SVN客户端URL地址修改命令:. switch --relocate FROM TO [PATH...]


Rewrite working copy URL metadata to reflect a syntactic change only.

This is used when repository's root URL changes (such as a scheme

or hostname change) but your working copy still reflects the same

directory within the same repository.


svn switch --relocate http://***.**.**.***/web1/  http://***.**.**.***/web1

Authentication realm: <svn://***.**.**.***:3690> 885f4780-02c0-43e1-b59f-e0f9f67ad98c
Password for 'mac': *

Authentication realm: <svn://***.**.**.***:3690> 885f4780-02c0-43e1-b59f-e0f9f67ad98c
Username: zy
Password for 'zy': ******


错误svn: The repository at 'svn://xxxxx' has uuid 'XXXX', but the WC has 'XXXX'“       
