安装过OCS2007企业版的朋友并不陌生.它的后端需要SQL的支持.OCS2007R2也一样.在安装OCS2007的时候,有印象的朋友因该记得, 它会自动去寻找后端数据库的实列名.默认情况下是MSSQLSERVER.这没什么问题.
最近有朋友在部署Group Chat上面遇到些问题.
首先:什么是Group Chat?
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat enables users to engage in persistent, .going IM conversations. Group Chat differs from group IM in that the latter is not persistent. After a group IM session has ended, its state is lost. With Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat, however, the conversation persists, along with all IM, files, Web links, and other associated data. This persistence makes it possible to maintain complete records of each session. It enables the instant exchange of business expertise across an organization and with external partners in a way that makes it possible to maintain a continuing flow of information among project members.
BY:Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Documentation
具体安装Group Chat,请参照Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Documentation.
继续上面的话题,在安装Group Chat的时候,确实有些麻烦,首先,后端,绝大多数朋友都用的是SQL2005 SP2.安装SQL的时候,我们一般都用的默认的实列.但在安装Group Chat的时候,我们需要在去建立个实列名.一个SQL 可以有多个实列.也就是说.我们需要去建立一个新的实列,并在新的实列里面去新建个Group Chat Database.而且排序规则必须是 SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.
I am installing SQL 2005 with 3 instances for R2 –
  1. poolbe - backend for the R2 pool
  2. archiving – Archiving of IM headers and/or body
  3. monitoring – CDR and Monitoring. There are separate databases for CDR and QoE information, but both always run . the same server in the same instance.
  4. groupchat – database for group chat
我简单说下,希望对安装Group Chat的朋友有所帮助.