[翻译] SQLite中的原子提交



1. 介绍

如SQLite这样的事务型数据库的一个重要特性就是原子提交。原子提交意味着在一个事务中的所有针对数据库的变更,要们全部生效,要们全部不生效。原子提交犹如完成对数据库不同的区块瞬间、同时进行不同的写入。真实的硬件向大容量存储串行写,向单个扇区写需要花费固定的时间。所以不可能同时 且(或)瞬间向数据库所在的不同扇区进行写。但是SQLite的原子提交逻辑保证了一个事务的写犹如瞬间同时进行。



本文信息只适用于SQLite的回滚模式(“rollback mode”),换句话说SQLite不使用 write-ahead log. write-ahead logging有效的情况下SQLite仍然支持原子提交,但是SQLite使用与本文描述不同的原理来达到原子提交。SQLite如何在write-ahead情况下支持原子提交,请阅读write-ahead log documentation作为扩展信息。

2. Hardware Assumptions 硬件假设




SQLite在3.3.14版本之前,在所有场景下假定了一个扇区的大小是512字节。在编译时,有一个编译选项可以改变这个值,但是代码上从来没有测试过更大的值。设定扇区大小为512字节好像是合理的,因为最近所有的磁盘驱动内部都使用了512字节扇区。然而最近有人推动将磁盘扇区大小增加到4096字节。同时闪存的扇区大小通常比512字节大。因此,SQLite从3.3.14版本开始,在系统接口层(OS interface layer)有个方法,来询问底层文件系统,查找真正的扇区大小。在当前的实现(版本3.5.0)中,该方法始终返回512字节这个硬编码的值,因为在Unix或Windows上,没有一个标准的方法获取真正的扇区大小。但是这个方法可以让嵌入式制造商根据自己的需求进行调整。我们还为将来在Unix和Windows上填充一个更有意义的实现打开了大门。




sqlite假定当一个文件的长度增加时,新的文件空间最初包含垃圾,然后用实际写入的数据填充。换句话说,SQLite假定文件的大小在文件内容写入前就被更新了。这是一个悲哀的假设,SQLite必须做一些额外的工作来保证在文件大小已经增加和新的内容在写入之间的这段时间断电 不会造成数据库损坏。VFS的xDeviceCharacteristics方法可能指出文件系统总是在更小文件大小之前写入数据。(查看代码的读者可以看SQLITE_IOCAP_SAFE_APPEND属性)当xDeviceCharacteristics方法指出,文件内容在文件大小增加之前写入,SQLite能够放弃一些多余的数据库保护步骤,从而减少执行提交(commit)所需的磁盘IO数量。然而,当前的实现并没有对Windows和Unix的默认VFS做出这样的假设。



默认的,SQLite假设写入一段字节的系统调用,不会损坏或更改查过这段字节的范围,即使是在写的过程中发生断电或系统崩溃。我们称此为"powersafe overwrite documentation"特性。从版本version 3.7.9(2011-11-01)开始,SQLite不再假定powersafe overwrite。随着大部分磁盘驱动的标准扇区大小从512字节增长到4096字节,为了保持历史的性能水平,有必要假定powersafe overwrite。在最近的SQLite版本中,默认设定了powersafe overwrite。在编译时或运行时,如果需要,可以关闭powersafe overwrite特效的设定。详细情况可以查看powersafe overwrite documentation文档

3. Single File Commit 单文件提交


3.1. Initial State 初始状态


3.2. Acquiring A Read Lock 获取读锁




3.3. Reading Information Out Of The Database 从数据库中读取信息



3.4. Obtaining A Reserved Lock 获取一个保留锁



3.5. Creating A Rollback Journal File 创建恢复日志



创建新文件时,大多数桌面操作系统(Windows、Linux、Mac OS X)实际上不会向磁盘写入任何内容。新文件仅在操作系统磁盘缓存中创建。直到稍后,当操作系统有空闲时间时,才会在大容量存储中创建该文件。这给用户留下了这样的印象,即I/O的发生速度比实际磁盘I/O的速度要快得多。我们在右侧的图表中说明了这一想法,即新的回滚日志只出现在操作系统磁盘缓存中,而不出现在磁盘本身上。

3.6. Changing Database Pages In User Space 更改用户空间中的数据库页


3.7. Flushing The Rollback Journal File To Mass Storage 将回滚日志文件刷新到大容量存储



3.8. Obtaining An Exclusive Lock 获取排他锁



3.9. Writing Changes To The Database File 向数据库文件写变更


3.10. 0 Flushing Changes To Mass Storage 向大容量存储刷入变更


3.11. 1 Deleting The Rollback Journal 删除回滚日志





3.12. 2 Releasing The Lock 释放锁



4. Rollback 回滚


4.1. When Something Goes Wrong... 当出问题时



4.2. Hot Rollback Journals 热回滚日志



  • 回滚日志存在。
  • 回滚日志不是空文件。
  • 在主数据库文件上没有保留锁(reserved lock)。
  • 回滚日志的头格式良好,特别是没有被清零。
  • 回滚日志不包含主日志文件的名称(查看下面章节5.5)或者包含主日志的名称,且主日志文件存在。


4.3. Obtaining An Exclusive Lock On The Database 在数据库持有一个排他锁


4.4. Rolling Back Incomplete Changes 回滚未完成的变更


4.5. Deleting The Hot Journal 删除热日志



4.6. Continue As If The Uncompleted Writes Had Never Happened 犹如未完成的写重来没有发生过一样继续


5. Multi-file Commit 多文件提交

SQLite允许一个数据库链接通过使用ATTACH DATABASE命令同时和2个或多个数据库文件通信。当多个数据库文件在一个事务中被修改时,所有文件被原子地更新。换句话说,要么所有数据库文件被更新,要么没有一个被更新。在跨越多个数据库文件中实现一个原子提交比在单独文件中实现要更加复杂。本节描述了SQLite如何完成这个工作的。

5.1. Separate Rollback Journals For Each Database 每个数据库单独的回滚日志



5.2. The Master Journal File 主日志文件

The next step in a multi-file commit is the creation of a "master journal" file. The name of the master journal file is the same name as the original database filename (the database that was opened using the sqlite3_open() interface, not one of the ATTACHed auxiliary databases) with the text "-mjHHHHHHHH" appended where HHHHHHHH is a random 32-bit hexadecimal number. The random HHHHHHHH suffix changes for every new master journal.

(Nota bene: The formula for computing the master journal filename given in the previous paragraph corresponds to the implementation as of SQLite version 3.5.0. But this formula is not part of the SQLite specification and is subject to change in future releases.)

Unlike the rollback journals, the master journal does not contain any original database page content. Instead, the master journal contains the full pathnames for rollback journals for every database that is participating in the transaction.

After the master journal is constructed, its content is flushed to disk before any further actions are taken. On Unix, the directory that contains the master journal is also synced in order to make sure the master journal file will appear in the directory following a power failure.

The purpose of the master journal is to ensure that multi-file transactions are atomic across a power-loss. But if the database files have other settings that compromise integrity across a power-loss event (such as PRAGMA synchronous=OFF or PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY) then the creation of the master journal is omitted, as an optimization.

5.3. Updating Rollback Journal Headers

The next step is to record the full pathname of the master journal file in the header of every rollback journal. Space to hold the master journal filename was reserved at the beginning of each rollback journal as the rollback journals were created.

The content of each rollback journal is flushed to disk both before and after the master journal filename is written into the rollback journal header. It is important to do both of these flushes. Fortunately, the second flush is usually inexpensive since typically only a single page of the journal file (the first page) has changed.

This step is analogous to step 3.7 in the single-file commit scenario described above.

5.4. Updating The Database Files

Once all rollback journal files have been flushed to disk, it is safe to begin updating database files. We have to obtain an exclusive lock on all database files before writing the changes. After all the changes are written, it is important to flush the changes to disk so that they will be preserved in the event of a power failure or operating system crash.

This step corresponds to steps 3.83.9, and 3.10 in the single-file commit scenario described previously.

5.5. Delete The Master Journal File

The next step is to delete the master journal file. This is the point where the multi-file transaction commits. This step corresponds to step 3.11 in the single-file commit scenario where the rollback journal is deleted.

If a power failure or operating system crash occurs at this point, the transaction will not rollback when the system reboots even though there are rollback journals present. The difference is the master journal pathname in the header of the rollback journal. Upon restart, SQLite only considers a journal to be hot and will only playback the journal if there is no master journal filename in the header (which is the case for a single-file commit) or if the master journal file still exists on disk.

5.6. Clean Up The Rollback Journals

The final step in a multi-file commit is to delete the individual rollback journals and drop the exclusive locks on the database files so that other processes can see the changes. This corresponds to step 3.12 in the single-file commit sequence.

The transaction has already committed at this point so timing is not critical in the deletion of the rollback journals. The current implementation deletes a single rollback journal then unlocks the corresponding database file before proceeding to the next rollback journal. But in the future we might change this so that all rollback journals are deleted before any database files are unlocked. As long as the rollback journal is deleted before its corresponding database file is unlocked it does not matter in what order the rollback journals are deleted or the database files are unlocked.

6. Additional Details Of The Commit Process

Section 3.0 above provides an overview of how atomic commit works in SQLite. But it glosses over a number of important details. The following subsections will attempt to fill in the gaps.

6.1. Always Journal Complete Sectors

When the original content of a database page is written into the rollback journal (as shown in section 3.5), SQLite always writes a complete sector of data, even if the page size of the database is smaller than the sector size. Historically, the sector size in SQLite has been hard coded to 512 bytes and since the minimum page size is also 512 bytes, this has never been an issue. But beginning with SQLite version 3.3.14, it is possible for SQLite to use mass storage devices with a sector size larger than 512 bytes. So, beginning with version 3.3.14, whenever any page within a sector is written into the journal file, all pages in that same sector are stored with it.

It is important to store all pages of a sector in the rollback journal in order to prevent database corruption following a power loss while writing the sector. Suppose that pages 1, 2, 3, and 4 are all stored in sector 1 and that page 2 is modified. In order to write the changes to page 2, the underlying hardware must also rewrite the content of pages 1, 3, and 4 since the hardware must write the complete sector. If this write operation is interrupted by a power outage, one or more of the pages 1, 3, or 4 might be left with incorrect data. Hence, to avoid lasting corruption to the database, the original content of all of those pages must be contained in the rollback journal.

6.2. Dealing With Garbage Written Into Journal Files

When data is appended to the end of the rollback journal, SQLite normally makes the pessimistic assumption that the file is first extended with invalid "garbage" data and that afterwards the correct data replaces the garbage. In other words, SQLite assumes that the file size is increased first and then afterwards the content is written into the file. If a power failure occurs after the file size has been increased but before the file content has been written, the rollback journal can be left containing garbage data. If after power is restored, another SQLite process sees the rollback journal containing the garbage data and tries to roll it back into the original database file, it might copy some of the garbage into the database file and thus corrupt the database file.

SQLite uses two defenses against this problem. In the first place, SQLite records the number of pages in the rollback journal in the header of the rollback journal. This number is initially zero. So during an attempt to rollback an incomplete (and possibly corrupt) rollback journal, the process doing the rollback will see that the journal contains zero pages and will thus make no changes to the database. Prior to a commit, the rollback journal is flushed to disk to ensure that all content has been synced to disk and there is no "garbage" left in the file, and only then is the page count in the header changed from zero to true number of pages in the rollback journal. The rollback journal header is always kept in a separate sector from any page data so that it can be overwritten and flushed without risking damage to a data page if a power outage occurs. Notice that the rollback journal is flushed to disk twice: once to write the page content and a second time to write the page count in the header.

The previous paragraph describes what happens when the synchronous pragma setting is "full".

PRAGMA synchronous=FULL;

The default synchronous setting is full so the above is what usually happens. However, if the synchronous setting is lowered to "normal", SQLite only flushes the rollback journal once, after the page count has been written. This carries a risk of corruption because it might happen that the modified (non-zero) page count reaches the disk surface before all of the data does. The data will have been written first, but SQLite assumes that the underlying filesystem can reorder write requests and that the page count can be burned into oxide first even though its write request occurred last. So as a second line of defense, SQLite also uses a 32-bit checksum on every page of data in the rollback journal. This checksum is evaluated for each page during rollback while rolling back a journal as described in section 4.4. If an incorrect checksum is seen, the rollback is abandoned. Note that the checksum does not guarantee that the page data is correct since there is a small but finite probability that the checksum might be right even if the data is corrupt. But the checksum does at least make such an error unlikely.

Note that the checksums in the rollback journal are not necessary if the synchronous setting is FULL. We only depend on the checksums when synchronous is lowered to NORMAL. Nevertheless, the checksums never hurt and so they are included in the rollback journal regardless of the synchronous setting.

6.3. Cache Spill Prior To Commit

The commit process shown in section 3.0 assumes that all database changes fit in memory until it is time to commit. This is the common case. But sometimes a larger change will overflow the user-space cache prior to transaction commit. In those cases, the cache must spill to the database before the transaction is complete.

At the beginning of a cache spill, the status of the database connection is as shown in step 3.6. Original page content has been saved in the rollback journal and modifications of the pages exist in user memory. To spill the cache, SQLite executes steps 3.7 through 3.9. In other words, the rollback journal is flushed to disk, an exclusive lock is acquired, and changes are written into the database. But the remaining steps are deferred until the transaction really commits. A new journal header is appended to the end of the rollback journal (in its own sector) and the exclusive database lock is retained, but otherwise processing returns to step 3.6. When the transaction commits, or if another cache spill occurs, steps 3.7 and 3.9 are repeated. (Step 3.8 is omitted on second and subsequent passes since an exclusive database lock is already held due to the first pass.)

A cache spill causes the lock on the database file to escalate from reserved to exclusive. This reduces concurrency. A cache spill also causes extra disk flush or fsync operations to occur and these operations are slow, hence a cache spill can seriously reduce performance. For these reasons a cache spill is avoided whenever possible.

7. Optimizations

Profiling indicates that for most systems and in most circumstances SQLite spends most of its time doing disk I/O. It follows then that anything we can do to reduce the amount of disk I/O will likely have a large positive impact on the performance of SQLite. This section describes some of the techniques used by SQLite to try to reduce the amount of disk I/O to a minimum while still preserving atomic commit.

7.1. Cache Retained Between Transactions

Step 3.12 of the commit process shows that once the shared lock has been released, all user-space cache images of database content must be discarded. This is done because without a shared lock, other processes are free to modify the database file content and so any user-space image of that content might become obsolete. Consequently, each new transaction would begin by rereading data which had previously been read. This is not as bad as it sounds at first since the data being read is still likely in the operating systems file cache. So the "read" is really just a copy of data from kernel space into user space. But even so, it still takes time.

Beginning with SQLite version 3.3.14 a mechanism has been added to try to reduce the needless rereading of data. In newer versions of SQLite, the data in the user-space pager cache is retained when the lock on the database file is released. Later, after the shared lock is acquired at the beginning of the next transaction, SQLite checks to see if any other process has modified the database file. If the database has been changed in any way since the lock was last released, the user-space cache is erased at that point. But commonly the database file is unchanged and the user-space cache can be retained, and some unnecessary read operations can be avoided.

In order to determine whether or not the database file has changed, SQLite uses a counter in the database header (in bytes 24 through 27) which is incremented during every change operation. SQLite saves a copy of this counter prior to releasing its database lock. Then after acquiring the next database lock it compares the saved counter value against the current counter value and erases the cache if the values are different, or reuses the cache if they are the same.

7.2. Exclusive Access Mode

SQLite version 3.3.14 adds the concept of "Exclusive Access Mode". In exclusive access mode, SQLite retains the exclusive database lock at the conclusion of each transaction. This prevents other processes from accessing the database, but in many deployments only a single process is using a database so this is not a serious problem. The advantage of exclusive access mode is that disk I/O can be reduced in three ways:

  1. It is not necessary to increment the change counter in the database header for transactions after the first transaction. This will often save a write of page one to both the rollback journal and the main database file.

  2. No other processes can change the database so there is never a need to check the change counter and clear the user-space cache at the beginning of a transaction.

  3. Each transaction can be committed by overwriting the rollback journal header with zeros rather than deleting the journal file. This avoids having to modify the directory entry for the journal file and it avoids having to deallocate disk sectors associated with the journal. Furthermore, the next transaction will overwrite existing journal file content rather than append new content and on most systems overwriting is much faster than appending.

The third optimization, zeroing the journal file header rather than deleting the rollback journal file, does not depend on holding an exclusive lock at all times. This optimization can be set independently of exclusive lock mode using the journal_mode pragma as described in section 7.6 below.

7.3. Do Not Journal Freelist Pages

When information is deleted from an SQLite database, the pages used to hold the deleted information are added to a "freelist". Subsequent inserts will draw pages off of this freelist rather than expanding the database file.

Some freelist pages contain critical data; specifically the locations of other freelist pages. But most freelist pages contain nothing useful. These latter freelist pages are called "leaf" pages. We are free to modify the content of a leaf freelist page in the database without changing the meaning of the database in any way.

Because the content of leaf freelist pages is unimportant, SQLite avoids storing leaf freelist page content in the rollback journal in step 3.5 of the commit process. If a leaf freelist page is changed and that change does not get rolled back during a transaction recovery, the database is not harmed by the omission. Similarly, the content of a new freelist page is never written back into the database at step 3.9 nor read from the database at step 3.3. These optimizations can greatly reduce the amount of I/O that occurs when making changes to a database file that contains free space.

7.4. Single Page Updates And Atomic Sector Writes

Beginning in SQLite version 3.5.0, the new Virtual File System (VFS) interface contains a method named xDeviceCharacteristics which reports on special properties that the underlying mass storage device might have. Among the special properties that xDeviceCharacteristics might report is the ability of to do an atomic sector write.

Recall that by default SQLite assumes that sector writes are linear but not atomic. A linear write starts at one end of the sector and changes information byte by byte until it gets to the other end of the sector. If a power loss occurs in the middle of a linear write then part of the sector might be modified while the other end is unchanged. In an atomic sector write, either the entire sector is overwritten or else nothing in the sector is changed.

We believe that most modern disk drives implement atomic sector writes. When power is lost, the drive uses energy stored in capacitors and/or the angular momentum of the disk platter to provide power to complete any operation in progress. Nevertheless, there are so many layers in between the write system call and the on-board disk drive electronics that we take the safe approach in both Unix and w32 VFS implementations and assume that sector writes are not atomic. On the other hand, device manufacturers with more control over their filesystems might want to consider enabling the atomic write property of xDeviceCharacteristics if their hardware really does do atomic writes.

When sector writes are atomic and the page size of a database is the same as a sector size, and when there is a database change that only touches a single database page, then SQLite skips the whole journaling and syncing process and simply writes the modified page directly into the database file. The change counter in the first page of the database file is modified separately since no harm is done if power is lost before the change counter can be updated.

7.5. Filesystems With Safe Append Semantics

Another optimization introduced in SQLite version 3.5.0 makes use of "safe append" behavior of the underlying disk. Recall that SQLite assumes that when data is appended to a file (specifically to the rollback journal) that the size of the file is increased first and that the content is written second. So if power is lost after the file size is increased but before the content is written, the file is left containing invalid "garbage" data. The xDeviceCharacteristics method of the VFS might, however, indicate that the filesystem implements "safe append" semantics. This means that the content is written before the file size is increased so that it is impossible for garbage to be introduced into the rollback journal by a power loss or system crash.

When safe append semantics are indicated for a filesystem, SQLite always stores the special value of -1 for the page count in the header of the rollback journal. The -1 page count value tells any process attempting to rollback the journal that the number of pages in the journal should be computed from the journal size. This -1 value is never changed. So that when a commit occurs, we save a single flush operation and a sector write of the first page of the journal file. Furthermore, when a cache spill occurs we no longer need to append a new journal header to the end of the journal; we can simply continue appending new pages to the end of the existing journal.

7.6. Persistent Rollback Journals

Deleting a file is an expensive operation on many systems. So as an optimization, SQLite can be configured to avoid the delete operation of section 3.11. Instead of deleting the journal file in order to commit a transaction, the file is either truncated to zero bytes in length or its header is overwritten with zeros. Truncating the file to zero length saves having to make modifications to the directory containing the file since the file is not removed from the directory. Overwriting the header has the additional savings of not having to update the length of the file (in the "inode" on many systems) and not having to deal with newly freed disk sectors. Furthermore, at the next transaction the journal will be created by overwriting existing content rather than appending new content onto the end of a file, and overwriting is often much faster than appending.

SQLite can be configured to commit transactions by overwriting the journal header with zeros instead of deleting the journal file by setting the "PERSIST" journaling mode using the journal_mode PRAGMA. For example:

PRAGMA journal_mode=PERSIST;

The use of persistent journal mode provides a noticeable performance improvement on many systems. Of course, the drawback is that the journal files remain on the disk, using disk space and cluttering directories, long after the transaction commits. The only safe way to delete a persistent journal file is to commit a transaction with journaling mode set to DELETE:


Beware of deleting persistent journal files by any other means since the journal file might be hot, in which case deleting it will corrupt the corresponding database file.

Beginning in SQLite version 3.6.4 (2008-10-15), the TRUNCATE journal mode is also supported:

PRAGMA journal_mode=TRUNCATE;

In truncate journal mode, the transaction is committed by truncating the journal file to zero length rather than deleting the journal file (as in DELETE mode) or by zeroing the header (as in PERSIST mode). TRUNCATE mode shares the advantage of PERSIST mode that the directory that contains the journal file and database does not need to be updated. Hence truncating a file is often faster than deleting it. TRUNCATE has the additional advantage that it is not followed by a system call (ex: fsync()) to synchronize the change to disk. It might be safer if it did. But on many modern filesystems, a truncate is an atomic and synchronous operation and so we think that TRUNCATE will usually be safe in the face of power failures. If you are uncertain about whether or not TRUNCATE will be synchronous and atomic on your filesystem and it is important to you that your database survive a power loss or operating system crash that occurs during the truncation operation, then you might consider using a different journaling mode.

On embedded systems with synchronous filesystems, TRUNCATE results in slower behavior than PERSIST. The commit operation is the same speed. But subsequent transactions are slower following a TRUNCATE because it is faster to overwrite existing content than to append to the end of a file. New journal file entries will always be appended following a TRUNCATE but will usually overwrite with PERSIST.

8. Testing Atomic Commit Behavior

The developers of SQLite are confident that it is robust in the face of power failures and system crashes because the automatic test procedures do extensive checks on the ability of SQLite to recover from simulated power loss. We call these the "crash tests".

Crash tests in SQLite use a modified VFS that can simulate the kinds of filesystem damage that occur during a power loss or operating system crash. The crash-test VFS can simulate incomplete sector writes, pages filled with garbage data because a write has not completed, and out of order writes, all occurring at varying points during a test scenario. Crash tests execute transactions over and over, varying the time at which a simulated power loss occurs and the properties of the damage inflicted. Each test then reopens the database after the simulated crash and verifies that the transaction either occurred completely or not at all and that the database is in a completely consistent state.

The crash tests in SQLite have discovered a number of very subtle bugs (now fixed) in the recovery mechanism. Some of these bugs were very obscure and unlikely to have been found using only code inspection and analysis techniques. From this experience, the developers of SQLite feel confident that any other database system that does not use a similar crash test system likely contains undetected bugs that will lead to database corruption following a system crash or power failure.

9. Things That Can Go Wrong

The atomic commit mechanism in SQLite has proven to be robust, but it can be circumvented by a sufficiently creative adversary or a sufficiently broken operating system implementation. This section describes a few of the ways in which an SQLite database might be corrupted by a power failure or system crash. (See also: How To Corrupt Your Database Files.)

9.1. Broken Locking Implementations

SQLite uses filesystem locks to make sure that only one process and database connection is trying to modify the database at a time. The filesystem locking mechanism is implemented in the VFS layer and is different for every operating system. SQLite depends on this implementation being correct. If something goes wrong and two or more processes are able to write the same database file at the same time, severe damage can result.

We have received reports of implementations of both Windows network filesystems and NFS in which locking was subtly broken. We can not verify these reports, but as locking is difficult to get right on a network filesystem we have no reason to doubt them. You are advised to avoid using SQLite on a network filesystem in the first place, since performance will be slow. But if you must use a network filesystem to store SQLite database files, consider using a secondary locking mechanism to prevent simultaneous writes to the same database even if the native filesystem locking mechanism malfunctions.

The versions of SQLite that come preinstalled on Apple Mac OS X computers contain a version of SQLite that has been extended to use alternative locking strategies that work on all network filesystems that Apple supports. These extensions used by Apple work great as long as all processes are accessing the database file in the same way. Unfortunately, the locking mechanisms do not exclude one another, so if one process is accessing a file using (for example) AFP locking and another process (perhaps on a different machine) is using dot-file locks, the two processes might collide because AFP locks do not exclude dot-file locks or vice versa.

9.2. Incomplete Disk Flushes

SQLite uses the fsync() system call on Unix and the FlushFileBuffers() system call on w32 in order to sync the file system buffers onto disk oxide as shown in step 3.7 and step 3.10. Unfortunately, we have received reports that neither of these interfaces works as advertised on many systems. We hear that FlushFileBuffers() can be completely disabled using registry settings on some Windows versions. Some historical versions of Linux contain versions of fsync() which are no-ops on some filesystems, we are told. Even on systems where FlushFileBuffers() and fsync() are said to be working, often the IDE disk control lies and says that data has reached oxide while it is still held only in the volatile control cache.

On the Mac, you can set this pragma:

PRAGMA fullfsync=ON;

Setting fullfsync on a Mac will guarantee that data really does get pushed out to the disk platter on a flush. But the implementation of fullfsync involves resetting the disk controller. And so not only is it profoundly slow, it also slows down other unrelated disk I/O. So its use is not recommended.

9.3. Partial File Deletions

SQLite assumes that file deletion is an atomic operation from the point of view of a user process. If power fails in the middle of a file deletion, then after power is restored SQLite expects to see either the entire file with all of its original data intact, or it expects not to find the file at all. Transactions may not be atomic on systems that do not work this way.

9.4. Garbage Written Into Files

SQLite database files are ordinary disk files that can be opened and written by ordinary user processes. A rogue process can open an SQLite database and fill it with corrupt data. Corrupt data might also be introduced into an SQLite database by bugs in the operating system or disk controller; especially bugs triggered by a power failure. There is nothing SQLite can do to defend against these kinds of problems.

9.5. Deleting Or Renaming A Hot Journal

If a crash or power loss does occur and a hot journal is left on the disk, it is essential that the original database file and the hot journal remain on disk with their original names until the database file is opened by another SQLite process and rolled back. During recovery at step 4.2 SQLite locates the hot journal by looking for a file in the same directory as the database being opened and whose name is derived from the name of the file being opened. If either the original database file or the hot journal have been moved or renamed, then the hot journal will not be seen and the database will not be rolled back.

We suspect that a common failure mode for SQLite recovery happens like this: A power failure occurs. After power is restored, a well-meaning user or system administrator begins looking around on the disk for damage. They see their database file named "important.data". This file is perhaps familiar to them. But after the crash, there is also a hot journal named "important.data-journal". The user then deletes the hot journal, thinking that they are helping to cleanup the system. We know of no way to prevent this other than user education.

If there are multiple (hard or symbolic) links to a database file, the journal will be created using the name of the link through which the file was opened. If a crash occurs and the database is opened again using a different link, the hot journal will not be located and no rollback will occur.

Sometimes a power failure will cause a filesystem to be corrupted such that recently changed filenames are forgotten and the file is moved into a "/lost+found" directory. When that happens, the hot journal will not be found and recovery will not occur. SQLite tries to prevent this by opening and syncing the directory containing the rollback journal at the same time it syncs the journal file itself. However, the movement of files into /lost+found can be caused by unrelated processes creating unrelated files in the same directory as the main database file. And since this is out from under the control of SQLite, there is nothing that SQLite can do to prevent it. If you are running on a system that is vulnerable to this kind of filesystem namespace corruption (most modern journalling filesystems are immune, we believe) then you might want to consider putting each SQLite database file in its own private subdirectory.

10. 10.0 Future Directions And Conclusion

Every now and then someone discovers a new failure mode for the atomic commit mechanism in SQLite and the developers have to put in a patch. This is happening less and less and the failure modes are becoming more and more obscure. But it would still be foolish to suppose that the atomic commit logic of SQLite is entirely bug-free. The developers are committed to fixing these bugs as quickly as they might be found.

The developers are also on the lookout for new ways to optimize the commit mechanism. The current VFS implementations for Unix (Linux and Mac OS X) and Windows make pessimistic assumptions about the behavior of those systems. After consultation with experts on how these systems work, we might be able to relax some of the assumptions on these systems and allow them to run faster. In particular, we suspect that most modern filesystems exhibit the safe append property and that many of them might support atomic sector writes. But until this is known for certain, SQLite will take the conservative approach and assume the worst.






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