"opiodr aborting process" Messages in Alert.Log [ID 1230858.1]

What is the meaning of "opiodr aborting process" messages in the database alert log?
For example:

Wed Jul 21 13:30:36 2010
opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (28342) as a result of ORA-28


This is an informational message only.  The intention of the message is to ensure that the alert captures information about processes that exit unusually.  The message was added in 11g.

The sample message above, with the ORA-28, is normally reported when a privileged user has killed the session.

Here is a breakdown of the sample message: "opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (28342) as a result of ORA-28"

"unknown" => means it is not a background or shadow process that is killed
"ospid (28342)" => this is the OS pid of the process which opiodr is aborting
"as a result of" => this precedes the error message which is the reason for opiodr to kill the process
"ORA-28" => this is the reason that opiodr killed the process. In this case, it is ora-28.

Here is the error text for ORA-28:

Error: ORA 28
Text: your session has been killed
Cause: A privileged user killed the session and it is no longer logged in to the database.
Action: Contact the database administrator.
The administrator may be attempting to perform an operation that requires users to be logged out.
When the database administrator announces that the database is available, log in and resume work.

The "opiodr aborting process" message can occur with different causes than ORA-28. In that case the "opiodr aborting process" message will have the relevant error instead of the ORA-28.

--Alert log中的"opiodr aborting processunknown ospid (28342) as a result of ORA-28"消息仅仅是一个记录信息。最后的ORA-XX的信息代表导致进程异常退出的原因。

00028, 00000, "your session has been killed"
// *Cause:  A privileged user has killed your session and you are no longer
//          logged on to the database.
// *Action: Login again if you wish to continue working.


Troubleshooting Guide ORA-609 : Opiodr aborting process unknown ospid [ID 1121357.1]