oracle中有没有distance,Oracle Extended Distance Clusters (Oracle 扩展距离集群 - 异地RAC)

Oracle Extended Distance Clusters指的是RAC的节点分别放在不同的地方,这些节点可以放在不同的机房,也可以放在不同的城市

1. 适合那些昂贵的高速光纤已经架设,且距离小于100KM,大多数案例是租用裸光纤或DWDM。

2. 不适合full Disaster Recovery requirements(全量灾难恢复),只适合停电,洪水,空难等事故。

3. Oracle 推荐使用本地RAC+dataguard  。

Oracle RAC on Extended Distance Clusters

Oracle RAC on Extended Distance Clusters is an architecture where servers in the cluster reside in

locations that are physically separate. Oracle RAC on Extended Distance Clusters provides extremely

fast recovery from a site failure and allows for all servers, in all sites, to actively process transactions as

part of a single database cluster. While this architecture creates great interest and has been successfully

implemented, it is critical to understand where this architecture best fits especially in regards to distance,

latency, and degree of protection it provides.

The high impact of latency, and therefore distance, creates some practical limitations as to where this

architecture can be deployed. This architecture fits best where the 2 datacenters are located relatively

close (< 100km) and where the extremely expensive costs of setting up direct cables with dedicated

channels between the sites have already been taken.

Oracle RAC on Extended Distance Clusters provides greater availability than local Oracle RAC but it

may not fit the full Disaster Recovery requirements of every organization. Feasible separation is great

protection for some disasters (local power outage, airplane crash, server room flooding) but not all.

Disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and regional floods may affect a greater area. One should

analyze their situation in order to determine if both sites are likely to be affected by the same disaster.

For comprehensive protection against disasters including protection against corruptions and regional

disasters, Oracle recommends the use of Oracle Data Guard in combination with Oracle RAC as

described in the Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture guidelines. Oracle Data Guard also provides

additional  benefits such as support for rolling upgrades across Oracle versions.

Configuring an extended distance cluster is more complex than configuring a local cluster. Specific

focus needs to go into node layout, voting disks, and data disk placement. Implemented properly, this

architecture can provide greater availability than a local Oracle RAC database, but should be considered

with Oracle’s Maximum Availability Architecture in mind.





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