【转】A Beginner's Guide To Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks

A Beginner's Guide To Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks


Convolutional neural networks. Sounds like a weird combination of biology and math with a little CS sprinkled in, but these networks have been some of the most influential innovations in the field of computer vision. 2012 was the first year that neural nets grew to prominence as Alex Krizhevsky used them to win that year’s ImageNet competition (basically, the annual Olympics of computer vision), dropping the classification error record from 26% to 15%, an astounding improvement at the time.Ever since then, a host of companies have been using deep learning at the core of their services. Facebook uses neural nets for their automatic tagging algorithms, Google for their photo search, Amazon for their product recommendations, Pinterest for their home feed personalization, and Instagram for their search infrastructure.
However, the classic, and arguably most popular, use case of these networks is for image processing. Within image processing, let’s take a look at how to use these CNNs for image classification.
The Problem Space
Image classification is the task of taking an input image and outputting a class (a cat, dog, etc) or a probability of classes that best describes the image. For humans, this task of recognition is one of the first skills we learn from the moment we are born and is one that comes naturally and effortlessly as adults. Without even thinking twice, we’re able to quickly and seamlessly identify the environment we are in as well as the objects that surround us. When we see an image or just when we look at the world around us, most of the time we are able to immediately characterize the scene and give each object a label, all without even consciously noticing. These skills of being able to quickly recognize patterns, generalize from prior knowledge, and adapt to different image environments are ones that we do not share with our fellow machines.
Inputs and Outputs
When a computer sees an image (takes an image as input), it will see an array of pixel values. Depending on the resolution and size of the image, it will see a 32 x 32 x 3 array of numbers (The 3 refers to RGB values). Just to drive home the point, let's say we have a color image in JPG form and its size is 480 x 480. The representative array will be 480 x 480 x 3. Each of these numbers is given a value from 0 to 255 which describes the pixel intensity at that point. These numbers, while meaningless to us when we perform image classification, are the only inputs available to the computer. The idea is that you give the computer this array of numbers and it will output numbers that describe the probability of the image being a certain class (.80 for cat, .15 for dog, .05 for bird, etc).
What We Want the Computer to Do
Now that we know the problem as well as the inputs and outputs, let’s think about how to approach this. What we want the computer to do is to be able to differentiate between all the images it’s given and figure out the unique features that make a dog a dog or that make a cat a cat. This is the process that goes on in our minds subconsciously as well. When we look at a picture of a dog, we can classify it as such if the picture has identifiable features such as paws or 4 legs. In a similar way, the computer is able perform image classification by looking for low level features such as edges and curves, and then building up to more abstract concepts through a series of convolutional layers. This is a general overview of what a CNN does. Let’s get into the specifics.
Biological Connection
But first, a little background. When you first heard of the term convolutional neural networks, you may have thought of something related to neuroscience or biology, and you would be right. Sort of. CNNs do take a biological inspiration from the visual cortex. The visual cortex has small regions of cells that are sensitive to specific regions of the visual field. This idea was expanded upon by a fascinating experiment by Hubel and Wiesel in 1962 (Video
) where they showed that some individual neuronal cells in the brain responded (or fired) only in the presence of edges of a certain orientation. For example, some neurons fired when exposed to vertical edges and some when shown horizontal or diagonal edges. Hubel and Wiesel found out that all of these neurons were organized in a columnar architecture and that together, they were able to produce visual perception. This idea of specialized components inside of a system having specific tasks (the neuronal cells in the visual cortex looking for specific characteristics) is one that machines use as well, and is the basis behind CNNs.
Back to the specifics. A more detailed overview of what CNNs do would be that you take the image, pass it through a series of convolutional, nonlinear, pooling (downsampling), and fully connected layers, and get an output. As we said earlier, the output can be a single class or a probability of classes that best describes the image. Now, the hard part is understanding what each of these layers do. So let’s get into the most important one.
First Layer – Math Part
The first layer in a CNN is always aConvolutional Layer
. First thing to make sure you remember is what the input to this conv (I’ll be using that abbreviation a lot) layer is. Like we mentioned before, the input is a 32 x 32 x 3 array of pixel values. Now, the best way to explain a conv layer is to imagine a flashlight that is shining over the top left of the image. Let’s say that the light this flashlight shines covers a 5 x 5 area. And now, let’s imagine this flashlight sliding across all the areas of the input image. In machine learning terms, this flashlight is called afilter
(or sometimes referred to as aneuron
or akernel
) and the region that it is shining over is called thereceptive field
. Now this filter is also an array of numbers (the numbers are calledweights
). A very important note is that the depth of this filter has to be the same as the depth of the input (this makes sure that the math works out), so the dimensions of this filter is 5 x 5 x 3. Now, let’s take the first position the filter is in for example. It would be the top left corner. As the filter is sliding, orconvolving
, around the input image, it is multiplying the values in the filter with the original pixel values of the image (aka computingelement wise multiplications
). These multiplications are all summed up (mathematically speaking, this would be 75 multiplications in total). So now you have a single number. Remember, this number is just representative of when the filter is at the top left of the image. Now, we repeat this process for every location on the input volume. (Next step would be moving the filter to the right by 1 unit, then right again by 1, and so on). Every unique location on the input volume produces a number. After sliding the filter over all the locations, you will find out that what you’re left with is a 28 x 28 x 1 array of numbers, which we call anactivation map
orfeature map
. The reason you get a 28 x 28 array is that there are 784 different locations that a 5 x 5 filter can fit on a 32 x 32 input image. These 784 numbers are mapped to a 28 x 28 array.
(Quick Note: Some of the images, including the one above, I used came from this terrific book, "Neural Networks and Deep Learning"
by Michael Nielsen. Strongly recommend.)
Let’s say now we use two 5 x 5 x 3 filters instead of one. Then our output volume would be 28 x 28 x 2. By using more filters, we are able to preserve the spatial dimensions better. Mathematically, this is what’s going on in a convolutional layer.
First Layer – High Level Perspective
However, let’s talk about what this convolution is actually doing from a high level. Each of these filters can be thought of asfeature identifiers
. When I say features, I’m talking about things like straight edges, simple colors, and curves. Think about the simplest characteristics that all images have in common with each other. Let’s say our first filter is 7 x 7 x 3 and is going to be a curve detector. (In this section, let’s ignore the fact that the filter is 3 units deep and only consider the top depth slice of the filter and the image, for simplicity.)As a curve detector, the filter will have a pixel structure in which there will be higher numerical values along the area that is a shape of a curve (Remember, these filters that we’re talking about as just numbers!).
Now, let’s go back to visualizing this mathematically. When we have this filter at the top left corner of the input volume, it is computing multiplications between the filter and pixel values at that region. Now let’s take an example of an image that we want to classify, and let’s put our filter at the top left corner.
Remember, what we have to do is multiply the values in the filter with the original pixel values of the image.
Basically, in the input image, if there is a shape that generally resembles the curve that this filter is representing, then all of the multiplications summed together will result in a large value! Now let’s see what happens when we move our filter.
The value is much lower! This is because there wasn’t anything in the image section that responded to the curve detector filter. Remember, the output of this conv layer is an activation map. So, in the simple case of a one filter convolution (and if that filter is a curve detector), the activation map will show the areas in which there at mostly likely to be curves in the picture. In this example, the top left value of our 28 x 28 x 1 activation map will be 6600. This high value means that it is likely that there is some sort of curve in the input volume that caused the filter to activate. The top right value in our activation map will be 0 because there wasn’t anything in the input volume that caused the filter to activate (or more simply said, there wasn’t a curve in that region of the original image). Remember, this is just for one filter. This is just a filter that is going to detect lines that curve outward and to the right. We can have other filters for lines that curve to the left or for straight edges. The more filters, the greater the depth of the activation map, and the more information we have about the input volume.
The filter I described in this section was simplistic for the main purpose of describing the math that goes on during a convolution. In the picture below, you’ll see some examples of actual visualizations of the filters of the first conv layer of a trained network. Nonetheless, the main argument remains the same. The filters on the first layer convolve around the input image and “activate” (or compute high values) when the specific feature it is looking for is in the input volume.

(Quick Note: The above image came from Stanford's CS 231N course
taught by Andrej Karpathy and Justin Johnson. Recommend for anyone looking for a deeper understanding of CNNs.)
Going Deeper Through the Network
Now in a traditional convolutional neural network architecture, there are other layers that are interspersed between these conv layers. I’d strongly encourage those interested to read up on them and understand their function and effects, but in a general sense, they provide nonlinearities and preservation of dimension that help to improve the robustness of the network and control overfitting. A classic CNN architecture would look like this.
The last layer, however, is an important one and one that we will go into later on. Let’s just take a step back and review what we’ve learned so far. We talked about what the filters in the first conv layer are designed to detect. They detect low level features such as edges and curves. As one would imagine, in order to predict whether an image is a type of object, we need the network to be able to recognize higher level features such as hands or paws or ears. So let’s think about what the output of the network is after the first conv layer. It would be a 28 x 28 x 3 volume (assuming we use three 5 x 5 x 3 filters). When we go through another conv layer, the output of the first conv layer becomes the input of the 2nd
conv layer. Now, this is a little bit harder to visualize. When we were talking about the first layer, the input was just the original image. However, when we’re talking about the 2nd
conv layer, the input is the activation map(s) that result from the first layer. So each layer of the input is basically describing the locations in the original image for where certain low level features appear. Now when you apply a set of filters on top of that (pass it through the 2nd
conv layer), the output will be activations that represent higher level features. Types of these features could be semicircles (combination of a curve and straight edge) or squares (combination of several straight edges). As you go through the network and go through more conv layers, you get activation maps that represent more and more complex features. By the end of the network, you may have some filters that activate when there is handwriting in the image, filters that activate when they see pink objects, etc. If you want more information about visualizing filters in ConvNets, Matt Zeiler and Rob Fergus had an excellent research paper
discussing the topic. Jason Yosinski also has a video
on YouTube that provides a great visual representation. Another interesting thing to note is that as you go deeper into the network, the filters begin to have a larger and larger receptive field, which means that they are able to consider information from a larger area of the original input volume (another way of putting it is that they are more responsive to a larger region of pixel space).
Fully Connected Layer
Now that we can detect these high level features, the icing on the cake is attaching afully connected layer
to the end of the network. This layer basically takes an input volume (whatever the output is of the conv or ReLU or pool layer preceding it) and outputs an N dimensional vector where N is the number of classes that the program has to choose from. For example, if you wanted a digit classification program, N would be 10 since there are 10 digits. Each number in this N dimensional vector represents the probability of a certain class. For example, if the resulting vector for a digit classification program is [0 .1 .1 .75 0 0 0 0 0 .05], then this represents a 10% probability that the image is a 1, a 10% probability that the image is a 2, a 75% probability that the image is a 3, and a 5% probability that the image is a 9 (Side note: There are other ways that you can represent the output, but I am just showing the softmax approach). The way this fully connected layer works is that it looks at the output of the previous layer (which as we remember should represent the activation maps of high level features) and determines which features most correlate to a particular class. For example, if the program is predicting that some image is a dog, it will have high values in the activation maps that represent high level features like a paw or 4 legs, etc. Similarly, if the program is predicting that some image is a bird, it will have high values in the activation maps that represent high level features like wings or a beak, etc. Basically, a FC layer looks at what high level features most strongly correlate to a particular class and has particular weights so that when you compute the products between the weights and the previous layer, you get the correct probabilities for the different classes.

Training (AKA:What Makes this Stuff Work)
Now, this is the one aspect of neural networks that I purposely haven’t mentioned yet and it is probably the most important part. There may be a lot of questions you had while reading. How do the filters in the first conv layer know to look for edges and curves? How does the fully connected layer know what activation maps to look at? How do the filters in each layer know what values to have? The way the computer is able to adjust its filter values (or weights) is through a training process calledbackpropagation
Before we get into backpropagation, we must first take a step back and talk about what a neural network needs in order to work. At the moment we all were born, our minds were fresh. We didn’t know what a cat or dog or bird was. In a similar sort of way, before the CNN starts, the weights or filter values are randomized. The filters don’t know to look for edges and curves. The filters in the higher layers don’t know to look for paws and beaks. As we grew older however, our parents and teachers showed us different pictures and images and gave us a corresponding label. This idea of being given an image and a label is the training process that CNNs go through. Before getting too into it, let’s just say that we have a training set that has thousands of images of dogs, cats, and birds and each of the images has a label of what animal that picture is. Back to backprop.
So backpropagation can be separated into 4 distinct sections, the forward pass, the loss function, the backward pass, and the weight update. During theforward pass
, you take a training image which as we remember is a 32 x 32 x 3 array of numbers and pass it through the whole network. On our first training example, since all of the weights or filter values were randomly initialized, the output will probably be something like [.1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1], basically an output that doesn’t give preference to any number in particular. The network, with its current weights, isn’t able to look for those low level features or thus isn’t able to make any reasonable conclusion about what the classification might be. This goes to theloss function
part of backpropagation. Remember that what we are using right now is training data. This data has both an image and a label. Let’s say for example that the first training image inputted was a 3. The label for the image would be [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]. A loss function can be defined in many different ways but a common one is MSE (mean squared error), which is ½ times (actual - predicted) squared.

Let’s say the variable L is equal to that value. As you can imagine, the loss will be extremely high for the first couple of training images. Now, let’s just think about this intuitively. We want to get to a point where the predicted label (output of the ConvNet) is the same as the training label (This means that our network got its prediction right).In order to get there, we want to minimize the amount of loss we have. Visualizing this as just an optimization problem in calculus, we want to find out which inputs (weights in our case) most directly contributed to the loss (or error) of the network.

This is the mathematical equivalent of adL/dW
where W are the weights at a particular layer. Now, what we want to do is perform abackward pass
through the network, which is determining which weights contributed most to the loss and finding ways to adjust them so that the loss decreases. Once we compute this derivative, we then go to the last step which is theweight update
. This is where we take all the weights of the filters and update them so that they change in the direction of the gradient.

Thelearning rate
is a parameter that is chosen by the programmer. A high learning rate means that bigger steps are taken in the weight updates and thus, it may take less time for the model to converge on an optimal set of weights. However, a learning rate that is too high could result in jumps that are too large and not precise enough to reach the optimal point.

The process of forward pass, loss function, backward pass, and parameter update is generally called oneepoch
. The program will repeat this process for a fixed number of epochs for each training image. Once you finish the parameter update on the last training example, hopefully the network should be trained well enough so that the weights of the layers are tuned correctly.
Finally, to see whether or not our CNN works, we have a different set of images and labels (can’t double dip between training and test!) and pass the images through the CNN. We compare the outputs to the ground truth and see if our network works!
How Companies Use CNNs
Data, data, data. The companies that have lots of this magic 4 letter word are the ones that have an inherent advantage over the rest of the competition. The more training data that you can give to a network, the more training iterations you can make, the more weight updates you can make, and the better tuned to the network is when it goes to production. Facebook (and Instagram) can use all the photos of the billion users it currently has, Pinterest can use information of the 50 billion pins that are on its site, Google can use search data, and Amazon can use data from the millions of products that are bought every day. And now you know the magic behind how they use it.Disclaimer
While this post should be a good start to understanding CNNs, it is by no means a comprehensive overview. Things not discussed in this post include the nonlinear and pooling layers as well as hyperparameters of the network such as filter sizes, stride, and padding. Topics like network architecture, batch normalization, vanishing gradients, dropout, initialization techniques, non-convex optimization,biases, choices of loss functions, data augmentation,regularization methods, computational considerations, modifications of backpropagation, and more were also not discussed (yet *
A Beginner's Guide To Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks Part 2 – Adit Deshpande – CS Undergrad at UCLA ('19)

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In this post, we’ll go into a lot more of the specifics of ConvNets.Disclaimer:
Now, I do realize that some of these topics are quite complex and could be made in whole posts by themselves. In an effort to remain concise yet retain comprehensiveness, I will provide links to research papers where the topic is explained in more detail.
Stride and Padding
Alright, let’s look back at our good old conv layers. Remember the filters, the receptive fields, the convolving? Good. Now, there are 2 main parameters that we can change to modify the behavior of each layer. After we choose the filter size, we also have to choose thestride
and thepadding.
Stride controls how the filter convolves around the input volume. In the example we had in part 1, the filter convolves around the input volume by shifting one unit at a time. The amount by which the filter shifts is the stride. In that case, the stride was implicitly set at 1. Stride is normally set in a way so that the output volume is an integer and not a fraction. Let’s look at an example. Let’s imagine a 7 x 7 input volume, a 3 x 3 filter (Disregard the 3rd
dimension for simplicity), and a stride of 1. This is the case that we’re accustomed to.


Same old, same old, right? See if you can try to guess what will happen to the output volume as the stride increases to 2.

So, as you can see, the receptive field is shifting by 2 units now and the output volume shrinks as well. Notice that if we tried to set our stride to 3, then we’d have issues with spacing and making sure the receptive fields fit on the input volume. Normally, programmers will increase the stride if they want receptive fields to overlap less and if they want smaller spatial dimensions.
Now, let’s take a look at padding. Before getting into that, let’s think about a scenario. What happens when you apply three 5 x 5 x 3 filters to a 32 x 32 x 3 input volume? The output volume would be 28 x 28 x 3. Notice that the spatial dimensions decrease. As we keep applying conv layers, the size of the volume will decrease faster than we would like. In the early layers of our network, we want to preserve as much information about the original input volume so that we can extract those low level features. Let’s say we want to apply the same conv layer but we want the output volume to remain 32 x 32 x 3. To do this, we can apply a zero padding of size 2 to that layer. Zero padding pads the input volume with zeros around the border. If we think about a zero padding of two, then this would result in a 36 x 36 x 3 input volume.
If you have a stride of 1 and if you set the size of zero padding to
where K is the filter size, then the input and output volume will always have the same spatial dimensions.
The formula for calculating the output size for any given conv layer is
where O is the output height/length, W is the input height/length, K is the filter size, P is the padding, and S is the stride.
Choosing Hyperparameters
How do we know how many layers to use, how many conv layers, what are the filter sizes, or the values for stride and padding? These are not trivial questions and there isn’t a set standard that is used by all researchers. This is because the network will largely depend on the type of data that you have. Data can vary by size, complexity of the image, type of image processing task, and more. When looking at your dataset, one way to think about how to choose the hyperparameters is to find the right combination that creates abstractions of the image at a proper scale.

ReLU (Rectified Linear Units) Layers
After each conv layer, it is convention to apply a nonlinear layer (oractivation layer
) immediately afterward.The purpose of this layer is to introduce nonlinearity to a system that basically has just been computing linear operations during the conv layers (just element wise multiplications and summations).In the past, nonlinear functions like tanh and sigmoid were used, but researchers found out thatReLU layers
work far better because the network is able to train a lot faster (because of the computational efficiency) without making a significant difference to the accuracy. It also helps to alleviate the vanishing gradient problem, which is the issue where the lower layers of the network train very slowly because the gradient decreases exponentially through the layers (Explaining this might be out of the scope of this post, but see here
and here
for good descriptions). The ReLU layer applies the function f(x) = max(0, x) to all of the values in the input volume. In basic terms, this layer just changes all the negative activations to 0.This layer increases the nonlinear properties of the model and the overall network without affecting the receptive fields of the conv layer.
by the great Geoffrey Hinton (aka the father of deep learning).
Pooling Layers
After some ReLU layers, programmers may choose to apply apooling layer
. It is also referred to as a downsampling layer. In this category, there are also several layer options, with maxpooling being the most popular. This basically takes a filter (normally of size 2x2) and a stride of the same length. It then applies it to the input volume and outputs the maximum number in every subregion that the filter convolves around.

Other options for pooling layers are average pooling and L2-norm pooling. The intuitive reasoning behind this layer is that once we know that a specific feature is in the original input volume (there will be a high activation value), its exact location is not as important as its relative location to the other features. As you can imagine, this layer drastically reduces the spatial dimension (the length and the width change but not the depth) of the input volume. This serves two main purposes. The first is that the amount of parameters or weights is reduced by 75%, thus lessening the computation cost. The second is that it will controloverfitting
. This term refers to when a model is so tuned to the training examples that it is not able to generalize well for the validation and test sets. A symptom of overfitting is having a model that gets 100% or 99% on the training set, but only 50% on the test data.
Dropout Layers
Now,dropout layers
have a very specific function in neural networks. In the last section, we discussed the problem of overfitting, where after training, the weights of the network are so tuned to the training examples they are given that the network doesn’t perform well when given new examples. The idea of dropout is simplistic in nature. This layer “drops out” a random set of activations in that layer by setting them to zero in the forward pass. Simple as that. Now, what are the benefits of such a simple and seemingly unnecessary and counterintuitive process? Well, in a way, it forces the network to be redundant. By that I mean the network should be able to provide the right classification or output for a specific example even if some of the activations are dropped out. It makes sure that the network isn’t getting too “fitted” to the training data and thus helps alleviate the overfitting problem. An important note is that this layer is only used during training, and not during test time.
by Geoffrey Hinton.
Network in Network Layers
Anetwork in network
layer refers to a conv layer where a 1 x 1 size filter is used. Now, at first look, you might wonder why this type of layer would even be helpful since receptive fields are normally larger than the space they map to. However, we must remember that these 1x1 convolutions span a certain depth, so we can think of it as a 1 x 1 x N convolution where N is the number of filters applied in the layer. Effectively, this layer is performing a N-D element-wise multiplication where N is the depth of the input volume into the layer.
by Min Lin.
Classification, Localization, Detection, Segmentation
In the example we used in Part 1 of this series, we looked at the task ofimage classification
. This is the process of taking an input image and outputting a class number out of a set of categories. However, when we take a task likeobject localization
, our job is not only to produce a class label but also a bounding box that describes where the object is in the picture.
We also have the task ofobject detection
, where localization needs to be done on all of the objects in the image. Therefore, you will have multiple bounding boxes and multiple class labels.
Finally, we also haveobject segmentation
where the task is to output a class label as well as an outline of every object in the input image.

More detail on how these are implemented to come in Part 3, but for those who can’t wait…
Detection/ Localization: RCNN
, Fast RCNN
, Faster RCNN
, MultiBox
, Bayesian Optimization
, Multi-region
, RCNN Minus R
, Image Windows
Segmentation: Semantic Seg
, Unconstrained Video
, Shape Guided
, Object Regions
, Shape Sharing
Yeah, there’s a lot more.
Transfer Learning
Now, a common misconception in the DL community is that without a Google-esque amount of data, you can’t possibly hope to create effective deep learning models. While data is a critical part of creating the network, the idea of transfer learning has helped to lessen the data demands.Transfer learning
is the process of taking a pre-trained model (the weights and parameters of a network that has been trained on a large dataset by somebody else) and “fine-tuning” the model with your own dataset. The idea is that this pre-trained model will act as a feature extractor. You will remove the last layer of the network and replace it with your own classifier (depending on what your problem space is). You then freeze the weights of all the other layers and train the network normally (Freezing the layers means not changing the weights during gradient descent/optimization).
Let’s investigate why this works. Let’s say the pre-trained model that we’re talking about was trained on ImageNet (For those that aren’t familiar, ImageNet is a dataset that contains 14 million images with over 1,000 classes). When we think about the lower layers of the network, we know that they will detect features like edges and curves. Now, unless you have a very unique problem space and dataset, your network is going to need to detect curves and edges as well. Rather than training the whole network through a random initialization of weights, we can use the weights of the pre-trained model (and freeze them) and focus on the more important layers (ones that are higher up) for training. If your dataset is quite different than something like ImageNet, then you’d want to train more of your layers and freeze only a couple of the low layers.
by Yoshua Bengio (another deep learning pioneer).Paper
by Ali Sharif Razavian.Paper
by Jeff Donahue.
Data Augmentation Techniques
By now, we’re all probably numb to the importance of data in ConvNets, so let’s talk about ways that you can make your existing dataset even larger, just with a couple easy transformations. Like we’ve mentioned before, when a computer takes an image as an input, it will take in an array of pixel values. Let’s say that the whole image is shifted left by 1 pixel. To you and me, this change is imperceptible. However, to a computer, this shift can be fairly significant as the classification or label of the image doesn’t change, while the array does. Approaches that alter the training data in ways that change the array representation while keeping the label the same are known asdata augmentation
techniques. They are a way to artificially expand your dataset. Some popular augmentations people use are grayscales, horizontal flips, vertical flips, random crops, color jitters, translations, rotations, and much more. By applying just a couple of these transformations to your training data, you can easily double or triple the number of training examples.
The 9 Deep Learning Papers You Need To Know About (Understanding CNNs Part 3) – Adit Deshpande – CS Undergrad at UCLA ('19)

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In this post, we’ll go into summarizing a lot of the new and important developments in the field of computer vision and convolutional neural networks. We’ll look at some of the most important papers that have been published over the last 5 years and discuss why they’re so important. The first half of the list (AlexNet to ResNet) deals with advancements in general network architecture, while the second half is just a collection of interesting papers in other subareas.
[AlexNet (2012)
The one that started it all (Though some may say that Yann LeCun’s [paper
in 1998 was the real pioneering publication). This paper, titled “ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Networks”, has been cited a total of 6,184 times and is widely regarded as one of the most influential publications in the field. Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Geoffrey Hinton created a “large, deep convolutional neural network” that was used to win the 2012 ILSVRC (ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge). For those that aren’t familiar, this competition can be thought of as the annual Olympics of computer vision, where teams from across the world compete to see who has the best computer vision model for tasks such as classification, localization, detection, and more. 2012 marked the first year where a CNN was used to achieve a top 5 test error rate of 15.4% (Top 5 error is the rate at which, given an image, the model does not output the correct label with its top 5 predictions). The next best entry achieved an error of 26.2%, which was an astounding improvement that pretty much shocked the computer vision community. Safe to say, CNNs became household names in the competition from then on out.
In the paper, the group discussed the architecture of the network (which was called AlexNet). They used a relatively simple layout, compared to modern architectures. The network was made up of 5 conv layers, max-pooling layers, dropout layers, and 3 fully connected layers. The network they designed was used for classification with 1000 possible categories.
![]( https://adeshpande3.github.io/assets/AlexNet.png)Main Points
Trained the network on ImageNet data, which contained over 15 million annotated images from a total of over 22,000 categories.
Used ReLU for the nonlinearity functions (Found to decrease training time as ReLUs are several times faster than the conventional tanh function).
Used data augmentation techniques that consisted of image translations, horizontal reflections, and patch extractions.
Implemented dropout layers in order to combat the problem of overfitting to the training data.
Trained the model using batch stochastic gradient descent, with specific values for momentum and weight decay.
Trained on two GTX 580 GPUs forfive to six days
Why It’s Important
The neural network developed by Krizhevsky, Sutskever, and Hinton in 2012 was the coming out party for CNNs in the computer vision community. This was the first time a model performed so well on a historically difficult ImageNet dataset. Utilizing techniques that are still used today, such as data augmentation and dropout, this paper really illustrated the benefits of CNNs and backed them up with record breaking performance in the competition.[ZF Net(2013)
With AlexNet stealing the show in 2012, there was a large increase in the number of CNN models submitted to ILSVRC 2013. The winner of the competition that year was a network built by Matthew Zeiler and Rob Fergus from NYU. Named ZF Net, this model achieved an 11.2% error rate. This architecture was more of a fine tuning to the previous AlexNet structure, but still developed some very keys ideas about improving performance. Another reason this was such a great paper is that the authors spent a good amount of time explaining a lot of the intuition behind ConvNets and showing how to visualize the filters and weights correctly.
In this paper titled “Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks”, Zeiler and Fergus begin by discussing the idea that this renewed interest in CNNs is due to the accessibility of large training sets and increased computational power with the usage of GPUs. They also talk about the limited knowledge that researchers had on inner mechanisms of these models, saying that without this insight, the “development of better models is reduced to trial and error”. While we do currently have a better understanding than 3 years ago, this still remains an issue for a lot of researchers! The main contributions of this paper are details of a slightly modified AlexNet model and a very interesting way of visualizing feature maps.
![]( https://adeshpande3.github.io/assets/zfnet.png)Main Points
Very similar architecture to AlexNet, except for a few minor modifications.
AlexNet trained on 15 million images, while ZF Net trained on only 1.3 million images.
Instead of using 11x11 sized filters in the first layer (which is what AlexNet implemented), ZF Net used filters of size 7x7 and a decreased stride value. The reasoning behind this modification is that a smaller filter size in the first conv layer helps retain a lot of original pixel information in the input volume. A filtering of size 11x11 proved to be skipping a lot of relevant information, especially as this is the first conv layer.
As the network grows, we also see a rise in the number of filters used.
Used ReLUs for their activation functions, cross-entropy loss for the error function, and trained using batch stochastic gradient descent.
Trained on a GTX 580 GPU fortwelve days.
Developed a visualization technique named Deconvolutional Network, which helps to examine different feature activations and their relation to the input space. Called “deconvnet” because it maps features to pixels (the opposite of what a convolutional layer does).
The basic idea behind how this works is that at every layer of the trained CNN, you attach a “deconvnet” which has a path back to the image pixels. An input image is fed into the CNN and activations are computed at each level. This is the forward pass. Now, let’s say we want to examine the activations of a certain feature in the 4th
conv layer. We would store the activations of this one feature map, but set all of the other activations in the layer to 0, and then pass this feature map as the input into the deconvnet. This deconvnet has the same filters as the original CNN. This input then goes through a series of unpool (reverse maxpooling), rectify, and filter operations for each preceding layer until the input space is reached.
The reasoning behind this whole process is that we want to examine what type of structures excite a given feature map. Let’s look at the visualizations of the first and second layers.
![]( https://adeshpande3.github.io/assets/deconvnet.png)Like we discussed in [Part 1
, the first layer of your ConvNet is always a low level feature detector that will detect simple edges or colors in this particular case. We can see that with the second layer, we have more circular features that are being detected. Let’s look at layers 3, 4, and 5.
![]( https://adeshpande3.github.io/assets/deconvnet2.png)These layers show a lot more of the higher level features such as dogs’ faces or flowers. One thing to note is that as you may remember, after the first conv layer, we normally have a pooling layer that downsamples the image (for example, turns a 32x32x3 volume into a 16x16x3 volume). The effect this has is that the 2nd
layer has a broader scope of what it can see in the original image. For more info on deconvnet or the paper in general, check out Zeiler himself [presenting
on the topic.
Why It’s Important
ZF Net was not only the winner of the competition in 2013, but also provided great intuition as to the workings on CNNs and illustrated more ways to improve performance. The visualization approach described helps not only to explain the inner workings of CNNs, but also provides insight for improvements to network architectures. The fascinating deconv visualization approach and occlusion experiments make this one of my personal favorite papers.[VGG Net(2014)
Simplicity and depth. That’s what a model created in 2014 (weren’t the winners of ILSVRC 2014) best utilized with its 7.3% error rate. Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zisserman of the University of Oxford created a 19 layer CNN that strictly used 3x3 filters with stride and pad of 1, along with 2x2 maxpooling layers with stride 2. Simple enough right?
! Main Points
The use of only 3x3 sized filters is quite different from AlexNet’s 11x11 filters in the first layer and ZF Net’s 7x7 filters. The authors’ reasoning is that the combination of two 3x3 conv layers has an effective receptive field of 5x5. This in turn simulates a larger filter while keeping the benefits of smaller filter sizes. One of the benefits is a decrease in the number of parameters. Also, with two conv layers, we’re able to use two ReLU layers instead of one.
3 conv layers back to back have an effective receptive field of 7x7.
As the spatial size of the input volumes at each layer decrease (result of the conv and pool layers), the depth of the volumes increase due to the increased number of filters as you go down the network.
Interesting to notice that the number of filters doubles after each maxpool layer. This reinforces the idea of shrinking spatial dimensions, but growing depth.
Worked well on both image classification and localization tasks. The authors used a form of localization as regression (see page 10 of the [paper
for all details).
Built model with the Caffe toolbox.
Used scale jittering as one data augmentation technique during training.
Used ReLU layers after each conv layer and trained with batch gradient descent.
Trained on 4 Nvidia Titan Black GPUs fortwo to three weeks
Why It’s Important
VGG Net is one of the most influential papers in my mind because it reinforced the notion thatconvolutional neural networks have to have a deep network of layers in order for this hierarchical representation of visual data to work
. Keep it deep. Keep it simple.[GoogLeNet(2015)
You know that idea of simplicity in network architecture that we just talked about? Well, Google kind of threw that out the window with the introduction of the Inception module. GoogLeNet is a 22 layer CNN and was the winner of ILSVRC 2014 with a top 5 error rate of 6.7%. To my knowledge, this was one of the first CNN architectures that really strayed from the general approach of simply stacking conv and pooling layers on top of each other in a sequential structure. The authors of the paper also emphasized that this new model places notable consideration on memory and power usage (Important note that I sometimes forget too: Stacking all of these layers and adding huge numbers of filters has a computational and memory cost, as well as an increased chance of overfitting).
![]( https://adeshpande3.github.io/assets/GoogleNet.gif)
![]( https://adeshpande3.github.io/assets/GoogLeNet.png)Inception Module
When we first take a look at the structure of GoogLeNet, we notice immediately that not everything is happening sequentially, as seen in previous architectures. We have pieces of the network that are happening in parallel.
![]( https://adeshpande3.github.io/assets/GoogLeNet2.png)This box is called an Inception module. Let’s take a closer look at what it’s made of.
! The bottom green box is our input and the top one is the output of the model (Turning this picture right 90 degrees would let you visualize the model in relation to the last picture which shows the full network). Basically, at each layer of a traditional ConvNet, you have to make a choice of whether to have a pooling operation or a conv operation (there is also the choice of filter size). What an Inception module allows you to do is perform all of these operations in parallel. In fact, this was exactly the “naïve” idea that the authors came up with.
Now, why doesn’t this work? It would lead toway
too many outputs. We would end up with an extremely large depth channel for the output volume. The way that the authors address this is by adding 1x1 conv operations before the 3x3 and 5x5 layers. The 1x1 convolutions (or network in network layer) provide a method of dimensionality reduction. For example, let’s say you had an input volume of 100x100x60 (This isn’t necessarily the dimensions of the image, just the input to any layer of the network). Applying 20 filters of 1x1 convolution would allow you to reduce the volume to 100x100x20. This means that the 3x3 and 5x5 convolutions won’t have as large of a volume to deal with. This can be thought of as a “pooling of features” because we are reducing the depth of the volume, similar to how we reduce the dimensions of height and width with normal maxpooling layers. Another note is that these 1x1 conv layers are followed by ReLU units which definitely can’t hurt (See Aaditya Prakash’s [great post
for more info on the effectiveness of 1x1 convolutions). Check out this [video
for a great visualization of the filter concatenation at the end.
You may be asking yourself “How does this architecture help?”. Well, you have a module that consists of a network in network layer, a medium sized filter convolution, a large sized filter convolution, and a pooling operation. The network in network conv is able to extract information about the very fine grain details in the volume, while the 5x5 filter is able to cover a large receptive field of the input, and thus able to extract its information as well. You also have a pooling operation that helps to reduce spatial sizes and combat overfitting. On top of all of that, you have ReLUs after each conv layer, which help improve the nonlinearity of the network. Basically, the network is able to perform the functions of these different operations while still remaining computationally considerate. The paper does also give more of a high level reasoning that involves topics like sparsity and dense connections (read Sections 3 and 4 of the [paper
. Still not totally clear to me, but if anybody has any insights, I’d love to hear them in the comments!).
Main Points
Used 9 Inception modules in the whole architecture, with over 100 layers in total! Now that is deep…
No use of fully connected layers! They use an average pool instead, to go from a 7x7x1024 volume to a 1x1x1024 volume. This saves a huge number of parameters.
Uses 12x fewer parameters than AlexNet.
During testing, multiple crops of the same image were created, fed into the network, and the softmax probabilities were averaged to give us the final solution.
Utilized concepts from R-CNN (a paper we’ll discuss later) for their detection model.
There are updated versions to the Inception module (Versions 6 and 7).
Trained on “a few high-end GPUswithin a week.
Why It’s Important
GoogLeNet was one of the first models that introduced the idea that CNN layers didn’t always have to be stacked up sequentially. Coming up with the Inception module, the authors showed that a creative structuring of layers can lead to improved performance and computationally efficiency. This paper has really set the stage for some amazing architectures that we could see in the coming years.
![]( https://adeshpande3.github.io/assets/GoogLeNet5.png)[Microsoft ResNet
Imagine a deep CNN architecture. Take that, double the number of layers, add a couple more, and it still probably isn’t as deep as the ResNet architecture that Microsoft Research Asia came up with in late 2015. ResNet is a new 152 layer network architecture that set new records in classification, detection, and localization through one incredible architecture. Aside from the new record in terms of number of layers, ResNet won ILSVRC 2015 with an incredible error rate of 3.6% (Depending on their skill and expertise, humans generally hover around a 5-10% error rate. See Andrej Karpathy’s [great post
on his experiences with competing against ConvNets on the ImageNet challenge).

Residual Block
The idea behind a residual block is that you have your input x go through conv-relu-conv series. This will give you some F(x). That result is then added to the original input x. Let’s call that H(x) = F(x) + x. In traditional CNNs, your H(x) would just be equal to F(x) right? So, instead of just computing that transformation (straight from x to F(x)), we’re computing the term that you have toadd
, F(x), to your input, x. Basically, the mini module shown below is computing a “delta” or a slight change to the original input x to get a slightly altered representation (When we think of traditional CNNs, we go from x to F(x) which is a completely new representation that doesn’t keep any information about the original x). The authors believe that “it is easier to optimize the residual mapping than to optimize the original, unreferenced mapping”.
Another reason for why this residual block might be effective is that during the backward pass of backpropagation, the gradient will flow easily through the effective because we have addition operations, which distributes the gradient.
Main Points
“Ultra-deep” – Yann LeCun.
152 layers…
Interesting note that after only thefirst 2
layers, the spatial size gets compressed from an input volume of 224x224 to a 56x56 volume.
Authors claim that a naïve increase of layers in plain nets result in higher training and test error (Figure 1 in the [paper
The group tried a 1202-layer network, but got a lower test accuracy, presumably due to overfitting.
Trained on an 8 GPU machine fortwo to three weeks
Why It’s Important
3.6% error rate. That itself should be enough to convince you. The ResNet model is the best CNN architecture that we currently have and is a great innovation for the idea of residual learning. With error rates dropping every year since 2012, I’m skeptical about whether or not they will go down for ILSVRC 2016. I believe we’ve gotten to the point where stacking more layers on top of each other isn’t going to result in a substantial performance boost. There would definitely have to be creative new architectures like we’ve seen the last 2 years. On September 16th
, the results for this year’s competition will be released. Mark your calendar.
: ResNets inside of ResNets
. Yeah. I went there.
Region Based CNNs (

  • 2013,
    [Fast R-CNN

  • 2015,
    [Faster R-CNN

Some may argue that the advent of R-CNNs has been more impactful that any of the previous papers on new network architectures. With the first R-CNN paper being cited over 1600 times, Ross Girshick and his group at UC Berkeley created one of the most impactful advancements in computer vision. As evident by their titles, Fast R-CNN and Faster R-CNN worked to make the model faster and better suited for modern object detection tasks.
The purpose of R-CNNs is to solve the problem of object detection. Given a certain image, we want to be able to draw bounding boxes over all of the objects. The process can be split into two general components, the region proposal step and the classification step.
The authors note that any class agnostic region proposal method should fit. Selective Search
is used in particular for RCNN. Selective Search performs the function of generating 2000 different regions that have the highest probability of containing an object. After we’ve come up with a set of region proposals, these proposals are then “warped” into an image size that can be fed into a trained CNN (AlexNet in this case) that extracts a feature vector for each region. This vector is then used as the input to a set of linear SVMs that are trained for each class and output a classification. The vector also gets fed into a bounding box regressor to obtain the most accurate coordinates.


Non-maxima suppression is then used to suppress bounding boxes that have a significant overlap with each other.
Fast R-CNN

Improvements were made to the original model because of 3 main problems. Training took multiple stages (ConvNets to SVMs to bounding box regressors), was computationally expensive, and was extremely slow (RCNN took 53 seconds per image). Fast R-CNN was able to solve the problem of speed by basically sharing computation of the conv layers between different proposals and swapping the order of generating region proposals and running the CNN. In this model, the image isfirst
fed through a ConvNet, features of the region proposals are obtained from the last feature map of the ConvNet (check section 2.1 of the [paper
for more details), and lastly we have our fully connected layers as well as our regression and classification heads.


Faster R-CNN

Faster R-CNN works to combat the somewhat complex training pipeline that both R-CNN and Fast R-CNN exhibited. The authors insert a region proposal network (RPN) after the last convolutional layer. This network is able to just look at the last convolutional feature map and produce region proposals from that. From that stage, the same pipeline as R-CNN is used (ROI pooling, FC, and then classification and regression heads).


Why It’s Important

Being able to determine that a specific object is in an image is one thing, but being able to determine that object’s exact location is a huge jump in knowledge for the computer. Faster R-CNN has become the standard for object detection programs today.
[Generative Adversarial Networks


[According to Yann LeCun
, these networks could be the next big development. Before talking about this paper, let’s talk a little about adversarial examples. For example, let’s consider a trained CNN that works well on ImageNet data. Let’s take an example image and apply a perturbation, or a slight modification, so that the prediction error ismaximized
. Thus, the object category of the prediction changes, while the image itself looks the same when compared to the image without the perturbation. From the highest level, adversarial examples are basically the images that fool ConvNets.
!Adversarial examples ([paper
) definitely surprised a lot of researchers and quickly became a topic of interest. Now let’s talk about the generative adversarial networks. Let’s think of two models, a generative model and a discriminative model. The discriminative model has the task of determining whether a given image looks natural (an image from the dataset) or looks like it has been artificially created. The task of the generator is to create images so that the discriminator gets trained to produce the correct outputs. This can be thought of as a zero-sum or minimax two player game. The analogy used in the paper is that the generative model is like “a team of counterfeiters, trying to produce and use fake currency” while the discriminative model is like “the police, trying to detect the counterfeit currency”. The generator is trying to fool the discriminator while the discriminator is trying to not get fooled by the generator. As the models train, both methods are improved until a point where the “counterfeits are indistinguishable from the genuine articles”.
Why It’s Important

Sounds simple enough, but why do we care about these networks? As Yann LeCun stated in his Quora [post
, the discriminator now is aware of the “internal representation of the data” because it has been trained to understand the differences between real images from the dataset and artificially created ones. Thus, it can be used as a feature extractor that you can use in a CNN. Plus, you can just create really cool artificial images that look pretty natural to me ([link
[Generating Image Descriptions


What happens when you combine CNNs with RNNs (No, you don’t get R-CNNs, sorry *
)?But you do get one really amazing application. Written by Andrej Karpathy (one of my personal favorite authors) and Fei-Fei Li, this paper looks into a combination of CNNs and bidirectional RNNs (Recurrent Neural Networks) to generate natural language descriptions of different image regions. Basically, the model is able to take in an image, and output this:


That’s pretty incredible. Let’s look at how this compares to normal CNNs. With traditional CNNs, there is a single clear label associated with each image in the training data. The model described in the paper has training examples that have a sentence (or caption) associated with each image. This type of label is called a weak label, where segments of the sentence refer to (unknown) parts of the image. Using this training data, a deep neural network “infers the latent alignment between segments of the sentences and the region that they describe” (quote from the paper). Another neural net takes in the image as input and generates a description in text. Let’s take a separate look at the two components, alignment and generation.
Alignment Model

The goal of this part of the model is to be able to align the visual and textual data (the image and its sentence description). The model works by accepting an image and a sentence as input, where the output is a score for how well they match (Now, Karpathy refers a different [paper
which goes into the specifics of how this works. This model is trained on compatible and incompatible image-sentence pairs).
Now let’s think about representing the images. The first step is feeding the image into an R-CNN in order to detect the individual objects. This R-CNN was trained on ImageNet data. The top 19 (plus the original image) object regions are embedded to a 500 dimensional space. Now we have 20 different 500 dimensional vectors (represented by v in the paper) for each image. We have information about the image. Now, we want information about the sentence. We’re going to embed words into this same multimodal space. This is done by using a bidirectional recurrent neural network. From the highest level, this serves to illustrate information about the context of words in a given sentence. Since this information about the picture and the sentence are both in the same space, we can compute inner products to show a measure of similarity.
Generation Model
The alignment model has the main purpose of creating a dataset where you have a set of image regions (found by the RCNN) and corresponding text (thanks to the BRNN). Now, the generation model is going to learn from that dataset in order to generate descriptions given an image. The model takes in an image and feeds it through a CNN. The softmax layer is disregarded as the outputs of the fully connected layer become the inputs to another RNN. For those that aren’t as familiar with RNNs, their function is to basically form probability distributions on the different words in a sentence (RNNs also need to be trained just like CNNs do).
This was definitely one of the more dense papers in this section, so if anyone has any corrections or other explanations, I’d love to hear them in the comments!
!Why It’s Important
The interesting idea for me was that of using these seemingly different RNN and CNN models to create a very useful application that in a way combines the fields of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. It opens the door for new ideas in terms of how to make computers and models smarter when dealing with tasks that cross different fields.
[Spatial Transformer Networks(2015)
Last, but not least, let’s get into one of the more recent papers in the field. This paper was written by a group at Google Deepmind a little over a year ago. The main contribution is the introduction of a Spatial Transformer module. The basic idea is that this module transforms the input image in a way so that the subsequent layers have an easier time making a classification. Instead of making changes to the main CNN architecture itself, the authors worry about making changes to the imagebefore
it is fed into the specific conv layer. The 2 things that this module hopes to correct are pose normalization (scenarios where the object is tilted or scaled) and spatial attention (bringing attention to the correct object in a crowded image). For traditional CNNs, if you wanted to make your model invariant to images with different scales and rotations, you’d need a lot of training examples for the model to learn properly. Let’s get into the specifics of how this transformer module helps combat that problem.
The entity in traditional CNN models that dealt with spatial invariance was the maxpooling layer. The intuitive reasoning behind this later was that once we know that a specific feature is in the original input volume (wherever there are high activation values), it’s exact location is not as important as its relative location to other features. This new spatial transformer is dynamic in a way that it will produce different behavior (different distortions/transformations) for each input image. It’s not just as simple and pre-defined as a traditional maxpool. Let’s take look at how this transformer module works. The module consists of:
A localization network which takes in the input volume and outputs parameters of the spatial transformation that should be applied. The parameters, or theta, can be 6 dimensional for an affine transformation.
The creation of a sampling grid that is the result of warping the regular grid with the affine transformation (theta) created in the localization network.
A sampler whose purpose is to perform a warping of the input feature map.


This module can be dropped into a CNN at any point and basically helps the network learn how to transform feature maps in a way that minimizes the cost function during training.


Why It’s Important

This paper caught my eye for the main reason that improvements in CNNs don’t necessarily have to come from drastic changes in network architecture. We don’t need to create the next ResNet or Inception module. This paper implements the simple idea of making affine transformations to the input image in order to help models become more invariant to translation, scale, and rotation. For those interested, here is a [video
from Deepmind that has a great animation of the results of placing a Spatial Transformer module in a CNN and a good Quora [discussion

And that ends our 3 part series on ConvNets! Hope everyone was able to follow along, and if you feel that I may have left something important out,let me know in the comments
! If you want more info on some of these concepts, I once again highly recommend Stanford CS 231n lecture videos which can be found with a simple YouTube search.





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