
Step 3: Listener support

Listeners  are a way to hook into the request handling. This Bundle provides various events from decoding the request content in the request (body listener), determining the correct response format (format listener), reading parameters from the request(parameter fetcher listener), to formatting the response either with a template engine like twig or to f.e. xml or json using a serializer (view response listener)) as well as automatically setting the accepted http methods in the response (accept listener).


With this in mind we now turn to explain each one of them.


All listeners except the mime_type one are disabled by default.  You can enable one or more of these listeners.  For example, below you can see how to enable all listeners:


# app/config/config.yml
    param_fetcher_listener: true
    body_listener: true
    format_listener: true
        view_response_listener: 'force'

View Response listener(视图响应监听器)

The view response listener makes it possible to simply return a View instance from action controllers. The final output will then automatically be processed via the listener by the fos_rest.view_handler service.

视图响应监听器可以简单地从控制器Action中返回View实例。然后最终输出将通过 fos_rest.view_handler 服务自动监听处理。

This requires adding the SensioFrameworkExtraBundle to your vendors:


Now inside a controller its possible to simply return a View instance.


use FOS\RestBundle\View\View;
class UsersController
    public function getUsersAction()
        $view = View::create();
        return $view;

As this feature is heavily based on the SensioFrameworkBundle, the example can further be simplified by using the various annotations supported by that bundle. There is also one additional annotation called @View() which extends from the @Template() annotation.

由于该特性很大程度上基于 SensioFrameworkBundle功能包,因此通过使用该功能包支持的不同注释,上述示例还可以进一步简化。这里还有一个从 @Template() 注释扩展的 @View() 注释。

The @View() and @Template() annotations behave essentially the samewith a minor difference. When view_response_listener is set to true instead of force and @View() is not used, then rendering will be delegated to SensioFrameworkExtraBundle.

@View()@Template()注释作用基本相同,仅有细微的差别。当 view_response_listener
设置为 true 而不是 force,同时 @View()也没被使用,那么渲染将被委派给SensioFrameworkExtraBundle功能包。

Note that it is necessary to disable view annotations in SensioFrameworkExtraBundle so that FOSRestBundle can take over the handling.

注意这需要禁用SensioFrameworkExtraBundle功能包中的view注释,以便 FOSRestBundle 功能包可以接管该处理。

# app/config/config.yml
        view_response_listener: force
    view:    { annotations: false }
    router:  { annotations: true }

use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\View;
class UsersController
     * @View()
    public function getUsersAction()
        return $data;

If @View() is used, the template variable name used to render templating formats can be configured (default  'data'):

如果使用 @View() 注释,那么模板变量名可以被配置用于渲染模板格式(缺省为'data'):

 * @View(templateVar="users")
public function getUsersAction()

The status code of the view can also be configured:


 * @View(statusCode=204)
public function deleteUserAction()

The groups for the serializer can be configured as follows:


 * @View(serializerGroups={"group1", "group2"})
public function getUsersAction()

See the following example code for more details:


Body listener(Body监听器)

The Request body decoding listener makes it possible to decode the contents of a request in order to populate the "request" parameter bag of the Request. This for example allows to receive data that normally would be sent via POST as application/x-www-form-url encode in a different format (for example application/json) in a PUT.


You can add a decoder for a custom format. You can also replace the default decoder services provided by the bundle for the json and xml formats.Below you can see how to override the decoder for the json format (the xml decoder is explicitly kept to its default service):


# app/config/config.yml
            json: acme.decoder.json
            xml: fos_rest.decoder.xml

Your custom decoder service must use a class that implements the FOS\Rest\Decoder\DecoderInterface.


If you want to be able to use form with checkbox and have true and false value (without any issue) you have to use : fos_rest.decoder.jsontoform (available since fosrest 0.8.0)

如果您想使用带复选框的表单,并产生 true 和 false 值(这没任何问题),您将不得不使用:fos_rest.decoder.jsontoform(该功能在 fosrest 0.8.0版本之后启用)。

Request Body Converter Listener(请求体转换监听器)

Converters are a way to populate objects and inject them as controller method arguments.The Request body converter makes it possible to deserialize the request body into an object.


This converter requires that you have installed SensioFrameworkExtraBundle and have the converters enabled:

该转换器要求您安装 SensioFrameworkExtraBundle 功能包并启用转换器功能:

# app/config/config.yml
    request: { converters: true }

To enable the Request body converter, add the following configuration:


# app/config/config.yml
        enabled: true

Note: You will probably want to disable the automatic route generation (@NoRoute)for routes using the body converter, and instead define the routes manually to avoid having the deserialized, type hinted objects ($post in this example) appearin the route as a parameter.


Now, in the following example, the request body will be deserialized into a new instance of Post and injected into the $post variable:


use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\ParamConverter;
// ...
 * @ParamConverter("post", converter="fos_rest.request_body")
public function putPostAction(Post $post)
    // ...

You can configure the context used by the serializer during deserialization via the deserializationContext option:

在通过 deserializationContext选项进行反序列化期间,您可以通过序列化器来配置上下文:

 * @ParamConverter("post", converter="fos_rest.request_body", options={"deserializationContext"={"groups"={"group1", "group2"}, "version"="1.0"}})
public function putPostAction(Post $post)
    // ...

If you would like to validate the deserialized object, you can do so by enabling validation:


# app/config/config.yml
        enabled: true
        validate: true
        validation_errors_argument: validationErrors # This is the default value

The validation errors will be set on the validationErrors controller argument:

验证错误将被设置在控制器参数 validationErrors

 * @ParamConverter("post", converter="fos_rest.request_body")
public function putPostAction(Post $post, ConstraintViolationListInterface $validationErrors)
    if (count($validationErrors) > 0) {
        // Handle validation errors
    // ...

Format listener(格式监听器)

The Request format listener attempts to determine the best format for the request based on the Request's Accept-Header and the format priority configuration. This way it becomes possible to leverage Accept-Headers to determine the request format, rather than a file extension (like foo.json).


The default_priorities define the order of formats as the application prefers.  The algorithm iteratively examines the provided Accept header first looking at all the options with the highest q. The first priority that matches is returned. If none match the next lowest set of Accept headers with equal q is examined and so on until there are no more Accept headers to check. In this case fallback_format is used.

default_priorities 定义了应用程序偏好的格式顺序。该算法抚今迭代检查所提供的接收头,首先查找所有具有最高 q 的选项,第一优先匹配返回。如果没有匹配,则检查下一个有着相同 q 的最低接收头,直到没有接收头检查。在这种格式下使用 fallback_format

Note that if _format is matched inside the route, then a virtual Acceptheader setting is added with a q setting one lower than the lowest Acceptheader, meaning that format is checked for a match in the priorities last. If prefer_extension is set to true then the virtual Accept header will be one higher than the highest q causing the extension to be checked first.

注意, if _format 在路由中匹配,那么将添加一个虚拟接收头设置,该设置有着比最低接收头更低的 q 设置,这就意味着该格式将是最后优先级匹配。如果prefer_extension 设置为 true,那么虚拟接收头将比最高的 q 还高,这将引起扩展将被最先检查。

Note that setting default_priorities to a non empty array enables Accept header negotiations, while adding '*/*' to the priorities will effectively cause any priority to match.


# app/config/config.yml
        default_priorities: ['json', html, '*/*']
        fallback_format: json
        prefer_extension: true

For example using the above configuration and the following Accept header:



And the following route:


    pattern:  /foo.{_format}
    defaults: { _controller: foo.controller:indexAction, _format: ~ }

When calling:


  • /foo will lead to setting the request format to json

  • /foo 将导致设置请求格式为json

  • /foo.html will lead to setting the request format to html

  • /foo.html 将导致设置请求格式为html

Note that the format needs to either be supported by the Request class natively or it needs to be added as documented here:


Mime type listener(Mime类型监听器)

This listener allows registering additional mime types in the Request class.  It works similar to the following cookbook entry:


Param fetcher listener(参数提取监听器)

The param fetcher listener simply sets the ParamFetcher instance as a request attributeconfigured for the matched controller so that the user does not need to do this manually.


# app/config/config.yml
    param_fetcher_listener: true

use FOS\RestBundle\Request\ParamFetcher;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\RequestParam;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\QueryParam;
class FooController extends Controller
     * Will look for a page query parameter, ie. ?page=XX
     * If not passed it will be automatically be set to the default of "1"
     * If passed but doesn't match the requirement "\d+" it will be also be set to the default of "1"
     * Note that if the value matches the default then no validation is run.
     * So make sure the default value really matches your expectations.
     * @QueryParam(name="page", requirements="\d+", default="1", description="Page of the overview.")
     * In some case you also want to have a strict requirements but accept a null value, this is possible
     * thanks to the nullable option.
     * If ?count= parameter is set, the requirements will be checked strictly, if not, the null value will be used.
     * If you set the strict parameter without a nullable option, this will result in an error if the parameter is
     * missing from the query.
     * @QueryParam(name="count", requirements="\d+", strict=true, nullable=true, description="Item count limit")
     * Will look for a firstname request parameters, ie. firstname=foo in POST data.
     * If not passed it will error out when read out of the ParamFetcher since RequestParam defaults to strict=true
     * If passed but doesn't match the requirement "\d+" it will also error out (400 Bad Request)
     * Note that if the value matches the default then no validation is run.
     * So make sure the default value really matches your expectations.
     * @RequestParam(name="firstname", requirements="[a-z]+", description="Firstname.")
     * If you want to work with array: ie. ?ids[]=1&ids[]=2&ids[]=1337, use:
     * @QueryParam(array="true", name="ids", requirements="\d+", default="1", description="List of ids")
     * (works with QueryParam and RequestParam)
     * It will validate each entries of ids with your requirement, by this way, if an entry is invalid,
     * this one will be replaced by default value.
     * ie: ?ids[]=1337&ids[]=notinteger will return array(1337, 1);
     * If ids is not defined, array(1) will be given
     * Array must have a single depth or it will return default value. It's difficult to validate with
     * preg_match each deeps of array, if you want to deal with that, use another validation system.
     * @param ParamFetcher $paramFetcher
    public function getArticlesAction(ParamFetcher $paramFetcher)
        $page = $paramFetcher->get('page');
        $articles = array('bim', 'bam', 'bingo');
        return array('articles' => $articles, 'page' => $page);

Note: There is also $paramFetcher->all() to fetch all configured query parameters at once. And also both $paramFetcher->get() and $paramFetcher->all() support and optional $strict parameter to throw a \RuntimeException on a validation error.

注意:这里还可以使用  $paramFetcher->all() 一次性获取所有配置的查询参数。它支持 $paramFetcher->get()$paramFetcher->all()两种方式,同时可选参数 $strict
将在验证错误时抛出\RuntimeException 异常。

Optionally the listener can also already set all configured query parameters as request attributes


# app/config/config.yml
    param_fetcher_listener: force

class FooController extends Controller
     * @QueryParam(name="page", requirements="\d+", default="1", description="Page of the overview.")
     * @param string $page
    public function getArticlesAction($page)
        $articles = array('bim', 'bam', 'bingo');
        return array('articles' => $articles, 'page' => $page);

Allowed Http Methods Listener(允许的HTTP方法监听器)

This listener add the Allow HTTP header to each request appending all allowed methods for a given resource.


Let's say we have the following routes:



A GET request to api_get_users will response in:

一个 GET 发送到 api_get_users 的请求将被响应:

< HTTP/1.0 200 OK
< Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 15:17:22 GMT
< Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)
< allow: GET, POST

You need to enable this listener like this as it is disabled by default:


    allowed_methods_listener: true

Security Exception Listener(安全异常监听器)

By default it is the responsibility of firewall access points to deal with AccessDeniedExceptions.For example the form entry point will redirect to the login page. However for a RESTful application proper response HTTP status codes should be provided. This listener is triggered before the normal exception listener and firewall entry points and forces returning either a 403 or 401 status code for any of the formats configured.

缺省状态下,防火墙访问点负责处理AccessDeniedExceptions。例如表单接入点将重定向到 登录页面。然而在REST风格的应用程序中将提供适当HTTP状态码。该监听器在正常异常监听器和防火墙访问点之前被触发,并为任何格式配置强制返回403或401状态码。

It will return 401 for Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AuthenticationException or 403 forSymfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AccessDeniedException.


You need to enable this listener like this as it is disabled by default:


        # all requests using the 'json' format will return a 403 on an access denied violation
        json: true

It is also recommended to enable the exception controller described in the next chapter.


That was it!

Return to the index or continue reading about ExceptionController support.






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