Dart Essentials(读书笔记)——这本书非常大篇幅都在谈AngularDart,Zones概念没谈到...

Dart Essentials


Getting Started

Practical Dart

  1. 为何DocumentFragment须要clone后再加进文档里去?(p162的样例没有)
  2. Dart 1.9+:async + await
  3. element.onClick.listen( (evt){...} ); //<--- Stream对象?
  4. `part`
  5. num, int, double

The Power of HTML5 with Dart

  1. use JS:JsFunction.apply() JsObject.callMethod()
    _jQuery = context['jQuery'];
  2. Dart Summit 2015? dart2js
  3. Completer?.complete(items); => .future()
  4. import 'dart:indexd_db' as idb; //可定义索引?有点像MongoDB
  5. event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation();
  6. WebAudio
    1. BiquadFilterNode?=> 分析器?
  7. typed_data
    1. SIMD(vector_math):Int32x4、Float32x4
  8. WebGL
    1. three.dart, StageXL*, Box2d & play_phaser
  9. Isolate在browser上用Web Worker实现?

Developing a Mobile App with Dart

  1. 300ms tap延迟:用meta viewport禁止
  2. transform-style: preserve-3d;
  3. *3D书架 with DeviceOrientation事件(.alpha/.beta/.gamma)
  4. GPS不精确:Kalman滤波?

Web Components with polymer.dart

  1. Web Components:Shadow DOM + Custom Elements + imports(M36+) + templates
  2. 代码演示样例:
    var tpl = linkElement.important.querySelector('#id');
    Node n = tpl.content.clone(true);
    ... targetDiv.createShadowRoot().append(n);
  3. document.registerElement('my-greeting', MyGreetingElement); <-- factory MyGreetingElement() => new Element.tag('my-greeting');
  4. MutationObserver*
  5. main() async { (await initPolymer()).run( (){...} );
  6. *一路数据绑定
    class OneWayBookElement extends PolymerElement { ...
  7. 定制属性:if repeat
  8. *二路数据绑定(Angular的简单实现?)
    1. <core-list> 无限列表


  1. 3种bind:NgOneWay NgTwoWay NgAttr
  2. Angular 2.0:使用TypeScript的扩展AtScript辨析的?支持编译到Dart?
  3. 性能话题
    1. digest loop:对model的每一个变化?change会‘传播’...
    2. 不要嵌套ng-repeat,导致scopes泛滥
    3. <li ng-repeat="t in tasks | filter:term | orderBy:p track by t.id">
    4. dont't excess Formatter ...

Server-side apps with Dart

  1. main()多个一个args參数而已

Testing and Profiling

  1. 操作符重载?operator ==(Vector v) => ...
  2. Mixins(略)
  3. 測试AngularDart:Protractor/WebDriverJS(没有界面的浏览器)

Writing Native Extensions for the Standalone Dart VM

  1. 略 
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    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
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Title: Dart Essentials Author: Martin Sikora Length: 207 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2015-05-29 ISBN-10: 1783989602 ISBN-13: 9781783989607 Design and build full-featured web and CLI apps using the powerful Dart language and its libraries and tools About This Book Build sophisticated, powerful apps using Dart 1.9; learn about the newest libraries and asynchronous APIs Write encapsulated components and apps with Web Components, polymer.dart, and AngularDart Explore Standalone Dart VM with CLI apps, unit testing, and server-side scripting and discover Dart's full potential with C/C++ native extensions Practical, tutorial-based guide with examples in the context of modern web development for mobile and desktop with HTML5 features Who This Book Is For This book is targeted at expert programmers in JavaScript who want to learn Dart quickly. Some previous experience with OOP programming in other languages and a good knowledge of JavaScript are assumed. In Detail The Dart programming language can be used for both client- and server-side development. It combines the best from many of today's languages. Dart's cohesive, scalable, and robust web programming features will help individuals and organizations solve challenges in a whole new way. You'll start off with an interactive tour of Dart and realize its power. You will step up to learn about the DOM tree and its implementation, while creating web apps. You will learn how to use various APIs for asynchronous calls, GeoLocation, Audio, File Drag and Drop, touch events, and more. Later on, you will build custom elements with Web Components and build on top of the previous parts with polymer.dart. You will also learn about data bindings and how to use AngularDart. You'll get to grips with writing CLI scripts, MySQL queries, Apache and nginx configuration, WebSockets, and so much more. Finally, you'll learn the unit testing and profiling, and writing native extensions in C/C++. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Getting Started with Dart Chapter 2. Practical Dart Chapter 3. The Power of HTML5 with Dart Chapter 4. Developing a Mobile App with Dart Chapter 5. Web Components and polymer.dart Chapter 6. AngularDart Chapter 7. Server-side Applications with Dart Chapter 8. Testing and Profiling the Dart Code Chapter 9. Writing Native Extensions for the Standalone Dart VM


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