpoints when abandoning live flows is left
    unspecified.  When a gateway abandons a live flow, for example due to
    a timeout expiring, the filter MAY send a TCP RST packet to each
    endpoint on behalf of the other.  Sending a RST notification allows
    endpoint applications to recover more quickly; however, notifying
    endpoints might not always be possible if, for example, state records
    are lost due to power interruption.

    Several TCP mechanisms depend on the reception of ICMPv6 error
    messages triggered by the transmission of TCP segments.  One such
    mechanism is path MTU discovery, which is required for correct
    operation of TCP.

    REC-37: Receipt of any sort of ICMPv6 message MUST NOT terminate the
    state record for a TCP flow.
rfc6092_rec_38 Section 3.3.2: SCTP Filters, REC-38
step 1. Initiate SCTP association from LAN client to WAN server
    step 2. Verify association initiation is successful
    step 3. Terminate SCTP association from LAN side
    step 4. Verify association is terminated successful


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.2: SCTP Filters

    Because Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) [RFC4960] flows
    can be terminated at multiple network addresses, IPv6 simple security
    functions cannot achieve full transparency for SCTP applications.  In
    multipath traversal scenarios, full transparency requires
    coordination between all the packet filter processes in the various
    paths between the endpoint network addresses.  Such coordination is
    not "simple", and it is, therefore, beyond the scope of this

    However, some SCTP applications are capable of tolerating the
    inherent unipath restriction of IPv6 simple security, even in
    multipath traversal scenarios.  They expect connection-oriented
    filtering behaviors similar to those for TCP, but at the level of
    SCTP associations, not stream connections.  This section describes
    specific recommendations for SCTP filtering for such traversal

    An interior endpoint initiates SCTP associations through a stateful
    packet filter by sending a packet comprising a single INIT chunk.
    The filter allocates (or reuses) a filter state record for the
    association.  The state record defines the interior and exterior IP
    addresses and the observed verification tag used for forwarding
    packets in that association.

    Some peer-to-peer SCTP applications use an alternate method of
    association initiation, termed "simultaneous-open", to traverse
    stateful filters.  In the simultaneous-open mode of operation, both
    peers send INIT chunks at the same time to establish an association.
    Upon receiving the other end's INIT chunk, each end responds with an
    INIT-ACK packet, which is expected to traverse the same path in
    reverse.  Because only one SCTP association may exist between any two
    network addresses, one of the peers in the simultaneous-open mode of
    operation will send an ERROR or ABORT chunk along with the INIT-ACK
    chunk.  The association is established at each endpoint once an
    INIT-ACK chunk without an ERROR or ABORT chunk is received at one

    To provide stateful packet filtering service for SCTP, it is
    necessary for a filter to receive, process, and forward all packets
    for an association that conform to valid transitions of the SCTP
    state machine ([RFC4960], Figure 3).

    REC-38: All valid sequences of SCTP packets (defined in [RFC4960])
    MUST be forwarded for outbound associations and explicitly permitted
    inbound associations.  In particular, both the normal SCTP
    association establishment and the simultaneous-open mode of operation
    MUST be supported.

    NOTE: This test case only verifies that the normal SCTP
    association establishment is supported.
rfc6092_rec_39 Section 3.3.2: SCTP Filters, REC-39
step 1. Initiate an unsolicited inbound SCTP association from WAN
            client to LAN server
    step 2. Verify WAN client receives ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable
            message with error code 1


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.2: SCTP Filters

    If an inbound INIT packet is filtered, either because a corresponding
    state record does not exist or because of the filter's normal
    behavior, a filter has two basic choices: to discard the packet
    silently, or to signal an error to the sender.  Signaling an error
    through ICMPv6 messages allows the sender to detect that the INIT
    packet did not reach the intended destination.  Discarding the
    packet, on the other hand, allows applications to perform
    simultaneous-open more reliably.  Delays in signaling errors can
    prevent the impairment of the simultaneous-open mode of operation.

    REC-39: By DEFAULT, a gateway MUST respond with an ICMPv6
    "Destination Unreachable" error code 1 (Communication with
    destination administratively prohibited), to any unsolicited inbound
    INIT packet after waiting at least 6 seconds without first forwarding
    the associated outbound INIT from the interior peer.
rfc6092_rec_40a Section 3.3.2: SCTP Filters, REC-40, Part A
step 1. Initiate an outbound SCTP association from LAN client to
            WAN server
    step 2. Verify association initiation is successful
    step 3. Allow association to idle for 2 hours
    step 4. Transmit SCTP data from WAN server to LAN client
    step 5. Verify LAN client receives SCTP data
    step 6. Terminate SCTP association from LAN client
    step 7. Verify association is terminated successfully


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.2: SCTP Filters

    An SCTP filter maintains state associated with in-progress and
    established associations.  Because of this, a filter is susceptible
    to a resource-exhaustion attack whereby an attacker (or virus) on the
    interior attempts to cause the filter to exhaust its capacity for
    creating state records.  To defend against such attacks, a filter
    needs to abandon unused state records after a sufficiently long
    period of idleness.

    A common method used for TCP filters in IPv4/NAT gateways is to
    abandon preferentially sessions for crashed endpoints, followed by
    closed associations and partially opened associations.  A similar
    method is an option for SCTP filters in IPv6 gateways.  A gateway can
    check if an endpoint for an association has crashed by sending
    HEARTBEAT chunks and looking for the HEARTBEAT ACK response.  If the
    gateway cannot determine whether the endpoint is active, then the
    associated state record needs to be retained until the SCTP
    association has been idle for some time.

      Note: An established SCTP association can stay idle (but live)
      indefinitely; hence, there is no fixed value of an idle-timeout
      that accommodates all applications.  However, a large idle-timeout
      motivated by recommendations in [RFC4294] can reduce the chances
      of abandoning a live association.

    SCTP associations can stay in the ESTABLISHED state indefinitely
    without exchanging packets.  Some end-hosts can be configured to send
    HEARTBEAT chunks on such idle associations, but [RFC4960] does not
    specify (or even suggest) a default time interval.  A filter that
    waits for slightly over two hours can detect idle associations with
    HEARTBEAT packets being sent at the same rate as most hosts use for
    TCP keep-alive, which is a reasonably similar system for this
    purpose.  SCTP associations in the partially open or closing states,
    on the other hand, can stay idle for at most four minutes while
    waiting for in-flight packets to be delivered (assuming the suggested
    SCTP protocol parameter values in Section 15 of [RFC4960]).

    The "established association idle-timeout" for a stateful packet
    filter is defined as the minimum time an SCTP association in the
    established phase must remain idle before the filter considers the
    corresponding state record a candidate for collection.  The
    "transitory association idle-timeout" for a filter is defined as the
    minimum time an SCTP association in the partially open or closing
    phases must remain idle before the filter considers the corresponding
    state record a candidate for collection.

    REC-40: If a gateway cannot determine whether the endpoints of an
    SCTP association are active, then it MAY abandon the state record if
    it has been idle for some time.  In such cases, the value of the
    "established association idle-timeout" MUST NOT be less than
    two hours four minutes.
rfc6092_rec_40b Section 3.3.2: SCTP Filters, REC-40, Part B
step 1. Disable SCTP WAN server on port A
    step 2. Initiate an outbound SCTP association from LAN client to
            WAN server on port A
    step 3. Wait 230 seconds
    step 4. Enable SCTP WAN server on port A
    step 5. Wait 5 seconds
    step 6. Verify association initiation from step 2 is successful
    step 7. Terminate SCTP association from LAN side
    step 8. Verify association is terminated successful


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.2: SCTP Filters

    An SCTP filter maintains state associated with in-progress and
    established associations.  Because of this, a filter is susceptible
    to a resource-exhaustion attack whereby an attacker (or virus) on the
    interior attempts to cause the filter to exhaust its capacity for
    creating state records.  To defend against such attacks, a filter
    needs to abandon unused state records after a sufficiently long
    period of idleness.

    A common method used for TCP filters in IPv4/NAT gateways is to
    abandon preferentially sessions for crashed endpoints, followed by
    closed associations and partially opened associations.  A similar
    method is an option for SCTP filters in IPv6 gateways.  A gateway can
    check if an endpoint for an association has crashed by sending
    HEARTBEAT chunks and looking for the HEARTBEAT ACK response.  If the
    gateway cannot determine whether the endpoint is active, then the
    associated state record needs to be retained until the SCTP
    association has been idle for some time.

      Note: An established SCTP association can stay idle (but live)
      indefinitely; hence, there is no fixed value of an idle-timeout
      that accommodates all applications.  However, a large idle-timeout
      motivated by recommendations in [RFC4294] can reduce the chances
      of abandoning a live association.

    SCTP associations can stay in the ESTABLISHED state indefinitely
    without exchanging packets.  Some end-hosts can be configured to send
    HEARTBEAT chunks on such idle associations, but [RFC4960] does not
    specify (or even suggest) a default time interval.  A filter that
    waits for slightly over two hours can detect idle associations with
    HEARTBEAT packets being sent at the same rate as most hosts use for
    TCP keep-alive, which is a reasonably similar system for this
    purpose.  SCTP associations in the partially open or closing states,
    on the other hand, can stay idle for at most four minutes while
    waiting for in-flight packets to be delivered (assuming the suggested
    SCTP protocol parameter values in Section 15 of [RFC4960]).

    The "established association idle-timeout" for a stateful packet
    filter is defined as the minimum time an SCTP association in the
    established phase must remain idle before the filter considers the
    corresponding state record a candidate for collection.  The
    "transitory association idle-timeout" for a filter is defined as the
    minimum time an SCTP association in the partially open or closing
    phases must remain idle before the filter considers the corresponding
    state record a candidate for collection.

    REC-40: If a gateway cannot determine whether the endpoints of an
    SCTP association are active, then it MAY abandon the state record
    if it has been idle for some time.  [...] The value of the
    "transitory association idle-timeout" MUST NOT be less than four
    minutes.  The value of the idle-timeouts MAY be configurable by
    the network administrator.
rfc6092_rec_41 Section 3.3.2: SCTP Filters, REC-41
step 1. Initiate an outbound SCTP association from LAN client to
            WAN server
    step 2. Verify association initiation is successful
    step 3. Forward an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message from LAN
            client to WAN server
    step 4. Verify message is received by WAN server
    step 5. Forward an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message from WAN
            server to LAN client
    step 6. Verify message is received by LAN client
    step 7. Forward an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message from LAN client
            to WAN server
    step 8. Verify message is received by WAN server
    step 9. Forward an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message from WAN server
            to LAN client
    step 10. Verify message is received by LAN client
    step 11. Terminate SCTP association from LAN side
    step 12. Verify association is terminated successful


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.2: SCTP Filters

    Behavior for handling ERROR and ABORT packets is left unspecified.  A
    gateway MAY hold state for an association after its closing phases
    have completed to accommodate retransmissions of its final SHUTDOWN
    ACK packets.  However, holding state for a closed association can
    limit the throughput of associations traversing a gateway with
    limited resources.  The discussion in [RFC1337] regarding the hazards
    of TIME-WAIT assassination is relevant.

    The handling of inbound non-INIT packets for which there is no active
    state record is left unspecified.  Such packets can be received if
    the gateway abandons a live flow, or abandons an association in the
    closing states before the transitory association idle-timeout
    expires.  The decision either to discard or to respond with an ICMPv6
    "Destination Unreachable" error code 1 (Communication with
    destination administratively prohibited) is left to the

    Behavior for notifying endpoints when abandoning live associations is
    left unspecified.  When a gateway abandons a live association, for
    example due to a timeout expiring, the filter MAY send an ABORT
    packet to each endpoint on behalf of the other.  Sending an ABORT
    notification allows endpoint applications to recover more quickly;
    however, notifying endpoints might not always be possible if, for
    example, state records are lost due to power interruption.

    Several SCTP mechanisms depend on the reception of ICMPv6 error
    messages triggered by the transmission of SCTP packets.

    REC-41: If a gateway forwards an SCTP association, it MUST also
    forward ICMPv6 "Destination Unreachable" and "Packet Too Big"
    messages containing SCTP headers that match the association state
rfc6092_rec_42 Section 3.3.2: SCTP Filters, REC-42
step 1. Initiate an outbound SCTP association from LAN client to WAN 
    step 2. Verify association initiation is successful
    step 3. Forward an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message from LAN
            client to WAN server
    step 4. Transmit SCTP data from WAN server to LAN client
    step 5. Verify LAN client receives SCTP data
    step 6. Verify SCTP association is still established
    step 7. Forward an ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable message from WAN
            server to LAN client
    step 8. Transmit SCTP data from WAN server to LAN client
    step 9. Verify LAN client receives SCTP data
    step 10. Verify SCTP association is still established
    step 11. Forward an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message from LAN client
             to WAN server
    step 12. Transmit SCTP data from WAN server to LAN client
    step 13. Verify LAN client receives SCTP data
    step 14. Verify SCTP association is still established
    step 15. Forward an ICMPv6 Packet Too Big message from WAN server
             to LAN client
    step 16. Transmit SCTP data from WAN server to LAN client
    step 17. Verify LAN client receives SCTP data
    step 18. Verify SCTP association is still established
    step 19. Transmit SCTP data from WAN server to LAN client
    step 20. Verify LAN client receives SCTP data
    step 21. Verify SCTP association is still established
    step 22. Terminate SCTP association from LAN side
    step 23. Verify association is terminated successful


    IETF RFC 6092 Section 3.3.2: SCTP Filters

    Behavior for handling ERROR and ABORT packets is left unspecified.  A
    gateway MAY hold state for an association after its closing phases
    have completed to accommodate retransmissions of its final SHUTDOWN
    ACK packets.  However, holding state for a closed association can
    limit the throughput of associations traversing a gateway with
    limited resources.  The discussion in [RFC1337] regarding the hazards
    of TIME-WAIT assassination is relevant.

    The handling of inbound non-INIT packets for which there is no active
    state record is left unspecified.  Such packets can be received if
    the gateway abandons a live flow, or abandons an association in the
    closing states before the transitory association idle-timeout
    expires.  The decision either to discard or to respond with an ICMPv6
    "Destination Unreachable" error code 1 (Communication with
    destination administratively prohibited) is left to the

    Behavior for notifying endpoints when abandoning live associations is
    left unspecified.  When a gateway abandons a live association, for
    example due to a timeout expiring, the filter MAY send an ABORT
    packet to each endpoint on behalf of the other.  Sending an ABORT
    notification allows endpoint applications to recover more quickly;
    however, notifying endpoints might not always be possible if, for
    example, state records are lost due to power interruption.

    Several SCTP mechanisms depend on the reception of ICMPv6 error
    messages triggered by the transmission of SCTP packets.

    REC-42: Receipt of any sort of ICMPv6 message MUST NOT terminate the
    state record for an SCTP association.
rip-ng (10) RIPng tests for LAN side of the router
ipv6_ripng_1 Verify router sends RIPng update on LAN side
step 1. Listen for RIPng reply from LAN side IP address of router
    step 2. Verify RIPng version
    step 3. Verify source address of RIPng reply

    NOTE: This test is only run if the 'supportsRIPng' configuration
    is set to 'yes'.


    IETF RFC 2080 Section 2.3: Timers
ipv6_ripng_2 Verify router learns new RIPng routes from LAN side RIPng router
step 1. Start new IPv6 client on LAN interface
    step 2. Announce new RIPng route with metric 1 from new IPv6 client
    step 3. Forward from original LAN client to IP address within the
            new RIPng route range
    step 4. Verify the packet is forwarded to the new IPv6 client


    IETF RFC 2080 Section 2.4.2: Response Messages
ipv6_ripng_5 Verify router responds to RIPng requests on LAN interface
step 1. Send RIPng Request from new UDP src port to RIPng destination address
    step 2. Verify router returns a RIPng response
    step 3. Verify the response is sent to the correct UDP port
    step 4. Verify the response is sent using unicast IP destination

    IETF RFC 2080 Section 2.4.1: Request Messages
ipv6_ripng_10 Verify router selects RIPng route with lowest metric
step 1. Start 2 new IPv6 clients on LAN interface (R1 and R2)
    step 2. Announce new RIPng route with metric 10 from R1
    step 3. Announce same RIPng route with metric 9 from R2
    step 4. Forward from original LAN client to IP address within the
            new RIng route range
    step 5. Verify the packet is forwarded to R2


    IETF RFC 2080 Section 2.4.2: Response Messages
ipv6_ripng_12 Verify router ignores routes with a metric of 16
step 1. Start new IPv6 client on LAN interface
    step 2. Announce new RIPng route with metric 16 from new IPv6 client
    step 3. Forward from original LAN client to IP address within the
            new RIPng route range
    step 4. Verify the packet is not forwarded to the new IPv6 client
    step 5. Verify the packet is forwarded to WAN side


    IETF RFC 2080 Section 2.4.2: Response Messages
ipv6_ripng_20 Verify router uses split horizon or poison reverse for learned RIPng routes
step 1. Start new IPv6 client on LAN interface
    step 2. Announce new RIPng route with metric 1 from new IPv6 client
    step 3. Wait for new RIPng update
    step 4. Verify route is not announced (split horizon) or announced as
            unreachable (poison reverse)


    IETF RFC 2080 Section 2.5.2: Generating Response Messages
ipv6_ripng_30 Verify router announces default route on LAN side
step 1. Listen for RIPng updates for 1 minute
    step 2. Verify default route (/0) is announced as reachable


    IETF RFC 2080 Section 2.2: Addressing Considerations
ipv6_ripng_100 Verify the maximum number of RIPng routes supported
step 1. Start a new IPv6 client on LAN interface
    step 2. Announce new RIPng routes with metric 1 from new IPv6 client

            NOTE: The 'ripMaxRoutes' variable in your configuration file
            determines the number of RIPng routes that are announced.

    step 3. Forward from original LAN client to IP address within the
            each new route range
    step 4. Verify packets are forwarded for each new route


    IETF RFC 2080 Section 2.1: Message Format
ipv6_ripng_200 Verify router learns new RIPng routes from WAN side RIPng router
step 1. Announce new RIPng route with metric 1 from WAN side
    step 2. Wait for new RIPng update on the LAN
    step 3. Verify new route is announced on the LAN
    step 4. Forward packet from LAN to new IP destination
    step 5. Verify packet is forwarded to WAN side

    NOTE: This test is only enabled when testvar ripAcceptWanUpdate
          is set to yes. The default is no.

          testvar ripAcceptWanUpdate yes


    IETF RFC 2080 Section 2.4.2: Response Messages
ipv6_ripng_300 Verify router processes Next Hop RTEs in RIPng route list
step 1. Start 2 new IPv6 clients on LAN interface (R1 and R2)
    step 2. Announce new RIPng route with metric 1 from R1 whose next hop is R2.
    step 3. Forward from original LAN client to IP address within the
            new RIng route range
    step 4. Verify the packet is forwarded to R2


    IETF RFC 2080 Section 2.1.1: Next Hop


nmap (16) Nmap based IPv4 portscan tests from the LAN side of the device
v4_lan_tcp_connect_info NMap IPv4 TCP Connect scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP Connect scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_tcp_syn_info NMap IPv4 TCP Syn scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP Syn scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_tcp_fin_info NMap IPv4 TCP Fin scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP Fin scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_tcp_null_info NMap IPv4 TCP Null scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP Null scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_tcp_xmas_info NMap IPv4 TCP XMAS scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP XMAS scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_tcp_psh_info NMap IPv4 TCP PSH scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP PSH scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_tcp_urg_info NMap IPv4 TCP URG scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP URG scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_tcp_finurg_info NMap IPv4 TCP FIN+URG scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP FIN+URG scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_tcp_finpsh_info NMap IPv4 TCP FIN+PSH scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP FIN+PSH scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_tcp_maimon_info NMap IPv4 TCP Maimon scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP Maimon scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_tcp_ack_info NMap IPv4 TCP ACK scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP ACK scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_udp_info NMap IPv4 UDP scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 UDP scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_sctp_init_info NMap IPv4 SCTP Init scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 SCTP Init scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_sctp_cookie_info NMap IPv4 SCTP Cookie scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 SCTP Cookie scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_os_detection NMap IPv4 OS Detection from LAN side of device
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 scan for OS detection from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_lan_os_detection_version NMap IPv4 OS Detection with version detection from LAN side of device
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 scan for OS detection with version detection from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
nmap-wan (16) Nmap based IPv4 portscan tests from the WAN side of the device
v4_wan_tcp_connect_info NMap IPv4 TCP Connect scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP Connect scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_tcp_syn_info NMap IPv4 TCP Syn scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP Syn scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_tcp_fin_info NMap IPv4 TCP Fin scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP Fin scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_tcp_null_info NMap IPv4 TCP Null scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP Null scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_tcp_xmas_info NMap IPv4 TCP XMAS scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP XMAS scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_tcp_psh_info NMap IPv4 TCP PSH scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP PSH scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_tcp_urg_info NMap IPv4 TCP URG scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP URG scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_tcp_finurg_info NMap IPv4 TCP FIN+URG scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP FIN+URG scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_tcp_finpsh_info NMap IPv4 TCP FIN+PSH scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP FIN+PSH scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_tcp_maimon_info NMap IPv4 TCP Maimon scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP Maimon scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_tcp_ack_info NMap IPv4 TCP ACK scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 TCP ACK scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_udp_info NMap IPv4 UDP scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 UDP scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_sctp_init_info NMap IPv4 SCTP Init scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 SCTP Init scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_sctp_cookie_info NMap IPv4 SCTP Cookie scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 SCTP Cookie scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_os_detection NMap IPv4 OS Detection from WAN side of device
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 scan for OS detection from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v4_wan_os_detection_version NMap IPv4 OS Detection with version detection from WAN side of device
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv4 scan for OS detection with version detection from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
nmap-v6 (16) Nmap based IPv6 portscan tests from the LAN side of the device
v6_lan_tcp_connect_info NMap IPv6 TCP Connect scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP Connect scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_tcp_syn_info NMap IPv6 TCP Syn scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP Syn scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_tcp_fin_info NMap IPv6 TCP Fin scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP Fin scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_tcp_null_info NMap IPv6 TCP Null scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP Null scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_tcp_xmas_info NMap IPv6 TCP XMAS scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP XMAS scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_tcp_psh_info NMap IPv6 TCP PSH scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP PSH scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_tcp_urg_info NMap IPv6 TCP URG scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP URG scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_tcp_finurg_info NMap IPv6 TCP FIN+URG scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP FIN+URG scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_tcp_finpsh_info NMap IPv6 TCP FIN+PSH scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP FIN+PSH scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_tcp_maimon_info NMap IPv6 TCP Maimon scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP Maimon scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_tcp_ack_info NMap IPv6 TCP ACK scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP ACK scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_udp_info NMap IPv6 UDP scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 UDP scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_sctp_init_info NMap IPv6 SCTP Init scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 SCTP Init scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_sctp_cookie_info NMap IPv6 SCTP Cookie scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 SCTP Cookie scan from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_os_detection NMap IPv6 OS Detection from LAN side of device
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 scan for OS detection from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_lan_os_detection_version NMap IPv6 OS Detection with version detection from LAN side of device
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 scan for OS detection with version detection from the LAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
nmap-wan-v6 (16) Nmap based IPv6 portscan tests from the WAN side of the device
v6_wan_tcp_connect_info NMap IPv6 TCP Connect scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP Connect scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_tcp_syn_info NMap IPv6 TCP Syn scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP Syn scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_tcp_fin_info NMap IPv6 TCP Fin scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP Fin scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_tcp_null_info NMap IPv6 TCP Null scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP Null scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_tcp_xmas_info NMap IPv6 TCP XMAS scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP XMAS scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_tcp_psh_info NMap IPv6 TCP PSH scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP PSH scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_tcp_urg_info NMap IPv6 TCP URG scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP URG scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_tcp_finurg_info NMap IPv6 TCP FIN+URG scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP FIN+URG scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_tcp_finpsh_info NMap IPv6 TCP FIN+PSH scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP FIN+PSH scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_tcp_maimon_info NMap IPv6 TCP Maimon scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP Maimon scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_tcp_ack_info NMap IPv6 TCP ACK scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 TCP ACK scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_udp_info NMap IPv6 UDP scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 UDP scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_sctp_init_info NMap IPv6 SCTP Init scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 SCTP Init scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_sctp_cookie_info NMap IPv6 SCTP Cookie scan
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 SCTP Cookie scan from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_os_detection NMap IPv6 OS Detection from WAN side of device
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 scan for OS detection from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report
v6_wan_os_detection_version NMap IPv6 OS Detection with version detection from WAN side of device
step 1. Initiate a NMap IPv6 scan for OS detection with version detection from the WAN
    step 2. Display the final NMap report






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