
Excel VBA编程,即宏编程,对于一些比较苛刻的场景,比较有用。比如说批量替换,如果表格中,有1,2,3,4,...,17个村,我要把它们替换成金盆村、木厂村等村的名字时,不得不使用查找替换功能,反复操作17次,如果是只替换一张表格还勉强可以接受,如果有几张表格都需要这种替换,就非常耗时了。另外,就是通过宏编程来实现批量替换。如下:

Sub batch_replace()
Dim vReplace As String, vBeReplace As String, nI As Integer

vReplace = Range("A" & 2).Value

For nI = 1 To 17
    vReplace = Range("A" & nI).Value
    If InStr(vReplace, "17") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "17", "高红村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "16") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "16", "天堂村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "15") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "15", "川七村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "14") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "14", "新桥村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "13") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "13", "羊角村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "12") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "12", "天山村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "11") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "11", "鲤云村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "10") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "10", "聪明村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "9") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "9", "湾桥村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "8") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "8", "四新村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "7") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "7", "夹石村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "6") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "6", "河堰村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "5") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "5", "玉泉村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "4") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "4", "高棚村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "3") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "3", "遂安村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "2") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "2", "木厂村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "1") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "1", "金盆村")
    End If

    Range("B" & nI).Value = vBeReplace

End Sub





Sub batch_replace()
Dim vReplace As String, vBeReplace As String, nI As Integer
Dim r As Range
Dim column_name As String
Dim column_num As Integer

rem 获取选中数据的列名,比如选中的是A列,则返回值为A
column_name = Mid(Selection.Cells(1, 1).Address, 2, 1)

For Each r In Selection
    rem 获取列号,比如A2,则返回值为2
    column_num = Mid(r.Address, 4, 2)
    vReplace = r.Value
    If InStr(vReplace, "17") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "17", "高红村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "16") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "16", "天堂村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "15") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "15", "川七村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "14") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "14", "新桥村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "13") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "13", "羊角村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "12") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "12", "天山村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "11") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "11", "鲤云村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "10") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "10", "聪明村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "9") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "9", "湾桥村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "8") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "8", "四新村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "7") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "7", "夹石村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "6") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "6", "河堰村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "5") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "5", "玉泉村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "4") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "4", "高棚村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "3") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "3", "遂安村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "2") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "2", "木厂村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "1") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "1", "金盆村")
    End If
    rem 如果选中的是A3单元格,则将替换后的字符串存入A3单元格右边的第一个单元格,即B3中
    Range(Chr(Asc(column_name) + 1) & column_num).Value = vBeReplace

End Sub




Sub batch_replace()
Dim vReplace As String, vBeReplace As String, nI As Integer
Dim r As Range

For Each r In Selection
    vReplace = r.Value
    If InStr(vReplace, "17") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "17", "高红村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "16") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "16", "天堂村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "15") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "15", "川七村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "14") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "14", "新桥村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "13") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "13", "羊角村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "12") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "12", "天山村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "11") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "11", "鲤云村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "10") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "10", "聪明村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "9") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "9", "湾桥村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "8") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "8", "四新村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "7") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "7", "夹石村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "6") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "6", "河堰村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "5") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "5", "玉泉村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "4") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "4", "高棚村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "3") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "3", "遂安村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "2") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "2", "木厂村")
    ElseIf InStr(vReplace, "1") > 0 Then
        vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, "1", "金盆村")
    End If
    Rem 当前单元格向右偏移一列
    r.Offset(0, 1) = vBeReplace

End Sub

第三版代码已经接近完美,通过offset函数,大大简化了代码量。唯一觉得不满意的是太多的if...then...elseif...endif这种结构,上面这种情况使用select case...end select这种方式也不太好,个人觉得最好的方式就是使用字典dictionary。


Sub batch_replace()
Dim vReplace As String, vBeReplace As String, nI As Integer
Dim r As Range

Dim i As Integer
Dim dict, keys, items

' 创建Dictionary
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With dict
.Add "17", "高红村"
.Add "16", "天堂村"
.Add "15", "川七村"
.Add "14", "新桥村"
.Add "13", "羊角村"
.Add "12", "天山村"
.Add "11", "鲤云村"
.Add "10", "聪明村"
.Add "9", "湾桥村"
.Add "8", "四新村"
.Add "7", "夹石村"
.Add "6", "河堰村"
.Add "5", "玉泉村"
.Add "4", "高棚村"
.Add "3", "遂安村"
.Add "2", "木厂村"
.Add "1", "金盆村"
End With

keys = dict.keys
items = dict.items
For Each r In Selection
    vReplace = r.Value
    For i = 0 To dict.Count - 1
        If InStr(vReplace, keys(i)) > 0 Then
            vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, keys(i), items(i))
            Exit For
        End If
    Rem 当前单元格向右偏移一列
    r.Offset(0, 1) = vBeReplace

End Sub

本着学习的目的,遍历dictionary可以采用for each....in..的方式,


Sub batch_replace()
Dim vReplace As String, vBeReplace As String, nI As Integer
Dim r As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim key As Variant
Dim dict As Object

' 创建Dictionary
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With dict
.Add "17", "高红村"
.Add "16", "天堂村"
.Add "15", "川七村"
.Add "14", "新桥村"
.Add "13", "羊角村"
.Add "12", "天山村"
.Add "11", "鲤云村"
.Add "10", "聪明村"
.Add "9", "湾桥村"
.Add "8", "四新村"
.Add "7", "夹石村"
.Add "6", "河堰村"
.Add "5", "玉泉村"
.Add "4", "高棚村"
.Add "3", "遂安村"
.Add "2", "木厂村"
.Add "1", "金盆村"
End With

For Each r In Selection
    vReplace = r.Value
    For Each key In dict.keys
        If InStr(vReplace, key) > 0 Then
            vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, key, dict(key))
            Exit For
        End If
    Next key
    Rem 当前单元格向右偏移一列
    r.Offset(0, 1) = vBeReplace

End Sub



Sub batch_replace()
Dim vReplace As String, vBeReplace As String
Dim r As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim key As Variant
Dim dict As Object

' 创建Dictionary
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With dict
.Add "17", "高红村": .Add "16", "天堂村": .Add "15", "川七村": .Add "14", "新桥村": .Add "13", "羊角村"
.Add "12", "天山村": .Add "11", "鲤云村": .Add "10", "聪明村": .Add "9", "湾桥村": .Add "8", "四新村"
.Add "7", "夹石村": .Add "6", "河堰村": .Add "5", "玉泉村": .Add "4", "高棚村": .Add "3", "遂安村"
.Add "2", "木厂村": .Add "1", "金盆村"
End With

For Each r In Selection
    vReplace = r.Value
    For Each key In dict.keys
        If InStr(vReplace, key) Then
            vBeReplace = Replace(vReplace, key, dict(key))
            Exit For
        End If
    Next key
    Rem 当前单元格向右偏移一列
    r.Offset(0, 1) = vBeReplace
    vBeReplace = Empty

End Sub


总结,这是本人第一次通过VBA来操作excel数据表,知识方面主要涉及到VB的语法与Excel自身的框架体系,网上的资料太混乱,代码质量普遍不高。在淘宝上也找了相关的书籍,买了本《别怕,Excel VBA其实很简单》,这本书总体来说,不算深入,也不系统,但简单,代码质量还是挺高的。目前也很难找到比这个更好的入门书籍了。





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