



  1.By using various coding techniques, groups of bits can be made to represent not only binary numbers but also other discrete symbols, such as decimal digits or letters of the alphabet.


  2.System software includes not only the complex programs used by technicians to create application software in the first place but also the organizational programs needed to start up the computer and govern its use of other programs.


  3.Data are numbers and other binary-code information that are operated on to achieve required computational results.


  4.Rather than arithmetically or logically manipulating characters, a computer may concatenate strings of characters, replace some characters with others, or otherwise manipulate character strings.


  5.Software applications like word processing, electronic spreadsheets, database management programs, painting and drawing programs, desktop publishing, and so forth became commercially available, giving more people reasons to use a computer.



  1. By asserting these internal and external control signals in the proper sequence, the control unit causes the CPU and the rest of the computer to perform the operation needed to correctly process instructions.


  2. In a computer with virtual memory, less-used parts of programs are shifted from RAM to a hard disk and are moved back only when needed.


  3. A technique used to compensate for the mismatch in operating speeds is to employ an extremely fast, small cache between the CPU and main memory whose access time is close to processor logic clock cycle time.


  4. The data transfer rate of peripherals is usually slower than the transfer rate of the CPU, and consequently, a synchronization mechanism may be needed.


  5. In some computers the interrupt vector is an address that points to a location in memory where the beginning address of the I/O service routine is stored.

  在一些计算机中,中断向量是一个地址,它指向存储器中存储I/O 服务程序其实地址的单元。


  1.The purpose of parallel processing is to speed up the computer processing capability and increase its throughout, that is, the amount of processing that can be accomplished during a given interval of time.


  2. It is characteristic of pipelines that several computations can be in process in distinct segments at the same time.


  3. To achieve the required level of high performance it is necessary to utilize the fastest and most reliable hardware and apply innovative procedures from vector and parallel processing techniques.


  4. In general, the greater the number of instructions set, the larger the propagation delay is within the CPU.


  5. Although CISC processors are more complex, this complexity does not necessarily increase development costs



  1. Primitives In short, Communication problems arise when the language used for an algorithm’s representation is not precisely defined or when information is not given in adequate detail.

  原语 简而言之,算法描述所采用的语言不具有精确的定义或者信息不够详细也会使交流产生问题。

  2. Another common algorithmic structure involves that the need to continue executing a statement or sequence of statements as long as some condition remains true.


  3. In many algorithms, running time will vary not only for inputs of different sizes, but also for different inputs of the same size.


  4. Thus, dynamic programming is bottom-up technique that usually begins by solving the smallest subproblems ,saving these results, and then reusing them to solve larger and larger subproblems until the solution to the original problems obtained.


  5. The conversion from this conceptual one-dimensional array organization to the actual arrangement within the machine’s memory is straightforward, and the data can be stored in a sequence of 24 memory cells with consecutive addresses in the same order envisioned by the programmer.

  从这种概念性的一维的 方式到机器内存中的实际安排的转换是非常直接的。这些数据可以保存在由程序员想象的相同顺序的24个相邻的内存单元中。


  1. Documentation is needed for everyone who will be involved with the program-users, operators, and programmers.


  2. Rather, programs written in a high-level language or assembly language are converted to machine language, which is then executed by the computer.


  3. The corresponding programs set forth precise procedures, or series of instructions, and the programmer has to follow a proper order of actions to solve a problem.


  4.4GLs may not entirely replace third-generation languages because they are usually focused on specific tasks and hence offer fewer options.


  5. Inheritance is the means by which objects of a class can access member variables and functions contained in previously defined class, without having to restate those definitions.



  1. The majority of an installation’s utility software consists of programs for performing activities that are fundamental to computer installations yet not included in the operating system.


  2. Modern shells perform this task by means of a graphical user interface (GUI) in which objects to be manipulated, such as files and programs, are represented pictorially on the monitor screen as icons.


  3. The basic technique for a time-sharing system is to have multiple users simultaneously using the system through terminals, with the operating system interleaving the execution of each user program in a short burst ,or quantum, of computation. 分时系统的基本技术是要有多个用户通过终端同时使用这一系统,操作系统在一个短暂的时间片内定时交替执行每一个用户程序

  4. A real-time process or task is one that is executed in connection with some process or function or set of events external to the computer system and that must meet one or more deadlines to interact effectively and correctly with the external environment.


  5. Providing a similar interface to Windows 9x, it is a multitasking , multiprocessing operating system with built-in support for large networks of computers—that is, Windows NT is a multi-user system.

  它提供了与Windows 9x类似的用户界面,是一个多任务、多进程的操作系统,它在系统内提供了对大型计算机网络的支持-这就是说,Windows NT是一个多用户系统。


  1. Application software is the software designed to help you solve problems specific to business or perform specific business task.


  2.Although applications software packages differ in their use of specific commands and functions, most of them have some features in common.


  3.Many applications software programs allow you to copy an item from one document and then paste it into another document or application, or copy an item and place the copy in another part of the same document.


  4. The user can do all these manipulations on screen, in“ wysiwyg” fashion, before printing out hardcopy.


  5. It’s worth nothing that word processing programs(and indeed most forms of applications software) come from the manufacturer with default settings.



  1. Since the files and application programs are created by different programmers over a long period, the various files are likely to have different formats and the programs may be written in several programming languages.


  2. In what follows, we shall see the concepts and algorithms that have been developed for database systems to solve the problems mentioned.


  3. Despite the use of simpler structures at the logical level, some complexity remains, because of the large size of the database.


  4. Returning to the customer-record type definition, note that, in declaring the type customer, we have not declared any variables.


  5. Ensuring the atomicity and durability properties is the responsibility of the database system itself-specifically,of the transaction-management component.

  确保原子性和持久性的属性是数据库本身的任务,更确切一些, 是事务管理部件的任务。


  1. Just as manufactures look for ways to assure the quality of the products they produced, so too must software engineers find methods to assure that their products are of acceptable quality and utility.


  2. An abstraction is a description of the problem at some level of generalization that allows us to concentrate on the key aspects of the problem without getting mired in the details。


  3. The importance of these approaches is their capture of our design experience, enabling us to capitalize on our past projects by reusing both what we have done and what we have learned by doing it.


  4. Upon completion of acceptance testing, the accepted system is installed in the environment in which it will be used; a final installation test is run to make sure that the system still functions as it should.


  5. Software development is both a creative and a step-by-step process, often involving many people producing many different kinds of products.



  1.Encapsulation is then the technique for packaging the information in such a way as to hide what should be hidden, and make visible what is intended to be visible.


  2.This across-the process consistency is a key difference between more traditional procedural development and the OO development process.


  3.Domain knowledge enables the developers to understand the context in which the system will be used and to describe the requirements in a way that the user will understand them.


  4. The system design is considered to be a high-level abstraction of what will eventually be the program design.


  5. It is usually necessary for the implementers to refine the hierarchical structures and make adjustments as the requirements grow and mature.



  1. Organizations with hundreds of offices spread over a wide geographical area routinely expect to be able to examine the current status of even their most remote outpost at the push of a button.


  2. The old model of a single computer serving all of the organization’s computational needs has been replaced by one in which a large number of separate but interconnected computers do the job.


  3 .Technological advances are making it possible for communications links to carry more and faster signals. As a result, services are evolving to allow use of the expanded capacity, including extensions to established telephone service.

  技术的进步 建立可以传输更多更快信号的通信链路成为可能,从而提供了对这些扩展的通信能力的使用的新业务也出现了。

  4. There is no generally accepted taxonomy into which all computer networks fit, but two dimensions stand out as important: transmission technology and scale.


  5. ISO’s purpose is to promote the development of standardization and related activities to facilitate international exchange of goods and services.


  第十三章 1. The ARPAnet was designed so that even if part of its physical structure were destroyed, information could still be sent to any remaining destination. 设计ARPAnet的目的是,即使网络中的某一具体部分遭到破坏,信息仍能传递到任一个残存的目标点。

  2. To map a name onto an IP address, an application program calls a library procedure called the resolver, passing it the name as a parameter.


  3. Within the Internet, e-mail is delivered by having the source machine establish a TCP connection to port 25 of the destination machine.


  4. An intranet uses network technologies as a tool to facilitate communication between people or workgroups to improve the data sharing capability and overall knowledge base of an organization’s employees.


  5. An organization’s intranet typically includes Internet access but is firewalled so that its computers cannot be reached directly from the outside.






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