Statistical Measures with R

Refer to R Tutorial andExercise Solution

Mean, 平均值

The mean of an observation variable is a numerical measure of the central location of the data values. It is the sum of its data values divided by data count.

Hence, for a data sample of size n, its sample mean is defined as follows:

1-∑n x¯= n    xi       i=1

> duration = faithful$eruptions     # the eruption durations 
> mean(duration)                    # apply the mean function 
[1] 3.4878


Median, 中位数

The median of an observation variable is the value at the middle when the data is sorted in ascending order. It is an ordinal measure of the central location of the data values.

> duration = faithful$eruptions     # the eruption durations 
> median(duration)                  # apply the median function 
[1] 4



Quartile, 四分位数, 中位数即第二四分位数

There are several quartiles of an observation variable.

The first quartile, or lower quartile, is the value that cuts off the first 25% of the data when it is sorted in ascending order.

The second quartile, or median, is the value that cuts off the first 50%.

The third quartile, or upper quartile, is the value that cuts off the first 75%.

> duration = faithful$eruptions     # the eruption durations 
> quantile(duration)                # apply the quantile function 
    0%    25%    50%    75%   100% 
1.6000 2.1627 4.0000 4.4543 5.1000


Percentile, 百分位数

The nth percentile of an observation variable is the value that cuts off the first n percent of the data values when it is sorted in ascending order.

Find the 32nd, 57th and 98th percentiles

> duration = faithful$eruptions     # the eruption durations 
> quantile(duration, c(.32, .57, .98)) 
   32%    57%    98% 
2.3952 4.1330 4.9330



The range of an observation variable is the difference of its largest and smallest data values. It is a measure of how far apart the entire data spreads in value.

Range = Largest Value− Smallest Value

> duration = faithful$eruptions     # the eruption durations 
> max(duration) − min(duration)     # apply the max and min functions 
[1] 3.5


Interquartile Range, 四分位距

The interquartile range of an observation variable is the difference of its upper and lower quartiles. It is a measure of how far apart the middle portion of data spreads in value.

Interquartile Range = U pper Quartile − Lower Quartile


> duration = faithful$eruptions     # the eruption durations 
> IQR(duration)                     # apply the IQR function 
[1] 2.2915


Box Plot, 箱线图

The box plot of an observation variable is a graphical representation based on its quartiles, as well as its smallest and largest values. It attempts to provide a visual shape of the data distribution.

> duration = faithful$eruptions       # the eruption durations 
> boxplot(duration, horizontal=TRUE)  # horizontal box plot

The box plot of the eruption duration is:


这个图就是用图形化来表示四分位数, box的三条边表示第一, 二, 三四分位数, 那条最粗的就是第二四分位数, 即中位数

    0%    25%    50%    75%   100% 
1.6000 2.1627 4.0000 4.4543 5.1000



Variance, 方差

The variance is a numerical measure of how the data values is dispersed around the mean. In particular, the sample variance is defined as:

n s2 =--1--∑  (x - ¯x)2     n - 1i=1  i


> duration = faithful$eruptions    # the eruption durations 
> var(duration)                    # apply the var function 
[1] 1.3027


Standard Deviation, 标准偏差

The standard deviation of an observation variable is the square root of its variance.

> duration = faithful$eruptions    # the eruption durations 
> sd(duration)                     # apply the sd function 
[1] 1.1414


Covariance, 协方差

The covariance of two variables x and y in a data sample measures how the two are linearly related. A positive covariance would indicates a positive linear relationship between the variables, and a negative covariance would indicate the opposite.

The sample covariance is defined in terms of the sample means as:

n s  = --1--∑  (x  − ¯x)(y − ¯y) xy   n − 1 i=1 i     i

> duration = faithful$eruptions   # the eruption durations 
> waiting = faithful$waiting      # the waiting period 
> cov(duration, waiting)          # apply the cov function 
[1] 13.978


Correlation Coefficient, 相关系数

The correlation coefficient of two variables in a data sample is their covariance divided by the product of their individual standard deviations. It is a normalized measurement of how the two are linearly related.

Formally, the sample correlation coefficient is defined by the following formula, where sx and sy are the sample standard deviations, and sxy is the sample covariance.

s rxy =--xy      sxsy

If the correlation coefficient is close to 1, it would indicates that the variables are positively linearly related and the scatter plot falls almost along a straight line with positive slope.

For -1, it indicates that the variables are negatively linearly related and the scatter plot almost falls along a straight line with negative slope.

And for zero, it would indicates a weak linear relationship between the variables.

> duration = faithful$eruptions   # the eruption durations 
> waiting = faithful$waiting      # the waiting period 
> cor(duration, waiting)          # apply the cor function 
[1] 0.90081

说明喷发时间和等待时间成正比, 等的越久就喷的越久...





Central Moment, 中心矩

The kth central moment (or moment about the mean) of a data sample is:

1-∑n       k mk = n    (xi − ¯x)        i=1

For example, the second central moment of a population is its variance.

> library(moments)                  # load the moments package 
> duration = faithful$eruptions     # the eruption durations 
> moment(duration, order=3, central=TRUE) 
[1] −0.6149


Skewness, 偏斜度

The skewness of a data population is defined by the following formula, where μ2 and μ3 are the second and third central moments.

γ1 = μ3∕μ3∕22

Intuitively, the skewness is a measure of symmetry.

Negative skewness indicates that the mean of the data values is less than the median, and the data distribution is left-skewed;

Positive skewness would indicates that the mean of the data values is larger than the median, and the data distribution is right-skewed. Of course, this rule applies only to unimodal distributions whose histograms have a single peak.

> library(moments)                  # load the moments package 
> duration = faithful$eruptions     # the eruption durations 
> skewness(duration)                # apply the skewness function 
[1] -0.41584


Kurtosis, 峰态

The kurtosis of a univariate population is defined by the following formula, where μ2 and μ4 are the second and fourth central moments.

γ2 = μ4∕μ22 - 3

Intuitively, the kurtosis is a measure of the peakedness of the data distribution.

Negative kurtosis would indicates a flat distribution, which is said to be platykurtic(平顶).

Positive kurtosis would indicates a peaked distribution, which is said to be leptokurtic(尖顶).

Finally, the normal distribution has zero kurtosis, and is said to be mesokurtic(常态峰的).

> library(moments)                  # load the moments package 
> duration = faithful$eruptions     # the eruption durations 
> kurtosis(duration) - 3            # apply the kurtosis function 
[1] -1.5006





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