Symantec ApplicationHA

一.Symantec ApplicationHA简介

Symantec ApplicationHA provides monitoring capabilities for applications running inside virtual machines managed by a VMware vCenter Server.Symantec ApplicationHA adds a layer of application awareness to the core HA functionality offered by VMware virtualization technology.





d.通过VMware HA实现协调恢复



g.支持包括windows 和Linux在内的异构访客操作系统



j.基于业界领先的Veritas Cluster Server技术而建的强大解决方案

二.Symantec ApplicationHA 如何与VMware vCenter Server协同工作

1.Symantec ApplicationHA communicates directly with VMware HA

2. ApplicationHA converys the application health status in the form of an application heartbeat.

3.This allows VMware HA to automatically reset or restart a virtual machine if the application heartbeat is not received within a specified interval.




三. 支持的平台和软件

1.Supported VMware versions

a.VMware ESX Server 4.0/4.1/4.1U1

b.VMwaer ESXi Server 4.1

c.VMware vCenter Server 4.0/4.1/4.1U1

d.VMware vSphere Client 4.0/4.1

e.VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager(SRM)4.1

2.ApplicationHA Console支持的操作系统

a.Windows Server 2008 X64 SP1/SP2(Standard Edition/Enterprise Edition/Datacenter Edition/Web Edition/Small Business Server)

b.Windows Server 2008R2 X64 SP1(Standard Edition/Enterprise Edition/Datacenter Edition/Web Edition)



4.Supported applications



Symantec ApplicationHA由: Symantec ApplicationHA Console与Symantec ApplcationHA guest components for virtual machines.

1. Symantec ApplicationHA Console performs the following functions

a.registers the ApplicationHA plugin for VMware vCenter Server.

b.The ApplicationHA Console provides a single sign-on mechanism so that an authenticated vCenter user does not have to provide the virtual machine user credentials to configure and control application monitoring.

c.The Console uses Symantec ApplicationHA Authentication service to provide secure communication between the virtual machine and the vSphere Client.

d.The Console adds the Symantec ApplicationHA privileges to the vSphere Client environment.







a. 必须本地安装

b.安装ApplicationHA Console只在在Server 2008 or 2008R2的服务器上安装

c安装log file于%AllUsersProfile%\Veritas\VPI\log\<data_timestamp>

d.从vSphere Cient 安装Symantec ApplicationHA guest components