2018ei期刊目录计算机,科学网—2018年智能计算与信息系统国际会议(ICIS2018)征文期刊EI检索 - 周建国的博文...

2018年第二届智能计算与信息系统国际会议(2018 the 2nd international conference on intelligent computing andinformation system)


2018年6月15-17日  哈尔滨

The Call For Papers of ICIS 2018 is announced.

TheICIS 2018 is intended to provide an opportunity for global participants fromacademia, industry and governmental aspects to meet each other and foster newideas in the broad but closely-related scope of information, systems and theirapplications. The interaction among different fields is especially encouraged.

·SCOPE: ICIS 2018 is soliciting papers for the following (but notlimited to) topics:

·TRACK I: Theory

·Concepts,models, methods, software, system, and platform for information

·Networkand communications technologies

·Mobileand wearable computing

·Human-ComputerInterface technologies

·Interoperabilityand standardization

·Datagrid, knowledge management, and clouding computing

·Pervasivesensing, perception and inference

·Security,trust, privacy, and identity management issues in pervasive computing

·Analysis,design, implementation and evaluation of pervasive devices and systems

·Signalprocessing theory and methods for pervasive computing

·Multimediasignal processing

·Securityand privacy enhanced signal processing

·Newsignal processing methods

·Hardwareand implementation

·TRACK II: Methods


·AdaptiveSignal Processing

·ArraySignal Processing

·MobileSignal Processing

·Medicalsignal processing


·OpticalSignal Processing

·RealTime Signal Processing


·StatisticalSignal Processing

·SignalProcessing for Communications


·MultimediaSignal Processing

·Audioand Electro-acoustics



·GNC(Guiding, Navigation, and Control);

·EEG/ECG/neuroand other biomedical signals;










·Animationand graphics


·3-Dimage analysis



·TRACK III: Applications

·Digitaland Networked Life:


·E-shoppingand payment






·Indoorand outdoor positioning




·Surveillanceand event detection

·Contentanalysis, identification, and protection

·3Dvision and multi-view coding


·Qualitymetrics and evaluation;


·Socialmedia and network

·Securityand Privacy in Pervasive Environments

·Datastorage, erasure, protection and privacy of embedded systems

·Dataprotection in cloud computing

·Intrusiondetection in pervasive computing environment



·Virtualand Augmented Reality Systems



·IntelligentPower and Energy Systems

·IntelligentTransportation Systems

·EnterpriseInformation Systems

·Roboticand Autonomous Systems

·Systemof Systems Engineering

·SystemModelling and Control



TrackIV:Intelligent Computing

·High-performanceprocessors and intelligent instrument

·Parallel, array and network computing and data processing onsatellite

·Pervasive computing and terminal equipment

·Deep learning based intelligent system

·Machine learning and systems

·Artificialintelligence and expert system based computer fault diagnosis

·Artificial intelligence and pattern recognition

·Simulated testing of computer equipment and network connectivity discovery

·Software module design and system integration technology

·Software bug mining

·Information security and network protection

·Object recognition and recognition

·Image processing and applications

·Speech recognition

TrackV:Information Theory and Technology

·Modeling andsimulation

·Reliability design and analysis

·Adaptive,robust, distributed and optimized control

Thermal and electrical process control and instrumentation

·Automotive Instrumentation and Control

·Automatic online testand diagnosis for control equipment

·High-performanceprocessors and intelligent instrument

·MIMO space channel and digitalcorrection

·Novelaccess, switching, routing technology

·Privatemobile radio

·Corporativediversity radio (CDR)

·SoftwareDefined Radio (SDR)


·Wirelessnetwork fusion technology

·Wirelessnetwork protocols analysis

·DataCommunication Tester and Analyzer

·Fiberand Laser Communication

·Highrate & anti-disturbant space communication

·Satellitenetworking communication

TrackVI: Information Systems

·Adaptive,robust, distributed and optimized control

·Self-control and automatic equipment

·Self-control and automatic equipment

·Navigation, Guidance, Control and Instrumentation

·Flightvehicle control and Drone Technology

·Embedded systems and microelectromechanical systems

·High-speed ADC &DAC and testing

·Real-time signalprocessing technology


·Bus InterfaceTechnology

·Novel Remote Sensingand Space information system architecture

·Processedsurface detection technology and instrument

·Light and laserwavelength, power and spectrum measurements

·RF、MW、MMW、OW、LASER and Radiationmeasurement

·Thermalproperty measurement

PaperSubmissionAll papers must be unpublished and should not be under simultaneous review forany other conferences and workshops. Papers in special sessions are alsoinvited to provide forums for focused discussions on new topics and innovativeapplications of established approaches. A special session consists of at leastfour related papers. Papers must be written in English and formatted. Researchpapers should be a full paper of at least 4 pages but no more than 6 pagesincluding references and illustrations. Position papers and system demos arealso welcome. Electronic submissions in PDF format are recommended.

All papers should be submitted electronically via Online Paper SubmissionSystem, which is located athttp://icis.hit.edu.cn/. The format of both theinitial submissions and the final accepted papers must be in PDF. All paperswill be peer-reviewed by members of the ICIS 2014 program committee andselected reviewers. Papers are selected based on their originality, significance,relevance, and clarity of presentation.

Session ProposalResearchers are also invited to propose special sessions on specific topics ofinterest and new trends in information theory, method and applications. Allproposals should be sent to the Invited Session Chairs.


技术支持:IEEE IM Beijing&Harbin JointedChapter

会议出版:IEEE Computer Society




联系人:周建国  手机:18117129626










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