C++ Profiler工具之初体验

转 http://www.cnblogs.com/lenolix/archive/2010/12/13/1904868.html


概要:本文同期调研了google profile工具以及其他常用profile的工具,如GNU gprof、oprofile等(都是开源项目),并对其实现原理做了简单分析和比较。希望对之后的推广使用或二期开发有所帮助。


一、       GUN Gropf

       Gprof是GNU profiler工具。可以显示程序运行的“flatprofile”,包括每个函数的调用次数,每个函数消耗的处理器时间。也可以显示“调用图”,包括 函数的调用关系,每个函数调用花费了多少时间。还可以显示“注释的源代码”,是程序源代码的一个复本,标记有程序中每行代码的执行次数。关于Gprof的 使用以及实现原理网上已有多篇文章提及,本文就不再详述,只是对其进行梳理和总结,方便阅读。(Gprof的官方网 址:http://www.cs.utah.edu/dept/old/texinfo/as/gprof_toc.html,http: //sourceware.org/binutils/docs/gprof/index.html 绝对权威的参考资料。)


1.1        安装



1.2        用法




1.3        实现原理


Profiling works by changing how every function in your program iscompiled so that when it is called, it will stash away some informationabout where it was called from. From this, the profiler can figure outwhat function called it, and can count how many times it was called.This change is made by the compiler when your program is compiled withthe `-pg' option.

Profiling also involves watching your program as it runs, andkeeping a histogram of where the program counter happens to be everynow and then. Typically the program counter is looked at around 100times per second of run time, but the exact frequency may vary fromsystem to system.

A special startup routine allocates memory for the histogram andsets up a clock signal handler to make entries in it. Use of thisspecial startup routine is one of the effects of using `gcc ... -pg' tolink. The startup file also includes an `exit' function which isresponsible for writing the file `gmon.out'.

Number-of-calls information for library routines is collected byusing a special version of the C library. The programs in it are thesame as in the usual C library, but they were compiled with `-pg'. Ifyou link your program with `gcc ... -pg', it automatically uses theprofiling version of the library.

The output from gprof gives no indication of parts of your programthat are limited by I/O or swapping bandwidth. This is because samplesof the program counter are taken at fixed intervals of run time.Therefore, the time measurements in gprof output say nothing about timethat your program was not running. For example, a part of the programthat creates so much data that it cannot all fit in physical memory atonce may run very slowly due to thrashing, but gprof will say it useslittle time. On the other hand, sampling by run time has the advantagethat the amount of load due to other users won't directly affect theoutput you get.

     当我们使用"-pg" 选项编译程序后,gcc会做三个工作:

    1. 程序的入口处(main 函数之前)插入monstartup函数的调用代码,完成profile的初始化工作,包括分配保存信息的内存以及设置一个clock 信号处理函数;

    2. 在每个函数的入口处插入_mcount函数的调用代码,用于统计函数的调用信息:包括调用时间、调用次数以及调用栈信息;

   3. 在程序退出时(在 atexit () 里)插入_mcleanup()函数的调用代码,负责将profile信息输出到gmon.out中。



     objdump -S a.out


    400aba:      55                        push   %rbp

    400abb:       48 89e5              mov    %rsp,%rbp

    400abe:       48 83 ec20          sub   $0x20,%rsp

    400ac2:       e8 69 fd ffff          callq  400830<mcount@plt>


     可以看出,在main函数的入口插入了一行汇编代码:callq  400830 <mcount@plt> ,这样main函数的第一行执行代码就是调用_mcount函数。



    a ) __monstartup  此函数的定义在glibc的gmon/gmon.c中

 A special startup routine allocates memory for the histogram andeither calls profil() or sets up a clock signal handler. This routine(monstartup) can be invoked in several ways. On Linux systems, aspecial profiling startup file gcrt0.o, which invokes monstartup beforemain, is used instead of the default crt0.o. Use of this specialstartup file is one of the effects of using `gcc ... -pg' to link. OnSPARC systems, no special startup files are used. Rather, the mcountroutine, when it is invoked for the first time (typically when main iscalled), calls monstartup.

     linux系统中,__monstartup是在__gmon_start__ 中调用的。在程序链接过程中,gcc用gcrt0.o替代了默认的crt0.o,从而修改了main函数执行前的初始化工作:




__gmon_start__ (void)



  /* Protect from being called more than once.  Since crti.o is linked

     into every shared library, each of their init functions will call us.  */

  static int called;


  if (called)



  called = 1;



  /* Start keeping profiling records.  */

  __monstartup ((u_long) TEXT_START, (u_long) &etext);


  /* Call _mcleanup before exiting; it will write out gmon.out from the

     collected data.  */

  atexit (&_mcleanup);

    __gmon_start__ 不仅调用了__monstartup函数,还注册了一个清理函数_mcleanup,此函数将在程序结束时被调用。_mcleanup的功能会在后续说明,接下来让我们看看__monstartup函数都做了什么。


__monstartup (lowpc, highpc)

     u_long lowpc;

     u_long highpc;


  register int o;

  char *cp;

  struct gmonparam *p = &_gmonparam;



   * round lowpc and highpc to multiples of the density we're using

   * so the rest of the scaling (here and in gprof) stays in ints.


  p->lowpc = ROUNDDOWN(lowpc, HISTFRACTION * sizeof(HISTCOUNTER));

  p->highpc = ROUNDUP(highpc, HISTFRACTION * sizeof(HISTCOUNTER));

  p->textsize = p->highpc - p->lowpc;

  p->kcountsize = ROUNDUP(p->textsize / HISTFRACTION, sizeof(*p->froms));

  p->hashfraction = HASHFRACTION;

  p->log_hashfraction = -1;

  /* The following test must be kept in sync with the corresponding

     test in mcount.c.  */

  if ((HASHFRACTION & (HASHFRACTION - 1)) == 0) {

      /* if HASHFRACTION is a power of two, mcount can use shifting

     instead of integer division.  Precompute shift amount. */

      p->log_hashfraction = ffs(p->hashfraction * sizeof(*p->froms)) - 1;


  p->fromssize = p->textsize / HASHFRACTION;

  p->tolimit = p->textsize * ARCDENSITY / 100;

  if (p->tolimit < MINARCS)

    p->tolimit = MINARCS;

  else if (p->tolimit > MAXARCS)

    p->tolimit = MAXARCS;

  p->tossize = p->tolimit * sizeof(struct tostruct);


  cp = calloc (p->kcountsize + p->fromssize + p->tossize, 1);

  if (! cp)


      ERR("monstartup: out of memory\n");

      p->tos = NULL;

      p->state = GMON_PROF_ERROR;



  p->tos = (struct tostruct *)cp;

  cp += p->tossize;

  p->kcount = (HISTCOUNTER *)cp;

  cp += p->kcountsize;

  p->froms = (ARCINDEX *)cp;


  p->tos[0].link = 0;


  o = p->highpc - p->lowpc;

  if (p->kcountsize < (u_long) o)


#ifndef hp300

      s_scale = ((float)p->kcountsize / o ) * SCALE_1_TO_1;


      /* avoid floating point operations */

      int quot = o / p->kcountsize;


      if (quot >= 0x10000)

    s_scale = 1;

      else if (quot >= 0x100)

    s_scale = 0x10000 / quot;

      else if (o >= 0x800000)

    s_scale = 0x1000000 / (o / (p->kcountsize >> 8));


    s_scale = 0x1000000 / ((o << 8) / p->kcountsize);


    } else

      s_scale = SCALE_1_TO_1;






#include <stdio.h>

int or_f(int a,int b)


    return a^b;


int main(int argc,char** argv)




    return 1;



     readelf -S test

Section Headers:

  [Nr] Name              Type             Address           Offset

       Size              EntSize          Flags  Link  Info  Align


[12] .text             PROGBITS         0000000000400540  00000540

       0000000000000278  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     16


     从输出可以看出,test可执行程序的text代码地址为0x400540 ~ 0x400540 + 0x278。

     接下来运行./test ,通过对glibc代码的修改,我们打印出__monstartup函数的两个实参值,结果如下:

     lowpc: 400540, highpc: 4007c6,正好对应着test程序的代码段范围。


     cat /proc/$self/maps:

00400000-00401000 r-xp 00000000 08:03 70746688                           /tmp/test

00600000-00601000 rw-p 00000000 08:03 70746688                           /tmp/test

10ca4000-10cc5000 rw-p 10ca4000 00:00 0                                  [heap]

3536600000-353661c000 r-xp 00000000 08:03 93028660                       /lib64/ld-2.5.so

353681b000-353681c000 r--p 0001b000 08:03 93028660                       /lib64/ld-2.5.so

353681c000-353681d000 rw-p 0001c000 08:03 93028660                       /lib64/ld-2.5.so

2b4f1af23000-2b4f1af25000 rw-p 2b4f1af23000 00:00 0

2b4f1af25000-2b4f1b063000 r-xp 00000000 08:03 32931849       /root/glibc-2.5-42-build/lib/libc-2.5.so

2b4f1b063000-2b4f1b263000 ---p 0013e000 08:03 32931849      /root/glibc-2.5-42-build/lib/libc-2.5.so

2b4f1b263000-2b4f1b267000 r--p 0013e000 08:03 32931849      /root/glibc-2.5-42-build/lib/libc-2.5.so

2b4f1b267000-2b4f1b268000 rw-p 00142000 08:03 32931849     /root/glibc-2.5-42-build/lib/libc-2.5.so

2b4f1b268000-2b4f1b26f000 rw-p 2b4f1b268000 00:00 0

7fffa306b000-7fffa3080000 rw-p 7ffffffea000 00:00 0                      [stack]

ffffffffff600000-ffffffffffe00000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0                  [vdso]





__moncontrol (mode)

     int mode;


  struct gmonparam *p = &_gmonparam;


  /* Don't change the state if we ran into an error.  */

  if (p->state == GMON_PROF_ERROR)



  if (mode)


      /* start */

      __profil((void *) p->kcount, p->kcountsize, p->lowpc, s_scale);

      p->state = GMON_PROF_ON;




      /* stop */

      __profil(NULL, 0, 0, 0);

      p->state = GMON_PROF_OFF;






__profil (u_short *sample_buffer, size_t size, size_t offset, u_int scale)


  struct sigaction act;

  struct itimerval timer;

#ifndef IS_IN_rtld

  static struct sigaction oact;

  static struct itimerval otimer;

# define oact_ptr &oact

# define otimer_ptr &otimer


  if (sample_buffer == NULL)


      /* Disable profiling.  */

      if (samples == NULL)

    /* Wasn't turned on.  */

    return 0;


      if (__setitimer (ITIMER_PROF, &otimer, NULL) < 0)

    return -1;

      samples = NULL;

      return __sigaction (SIGPROF, &oact, NULL);



 if (samples)


      /* Was already turned on.  Restore old timer and signal handler

     first.  */

      if (__setitimer (ITIMER_PROF, &otimer, NULL) < 0

      || __sigaction (SIGPROF, &oact, NULL) < 0)

    return -1;



 /* In ld.so profiling should never be disabled once it runs.  */

 //assert (sample_buffer != NULL);

# define oact_ptr NULL

# define otimer_ptr NULL



  samples = sample_buffer;

  nsamples = size / sizeof *samples;

  pc_offset = offset;

  pc_scale = scale;


  act.sa_handler = (sighandler_t) &profil_counter;

  act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;

  __sigfillset (&act.sa_mask);

  if (__sigaction (SIGPROF, &act, oact_ptr) < 0)

    return -1;


  timer.it_value.tv_sec = 0;

  timer.it_value.tv_usec = 1000000 / __profile_frequency ();

  timer.it_interval = timer.it_value;

  return __setitimer (ITIMER_PROF, &timer, otimer_ptr);




    b)_mcount  此函数的定义在sysdeps/generic/machine-gmon.h中

  #define MCOUNT \

void _mcount (void)                                  \

{                                          \

  mcount_internal ((u_long) RETURN_ADDRESS (1), (u_long) RETURN_ADDRESS (0)); \


     其中((u_long) RETURN_ADDRESS (nr)调用了__builtin_return_address(nr)函数,__builtin_return_address(nr)会返回当前调 用栈中第nr帧的pc地址。所以(u_long)RETURN_ADDRESS (0)返回的是当前函数地址topc;而(u_long) RETURN_ADDRESS(1)返回的是当前函数的返回地址frompc。



---This function returns the return address of the currentfunction,or of one of its callers. The LEVEL argument is number offrames to scan up the call stack. A value of '0' yields the returnaddress of the current function,a value of '1' yields the returnaddress of the caller of the current function,and so forth.


  _MCOUNT_DECL(frompc, selfpc)    /* _mcount; may be static, inline, etc */


    register ARCINDEX *frompcindex;

    register struct tostruct *top, *prevtop;

    register struct gmonparam *p;

    register ARCINDEX toindex;

    int i;


    p = &_gmonparam;


     * check that we are profiling

     * and that we aren't recursively invoked.


    if (catomic_compare_and_exchange_bool_acq (&p->state, GMON_PROF_BUSY,





     * check that frompcindex is a reasonable pc value.

     * for example:    signal catchers get called from the stack,

     *        not from text space.  too bad.


    frompc -= p->lowpc;

    if (frompc > p->textsize)

        goto done;


    /* The following test used to be

        if (p->log_hashfraction >= 0)

       But we can simplify this if we assume the profiling data

       is always initialized by the functions in gmon.c.  But

       then it is possible to avoid a runtime check and use the

       smae `if' as in gmon.c.  So keep these tests in sync.  */

    if ((HASHFRACTION & (HASHFRACTION - 1)) == 0) {

      /* avoid integer divide if possible: */

        i = frompc >> p->log_hashfraction;

    } else {

        i = frompc / (p->hashfraction * sizeof(*p->froms));


    frompcindex = &p->froms[i];

    toindex = *frompcindex;

    if (toindex == 0) {


         *    first time traversing this arc


        toindex = ++p->tos[0].link;

        if (toindex >= p->tolimit)

            /* halt further profiling */

            goto overflow;


        *frompcindex = toindex;

        top = &p->tos[toindex];

        top->selfpc = selfpc;

        top->count = 1;

        top->link = 0;

        goto done;


    top = &p->tos[toindex];

    if (top->selfpc == selfpc) {


         * arc at front of chain; usual case.



        goto done;



     * have to go looking down chain for it.

     * top points to what we are looking at,

     * prevtop points to previous top.

     * we know it is not at the head of the chain.


    for (; /* goto done */; ) {

        if (top->link == 0) {


             * top is end of the chain and none of the chain

             * had top->selfpc == selfpc.

             * so we allocate a new tostruct

             * and link it to the head of the chain.


            toindex = ++p->tos[0].link;

            if (toindex >= p->tolimit)

                goto overflow;


            top = &p->tos[toindex];

            top->selfpc = selfpc;

            top->count = 1;

            top->link = *frompcindex;

            *frompcindex = toindex;

            goto done;



         * otherwise, check the next arc on the chain.


        prevtop = top;

        top = &p->tos[top->link];

        if (top->selfpc == selfpc) {


             * there it is.

             * increment its count

             * move it to the head of the chain.



            toindex = prevtop->link;

            prevtop->link = top->link;

            top->link = *frompcindex;

            *frompcindex = toindex;

            goto done;





    p->state = GMON_PROF_ON;



    p->state = GMON_PROF_ERROR;



    此函数的主要功能就是记录每个函数的调用次数,以及函数之间的调用关系表。并将这些信息保存在全局变量_gmonparam中。由于此函数是通过hack的方式来调用的(插入入口代码),因此其获取的信息都是精确的。强调z这一点的目的是为了下面将要介绍的另一个主要函数: profil_counter 。回 溯到gcc的一个步骤,monstartup函数在初始化的最后阶段,通过sigaction调用注册了一个SIGPROF信号处理函数,这个函数 profil_counter。这个函数会以__profile_frequency()的频率被调用,并完成profile的主要工作:收集 sample信息,以此来计算每个函数的消耗时间。


  static void

profil_counter (int signo, SIGCONTEXT scp)


  profil_count ((void *) GET_PC (scp));


  /* This is a hack to prevent the compiler from implementing the

     above function call as a sibcall.  The sibcall would overwrite

     the signal context.  */

  asm volatile ("");



  static inline void

profil_count (void *pc)


  size_t i = (pc - pc_offset - (void *) 0) / 2;


  if (sizeof (unsigned long long int) > sizeof (size_t))

    i = (unsigned long long int) i * pc_scale / 65536;


    i = i / 65536 * pc_scale + i % 65536 * pc_scale / 65536;


  if (i < nsamples)



     这段代码的逻辑有点晦涩,需要联系之前的处理逻辑来理解。pc_offset、pc_scale以及samples这些 全局变量的赋值是在__profil函数中处理的。回溯__profil的逻辑代码,就可以看出samples=_gmonparam-> kcount, 用于保存sample信息,pc_offset =p->lowpc,是程序代码段的起始地址,pc_scale是一个比例因子,用于控制sample的提取粒度。综合上下文,gprof在这里的 处理逻辑是将lowpc~lowpc+65536(linux下默认一个段的大小为64K)范围内的代码映射到一个内存数组,而pc_scale其实就是 决定了映射粒度。对于任何一个处于[lowpc,lowpc+65536]范围内的pc,其对应的数组下标是: pc - lowpc / (65536/ pc_scale)  = (pc - lowpc) * pc_scale /65536;这样一个数组项(一个sample)对应了一段pc_scale长度的程序地址,而每当这段地址内的代码被执行时,相应的sample计数 就会加1。


  c ) 最后当程序结束时,会调用_mcleanup,其定义在gmon/gmon.c中。


_mcleanup (void)


  __moncontrol (0);


  if (_gmonparam.state != GMON_PROF_ERROR)

    write_gmon ();


  /* free the memory. */

  free (_gmonparam.tos);


    首先其通过__moncontrol(0)结束profil工作,其次通过write_gmon ()函数将profile信息输出到gmon.out文件中。


static void

write_gmon (void)


    struct gmon_hdr ghdr __attribute__ ((aligned (__alignof__ (int))));

    int fd = -1;

    char *env;


#ifndef O_NOFOLLOW

# define O_NOFOLLOW    0



    env = getenv ("GMON_OUT_PREFIX");

    if (env != NULL && !__libc_enable_secure)


    size_t len = strlen (env);

    char buf[len + 20];

    __snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s.%u", env, __getpid ());

    fd = open_not_cancel (buf, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_NOFOLLOW, 0666);



    if (fd == -1)


    fd = open_not_cancel ("gmon.out", O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_NOFOLLOW,


    if (fd < 0)


        char buf[300];

        int errnum = errno;

        __fxprintf (NULL, "_mcleanup: gmon.out: %s\n",

            __strerror_r (errnum, buf, sizeof buf));





    /* write gmon.out header: */

    memset (&ghdr, '\0', sizeof (struct gmon_hdr));

    memcpy (&ghdr.cookie[0], GMON_MAGIC, sizeof (ghdr.cookie));

    *(int32_t *) ghdr.version = GMON_VERSION;

    write_not_cancel (fd, &ghdr, sizeof (struct gmon_hdr));


    /* write PC histogram: */

    write_hist (fd);


    /* write call-graph: */

    write_call_graph (fd);


    /* write basic-block execution counts: */

    write_bb_counts (fd);


    close_not_cancel_no_status (fd);


通过write_hist、write_call_graph、write_bb_counts这三个子函数,其分别将pc histogram、call-graph以及basic-block execution counts信息输出到gmon.out中。


1.4        gprof的输出分析

     在gmon.out文件产生之后,可以通过GNU binutils中提供的工具gprof来分析数据,转换成容易阅读、理解的格式(文字、图片等)。


    在gmon_out_read函数中,其分别通过hist_read_rec、cg_read_rec、bb_read_rec来读取 gmon.out中对应的pc histogram、call-graph以及basic-block executioncounts信息。在将pchistogram映射到具体函数时间的处理上,gprof采用了一种近似算法:










     bin_low_pc = lowpc + (bfd_vma)(hist_scale * i);

     bin_high_pc = lowpc +(bfd_vma) (hist_scale * (i + 1));


    sym_low_pc =symtab.base[j].hist.scaled_addr;

    sym_high_pc = symtab.base[j +1].hist.scaled_addr;

    gprof只将[bin_low_pc, bin_high_pc]和[sym_low_pc ,sym_high_pc]重合区域(以箭头标识)的sample次数算为sym_low_pc符号的消耗时间。

     overlap = MIN (bin_high_pc,sym_high_pc) - MAX (bin_low_pc, sym_low_pc);

credit = overlap * time /hist_scale;  // time = sample[i], hist_scale = pc_scale.


1.5        小结

     Gprof是GUN 工具链中自带的profiler,无需安装成本,与gcc的结合让其使用方便,能够快速上手。但是gprof也有其一定的缺陷,

     1、它的测试结果并不能保证完全准确:  它无法统计程序耗在IO以及swap上的时间:

The output from gprof gives no indication of parts of your programthat are limited by I/O or swapping bandwidth. This is because samplesof the program counter are taken at fixed intervals of the program'srun time. Therefore, the time measurements in gprof output say nothingabout time that your program was not running. For example, a part ofthe program that creates so much data that it cannot all fit inphysical memory at once may run very slowly due to thrashing, but gprofwill say it uses little time. On the other hand, sampling by run timehas the advantage that the amount of load due to other users won'tdirectly affect the output you get.


The run-time figures that gprof gives you are based on a samplingprocess, so they are subject to statistical inaccuracy. If a functionruns only a small amount of time, so that on the average the samplingprocess ought to catch that function in the act only once, there is apretty good chance it will actually find that function zero times, ortwice.

By contrast, the number-of-calls figures are derived by counting,not sampling. They are completely accurate and will not vary from runto run if your program is deterministic.

The sampling period that is printed at the beginning of theflat profile says how often samples are taken. The rule of thumb isthat a run-time figure is accurate if it is considerably bigger thanthe sampling period.

The actual amount of error is usually more than one sampling period. In fact, if a value is n times the sampling period, the expected error in it is the square-root of nsampling periods. If the sampling period is 0.01 seconds and foo'srun-time is 1 second, the expected error in foo's run-time is 0.1seconds. It is likely to vary this much on the average from one profiling run to the next. (Sometimes it will vary more.)

This does not mean that a small run-time figure is devoid of information. If the program's totalrun-time is large, a small run-time for one function does tell you thatthat function used an insignificant fraction of the whole program'stime. Usually this means it is not worth optimizing.

    2. gprof不能支持动态库的解析。原因在本文中已经分析。

    3. gprof不易维护和扩展,因为gprof的代码是封装在GNU工具链的glibc以及binutils中,修改libc的风险较大,而且版本也不易维护(不同系统中使用的libc版本不一致,如果单独更新glibc,会出现程序crash)。


二、       GooglePerformance Tools

Goolgleperformance tools是google公司开发的一套用于C++Profile的工具集。其中包括:


一个用于CPU profile的工具,用于检测程序的性能热点,这个功能和gprof类似。


一个用于Heap profile的工具,用于监控程序在执行过程的内存使用情况。







1.使用其提供的内存管理函数---TC Malloc:

       gcc [...] -ltcmalloc  



       gcc [...] -o myprogram -ltcmalloc

       HEAPCHECK=normal ./myprogram   


3.使用Heap Profiler:

      gcc [...] -o myprogram -ltcmalloc

      HEAPPROFILE=/tmp/netheap ./myprogram  


4.使用Cpu Profiler:

      gcc [...] -o myprogram -lprofiler

      CPUPROFILE=/tmp/profile ./myprogram


它的输出也很清晰,下图是一个CpuProfiler的结果图,其中每个方块代码一个函数,方块间的箭头描述了函数之间的调用关系,每个方块里面有 两个数字:X ofY,其中Y表示在程序执行过程中函数所消耗的总体时间,X表示函数自身所消耗的时间,所以Y-X及时函数所调用的子函数消耗时间。如果函数没有子函 数,则只显示总体时间。(X,Y的单位得sample,每个sample所代表的时间可以设置,默认为10ms)



2.1        安装

     a) 安装libunwind

libunwind是一个用于解析程序调用栈的C++库,由于glibc内建的栈回滚功能在64位系统上有bug,因此googleperformance tools建议使用libunwind


       cd $HOME

tarxzvf libunwind-0.99-beta.tar.gz

       mkdir libunwind-0.99-beta-build

       cd libunwind-0.99-beta

       ./configure –prefix=$HOME/libunwind-0.99-beta-build


     b) 安装Google PerformanceTools

       注意:如果在系统目录中找不到libunwind,google performance tools将默认使用glibc的内建功能,因此我们需要手动设置libunwind的安装目录。


       cd $HOME

       tar xzvf google-perftools-1.6.tar.gz

       mkdir google-perftools-1.6-build

       cd google-perftools-1.6

       ./configure –prefix=$HOME/ google-perftools-1.6-build



       make && make install


2.2        用法




2.2.1 动态库的支持

      在第一章节里面我们已经证明和分析GUNProfiler不提供对动态库的支持,虽然可以通过修改glibc的代码来扩展此功能,但是 维护成本较大。而Goolgle performancetools本身就已经提供了对动态库的支持功能。当然动态库的使用也分两种情况:一种是在运行时动态链接库,一种是在运行时动态加 载库。

       运行时链接可以动态地将程序和共享库链接并让 Linux 在执行时加载库(如果它已经在内存中了,则无需再加载)。以一个具体例子来说明:


extern "C"{

int loopop();



// libtestprofiler.cpp

#include "libtestprofiler.h"

extern "C"{

int loopop()


    int n = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)

        for(int j = 0; j < 10000; j++)


            n |= i%100 + j/100;


    return n;



g++--shared -fPIC -g -O0 -o libtestprofiler.so libtestprofiler.cpp


#include <iostream>

#include "libtestprofiler.h"

using namespace std;


int main(int argc,char** argv)


    cout << "loopop: " << loopop() << endl;

    return 1;



a)   首先采用GUN Profile的方式编译主程序

g++ -g -O0 -omain main.cpp -ltestprofiler -L. –pg


gprof –b ./main结果如下:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.

 no time accumulated


  %   cumulative   self              self     total          

 time   seconds   seconds    calls  Ts/call  Ts/call  name   

  0.00      0.00     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  global constructors keyed to main

  0.00      0.00     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)

      0.00      0.00     0.00        1     0.00     0.00  data_start

和预想一样,GNU Profile 不能解析动态库的性能热点。


b)   再以google CPU Profile的方式编译主程序:

g++ -g -O0 -omain main.cpp -ltestprofiler -L. -lprofiler-L/home/wul/google-perftools-1.6-build/lib


pprof --text./main  ./perf.out,结果如下:

Using local file ./main.

Using local file ./perf.out.

Removing killpg from all stack traces.

Total: 5923 samples

    5923 100.0% 100.0%     5923 100.0% loopop

       0   0.0% 100.0%     5923 100.0% __libc_start_main

       0   0.0% 100.0%     5923 100.0% _start

           0   0.0% 100.0%     5923 100.0% main

由此证明,Google CPU Profiler支持对动态链接库的性能分析。




#include <stdio.h>

#include <dlfcn.h>


char LIBPATH[] = "./libtestprofiler.so";

typedef int (*op_t) ();


int main(int argc,char** argv)


    void* dl_handle;

    op_t loopop;

    char* error;


    /* Open the shared object */

    dl_handle = dlopen( LIBPATH, RTLD_LAZY );

    if (!dl_handle) {

        printf( "dlopen failed! %s\n", dlerror() );

        return 1;



    /* Resolve the symbol (loopop) from the object */

    loopop = (op_t)dlsym( dl_handle, "loopop");

    error = dlerror();

    if (error != NULL) {

        printf( "dlsym failed! %s\n", error );

        return 1;



    /* Call the resolved loopop and print the result */

    printf("result:  %d\n", (loopop)() );


    /* Close the object */

    dlclose( dl_handle );


    return 0;



g++ -g -O0  -o main_dl main_dl.cpp  -lprofiler -L/home/wul/google-perftools-1.6-build/lib-ldl


pprof--text ./main_dl  ./perf_dl.out,结果如下:

Using local file ./main_dl.

Using local file ./perf_dl.out.

Removing killpg from all stack traces.

Total: 5949 samples

     843  14.2%  14.2%      843  14.2% 0x00002b2f203d25d6


       0   0.0% 100.0%        1   0.0% 0x00002b2f203d25ed

       0   0.0% 100.0%     5949 100.0% __libc_start_main

       0   0.0% 100.0%     5949 100.0% _start

       0   0.0% 100.0%     5949 100.0% main

很奇怪,这个结果显示libtestprofiler.so库中的符号没有正确解析,perf_dl.out文件也没有包含 libtestprofiler.so的内存映射信息,但是我们确实在主程序已经通过dlopen将动态库装载到内存并执行成功了,为何在主程序的内存映 射表中找不到动态库的信息呢?经过一番分析和调查,终于找到原因,因为perf_dl.out文件的输出工作是在主程序执行结束之后、系统回收资源的时候 调用的(具体见实现原理一节),而在此时主程序执行了dlclose()函数卸载了libtestprofiler.so,所以随后dump出的内存映射 表当然就不会包含libtestprofiler.so的信息了。我们测试下将dlclose(dl_handle)注释后的运行结果:

Using local file ./main_dl.

Using local file ./perf_dl.out.

Removing killpg from all stack traces.

Total: 5923 samples

    5923 100.0% 100.0%     5923 100.0% loopop

       0   0.0% 100.0%     5923 100.0% __libc_start_main

       0   0.0% 100.0%     5923 100.0% _start

           0   0.0% 100.0%     5923 100.0% main



2.2.2 动态profiler功能

         这里首先需要解释下何谓动态profiler功能:传统的profiler工具,以GUNProfiler为例,只能编译阶段控制profiler的开关 (-fprofile-arcs-ftest-coverage),但是我们有时候需要在程序的运行阶段,或者说运行的中间阶段控制profiler的开 关。Googleperformance tools可以通过CPUPROFILE环境变量在程序运行初阶段控制cpuprofiler的开关,而且根据文档/usr/doc/google- perftools-1.5/pprof_remote_servers.html的提示,可以通过功能扩展可以实现在运行中间阶段或通过http协议远 程控制profiler信息的功能。gperftools-httpd项目就已经初步完成了这个功能,我们可以体验一下。


       2.修改下测试程序 main.cpp, 正常运行时间,方便测试

#include <iostream>

#include "gperftools-httpd.h"

#include "libtestprofiler.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc,char** argv)




        cout << "loopop: " << loopop() << endl;

    return 1;


这个程序主要做了两点修改,调用ghttpd()启动一个轻量级web servive,已完成pprof的远程请求服务;通过while循环加长了程序的执行时间,已方便验证动态profiler功能。


g++-g -O0 -o  main main.cpp-I/home/wul/gperftools-httpd-0.2-ltestprofiler -L.-L/home/wul/gperftools-httpd-0.2/  -lghttpd -lprofiler -L/home/wul/google-perftools-1.6-build/lib-dl -lpthread

       4. 启动测试程序

       ./main 注意我们这时并没有设置CPUPROFILE环境变量,即表示此时CPU  PROFILE功能还没有打开。

       5.通过pprof工具远程打开测试程序的CPU profile功能:

       pprof  ./main  http://localhost:9999/pprof/profile,结果如下:

Using local file ./main.

Gathering CPU profile from http://localhost:9999/pprof/profile?seconds=30 for 30 seconds to


Be patient...

Wrote profile to /home/wul/pprof/main.1292168091.localhost

Removing _L_mutex_unlock_15 from all stack traces.

Welcome to pprof!  For help, type 'help'.

(pprof) text

Total: 2728 samples

    2728 100.0% 100.0%     2728 100.0% loopop

       0   0.0% 100.0%     2728 100.0% __libc_start_main

       0   0.0% 100.0%     2728 100.0% _start

       0   0.0% 100.0%     2728 100.0% main

       从结果中可以看出,当pprof向本地web服务http://localhost:9999/发 送Getpprof/profile请求时,测试程序就会自动开启profile功能,默认的监控时间段是now~now+30s(时间长短可以通过 seconds参数设置),等待30s之后,测试程序停止profile,将结果返回给pprof并保存在/home/wul/pprof /main.1292168091.localhost中,此时再通过text命令就可以看到解析后的输出了。pprof工具还支持其它的query参 数,譬如采样频率控制、触发采样事件等,具体可以参考gperftools-httpd以及google performancetools的官方文档。


2.3         实现原理

       Google performance tools包含四大功能,但是本章主要集中介绍CPU profiler功能,以便和GNU profiler做横向对比。


2.3.1     CPU Profile

googleCPU profile的实现方式不同于gprof,但是两个的实现原理有点相似。CPUprofiler是通过设置SIGPROF信号处理函数来采集 sample的,这点和gprof一样,但是CPUprofiler没有在函数入口插入代码,而是通过保存调用栈信息来记录函数的调用图和调用次数。 CPUprofiler的主要实现代码在src/profiler.cc中。这个文件中定义了一个CpuProfiler类,并声明一个该类的静态实例。 这样在main函数之前,此静态实例就会被初始化。


// Initialize profiling: activated if getenv("CPUPROFILE") exists.


    : prof_handler_token_(NULL) {

  // TODO(cgd) Move this code *out* of the CpuProfile constructor into a

  // separate object responsible for initialization. With ProfileHandler there

  // is no need to limit the number of profilers.  charfname[PATH_MAX];  if (!GetUniquePathFromEnv("CPUPROFILE", fname)) {   return;


  // We don't enable profiling if setuid -- it's a security risk


  if (getuid() != geteuid())



  if (!Start(fname, NULL)) {

    RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Can't turn on cpu profiling for '%s': %s\n",

            fname, strerror(errno));




该构造函数首先会判断系统变量CPUPROFILE是否被设置,如果设置了,则启动CPU profiler进程,否则,直接返回。我们在看看Start函数做了什么:


bool CpuProfiler::Start(const char* fname, const ProfilerOptions* options) {

  SpinLockHolder cl(&lock_);


  if (collector_.enabled()) {

    return false;



  ProfileHandlerState prof_handler_state;



  ProfileData::Options collector_options;


  if (!collector_.Start(fname, collector_options)) {

    return false;



  filter_ = NULL;

  if (options != NULL && options->filter_in_thread != NULL) {

    filter_ = options->filter_in_thread;

    filter_arg_ = options->filter_in_thread_arg;



  // Setup handler for SIGPROF interrupts



  return true;






default: 100 

How many interrupts/second the cpu-profiler samples.


default: [not set]

If set to any value (including 0 or the empty string), useITIMER_REAL instead of ITIMER_PROF to gather profiles. In general,ITIMER_REAL is not as accurate as ITIMER_PROF, and also interacts badlywith use of alarm(), so prefer ITIMER_PROF unless you have a reasonprefer ITIMER_REAL.




bool ProfileData::Start(const char* fname,

                        const ProfileData::Options& options) {

  if (enabled()) {

    return false;



  // Open output file and initialize various data structures

  int fd = open(fname, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0666);

  if (fd < 0) {

    // Can't open outfile for write

    return false;



  start_time_ = time(NULL);

  fname_ = strdup(fname);


  // Reset counters

  num_evicted_ = 0;

  count_       = 0;

  evictions_   = 0;

  total_bytes_ = 0;


  hash_ = new Bucket[kBuckets];

  evict_ = new Slot[kBufferLength];

  memset(hash_, 0, sizeof(hash_[0]) * kBuckets);

  // Record special entries

  evict_[num_evicted_++] = 0;                     // count for header

  evict_[num_evicted_++] = 3;                     // depth for header

  evict_[num_evicted_++] = 0;                     // Version number

  CHECK_NE(0, options.frequency());

  int period = 1000000 / options.frequency();

  evict_[num_evicted_++] = period;                // Period (microseconds)

  evict_[num_evicted_++] = 0;                     // Padding


  out_ = fd;


  return true;



其中slot数组evict_就是profiler输出文件中的保存内容,具体可参考profiler输出文件的格式说明。Bucket数组hash_是用于临时保存程序调用栈信息的hash表,num_evicted记录evict_数组中的有效长度。这些变量在后续将会经常出现。回到profiler.cc中的CpuProfiler::Start函数,其最后一步调用的是EnableHandler(), 用于设置SIGPROF的信号处理函数。


void CpuProfiler::EnableHandler() {

RAW_CHECK(prof_handler_token_ == NULL, "SIGPROF handler already registered");

prof_handler_token_ = ProfileHandlerRegisterCallback(prof_handler, this);

RAW_CHECK(prof_handler_token_ != NULL, "Failed to set up SIGPROF handler");





ProfileHandlerToken* ProfileHandler::RegisterCallback(

ProfileHandlerCallback callback, void* callback_arg) {

ProfileHandlerToken* token = new ProfileHandlerToken(callback, callback_arg);


SpinLockHolder cl(&control_lock_);



SpinLockHolder sl(&signal_lock_);



// Start the timer if timer is shared and this is a first callback.

if ((callback_count_ == 0) && (timer_sharing_ == TIMERS_SHARED)) {





return token;





void ProfileHandler::EnableHandler() {

struct sigaction sa;

sa.sa_sigaction = SignalHandler;

sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO;


const int signal_number = (timer_type_ == ITIMER_PROF ? SIGPROF : SIGALRM);

RAW_CHECK(sigaction(signal_number, &sa, NULL) == 0, "sigprof (enable)");



到此,CPU profile的初始化工作基本上都完成了,总结一下主要是完成了两个工作:一个是内存的分配以及初始化,一个是注册SIGPROF信号处理函数,以便采集sample信息。所以接下来的重点将是分析CPU profile是如何采集sample的。首先看看SignalHandler函数的定义:


void ProfileHandler::SignalHandler(int sig, siginfo_t* sinfo, void* ucontext) {

  int saved_errno = errno;

  RAW_CHECK(instance_ != NULL, "ProfileHandler is not initialized");


    SpinLockHolder sl(&instance_->signal_lock_);


    for (CallbackIterator it = instance_->callbacks_.begin();

         it != instance_->callbacks_.end();

         ++it) {

      (*it)->callback(sig, sinfo, ucontext, (*it)->callback_arg);



  errno = saved_errno;



从代码中可以看出,SignalHandler除了记录中断次数之外,遍历调用了callbacks_链中的所有回调函数,回溯CPU Profile前面的初始化工作,这里就会调用prof_handler函数:


// Signal handler that records the pc in the profile-data structure. We do no

// synchronization here.  profile-handler.cc guarantees that at most one

// instance of prof_handler() will run at a time. All other routines that

// access the data touched by prof_handler() disable this signal handler before

// accessing the data and therefore cannot execute concurrently with

// prof_handler().

void CpuProfiler::prof_handler(int sig, siginfo_t*, void* signal_ucontext,

                               void* cpu_profiler) {

  CpuProfiler* instance = static_cast<CpuProfiler*>(cpu_profiler);


  if (instance->filter_ == NULL ||

      (*instance->filter_)(instance->filter_arg_)) {

    void* stack[ProfileData::kMaxStackDepth];

    // The top-most active routine doesn't show up as a normal

    // frame, but as the "pc" value in the signal handler context.

    stack[0] = GetPC(*reinterpret_cast<ucontext_t*>(signal_ucontext));


    // We skip the top two stack trace entries (this function and one

    // signal handler frame) since they are artifacts of profiling and

    // should not be measured.  Other profiling related frames may be

    // removed by "pprof" at analysis time.  Instead of skipping the top

    // frames, we could skip nothing, but that would increase the

    // profile size unnecessarily.

    int depth = GetStackTraceWithContext(stack + 1, arraysize(stack) - 1,

                                         2, signal_ucontext);

    depth++;  // To account for pc value in stack[0];


    instance->collector_.Add(depth, stack);




从代码的注解片段中可以理解此函数的主要工作就是记录将当前程序的调用栈信息。顾名思义,GetPC函数用于获取当前pc指针,它是利用linux系统的信号处理机制来获取当前pc的(具体可参考《unix环境高级编程》), 其主要实现代码在getpc.h中:


inline void* GetPC(const ucontext_t& signal_ucontext) {

//    fprintf(stderr,"In GetPC3");

    return (void*)signal_ucontext.PC_FROM_UCONTEXT;   // defined in config.h



GetStackTraceWithContext函数完成了cpu profiler过程中最重要的一步,它最终调用了libunwind库,dump出了当前的函数调用栈信息,其主要实现代码在stacktrace_libunwind-inl.h中:



  fprintf(stderr,"in libunwind\n");

  void *ip;

  int n = 0;

  unw_cursor_t cursor;

  unw_context_t uc;


  unw_word_t sp = 0, next_sp = 0;



  if (recursive) {

    return 0;




  int ret = unw_init_local(&cursor, &uc);

  assert(ret >= 0);

  skip_count++;         // Do not include current frame


  while (skip_count--) {

      if (unw_step(&cursor) <= 0) {

          goto out;



      if (unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_SP, &next_sp)) {

          goto out;





  while (n < max_depth) {

      if (unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_IP, (unw_word_t *) &ip) < 0) {




      sizes[n] = 0;


    result[n++] = ip;

    if (unw_step(&cursor) <= 0) {




    sp = next_sp;

    if (unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_SP, &next_sp) , 0) {



    sizes[n - 1] = next_sp - sp;





  return n;




void ProfileData::Add(int depth, const void* const* stack) {

  if (!enabled()) {




  if (depth > kMaxStackDepth) depth = kMaxStackDepth;

  RAW_CHECK(depth > 0, "ProfileData::Add depth <= 0");


  // Make hash-value

  Slot h = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {

    Slot slot = reinterpret_cast<Slot>(stack[i]);

    h = (h << 8) | (h >> (8*(sizeof(h)-1)));

    h += (slot * 31) + (slot * 7) + (slot * 3);





  // See if table already has an entry for this trace

  bool done = false;

  Bucket* bucket = &hash_[h % kBuckets];

  for (int a = 0; a < kAssociativity; a++) {

    Entry* e = &bucket->entry[a];

    if (e->depth == depth) {

      bool match = true;

      for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {

        if (e->stack[i] != reinterpret_cast<Slot>(stack[i])) {

          match = false;




      if (match) {


        done = true;






  if (!done) {

    // Evict entry with smallest count

    Entry* e = &bucket->entry[0];

    for (int a = 1; a < kAssociativity; a++) {

      if (bucket->entry[a].count < e->count) {

        e = &bucket->entry[a];



    if (e->count > 0) {





    // Use the newly evicted entry

    e->depth = depth;

    e->count = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {

      e->stack[i] = reinterpret_cast<Slot>(stack[i]);










到此,CPU profile的主要流程都走完了,总结一下其一直在循环执行一个动作:定期保存程序的当前调用栈信息。在被测程序执行结束之后,CPU profile所做的最后一步工作就是将evict_数组中保存的数据输出到%CPUPROFILER环境变量制定的文件中(profiledata.cc):

void ProfileData::Stop() {

  if (!enabled()) {




  // Move data from hash table to eviction buffer

  for (int b = 0; b < kBuckets; b++) {

    Bucket* bucket = &hash_[b];

    for (int a = 0; a < kAssociativity; a++) {

      if (bucket->entry[a].count > 0) {






  if (num_evicted_ + 3 > kBufferLength) {

    // Ensure there is enough room for end of data marker




  // Write end of data marker

  evict_[num_evicted_++] = 0;         // count

  evict_[num_evicted_++] = 1;         // depth

  evict_[num_evicted_++] = 0;         // end of data marker



  // Dump "/proc/self/maps" so we get list of mapped shared libraries




  fprintf(stderr, "PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = %d/%d/%" PRIuS "\n",

          count_, evictions_, total_bytes_);



在dump出evict_数组数据之后,函数还通过DumpProcSelfMaps将/prof/self/map中的信息追加到输出文件中,这 些信息记录了应用程序的内存映射情况,是pprof工具解析指令符号的重要依据。(关于/prof/self/map中的信息说明可以参考《程序员的自我 修养》)



       pprof是用perl语言编写的解析工具,它的主要功能就是将CPU profile的输出数据转换成容易阅读理解的可视格式,如text、pdf、gif等,接下来本文将讲解pprof的主要工作原理,具体细节可以参考pprof代码。

      $CPUPROFILER文件中保存了两部分信息:前部分是定期dump的调用栈信息,每个调用栈信息中都包含了执行次数、栈深度以及 栈指针值(即指令地址);后半部分记录应用程序的内存映射图。所以第一步,pprof根据内存映射图和程序符号表将调用栈中的指令地址翻译成容易理解的程 序代码;第二步,pprof根据第一部分保存的栈信息描述出程序中的函数调用图;最后一步,pprof根据栈执行次数计算出每段代码的执行次数,再根据定 时器的执行频率估算出程序段的执行时间,进而找出程序的性能热点。


2.4        小结

       Google performance tools采用了和GUNProfiler近似的原理、不同的方式来达到profiler的效果。由于其通过记录调用栈信息来反推程序段的执行次数,不可 避免地会出现遗漏和误算情况,而且和GUNProfiler一样,它也是通过sample的采样频率来估算程序段的运行时间,因此最终计算结果并不是十分 精确的,具有一定的误差。但是,Google performance tools较之其他Profiler工具而言,有其自身的特点和优势,Googleperformance tools是一个用户态程序,不需要内核提供支持(对比oprofiler);它对被监控程序的入侵程序度较小(对比GUNProfiler),无需修改 程序代码,以attach的方式跟踪程序执行状态;而且它也是google的开源项目之一,工程量较小,方面后期扩展和二次开发。


三、       C++ Profiler工具特性对比

总结前两章的调研结果,对目前常用的C++ profiler工具做了一个简单的对比,对比的焦点主要集中在日常使用中大家所发现或比较关注的问题。不过由于时间关系,所选工具和对比项都十分有限,希望能在后期的进一步工作中完善补充。







GUN profile





Google performance tools

























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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


