-- 2
select A.student_id,A.num as 生物,B.num as 物理 from
(select student_id,num,cname from score left join course on course_id = cid where cname = '生物') as A
left join
(select student_id,num,cname from score left join course on course_id = cid where cname = '物理') as B
on A.student_id = B.student_id where A.num > if(isnull(B.num),0,B.num )
-- 3
-- select student_id as 学号,avg(num) as 平均成绩 from score group by student_id having avg(num) >60;
-- 4
select student_id,count(course_id),group_concat(sname) from
(select * from score left join student on score.student_id = student.sid) as A
group by A.student_id
select student_id,sname,课程数,总成绩 from
(select student_id,count(course_id) as 课程数,sum(num) as 总成绩 from score group by student_id) as A
left join
student on A.student_id = student.sid
-- 5
-- select count(tid) from teacher where tname like '李%'
-- 6
select student_id,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT sname),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tname) from
(select * from
(select student_id,course_id,num,sname from score left join student on score.student_id = student.sid) as A
left join
course on A.course_id = course.cid)
as B
left join
teacher on B.teacher_id = teacher.tid group by student_id HAVING not FIND_IN_SET('李平老师',GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tname));
-- 7
select student_id,sname from
(select student_id,GROUP_CONCAT(course_id) as group_course from score group by student_id HAVING FIND_IN_SET(1,group_course) and FIND_IN_SET(2,group_course)) as A
left JOIN
student on A.student_id = student.sid
-- 8
方法1,有问题,不能自己写李平的课程是2 4
select student_id,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT sname),GROUP_CONCAT( tname),GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT course_id) from
(select * from
(select student_id,course_id,num,sname from score left join student on score.student_id = student.sid) as A
left join
course on A.course_id = course.cid)
as B
left join
teacher on B.teacher_id = teacher.tid group by student_id HAVING FIND_IN_SET('2',GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT course_id)) and FIND_IN_SET('4',GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT course_id))
SELECT * from
(select student_id,GROUP_CONCAT(course_id ORDER BY course_id ASC) as course_student,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT sname),GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tname) as tname from
(select * from
(select student_id,course_id,num,sname from score left join student on score.student_id = student.sid) as A
left join
course on A.course_id = course.cid)
as B
left join
on B.teacher_id = teacher.tid WHERE tname = '李平老师' GROUP BY student_id) as C
left JOIN
(select tname,GROUP_CONCAT(cid ORDER BY cid ASC) as course_teacher from course INNER JOIN teacher on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid where tname = '李平老师' GROUP BY tname) as D
on C.tname = D.tname WHERE course_student = course_teacher
select score.student_id,student.sname,count(score.course_id) as 选课总数,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tc2_tw) as 讲课总数 from
score inner join student
inner join
(select teacher.tname as tc2_tn,course.cid as tc2_tcid, as tc2_tw from course inner join teacher inner join
(select teacher.tname as tn,count(course.cid) as td from course inner join teacher on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid group by tn having tn='李平老师') as tc
on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid and = teacher.tname)
as tc2
on score.course_id = tc2.tc2_tcid and score.student_id = student.sid
group by score.student_id HAVING 选课总数 = 讲课总数
select teacher.tname as tn,count(course.cid) as td from
inner join
teacher on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid group by tn having tn='李平老师' and = teacher.tname
select teacher.tname as tc2_tn, course.cid as tc2_tcid, as tc2_tw from
course inner join teacher inner join
(select teacher.tname as tn,count(course.cid) as td from course inner join teacher on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid group by tn having tn='李平老师') as tc
on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid and = teacher.tname
-- 9
select student_id,sname from
(select A.student_id from
(SELECT * from score where course_id = 1) as A
left JOIN
(SELECT * from score where course_id = 2) as B
on A.student_id = B.student_id where A.num > B.num)
as C
left JOIN
student on C.student_id = student.sid
-- 10
SELECT student_id,sname from
(select student_id from score where num <60 GROUP BY student_id) as A
left JOIN
on A.student_id = student.sid
-- 11
select student_id,sname from
(select * from
(SELECT student_id,GROUP_CONCAT(course_id ORDER BY course_id) as 选的课程 from score GROUP BY student_id) as A
inner JOIN
(select GROUP_CONCAT(cid ORDER BY cid ASC) as 全部课程 from course) as B
where 选的课程 != 全部课程) as C
left JOIN
student on C.student_id = student.sid
-- 12
SELECT score.student_id from
(select student_id,GROUP_CONCAT(course_id)as a from score GROUP BY student_id HAVING student_id = 1) as A
inner JOIN
score where course_id in (1,2,4) GROUP BY score.student_id
-- 这里的a 是字符串 ,而in方法只能用列表,mysql 又不能将字符串转化为列表,不得不说这个mysql是真难用
-- where a = '1,2,4'
-- where course_id in (1,2,4)
SELECT student_id,sname from
(SELECT student_id from
(select course_id as A_course from score where student_id = 1) as A
inner JOIN
score where course_id = A_course GROUP BY student_id) as B
on B.student_id = student.sid
-- 13
SELECT student_id,sname from
(SELECT student_id from
(select course_id as A_course from score where student_id = 1) as A
inner JOIN
score where course_id = A_course GROUP BY student_id) as B
on B.student_id = student.sid where student_id !=1
-- 14
SELECT student_id,sname from
(SELECT student_id from
(select student_id as a_id, GROUP_CONCAT(course_id ORDER BY course_id ASC)as a from score GROUP BY student_id HAVING student_id = 2) as A
inner JOIN
(select student_id,GROUP_CONCAT(course_id ORDER BY course_id ASC) as b from score GROUP BY student_id) as B
where a = b and student_id != 2)
as C
on C.student_id = student.sid
-- 15
delete from score where sid in
(select sid from score
left join
(select * from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid) as A
on score.course_id = A.cid
where tname = '李平老师')
delete from score where course_id in
( select cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid where teacher.tname = '李平老师' )
-- 16
INSERT into score(student_id,course_id,num)
SELECT student_id,2,AVG(num) from score
where student_id not in
(select student_id from score where course_id = 2)
GROUP BY student_id
-- insert into score(student_id, course_id, num) select sid,2,(select avg(num) from score where course_id = 2)
-- from student where sid not in (
-- select student_id from score where course_id = 2
-- )
-- 17
select A.student_id as 学号,生物,物理,体育,美术,平均分 from
(select student_id,num as 生物 from score
inner JOIN
course on score.course_id = course.cid where cname = '生物') as A
inner JOIN
(select student_id,num as 物理 from score
inner JOIN
course on score.course_id = course.cid where cname = '物理') as B
inner join
(select student_id,num as 体育 from score
inner JOIN
course on score.course_id = course.cid where cname = '体育') as C
inner join
(select student_id,num as 美术 from score
inner JOIN
course on score.course_id = course.cid where cname = '美术') as D
inner join
(select student_id,AVG(num) as 平均分 from score GROUP BY student_id) as E
on A.student_id = B.student_id and A.student_id = C.student_id and A.student_id = D.student_id and A.student_id = E.student_id ORDER BY 平均分 ASC
-- 18
-- select course_id,max(num),min(num) from score group by course_id
-- 19
SELECT C.course_id,平均分,及格率 from
(select course_id,avg(num) as 平均分,GROUP_CONCAT(num) from score group by course_id) as C
(select A.course_id,及格, 总数,及格/总数 as 及格率 from
(SELECT course_id,count(num) as 及格 from score where num >=60 GROUP BY course_id) as A
left JOIN
(SELECT course_id,count(num) as 总数 from score GROUP BY course_id) as B
on A.course_id = B.course_id) as D
on C.course_id = D.course_id ORDER BY 平均分 ASC, 及格率 DESC
-- 20
select 平均分,tname from
(select course_id,avg(num) as 平均分 from score GROUP BY course_id ORDER BY 平均分 DESC ) as A
(select * from course LEFT JOIN teacher on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid ) as B
on A.course_id = B.cid ORDER BY 平均分 DESC
-- 21
-- 还没做出来,有问题
-- select course_id,GROUP_CONCAT(num),GROUP_CONCAT(student_id ORDER BY num DESC ) from score GROUP BY course_id
-- 22
-- select course_id,COUNT(student_id) from score GROUP BY course_id
-- 23
select A.student_id,sname from
(select student_id from score GROUP BY student_id HAVING count(course_id) = 1) as A
on A.student_id = student.sid
-- 24
select * from
(select count(1) as man from student where gender = '男') as A,
(select count(1) as feman from student where gender = '女') as B
-- 方法二
-- select gender,count(1) from student group by gender
-- 25
-- select * from student where sname like '张%'
-- 26
-- select sname,count(1) from student GROUP BY sname
-- 27
-- select course_id,avg(if(isnull(num), 0 ,num)) as avg from score GROUP BY course_id ORDER BY avg ASC,course_id DESC
-- 28
SELECT student_id,sname,avg from
(select student_id,avg(if(isnull(num),0,num)) as avg from score GROUP BY student_id HAVING avg > 85) as A
student on A.student_id = student.sid
-- 29
select student_id,sname,num from
(select * from
score left JOIN
course on score.course_id = course.cid where cname = '生物' and num < 60) as A
left join student on A.student_id = student.sid
-- 30
SELECT A.student_id,sname from
(select student_id from score where course_id = 3 and num >80) as A
student on A.student_id = student.sid
-- 31
select count(1) from
(select student_id,count(1) from score GROUP BY student_id) as A
-- 32
select student_id,sname from
(select student_id,num from
(select * from score
course on score.course_id = course.cid) as A
teacher on A.teacher_id = teacher.tid where tname = '刘海燕老师' ORDER BY num desc LIMIT 1) as B
student on B.student_id = student.sid
-- 33
select cname,count from
(select course_id,count(1) as count from score GROUP BY course_id) as A
left join
course on A.course_id = course.cid
-- 34
-- select DISTINCT s1.course_id,s2.course_id,s1.num,s2.num from score as s1, score as s2 where s1.num = s2.num and s1.course_id != s2.course_id;
-- 35
-- 有问题
-- select course_id,GROUP_CONCAT(sid ORDER BY num desc) from score GROUP BY course_id
-- 36
-- select student_id from score GROUP BY student_id HAVING count(course_id) > 1
-- 37
select course_id,GROUP_CONCAT(student_id ORDER BY student_id) as st from score GROUP BY course_id
(select GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT student_id ORDER BY student_id) from score )
-- 38
SELECT A.student_id,sname from
(select * from score where student_id not in
(select DISTINCT student_id from score
teacher on score.course_id = course.cid AND course.teacher_id = teacher.tid WHERE tname = '李平老师')
) as A
student on A.student_id = student.sid
-- 39
select A.student_id,avg from
(select student_id ,count(1) as count from score where num<60 GROUP BY student_id HAVING count >1) as A
(select student_id,avg(num) as avg from score GROUP BY student_id) as B
on A.student_id = B.student_id
-- 40
-- SELECT student_id from score where course_id= 4 and num < 60 ORDER BY num desc
-- 41
-- delete from score where course_id = 1 and student_id = 2
21 35题 一个问题,没有解决,没做出来