








   1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
   2 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
   3 <!--
   4  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   5  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
   6  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   7  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
   8  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   9  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  13  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  14  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  15  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  16  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  17  limitations under the License.
  18 -->
  19 <!-- Do not modify this file directly.  Instead, copy entries that you -->
  20 <!-- wish to modify from this file into nutch-site.xml and change them -->
  21 <!-- there.  If nutch-site.xml does not already exist, create it.      -->
  23 <configuration>
  25 <!-- general properties  -->
  27 <property>
  28   <name>store.ip.address</name>
  29   <value>false</value>
  30   <description>Enables us to capture the specific IP address 
  31   (InetSocketAddress) of the host which we connect to via 
  32   the given protocol. Currently supported is protocol-ftp and
  33   http.
  34   </description>
  35 </property>
  37 <!-- file properties -->
  39 <property>
  40   <name>file.content.limit</name>
  41   <value>65536</value>
  42   <description>The length limit for downloaded content using the file://
  43   protocol, in bytes. If this value is nonnegative (>=0), content longer
  44   than it will be truncated; otherwise, no truncation at all. Do not
  45   confuse this setting with the http.content.limit setting.
  46   默认情况下,nutch只抓取网页的前65536个字节,之后的内容将被丢弃
  47   但对于某些大型网站,首页的内容远远不止65536个字节,
  48   甚至前面65536个字节里面均是一些布局信息,并没有任何的超链接,
  49   所以可以把这个值设置的很大,或者直接设置为-1,表示不进行限制。
  50   </description>
  51 </property>
  53 <property>
  54   <name>file.crawl.parent</name>
  55   <value>true</value>
  56   <description>The crawler is not restricted to the directories that you specified in the
  57     Urls file but it is jumping into the parent directories as well. For your own crawlings you can
  58     change this bahavior (set to false) the way that only directories beneath the directories that you specify get
  59     crawled.</description>
  60 </property>
  62 <property>
  63   <name>file.crawl.redirect_noncanonical</name>
  64   <value>true</value>
  65   <description>
  66     If true, protocol-file treats non-canonical file names as
  67     redirects and does not canonicalize file names internally. A file
  68     name containing symbolic links as path elements is then not
  69     resolved and &quot;fetched&quot; but recorded as redirect with the
  70     canonical name (all links on path are resolved) as redirect
  71     target.
  72   </description>
  73 </property>
  75 <property>
  76   <name>file.content.ignored</name>
  77   <value>true</value>
  78   <description>If true, no file content will be saved during fetch.
  79   And it is probably what we want to set most of time, since file:// URLs
  80   are meant to be local and we can always use them directly at parsing
  81   and indexing stages. Otherwise file contents will be saved.
  83   </description>
  84 </property>
  86 <!-- HTTP properties -->
  88 <property>
  89   <name></name>
  90   <value></value>
  91   <description>HTTP 'User-Agent' request header. MUST NOT be empty - 
  92   please set this to a single word uniquely related to your organization.
  94   NOTE: You should also check other related properties:
  96     http.robots.agents
  97     http.agent.description
  98     http.agent.url
 100     http.agent.version
 102   and set their values appropriately.
 104   </description>
 105 </property>
 107 <property>
 108   <name>http.robots.agents</name>
 109   <value></value>
 110   <description>Any other agents, apart from '', that the robots
 111   parser would look for in robots.txt. Multiple agents can be provided using 
 112   comma as a delimiter. eg. mybot,foo-spider,bar-crawler
 114   The ordering of agents does NOT matter and the robots parser would make 
 115   decision based on the agent which matches first to the robots rules.  
 116   Also, there is NO need to add a wildcard (ie. "*") to this string as the 
 117   robots parser would smartly take care of a no-match situation. 
 119   If no value is specified, by default HTTP agent (ie. '') 
 120   would be used for user agent matching by the robots parser. 
 121   </description>
 122 </property>
 124 <property>
 125    <name>http.robot.rules.whitelist</name>      
 126    <value></value>      
 127    <description>Comma separated list of hostnames or IP addresses to ignore      
 128    robot rules parsing for. Use with care and only if you are explicitly      
 129    allowed by the site owner to ignore the site's robots.txt!      
 130    </description>      
 131 </property>      
 133 <property>
 134   <name>http.robots.403.allow</name>
 135   <value>true</value>
 136   <description>Some servers return HTTP status 403 (Forbidden) if
 137   /robots.txt doesn't exist. This should probably mean that we are
 138   allowed to crawl the site nonetheless. If this is set to false,
 139   then such sites will be treated as forbidden.</description>
 140 </property>
 142 <property>
 143   <name>http.agent.description</name>
 144   <value></value>
 145   <description>Further description of our bot- this text is used in
 146   the User-Agent header.  It appears in parenthesis after the agent name.
 147   </description>
 148 </property>
 150 <property>
 151   <name>http.agent.url</name>
 152   <value></value>
 153   <description>A URL to advertise in the User-Agent header.  This will 
 154    appear in parenthesis after the agent name. Custom dictates that this
 155    should be a URL of a page explaining the purpose and behavior of this
 156    crawler.
 157   </description>
 158 </property>
 160 <property>
 161   <name></name>
 162   <value></value>
 163   <description>An email address to advertise in the HTTP 'From' request
 164    header and User-Agent header. A good practice is to mangle this
 165    address (e.g. 'info at example dot com') to avoid spamming.
 166   </description>
 167 </property>
 169 <property>
 170   <name>http.agent.version</name>
 171   <value>Nutch-1.10</value>
 172   <description>A version string to advertise in the User-Agent 
 173    header.</description>
 174 </property>
 176 <property>
 177   <name>http.agent.rotate</name>
 178   <value>false</value>
 179   <description>
 180     If true, instead of, alternating agent names are
 181     chosen from a list provided via http.agent.rotate.file.
 182   </description>
 183 </property>
 185 <property>
 186   <name>http.agent.rotate.file</name>
 187   <value>agents.txt</value>
 188   <description>
 189     File containing alternative user agent names to be used instead of
 190 on a rotating basis if http.agent.rotate is true.
 191     Each line of the file should contain exactly one agent
 192     specification including name, version, description, URL, etc.
 193   </description>
 194 </property>
 196 <property>
 197   <name></name>
 198   <value></value>
 199   <description>Name or IP address of the host on which the Nutch crawler
 200   would be running. Currently this is used by 'protocol-httpclient'
 201   plugin.
 202   </description>
 203 </property>
 205 <property>
 206   <name>http.timeout</name>
 207   <value>10000</value>
 208   <description>The default network timeout, in milliseconds.</description>
 209 </property>
 211 <property>
 212   <name>http.max.delays</name>
 213   <value>100</value>
 214   <description>The number of times a thread will delay when trying to
 215   fetch a page.  Each time it finds that a host is busy, it will wait
 216   fetcher.server.delay.  After http.max.delays attepts, it will give
 217   up on the page for now.
 218   爬虫的网络延时线程等待时间,以秒计时,默认的配时间是3秒,视网络状况而定。如果
 219   在爬虫运行的时候发现服务器返回了主机忙消息,则等待时间由fetcher.server.delay决定,
 220   所以在网络状况不太好的情况下fetcher.server.delay也设置稍大一点的值较好,
 221   此外还有一个http.timeout也和网络状况有关系
 222   </description>
 223 </property>
 225 <property>
 226   <name>http.content.limit</name>
 227   <value>65536</value>
 228   <description>The length limit for downloaded content using the http://
 229   protocol, in bytes. If this value is nonnegative (>=0), content longer
 230   than it will be truncated; otherwise, no truncation at all. Do not
 231   confuse this setting with the file.content.limit setting.
 232   描述爬虫抓取的文档内容长度的配置项。默认值是65536,
 233   也就是说抓取到的一个文档截取65KB左右,超过部分将被忽略,
 234   对于抓取特定内容的搜索引擎需要修改此项,比如XML文档。
 235   设置为-1表示不限制。
 236   </description>
 237 </property>
 239 <!--下面这四个属性是用来设置代理地址和端口,如果代理需要密码的话还需要设置用户名和密码 -->
 240 <property>
 241   <name></name>
 242   <value></value>
 243   <description>The proxy hostname.  If empty, no proxy is used.</description>
 244 </property>
 246 <property>
 247   <name>http.proxy.port</name>
 248   <value></value>
 249   <description>The proxy port.</description>
 250 </property>
 252 <property>
 253   <name>http.proxy.username</name>
 254   <value></value>
 255   <description>Username for proxy. This will be used by
 256   'protocol-httpclient', if the proxy server requests basic, digest
 257   and/or NTLM authentication. To use this, 'protocol-httpclient' must
 258   be present in the value of 'plugin.includes' property.
 259   NOTE: For NTLM authentication, do not prefix the username with the
 260   domain, i.e. 'susam' is correct whereas 'DOMAIN\susam' is incorrect.
 261   </description>
 262 </property>
 264 <property>
 265   <name>http.proxy.password</name>
 266   <value></value>
 267   <description>Password for proxy. This will be used by
 268   'protocol-httpclient', if the proxy server requests basic, digest
 269   and/or NTLM authentication. To use this, 'protocol-httpclient' must
 270   be present in the value of 'plugin.includes' property.
 271   </description>
 272 </property>
 274 <property>
 275   <name>http.proxy.realm</name>
 276   <value></value>
 277   <description>Authentication realm for proxy. Do not define a value
 278   if realm is not required or authentication should take place for any
 279   realm. NTLM does not use the notion of realms. Specify the domain name
 280   of NTLM authentication as the value for this property. To use this,
 281   'protocol-httpclient' must be present in the value of
 282   'plugin.includes' property.
 283   </description>
 284 </property>
 286 <property>
 287   <name>http.auth.file</name>
 288   <value>httpclient-auth.xml</value>
 289   <description>Authentication configuration file for
 290   'protocol-httpclient' plugin.
 291   </description>
 292 </property>
 294 <property>
 295   <name>http.verbose</name>
 296   <value>false</value>
 297   <description>If true, HTTP will log more verbosely.</description>
 298 </property>
 300 <property>
 301   <name>http.redirect.max</name>
 302   <value>0</value>
 303   <description>The maximum number of redirects the fetcher will follow when
 304   trying to fetch a page. If set to negative or 0, fetcher won't immediately
 305   follow redirected URLs, instead it will record them for later fetching.
 306   </description>
 307 </property>
 309 <property>
 310   <name>http.useHttp11</name>
 311   <value>false</value>
 312   <description>NOTE: at the moment this works only for protocol-httpclient.
 313   If true, use HTTP 1.1, if false use HTTP 1.0 .
 314   </description>
 315 </property>
 317 <property>
 318   <name>http.accept.language</name>
 319   <value>en-us,en-gb,en;q=0.7,*;q=0.3</value>
 320   <description>Value of the "Accept-Language" request header field.
 321   This allows selecting non-English language as default one to retrieve.
 322   It is a useful setting for search engines build for certain national group.
 323   </description>
 324 </property>
 326 <property>
 327   <name>http.accept</name>
 328   <value>text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8</value>
 329   <description>Value of the "Accept" request header field.
 330   </description>
 331 </property>
 333 <property>
 334   <name></name>
 335   <value>true</value>
 336   <description>Enables us to record the response time of the 
 337   host which is the time period between start connection to end 
 338   connection of a pages host. The response time in milliseconds
 339   is stored in CrawlDb in CrawlDatum's meta data under key &quot;_rs_&quot;
 340   </description>
 341 </property>
 343 <property>
 344   <name>http.enable.if.modified.since.header</name>
 345   <value>true</value>
 346   <description>Whether Nutch sends an HTTP If-Modified-Since header. It reduces
 347   bandwidth when enabled by not downloading pages that respond with an HTTP
 348   Not-Modified header. URL's that are not downloaded are not passed through
 349   parse or indexing filters. If you regularly modify filters, you should force
 350   Nutch to also download unmodified pages by disabling this feature.
 351   </description>
 352 </property>
 354 <!-- FTP properties -->
 356 <property>
 357   <name>ftp.username</name>
 358   <value>anonymous</value>
 359   <description>ftp login username.</description>
 360 </property>
 362 <property>
 363   <name>ftp.password</name>
 364   <value></value>
 365   <description>ftp login password.</description>
 366 </property>
 368 <property>
 369   <name>ftp.content.limit</name>
 370   <value>65536</value> 
 371   <description>The length limit for downloaded content, in bytes.
 372   If this value is nonnegative (>=0), content longer than it will be truncated;
 373   otherwise, no truncation at all.
 374   Caution: classical ftp RFCs never defines partial transfer and, in fact,
 375   some ftp servers out there do not handle client side forced close-down very
 376   well. Our implementation tries its best to handle such situations smoothly.
 377   默认情况下,nutch只抓取网页的前65536个字节,之后的内容将被丢弃。
 378   但对于某些大型网站,首页的内容远远不止65536个字节,
 379   甚至前面65536个字节里面均是一些布局信息,并没有任何的超链接。
 380   设置为-1表示不限制。
 381   </description>
 382 </property>
 384 <property>
 385   <name>ftp.timeout</name>
 386   <value>60000</value>
 387   <description>Default timeout for ftp client socket, in millisec.
 388   Please also see ftp.keep.connection below.</description>
 389 </property>
 391 <property>
 392   <name>ftp.server.timeout</name>
 393   <value>100000</value>
 394   <description>An estimation of ftp server idle time, in millisec.
 395   Typically it is 120000 millisec for many ftp servers out there.
 396   Better be conservative here. Together with ftp.timeout, it is used to
 397   decide if we need to delete (annihilate) current ftp.client instance and
 398   force to start another ftp.client instance anew. This is necessary because
 399   a fetcher thread may not be able to obtain next request from queue in time
 400   (due to idleness) before our ftp client times out or remote server
 401   disconnects. Used only when ftp.keep.connection is true (please see below).
 402   </description>
 403 </property>
 405 <property>
 406   <name>ftp.keep.connection</name>
 407   <value>false</value>
 408   <description>Whether to keep ftp connection. Useful if crawling same host
 409   again and again. When set to true, it avoids connection, login and dir list
 410   parser setup for subsequent urls. If it is set to true, however, you must
 411   make sure (roughly):
 412   (1) ftp.timeout is less than ftp.server.timeout
 413   (2) ftp.timeout is larger than (fetcher.threads.fetch * fetcher.server.delay)
 414   Otherwise there will be too many "delete client because idled too long"
 415   messages in thread logs.</description>
 416 </property>
 418 <property>
 419   <name></name>
 420   <value>false</value>
 421   <description>Whether to log dialogue between our client and remote
 422   server. Useful for debugging.</description>
 423 </property>
 425 <!-- web db properties -->
 426 <property>
 427   <name>db.fetch.interval.default</name>
 428   <value>2592000</value>
 429   <description>The default number of seconds between re-fetches of a page (30 days).
 430   这个功能对定期自动爬取需求的开发有用,设置多少天重新爬一个页面,默认2592000秒,即30天
 431   </description>
 432 </property>
 434 <property>
 435   <name>db.fetch.interval.max</name>
 436   <value>7776000</value>
 437   <description>The maximum number of seconds between re-fetches of a page
 438   (90 days). After this period every page in the db will be re-tried, no
 439   matter what is its status.
 440   </description>
 441 </property>
 443 <property>
 444   <name>db.fetch.schedule.class</name>
 445   <value>org.apache.nutch.crawl.DefaultFetchSchedule</value>
 446   <description>The implementation of fetch schedule. DefaultFetchSchedule simply
 447   adds the original fetchInterval to the last fetch time, regardless of
 448   page changes.</description>
 449 </property>
 451 <property>
 452   <name>db.fetch.schedule.adaptive.inc_rate</name>
 453   <value>0.4</value>
 454   <description>If a page is unmodified, its fetchInterval will be
 455   increased by this rate. This value should not
 456   exceed 0.5, otherwise the algorithm becomes unstable.</description>
 457 </property>
 459 <property>
 460   <name>db.fetch.schedule.adaptive.dec_rate</name>
 461   <value>0.2</value>
 462   <description>If a page is modified, its fetchInterval will be
 463   decreased by this rate. This value should not
 464   exceed 0.5, otherwise the algorithm becomes unstable.</description>
 465 </property>
 467 <property>
 468   <name>db.fetch.schedule.adaptive.min_interval</name>
 469   <value>60.0</value>
 470   <description>Minimum fetchInterval, in seconds.</description>
 471 </property>
 473 <property>
 474   <name>db.fetch.schedule.adaptive.max_interval</name>
 475   <value>31536000.0</value>
 476   <description>Maximum fetchInterval, in seconds (365 days).
 477   NOTE: this is limited by db.fetch.interval.max. Pages with
 478   fetchInterval larger than db.fetch.interval.max
 479   will be fetched anyway.</description>
 480 </property>
 482 <property>
 483   <name>db.fetch.schedule.adaptive.sync_delta</name>
 484   <value>true</value>
 485   <description>If true, try to synchronize with the time of page change.
 486   by shifting the next fetchTime by a fraction (sync_rate) of the difference
 487   between the last modification time, and the last fetch time.</description>
 488 </property>
 490 <property>
 491   <name>db.fetch.schedule.adaptive.sync_delta_rate</name>
 492   <value>0.3</value>
 493   <description>See sync_delta for description. This value should not
 494   exceed 0.5, otherwise the algorithm becomes unstable.</description>
 495 </property>
 497 <property>
 498   <name>db.fetch.schedule.mime.file</name>
 499   <value>adaptive-mimetypes.txt</value>
 500   <description>The configuration file for the MimeAdaptiveFetchSchedule.
 501   </description>
 502 </property>
 504 <property>
 505   <name>db.update.additions.allowed</name>
 506   <value>true</value>
 507   <description>If true, updatedb will add newly discovered URLs, if false
 508   only already existing URLs in the CrawlDb will be updated and no new
 509   URLs will be added.
 510   </description>
 511 </property>
 513 <property>
 514   <name>db.preserve.backup</name>
 515   <value>true</value>
 516   <description>If true, updatedb will keep a backup of the previous CrawlDB
 517   version in the old directory. In case of disaster, one can rename old to 
 518   current and restore the CrawlDB to its previous state.
 519   </description>
 520 </property>
 522 <property>
 523   <name>db.update.purge.404</name>
 524   <value>false</value>
 525   <description>If true, updatedb will add purge records with status DB_GONE
 526   from the CrawlDB.
 527   </description>
 528 </property>
 530 <property>
 531     <name>db.url.normalizers</name>
 532     <value>false</value>
 533     <description>Normalize urls when updating crawldb</description>
 534 </property>
 536 <property>
 537     <name>db.url.filters</name>
 538     <value>false</value>
 539     <description>Filter urls when updating crawldb</description>
 540 </property>
 542 <property>
 543   <name>db.update.max.inlinks</name>
 544   <value>10000</value>
 545   <description>Maximum number of inlinks to take into account when updating 
 546   a URL score in the crawlDB. Only the best scoring inlinks are kept. 
 547   </description>
 548 </property>
 550 <property>
 551   <name>db.ignore.internal.links</name>
 552   <value>true</value>
 553   <description>If true, when adding new links to a page, links from
 554   the same host are ignored.  This is an effective way to limit the
 555   size of the link database, keeping only the highest quality
 556   links.
 557   </description>
 558 </property>
 560 <property>
 561   <name>db.ignore.external.links</name>
 562   <value>false</value>
 563   <description>If true, outlinks leading from a page to external hosts
 564   will be ignored. This is an effective way to limit the crawl to include
 565   only initially injected hosts, without creating complex URLFilters.
 566   若为true,则只抓取本域名内的网页,忽略外部链接。
 567   可以在 regex-urlfilter.txt中增加过滤器达到同样效果,
 568   但如果过滤器过多,如几千个,则会大大影响nutch的性能。
 569   </description>
 570 </property>
 572  <property>
 573   <name>db.injector.overwrite</name>
 574   <value>false</value>
 575   <description>Whether existing records in the CrawlDB will be overwritten
 576   by injected records.
 577   </description>
 578 </property>
 580 <property>
 581   <name>db.injector.update</name>
 582   <value>false</value>
 583   <description>If true existing records in the CrawlDB will be updated with
 584   injected records. Old meta data is preserved. The db.injector.overwrite
 585   parameter has precedence.
 586   </description>
 587 </property>
 589 <property>
 590   <name>db.score.injected</name>
 591   <value>1.0</value>
 592   <description>The score of new pages added by the injector.
 593   注入时url的默认网页得分(重要程度)
 594   </description>
 595 </property>
 597 <property>
 598   <name></name>
 599   <value>1.0</value>
 600   <description>The score factor for new pages added due to a link from
 601   another host relative to the referencing page's score. Scoring plugins
 602   may use this value to affect initial scores of external links.
 603   </description>
 604 </property>
 606 <property>
 607   <name></name>
 608   <value>1.0</value>
 609   <description>The score factor for pages added due to a link from the
 610   same host, relative to the referencing page's score. Scoring plugins
 611   may use this value to affect initial scores of internal links.
 612   </description>
 613 </property>
 615 <property>
 616   <name>db.score.count.filtered</name>
 617   <value>false</value>
 618   <description>The score value passed to newly discovered pages is
 619   calculated as a fraction of the original page score divided by the
 620   number of outlinks. If this option is false, only the outlinks that passed
 621   URLFilters will count, if it's true then all outlinks will count.
 622   </description>
 623 </property>
 625 <property>
 626   <name>db.max.inlinks</name>
 627   <value>10000</value>
 628   <description>Maximum number of Inlinks per URL to be kept in LinkDb.
 629   If "invertlinks" finds more inlinks than this number, only the first
 630   N inlinks will be stored, and the rest will be discarded.
 631   </description>
 632 </property>
 634 <property>
 635   <name></name>
 636   <value>100</value>
 637   <description>The maximum number of outlinks that we'll process for a page.
 638   If this value is nonnegative (>=0), at most outlinks
 639   will be processed for a page; otherwise, all outlinks will be processed.
 640   默认情况下,Nutch只抓取某个网页的100个外部链接,导致部分链接无法抓取。
 641   若要改变此情况,可以修改此配置项,可以增大 或者设置为-1,-1表示不限制。
 642   </description>
 643 </property>
 645 <property>
 646   <name>db.max.anchor.length</name>
 647   <value>100</value>
 648   <description>The maximum number of characters permitted in an anchor.
 649   </description>
 650 </property>
 652  <property>
 653   <name></name>
 654   <value></value>
 655   <description>Comma-separated list of parse metadata keys to transfer to the crawldb (NUTCH-779).
 656    Assuming for instance that the languageidentifier plugin is enabled, setting the value to 'lang' 
 657    will copy both the key 'lang' and its value to the corresponding entry in the crawldb.
 658   </description>
 659 </property>
 661 <property>
 662   <name>db.fetch.retry.max</name>
 663   <value>3</value>
 664   <description>The maximum number of times a url that has encountered
 665   recoverable errors is generated for fetch.</description>
 666 </property>
 668 <property>
 669   <name>db.signature.class</name>
 670   <value>org.apache.nutch.crawl.MD5Signature</value>
 671   <description>The default implementation of a page signature. Signatures
 672   created with this implementation will be used for duplicate detection
 673   and removal.</description>
 674 </property>
 676 <property>
 677   <name>db.signature.text_profile.min_token_len</name>
 678   <value>2</value>
 679   <description>Minimum token length to be included in the signature.
 680   </description>
 681 </property>
 683 <property>
 684   <name>db.signature.text_profile.quant_rate</name>
 685   <value>0.01</value>
 686   <description>Profile frequencies will be rounded down to a multiple of
 687   QUANT = (int)(QUANT_RATE * maxFreq), where maxFreq is a maximum token
 688   frequency. If maxFreq > 1 then QUANT will be at least 2, which means that
 689   for longer texts tokens with frequency 1 will always be discarded.
 690   </description>
 691 </property>
 693 <!-- generate properties -->
 695 <property>
 696   <name>generate.max.count</name>
 697   <value>-1</value>
 698   <description>The maximum number of urls in a single
 699   fetchlist.  -1 if unlimited. The urls are counted according
 700   to the value of the parameter generator.count.mode.
 702   与generate.count.mode相配合,限制生成的每个fetchlist里属于
 703   同一个host/domain/ip的URL最多为(generate.max.count-1)个
 705   -1,表示不限制一个fetchlist里面有多少个属于同一个host/domain/ip的url
 706   </description>
 707 </property>
 709 <property>
 710   <name>generate.count.mode</name>
 711   <value>host</value>
 712   <description>Determines how the URLs are counted for generator.max.count.
 713   Default value is 'host' but can be 'domain'. Note that we do not count 
 714   per IP in the new version of the Generator.
 716   byHost/byDomain/byIP三种,表示按照何种方式计数,
 717   以达到generate.max.count指定的数量
 719   byHost,即根据host来对每个fetchlist中的url进行计数,
 720   同一个segment里面属于同一个host的url不能超过generate.max.count,
 721   如果超过,则需要将其他属于该host的url放到新的fetchlist中(如果还有新的fetchlist未放满的话)
 722   </description>
 723 </property>
 725 <property>
 726   <name>generate.update.crawldb</name>
 727   <value>false</value>
 728   <description>For highly-concurrent environments, where several
 729   generate/fetch/update cycles may overlap, setting this to true ensures
 730   that generate will create different fetchlists even without intervening
 731   updatedb-s, at the cost of running an additional job to update CrawlDB.
 732   If false, running generate twice without intervening
 733   updatedb will generate identical fetchlists.
 735   是否在generator完成之后,更新crawldb,主要是更新CrawlDatum的_ngt_字段
 736   为此次执行generator的时间,防止下次generator
 737   (由参数crawl.gen.delay指定的时间之内开始的另一个generator),
 738   加入相同的url(备注:即使下次generator加入相同的url,也不会造成逻辑错误,
 739   只是会浪费资源,重复爬取相同URL)
 740   </description>
 741 </property>
 743 <property>
 744   <name>generate.min.score</name>
 745   <value>0</value>
 746   <description>Select only entries with a score larger than
 747   generate.min.score.
 749   如果经过ScoreFilters之后,url的score值(反应网页重要性的值,类似于PageRank值)
 750   仍然小于generate.min.score值,则该url不加入fetchlist中(即跳过该URL),
 751   配置了改值,表明generator只会考虑将较重要的网页加入到fetchlist
 753   0,表明所有url都不会因为score值在generator阶段被过滤掉
 754   </description>
 755 </property>
 757 <property>
 758   <name>generate.min.interval</name>
 759   <value>-1</value>
 760   <description>Select only entries with a retry interval lower than
 761   generate.min.interval. A value of -1 disables this check.
 762   设置该值表示generator只考虑需要频繁采集的url(即:CrawlDatum的fetchInterval较小),
 763   对于不需要频繁采集的url,不加入到fetchlist
 764   -1,表明禁用该检查
 765   </description>
 766 </property>
 768 <!-- urlpartitioner properties -->
 770 <property>
 771   <name>partition.url.mode</name>
 772   <value>byHost</value>
 773   <description>Determines how to partition URLs. Default value is 'byHost', 
 774   also takes 'byDomain' or 'byIP'. 
 775   这个配置用来设定mapper操作以后,partition操作根据Host进行Hash。
 776   结果是具有相同Host的URL会被打到同一个Reduce节点上面
 779   在对生成的fetchlist做划分(partition)的时候,划分的方式是什么,有如下3中:byHost/byDomain/byIP
 780   </description>
 781 </property>
 783 <property>
 784   <name>crawl.gen.delay</name>
 785   <value>604800000</value>
 786   <description>
 787    This value, expressed in milliseconds, defines how long we should keep the lock on records 
 788    in CrawlDb that were just selected for fetching. If these records are not updated 
 789    in the meantime, the lock is canceled, i.e. they become eligible for selecting. 
 790    Default value of this is 7 days (604800000 ms).
 794    generator执行时,会使用“_ngt_”(stand for ”nutch generate time“)
 795    作为key来来存储上一次对该url调用generator的时间,表明该url已经加入到了某个fetchlist,
 796    并可能正在完成fetch->updated的过程当中,而可能这个过程时间较长,也或者过程中出错了,
 797    而generator执行的过程当中。在考虑该url是否能加入此次的fetchlist时,
 798    需要一种机制来判断是否能将该url加入还是继续等待之前的fetch->updatedb流程完成
 799    (这样crawldb中该url的_ngt_会被更新成上次成功执行generator的时间。
 800         crawl.gen.deley就是用来解决该问题的,如果”_ngt_”+crawl.gen.delay 小于 当前时间,
 801         则该url可以加入到本次生成的fetchlist中;否则,不加入(跳过该url)
 802   </description>
 803 </property>
 805 <!-- fetcher properties -->
 807 <property>
 808   <name>fetcher.server.delay</name>
 809   <value>5.0</value>
 810   <description>The number of seconds the fetcher will delay between 
 811    successive requests to the same server. Note that this might get
 812    overriden by a Crawl-Delay from a robots.txt and is used ONLY if 
 813    fetcher.threads.per.queue is set to 1.
 814    </description>
 815 </property>
 817 <property>
 818   <name>fetcher.server.min.delay</name>
 819   <value>0.0</value>
 820   <description>The minimum number of seconds the fetcher will delay between 
 821   successive requests to the same server. This value is applicable ONLY
 822   if fetcher.threads.per.queue is greater than 1 (i.e. the host blocking
 823   is turned off).</description>
 824 </property>
 826 <property>
 827  <name>fetcher.max.crawl.delay</name>
 828  <value>30</value>
 829  <description>
 830  If the Crawl-Delay in robots.txt is set to greater than this value (in
 831  seconds) then the fetcher will skip this page, generating an error report.
 832  If set to -1 the fetcher will never skip such pages and will wait the
 833  amount of time retrieved from robots.txt Crawl-Delay, however long that
 834  might be.
 835  </description>
 836 </property> 
 838 <property>
 839   <name>fetcher.threads.fetch</name>
 840   <value>10</value>
 841   <description>The number of FetcherThreads the fetcher should use.
 842   This is also determines the maximum number of requests that are
 843   made at once (each FetcherThread handles one connection). The total
 844   number of threads running in distributed mode will be the number of
 845   fetcher threads * number of nodes as fetcher has one map task per node.
 846   最大抓取线程数量
 847   </description>
 848 </property>
 850 <property>
 851   <name>fetcher.threads.per.queue</name>
 852   <value>1</value>
 853   <description>This number is the maximum number of threads that
 854     should be allowed to access a queue at one time. Setting it to 
 855     a value > 1 will cause the Crawl-Delay value from robots.txt to
 856     be ignored and the value of fetcher.server.min.delay to be used
 857     as a delay between successive requests to the same server instead 
 858     of fetcher.server.delay.
 859    </description>
 860 </property>
 862 <property>
 863   <name>fetcher.queue.mode</name>
 864   <value>byHost</value>
 865   <description>Determines how to put URLs into queues. Default value is 'byHost', 
 866   also takes 'byDomain' or 'byIP'. 
 867   </description>
 868 </property>
 870 <property>
 871   <name>fetcher.verbose</name>
 872   <value>false</value>
 873   <description>If true, fetcher will log more verbosely.
 874   如果是true,打印出更多详细信息
 875   </description>
 876 </property>
 878 <property>
 879   <name>fetcher.parse</name>
 880   <value>false</value>
 881   <description>If true, fetcher will parse content. Default is false, which means
 882   that a separate parsing step is required after fetching is finished.
 883   能否在抓取的同时进行解释:可以,但不 建议这样做。
 884   </description>
 885 </property>
 887 <property>
 888   <name></name>
 889   <value>true</value>
 890   <description>If true, fetcher will store content.</description>
 891 </property>
 893 <property>
 894   <name>fetcher.timelimit.mins</name>
 895   <value>-1</value>
 896   <description>This is the number of minutes allocated to the fetching.
 897   Once this value is reached, any remaining entry from the input URL list is skipped 
 898   and all active queues are emptied. The default value of -1 deactivates the time limit.
 899   </description>
 900 </property>
 902 <property>
 903   <name>fetcher.max.exceptions.per.queue</name>
 904   <value>-1</value>
 905   <description>The maximum number of protocol-level exceptions (e.g. timeouts) per
 906   host (or IP) queue. Once this value is reached, any remaining entries from this
 907   queue are purged, effectively stopping the fetching from this host/IP. The default
 908   value of -1 deactivates this limit.
 909   </description>
 910 </property>
 912 <property>
 913   <name>fetcher.throughput.threshold.pages</name>
 914   <value>-1</value>
 915   <description>The threshold of minimum pages per second. If the fetcher downloads less
 916   pages per second than the configured threshold, the fetcher stops, preventing slow queue's
 917   from stalling the throughput. This threshold must be an integer. This can be useful when
 918   fetcher.timelimit.mins is hard to determine. The default value of -1 disables this check.
 919   </description>
 920 </property>
 922 <property>
 923   <name>fetcher.throughput.threshold.retries</name>
 924   <value>5</value>
 925   <description>The number of times the fetcher.throughput.threshold is allowed to be exceeded.
 926   This settings prevents accidental slow downs from immediately killing the fetcher thread.
 927   </description>
 928 </property>
 930 <property>
 931   <name>fetcher.throughput.threshold.check.after</name>
 932   <value>5</value>
 933   <description>The number of minutes after which the throughput check is enabled.</description>
 934 </property>
 936 <property>
 937   <name>fetcher.threads.timeout.divisor</name>
 938   <value>2</value>
 939   <description>(EXPERT)The thread time-out divisor to use. By default threads have a time-out
 940   value of mapred.task.timeout / 2. Increase this setting if the fetcher waits too
 941   long before killing hanged threads. Be careful, a too high setting (+8) will most likely kill the
 942   fetcher threads prematurely.
 943   </description>
 944 </property>
 946 <property>
 947   <name>fetcher.queue.depth.multiplier</name>
 948   <value>50</value>
 949   <description>(EXPERT)The fetcher buffers the incoming URLs into queues based on the [host|domain|IP]
 950   (see param fetcher.queue.mode). The depth of the queue is the number of threads times the value of this parameter.
 951   A large value requires more memory but can improve the performance of the fetch when the order of the URLS in the fetch list
 952   is not optimal.
 953   </description>
 954 </property>
 956 <property>
 957   <name>fetcher.follow.outlinks.depth</name>
 958   <value>-1</value>
 959   <description>(EXPERT)When fetcher.parse is true and this value is greater than 0 the fetcher will extract outlinks
 960   and follow until the desired depth is reached. A value of 1 means all generated pages are fetched and their first degree
 961   outlinks are fetched and parsed too. Be careful, this feature is in itself agnostic of the state of the CrawlDB and does not
 962   know about already fetched pages. A setting larger than 2 will most likely fetch home pages twice in the same fetch cycle.
 963   It is highly recommended to set db.ignore.external.links to true to restrict the outlink follower to URL's within the same
 964   domain. When disabled (false) the feature is likely to follow duplicates even when depth=1.
 965   A value of -1 of 0 disables this feature.
 966   </description>
 967 </property>
 969 <property>
 970   <name>fetcher.follow.outlinks.num.links</name>
 971   <value>4</value>
 972   <description>(EXPERT)The number of outlinks to follow when fetcher.follow.outlinks.depth is enabled. Be careful, this can multiply
 973   the total number of pages to fetch. This works with fetcher.follow.outlinks.depth.divisor, by default settings the followed outlinks
 974   at depth 1 is 8, not 4.
 975   </description>
 976 </property>
 978 <property>
 979   <name>fetcher.follow.outlinks.depth.divisor</name>
 980   <value>2</value>
 981   <description>(EXPERT)The divisor of fetcher.follow.outlinks.num.links per fetcher.follow.outlinks.depth. This decreases the number
 982   of outlinks to follow by increasing depth. The formula used is: outlinks = floor(divisor / depth * num.links). This prevents
 983   exponential growth of the fetch list.
 984   </description>
 985 </property>
 987 <property>
 988   <name>fetcher.follow.outlinks.ignore.external</name>
 989   <value>true</value>  
 990   <description>Whether to ignore or follow external links. Set db.ignore.external.links to false and this to true to store outlinks
 991   in the output but not follow them. If db.ignore.external.links is true this directive is ignored.
 992   </description>
 993 </property>
 995 <property>
 996   <name></name>
 997   <value>-1</value>  
 998   <description>Target bandwidth in kilobits per sec for each mapper instance. This is used to adjust the number of 
 999   fetching threads automatically (up to fetcher.maxNum.threads). A value of -1 deactivates the functionality, in which case
1000   the number of fetching threads is fixed (see fetcher.threads.fetch).</description>
1001 </property>
1003 <property>
1004   <name>fetcher.maxNum.threads</name>
1005   <value>25</value>  
1006   <description>Max number of fetch threads allowed when using Defaults to fetcher.threads.fetch if unspecified or
1007   set to a value lower than it. </description>
1008 </property>
1010 <property>
1011   <name></name>
1012   <value>30</value>  
1013   <description>(EXPERT) Value in seconds which determines how frequently we should reassess the optimal number of fetch threads when using
1014 Defaults to 30 and must be at least 1.</description>
1015 </property>
1017 <!-- moreindexingfilter plugin properties -->
1019 <property>
1020   <name>moreIndexingFilter.indexMimeTypeParts</name>
1021   <value>true</value>
1022   <description>Determines whether the index-more plugin will split the mime-type
1023   in sub parts, this requires the type field to be multi valued. Set to true for backward
1024   compatibility. False will not split the mime-type.
1025   </description>
1026 </property>
1028 <property>
1029   <name>moreIndexingFilter.mapMimeTypes</name>
1030   <value>false</value>
1031   <description>Determines whether MIME-type mapping is enabled. It takes a
1032   plain text file with mapped MIME-types. With it the user can map both
1033   application/xhtml+xml and text/html to the same target MIME-type so it
1034   can be treated equally in an index. See conf/contenttype-mapping.txt.
1035   </description>
1036 </property>
1038 <!-- AnchorIndexing filter plugin properties -->
1040 <property>
1041   <name>anchorIndexingFilter.deduplicate</name>
1042   <value>false</value>
1043   <description>With this enabled the indexer will case-insensitive deduplicate anchors
1044   before indexing. This prevents possible hundreds or thousands of identical anchors for
1045   a given page to be indexed but will affect the search scoring (i.e. tf=1.0f).
1046   </description>
1047 </property>
1049 <!-- indexingfilter plugin properties -->
1051 <property>
1052   <name>indexingfilter.order</name>
1053   <value></value>
1054   <description>The order by which index filters are applied.
1055   If empty, all available index filters (as dictated by properties
1056   plugin-includes and plugin-excludes above) are loaded and applied in system
1057   defined order. If not empty, only named filters are loaded and applied
1058   in given order. For example, if this property has value:
1059   org.apache.nutch.indexer.basic.BasicIndexingFilter org.apache.nutch.indexer.more.MoreIndexingFilter
1060   then BasicIndexingFilter is applied first, and MoreIndexingFilter second.
1062   Filter ordering might have impact on result if one filter depends on output of
1063   another filter.
1064   </description>
1065 </property>
1067 <property>
1068   <name>indexer.score.power</name>
1069   <value>0.5</value>
1070   <description>Determines the power of link analyis scores.  Each
1071   pages's boost is set to <i>score<sup>scorePower</sup></i> where
1072   <i>score</i> is its link analysis score and <i>scorePower</i> is the
1073   value of this parameter.  This is compiled into indexes, so, when
1074   this is changed, pages must be re-indexed for it to take
1075   effect.</description>
1076 </property>
1078 <property>
1079   <name>indexer.max.title.length</name>
1080   <value>100</value>
1081   <description>The maximum number of characters of a title that are indexed. A value of -1 disables this check.
1082   </description>
1083 </property>
1085 <property>
1086   <name>indexer.max.content.length</name>
1087   <value>-1</value>
1088   <description>The maximum number of characters of a content that are indexed.
1089   Content beyond the limit is truncated. A value of -1 disables this check.
1090   </description>
1091 </property>
1093 <property>
1094   <name>indexer.add.domain</name>
1095   <value>false</value>
1096   <description>Whether to add the domain field to a NutchDocument.</description>
1097 </property>
1099 <property>
1100   <name>indexer.skip.notmodified</name>
1101   <value>false</value>
1102   <description>Whether the indexer will skip records with a db_notmodified status.
1103   </description>
1104 </property>
1106 <!-- URL normalizer properties -->
1108 <property>
1109   <name>urlnormalizer.order</name>
1110   <value></value>
1111   <description>Order in which normalizers will run. If any of these isn't
1112   activated it will be silently skipped. If other normalizers not on the
1113   list are activated, they will run in random order after the ones
1114   specified here are run.
1115   </description>
1116 </property>
1118 <property>
1119   <name>urlnormalizer.regex.file</name>
1120   <value>regex-normalize.xml</value>
1121   <description>Name of the config file used by the RegexUrlNormalizer class.
1122   </description>
1123 </property>
1125 <property>
1126   <name>urlnormalizer.loop.count</name>
1127   <value>1</value>
1128   <description>Optionally loop through normalizers several times, to make
1129   sure that all transformations have been performed.
1130   </description>
1131 </property>
1133 <!-- mime properties -->
1135 <!--
1136 <property>
1137   <name>mime.types.file</name>
1138   <value>tika-mimetypes.xml</value>
1139   <description>Name of file in CLASSPATH containing filename extension and
1140   magic sequence to mime types mapping information. Overrides the default Tika config 
1141   if specified.
1142   </description>
1143 </property>
1144 -->
1146 <property>
1147   <name>mime.type.magic</name>
1148   <value>true</value>
1149   <description>Defines if the mime content type detector uses magic resolution.
1150   </description>
1151 </property>
1153 <!-- plugin properties -->
1155 <property>
1156   <name>plugin.folders</name>
1157   <value>plugins</value>
1158   <description>Directories where nutch plugins are located.  Each
1159   element may be a relative or absolute path.  If absolute, it is used
1160   as is.  If relative, it is searched for on the classpath.
1161   这个属性是用来指定plugin的目录,在eclipse中执行时需要改为:./src/plugin
1162   但是在分布式集群运行打成的JOB包时,需要改为plugins
1163   </description>
1164 </property>
1166 <property>
1167   <name></name>
1168   <value>true</value>
1169   <description>Defines if some plugins that are not activated regarding
1170   the plugin.includes and plugin.excludes properties must be automaticaly
1171   activated if they are needed by some actived plugins.
1172   </description>
1173 </property>
1175 <property>
1176   <name>plugin.includes</name>
1177   <value>protocol-http|urlfilter-regex|parse-(html|tika)|index-(basic|anchor)|indexer-solr|scoring-opic|urlnormalizer-(pass|regex|basic)</value>
1178   <description>Regular expression naming plugin directory names to
1179   include.  Any plugin not matching this expression is excluded.
1180   In any case you need at least include the nutch-extensionpoints plugin. By
1181   default Nutch includes crawling just HTML and plain text via HTTP,
1182   and basic indexing and search plugins. In order to use HTTPS please enable 
1183   protocol-httpclient, but be aware of possible intermittent problems with the 
1184   underlying commons-httpclient library.
1185   配置插件功能的配置项,plugin.includes表示需要加载的插件列表
1186   </description>
1187 </property>
1189 <property>
1190   <name>plugin.excludes</name>
1191   <value></value>
1192   <description>Regular expression naming plugin directory names to exclude.  
1193   </description>
1194 </property>
1196 <property>
1197   <name>urlmeta.tags</name>
1198   <value></value>
1199   <description>
1200     To be used in conjunction with features introduced in NUTCH-655, which allows
1201     for custom metatags to be injected alongside your crawl URLs. Specifying those
1202     custom tags here will allow for their propagation into a pages outlinks, as
1203     well as allow for them to be included as part of an index.
1204     Values should be comma-delimited. ("tag1,tag2,tag3") Do not pad the tags with
1205     white-space at their boundaries, if you are using anything earlier than Hadoop-0.21. 
1206   </description>
1207 </property>
1209 <!-- parser properties -->
1211 <property>
1212   <name>parse.plugin.file</name>
1213   <value>parse-plugins.xml</value>
1214   <description>The name of the file that defines the associations between
1215   content-types and parsers.</description>
1216 </property>
1218 <property>
1219   <name>parser.character.encoding.default</name>
1220   <value>windows-1252</value>
1221   <description>The character encoding to fall back to when no other information
1222   is available
1223   解析文档的时候使用的默认编码windows-1252,如果文档中解析不到编码,则使用默认编码
1224   </description>
1225 </property>
1227 <property>
1228   <name>encodingdetector.charset.min.confidence</name>
1229   <value>-1</value>
1230   <description>A integer between 0-100 indicating minimum confidence value
1231   for charset auto-detection. Any negative value disables auto-detection.
1232   </description>
1233 </property>
1235 <property>
1236   <name>parser.caching.forbidden.policy</name>
1237   <value>content</value>
1238   <description>If a site (or a page) requests through its robot metatags
1239   that it should not be shown as cached content, apply this policy. Currently
1240   three keywords are recognized: "none" ignores any "noarchive" directives.
1241   "content" doesn't show the content, but shows summaries (snippets).
1242   "all" doesn't show either content or summaries.</description>
1243 </property>
1245 <property>
1246   <name>parser.html.impl</name>
1247   <value>neko</value>
1248   <description>HTML Parser implementation. Currently the following keywords
1249   are recognized: "neko" uses NekoHTML, "tagsoup" uses TagSoup.
1250   制定解析HTML文档的时候使用的解析器,NEKO功能比较强大,
1251   后面会有专门的文章介绍Neko从HTML到TEXT以及html片断的解析等功能做介绍
1252   </description>
1253 </property>
1255 <property>
1256   <name>parser.html.form.use_action</name>
1257   <value>false</value>
1258   <description>If true, HTML parser will collect URLs from form action
1259   attributes. This may lead to undesirable behavior (submitting empty
1260   forms during next fetch cycle). If false, form action attribute will
1261   be ignored.</description>
1262 </property>
1264 <property>
1265   <name>parser.html.outlinks.ignore_tags</name>
1266   <value></value>
1267   <description>Comma separated list of HTML tags, from which outlinks 
1268   shouldn't be extracted. Nutch takes links from: a, area, form, frame, 
1269   iframe, script, link, img. If you add any of those tags here, it
1270   won't be taken. Default is empty list. Probably reasonable value
1271   for most people would be "img,script,link".</description>
1272 </property>
1274 <property>
1275   <name>htmlparsefilter.order</name>
1276   <value></value>
1277   <description>The order by which HTMLParse filters are applied.
1278   If empty, all available HTMLParse filters (as dictated by properties
1279   plugin-includes and plugin-excludes above) are loaded and applied in system
1280   defined order. If not empty, only named filters are loaded and applied
1281   in given order.
1282   HTMLParse filter ordering MAY have an impact
1283   on end result, as some filters could rely on the metadata generated by a previous filter.
1284   </description>
1285 </property>
1287 <property>
1288   <name>parser.timeout</name>
1289   <value>30</value>
1290   <description>Timeout in seconds for the parsing of a document, otherwise treats it as an exception and 
1291   moves on the the following documents. This parameter is applied to any Parser implementation. 
1292   Set to -1 to deactivate, bearing in mind that this could cause
1293   the parsing to crash because of a very long or corrupted document.
1294   </description>
1295 </property>
1297 <property>
1298   <name>parse.filter.urls</name>
1299   <value>true</value>
1300   <description>Whether the parser will filter URLs (with the configured URL filters).</description>
1301 </property>
1303 <property>
1304   <name>parse.normalize.urls</name>
1305   <value>true</value>
1306   <description>Whether the parser will normalize URLs (with the configured URL normalizers).</description>
1307 </property>
1309 <property>
1310   <name>parser.skip.truncated</name>
1311   <value>true</value>
1312   <description>Boolean value for whether we should skip parsing for truncated documents. By default this 
1313   property is activated due to extremely high levels of CPU which parsing can sometimes take.  
1314   </description>
1315 </property>
1317 <!--
1318 <property>
1319   <name>tika.htmlmapper.classname</name>
1320   <value>org.apache.tika.parser.html.IdentityHtmlMapper</value>
1321   <description>Classname of Tika HTMLMapper to use. Influences the elements included in the DOM and hence
1322   the behaviour of the HTMLParseFilters.
1323   </description>
1324 </property>
1325 -->
1327 <property>
1328   <name>tika.uppercase.element.names</name>
1329   <value>true</value>
1330   <description>Determines whether TikaParser should uppercase the element name while generating the DOM
1331   for a page, as done by Neko (used per default by parse-html)(see NUTCH-1592).
1332   </description>
1333 </property>
1336 <!-- urlfilter plugin properties -->
1338 <property>
1339   <name>urlfilter.domain.file</name>
1340   <value>domain-urlfilter.txt</value>
1341   <description>Name of file on CLASSPATH containing either top level domains or
1342   hostnames used by urlfilter-domain (DomainURLFilter) plugin.</description>
1343 </property>
1345 <property>
1346   <name>urlfilter.regex.file</name>
1347   <value>regex-urlfilter.txt</value>
1348   <description>Name of file on CLASSPATH containing regular expressions
1349   used by urlfilter-regex (RegexURLFilter) plugin.</description>
1350 </property>
1352 <property>
1353   <name>urlfilter.automaton.file</name>
1354   <value>automaton-urlfilter.txt</value>
1355   <description>Name of file on CLASSPATH containing regular expressions
1356   used by urlfilter-automaton (AutomatonURLFilter) plugin.</description>
1357 </property>
1359 <property>
1360   <name>urlfilter.prefix.file</name>
1361   <value>prefix-urlfilter.txt</value>
1362   <description>Name of file on CLASSPATH containing url prefixes
1363   used by urlfilter-prefix (PrefixURLFilter) plugin.</description>
1364 </property>
1366 <property>
1367   <name>urlfilter.suffix.file</name>
1368   <value>suffix-urlfilter.txt</value>
1369   <description>Name of file on CLASSPATH containing url suffixes
1370   used by urlfilter-suffix (SuffixURLFilter) plugin.</description>
1371 </property>
1373 <property>
1374   <name>urlfilter.order</name>
1375   <value></value>
1376   <description>The order by which url filters are applied.
1377   If empty, all available url filters (as dictated by properties
1378   plugin-includes and plugin-excludes above) are loaded and applied in system
1379   defined order. If not empty, only named filters are loaded and applied
1380   in given order. For example, if this property has value:
1381   org.apache.nutch.urlfilter.regex.RegexURLFilter org.apache.nutch.urlfilter.prefix.PrefixURLFilter
1382   then RegexURLFilter is applied first, and PrefixURLFilter second.
1383   Since all filters are AND'ed, filter ordering does not have impact
1384   on end result, but it may have performance implication, depending
1385   on relative expensiveness of filters.
1386   </description>
1387 </property>
1389 <!-- scoring filters properties -->
1391 <property>
1392   <name>scoring.filter.order</name>
1393   <value></value>
1394   <description>The order in which scoring filters are applied.  This
1395   may be left empty (in which case all available scoring filters will
1396   be applied in system defined order), or a space separated list of
1397   implementation classes.
1398   </description>
1399 </property>
1401 <!-- scoring-depth properties
1402  Add 'scoring-depth' to the list of active plugins
1403  in the parameter 'plugin.includes' in order to use it.
1404  -->
1406 <property>
1407   <name>scoring.depth.max</name>
1408   <value>1000</value>
1409   <description>Max depth value from seed allowed by default.
1410   Can be overriden on a per-seed basis by specifying "_maxdepth_=VALUE"
1411   as a seed metadata. This plugin adds a "_depth_" metadatum to the pages
1412   to track the distance from the seed it was found from. 
1413   The depth is used to prioritise URLs in the generation step so that
1414   shallower pages are fetched first.
1415   </description>
1416 </property>
1418 <!-- language-identifier plugin properties -->
1420 <property>
1421   <name>lang.analyze.max.length</name>
1422   <value>2048</value>
1423   <description> The maximum bytes of data to uses to indentify
1424   the language (0 means full content analysis).
1425   The larger is this value, the better is the analysis, but the
1426   slowest it is.
1427   和语言有关系,分词的时候会用到,
1428   </description>
1429 </property>
1431 <property>
1432   <name>lang.extraction.policy</name>
1433   <value>detect,identify</value>
1434   <description>This determines when the plugin uses detection and
1435   statistical identification mechanisms. The order in which the
1436   detect and identify are written will determine the extraction
1437   policy. Default case (detect,identify)  means the plugin will
1438   first try to extract language info from page headers and metadata,
1439   if this is not successful it will try using tika language
1440   identification. Possible values are:
1441     detect
1442     identify
1443     detect,identify
1444     identify,detect
1445   </description>
1446 </property>
1448 <property>
1449   <name>lang.identification.only.certain</name>
1450   <value>false</value>
1451   <description>If set to true with lang.extraction.policy containing identify,
1452   the language code returned by Tika will be assigned to the document ONLY
1453   if it is deemed certain by Tika.
1454   </description>
1455 </property>
1457 <!-- index-static plugin properties -->
1459 <property>
1460   <name>index.static</name>
1461   <value></value>
1462   <description>
1463   Used by plugin index-static to adds fields with static data at indexing time. 
1464   You can specify a comma-separated list of fieldname:fieldcontent per Nutch job.
1465   Each fieldcontent can have multiple values separated by space, e.g.,
1466     field1:value1.1 value1.2 value1.3,field2:value2.1 value2.2 ...
1467   It can be useful when collections can't be created by URL patterns, 
1468   like in subcollection, but on a job-basis.
1469   </description>
1470 </property>
1472 <!-- index-metadata plugin properties -->
1474 <property>
1475   <name></name>
1476   <value>metatag.description,metatag.keywords</value>
1477   <description>
1478   Comma-separated list of keys to be taken from the parse metadata to generate fields.
1479   Can be used e.g. for 'description' or 'keywords' provided that these values are generated
1480   by a parser (see parse-metatags plugin)  
1481   </description>
1482 </property>
1484 <property>
1485   <name></name>
1486   <value></value>
1487   <description>
1488    Comma-separated list of keys to be taken from the content metadata to generate fields. 
1489   </description>
1490 </property>
1492 <property>
1493   <name></name>
1494   <value></value>
1495   <description>
1496      Comma-separated list of keys to be taken from the crawldb metadata to generate fields.
1497      Can be used to index values propagated from the seeds with the plugin urlmeta 
1498   </description>
1499 </property>
1501 <!-- index-geoip plugin properties -->
1502 <property>
1503   <name>index.geoip.usage</name>
1504   <value>insightsService</value>
1505   <description>
1506   A string representing the information source to be used for GeoIP information
1507   association. Either enter 'cityDatabase', 'connectionTypeDatabase', 
1508   'domainDatabase', 'ispDatabase' or 'insightsService'. If you wish to use any one of the 
1509   Database options, you should make one of GeoIP2-City.mmdb, GeoIP2-Connection-Type.mmdb, 
1510   GeoIP2-Domain.mmdb or GeoIP2-ISP.mmdb files respectively available on the classpath and
1511   available at runtime.
1512   </description>
1513 </property>
1515 <property>
1516   <name>index.geoip.userid</name>
1517   <value></value>
1518   <description>
1519   The userId associated with the GeoIP2 Precision Services account.
1520   </description>
1521 </property>
1523 <property>
1524   <name>index.geoip.licensekey</name>
1525   <value></value>
1526   <description>
1527   The license key associated with the GeoIP2 Precision Services account.
1528   </description>
1529 </property>
1531 <!-- parse-metatags plugin properties -->
1532 <property>
1533   <name>metatags.names</name>
1534   <value>description,keywords</value>
1535   <description> Names of the metatags to extract, separated by ','.
1536   Use '*' to extract all metatags. Prefixes the names with 'metatag.'
1537   in the parse-metadata. For instance to index description and keywords, 
1538   you need to activate the plugin index-metadata and set the value of the 
1539   parameter '' to 'metatag.description,metatag.keywords'.
1540   </description>
1541 </property>
1543 <!-- Temporary Hadoop 0.17.x workaround. -->
1545 <property>
1546   <name>hadoop.job.history.user.location</name>
1547   <value>${hadoop.log.dir}/history/user</value>
1548   <description>Hadoop 0.17.x comes with a default setting to create
1549      user logs inside the output path of the job. This breaks some
1550      Hadoop classes, which expect the output to contain only
1551      part-XXXXX files. This setting changes the output to a
1552      subdirectory of the regular log directory.
1553   </description>
1554 </property>
1556 <!-- linkrank scoring properties -->
1558 <property>
1559   <name></name>
1560   <value>true</value>
1561   <description>Ignore outlinks to the same hostname.</description>
1562 </property>
1564 <property>
1565   <name>link.ignore.internal.domain</name>
1566   <value>true</value>
1567   <description>Ignore outlinks to the same domain.</description>
1568 </property>
1570 <property>
1571   <name></name>
1572   <value>true</value>
1573   <description>Limit to only a single outlink to the same page.</description>
1574 </property>
1576 <property>
1577   <name>link.ignore.limit.domain</name>
1578   <value>true</value>
1579   <description>Limit to only a single outlink to the same domain.</description>
1580 </property> 
1582 <property>
1583   <name>link.analyze.num.iterations</name>
1584   <value>10</value>
1585   <description>The number of LinkRank iterations to run.</description>
1586 </property>
1588 <property>
1589   <name>link.analyze.initial.score</name>
1590   <value>1.0f</value>
1591   <description>The initial score.</description>
1592 </property>
1594 <property>
1595   <name>link.analyze.damping.factor</name>
1596   <value>0.85f</value>
1597   <description>The damping factor.</description>
1598 </property>
1600 <property>
1601   <name>link.delete.gone</name>
1602   <value>false</value>
1603   <description>Whether to delete gone pages from the web graph.</description>
1604 </property>
1606 <property> 
1607   <name>link.loops.depth</name>
1608   <value>2</value>
1609   <description>The depth for the loops algorithm.</description>
1610 </property>
1612 <property>
1613   <name>link.score.updater.clear.score</name>
1614   <value>0.0f</value>
1615   <description>The default score for URL's that are not in the web graph.</description>
1616 </property>
1618 <property>
1619   <name>mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs</name>
1620   <value>false</value>
1621   <description>Hadoop >= 0.21 generates SUCCESS files in the output which can crash 
1622   the readers. This should not be an issue once Nutch is ported to the new MapReduce API
1623   but for now this parameter should prevent such cases.
1624   </description>
1625 </property>
1627 <!-- solr index properties -->
1628 <property>
1629   <name>solr.server.url</name>
1630   <value></value>
1631   <description>
1632       Defines the Solr URL into which data should be indexed using the
1633       indexer-solr plugin.
1634   </description>
1635 </property>
1637 <property>
1638   <name>solr.mapping.file</name>
1639   <value>solrindex-mapping.xml</value>
1640   <description>
1641   Defines the name of the file that will be used in the mapping of internal
1642   nutch field names to solr index fields as specified in the target Solr schema.
1643   </description>
1644 </property>
1646 <property> 
1647   <name>solr.commit.size</name>
1648   <value>250</value>
1649   <description>
1650   Defines the number of documents to send to Solr in a single update batch.
1651   Decrease when handling very large documents to prevent Nutch from running
1652   out of memory. NOTE: It does not explicitly trigger a server side commit.
1653   </description>
1654 </property>
1656 <property>
1657   <name>solr.commit.index</name>
1658   <value>true</value>
1659   <description>
1660   When closing the indexer, trigger a commit to the Solr server. 
1661   </description>
1662 </property>
1664 <property>
1665   <name>solr.auth</name>
1666   <value>false</value>
1667   <description>
1668   Whether to enable HTTP basic authentication for communicating with Solr.
1669   Use the solr.auth.username and solr.auth.password properties to configure
1670   your credentials.
1671   </description>
1672 </property>
1674 <!-- Elasticsearch properties -->
1676 <property>
1677   <name></name>
1678   <value></value>
1679   <description>The hostname to send documents to using TransportClient. Either host
1680   and port must be defined or cluster.</description>
1681 </property>
1683 <property> 
1684   <name>elastic.port</name>
1685   <value>9300</value>The port to connect to using TransportClient.<description>
1686   </description>
1687 </property>
1689 <property> 
1690   <name>elastic.cluster</name>
1691   <value></value>
1692   <description>The cluster name to discover. Either host and potr must be defined
1693   or cluster.</description>
1694 </property>
1696 <property> 
1697   <name>elastic.index</name>
1698   <value>nutch</value> 
1699   <description>Default index to send documents to.</description>
1700 </property>
1702 <property> 
1703   <name></name>
1704   <value>250</value> 
1705   <description>Maximum size of the bulk in number of documents.</description>
1706 </property>
1708 <property> 
1709   <name>elastic.max.bulk.size</name>
1710   <value>2500500</value> 
1711   <description>Maximum size of the bulk in bytes.</description>
1712 </property>
1714 <!-- subcollection properties -->
1716 <property>
1717   <name>subcollection.default.fieldname</name>
1718   <value>subcollection</value>
1719   <description>
1720   The default field name for the subcollections.
1721   </description>
1722 </property>
1724 <!-- Headings plugin properties -->
1726 <property>
1727   <name>headings</name>
1728   <value>h1,h2</value>
1729   <description>Comma separated list of headings to retrieve from the document</description>
1730 </property>
1732 <property>
1733   <name>headings.multivalued</name>
1734   <value>false</value>
1735   <description>Whether to support multivalued headings.</description>
1736 </property>
1738 <!-- mimetype-filter plugin properties -->
1740 <property>
1741   <name>mimetype.filter.file</name>
1742   <value>mimetype-filter.txt</value>
1743   <description>
1744     The configuration file for the mimetype-filter plugin. This file contains
1745     the rules used to allow or deny the indexing of certain documents.
1746   </description>
1747 </property>
1749 </configuration>




 1 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 2 # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 3 # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 4 # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 5 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 6 # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 7 #
 8 #
 9 #
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
17 # The default url filter.
18 # Better for whole-internet crawling.
20 # Each non-comment, non-blank line contains a regular expression
21 # prefixed by '+' or '-'.  The first matching pattern in the file
22 # -表示不包含,+表示包含
23 # determines whether a URL is included or ignored.  If no pattern
24 # matches, the URL is ignored.
26 # skip file: ftp: and mailto: urls
27 -^(file|ftp|mailto):
29 # skip image and other suffixes we can't yet parse
30 # for a more extensive coverage use the urlfilter-suffix plugin
31 -\.(gif|GIF|jpg|JPG|png|PNG|ico|ICO|css|CSS|sit|SIT|eps|EPS|wmf|WMF|zip|ZIP|ppt|PPT|mpg|MPG|xls|XLS|gz|GZ|rpm|RPM|tgz|TGZ|mov|MOV|exe|EXE|jpeg|JPEG|bmp|BMP|js|JS)$
33 # skip URLs containing certain characters as probable queries, etc.
34 #表示过滤包含指定字符的URL,这样是抓取不到包含?*!@=等字符的URL的,建议改为: -[~]
35 #-[?*!@=]
36 -[~]
37 # skip URLs with slash-delimited segment that repeats 3+ times, to break loops
38 -.*(/[^/]+)/[^/]+\1/[^/]+\1/
40 # accept anything else
41 #+.
42 # 过滤正则表达式,([a-z0-9]*\.)*表示任意数字和字母,[\s\S]*表示任意字符
43 +^http://([a-z0-9]*\.)*[\s\S]*
44 抓取discuz论坛中的数据
45 +^$
46 +^$
47 +^$
48 +^$
49 +^$


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