To be Happy & Wise Parents

2019-05-08 10:30:33

Ms Kim Barthel's lecture :

Two voice, one brain.

Gary Chen shared the most painful story about his 6 years old daughter.  Currently, she is no oral language. And her Daddy knew she is a special girl, when she was just 6 months.

To help you to understand the science,  Brain neuroscientist.

If information with emotion, it will help to remember better 80%.

33years ago, Ms Kim had a  course in 1980. It's total new,  it is sprint healing. That means " I can use me, to help you."

Kim's first job.

In Canadian Northest, the Eskimo, the highest suicide rate, my work is to help these people. A 16 year old boy, come to my office and  decided to like me.

During the two years, every day he come to my office, and say nothing just sitting on the chair.

Bob , Kim's husband, said :" Just let him seat here and feel safe, that's enough."

We have to do something. Feeling careful. All I need to do, is care, then change the life . Loving and caring is do something.

1992,  had a chance to visit orphanage, the kids all laying down, without anything to do. The brain can't get active. That's change my life.

2000, new science,(EEG cap) we can  look at people's brain, and found the relationship. When delivering a baby, Oxytocin released in the right brain.  And the baby will release Oxytocin too in the right brain, after baby handed to Mom. And the relationship can last nearly 2 years, even Mom is not near by.

Right brain - congnition

Left brain- very little memory. Less attention

Make Kids Happy.

From perespect of science, Autistic have sentivite brain, emotion. When Mom feel stress, kids will feel stress.

We do what we learn, and we are learning new things.

When I see you in love, you will feel love.You will feel it and remember it.

Too many emotions, angry, frustrated, anxious. But you need honest to your feelings. Your child can read you any way.

When you frustrated, you can say I am frustrated, to be frankly. Let kid know your emotion.

Ms. Kim's. daughter 21 years, also some behavior issue, it's  normal not silly.

You worry about your children forever. Not about pushing or non-pushing, sharing yourself with you child.

This a balance between relationship and

Without judgement, just join. Let kind know: what important to you, it's important to me too.That's telling me, we are together. That's the beginning of relationship. Acceptance.

"Your face is wet." they don't know why you cry, they need more information, need more explanation to understand.

What's impact baby most? ——Disgust. Not happy. This's is survive.

Stress (皮质醇)is hard to our brain.

I feel invisible. I feel nobody care about me.

Learning your own trickers, you have to know yourself.

You will found can't change anybody, just yourself.

Own clinic, a  kid like tiger in the cage, too anxious.

Take care of yourself first, then take care of your kid.

80% of time, kid's negative behavior is because of  your face.

With special needs,they are teacher in our life.

It's the secret of teaching.

My inside and outside should match.

DNA in every cell. Stress is bad for us(DNA末端 融化)1 year =  6year

The more we share, we will more health.

"Conversations with a Rattlesnake" 《与响尾蛇交流》

Helping is healing, and healing is possible.



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