
ibatis Mybatis 官网:http://blog.mybatis.org/


搭建iBatis 开发环境:


  1 、导入相关的jar 包,ibatis- 、mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar

  2 、编写配置文件:Jdbc 连接的属性文件 ;总配置文件, SqlMapConfig.xml  关于每个实体的映射文件(Map 文件)




package com.ccssoft.model;

import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Date;

@SuppressWarnings("unused") public class User implements Serializable {    private Integer userID;   private String accountNo;  private String password;    private String name;  private String phone;  private String email;

   public Integer getUserID() {   return userID;  }  public void setUserID(Integer userID) {   this.userID = userID;  }  public String getAccountNo() {   return accountNo;  }  public void setAccountNo(String accountNo) {   this.accountNo = accountNo;  }  public String getPassword() {   return password;  }  public void setPassword(String password) {   this.password = password;  }  public String getName() {   return name;  }  public void setName(String name) {   this.name = name;  }  public String getEmail() {   return email;  }  public void setEmail(String email) {   this.email = email;  }  public String getPhone() {   return phone;  }  public void setPhone(String phone) {   this.phone = phone;  }     public String toString(){   return "phone ="+phone+";";  } }


SqlMap.properties :




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN" "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/sql-map-2.dtd"> <sqlMap> <!-- 通过typeAlias使得我们在下面使用Student实体类的时候不需要写包名 --> <typeAlias alias="User" type="com.ccssoft.demo.entity.User" /> <resultMap id="userMap" class="User">  <result property="userID" column="USERID"/>  <result property="accountNo" column="ACCOUNTNO"/>  <result property="password" column="password"/>  <result property="name" column="name"/>  <result property="email" column="email"/>  <result property="phone" column="phone"/> </resultMap> <!-- 用户添加 -->

<insert id="addUser" parameterClass="User">    insert into t_user(   USERID,ACCOUNTNO,password,   name,email,phone   )  values(   id_seq.nextval,#accountNo#,#password#,   #name#,#email#,#phone#  ) </insert> <!-- 删除用户 --> <delete id="deleteUserById" parameterClass="Integer"> delete from t_user where USERID=#userID# </delete> <!-- 修改用户信息 --> <update id="updateUser" parameterClass="User"> update t_user set name=#name#,email=#email#,phone=#phone#,password=#password# where USERID=#userID# </update>

<!-- 查询 --> <select id="selectAllUser" parameterClass="HashMap" resultClass="User"> select t.USERID,t.ACCOUNTNO,t.password,   t.name,t.email,t.phone from (select t.*,ROWNUM RN from t_user t where 1=1   <isNotEmpty property="accountNo">   and ACCOUNTNO like '%$accountNo$%'   </isNotEmpty>     <isNotEmpty property="name">   and name like '%$name$%'   </isNotEmpty>   ) t where RN&gt;#start# and RN&lt;=#end#


<select id="selectUserById" parameterClass="Integer" resultClass="User"> select * from t_user where USERID=#userID# </select>

<select id="selectUsersByName" parameterClass="HashMap" resultClass="HashMap">

select t.USERID,t.ACCOUNTNO,t.password,   t.name,t.email,t.phone from (select t.*,ROWNUM RN from t_user t) t where t.name like '%$name$%' and RN&gt;#start# and RN&lt;=#end#    </select> <select id="selectUsersByAccountNo" parameterClass="HashMap" resultClass="HashMap"> select t.USERID,t.ACCOUNTNO,t.password,   t.name,t.email,t.phone from (select t.*,ROWNUM RN from t_user t) t where RN&gt;#start# and RN&lt;=#end# and t.ACCOUNTNO like '%$accountNo$%'    </select> <select id="selectUsersByName_No" parameterClass="HashMap" resultClass="HashMap"> select t.USERID,t.ACCOUNTNO,t.password,   t.name,t.email,t.phone from (select t.*,ROWNUM RN from t_user t) t where RN&gt;#start# and RN&lt;=#end# and (t.name like '%$name$%' or ACCOUNTNO like '%$accountNo$%')

   </select> <select id="selectUserByNo" parameterClass="String" resultClass="User"> select * from t_user where ACCOUNTNO=#accountNo# </select> <select id="selectPwdByNo" parameterClass="String" resultClass="String"> select password from t_user where ACCOUNTNO=#accountNo# </select>

<select id="selectUserCount" parameterClass="User"  resultClass="Integer"> select count(*) from t_user where 1=1  <isNotEmpty property="accountNo">   and ACCOUNTNO like '%$accountNo$%'  </isNotEmpty>    <isNotEmpty property="name">   and name like '%$name$%'  </isNotEmpty> </select>




如果xml 中没有ibatis 的提示,则window --> Preference--> XML-->XML Catalog---> 点击add

选择uri URI: 请选择本地文件系统上

iBatisDemo1/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/sql-map-config-2.dtd 文件;

Key Type: 选择Schema Location;

Key: 需要联网的,不建议使用;


SqlMapConfig.xml :

  • <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>
  • <!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map Config 2.0//EN"
  • "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/sql-map-config-2.dtd">
  • <sqlMapConfig>
  • <!-- 引用JDBC属性的配置文件 -->
  • <propertiesresource="com/iflytek/entity/SqlMap.properties"/>
  • <!-- 使用JDBC的事务管理 -->
  • <transactionManagertype="JDBC">
  • <!-- 数据源 -->
  • <dataSourcetype="SIMPLE">
  • <propertyname="JDBC.Driver"value="${driver}"/>
  • <propertyname="JDBC.ConnectionURL"value="${url}"/>
  • <propertyname="JDBC.Username"value="${username}"/>
  • <propertyname="JDBC.Password"value="${password}"/>
  • </dataSource>
  • </transactionManager>
  • <!-- 这里可以写多个实体的映射文件 -->
  • <sqlMapresource="com/iflytek/entity/Student.xml"/>
  • </sqlMapConfig>

StudentDao :


  • package com.iflytek.dao;
  • import java.util.List;
  • import com.iflytek.entity.Student;
  • /**
  • * @author xudongwang 2011-12-31
  • *
  • * Email:xdwangiflytek@gmail.com
  • *
  • */
  • publicinterface StudentDao {
  • /**
  • * 添加学生信息
  • *
  • * @param student
  • * 学生实体
  • * @return 返回是否添加成功
  • */
  • publicboolean addStudent(Student student);
  • /**
  • * 根据学生id删除学生信息
  • *
  • * @param id
  • * 学生id
  • * @return 删除是否成功
  • */
  • publicboolean deleteStudentById(int id);
  • /**
  • * 更新学生信息
  • *
  • * @param student
  • * 学生实体
  • * @return 更新是否成功
  • */
  • publicboolean updateStudent(Student student);
  • /**
  • * 查询全部学生信息
  • *
  • * @return 返回学生列表
  • */
  • public List<Student> selectAllStudent();
  • /**
  • * 根据学生姓名模糊查询学生信息
  • *
  • * @param name
  • * 学生姓名
  • * @return 学生信息列表
  • */
  • public List<Student> selectStudentByName(String name);
  • /**
  • * 根据学生id查询学生信息
  • *
  • * @param id
  • * 学生id
  • * @return 学生对象
  • */
  • public Student selectStudentById(int id);
  • }

StudentDaoImpl :

  • package com.iflytek.daoimpl;
  • import java.io.IOException;
  • import java.io.Reader;
  • import java.sql.SQLException;
  • import java.util.List;
  • import com.ibatis.common.resources.Resources;
  • import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient;
  • import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClientBuilder;
  • import com.iflytek.dao.StudentDao;
  • import com.iflytek.entity.Student;
  • /**
  • * @author xudongwang 2011-12-31
  • *
  • * Email:xdwangiflytek@gmail.com
  • *
  • */
  • publicclass StudentDaoImpl implements StudentDao {
  • privatestatic SqlMapClient sqlMapClient = null;
  • // 读取配置文件
  • static {
  • try {
  • Reader reader = Resources
  • .getResourceAsReader("com/iflytek/entity/SqlMapConfig.xml");
  • sqlMapClient = SqlMapClientBuilder.buildSqlMapClient(reader);
  • reader.close();
  • } catch (IOException e) {
  • e.printStackTrace();
  • }
  • }
  • publicboolean addStudent(Student student) {
  • Object object = null;
  • boolean flag = false;
  • try {
  • object = sqlMapClient.insert("addStudent", student);
  • System.out.println("添加学生信息的返回值:" + object);
  • } catch (SQLException e) {
  • e.printStackTrace();
  • }
  • if (object != null) {
  • flag = true;
  • }
  • return flag;
  • }
  • publicboolean deleteStudentById(int id) {
  • boolean flag = false;
  • Object object = null;
  • try {
  • object = sqlMapClient.delete("deleteStudentById", id);
  • System.out.println("删除学生信息的返回值:" + object + ",这里返回的是影响的行数");
  • } catch (SQLException e) {
  • e.printStackTrace();
  • }
  • if (object != null) {
  • flag = true;
  • }
  • return flag;
  • }
  • publicboolean updateStudent(Student student) {
  • boolean flag = false;
  • Object object = false;
  • try {
  • object = sqlMapClient.update("updateStudent", student);
  • System.out.println("更新学生信息的返回值:" + object + ",返回影响的行数");
  • } catch (SQLException e) {
  • e.printStackTrace();
  • }
  • if (object != null) {
  • flag = true;
  • }
  • return flag;
  • }
  • public List<Student> selectAllStudent() {
  • List<Student> students = null;
  • try {
  • students = sqlMapClient.queryForList("selectAllStudent");
  • } catch (SQLException e) {
  • e.printStackTrace();
  • }
  • return students;
  • }
  • public List<Student> selectStudentByName(String name) {
  • List<Student> students = null;
  • try {
  • students = sqlMapClient.queryForList("selectStudentByName",name);
  • } catch (SQLException e) {
  • e.printStackTrace();
  • }
  • return students;
  • }
  • public Student selectStudentById(int id) {
  • Student student = null;
  • try {
  • student = (Student) sqlMapClient.queryForObject(
  • "selectStudentById", id);
  • } catch (SQLException e) {
  • e.printStackTrace();
  • }
  • return student;
  • }
  • }

TestIbatis.java :


  • package com.iflytek.test;
  • import java.sql.Date;
  • import java.util.List;
  • import com.iflytek.daoimpl.StudentDaoImpl;
  • import com.iflytek.entity.Student;
  • /**
  • * @author xudongwang 2011-12-31
  • *
  • * Email:xdwangiflytek@gmail.com
  • *
  • */
  • publicclass TestIbatis {
  • publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) {
  • StudentDaoImpl studentDaoImpl = new StudentDaoImpl();
  • System.out.println("测试插入");
  • Student addStudent = new Student();
  • addStudent.setName("李四");
  • addStudent.setBirth(Date.valueOf("2011-09-02"));
  • addStudent.setScore(88);
  • System.out.println(studentDaoImpl.addStudent(addStudent));
  • System.out.println("测试根据id查询");
  • System.out.println(studentDaoImpl.selectStudentById(1));
  • System.out.println("测试模糊查询");
  • List<Student> mohuLists = studentDaoImpl.selectStudentByName("李");
  • for (Student student : mohuLists) {
  • System.out.println(student);
  • }
  • System.out.println("测试查询所有");
  • List<Student> students = studentDaoImpl.selectAllStudent();
  • for (Student student : students) {
  • System.out.println(student);
  • }
  • System.out.println("根据id删除学生信息");
  • System.out.println(studentDaoImpl.deleteStudentById(1));
  • System.out.println("测试更新学生信息");
  • Student updateStudent = new Student();
  • updateStudent.setId(1);
  • updateStudent.setName("李四1");
  • updateStudent.setBirth(Date.valueOf("2011-08-07"));
  • updateStudent.setScore(21);
  • System.out.println(studentDaoImpl.updateStudent(updateStudent));
  • }







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