- 分配在堆的内存要手动去释放
- 在多线程环境下,每个线程拥有一个栈和一个程序计数器。栈和程序计数器用来保存线程的执行历史和线程的执行状态,是线程私有的资源。
- 其他的资源(比如堆、地址空间、全局变量)是由同一个进程内的多个线程共享
- mutex - C++ Reference
- http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/mutex/mutex/?kw=mutex
condition variable
- condition_variable - C++ Reference
- http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/condition_variable/condition_variable/
- 在引入锁的同时,我们遇到了一个新的问题:死锁(Deadlock)。死锁是指两个或多个线程/进程之间相互阻塞,以至于任何一个都不能继续运行,因此也不能解锁其他线程/进程。例如,线程A占有lock A,并且尝试获取lock B;而线程2占有lock B,尝试获取lock A。此时,两者相互阻塞,都无法继续运行。
- 总结产生死锁的四个条件(只有当四个条件同时满足时才会产生死锁):
- Mutual Exclusion – Only one process may use a resource at a time
- Hold-and-Wait – Process holds resource while waiting for another
- No Preemption – Can’t take a resource away from a process
- Circular Wait – The waiting processes form a cycle
- 如何处理死锁问题:
- 忽略该问题。例如鸵鸟算法,该算法可以应用在极少发生死锁的的情况下。为什么叫鸵鸟算法呢,因为传说中鸵鸟看到危险就把头埋在地底下,可能鸵鸟觉得看不到危险也就没危险了吧。跟掩耳盗铃有点像。
- 检测死锁并且恢复。
- 仔细地对资源进行动态分配,以避免死锁。
- 通过破除死锁四个必要条件之一,来防止死锁产生。
- https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%BD%91%E7%BB%9C%E5%8D%8F%E8%AE%AE/328636?fr=aladdin
- socket(计算机专业术语)_百度百科
- https://baike.baidu.com/item/socket/281150?fr=aladdin
- http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/08b6a591e07ecc14a80922f1.html
- 2^10 = 1024 ~ 10^3
- 2^24 ~ 2^4 * 10^3 * 10^3 ~ 16 * 10^6
- 0^3013=1
C# v.s. C++
Scripting language v.s. Compiling language
- 动态链接库:在运行时加载
- 静态链接库:在编译时直接联到可执行文件中
- 动态链接库和静态链接库的区别
- http://blog.csdn.net/gamecreating/article/details/5504152
- http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_61ba4898010153zu.html
敏捷软件开发 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- Scrum - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Test-driven development (TDD)
- 测试驱动开发 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95%E9%A9%B1%E5%8A%A8%E5%BC%80%E5%8F%91
- 测试驱动开发(英语:Test-driven development,缩写为TDD)是一种软件开发过程中的应用方法,由极限编程中倡导,以其倡导先写测试程序,然后编码实现其功能得名。测试驱动开发始于20世纪90年代。测试驱动开发的目的是取得快速反馈并使用“illustrate the main line”方法来构建程序。
- 测试驱动开发是戴两顶帽子思考的开发方式:先戴上实现功能的帽子,在测试的辅助下,快速实现其功能;再戴上重构的帽子,在测试的保护下,通过去除冗余的代码,提高代码质量。测试驱动着整个开发过程:首先,驱动代码的设计和功能的实现;其后,驱动代码的再设计和重构。
Behavior-driven development(BDD)
- 行为驱动开发 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%A1%8C%E4%B8%BA%E9%A9%B1%E5%8A%A8%E5%BC%80%E5%8F%91
- 行为驱动开发(英语:Behavior-driven development,缩写BDD)是一种敏捷软件开发的技术,它鼓励软件项目中的开发者、QA和非技术人员或商业参与者之间的协作。BDD最初是由Dan North在2003年命名[1],它包括验收测试和客户测试驱动等的极限编程的实践,作为对测试驱动开发的回应。在过去数年里,它得到了很大的发展[2]。
- 2009年,在伦敦发表的“敏捷规格,BDD和极限测试交流”[3]中,Dan North对BDD给出了如下定义:
- BDD的重点是通过与利益相关者的讨论取得对预期的软件行为的清醒认识。它通过用自然语言书写非程序员可读的测试用例扩展了测试驱动开发方法。行为驱动开发人员使用混合了领域中统一的语言的母语语言来描述他们的代码的目的。这让开发者得以把精力集中在代码应该怎么写,而不是技术细节上,而且也最大程度的减少了将代码编写者的技术语言与商业客户、用户、利益相关者、项目管理者等的领域语言之间来回翻译的代价。
Continuous integration(CI)
- Continuous integration - Wikipedia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration
- 持续集成 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8C%81%E7%BA%8C%E6%95%B4%E5%90%88
- 持续集成(英语:Continuous integration,缩写CI)是一种软件工程流程,是将所有软件工程师对于软件的工作副本持续集成到共用主线(mainline)的一种举措。该名称最早由[1]葛来迪·布区(Grady Booch)在他的布区方法[2]中提出,不过他并没有提到要每天集成数次。之后该举措成为极限编程(extreme programming)的一部分时,其中建议每天应集成超过一次,甚至达到数十次。[3]在测试驱动开发(TDD)的作法中,通常还会搭配自动单元测试。持续集成的提出主要是为解决软件进行系统集成时面临的各项问题,极限编程称这些问题为集成地狱(integration hell)。
- 持续集成_百度百科
- https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%8C%81%E7%BB%AD%E9%9B%86%E6%88%90
- 持续集成是一种软件开发实践,即团队开发成员经常集成他们的工作,通过每个成员每天至少集成一次,也就意味着每天可能会发生多次集成。每次集成都通过自动化的构建(包括编译,发布,自动化测试)来验证,从而尽早地发现集成错误。
- https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%8C%81%E7%BB%AD%E9%9B%86%E6%88%90
Continuous delivery / Continuous deployment(CD)
- Continuous delivery - Wikipedia
- 持续交付 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%8C%81%E7%BA%8C%E4%BA%A4%E4%BB%98
- 持续交付(英语:Continuous delivery,缩写为 CD),是一种软件工程手法,让软件产品的产出过程在一个短周期内完成,以保证软件可以稳定、持续的保持在随时可以释出的状况。它的目标在于让软件的建置、测试与释出变得更快以及更频繁。这种方式可以减少软件开发的成本与时间,减少风险。
- 持续交付_百度百科
- DevOps - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/DevOps
- DevOps(Development和Operations的组合词)是一种重视“软件开发人员(Dev)”和“IT运维技术人员(Ops)”之间沟通合作的文化、运动或惯例。透过自动化“软件交付”和“架构变更”的流程,来使得构建、测试、发布软件能够更加地快捷、频繁和可靠。
- 系统发展生命周期 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
软件即服务(Software as a Service,i.e. SaaS)
- 软件即服务 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
奇异递归模板模式(curiously recurring template pattern,CRTP)
- 奇异递归模板模式 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A5%87%E5%BC%82%E9%80%92%E5%BD%92%E6%A8%A1%E6%9D%BF%E6%A8%A1%E5%BC%8F
- 奇异递归模板模式(curiously recurring template pattern,CRTP)是C++模板编程时的一种惯用法(idiom):把派生类作为基类的模板参数。[1]更一般地被称作F-bound polymorphism,是一类F 界量化。
MEAN Stack
- MongoDB, Angularjs, Nodejs, React, Golang
LAMP Stack
- Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python, Javascript, Angularjs
Full Stack Java
- Java, J2EE, Spring MVC Framework, Bootstrap, Javascript, Angularjs
内存泄露定位 / 监测/防止
- 内存泄漏_百度百科
- https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%86%85%E5%AD%98%E6%B3%84%E6%BC%8F/6181425?fr=aladdin
- 内存泄漏以及常见的解决方法 - na_he的专栏 - CSDN博客
- http://blog.csdn.net/na_he/article/details/7429171
- C/C++内存泄漏及检测 - 吴秦 - 博客园
- http://www.cnblogs.com/skynet/archive/2011/02/20/1959162.html
- Memory debugger - Wikipedia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_debugger
- A memory debugger also known as a runtime debugger[1] is a debugger for finding software memory problems such as memory leaks and buffer overflows. These are due to bugs related to the allocation and deallocation of dynamic memory. Programs written in languages that have garbage collection, such as managed code, might also need memory debuggers, e.g. for memory leaks due to "living" references in collections.
- Valgrind - Wikipedia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valgrind#Memcheck
- Valgrind /ˈvælɡrɪnd/ is a programming tool for memory debugging, memory leak detection, and profiling.
- Valgrind was originally designed to be a freememory debugging tool for Linux on x86, but has since evolved to become a generic framework for creating dynamic analysis tools such as checkers and profilers.
- gdb_百度百科
- http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=qzDVNAB5igtON9p7hw4Ybwu5hELcvElenqb9X-hINKukyB-6lG0Al-VJ2Vxjm7PwFBJmiZVwZCYJ2V-alB_WLa
- Confluence (software) - Wikipedia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confluence_(software)
- Confluence is a team collaboration software. Written in Java and mainly used in corporate environments, it is developed and marketed by Atlassian. Confluence is sold as either on-premises software or as software as a service.
- Cucumber (software) - Wikipedia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucumber_(software)
- Cucumber is a software tool used by computer programmers for testing other software. It runs automated acceptance tests written in a behavior-driven development (BDD) style. Central to the Cucumber BDD approach is its plain language parser called Gherkin. It allows expected software behaviors to be specified in a logical language that customers can understand. As such, Cucumber allows the execution of feature documentation written in business-facing text. Capybara, which is a part of the Cucumber testing framework, is an example of a web based test automation software.
- Cucumber is written in the Ruby programming language. and was originally used exclusively for Ruby testing as a complement to the RSpec BDD framework. Cucumber now supports a variety of different programming languages through various implementations. For example, Cuke4php and Cuke4Lua are software bridges that enable testing of PHP and Lua projects, respectively. Other implementations may simply leverage the Gherkin parser while implementing the rest of the testing framework in the target language.
- Introduction to Cucumber
- 从头写一个Cucumber测试(一) Selenium Test – Bu・log
- 从头写一个Cucumber测试(二) Cucumber Test – Bu・log
- git - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git
- git是一个分布式版本控制软件,最初由林纳斯·托瓦兹(Linus Torvalds)创作,于2005年以GPL发布。最初目的是为更好地管理Linux内核开发而设计。应注意的是,这与GNU Interactive Tools[6](一个类似Norton Commander界面的文件管理器)有所不同。
- git最初的开发动力来自于BitKeeper和Monotone[7][8]。git最初只是作为一个可以被其他前端(比如Cogito或Stgit[9])包装的后端而开发的,但后来git内核已经成熟到可以独立地用作版本控制[10]。很多著名的软件都使用git进行版本控制[11],其中包括Linux内核、X.Org服务器和OLPC内核等项目的开发流程[12]。
- JIRA - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- Apache JMeter - Wikipedia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_JMeter
- Apache JMeter is an Apacheproject that can be used as a load testing tool for analyzing and measuring the performance of a variety of services, with a focus on web applications.
- JMeter can be used as a unit-test tool for JDBC database connections,[1] FTP,[2] LDAP,[3] Webservices,[4] JMS,[5] HTTP,[6] generic TCP connections and OS native processes.[citation needed] One can also configure JMeter as a monitor,[7] although this is typically considered[by whom?]ad hoc rather than advanced monitoring. It can be used for some functional testing as well.[8]
- JMeter supports variable parameterization, assertions (response validation), per-thread cookies, configuration variables and a variety of reports.
- JMeter architecture is based on plugins. Most of its "out of the box" features are implemented with plugins. Off-site developers can easily extend JMeter with custom plugins.
- Jmeter_百度百科
- https://baike.baidu.com/item/Jmeter
- Apache JMeter是Apache组织开发的基于Java的压力测试工具。用于对软件做压力测试,它最初被设计用于Web应用测试,但后来扩展到其他测试领域。 它可以用于测试静态和动态资源,例如静态文件、Java 小服务程序、CGI 脚本、Java 对象、数据库、FTP 服务器, 等等。JMeter 可以用于对服务器、网络或对象模拟巨大的负载,来自不同压力类别下测试它们的强度和分析整体性能。另外,JMeter能够对应用程序做功能/回归测试,通过创建带有断言的脚本来验证你的程序返回了你期望的结果。为了最大限度的灵活性,JMeter允许使用正则表达式创建断言。
- Apache jmeter 可以用于对静态的和动态的资源(文件,Servlet,Perl脚本,java 对象,数据库和查询,FTP服务器等等)的性能进行测试。它可以用于对服务器、网络或对象模拟繁重的负载来测试它们的强度或分析不同压力类型下的整体性能。你可以使用它做性能的图形分析或在大并发负载测试你的服务器/脚本/对象。
- LoadUI - Wikipedia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LoadUI
- LoadUI is a load testing software, targeted mainly at web services. LoadUI runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. LoadUI allows users to test the speed and scalability of APIs, preview API performance behaviors before releasing to production environments and shift performance insights to the left.
- OpenGL - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- Selenium (software) - Wikipedia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selenium_(software)
- Selenium is a portable software-testingframework for web applications. Selenium provides a playback (formerly also recording) tool for authoring tests without the need to learn a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). It also provides a test domain-specific language (Selenese) to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Scala. The tests can then run against most modern web browsers. Selenium deploys on Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms. It is open-source software, released under the Apache 2.0 license: web developers can download and use it without charge.
- SoapUI - Wikipedia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SoapUI
- SoapUI is an open-source web service testing application for service-oriented architectures (SOA) and representational state transfers (REST). Its functionality covers web service inspection, invoking, development, simulation and mocking, functional testing, load and compliance testing. A commercial version, SoapUI Pro, which mainly focuses on features designed to enhance productivity, was also developed by Eviware software. In 2011, SmartBear Software acquired Eviware.
- SoapUI was initially released to SourceForge in September 2005. It is free software, licensed under the terms of the European Union Public License. Since the initial release, SoapUI has been downloaded more than 2,000,000 times. It is built entirely on the Java platform, and uses Swing for the user interface. This means that SoapUI is cross-platform. Today, SoapUI also supports IDEA, Eclipse, and NetBeans.
- SoapUI can test SOAP and REST web services, JMS, AMF, as well as make any HTTP(S) and JDBC calls.
- Swing (Java) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swing_(Java)
- Swing是一个为Java设计的GUI工具包。Swing是Java基础类的一部分。Swing包括了图形用户界面(GUI)组件如:文本框,文本域,按钮,分隔窗格和表。
- Swing提供许多比AWT更好的屏幕显示元素。它们用纯Java写成,所以同Java本身一样可以跨平台运行,这一点不像AWT。它们是JFC的一部分。它们支持可更换的面板和主题(各种操作系统默认的特有主题),然而不是真的使用原生平台提供的设备,而是仅仅在表面上模仿它们。这意味着你可以在任意平台上使用Java支持的任意面板。轻量级组件的缺点则是执行速度较慢,优点就是可以在所有平台上采用统一的行为。
个人吐血整理的系统设计资料大全 - 九章算法
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4kv57_rBVWemkh5t33WGMw
- 设计模式(即使代码编制真正工程化)_百度百科
- http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=QoxZgqaX0LcWjUC9bYsOC8jLwWf3HpljeCuDoqxL4MYIWnWqzdtWlIhyVhe6npPk8zL-pcoQP5oq4HImZKspt9Da3R7d3cEkrsVgwqVmAKu
- 构造时指向一块内存保证惟一性。static
如何设计爬虫系统 | 系统设计高频题解题思路分析
Book Review: Coding Interview Questions by Narasimha Karumanchi
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/CbC7lpK1bgXNTYDSZjRUUQ
- https://whatpixel.com/coding-interview-questions-book-review/
程序员面试备考锦囊 - 程序员必修课
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/RKd6YkYwwQ-IL--L0GJnIw
几道 BAT 算法面试中经常问的「字符串」问题
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/M8U9B7UA2AdfnJi5EpTv-g