[Tue Sep 09 18:09:10 2008] [19306:2510173280] [info] ajp_process_callback::jk_ajp_common.c (1511): Writing to client aborted or client network problems
[Tue Sep 09 18:09:10 2008] [19306:2510173280] [info] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (1996): (worker2) request failed, because of client write error without recovery in send loop attempt=0
[Tue Sep 09 18:09:10 2008] [19306:2510173280] [info] service::jk_lb_worker.c (1092): unrecoverable error 200, request failed. Client failed in the middle of request, we can’t recover to another instance.
[Tue Sep 09 18:09:10 2008] [19306:2510173280] [info] jk_handler::mod_jk.c (2270): Aborting connection for worker=loadbalancer

通过调整tomcat ajp端口maxProcessors可以暂时缓解,但不能解决。判断为连接过多且没有及时释放,在mod_jk的配置中添加DisableReuse,解决此问题。
JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat +FlushHeader +DisableReuse