

HOW TO ...

how to setting locale repository

configure apache-maven-3.0.4\conf\settings.xml

  <!-- localRepository
   | The path to the local repository maven will use to store artifacts.
   | Default: ~/.m2/repository

copy the "apache-maven-3.0.4\conf\settings.xml" file to new locale repository "C:\maven-repository".

Then maven will update locale repository from remote Central Repository.

The lib download from remote Central Repository will store in C:\maven-repository.

how to change remote Central Repository address

configure pom.xml in your project like this.

            <name>Central Repository</name>
            <!-- open snapshot -->
            <!-- open release -->

Then new Central Repository address "https://nexus.sourcesense.com/nexus/content/repositories/public/" will replace the dafault Central Repository address configure in "apache-maven-3.0.4\lib\maven-model-builder-3.0.4.jar\org\apache\maven\model\pom-4.0.0.xml".

      <name>Central Repository</name>

http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 is the default Central Repository address.

And another way to change central repository configure in "apache-maven-3.0.4\lib\maven-model-builder-3.0.4.jar\org\apache\maven\model\pom-4.0.0.xml" is to configure your locale repository (C:\maven-repository\settings.xml) like this.

add profile configure to profiles elements and active it.

          <name>Central Repository</name>
          <!-- open snapshot -->
          <!-- open release -->
  <!-- activeProfiles
   | List of profiles that are active for all builds.

how to solve dependency conflict

same dependency path length - first come, first use

user-core depends on log4j-1.2.16

user-log depends on log4j-1.29

user-dao depends on user-core and user-log

which log4j should user-dao depends on?

user-core pom.xml



user-log pom.xml



 user-dao pom.xml


in pom.xml of user-dao which dependency come first, the corresponding log4j will be used, so user-dao will use log4j-1.2.16.

different dependency path length - short come, first use

user-service depends on user-dao and user-dao depends on user-core (which depends on log4j-1.2.16).

user-service depends on user-log (which depends on log4j-1.2.9).

then user-service will use log4j-1.2.9 because the length of dependency path is shorter than another (log4j-1.2.16).

if you want to controll exactly which log4j should be used, you can add exclusions element like this.


then user-service will use log4j-1.2.16.

if you want to use log4j-1.2.9. you can change pom.xml of use-service like this


because log4j-1.2.9 is the most short dependency path for now.

how to aggregation mutil project

aggregation user-core, user-log, user-dao, user-service together.



how to extends

user-parent pom.xml



user-component pom.xml



how to use plugins

source plugin

jar-no-fork: package java source file

configure source plugin in user-parent pom.xml

the following configuration will binding source plugin goal jar-no-fork to phase package


user-component pom.xml


help plugin

describe: display help information of special plugin

The plugin parameter is meant to provide two things: convenience and prefix-based access.

The convenience comes when specifying a plugin by groupId:artifactId:version. Where the more traditional specification of separate fields would mean specifying this:

mvn help:describe -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins -DartifactId=maven-compiler-plugin -Dversion=2.5.1

the use of the plugin parameter allows this:

mvn help:describe -Dplugin=org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1

On the other hand, the plugin parameter also offers the option to specify a plugin by its prefix, like this:

mvn help:describe -Dplugin=compiler

sql plugin

set properties


configure plugin

      create database if not exists maven_sql_plugin

how to deploy your project to tomcat

setting scope=provided - compile and test will use those jar, but when package your project the jar will not included.



And use war-plugin and cargo-plugin to deploy to tomcat.







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