Delphi / BCB将以VGScene,DXScene为基础发展新一代的元件框架,一个崭新的时代即将到来!...


    从去年我就听说EMBT将为Delphi和C++ Builder进行并购的行动,果然今年初在http://www.ksdev.com上宣布VGScene,DXScene,和ImageFX被EMBT所并购,紧接着Allen Bauer也在论坛中说明了Delphi for PHP也被EMBT所买下。这两个重大的并购行动为Delphi和BCB的投入了巨大的影响,因为在去年的Delphi Live 现场Allen Bauer已经公开了Delphi for Mac的编译器,而VGScene,DXScene又是跨平台的元件组,同时支持Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Linux 和iPhone OS,而EMBT也宣布将开发Delphi/ BCB for Mac,Delphi/ BCB for Linux和Delphi/ BCB for Mobile,从这些讯息,因此我推测:

    *Delphi/ BCB的将以VGScene,DXScene为基础发展新一代的组件框架,Delphi/ BCB的不但可跨平台,而且将拥有最现代化,最先进的图形使用者界面以及最快速的执行速度(因为VGScene,DXScene是跨平台的原生组件框架)
    *由于VGScene,DXScene支持iPhone OS,而Delphi/ BCB的又将推出Delphi/ BCB for MacOS,因此这应该已经暗示了使用Delphi开发iPhone的原生应用程序应该也不远了。

    *由于Delphi/ BCB的的RTL已经大幅改写和强化支持Mac和Linux,因此在编译器,组件框架以及RTL都几乎拥有解决方案的情形下,这次EMBT应该是可以推出跨平台的Delphi/ BCB的了。

   *依照以往多年的经验,下一版Delphi/ BCB的的测试版应该快开始了,这次的测试版太重要,因为依照EMBT的路线发展图,这次的测试版应该包含了Delphi 32/64位(不知道会不对于Mac ???),加上基于VGScene,DXScene的新组件框架,这次的测试版太好玩了,如果品质又控制的良好,那么今年年底推出的Delphi将是颗巨大的震撼弹,也会有Delphi将是Delphi的开发人员近年来最值得期待的版本,因此这次打破头我也要想办法参加测试版。


   1.RadPHP将整合到Delphi/ BCB的整合发展环境中。

   2.我再大胆的猜测以后Delphi的开发人员也许可以使用Delphi的程序语言藉由RadPHP开发的Web应用程序,如此一来Delphi也可以开发跨平台的网络应用程序,而且可以使用RadPHP已有的组件框架,如果最真如此的话,那真的是太酷了,使用Delphi的程式语言我可以畅游Windows 32/64,Mac,Linux、Mobile 和跨平台的Web。

    从EMBT大动作的投资Delphi和BCB的,我想Delphi/ BCB的在这几年将有飞速的发展,对于所有Delphi/ BCB的的开发人员来说这无疑是一个大好的消息,Delphi和BCB提供开发人员一个跨平台的原生解决方案,它已经近在咫尺了。或许您会问Android呢?哈哈,如果Delphi/ BCB的支持了iOS,Android也应该不远了,因为Delphi/ BCB的可以藉由Pascal bridge使用Android API,而移植VGScene,DXScene到Android也不困难,现在就看EMBT何时付诸行动了。

    不管如何,能够在今年看到有这么长足Delphi,重大的进步和发展,我今年的心愿也大部份的被满足了,如果今年还能够看到Diablo 3,那就是完美的一年2011年了,Cheer!


此控件是做3D界面软件的最好选择。。。 DXScene is 3D hardware accelerated graphics library Delphi/C++ Builder/Lazarus. Hardware accelerated graphics on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux 3D and 2D graphical editor integrated in IDE Powerful 3D layer containing items such as Cube, Sphere, Cone, Plane, Mesh, free Camera and Lights Mesh object have WPF mesh data format, DXScene have advanced import tool which support - GLSM,WRL,TIN,STL,SMD,Q3BSP,BSP,PLY,OCT,OBJ,OBJF,NURBS,NMF,MS3D,MDC,MD2,LWO,GTS,GLM,GLX,GLA,B3D,MD5MESH,MD5ANIM,MD3,3DS,PRJ file formats Powerful 2D vector engine like Adobe Flash or Microsoft WPF includes high quality shapes and controls like window, label, button, checkbox, textbox and more Advanced GUI engine - window, button, textbox, numberbox, memo, anglebox, list box and much much more Advanced skinning engine based on vector graphics styles. Cool exists styles - Dark, Modern, Vista. DXScene can be used to create hardware accelerated 2D applications with cool animation like CoverFlow, layer and more Easy to use time-based animation and transition effects Layered windows, Jpeg, Png, Tiff and Gif format read/write support, fast thumbnail creation Realtime mode for games and realtime simulations DXScene can be used as development tools for SCADA, GIS, CAD and KIOSK applications DB-Aware controls - TvxDBNavigator, TvxDBLabel, TvxDBTextBox and more Multilanguage engine, editor and examples Physics simulation using Newton Game Dynamics Cross-platform solution available on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and Linux
Hardware accelerated graphics on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux 3D and 2D graphical editor integrated in IDE Powerful 3D layer containing items such as Cube, Sphere, Cone, Plane, Mesh, free Camera and Lights Mesh object have WPF mesh data format, DXScene have advanced import tool which support - GLSM,WRL,TIN,STL,SMD,Q3BSP,BSP,PLY,OCT,OBJ,OBJF,NURBS,NMF,MS3D,MDC,MD2,LWO,GTS, GLM,GLX,GLA,B3D,MD5MESH,MD5ANIM,MD3,3DS,PRJ file formats Powerful 2D vector engine like Adobe Flash or Microsoft WPF includes high quality shapes and controls like window, label, button, checkbox, textbox and more Advanced GUI engine - window, button, textbox, numberbox, memo, anglebox, list box and much much more Advanced skinning engine based on vector graphics styles. Cool exists styles - Dark, Modern, Vista. DXScene can be used to create hardware accelerated 2D applications with cool animation like CoverFlow, layer and more Easy to use time-based animation and transition effects Layered windows, Jpeg, Png, Tiff and Gif format read/write support, fast thumbnail creation Realtime mode for games and realtime simulations DXScene can be used as development tools for SCADA, GIS, CAD and KIOSK applications DB-Aware controls - TvxDBNavigator, TvxDBLabel, TvxDBTextBox and more Multilanguage engine, editor and examples Physics simulation using Newton Game Dynamics Cross-platform solution available on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and Linux DXScene Features: Skinning Engine DXScene have full skinning engine. Now you can apply styles to all controls very easy. DXScene have cool exists styles - Dark, Modern, Vista, AIR. Design-time inplace Editor WYSIWYG design-time 3D and 2D designer and property editors Power of 3D Powerful 3D layer containing items such as Cube, Sphere, Cone, Plane, Mesh, free Camera and Lights. Mesh object have WPF mesh data format and 3DS, MD3 file export tool. 2D in 3D Powerful 2D vector engine like Adobe Flash or Microsoft WPF includes high quality shapes and controls like window, label, button, checkbox, textbox and more. Advanced GUI engine - window, button, textbox, numberbox, memo, anglebox, list box and much much more. DXScene can be used to create hardware accelerated 2D applications with cool animation like CoverFlow, layer and more. Cool Particle Engine DXScene 3 have new cool particle engine with editor. Now you can add cool effects to your DXScene's applications. Cross-Platform Solution DXScene is a native object pascal components for Delphi/C++Builder and Lazarus. Available for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and Linux. Applications: 3D Text A compact, flexible and affordable tool that will help you create custom 3D logos and headers in minutes. Fully configurable text parameters, any output resolution, lightning-fast rendering and instant preview of the changes made to the text model. 3D Image Commander 3D Image Commander a full-featured software that allows you to create advanced thumbnails with cool 3D styles and effects. Protect your copyrights with a copyright notice. Add text comments to any image. Create images with effects like 3D perspective, 3D curving, reflection, glow, shadow, corners and stroke. model2icon model2icon converts 3D models into Windows and Mac OS X icons. You can find many models on the Internet and convert them to icons for use on your desktop, in applications and much more. With model2icon you can convert 3D model to Windows and Mac OS X Icon with a single action. It supports Windows Vista 256x256 icons with alpha channel and new Leopard 256x256 Mac OS X icons. model2icon allow to customize 3D model before converting. Support 3DS, MD3 file format.




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