
作者: zyl910


由于 .Net、Java 的RSA类库存在很多细节区别,尤其是它们支持的密钥格式不同。导致容易出现“我加密的数据对方不能解密,对方加密的数据我不能解密,但是自身是可以正常加密解密”等情况。
虽然网上已经有很多文章讨论 .Net与Java互通的RSA加解密,但是存在不够全面、需要第三方dll、方案复杂 等问题。


2.1 RSA密钥文件格式介绍

要保证 .Net与Java 两端均能正常的加解密,其中的重中之重就是确立一种密钥文件格式,使 .Net与Java 两端均能正确的加载密钥。


  • .Net: 支持xml格式的密钥文件。
  • Java: 没有直接提供对密钥文件的支持,仅提供了 PKCS#8、X.509 等编码的密钥数据的解析类。
2.1.1 技术细节——密钥文件为什么这么复杂

看到 PKCS#8、X.509,大家是否有些头晕了?
其实RSA的密钥文件不止这2种,还有许多种存储格式。可参考 蒋国纲《那些证书相关的玩意儿(SSL,X.509,PEM,DER,CRT,CER,KEY,CSR,P12等)》。

为什么RSA密钥文件这么复杂,这是因为密钥文件需存储多个数值。具体来说,RSA加解密中有5个重要的数字 p,q,n(Modulus),e(Exponent),d。然后公钥与私钥分别要存储不同的值——

  • 公钥:需存储 n、e。
  • 私钥:需存储 n、d。而对于常用的X.509等编码的私钥文件中,其不仅存储了 n、e、d、p、q,还存储了 d mod (p-1)、d mod (q-1)、(inverse of q) mod p 等用于简化、校验加密的值。


为了统一密钥文件格式,我们不得不编写密钥解析代码,这需要理解rsa的p、q、n、e、d 具体含义与用法。学习难度较高,需要一定时间仔细研读。

若想支持绝大多数的密钥文件格式,推荐使用 OpenSSL库。它支持 .Net与Java。

2.2 确立密钥文件格式


  1. 文本格式。这样用记事本打开密钥文件,能够方便的复制粘贴,且能作为程序中的字符串常量。使用灵活,方便测试等。
  2. 易于生成。不必编写、运行代码来生成,而是能够通过多种办法来生成密钥对。既可以命令行生成,又可以通过图形界面工具点击生成。

所以最终选择了 PEM(Privacy Enhanced Mail)格式的密钥文件。用记事本打开可看到文本内容,其以"-----BEGIN..."开头,以"-----END..."结尾,内容是BASE64编码。
随后对于具体的公钥、私钥的编码格式,选择了 PKCS#8 与 X.509,具体情况是——

  • 公钥:X.509 pem。Java类为 X509EncodedKeySpec 。
  • 私钥:PKCS#8 pem。Java类为 PKCS8EncodedKeySpec 。

2.3 生成密钥

其次,可以使用 OpenSSL 等命令行工具来生成密钥。需要花点时间来学习命令行,并且需要安装相应工具,稍微有点麻烦。


例如 http://web.chacuo.net/netrsakeypair

  1. 选择“生成密钥位数”。直接使用默认的“2048位”就行,因为2048位是目前主流的密钥位数,且.Net、Java均支持该长度。
  2. 选择“密钥格式”。直接使用默认的“PKCS#8”就行,因为我们也是采用这种格式。
  3. 填写“证书密码”。一般不用填写。
  4. 点击“生成密钥对(RSA)”。随后下面的两个文本框分别会出现公钥与私钥,便可复制粘贴进行保存了。

2.3.1 本文范例用的密钥


-----END PUBLIC KEY-----



2.4 Java加载密钥

2.4.1 PEM解包

由于Java没有直接提供对密钥文件的支持,仅提供了 PKCS#8、X.509 等编码的密钥数据的解析类。于是需要我们自己来做PEM解包。


  1. BEGIN后面的文本内容不规范。例如有写成“-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY”开头的,有写成“-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY”开头的,还有其他各种五花八门的模式。
  2. BEGIN(或END)前后的减号(-)长度不定。不同工具生成的PEM文件中,减号(-)长度是不同的。
  3. 有时中间会有多余的空格等空白字符。


    /** 用途文本. 如“BEGIN PUBLIC KEY”中的“PUBLIC KEY”. */
    public final static String PURPOSE_TEXT = "PURPOSE_TEXT";
    /** 用途代码. R私钥, U公钥. */
    public final static String PURPOSE_CODE = "PURPOSE_CODE";
    /** PEM解包.
     * <p>从PEM密钥数据中解包得到纯密钥数据. 即去掉BEGIN/END行,并作BASE64解码. 若没有BEGIN/END, 则直接做BASE64解码.</p>
     * @param data  源数据.
     * @param otherresult   其他返回值. 支持 PURPOSE_TEXT, PURPOSE_CODE。
     * @return  返回解包后的纯密钥数据.
    public static byte[] PemUnpack(String data, Map<String, String> otherresult) {
        byte[] rt = null;
        final String SIGN_BEGIN = "-BEGIN";
        final String SIGN_END = "-END";
        int datelen = data.length();
        String purposetext = "";
        String purposecode = "";
        if (null!=otherresult) {
            purposetext = otherresult.get(PURPOSE_TEXT);
            purposecode = otherresult.get(PURPOSE_CODE);
            if (null==purposetext) purposetext= "";
            if (null==purposecode) purposecode= "";
        // find begin.
        int bodyPos = 0;    // 主体内容开始的地方.
        int beginPos = data.indexOf(SIGN_BEGIN);
        if (beginPos>=0) {
            // 向后查找换行符后的首个字节.
            boolean isFound = false;
            boolean hadNewline = false; // 已遇到过换行符号.
            boolean hyphenHad = false;  // 已遇到过“-”符号.
            boolean hyphenDone = false; // 已成功获取了右侧“-”的范围.
            int p = beginPos + SIGN_BEGIN.length();
            int hyphenStart = p;    // 右侧“-”的开始位置.
            int hyphenEnd = hyphenStart;    // 右侧“-”的结束位置. 即最后一个“-”字符的位置+1.
            while(p<datelen) {
                char ch = data.charAt(p);
                // 查找右侧“-”的范围.
                if (!hyphenDone) {
                    if (ch=='-') {
                        if (!hyphenHad) {
                            hyphenHad = true;
                            hyphenStart = p;
                            hyphenEnd = hyphenStart;
                    } else {
                        if (hyphenHad) { // 无需“&& !hyphenDone”,因为外层判断了.
                            hyphenDone = true;
                            hyphenEnd = p;
                // 向后查找换行符后的首个字节.
                if (ch=='\n' || ch=='\r') {
                    hadNewline = true;
                } else {
                    if (hadNewline) {
                        // 找到了.
                        bodyPos = p;
                        isFound = true;
                // next.
            // purposetext
            if (hyphenDone && null!=otherresult) {
                purposetext = data.substring(beginPos + SIGN_BEGIN.length(), hyphenStart).trim();
                String purposetextUp = purposetext.toUpperCase();
                if (purposetextUp.indexOf("PRIVATE")>=0) {
                    purposecode = "R";
                } else if (purposetextUp.indexOf("PUBLIC")>=0) {
                    purposecode = "U";
                otherresult.put(PURPOSE_TEXT, purposetext);
                otherresult.put(PURPOSE_CODE, purposecode);
            // bodyPos.
            if (isFound) {
            } else if (hyphenDone) {
                // 以右侧右侧“-”的结束位置作为主体开始.
                bodyPos = hyphenEnd;
            } else {
                // 找不到结束位置,只能退出.
                return rt;
        // find end.
        int bodyEnd = datelen;  // 主体内容的结束位置. 即最后一个字符的位置+1.
        int endPos = data.indexOf(SIGN_END, bodyPos);
        if (endPos>=0) {
            // 向前查找换行符前的首个字节.
            boolean isFound = false;
            boolean hadNewline = false;
            int p = endPos-1;
            while(p >= bodyPos) {
                char ch = data.charAt(p);
                if (ch=='\n' || ch=='\r') {
                    hadNewline = true;
                } else {
                    if (hadNewline) {
                        // 找到了.
                        bodyEnd = p+1;
                // next.
            if (!isFound) {
                // 忽略.
        // get body.
        if (bodyPos>=bodyEnd) {
            return rt;
        String body = data.substring(bodyPos, bodyEnd).trim();
        // Decode BASE64.
        rt = Base64.decode(body.getBytes());
        return rt;
2.4.2 加载公钥

下面代码中的strDataKey为PEM文本内容,最后的 key 就是公钥对象。

        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        byte[] bytesKey = ZlRsaUtil.PemUnpack(strDataKey, map);
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        Key key= null;
        X509EncodedKeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(bytesKey);
        key = kf.generatePublic(spec);
2.4.3 加载私钥

下面代码中的strDataKey为PEM文本内容,最后的 key就是私钥对象。

        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        byte[] bytesKey = ZlRsaUtil.PemUnpack(strDataKey, map);
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        Key key= null;
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec spec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(bytesKey);
        key = kf.generatePrivate(spec);
2.4.4 判断密钥位数


  1. 调用 KeyFactory.getKeySpec 方法,传递EncodedKeySpec(公钥为X509EncodedKeySpec,私钥为PKCS8EncodedKeySpec),获取 KeySpec(公钥为RSAPublicKeySpec,私钥为RSAPrivateKeySpec)。
  2. 随后调用 KeySpec对象的 getModulus 方法获取 Modulus(即n)。
  3. 获取 Modulus(即n)的位数,它就是密钥位数。


        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        Key key= null;
        int keysize;

        // 公钥.
        X509EncodedKeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(bytesKey);
        key = kf.generatePublic(spec);
        RSAPublicKeySpec keySpec = (RSAPublicKeySpec)kf.getKeySpec(key, RSAPublicKeySpec.class);
        keysize = keySpec.getModulus().bitLength();

        // 私钥.
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec spec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(bytesKey);
        key = kf.generatePrivate(spec);
        RSAPrivateKeySpec keySpec = (RSAPrivateKeySpec)kf.getKeySpec(key, RSAPrivateKeySpec.class);
        keysize = keySpec.getModulus().bitLength();
2.4.4 小结



  • fileKey: 密钥文件.
        String strDataKey = new String(ZlRsaUtil.fileLoadBytes(fileKey));
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        byte[] bytesKey = ZlRsaUtil.PemUnpack(strDataKey, map);
        String purposecode = map.get(ZlRsaUtil.PURPOSE_CODE);
        // key.
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        Key key= null;
        int keysize;
        if ("R".equals(purposecode)) {
            PKCS8EncodedKeySpec spec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(bytesKey);
            key = kf.generatePrivate(spec);
            RSAPrivateKeySpec keySpec = (RSAPrivateKeySpec)kf.getKeySpec(key, RSAPrivateKeySpec.class);
            keysize = keySpec.getModulus().bitLength();
        } else {
            X509EncodedKeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(bytesKey);
            key = kf.generatePublic(spec);
            RSAPublicKeySpec keySpec = (RSAPublicKeySpec)kf.getKeySpec(key, RSAPublicKeySpec.class);
            keysize = keySpec.getModulus().bitLength();
        System.out.println(String.format("keysize: %d", keysize));
        System.out.println(String.format("key.getAlgorithm: %s", key.getAlgorithm()));
        System.out.println(String.format("key.getFormat: %s", key.getFormat()));

其中的 ZlRsaUtil.fileLoadBytes 是一个加载文件的函数。严格来说,是加载文件的二进制数据。因为PEM文件是纯ASCII的,故可以简单的通过 new String 的方式转为字符串。

     * RSA .
    public final static String RSA = "RSA";

    /** 加载文件中的所有字节.
     * @param filename  文件名.
     * @return  返回文件内容的字节数组.
     * @throws IOException IO异常.
    public static byte[] fileLoadBytes(String filename) throws IOException {
        byte[] rt = null;
        File file = new File(filename);  
        long fileSize = file.length();  
        if (fileSize > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            throw new IOException(filename + " file too big...");
        FileInputStream fi = new FileInputStream(filename);
        try {
            rt = new byte[(int) fileSize];
            int offset = 0;  
            int numRead = 0;  
            while (offset < rt.length  
                    && (numRead = fi.read(rt, offset, rt.length - offset)) >= 0) {  
                offset += numRead;  
            // 确保所有数据均被读取  
            if (offset != rt.length) {  
                throw new IOException("Could not completely read file " + file.getName());  
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
        return rt;

2.5 .Net加载密钥

2.5.1 PEM解包



        /// <summary>
        /// PEM解包.
        /// </summary>
        /// <para>从PEM密钥数据中解包得到纯密钥数据. 即去掉BEGIN/END行,并作BASE64解码. 若没有BEGIN/END, 则直接做BASE64解码.</para>
        /// <param name="data">源数据.</param>
        /// <param name="purposetext">用途文本. 如返回“BEGIN PUBLIC KEY”中的“PUBLIC KEY”.</param>
        /// <param name="purposecode">用途代码. R私钥, U公钥. 若无法识别,便保持原值.</param>
        /// <returns>返回解包后的纯密钥数据.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">data is empty, or data body is empty.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.FormatException">data body is not BASE64.</exception>
        public static byte[] PemUnpack(String data, ref string purposetext, ref char purposecode) {
            byte[] rt = null;
            const string SIGN_BEGIN = "-BEGIN";
            const string SIGN_END = "-END";
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) throw new ArgumentNullException("data", "data is empty!");
            int datelen = data.Length;
            // find begin.
            int bodyPos = 0;    // 主体内容开始的地方.
            int beginPos = data.IndexOf(SIGN_BEGIN, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            if (beginPos >= 0) {
                // 向后查找换行符后的首个字节.
                bool isFound = false;
                bool hadNewline = false;    // 已遇到过换行符号.
                bool hyphenHad = false; // 已遇到过“-”符号.
                bool hyphenDone = false;    // 已成功获取了右侧“-”的范围.
                int p = beginPos + SIGN_BEGIN.Length;
                int hyphenStart = p;    // 右侧“-”的开始位置.
                int hyphenEnd = hyphenStart;    // 右侧“-”的结束位置. 即最后一个“-”字符的位置+1.
                while (p < datelen) {
                    char ch = data[p];
                    // 查找右侧“-”的范围.
                    if (!hyphenDone) {
                        if (ch == '-') {
                            if (!hyphenHad) {
                                hyphenHad = true;
                                hyphenStart = p;
                                hyphenEnd = hyphenStart;
                        } else {
                            if (hyphenHad) { // 无需“&& !hyphenDone”,因为外层判断了.
                                hyphenDone = true;
                                hyphenEnd = p;
                    // 向后查找换行符后的首个字节.
                    if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
                        hadNewline = true;
                    } else {
                        if (hadNewline) {
                            // 找到了.
                            bodyPos = p;
                            isFound = true;
                    // next.
                // purposetext
                if (hyphenDone) {
                    int start = beginPos + SIGN_BEGIN.Length;
                    purposetext = data.Substring(start, hyphenStart - start).Trim();
                    string purposetextUp = purposetext.ToUpperInvariant();
                    if (purposetextUp.IndexOf("PRIVATE") >= 0) {
                        purposecode = 'R';
                    } else if (purposetextUp.IndexOf("PUBLIC") >= 0) {
                        purposecode = 'U';
                // bodyPos.
                if (isFound) {
                } else if (hyphenDone) {
                    // 以右侧右侧“-”的结束位置作为主体开始.
                    bodyPos = hyphenEnd;
                } else {
                    // 找不到结束位置,只能退出.
                    return rt;
            // find end.
            int bodyEnd = datelen;  // 主体内容的结束位置. 即最后一个字符的位置+1.
            int endPos = data.IndexOf(SIGN_END, bodyPos);
            if (endPos >= 0) {
                // 向前查找换行符前的首个字节.
                bool isFound = false;
                bool hadNewline = false;
                int p = endPos - 1;
                while (p >= bodyPos) {
                    char ch = data[p];
                    if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
                        hadNewline = true;
                    } else {
                        if (hadNewline) {
                            // 找到了.
                            bodyEnd = p + 1;
                    // next.
                if (!isFound) {
                    // 忽略.
            // get body.
            if (bodyPos >= bodyEnd) {
                return rt;
            string body = data.Substring(bodyPos, bodyEnd - bodyPos).Trim();
            // Decode BASE64.
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(body)) throw new ArgumentNullException("data", "data body is empty!");
            rt = Convert.FromBase64String(body);
            return rt;
2.5.2 加载公钥

由于.Net平台没有提供 X.509 的解码类,故需要自己编写。

        /// <summary>
        /// 根据PEM纯密钥数据,获取公钥的RSA加解密对象.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pubcdata">公钥数据</param>
        /// <returns>返回公钥的RSA加解密对象.</returns>
        public static RSACryptoServiceProvider PemDecodePublicKey(byte[] pubcdata) {
            byte[] SeqOID = { 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 };

            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(pubcdata);
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(ms);

            if (reader.ReadByte() == 0x30)
                ReadASNLength(reader); //skip the size
                return null;

            int identifierSize = 0; //total length of Object Identifier section
            if (reader.ReadByte() == 0x30)
                identifierSize = ReadASNLength(reader);
                return null;

            if (reader.ReadByte() == 0x06) { //is the next element an object identifier?
                int oidLength = ReadASNLength(reader);
                byte[] oidBytes = new byte[oidLength];
                reader.Read(oidBytes, 0, oidBytes.Length);
                if (!SequenceEqualByte(oidBytes, SeqOID)) //is the object identifier rsaEncryption PKCS#1?
                    return null;

                int remainingBytes = identifierSize - 2 - oidBytes.Length;

            if (reader.ReadByte() == 0x03) { //is the next element a bit string?

                ReadASNLength(reader); //skip the size
                reader.ReadByte(); //skip unused bits indicator
                if (reader.ReadByte() == 0x30) {
                    ReadASNLength(reader); //skip the size
                    if (reader.ReadByte() == 0x02) { //is it an integer?
                        int modulusSize = ReadASNLength(reader);
                        byte[] modulus = new byte[modulusSize];
                        reader.Read(modulus, 0, modulus.Length);
                        if (modulus[0] == 0x00) {//strip off the first byte if it's 0
                            byte[] tempModulus = new byte[modulus.Length - 1];
                            Array.Copy(modulus, 1, tempModulus, 0, modulus.Length - 1);
                            modulus = tempModulus;

                        if (reader.ReadByte() == 0x02) { //is it an integer?
                            int exponentSize = ReadASNLength(reader);
                            byte[] exponent = new byte[exponentSize];
                            reader.Read(exponent, 0, exponent.Length);

                            RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
                            RSAParameters RSAKeyInfo = new RSAParameters();
                            RSAKeyInfo.Modulus = modulus;
                            RSAKeyInfo.Exponent = exponent;
                            return RSA;
            return null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Read ASN Length.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">reader</param>
        /// <returns>Return ASN Length.</returns>
        private static int ReadASNLength(BinaryReader reader) {
            //Note: this method only reads lengths up to 4 bytes long as
            //this is satisfactory for the majority of situations.
            int length = reader.ReadByte();
            if ((length & 0x00000080) == 0x00000080) { //is the length greater than 1 byte
                int count = length & 0x0000000f;
                byte[] lengthBytes = new byte[4];
                reader.Read(lengthBytes, 4 - count, count);
                Array.Reverse(lengthBytes); //
                length = BitConverter.ToInt32(lengthBytes, 0);
            return length;

        /// <summary>
        /// 字节数组内容是否相等.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">数组a</param>
        /// <param name="b">数组b</param>
        /// <returns>返回是否相等.</returns>
        private static bool SequenceEqualByte(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
            var len1 = a.Length;
            var len2 = b.Length;
            if (len1 != len2) {
                return false;
            for (var i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
                if (a[i] != b[i])
                    return false;
            return true;
2.5.3 加载私钥

.Net平台也没有提供 PKCS#8 的解码类,也需要自己编写。
我最初测试了很多网上的私钥解码代码,均不能正常工作。直到后来查了 OpenSSL 的源码,才找到了解决办法。发现这是因为PKCS#8的私钥数据,其实还嵌套了一层X.509编码,故得按顺序分别进行解码。

        /// <summary>
        /// 解码 PKCS#8 编码的私钥,获取私钥的RSA加解密对象.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="privkey">私钥数据。</param>
        /// <returns>返回私钥的RSA加解密对象. 失败时返回null.</returns>
        public static RSACryptoServiceProvider PemDecodePkcs8PrivateKey(byte[] pkcs8) {
            // encoded OID sequence for  PKCS #1 rsaEncryption szOID_RSA_RSA = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"
            // this byte[] includes the sequence byte and terminal encoded null 
            byte[] SeqOID = { 0x30, 0x0D, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2A, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xF7, 0x0D, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00 };
            byte[] seq = new byte[15];
            // ---------  Set up stream to read the asn.1 encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo blob  ------
            MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(pkcs8);
            int lenstream = (int)mem.Length;
            BinaryReader binr = new BinaryReader(mem);    //wrap Memory Stream with BinaryReader for easy reading
            byte bt = 0;
            ushort twobytes = 0;

            try {

                twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();
                if (twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81)
                    binr.ReadByte();    //advance 1 byte
                else if (twobytes == 0x8230)
                    binr.ReadInt16();   //advance 2 bytes
                    return null;

                bt = binr.ReadByte();
                if (bt != 0x02)
                    return null;

                twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();

                if (twobytes != 0x0001)
                    return null;

                seq = binr.ReadBytes(15);       //read the Sequence OID
                if (!SequenceEqualByte(seq, SeqOID))    //make sure Sequence for OID is correct
                    return null;

                bt = binr.ReadByte();
                if (bt != 0x04) //expect an Octet string 
                    return null;

                bt = binr.ReadByte();       //read next byte, or next 2 bytes is  0x81 or 0x82; otherwise bt is the byte count
                if (bt == 0x81)
                    if (bt == 0x82)
                //------ at this stage, the remaining sequence should be the RSA private key

                byte[] rsaprivkey = binr.ReadBytes((int)(lenstream - mem.Position));
                RSACryptoServiceProvider rsacsp = PemDecodeX509PrivateKey(rsaprivkey);
                return rsacsp;
            } finally { binr.Close(); }


        /// <summary>
        /// 解码 X.509 编码的私钥,获取私钥的RSA加解密对象.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="privkey">私钥数据。</param>
        /// <returns>返回私钥的RSA加解密对象. 失败时返回null.</returns>
        public static RSACryptoServiceProvider PemDecodeX509PrivateKey(byte[] privkey)  
            byte[] MODULUS, E, D, P, Q, DP, DQ, IQ;  
            // --------- Set up stream to decode the asn.1 encoded RSA private key ------    
            MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(privkey);  
            BinaryReader binr = new BinaryReader(mem);  //wrap Memory Stream with BinaryReader for easy reading    
            byte bt = 0;  
            ushort twobytes = 0;  
            int elems = 0;  
                twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();  
                if (twobytes == 0x8130) //data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81)    
                    binr.ReadByte();    //advance 1 byte    
                else if (twobytes == 0x8230)  
                    binr.ReadInt16();    //advance 2 bytes    
                    return null;  
                twobytes = binr.ReadUInt16();  
                if (twobytes != 0x0102) //version number    
                    return null;  
                bt = binr.ReadByte();  
                if (bt != 0x00)  
                    return null;  
                //------ all private key components are Integer sequences ----    
                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);  
                MODULUS = binr.ReadBytes(elems);  
                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);  
                E = binr.ReadBytes(elems);  
                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);  
                D = binr.ReadBytes(elems);  
                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);  
                P = binr.ReadBytes(elems);  
                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);  
                Q = binr.ReadBytes(elems);  
                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);  
                DP = binr.ReadBytes(elems);  
                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);  
                DQ = binr.ReadBytes(elems);  
                elems = GetIntegerSize(binr);  
                IQ = binr.ReadBytes(elems);  
                // ------- create RSACryptoServiceProvider instance and initialize with public key -----    
                CspParameters CspParameters = new CspParameters();  
                CspParameters.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore;  
                RSACryptoServiceProvider RSA = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(1024, CspParameters);  
                RSAParameters RSAparams = new RSAParameters();  
                RSAparams.Modulus = MODULUS;  
                RSAparams.Exponent = E;  
                RSAparams.D = D;  
                RSAparams.P = P;  
                RSAparams.Q = Q;  
                RSAparams.DP = DP;  
                RSAparams.DQ = DQ;  
                RSAparams.InverseQ = IQ;  
                return RSA;  
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得整数大小.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="binr">BinaryReader</param>
        /// <returns>返回整数大小.</returns>
        private static int GetIntegerSize(BinaryReader binr)  
            byte bt = 0;  
            byte lowbyte = 0x00;  
            byte highbyte = 0x00;  
            int count = 0;  
            bt = binr.ReadByte();  
            if (bt != 0x02)    //expect integer    
                return 0;  
            bt = binr.ReadByte();  
            if (bt == 0x81)  
                count = binr.ReadByte();    // data size in next byte    
                if (bt == 0x82)  
                    highbyte = binr.ReadByte(); // data size in next 2 bytes    
                    lowbyte = binr.ReadByte();  
                    byte[] modint = { lowbyte, highbyte, 0x00, 0x00 };  
                    count = BitConverter.ToInt32(modint, 0);  
                    count = bt;    // we already have the data size    
            while (binr.ReadByte() == 0x00)  
            {  //remove high order zeros in data    
                count -= 1;  
            binr.BaseStream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);      //last ReadByte wasn't a removed zero, so back up a byte    
            return count;  
2.5.4 判断密钥位数

在 .Net中,访问 RSACryptoServiceProvider.KeySize 便可得到密钥位数,非常简单。

int keysize = rsa.KeySize;
2.5.4 小结



  • fileKey: 密钥文件.
            string strDataKey = File.ReadAllText(fileKey);
            string purposetext = null;
            char purposecode = '\0';
            byte[] bytesKey = ZlRsaUtil.PemUnpack(strDataKey, ref purposetext, ref purposecode);
            // key.
            RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa;
            if ('R' == purposecode) {
                rsa = ZlRsaUtil.PemDecodePkcs8PrivateKey(bytesKey); // try 
                if (null == rsa) {
                    rsa = ZlRsaUtil.PemDecodeX509PrivateKey(bytesKey);
            } else {    // 公钥或无法判断时, 均当成公钥处理.
                rsa = ZlRsaUtil.PemDecodePublicKey(bytesKey);
            if (null == rsa) {
                export.WriteLine("Key decode fail!");
            export.WriteLine(string.Format("KeyExchangeAlgorithm: {0}", rsa.KeyExchangeAlgorithm));
            export.WriteLine(string.Format("KeySize: {0}", rsa.KeySize));


3.1 确立加密模式与填充方式

虽然都是RSA算法,但是若加密模式与填充方式不同的话,会导致加密结果不匹配。所以需要确定好 .Net与Java 均支持的方式。

加密模式一般有 ECB/CBC/CFB/OFB 这四种。对于RSA来说,ECB最简单但安全性比较薄弱,而CBC等模式就很复杂且还需考虑IV(initialization vector,初始化向量)的管理。所以一般情况下可以用 ECB 模式,.Net与Java均支持它,且ECB是.Net的默认模式。

.Net的RSA算法默认是使用PKCS#1填充方式的,故Java中可选择 PKCS1Padding 填充方式。


     * RSA .
    public final static String RSA = "RSA";
     * 具体的 RSA 算法.
    public final static String RSA_ALGORITHM = "RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding";

3.2 分段加密


// .Net

// Java
javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Data must not be longer than 117 bytes
javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Data must not be longer than 245 bytes


3.2.1 块尺寸的计算

而明文的块尺寸的计算就稍微麻烦了一点,与填充方式有关。因目前使用了PKCS#1填充方式,该方式需占用11个字节。于是块尺寸为“密钥位数/8 - 11”。


  • 密文的块尺寸 = 密钥位数/8 = 2048/8 = 256
  • 明文的块尺寸 = 密钥位数/8 - 11 = 2048/8 - 11 = 256 - 11 = 245


  • 加密时:明文的块为245字节,加密后输出的密文块为256字节。
  • 解密时:密文的块为256字节,解密后输出的明文块为245字节。

3.3 Java加解密

3.3.1 加密
    /** RSA加密. 当数据较长时, 能自动分段加密.
     * @param cipher    加解密服务提供者. 需是已初始化的, 即已经调了init的.
     * @param keysize   密钥长度. 例如2048位的RSA,传2048 .
     * @param data  欲加密的数据.
     * @return  返回加密后的数据.
     * @throws BadPaddingException  On Cipher.doFinal
     * @throws IllegalBlockSizeException    On Cipher.doFinal
    public static byte[] encrypt(Cipher cipher, int keysize, byte[] data) throws IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {
        byte[] cipherBytes = null;
        int blockSize = keysize/8 - 11; // RSA加密时支持的最大字节数:证书位数/8 -11(比如:2048位的证书,支持的最大加密字节数:2048/8 - 11 = 245).
        if (data.length <= blockSize) {
            // 整个加密.
            cipherBytes = cipher.doFinal(data);
        } else {
            // 分段加密.
            int inputLen = data.length;
            ByteArrayOutputStream ostm = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            try {
                for(int offSet = 0; inputLen - offSet > 0; ) {
                    int len = inputLen - offSet;
                    if (len>blockSize) len=blockSize;
                    byte[] cache = cipher.doFinal(data, offSet, len);
                    ostm.write(cache, 0, cache.length);
                    // next.
                    offSet += len;
                cipherBytes = ostm.toByteArray();
            }finally {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
        return cipherBytes;
3.3.2 解密
    /** RSA解密. 当数据较长时, 能自动分段解密.
     * @param cipher    加解密服务提供者. 需是已初始化的, 即已经调了init的.
     * @param keysize   密钥长度. 例如2048位的RSA,传2048 .
     * @param data  欲解密的数据.
     * @return  返回解密后的数据.
     * @throws BadPaddingException  On Cipher.doFinal
     * @throws IllegalBlockSizeException    On Cipher.doFinal
    public static byte[] decrypt(Cipher cipher, int keysize, byte[] data) throws IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {
        byte[] cipherBytes = null;
        int blockSize = keysize/8;
        if (data.length <= blockSize) {
            // 整个加密.
            cipherBytes = cipher.doFinal(data);
        } else {
            // 分段加密.
            int inputLen = data.length;
            ByteArrayOutputStream ostm = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            try {
                for(int offSet = 0; inputLen - offSet > 0; ) {
                    int len = inputLen - offSet;
                    if (len>blockSize) len=blockSize;
                    byte[] cache = cipher.doFinal(data, offSet, len);
                    ostm.write(cache, 0, cache.length);
                    // next.
                    offSet += len;
                cipherBytes = ostm.toByteArray();
            }finally {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
        return cipherBytes;

3.4 .Net加解密

3.3.1 加密
        /// <summary>
        /// RSA加密. 当数据较长时, 能自动分段加密.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rsa">加解密服务提供者. 需是已初始化的.</param>
        /// <param name="data">欲加密的数据.</param>
        /// <returns>返回加密后的数据.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException">On RSACryptoServiceProvider.Encrypt .</exception>
        public static byte[] Encrypt(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa, byte[] data) {
            byte[] cipherBytes = null;
            int keysize = rsa.KeySize;
            int blockSize = keysize / 8 - 11;   // RSA加密时支持的最大字节数:证书位数/8 -11(比如:2048位的证书,支持的最大加密字节数:2048/8 - 11 = 245).
            if (data.Length <= blockSize) {
                // 整个加密.
                cipherBytes = rsa.Encrypt(data, false);
            } else {
                // 分段加密.
                int inputLen = data.Length;
                using (MemoryStream ostm = new MemoryStream()) {
                    for (int offSet = 0; inputLen - offSet > 0; ) {
                        int len = inputLen - offSet;
                        if (len > blockSize) len = blockSize;
                        byte[] tmp = new byte[len];
                        Array.Copy(data, offSet, tmp, 0, len);
                        byte[] cache = rsa.Encrypt(tmp, false);
                        ostm.Write(cache, 0, cache.Length);
                        // next.
                        offSet += len;
                    ostm.Position = 0;
                    cipherBytes = ostm.ToArray();
            return cipherBytes;
3.3.2 解密
        /// <summary>
        /// RSA解密. 当数据较长时, 能自动分段解密.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rsa">加解密服务提供者. 需是已初始化的.</param>
        /// <param name="data">欲解密的数据.</param>
        /// <returns>返回解密后的数据.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException">On RSACryptoServiceProvider.Encrypt .</exception>
        public static byte[] Decrypt(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa, byte[] data) {
            byte[] cipherBytes = null;
            int keysize = rsa.KeySize;
            int blockSize = keysize / 8;
            if (data.Length <= blockSize) {
                // 整个解密.
                cipherBytes = rsa.Decrypt(data, false);
            } else {
                // 分段解密.
                int inputLen = data.Length;
                using (MemoryStream ostm = new MemoryStream()) {
                    for (int offSet = 0; inputLen - offSet > 0; ) {
                        int len = inputLen - offSet;
                        if (len > blockSize) len = blockSize;
                        byte[] tmp = new byte[len];
                        Array.Copy(data, offSet, tmp, 0, len);
                        byte[] cache = rsa.Decrypt(tmp, false);
                        ostm.Write(cache, 0, cache.Length);
                        // next.
                        offSet += len;
                    ostm.Position = 0;
                    cipherBytes = ostm.ToArray();
            return cipherBytes;


4.1 编程测试


  • Java 端加密生成密文文件,随后 Java 端读取密文文件做解密。
  • .Net 端加密生成密文文件,随后 .Net 端读取密文文件做解密。
  • Java 端加密生成密文文件,随后 .Net 端读取密文文件做解密。
  • .Net 端加密生成密文文件,随后 Java 端读取密文文件做解密。


4.1.1 命令行设计


该程序命名为 rsapemdemo。用法为 rsapemdemo [options] srcfile


# 使用公钥进行加密
rsapemdemo -e -l publickey.pem -o dstfile srcfile

# 使用私钥进行解密
rsapemdemo -d -l privatekey.pem -o dstfile srcfile


-l [keyfile]:加载密钥文件。
-o [outfile]:指定输出文件。


rsapemdemo -e -l "E:\rsapemdemo\data\public1.pem" -o "E:\rsapemdemo\data\src1_pub.log" "E:\rsapemdemo\data\src1.txt"
rsapemdemo -e -l "E:\rsapemdemo\data\private1.pem" -o "E:\rsapemdemo\data\src1_pri.log" "E:\rsapemdemo\data\src1.txt"

rsapemdemo -d -l "E:\rsapemdemo\data\public1.pem" -o "E:\rsapemdemo\data\src1_pri_d.log" "E:\rsapemdemo\data\src1_pri.log"
rsapemdemo -d -l "E:\rsapemdemo\data\private1.pem" -o "E:\rsapemdemo\data\src1_pub_d.log" "E:\rsapemdemo\data\src1_pub.log"

4.1.2 Java的测试办法


双击打开含有main函数的文件(RsaPemDemo.java),然后在源码区域右击鼠标,在弹出菜单中选择“Debug As -> Debug Configurations”。

“Debug Configurations”对话框打开后,切换到“Arguments”页,在“Program arguments”文本框中输入命令行参数(不用输入程序名,只需输入后面的参数)。


4.1.3 .Net的测试办法






  • .NET 的RSA,仅支持公钥加密、私钥解密。若用私钥加密,则仍是返回公钥加密结果。若用公钥解密,会出现 System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: 不正确的项。 异常.

4.2 在线测试



# 在线RSA公钥加密解密、RSA public key encryption and decryption

# 在线RSA私钥加密解密、RSA private key encryption and decryption


附录.1 Java版

package rsapemdemo;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.security.Key;
import java.security.KeyFactory;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException;
import java.security.spec.PKCS8EncodedKeySpec;
import java.security.spec.RSAPrivateKeySpec;
import java.security.spec.RSAPublicKeySpec;
import java.security.spec.X509EncodedKeySpec;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;

/** Java/.NET RSA demo, use pem key file (Java/.NET的RSA加解密演示项目,使用pem格式的密钥文件).
 * @author zyl910
 * @since 2017-10-27
public class RsaPemDemo {
    /** 帮助文本. */
    private static final String helpText = "Usage: rsapemdemo [options] srcfile\n\nFor example:\n\n    # encode by public key\n    rsapemdemo -e -l publickey.pem -o dstfile srcfile\n\n    # decode by private key\n    rsapemdemo -d -l privatekey.pem -o dstfile srcfile\n\nThe options:\n\n    -e        RSA encryption and BASE64 encode.\n    -d        BASE64 decode and RSA decryption.\n    -l [keyfile]  Load key file.\n    -o [outfile]  out file.\n";
    /** 是否为空.
     * @param str   字符串.
     * @return  如果字符串为null或空串,则返回true,否则返回false.
    private static boolean isEmpty(String str) {
        return null==str || str.length()<=0;

    /** 运行.
     * @param export    文本打印流.
     * @param args  参数.
     * @return  程序退出码.
    public void run(PrintStream export, String[] args) {
        boolean showhelp = true;
        // args
        String state = null;    // 状态.
        boolean isEncode = false;
        boolean isDecode = false;
        String fileKey = null;
        String fileOut = null;
        String fileSrc = null;
        int keysize = 0;    // RSA密钥位数. 0表示自动获取.
        for(String s: args) {
            if ("-e".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {
                isEncode = true;
            } else if ("-d".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {
                isDecode = true;
            } else if ("-l".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {
                state = "l";
            } else if ("-o".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) {
                state = "o";
            } else {
                if ("l".equalsIgnoreCase(state)) {
                    fileKey = s;
                    state = null;
                } else if ("o".equalsIgnoreCase(state)) {
                    fileOut = s;
                    state = null;
                } else {
                    fileSrc = s;
            if (isEmpty(fileKey)) {
                export.println("No key file! Command need add `-l [keyfile]`.");
            } else if (isEmpty(fileOut)) {
                export.println("No out file! Command need add `-o [outfile]`.");
            } else if (isEmpty(fileSrc)) {
                export.println("No src file! Command need add `[srcfile]`.");
            } else if (isEncode!=false && isDecode!=false) {
                export.println("No set Encode/Encode! Command need add `-e`/`-d`.");
            } else if (isEncode) {
                showhelp = false;
                doEncode(export, keysize, fileKey, fileOut, fileSrc, null);
            } else if (isDecode) {
                showhelp = false;
                doDecode(export, keysize, fileKey, fileOut, fileSrc, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // do.
        if (showhelp) {

    /** 进行加密.
     * @param export    文本打印流.
     * @param keysize   密钥位数. 为0表示自动获取.
     * @param fileKey   密钥文件.
     * @param fileOut   输出文件.
     * @param fileSrc   源文件.
     * @param exargs    扩展参数.
     * @throws IOException 
     * @throws NoSuchPaddingException 
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException 
     * @throws InvalidKeySpecException 
     * @throws InvalidKeyException 
     * @throws BadPaddingException 
     * @throws IllegalBlockSizeException 
    private void doEncode(PrintStream export, int keysize, String fileKey, String fileOut,
            String fileSrc, Map<String, ?> exargs) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeySpecException, InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException {
        byte[] bytesSrc = ZlRsaUtil.fileLoadBytes(fileSrc);
        String strDataKey = new String(ZlRsaUtil.fileLoadBytes(fileKey));
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        byte[] bytesKey = ZlRsaUtil.PemUnpack(strDataKey, map);
        String purposecode = map.get(ZlRsaUtil.PURPOSE_CODE);
        // key.
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(ZlRsaUtil.RSA);
        Key key= null;
        //boolean isPrivate = false;
        if ("R".equals(purposecode)) {
            //isPrivate = true;
            PKCS8EncodedKeySpec spec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(bytesKey);
            key = kf.generatePrivate(spec);
            RSAPrivateKeySpec keySpec = (RSAPrivateKeySpec)kf.getKeySpec(key, RSAPrivateKeySpec.class);
            keysize = keySpec.getModulus().bitLength();
        } else {
            X509EncodedKeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(bytesKey);
            key = kf.generatePublic(spec);
            RSAPublicKeySpec keySpec = (RSAPublicKeySpec)kf.getKeySpec(key, RSAPublicKeySpec.class);
            keysize = keySpec.getModulus().bitLength();
        export.println(String.format("keysize: %d", keysize));
        export.println(String.format("key.getAlgorithm: %s", key.getAlgorithm()));
        export.println(String.format("key.getFormat: %s", key.getFormat()));
        // encrypt.
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ZlRsaUtil.RSA_ALGORITHM);
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
        byte[] cipherBytes = ZlRsaUtil.encrypt(cipher, keysize, bytesSrc);
        byte[] cipherBase64 = Base64.encode(cipherBytes);
        ZlRsaUtil.fileSaveBytes(fileOut, cipherBase64, 0, cipherBase64.length);
        export.println(String.format("%s save done.", fileOut));

    /** 进行解密.
     * @param export    文本打印流.
     * @param keysize   密钥位数. 为0表示自动获取.
     * @param fileKey   密钥文件.
     * @param fileOut   输出文件.
     * @param fileSrc   源文件.
     * @param exargs    扩展参数.
     * @throws IOException 
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException 
     * @throws InvalidKeySpecException 
     * @throws NoSuchPaddingException 
     * @throws InvalidKeyException 
     * @throws BadPaddingException 
     * @throws IllegalBlockSizeException 
    private void doDecode(PrintStream export, int keysize, String fileKey, String fileOut,
            String fileSrc, Object exargs) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException {
        byte[] bytesB64Src = ZlRsaUtil.fileLoadBytes(fileSrc);
        byte[] bytesSrc = Base64.decode(bytesB64Src);
        if (null==bytesSrc || bytesSrc.length<=0) {
            export.println(String.format("Error: %s is not BASE64!", fileSrc));
        String strDataKey = new String(ZlRsaUtil.fileLoadBytes(fileKey));
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        byte[] bytesKey = ZlRsaUtil.PemUnpack(strDataKey, map);
        String purposecode = map.get(ZlRsaUtil.PURPOSE_CODE);
        // key.
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(ZlRsaUtil.RSA);
        Key key= null;
        //boolean isPrivate = false;
        if ("R".equals(purposecode)) {
            //isPrivate = true;
            PKCS8EncodedKeySpec spec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(bytesKey);
            key = kf.generatePrivate(spec);
            RSAPrivateKeySpec keySpec = (RSAPrivateKeySpec)kf.getKeySpec(key, RSAPrivateKeySpec.class);
            keysize = keySpec.getModulus().bitLength();
        } else {    // 公钥或无法判断时, 均当成公钥处理.
            X509EncodedKeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(bytesKey);
            key = kf.generatePublic(spec);
            RSAPublicKeySpec keySpec = (RSAPublicKeySpec)kf.getKeySpec(key, RSAPublicKeySpec.class);
            keysize = keySpec.getModulus().bitLength();
        export.println(String.format("key.getAlgorithm: %s", key.getAlgorithm()));
        export.println(String.format("key.getFormat: %s", key.getFormat()));
        // decrypt.
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ZlRsaUtil.RSA_ALGORITHM);
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
        byte[] cipherBytes = ZlRsaUtil.decrypt(cipher, keysize, bytesSrc);
        ZlRsaUtil.fileSaveBytes(fileOut, cipherBytes, 0, cipherBytes.length);
        export.println(String.format("%s save done.", fileOut));

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        RsaPemDemo demo = new RsaPemDemo();
        demo.run(System.out, args);

附录.2 .Net版

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

namespace RsaPemDemo {
    /// <summary>
    /// Java/.NET RSA demo, use pem key file (Java/.NET的RSA加解密演示项目,使用pem格式的密钥文件).
    /// </summary>
    class Program {
        /// <summary>
        /// 帮助文本.
        /// </summary>
        private const string helpText = "Usage: RsaPemDemo [options] srcfile\n\nFor example:\n\n    # encode by public key\n    rsapemdemo -e -l publickey.pem -o dstfile srcfile\n\n    # decode by private key\n    rsapemdemo -d -l privatekey.pem -o dstfile srcfile\n\nThe options:\n\n    -e        RSA encryption and BASE64 encode.\n    -d        BASE64 decode and RSA decryption.\n    -l [keyfile]  Load key file.\n    -o [outfile]  out file.\n";

        /// <summary>
        /// 运行.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="export">文本打印流.</param>
        /// <param name="args">参数.</param>
        public void run(TextWriter export, string[] args) {
            bool showhelp = true;
            // args
            string state = null;    // 状态.
            bool isEncode = false;
            bool isDecode = false;
            string fileKey = null;
            string fileOut = null;
            string fileSrc = null;
            int keysize = 0;    // RSA密钥位数. 0表示自动获取.
            foreach(string s in args) {
                if ("-e".Equals(s, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                    isEncode = true;
                } else if ("-d".Equals(s, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                    isDecode = true;
                } else if ("-l".Equals(s, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                    state = "l";
                } else if ("-o".Equals(s, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                    state = "o";
                } else {
                    if ("l".Equals(state, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                        fileKey = s;
                        state = null;
                    } else if ("o".Equals(state, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                        fileOut = s;
                        state = null;
                    } else {
                        fileSrc = s;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileKey)) {
                    export.WriteLine("No key file! Command need add `-l [keyfile]`.");
                } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileOut)) {
                    export.WriteLine("No out file! Command need add `-o [outfile]`.");
                } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileSrc)) {
                    export.WriteLine("No src file! Command need add `[srcfile]`.");
                } else if (isEncode!=false && isDecode!=false) {
                    export.WriteLine("No set Encode/Encode! Command need add `-e`/`-d`.");
                } else if (isEncode) {
                    showhelp = false;
                    doEncode(export, keysize, fileKey, fileOut, fileSrc, null);
                } else if (isDecode) {
                    showhelp = false;
                    doDecode(export, keysize, fileKey, fileOut, fileSrc, null);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
            // do.
            if (showhelp) {

        /// <summary>
        /// 进行加密.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="export">文本打印流.</param>
        /// <param name="keysize">密钥位数. 为0表示自动获取.</param>
        /// <param name="fileKey">密钥文件.</param>
        /// <param name="fileOut">输出文件.</param>
        /// <param name="fileSrc">源文件.</param>
        /// <param name="exargs">扩展参数.</param>
        private void doEncode(TextWriter export, int keysize, string fileKey, string fileOut,
                string fileSrc, IDictionary exargs) {
            byte[] bytesSrc = File.ReadAllBytes(fileSrc);
            string strDataKey = File.ReadAllText(fileKey);
            string purposetext = null;
            char purposecode = '\0';
            byte[] bytesKey = ZlRsaUtil.PemUnpack(strDataKey, ref purposetext, ref purposecode);
            // key.
            RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa;
            if ('R' == purposecode) {
                rsa = ZlRsaUtil.PemDecodePkcs8PrivateKey(bytesKey); // try 
                if (null == rsa) {
                    rsa = ZlRsaUtil.PemDecodeX509PrivateKey(bytesKey);
            } else {    // 公钥或无法判断时, 均当成公钥处理.
                rsa = ZlRsaUtil.PemDecodePublicKey(bytesKey);
            if (null == rsa) {
                export.WriteLine("Key decode fail!");
            export.WriteLine(string.Format("KeyExchangeAlgorithm: {0}", rsa.KeyExchangeAlgorithm));
            export.WriteLine(string.Format("KeySize: {0}", rsa.KeySize));
            // encrypt.
            byte[] cipherBytes = ZlRsaUtil.Encrypt(rsa, bytesSrc);
            string cipherBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(cipherBytes);
            File.WriteAllText(fileOut, cipherBase64);
            export.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} save done.", fileOut));

        /// <summary>
        /// 进行解密.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="export">文本打印流.</param>
        /// <param name="keysize">密钥位数. 为0表示自动获取.</param>
        /// <param name="fileKey">密钥文件.</param>
        /// <param name="fileOut">输出文件.</param>
        /// <param name="fileSrc">源文件.</param>
        /// <param name="exargs">扩展参数.</param>
        private void doDecode(TextWriter export, int keysize, string fileKey, string fileOut,
                string fileSrc, IDictionary exargs) {
            String bytesSrcB64Src = File.ReadAllText(fileSrc);
            byte[] bytesSrc = Convert.FromBase64String(bytesSrcB64Src);
            string strDataKey = File.ReadAllText(fileKey);
            string purposetext = null;
            char purposecode = '\0';
            byte[] bytesKey = ZlRsaUtil.PemUnpack(strDataKey, ref purposetext, ref purposecode);
            // key.
            RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa;
            if ('R' == purposecode) {
                rsa = ZlRsaUtil.PemDecodePkcs8PrivateKey(bytesKey); // try 
                if (null == rsa) {
                    rsa = ZlRsaUtil.PemDecodeX509PrivateKey(bytesKey);
            } else {    // 公钥或无法判断时, 均当成公钥处理.
                rsa = ZlRsaUtil.PemDecodePublicKey(bytesKey);
            if (null == rsa) {
                export.WriteLine("Key decode fail!");
            export.WriteLine(string.Format("KeyExchangeAlgorithm: {0}", rsa.KeyExchangeAlgorithm));
            export.WriteLine(string.Format("KeySize: {0}", rsa.KeySize));
            // encryption.
            byte[] cipherBytes = ZlRsaUtil.Decrypt(rsa, bytesSrc);
            File.WriteAllBytes(fileOut, cipherBytes);
            export.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} save done.", fileOut));

        static void Main(string[] args) {
            Program demo = new Program();
            demo.run(Console.Out, args);




  • 《RSA (cryptosystem)》: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)
  • Michel I. Gallant Ph.D.《RSA Public, Private, and PKCS #8 key parser》(OpenSSLKey.cs). http://www.jensign.com/opensslkey/
  • 《PKCS#1:RSA加密》. http://man.chinaunix.net/develop/rfc/RFC2313.txt
  • 《在线生成生成RSA密钥对》. http://web.chacuo.net/netrsakeypair
  • 蒋国纲《那些证书相关的玩意儿(SSL,X.509,PEM,DER,CRT,CER,KEY,CSR,P12等)》. http://www.cnblogs.com/guogangj/p/4118605.html
  • 阮一峰《RSA算法原理(二)》. http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2013/07/rsa_algorithm_part_two.html
  • 任家《OPENSSL中RSA私钥文件(PEM格式)解析【一】》. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4fcd1ea30100yh4s.html
  • 写代码的二妹《PHP,C# 和JAVARSA签名及验签》. http://www.cnblogs.com/frankyou/p/5993756.html
  • FrankYou《C# RSA 分段加解密》. http://www.cnblogs.com/frankyou/p/5993756.html
  • FrankYou《Java RSA 分段加解密》. http://www.cnblogs.com/frankyou/p/5993685.html
  • sahusoft《分组对称加密模式:ECB/CBC/CFB/OFB缺CTR》. http://blog.csdn.net/sahusoft/article/details/6867848




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