create or replace trigger S_ADD_SAME
before insert on bd_cubasdoc
for each row
-- local variables here
s_name bd_cubasdoc.custname%type;
s_engname bd_cubasdoc.engname%type;
s_tax bd_cubasdoc.taxpayerid%type;
select distinct custname,engname,taxpayerid into s_name,s_engname,s_tax
from bd_cubasdoc
where (length(:new.engname)>3 or length(:new.taxpayerid)>3)
and pk_cubasdoc=:new.pk_cubasdoc;
if s_name in(select custname from bd_cubasdoc) or
s_engname in(select engname from bd_cubasdoc) or
s_tax in(select taxpayerid from bd_cubasdoc)
end if;
if in不支持子查询
create or replace trigger ADDCSUTSAME before insert on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas varchar2(200); cursor basjob(id varchar2)is select custname from bd_cubasdoc where custname=id and nvl(dr,0)=0 /*and custname in (select custname from bd_cubasdoc) and length(custname)>3*/; begin open basjob(:new.custname) ; loop fetch basjob into pk_bas; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; if pk_bas is not null then begin raise_application_error(-20001,pk_bas||'客商名称重复,请直接修改已存在客商增行!'); end; end if; end ADDCSUTSAME;
8.16更新 感谢一路的简化sql,不过还是不能加上or update:
create or replace trigger ADDC3 before insert on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare -- local variables here i number(1); begin select count(1)into i from bd_cubasdoc where custname=:new.custname or (engname=:new.engname and length(:new.engname)>3) or (taxpayerid=:new.taxpayerid and length(:new.taxpayerid)>3); if i>0
then begin raise_application_error(-20001,'客商已存在,银行账号请直接修改增行!'); end; end if; end;
加上 update 报错(道理很简单,update修改的时候当前操作的就是new)
8.16 23:40 备份网银付款客商限制修改trriger
create or replace trigger UPDCUSTNET before update on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare -- local variables here pk_bas char(20); pk_custname varchar2(200); /*查询目标公司是否存在基本档案*/ cursor basjob(id char) is select pk_cubasdoc,custname from ncv5.bd_cubasdoc /*目标数据库表*/ where pk_cubasdoc = id and nvl(dr, 0) = 0 and pk_cubasdoc in (select bd_cubasdoc.pk_cubasdoc from ncv5.bd_cubasdoc,ncv5.arap_djfb,ncv5.bd_cumandoc where arap_djfb.ksbm_cl = bd_cumandoc.pk_cumandoc and bd_cumandoc.pk_cubasdoc = bd_cubasdoc.pk_cubasdoc and arap_djfb.payflag in ('1', '2')); begin open basjob(:new.pk_cubasdoc); loop fetch basjob into pk_bas,pk_custname; exit when basjob%notfound; end loop; close basjob; --raise_application_error(-20001,:new.pk_cubasdoc); --raise_application_error(-20001,:new.custname); --raise_application_error(-20001,pk_custname); --dbms_output.put_line(:new.pk_cubasdoc); if pk_bas is not null then if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(pk_custname,:new.custname)<'50' then begin raise_application_error(-20001,pk_custname||'已从网银付款,且支付状态为‘支付成功’或‘支付中’,不能修改名称,请取消!(若实际支付失败或退回,请联系集团进行更改)'); end; end if; end if; end UPDCUSTNET;
不专门针对网银客商,所有的客商update 的触发器:
create or replace trigger UPDCUSTALL before update on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare begin if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.custname,:new.custname)<'70' then raise_application_error(-20001,:old.custname||'不可任意修改,请新增客商'); end if; end ;
create or replace trigger UPDCUSTALL before update on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare netcustname varchar2(200); begin select distinct custname into netcustname from ncv5.arap_djfb,ncv5.bd_cumandoc,ncv5.bd_cubasdoc where arap_djfb.ksbm_cl = bd_cumandoc.pk_cumandoc and bd_cumandoc.pk_cubasdoc = :new.pk_cubasdoc and arap_djfb.payflag in ('1', '2'); if netcustname is not null then if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.custname,:new.custname)<'80' then raise_application_error(-20001,:old.custname||'已成功付款,不可任意修改'); end if; else if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.custname,:new.custname)<'50' then raise_application_error(-20001,:old.custname||'不可任意修改,请新增客商'); end if ; end if; end ;
但是目前有报错: 实际返回的行数超出请求的行数
下面的触发器使用select pk_cubasdoc没有上面的问题了,但是没有付款的客商可以任意修改,有问题
create or replace trigger UPDCUSTALL before update on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare netcustname varchar2(200); begin select distinct pk_cubasdoc into netcustname from ncv5.arap_djfb,ncv5.bd_cumandoc where arap_djfb.ksbm_cl = bd_cumandoc.pk_cumandoc and bd_cumandoc.pk_cubasdoc = :new.pk_cubasdoc and arap_djfb.payflag in ('1', '2'); if netcustname is not null then if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.custname,:new.custname)<'80' then raise_application_error(-20001,'已成功付款,不可任意修改'); end if; else if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.custname,:new.custname)<'50' then raise_application_error(-20001,'不可任意修改,请新增客商'); end if ; end if; exception when no_data_found then return; end ;
感谢itpub t9119的帮助
修改: "select distinct pk_cubasdoc into netpk from “
改成: " select count(distinct pk_cubasdoc) into netpk from “
然后判断netpk>0如何处理,netpk =0 如何处理。
create or replace trigger UPDCUSTALL before update on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare netpk number(1); begin --将从网银付款客商写入变量netname select count(distinct pk_cubasdoc) into netpk from ncv5.arap_djfb, ncv5.bd_cumandoc where arap_djfb.ksbm_cl = bd_cumandoc.pk_cumandoc and bd_cumandoc.pk_cubasdoc = :new.pk_cubasdoc and arap_djfb.payflag in ('1', '2'); --找到已从网银付款客商 if netpk >'0' then if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.custname, :new.custname) < '80' then raise_application_error(-20001, '已成功付款,不可任意修改'); end if; --没有从网银付款客商 else if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.custname, :new.custname) < '50' then raise_application_error(-20001, '不可任意修改,请新增客商'); end if; end if; end;
目前通过一路帮助的insert 和itpub的update两个bd_cubasdoc的触发器解决客商问题
8.18 8:18更新:接上 在何涛的联通机房 搞定继续使用字段而非count,这里exception后面加了if
create or replace trigger UPDCUSTALL before update on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare netpk varchar2(60) ; begin --将从网银付款客商写入变量netname select distinct pk_cubasdoc into netpk from ncv5.arap_djfb, ncv5.bd_cumandoc where arap_djfb.ksbm_cl = bd_cumandoc.pk_cumandoc and bd_cumandoc.pk_cubasdoc = :new.pk_cubasdoc and arap_djfb.payflag in ('1', '2'); --找到已从网银付款客商 if netpk is not null then if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.custname, :new.custname) < '80' then raise_application_error(-20001, '已成功付款,不可任意修改'); end if; end if; --没有从网银付款客商 EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN if utl_match.edit_distance_similarity(:old.custname, :new.custname) < '50' then raise_application_error(-20001, '不可任意修改,请新增客商'); end if; end;
8.20日 更新PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION用法,这个放在了变量定义后面,这样就可以使用insert or update了。这里在update的时候,即使什么都不动,:new也等于:old,
create or replace trigger ADDC1 before insert or update on bd_cubasdoc for each row declare -- local variables here i number(1); PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; begin select count(1)into i from bd_cubasdoc where (custname=:new.custname and :new.custname<>:old.custname)or (engname=:new.engname and length(:new.engname)>3 and :new.engname<>:old.engname) or (taxpayerid=:new.taxpayerid and length(:new.taxpayerid)>3 and :new.taxpayerid<>:old.taxpayerid); if i>0 or regexp_like(:new.custname,'[[:space:]]') then begin raise_application_error(-20001,'客商已存在,银行账号请直接修改增行!'); end; end if; end;
这里的PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION就是强大,不加修改客商不改动点击保存立马报错