



create function fun_getPY(@str nvarchar(4000))
returns nvarchar(4000)
declare @word nchar(1),@PY nvarchar(4000)
set @PY=''
while len(@str)>0
set @word=left(@str,1)
set @PY=@PY+(case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901
then (select top 1 PY from (
select 'A' as PY,N'驁' as word
union all select 'B',N'簿'
union all select 'C',N'錯'
union all select 'D',N'鵽'
union all select 'E',N'樲'
union all select 'F',N'鰒'
union all select 'G',N'腂'
union all select 'H',N'夻'
union all select 'J',N'攈'
union all select 'K',N'穒'
union all select 'L',N'鱳'
union all select 'M',N'旀'
union all select 'N',N'桛'
union all select 'O',N'漚'
union all select 'P',N'曝'
union all select 'Q',N'囕'
union all select 'R',N'鶸'
union all select 'S',N'蜶'
union all select 'T',N'籜'
union all select 'W',N'鶩'
union all select 'X',N'鑂'
union all select 'Y',N'韻'
union all select 'Z',N'咗'
) T 
where word>=@word collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS 
order by PY ASC) else @word end)
set @str=right(@str,len(@str)-1)
return @PY

select dbo.fun_getPY('中华人民共和国')

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------- 
    函数: fn_GetPinyin 
    描述: 汉字转拼音(无数据表版) 
    使用: dbo.fn_GetPinyin('中华人民共和国') = zhonghuarenmingongheguo 
    作者: 流香羽 (改编:Tony) 
    博客: http://hi.baidu.com/流香羽 
    ------------------------------------------------------------- */  
    IF OBJECT_ID('[fn_GetPinyin]') IS NOT NULL  
     DROP FUNCTION [fn_GetPinyin]   
    create function [dbo].[fn_GetPinyin](@words nvarchar(2000))  
    returns varchar(8000)  
    declare @word nchar(1)  
    declare @pinyin varchar(8000)  
    declare @i int  
    declare @words_len int  
    declare @unicode int  
    set @i = 1  
    set @words = ltrim(rtrim(@words))  
    set @words_len = len(@words)  
    while (@i <= @words_len) --循环取字符  
    set @word = substring(@words, @i, 1)  
    set @unicode = unicode(@word)  
    set @pinyin = ISNULL(@pinyin +SPACE(1),'')+   
    (case when unicode(@word) between 19968 and 19968+20901 then   
    (select top 1 py from (  
    select 'a' as py,N'厑' as word  
    union all select 'ai',N'靉'  
    union all select 'an',N'黯'  
    union all select 'ang',N'醠'  
    union all select 'ao',N'驁'  
    union all select 'ba',N'欛'  
    union all select 'bai',N'瓸' --韛兡瓸  
    union all select 'ban',N'瓣'  
    union all select 'bang',N'鎊'  
    union all select 'bao',N'鑤'  
    union all select 'bei',N'鐾'  
    union all select 'ben',N'輽'  
    union all select 'beng',N'鏰'  
    union all select 'bi',N'鼊'  
    union all select 'bian',N'變'  
    union all select 'biao',N'鰾'  
    union all select 'bie',N'彆'  
    union all select 'bin',N'鬢'  
    union all select 'bing',N'靐'  
    union all select 'bo',N'蔔'  
    union all select 'bu',N'簿'  
    union all select 'ca',N'囃'  
    union all select 'cai',N'乲' --縩乲  
    union all select 'can',N'爘'  
    union all select 'cang',N'賶'  
    union all select 'cao',N'鼜'  
    union all select 'ce',N'簎'  
    union all select 'cen',N'笒'  
    union all select 'ceng',N'乽' --硛硳岾猠乽  
    union all select 'cha',N'詫'  
    union all select 'chai',N'囆'  
    union all select 'chan',N'顫'  
    union all select 'chang',N'韔'  
    union all select 'chao',N'觘'  
    union all select 'che',N'爡'  
    union all select 'chen',N'讖'  
    union all select 'cheng',N'秤'  
    union all select 'chi',N'鷘'  
    union all select 'chong',N'銃'  
    union all select 'chou',N'殠'  
    union all select 'chu',N'矗'  
    union all select 'chuai',N'踹'  
    union all select 'chuan',N'鶨'  
    union all select 'chuang',N'愴'  
    union all select 'chui',N'顀'  
    union all select 'chun',N'蠢'  
    union all select 'chuo',N'縒'  
    union all select 'ci',N'嗭' --賜嗭  
    union all select 'cong',N'謥'  
    union all select 'cou',N'輳'  
    union all select 'cu',N'顣'  
    union all select 'cuan',N'爨'  
    union all select 'cui',N'臎'  
    union all select 'cun',N'籿'  
    union all select 'cuo',N'錯'  
    union all select 'da',N'橽'  
    union all select 'dai',N'靆'  
    union all select 'dan',N'饏'  
    union all select 'dang',N'闣'  
    union all select 'dao',N'纛'  
    union all select 'de',N'的'  
    union all select 'den',N'扽'  
    union all select 'deng',N'鐙'  
    union all select 'di',N'螮'  
    union all select 'dia',N'嗲'  
    union all select 'dian',N'驔'  
    union all select 'diao',N'鑃'  
    union all select 'die',N'嚸' --眰嚸  
    union all select 'ding',N'顁'  
    union all select 'diu',N'銩'  
    union all select 'dong',N'霘'  
    union all select 'dou',N'鬭'  
    union all select 'du',N'蠹'  
    union all select 'duan',N'叾' --籪叾  
    union all select 'dui',N'譵'  
    union all select 'dun',N'踲'  
    union all select 'duo',N'鵽'  
    union all select 'e',N'鱷'  
    union all select 'en',N'摁'  
    union all select 'eng',N'鞥'  
    union all select 'er',N'樲'  
    union all select 'fa',N'髮'  
    union all select 'fan',N'瀪'  
    union all select 'fang',N'放'  
    union all select 'fei',N'靅'  
    union all select 'fen',N'鱝'  
    union all select 'feng',N'覅'  
    union all select 'fo',N'梻'  
    union all select 'fou',N'鴀'  
    union all select 'fu',N'猤' --鰒猤  
    union all select 'ga',N'魀'  
    union all select 'gai',N'瓂'  
    union all select 'gan',N'灨'  
    union all select 'gang',N'戇'  
    union all select 'gao',N'鋯'  
    union all select 'ge',N'獦'  
    union all select 'gei',N'給'  
    union all select 'gen',N'搄'  
    union all select 'geng',N'堩' --亙堩啹喼嗰  
    union all select 'gong',N'兣' --熕贑兝兣  
    union all select 'gou',N'購'  
    union all select 'gu',N'顧'  
    union all select 'gua',N'詿'  
    union all select 'guai',N'恠'  
    union all select 'guan',N'鱹'  
    union all select 'guang',N'撗'  
    union all select 'gui',N'鱥'  
    union all select 'gun',N'謴'  
    union all select 'guo',N'腂'  
    union all select 'ha',N'哈'  
    union all select 'hai',N'饚'  
    union all select 'han',N'鶾'  
    union all select 'hang',N'沆'  
    union all select 'hao',N'兞'  
    union all select 'he',N'靏'  
    union all select 'hei',N'嬒'  
    union all select 'hen',N'恨'  
    union all select 'heng',N'堼' --堼囍  
    union all select 'hong',N'鬨'  
    union all select 'hou',N'鱟'  
    union all select 'hu',N'鸌'  
    union all select 'hua',N'蘳'  
    union all select 'huai',N'蘾'  
    union all select 'huan',N'鰀'  
    union all select 'huang',N'鎤'  
    union all select 'hui',N'顪'  
    union all select 'hun',N'諢'  
    union all select 'huo',N'夻'  
    union all select 'ji',N'驥'  
    union all select 'jia',N'嗧'  
    union all select 'jian',N'鑳'  
    union all select 'jiang',N'謽'  
    union all select 'jiao',N'釂'  
    union all select 'jie',N'繲'  
    union all select 'jin',N'齽'  
    union all select 'jing',N'竸'  
    union all select 'jiong',N'蘔'  
    union all select 'jiu',N'欍'  
    union all select 'ju',N'爠'  
    union all select 'juan',N'羂'  
    union all select 'jue',N'钁'  
    union all select 'jun',N'攈'  
    union all select 'ka',N'鉲'  
    union all select 'kai',N'乫' --鎎乫  
    union all select 'kan',N'矙'  
    union all select 'kang',N'閌'  
    union all select 'kao',N'鯌'  
    union all select 'ke',N'騍'  
    union all select 'ken',N'褃'  
    union all select 'keng',N'鏗' --巪乬唟厼怾  
    union all select 'kong',N'廤'  
    union all select 'kou',N'鷇'  
    union all select 'ku',N'嚳'  
    union all select 'kua',N'骻'  
    union all select 'kuai',N'鱠'  
    union all select 'kuan',N'窾'  
    union all select 'kuang',N'鑛'  
    union all select 'kui',N'鑎'  
    union all select 'kun',N'睏'  
    union all select 'kuo',N'穒'  
    union all select 'la',N'鞡'  
    union all select 'lai',N'籟'  
    union all select 'lan',N'糷'  
    union all select 'lang',N'唥'  
    union all select 'lao',N'軂'  
    union all select 'le',N'餎'  
    union all select 'lei',N'脷' --嘞脷  
    union all select 'leng',N'睖'  
    union all select 'li',N'瓈'  
    union all select 'lia',N'倆'  
    union all select 'lian',N'纞'  
    union all select 'liang',N'鍄'  
    union all select 'liao',N'瞭'  
    union all select 'lie',N'鱲'  
    union all select 'lin',N'轥' --轥拎  
    union all select 'ling',N'炩'  
    union all select 'liu',N'咯' --瓼甅囖咯  
    union all select 'long',N'贚'  
    union all select 'lou',N'鏤'  
    union all select 'lu',N'氇'  
    union all select 'lv',N'鑢'  
    union all select 'luan',N'亂'  
    union all select 'lue',N'擽'  
    union all select 'lun',N'論'  
    union all select 'luo',N'鱳'  
    union all select 'ma',N'嘛'  
    union all select 'mai',N'霢'  
    union all select 'man',N'蘰'  
    union all select 'mang',N'蠎'  
    union all select 'mao',N'唜'  
    union all select 'me',N'癦' --癦呅  
    union all select 'mei',N'嚜'  
    union all select 'men',N'們'  
    union all select 'meng',N'霥' --霿踎  
    union all select 'mi',N'羃'  
    union all select 'mian',N'麵'  
    union all select 'miao',N'廟'  
    union all select 'mie',N'鱴' --鱴瓱  
    union all select 'min',N'鰵'  
    union all select 'ming',N'詺'  
    union all select 'miu',N'謬'  
    union all select 'mo',N'耱' --耱乮  
    union all select 'mou',N'麰' --麰蟱  
    union all select 'mu',N'旀'  
    union all select 'na',N'魶'  
    union all select 'nai',N'錼'  
    union all select 'nan',N'婻'  
    union all select 'nang',N'齉'  
    union all select 'nao',N'臑'  
    union all select 'ne',N'呢'  
    union all select 'nei',N'焾' --嫩焾  
    union all select 'nen',N'嫩'  
    union all select 'neng',N'能' --莻嗯鈪銰啱  
    union all select 'ni',N'嬺'  
    union all select 'nian',N'艌'  
    union all select 'niang',N'釀'  
    union all select 'niao',N'脲'  
    union all select 'nie',N'钀'  
    union all select 'nin',N'拰'  
    union all select 'ning',N'濘'  
    union all select 'niu',N'靵'  
    union all select 'nong',N'齈'  
    union all select 'nou',N'譳'  
    union all select 'nu',N'搙'  
    union all select 'nv',N'衄'  
    union all select 'nue',N'瘧'  
    union all select 'nuan',N'燶' --硸黁燶郍  
    union all select 'nuo',N'桛'  
    union all select 'o',N'鞰' --毮夞乯鞰  
    union all select 'ou',N'漚'  
    union all select 'pa',N'袙'  
    union all select 'pai',N'磗' --鎃磗  
    union all select 'pan',N'鑻'  
    union all select 'pang',N'胖'  
    union all select 'pao',N'礮'  
    union all select 'pei',N'轡'  
    union all select 'pen',N'喯'  
    union all select 'peng',N'喸' --浌巼闏乶喸  
    union all select 'pi',N'鸊'  
    union all select 'pian',N'騙'  
    union all select 'piao',N'慓'  
    union all select 'pie',N'嫳'  
    union all select 'pin',N'聘'  
    union all select 'ping',N'蘋'  
    union all select 'po',N'魄'  
    union all select 'pou',N'哛' --兺哛  
    union all select 'pu',N'曝'  
    union all select 'qi',N'蟿'  
    union all select 'qia',N'髂'  
    union all select 'qian',N'縴'  
    union all select 'qiang',N'瓩' --羻兛瓩  
    union all select 'qiao',N'躈'  
    union all select 'qie',N'籡'  
    union all select 'qin',N'藽'  
    union all select 'qing',N'櫦'  
    union all select 'qiong',N'瓗'  
    union all select 'qiu',N'糗'  
    union all select 'qu',N'覻'  
    union all select 'quan',N'勸'  
    union all select 'que',N'礭'  
    union all select 'qun',N'囕'  
    union all select 'ran',N'橪'  
    union all select 'rang',N'讓'  
    union all select 'rao',N'繞'  
    union all select 're',N'熱'  
    union all select 'ren',N'餁'  
    union all select 'reng',N'陾'  
    union all select 'ri',N'馹'  
    union all select 'rong',N'穃'  
    union all select 'rou',N'嶿'  
    union all select 'ru',N'擩'  
    union all select 'ruan',N'礝'  
    union all select 'rui',N'壡'  
    union all select 'run',N'橍' --橍挼  
    union all select 'ruo',N'鶸'  
    union all select 'sa',N'栍' --櫒栍  
    union all select 'sai',N'虄' --簺虄  
    union all select 'san',N'閐'  
    union all select 'sang',N'喪'  
    union all select 'sao',N'髞'  
    union all select 'se',N'飋' --裇聓  
    union all select 'sen',N'篸'  
    union all select 'seng',N'縇' --閪縇  
    union all select 'sha',N'霎'  
    union all select 'shai',N'曬'  
    union all select 'shan',N'鱔'  
    union all select 'shang',N'緔'  
    union all select 'shao',N'潲'  
    union all select 'she',N'欇'  
    union all select 'shen',N'瘮'  
    union all select 'sheng',N'賸'  
    union all select 'shi',N'瓧' --鰘齛兙瓧  
    union all select 'shou',N'鏉'  
    union all select 'shu',N'虪'  
    union all select 'shua',N'誜'  
    union all select 'shuai',N'卛'  
    union all select 'shuan',N'腨'  
    union all select 'shuang',N'灀'  
    union all select 'shui',N'睡'  
    union all select 'shun',N'鬊'  
    union all select 'shuo',N'鑠'  
    union all select 'si',N'乺' --瀃螦乺  
    union all select 'song',N'鎹'  
    union all select 'sou',N'瘶'  
    union all select 'su',N'鷫'  
    union all select 'suan',N'算'  
    union all select 'sui',N'鐩'  
    union all select 'sun',N'潠'  
    union all select 'suo',N'蜶'  
    union all select 'ta',N'襨' --躢襨  
    union all select 'tai',N'燤'  
    union all select 'tan',N'賧'  
    union all select 'tang',N'燙'  
    union all select 'tao',N'畓' --討畓  
    union all select 'te',N'蟘'  
    union all select 'teng',N'朰' --霯唞朰  
    union all select 'ti',N'趯'  
    union all select 'tian',N'舚'  
    union all select 'tiao',N'糶'  
    union all select 'tie',N'餮'  
    union all select 'ting',N'乭' --濎乭  
    union all select 'tong',N'憅'  
    union all select 'tou',N'透'  
    union all select 'tu',N'鵵'  
    union all select 'tuan',N'褖'  
    union all select 'tui',N'駾'  
    union all select 'tun',N'坉'  
    union all select 'tuo',N'籜'  
    union all select 'wa',N'韤'  
    union all select 'wai',N'顡'  
    union all select 'wan',N'贎'  
    union all select 'wang',N'朢'  
    union all select 'wei',N'躛'  
    union all select 'wen',N'璺'  
    union all select 'weng',N'齆'  
    union all select 'wo',N'齷'  
    union all select 'wu',N'鶩'  
    union all select 'xi',N'衋'  
    union all select 'xia',N'鏬'  
    union all select 'xian',N'鼸'  
    union all select 'xiang',N'鱌'  
    union all select 'xiao',N'斆'  
    union all select 'xie',N'躞'  
    union all select 'xin',N'釁'  
    union all select 'xing',N'臖'  
    union all select 'xiong',N'敻'  
    union all select 'xiu',N'齅'  
    union all select 'xu',N'蓿'  
    union all select 'xuan',N'贙'  
    union all select 'xue',N'瀥'  
    union all select 'xun',N'鑂'  
    union all select 'ya',N'齾'  
    union all select 'yan',N'灩'  
    union all select 'yang',N'樣'  
    union all select 'yao',N'鑰'  
    union all select 'ye',N'岃' --鸈膶岃  
    union all select 'yi',N'齸'  
    union all select 'yin',N'檼'  
    union all select 'ying',N'譍'  
    union all select 'yo',N'喲'  
    union all select 'yong',N'醟'  
    union all select 'you',N'鼬'  
    union all select 'yu',N'爩'  
    union all select 'yuan',N'願'  
    union all select 'yue',N'鸙'  
    union all select 'yun',N'韻'  
    union all select 'za',N'雥'  
    union all select 'zai',N'縡'  
    union all select 'zan',N'饡'  
    union all select 'zang',N'臟'  
    union all select 'zao',N'竈'  
    union all select 'ze',N'稄'  
    union all select 'zei',N'鱡'  
    union all select 'zen',N'囎'  
    union all select 'zeng',N'贈'  
    union all select 'zha',N'醡'  
    union all select 'zhai',N'瘵'  
    union all select 'zhan',N'驏'  
    union all select 'zhang',N'瞕'  
    union all select 'zhao',N'羄'  
    union all select 'zhe',N'鷓'  
    union all select 'zhen',N'黮'  
    union all select 'zheng',N'證'  
    union all select 'zhi',N'豒'  
    union all select 'zhong',N'諥'  
    union all select 'zhou',N'驟'  
    union all select 'zhu',N'鑄'  
    union all select 'zhua',N'爪'  
    union all select 'zhuai',N'跩'  
    union all select 'zhuan',N'籑'  
    union all select 'zhuang',N'戅'  
    union all select 'zhui',N'鑆'  
    union all select 'zhun',N'稕'  
    union all select 'zhuo',N'籱'  
    union all select 'zi',N'漬' --漬唨  
    union all select 'zong',N'縱'  
    union all select 'zou',N'媰'  
    union all select 'zu',N'謯'  
    union all select 'zuan',N'攥'  
    union all select 'zui',N'欈'  
    union all select 'zun',N'銌'  
    union all select 'zuo',N'咗') t   
    where word >= @word collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS   
    order by word collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS ASC) else @word end)  
    set @i = @i + 1  
    return @pinyin  
    SELECT dbo.fn_GetPinyin('中华人民共和国')   
    zuo zhong hua ren min gong he guo 
    (1 行受影响) 


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