
新建一个forcast,R&D Item和Commission Product Selection需要提前在Entry Definition里设置好才能显示,而Entry Definition需要在Report Layout里添加好。

验证prior的时候,需要到Entry Definition和Report Layouot里面设置Account code,将两个Focast都设置相同的forcast后等十分钟作业完成即可。


Unit Input-CRB与Unit Input-PM导出Excel会相互覆盖

1、Discount、Free Goods、Royalty不能输负数;
2、Unit Input-PM、Unit Input-CRB、Sales Adjustment-Finance不能输小数
3、Sales Return既不能输负数也不能输小数
4、Compensation的Per Unit可以输小数,后面不能输小数;

Role Authorization、Data Authorization、Delegation涉及人名,需要写在准备里

Expense的Excel需要加符号的页面有: The Excel of these forms should have the symbol(eg.[Rept.KUSD] or [KRMB])
1、A&P/Field Marketing Entry and Validation, PIM/Pharmacy Validation, Non-Payroll Dept.Exp Entry and Validation, Marketing Research Entry, Direct R&D Expense Entry 

Net Sales只有第二个下拉框选All时Expand All才可用
Role Authorization里,点Add后点Add Users,选择一个以后出来,直接点其它项,如admin,新添加的New Role就会丢失。

Expense 的Report是在Layout Setting 的Edit Function里Expense选的
Others 是在Entry Definition里Edit Function里Expense选的

Commission Product Selection(Entry Item MPG Mapping)和 Data Authorization(重构了,左边添加条件,右边重点测)

Unit Statistical Cost和Royalty的AP输入框,改一个,其后面的全部跟着变(前面的保持不变)
Free Goods的AP输入框,改第一个,其后面的全部跟着变(改其它的不变)

一个不是BUG的BUG:开两个IE,xb1和xb3,在Payroll Phasing Upload 各自导出相应模板,设置相同的值(且都含有相同项),各自导入后先保存一个,保存的是重复项的最后一项,然后保存另一个,保存的是重复项的倒数第二个。

2、Status Report(Status Monitor)
3、Reference File Management


1、All of the forms, when the data of inputbox are changed , leave this form will pop up a dialog saying"Do you want to save the changes to this form?", and should have three buttons "Yes","No","Cancel", like Microsoft Word.
2、All of the forms, click "Excel" button , the "Dosage Name" item in Excel should be fixed, when the scroll bar moved , this item should not move at the same time.
3、All of the forms in Entry , submit the form,then delete this dosage in Dosage Selection form, then click the Excel button in this form, the error message display "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
4、The error message "数据库 'tempdb' 的日志已满。请备份该数据库的事务日志以释放一些日志空间。" should not display to customer.

Official Price

1、All of the forms, The size of the framework is very small when the Screen Resolution is 1280 by 1024.

2、Offical Price form, input "9999" ,then click "Search" button , no data displayed , click "Search" button again, displayed error message,"Error occured, please contact with the administrator."

3、All of the forms, press “Enter” button, nothing happened.

4、All of the forms, reduce the size of the window , the scroll bar disappeared.

5、Offical Price form, click "Excel" button , the "Currency Type" item in download Excel displayed wrong data.

6、Offical Price form, click "Excel" button , the items followed "Official Price" in download Excel are disappeared.

7、All of the forms, click the “Prior Fcst” button , the "Official Price" item cannot changed.

8、All of the forms, one user click "submit" button , another user can submit again.

9、Offical Price form, input in the edit box of the forecast aps with "-" , then input some data(eg,6), the "-" is disappeared .Or remove the digits before point , input in the edit box of the forecast aps with "-", then input some data(eg,8) , the data will be changed to "-.00".

10、All of the forms, click "Excel" button , the download tool like "Thunder" will run error.

11、All of the forms, click "Excel" button , the "$" or "¥" can't displayed before currency data.

12、All of the forms, click "Excel" button , threr should be 4 decimal (digit with four numbers after point).

13、Offical Price form, click "Excel" button , the "Currency Type" item should be "USD" or "RMB", and "08AP1" are disappeared , and "GoodsCode" item should not exist.

14、All of the forms,the "Entity Code" are not consistent with database(pub_goods).

15、All of the forms, click the "Dosage Name" , press "Tab", the dosage name are scrolled down, but the scroll bar are not scrolled down at the same time.

16、All of the forms, click the inputbox , press "Enter", when the Cursor moving out of inputbox, the web should not refresh.

17、The prompting message are not showed entirely(eg, click Save button in Official Price form, the prompting message are not showed entirely)


1、Compensation form,click the “Prior Fcst” button , the "Per Unit" item cannot changed.

2、Compensation form, the data under Per Unit should be digit with two numbers after point(eg, 2.34), but the data under APs should be integer(eg, 2).



1、Discount form, click "Add" button , then click other "Entity Name/MPG" items, these items will expand a blank space.

2、Discount form, click "Add" button , then click the drop down item , there are lots of repeat options.

3、Discount form, click "Add" button , then click the drop down item , these options are inconsistent with database.

4、Discount form, click "Add" button , then input some number(eg,20) in sub-item ,then click "Save" button , the input data in sub-item is disappeared.

5、Discount form, click "Excel" button , there are no data displayed.

6、Discount form, click "Submit" button , then click another web and go back , the  Discount form are not submitted.

7、Discount form, the "Volume Discount" and "Cash Discount" item should not permit input "-", like Office Price item in Office Price form.

8、Discount form, the maximum length of inputbox should be 15.


Free Goods
1、Free Goods form, the inputbox cannot permit to input negative number(eg,-2.35).

2、Free Goods form, input some big data(eg,3441241234214.40), no "%" display after the data.


1、Royalty form,the inputbox cannot permit to input negative number(eg,-2.35).

2、Royalty form,click Prior Fcst button(2008LE1), error message, "WHERE附近有语法错误".


Inventory Adjustment 
1、Inventory Adjustment form, creat new forecast, then click Submit in this form, error message popsup "This Function can not been saved..."
2、Inventory Adjustment form, click Submit, the page are not refresh.


Rolling Forecast Upload

1、Upload 18M Rolling Forecast form, click "DownLoad Template" button , displayed error message,"Error occured, please contact with the administrator".

2、Creat a new Forecast , click the submit button in Upload 18M Rolling Forecast form , displayed error message,"Error occured, please contact with the administrator".


Unit Input - PM
1、All of the Revenue Entry forms, the title of the form in Excel should be inconsistent with the page.(eg,Unit Input-PM, the title should be L2008012,M2008012 or Logility2008012,MKTG2008012, and LFY2008,MFY2008)

2、Unit Input-PM and  Unit Input-CRB, the inputbox should not permit to input digit with point(eg,2.34).

3、Unit Input-PM form, when more users(eg,8) click Submit at the same time, some users(eg,2) are submitted successful.

(未报)4、Unit Input form(PM&CRB), input some key word(eg, ca) in xb2, and click Search button, then click Prior Fcst, some prior data display, then delete keyword and click Search button again, some items without prior data display.


Sales Return
1、Sales Return form, the inputbox cannot permit to input negative number(eg,-2.35).

2、Sales Return form, the inputbox cannot permit to input digit with point(eg,2.34).

3、Sales Return form, liuzhicheng delegat to zhaodongming, then liuzhicheng use xb1 to input some data, zhaodongming use xb2 and click Prior Fcst, it's useless.


SunA and SunB Variance
1、SunA and SunB Variance form, select Expand All checkbox, the response of page is very slow.


Other Cost
1、Creat a new Forecast , the Other Cost form and Sales Adjustment form display a wrong error.

2、All of the forms, if the form hasn't Currency selection dropdown list , the form should have the symbol(eg.[Rept.KUSD]), and all of the forms' Excel should contain the symbol(eg.[Rept.KUSD]).

3、Other Cost form, input 2 decimal(digit with two numbers after point) in the Cost(eg,2.34), display wrong data(eg,2, it should display 2.34 also).


Quarterly Forecast-P&L
1、Quarterly Forecast-P&L form, the NO.2(Comparison) dropdown list should not contain itself(eg.2008LExb1 should not in the dropdown list).



A&P/Field Marketing
1、A&P/Field Marketing form, lack of "Detail Upload" button.

2、A&P/Field Marketing form, the scroll bar should be close to the table(the blank is very huge).

3、A&P/Field Marketing form, if select A&P/Field Marketing in "Edit Function" but not select Entry Item in "Entry Definition Setting" in Admin, the A&P/Field Marketing form will display error message.

4、A&P/Field Marketing form, click Submit button, it not pop query dialog like Official Price.

5、A&P/Field Marketing form, click Submit button, the page are not refresh.

6、All of the forms, if the sub navigation tree are very wide, some buttons are disappear.

7、A&P/Field Marketing Proposal form, lack of Expand All button.

8、A&P/Field Marketing form, click Detail Upload button, if load wrong file first, then load Excel, the Excel cannot load also.

9、All of the forms of Expense, press Enter or Tab, the cursor should only move in the inputbox. 

10、A&P/Field Marketing Entry/Validation/Proposal form, click Excel button, the Excel should contain [Op.KUSD](or [KRMB]) and other messages, or these messages should in one cell(should Merge cells).

11、A&P/Field Marketing Validation form, select "Summary" item in NO.2 dropdown list, then click Excel, the Excel is not contain data.

12、All of the Validation forms, the form should contain [Op.KUSD](or [KRMB]) symbol.

13、A&P/Field Marketing form, if input "999999999999999" in the inputbox, then click save, the form will display wrong data(eg,"2000000000000000"or"4000000000000000").

14、A&P/Field Marketing form, click Submit button, the inputbox should not permit to input, like Official Price form.

15、All of the Validation forms, click Excel button, the "B" and "Le" column(Title and data) of Excel should be "%B" and "%LE".

16、A&P/Field Marketing Validation form,  click Excel button, the Excel is blank.

17、A&P/Field Marketing Proposal form, the Excel should display Summary type dropdown list(No.4 dropdownlist, eg, A&P)

18、A&P/Field Marketing form, click Prior Fcst button(in 2008LExb2), no data display.

19、A&P/Field Marketing form, click Prior Fcst button, the page display wrong data.

20、These forms, press Enter or Tab, the cursor should only move in the inputbox: A&P/Field Marketing form,

21、All Expense Entry forms, change the prior forms(eg, xb1) data, click Save button, then click Prior Fcst button on the next forms(eg, xb3), the related data are not changed.

22、A&P/Field Marketing form and Direct R&D Entry form, select item in dropdownlist, the page should display this item name.

23、A&P/Field Marketing Proposal form, click the inputbox of Adj item, sometimes the cursor will jump to the next inputbox.


PIM/Pharmacy Programe
1、PIM/Pharmacy Programe Entry form, the dropdown list is not the same as the items which selected in Cost Center Selection and Setting.

2、PIM/Pharmacy Programe Entry form, Commission form, Department Expense Except Payroll Entry form, Department Expense Payroll and Payroll Related form, Marketing Research Entry form, Others form, click the Excel button, displayed error message, "Error occured, please contact with the administrator."

3、PIM/Pharmacy Programe Validation form, click Excel button, there are alot of the same part of columns.

4、PIM/Pharmacy Programe Entry form, these items under Item should contain the name in the dropdown list(eg,if Sales is in the dropdownlist now, these item should be  PIM-Sales and Pharmacy's-Sales like Demo)

5、All of the Expense forms, the inputbox should only input integer(cannot permit to input like 2.89, only can input like 2)

6、PIM/Pharmacy Programe Entry form, click the Excel button, the name in the dropdown list should not add after the ItemName.

7、PIM/Pharmacy Programe Entry form, click Prior Fcst button, the page display wrong data.

8、PIM/Pharmacy Programe Entry form, click Prior Fcst button in 2008LE1, the data are wrong.

9、PIM/Pharmacy Programe Validation form, click the Excel button, error message display, Error occured, please contact with the administrator.


1、Commission form, click Prior Fcst button, displayed error message, "Error, Can not get data from store procedure: 第 3 行: ')' 附近有语法错误。."

2、Commission form, Department Expense Payroll and Payroll Related form, click the Excel button, displayed error message, "Error occured, please contact with the administrator."

3、Commission form, if no data in it, cannot move the scroll bar to show the entire head of form.

4、Commission and Others forms, click Prior Fcst button(in 2008LExb3), error message, "列名“Version”无效"

5、Commission and Others forms, click Prior Fcst button(in 2008LExb3), error message in database "列名“Version”无效".

6、Creat only one forecast, then enter Commission and Others forms, the error message display, "Error occured, please contact with the administrator."

7、Commission form, input some data in prior fcst(eg,xb1), then click Prior Fcst button in latter fcst(eg,xb2), the display data is wrong.

8、Commission form, the data under %R2008 item should be consistent with the Excel.


Department Expense Validation
1、Department Expense Validation form, the dropdown list is useless(if you select one item in this dropdownlist, then click Excel, the data of Excel is no relate with this item).

2、Department Expense Validation form, click the Excel, the data of Excel is wrong(the data's calculate is wrong and it should be KUSD).

3、Department Expense Validation form, the dropdown list is blank, click the Excel button , there should pop up some prompting message.

4、Department Expense Validation form,  click the Excel, the data of Excel is not in accordance with the data on the page.

5、Non-Payroll Dept.Exp Entry form, the response of this page is very slow.

6、Non-Payroll Dept.Exp Entry form, the items under Project of Excel should be the same as the page(eg, Non-Project, not -2)

7、Non-Payroll Dept.Exp Proposal form, the title of Excel should be contain informations like 08ABJ.

8、Non-Payroll Dept.Exp Entry form, the error message display, "列名 'ProjectCode' 无效."

9、Non-Payroll Dept.Exp Entry form, if the data under Item Name is "004", the data in the Excel should not be changed to "4".

10、Non-Payroll Dept.Exp Proposal form, the items should be the same as the items which selected in Cost Center in Data Authorization.

11、Non-Payroll Dept.Exp Entry form, click Prior button, no data display(need to communicate with customer).

12、These Excel's names should be changed to the form's name: Non-Payroll Dept.Exp Entry/Validation/Proposal forms, Unit Input-PM form, Unit Input-CRB form.

13、Non-Payroll Dept.Exp Entry form(in 2008LExb3), click Prior Fcst button, the data is not changed.

14、Non-Payroll Dept.Exp Entry form, click Add button to add a sub-item, then click Prior Fcst button, the new sub-item is disappeared.

15、Click in the inputbox, then press Ctrl+F to search some data, the pop hint "Finished searching the document", then click OK, the search cannot be stopped.

16、Non-Payroll Dept.Exp Entry form, if the data under Project is "00004" or "00000000", the data in the Excel should not be changed to "4" or "0".


Marketing Research
1、Marketing Research Entry form, if the calculate data is overflow, the Entry form should not be error(should permit to come in this form).

2、Marketing Research Entry form, input data in inputbox, then click Save button, the inputbox's data should not be changed, and the data under inputbox should be changed.

3、Marketing Research Entry form, input data(like 6), the data under it display 6 also, then click Save button, the data under it will change to 1.


Direct R&D Expense
1、Direct R&D Expense Entry form, click Excel button, the Excel is blank.

2、Direct R&D Expense Proposal form, input some data in Adj inputbox, then click Save button, this will pop error message.

3、Direct R&D Expense Entry form, the dropdown list should not display the items which are not selected in R&D Item in Data Authorization.

4、Direct R&D Expense Entry form, delete one item in Entry Definition, then add this item again, the item in the dropdown list and proposal form should be ordered by list order.


Payroll Phasing Upload 
1、Payroll Phasing Upload form, click Submit button, other buttons except Excel are disappear.

2、Payroll Phasing Upload form, if you upload one file, other messages on this form should be cleared.

3、Payroll Phasing Upload form, the Download button are very small to display the name on it.

4、Payroll Phasing Upload form, click Excel button, display error message, "Error occured, please contact with the administrator."

5、Payroll Phasing Upload form, input "1" in Direct item in PayrollPhasingTemplate, upload this Template, then modify this item to "-1" and upload it again, the Direct item is still "1" on the page.

6、Payroll Phasing Upload form, if the data under Cost Center Code item and Account Code item are same, click Save button, it should pop up suggestion message.

7、Payroll Phasing Upload form, there should not query button on the top left.


Marketing Research
1、Marketing Research Entry form, these items under Operational should contain (KRMB) or (KUSD).

2、Marketing Research Proposal form, the NTM and %Bud and Fcst items should be sufficient to show entire data.

3、Marketing Research Entry form, click Prior Fcst button, the page display no data.


1、Others form, the title of Excel should contain the sign of "Salvalge, OI/OD, Bad Debts".

2、Others form, the Excel lack of AP1 and AP2 items.

3、Others form, click Prior Fcst in latter fcst(eg, xb2), the page display more data.


1、Report A&P/Field Marketing form, click Excel button, the form display wrong and the Excel cannot pop up.

2、Report Product Performance form, click Excel button, the Excel display wrong category.

3、All of the Expense forms, click Excel button, the width of the row of Excel(eg,ProductPerformanceReport) should be suitable.

4、Report A&P/Field Marketing form, cannot enter in this page, display error message, "Error, Can not get data from store procedure: 过程 'Fcst_sp_Expense_View_APFieldMarketingReport' 需要参数 '@EmployeeCode',但未提供该参数。."

5、Report Department Expense form, the Cost Center Dropdown list display wrong items.

6、Report Department Expense form, click the Excel button, the items at the bottom of Excel are wrong.

7、Report Product P&L Phasing form, the page display, "Argument error, @ReportLayOutId Can not be NULL."


1、All of the forms in Report of Revenue, Period dropdown list can't fully revealed data.

2、All of the forms in Report of Revenue, Category dropdown list is blank.

3、All of the forms in Report of Revenue, if these forms contain some data , click Excel button , displayed error message, "Error,Can not get Fcst_sp_GetRepQuarFcstRevRS Report."


Forecast Creation
1、Forecast Creation form, the Type and Status items of Excel are not the same as on this page.

2、Forecast Creation form, input some data(eg, 2008) in  Forecast Year inputbox, then click Search button, the page displays error message, "Error occured, please contact with the administrator".

3、Forecast Creation form, the items of page are sorted by descending order, then choose Full Forecast(or Revenue or Expense) and click Search button, the items of page are sorted by ascending order.

4、Forecast Creation form, if the Type is Full Forecast, the Reference Forecast of Excel should be null.

5、Forecast Creation form, click Add, then click Save, no forecast on the top-left.

6、Forecast Creation form, creat only one forecast, then delete it, pop error message, "Sorry ,some forecasts refers to this forecast, it can not be deleted."

7、Forecast Creation form, two users Add the same forecast at the same time, when the latter user creat fail, the page should be refreshed.

8、Forecast Creation form, creat only one forecast, then delete it, other forms(eg, Running Rate) will display, "Error occured, please contact with the administrator."

9、Forecast Creation form, If not set the phasing range,then edit the Base Period in Forecast Edit and click the Save button,the error message should display"Please set the phasing range."

10、Forecast Creation form, there should be a prompt beside the Serching inputbox.

1、SER form, the data under Act/Fcst Rate item should be right-justify also.

2、SER form, If input "%" in the inputbox, then click the Save button , the error message will display "Error occured, please contact with the administrator."

3、SER form, if click the inputbox, then click other place, the focal point of cursor is wrong.

Category Setting
1、Category Setting form, click Edit button, the title of tables in Item MPG form are not showed entirely.


Dosage Selection
1、Dosage Selection form, remove some dosage , the RecordStatus of these dosage in database should be changed to d002.


Entry Item MPG Mapping
1、Entry Item MPG Mapping form, click Save button, no "Save Successful" message.

2、Entry Item MPG Mapping form, the Save button should be deleted.

3、Entry Item MPG Mapping form, click Select MPG button, the page which pops up should have a page title.

4、Entry Item MPG Mapping form, click Excel button, the Excel cannot pops up.

5、Select Commission in Edit Function in Entry Definition, then enter Entry Item MPG Mapping form, the form displays error message.


MPG Selection
1、MPG Selection form, the name of Excel should be "MPGSelection".

2、MPG Selection form, HFM Mapping form, the items of Excel should be arranged with MPG Name(as the page).


MPG Category
1、MPG Category form, the name of Excel should be "MPGCategory".

2、MPG Category form, when the MPG are all selected, the form should not permit to creat new category.

3、MPG Category form, create two category, item1 and item2, then one user selecte one MPG(eg, Bextra) in item1, another user select the same MPG in item2, then they click Save at the same time, both of them save successful.


HFM Mapping
1、HFM Mapping form, the data under MPG Code item of Excel should be the same with the page.


Layout Setting
1、Layout Setting form, click Edit button, the Report Flag is always CompanyPL,if change it, it will be changed back to CompanyPL.

2、Layout Setting form, change the Format item in Layout Item Setting, click Save button, the Format cannot be changed(are always Number), and the number under Format are always 4000.

3、Report Layout form, the KeyWord and Format items should be the same as the page.

4、Report Layout form, click Edit Function, then click Excel button in Edit Function page, the Excel button is useless.

5、Report Layout form, click Edit Item, then click Edit, "Expend Flag" and "Expend By No" should be "Expand Flag" and "Expand By No".


Role Authorization
1、Role Authorization form and Entry Definition form and Layout Setting form, edit function, then click the save button, the Expand All checkbox should be unselected.

2、Role Authorization form, click Add User, the Search button will make some mistake.

3、Role Authorization form, click Add button, input some words in Role No and Role Name, then click Save button , sometimes the page has not respond.

4、Role Authorization form, click Delete button, the page can not refresh.

5、Role Authorization form, click Add User, then click the first checkbox(select all), then click the first checkbox again to cancel select all, there are also select all.

6、Role Authorization form, the Selected All checkbox of Function tab cannot effect Status Report、Reference File Management and SER.

7、Role Authorization form, add new role and add some users, then delete this new role, these users(eg,LONGY1) can still see the navigation tree on the left.


Entry Definition
1、Entry Definition form, click Edit Function, there should not 1,2,3 under these items.

2、Entry Definition form, click Edit Function, the Excel button on the Edit Function page are useless.

3、Entry Definition form, the Excel should contain CostCenter Group item and Entry Type item.

4、The head of form of these Excel should be fixed: Entry Definition, CostCenterSelection, CommissionProductSelection, Role Authorization, Data Authorization, MPGSelection.

5、Entity Definition form, when "Entry Definition Setting" be saved , the list of "Entity Definition" can not refresh.


Fin. Adj. Phasing Method
1、Fin. Adj. Phasing Method form, if Period Range item are selected wrong(eg, From2008011 To2008006), the pop message should be "StartPeriod should be no more than the EndPeriod".

2、Fin. Adj. Phasing Method form, the dropdownlist of Period Range's From should be align with Phasing to Period Method dropdownlist.

3、Fin. Adj. Phasing Method form, click Edit Phasing Rate in A&P tab, the items in Phasing Rate Edit should be ordered by list order.



1、CostCenter form, cancel the checkbox of PIM And Pharmacy Flag, the related data of PIM And Pharmacy should be deleted.

2、CostCenter form, cancel the checkbox of PIM And Pharmacy Flag, the related data of dropdown list on the PIM And Pharmacy Entry should be deleted.

3、CostCenter form, select Join AFF Flag, then edit in the FTE, click Save; then unselect Join AFF Flag, click Save; then select Join AFF Flag and open FTE, the pre-edit should be reseted.

4、CostCenter form, select Exp.MPG% Flag in Entry Definition Edit(Entry Name is Commission; xb2, Zhaodongming), then input some data in CostCenter MPG% item, and Save, then delete it in Exp.MPG% Flag in Entry Definition Edit and Save, and add it again, the data are still exist.

5、CostCenter form, select PIM、Pharmacy、Commission、Marketing Research in Exp.MPG% Flag in Entry Definition Edit, then then input some data in CostCenter MPG% item, and Save, then delete PIM in Exp.MPG% Flag in Entry Definition Edit and Save, the data under Pharmacy and Marketing Research are also deleted, but the data unser Commission item are still exist.

6、CostCenter form, the items on the MPG% are not wide enough to display.


Commission Product Selection
1、Commission Product Selection form, the Excel should contain "Entry Item Code" and "Entry Item Name".

2、Commission Product Selection form, the "Entry Item Code" and "Entry Item Name" of Excel should be changed with the tab.

3、Commission Product Selection form, select some MPG, the page are not refresh.

4、Commission Product Selection form, click Select MPG, the "Add MPG" page should be "Select MPG".

5、Commission Product Selection form, if no Entry Item, click Select MPG, the pop page display, "Error occured, please contact with the administrator"


Role Authorization
1、Role Authorization form, click Add button, then click Add Users button, select one and click OK button, the New Role are disappeare.

2、Role Authorization form, select Expand All, then click other role, the Expand All are also selected and items are fold.

3、The sheet's name of Excel of these forms should be changed to the form's name: CostCenter, Role Authorization, Data Authorization.

4、Role Authorization form, click Add User button in Employee tab, in Add Users page, click Selecte All checkbox, then click OK button, the users are not selected.

5、Role Authorization form, click delete button to delete himself in Employee tab, the pop message:"error, the Employee can not delete him/her self from the role", but the role are still disappeared(the page are not refresh).

6、Role Authorization form, click Add button, then click Add Users button to add some user, then click Save button, display "Role No. can't be empty. ", then input a Role No. in it, and click Save again, the Save button is disabled.


Data Authorization
1、Data Authorization form, click Select CostCenter button, the selected costcenter are not the same as the costcenter which display on Data Authorization form.

2、Data Authorization form, the Entry Name drop down list and Cost Center's items are very small to display the entire name on it.

3、Data Authorization form, Cost Center tab, select some cost center for Department Expense, the cost center of PIM&Pharmacy are clear; select some cost center for PIM&Pharmacy, the cost center of Department Expense are clear.

4、Data Authorization form, the Entry Name drop down list in R&D Item page should only display Entry Name which selected Direct R&D Expense in Edit Function in Entry Definition.

5、Data Authorization form, Cost Center tab, select some cost center for PIM&Pharmacy, then click Save button and close CostCenter page, the items on Data Authorization form are not changed.

6、Data Authorization form, the Cost Center part of Excel should be departed to PIM&Pharmacy and Department Expense parts.

7、Data Authorization form, click Save button of MPG、R&D and CostCenter's pop page, the pop page should be shut down.

8、Data Authorization form, click Select R&D Item, then click "<" button, the pop page display, "Error occured, please contact with the administrator."

9、Data Authorization form, the Item Name of R&D Item tab are not wide enough to display entire name.


1、Delegation form, click Add Delegatees button, in Add Users page, click Selecte All checkbox, then click OK button, the users are not selected.

2、Delegation form, the "Add Delegatees" button name should be "Add Delegates" or "Add Delegations".

3、Delegation form, if the login user is not administrator(eg, wuf), then click Delegation form, the page display,"Error occured, please contact with the administrator."

4、Delegation form, if Liuzc's PIM&Pha's dropdownlist has 08ABJ, zhaodongming's PIM&Pha's dropdownlist has 08ABJ also,  then Liuzc delegate to zhaodongming, zhaodongming's dropdownlist has two 08ABJ.

5、Delegation form, if Liuzc delegate to Zhaodongming, then Zhaodongming login and delete himself, he should not still operate in these forms.

6、Delegation form, click Add Delegation, then click Add Employee, select an employee and click OK, the page display, "Error occured, please contact with the administrator"


Status Monitor
1、Unit Input-PM form, Click the submit button ,then open one dosage in Status Monitor form, the Unit Input-PM form can be submitted again.

2、Status Report form, the status of Non-Payroll should contain all CostCenters which selected in CostCenter Selection.


Setting Info
1、Create new forecast in Forecast Creation, then delete it, then enter Setting Info, error message display, "Error,The ForecastId:1 is not valid."

2、Setting Info form, the bug794 and bug795 are not displayed on the Setting Info Setting>CostCenter Selection.


Finding bugs(寻找错误)是指在软件开发过程中,为了保证软件的质量和稳定性,通过一系列的测试和调试过程,找出软件中存在的错误和缺陷,并进行修复的活动。 寻找错误是软件开发过程中必不可少的一步。在软件开发过程中,无论是编写代码、设计界面还是实施功能,都可能出现各种各样的错误。这些错误可能导致软件无法正常运行、功能异常或者性能低下。为了及时发现和修复这些错误,需要进行系统而全面的错误寻找工作。 寻找错误的方法和技巧有很多种。其中一种常用的方法是黑盒测试。黑盒测试是指在不了解软件内部结构和具体实现的情况下,通过输入一些指定的测试用例,观察软件的输出结果,并与预期结果进行对比,从而判断软件是否存在错误。另外一种方法是白盒测试。白盒测试是指在了解软件内部结构和具体实现的情况下,通过对代码进行逐行逐句的检查,发现其中潜在的错误。 除了以上的方法,还可以使用自动化的测试工具来辅助寻找错误。这些工具能够模拟用户的操作,快速地执行大量的测试用例,并生成详细的测试报告,帮助开发人员准确定位和修复错误。 在寻找错误的过程中,要保持耐心和专注。有时候错误可能隐藏得很深,需要仔细地分析和调试。同时,还要注重记录和总结错误,以便后续的修复工作。 总之,寻找错误是软件开发过程中不可或缺的一环。通过系统而全面的测试和调试工作,可以及时发现和修复软件中存在的错误和缺陷,提高软件的质量和可靠性。




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