微软职位内部推荐-Principal Software Developer


Contact Person: Winnie Wei (wiwe@microsoft.com )

Work Location: Suzhou/Beijing

News is one of most critical areas for integration of mobile and services, one of the top priorities in Microsoft. Microsoft is innovating rapidly to grow its share of this market by providing the news industry with a world-class News platform and service. The Microsoft Bing News team is one of the most strategic and growing teams at Microsoft. As part of a software company with powerful innovations and global properties, at Microsoft News we bring both our technical and creative side to the table. We provide world-class news search and recommendation product to our customers. Its mission is to make searching and reading news simpler, smarter across media and devices in the Microsoft network of properties and beyond.

Position Summary:

As the principal UX developer for the News team you will be responsible for the information architecture of our user experience and responsible for driving the medium to long-term product strategy for our user experience and research team. Ideally you will have a deep design background coupled with proven technical aptitude who can prioritize efficiently to ensure we engineer and launch all products with the highest UX quality and customer feedback and input. This role leads our UX design and research team working closely with Program Management & Development teams, user and document understanding team, relevance team and consumers.

Success in this role requires high level of strategic & systems thinking, experienced leadership, and the ability to communicate at the executive level to influence other teams. The ideal candidate will uphold a consistent voice, tone, feel and look for our products. The candidate should have deep passion for the news industry and a clear understanding of each phase of the design process - information architecture + interaction design, research + usability, rapid prototyping, visual design, brand integration and content creation.

Roles & Responsibilities:

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Lead and manage an experienced UX design/research team responsible for delivering consumer experiences.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Partner with functional leaders across the team and company both in the US and Worldwide.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Thought leadership role working with other engineering, PM, & UX leaders across the Online Services Division and company (Bing, Xbox, Windows, Skype, MSN).

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Direct the analysis and design of large-scale (both number and size) web-based projects, research and programs.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Provide product design/research input and leadership across advertising team, internal and external partners and customers

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Actively contribute and participate in R&D long-range plan

Skills & Requirements

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 7+ years of experience as a UX or Design Manager, Creative Director, Art Director, or equivalent role.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp 7+ years of leadership experience, with demonstrated ability to lead, motivate and build a results-oriented UX team (Design/Research.)

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Able to build credibility with UX team, editorial programming staff, senior engineers and senior management; able to earn and sustain the respect of highly technical professionals and influence outcomes.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Experience in the design of a consumer experiences (news, software, mobile, web, other media) with an emphasis on conceptual, visual, interaction, design and strategy.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Ability to lead/design around roadblocks and an aptitude to deliver solutions rather than compromises.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Understanding the array of technical constraints, user goals and business requirements that shape a product/digital experiences.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills, including communication with executives

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Strong negotiation and conflict resolution skills.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Strong online / Internet / web-based services management and development skills

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Knowledge of web technologies including: Ajax, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, XML and Microsoft tools that support them.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp A minimum of a BA/BS degree in Interface Design, Interaction Design, Communication Design, Architecture, Human Factors or equivalent- technical background also considered ideal but not required.

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.




作为必应新闻团队的主任级用户体验软件开发人员,你将带领我们的用户体验和研究团队,负责我们的用户体验的信息体系结构和负责驾驶中期到长期的产品策略。我们期望你会有深厚德的设计背景和开发背景,确保我们产品的最高质量的用户体验和及时将客户的反馈体现在产品之中。你将带领我们的用户体验设计和研究团队以及程序管理和开发团队、 用户和文件理解团队、相关性团队以及其他兄弟团队密切合作服务于我们的内部和外部的客户。

在这个角色的成功需要高水平的战略和系统思维、 经验丰富的领导来影响其他团队的沟通能力。理想的候选人,将秉承和发扬我们的产品的品味。应聘者应该对新闻业有激情,并清楚地了解每个阶段的设计过程, 包括信息体系结构和交互设计、可用性研究、 快速成型、 视觉设计、 品牌整合和内容创作。




-在与其他工程,产品经理领导人和跨公司的其他部门 (Bing,Xbox,Windows,Skype,MSN)合作时体现领导作用。

-领导分析和设计大型的基于 web 的项目、 研究和程序。

-能搞为跨团队、 内部和外部的合作伙伴和客户提供产品设计研究意见和建议

-积极贡献和参与 R&D 长期计划


-7 年以上的用户体验或设计经理、 创意总监、 艺术总监或等效角色。

-7 年以上的领导经验,表现出领导能力、 激励和建立一个面向结果的用户体验团队 (设计/研究)。

-能够在领导用户体验团队和编辑编程人员、 高级工程师和高级管理人员工作时建立自己的信誉;能够赢得和维持高技术专业人才的尊重并且富有成果。

-深具消费者产品的概念、 视觉、 互动、 设计和战略重点的设计经验 (新闻,软件,移动,网络,其他媒体)。


-了解用以到达产品体验技术上的限制、 用户目标和业务要求。



-强在线 / 互联网 / 基于 web 的服务管理和开发技巧。

-Web 技术包括知识: Ajax、 CSS、 JavaScript、 HTML、 XML 和 Microsoft 工具,支持他们。

-要求在界面设计、 交互设计、 通信设计、 体系结构本科学历。有强技术背景的从优录用。







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