/*create user table*/

create table user(

/*set the id as the primary key ,set this auto_increment type*/

id int primary key auto_increment ,

name char(10) not null,

/*this check sex in male or female ,don't use not null here*/

sex char(6) check(sex in ('male','female')),    

age int not null


/*this Sql script insert one row into user table*/

insert into user (name,sex,age) values("wanggangdan",'male',18);create table Student1(

Sno char(8) primary key not null,

Sname varchar(10) not null,

Sex char(2) check(Sex in ('男','女')),

Age int not null,

Phonenumber char(12) unique,

Sdept varchar(20) not null


create table Course(

Cno char(10) primary key  not null,

Cname varchar(20) not null,

Total_perior tinyint,

Week_perior tinyint,

credit tinyint not null,

Pcno char(10)


create table SC(

Sno char(8) not null,

Cno char(10) not null,

Grade tinyint,

/*set Sno & Cno as the primary key*/

primary key(Sno,Cno),

/*set the refereneces of Sno & Cno*/

foreign key(Sno) references Student1(Sno),

foreign key(Cno) references Course(Cno)
