TABLE 6–1 Starting vi
Command Description
vi filename Open or create file
vi Open new file to be named later
vi -r filename Recover crashed file
view filename Open file read-only
TABLE 6–2 Cursor Commands
Command Description
h Move left one character
j Move down one line
k Move up one line
l Move right one character
w Move right one word
W Move right one word (past punctuation)
b Move left one word
B Move left one word (past punctuation)
e Move to end of current word
Return Move down one line
Backspace Move left one character
Spacebar Move right one character
H Move to top of screen
M Move to middle of screen
L Move to bottom of screen
Ctrl-F Page forward one screen
Ctrl-D Scroll forward one-half screen
Ctrl-B Page backward one screen
Ctrl-U Scroll backward one-half screen
TABLE 6–3 Inserting Characters and Lines
Command Description
a Insert characters to right of cursor
A Insert characters at end of line
i Insert characters to left of cursor
I Insert characters at beginning of line
o Insert line below cursor
O Insert line above cursor
TABLE 6–4 Changing Text
Command Description
cw Change word (or part of word) to right of
cc Change line
C Change from cursor to end of line
s Substitute string for character(s) from cursor
r Replace character at cursor with one other
r Return Break line
J Join current line and line below
xp Transpose character at cursor and character to
~ Change case of letter (uppercase or lowercase)
u Undo previous command
U Undo all changes to current line
:u Undo previous last-line command
TABLE 6–5 Deleting Text
Command Description
x Delete character at the cursor
X Delete character to the left of the cursor
TABLE 6–5 Deleting Text (Continued)
Command Description
dw Delete word (or part of word to right of
dd Delete line containing the cursor
D Delete part of line to right of cursor
dG Delete to end of file
d1G Delete from beginning of file to cursor
:5,10 d Delete lines 5-10
TABLE 6–6 Copying and Moving Text
Command Description
yy Yank or copy line
Y Yank or copy line
p Put yanked or deleted line below current line
P Put yanked or deleted line above current line
:1,2 co 3 Copy lines 1-2 and put after line 3
:4,5 m 6 Move lines 4-5 and put after line 6
TABLE 6–7 Setting Line Numbers
Command Description
:set nu Show line numbers
:set nonu Hide line numbers
TABLE 6–8 Setting Case-sensitivity
Command Description
:set ic Searches should ignore case
:set noic Searches should be case sensitive
TABLE 6–9 Finding a Line
Command Description
G Go to last line of file
1G Go to first line of file
21G Go to line 21
TABLE 6–10 Searching and Replacing
Command Description
/string Search for string
?string Search backward for string
n Find next occurrence of string in search
N Find previous occurrence of string in search
:g/search/s//replace/g Search and replace
TABLE 6–11 Clearing the Screen
Command Description
Ctrl-L Clear (refresh) scrambled screen
TABLE 6–12 Inserting a File Into a File
Command Description
:r filename Insert (read) file after cursor
:34 r filename Insert file after line 34
TABLE 6–13 Saving and Quitting
Command Description
:w Save changes (write buffer)
:w filename Write buffer to named file
:wq Save changes and quit vi
ZZ Save changes and quit vi
TABLE 6–13 Saving and Quitting (Continued)
Command Description
:q! Quit without saving changes