3.  流程控制语句:
    if command        
    if test expression
下面的格式和test expression等同
    if [ string/numeric expression ]
    if ` string expression `

    if (( numeric expression ))           #let表达式
    /> cat > test1.sh                       #从命令行直接编辑test1.sh文件。
    echo -e "Are you OK(y/n)? \c"
    read answer
    if [ "$answer" = y -o "$answer" = Y ]   
        echo "Glad to see it."
    /> . ./test1.sh
    Are you OK(y/n)?
    Glad to see it.
    /> cat > test2.sh
    echo -e "Are you OK(y/n or Maybe)? \c"
    read answer
    # ` `复合命令操作符允许其中的表达式包含元字符,这里输入以yY开头的任意单词,或Maybe都执行then后面的echo
    if [[ $answer == [yY]* || $answer = Maybe ]]  
        echo "Glad to hear it.
    /> . ./test2.sh
    Are you OK(y/n or Maybe)?
    Glad to hear it.
    /> shopt -s extglob        #打开该扩展模式
    /> answer="not really"
    /> if [[ $answer = [Nn]o?( way |t really) ]]
    > then
    >    echo "I am sorry."
    > fi
    I am sorry.
    对于本示例中的扩展通配符,这里需要给出一个具体的解释。[Nn]o匹配Nono?( way|t really)则表示0个或1( wayt really),因此answer变量匹配的字符串为NonoNot reallynot reallyNo wayno way
    /> cat > test3.sh
    if (( $# != 2 ))                    #等同于 [ $# -ne 2 ]
        echo "Usage: $0 arg1 arg2" 1>&2
        exit 1                         #exit退出值为0-255之间,只有0表示成功。
    if (( $1 < 0 || $1 > 30 ))      #等同于 [ $1 -lt 0 -o $1 -gt 30 ]
        echo "arg1 is out of range."
        exit 2
    if (( $2 <= 20 ))                  #等同于 [ $2 -le 20 ]
        echo "arg2 is out of range."
    /> sh ./test3.sh
    Usage: ./test3.sh arg1 arg2
    /> echo $?                          #Shell脚本的退出值为exit的参数值。
    /> sh ./test3.sh 40 30
    arg1 is out of range.
    /> echo $?
    /> cat > test4.sh
    if [ "$name" = "" ]                #双引号就表示空字符串。
        echo "name is null."
    /> . ./test4.sh
    name is null.

    if command
    elif command
    /> cat > test5.sh
    echo -e "How old are you? \c"
    read age
    if [ $age -lt 0 -o $age -gt 120 ]                #等同于 (( age < 0 || age > 120 ))
        echo "You are so old."
    elif [ $age -ge 0 -a $age -le 12 ]               #等同于 (( age >= 0 && age <= 12 ))
        echo "You are child."
    elif [ $age -ge 13 -a $age -le 19 ]             #等同于 (( age >= 13 && age <= 19 ))
        echo "You are 13--19 years old."
    elif [ $age -ge 20 -a $age -le 29 ]             #等同于 (( age >= 20 && age <= 29 ))
        echo "You are 20--29 years old."
    elif [ $age -ge 30 -a $age -le 39 ]             #等同于 (( age >= 30 && age <= 39 ))
        echo "You are 30--39 years old."
        echo "You are above 40."
    /> . ./test5.sh
    How old are you?
    You are above 40.

    case variable in
        ;;            #相同于C语言中case语句内的break
    *)                #相同于C语言中switch语句内的default
    /> cat > test6.sh
    echo -n "Choose a color: "
    read color
    case "$color" in
        echo "you select blue color."
        echo "you select green color."
        echo "you select red or orange."
        echo "you select other color."
    echo "Out of case command."
    /> . ./test6.sh
    Choose a color:
    you select green color.
    Out of case command.