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PE iDentifier v0.95 (2008.10.21) by snaker, Qwerton, Jibz & xineohP ------------------------------------------------------ PEiD detects most common packers, cryptors and compilers for PE files. It can currently detect more than 600 different signatures in PE files. PEiD is special in some aspects when compared to other identifiers already out there! 1. It has a superb GUI and the interface is really intuitive and simple. 2. Detection rates are amongst the best given by any other identifier. 3. Special scanning modes for *advanced* detections of modified and unknown files. 4. Shell integration, Command line support, Always on top and Drag'n'Drop capabilities. 5. Multiple file and directory scanning with recursion. 6. Task viewer and controller. 7. Plugin Interface with plugins like Generic OEP Finder and Krypto ANALyzer. 8. Extra scanning techniques used for even better detections. 9. Heuristic Scanning options. 10. New PE details, Imports, Exports and TLS viewers 11. New built in quick disassembler. 12. New built in hex viewer. 13. External signature interface which can be updated by the user. There are 3 different and unique scanning modes in PEiD. The *Normal Mode* scans the PE files at their Entry Point for all documented signatures. This is what all other identifiers also do. The *Deep Mode* scans the PE file's Entry Point containing section for all the documented signatures. This ensures detection of around 80% of modified and scrambled files. The *Hardcore Mode* does a complete scan of the entire PE file for the documented signatures. You should use this mode as a last option as the small signatures often tend to occur a lot in many files and so erroneous outputs may result. The scanner's inbuilt scanning techniques have error control methods which generally ensure correct outputs even if the last mode is chosen. The first two methods produce almost instantaneous outputs but the last method is a bit slow due to obvious reasons! Command line Options -------------------- PEiD now fully supports commandline parameters. peid -time // Show statistics before quitting peid -r // Recurse through subdirectories peid -nr // Don't scan subdirectories even if its set peid -hard // Scan files in Hardcore Mode peid -deep // Scan files in Deep Mode peid -norm // Scan files in Normal Mode peid <file1> <file2> <dir1> <dir2> You can combine one or more of the parameters. For example. peid -hard -time -r c:\windows\system32 peid -time -deep c:\windows\system32\*.dll Task Viewing / Control Module ----------------------------- You can scan currently running tasks with PEiD. The files are scanned from memory. Processes can also be terminated. You can also optionally dump a module and scan the dumped image. You can also view all dependant modules of the processes. Multiple File Scan Module ------------------------- You can scan multiple files at one go with PEiD. Just drag and drop the files on the PEiD main dialog and the Multiple File Scan Dialog will popup displaying the results. You can keep dragging and dropping files onto this dialog as well. It also offers you to choose from the different scanning modes and optionally load a single file in PEiD. It allows you to skip the non PE files so that the list looks clean. You can also scan the contents of a directory choosing files of custom extension if required. MFS v0.02 now supports recursive directory scanning. Disassembler Module ------------------- You can have a quick disassembly of the file loaded in PEiD. Double click to follow JMPs and CALLs and use the Back button to trace back to the original positions. You can copy disassembled output to the clipboard. A new CADT core with custom String Reference Finder has been cooked up. CADT is coded by Ms-Rem. Hex Viewer Module ------------------- You can have a quick hex view of the file loaded in PEiD. A modified version of 16Edit by y0da is used for this purpose. We intend to update the signatures quite often to keep pace with this ever evolving scene :) Please report bugs, ideas, new signatures or packer info to: pusher -> sir.pusher(at)gmail(dot)com ( Administration / Coder ) snaker -> snaker(at)myrealbox(dot)com Jibz -> peid(at)ibsensoftware(dot)com Qwerton -> qwaci(at)gmx(dot)net ALL SUGGESTIONS, IDEAS, BUG REPORTS AND CRITICS ARE WELCOME. History ------- 0.7 Beta -> First public release. 0.8 Public -> Added support for 40 more packers. OEP finding module. Task viewing/control module. GUI changes. General signature bug fixes. Multiple File and Directory Scanning module. 0.9 Recode -> Completely recoded from scratch. New Plugin Interface which lets you use extra features. Added more than 130 new signatures. Fixed many detections and general bugs. 0.91 Reborn -> Recoded everything again. New faster and better scanning engine. New internal signature system. MFS v0.02 now supports Recursive Scanning. Commandline Parser now updated and more powerful. Detections fi
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