SCCM2007R2 的软件分发故障排除




       1 首先检查服务器的各个组件是否工作正常,可以通过控制台的站点状态和configmgr服务管理器来检查。

       2 服务器与客户端的网络通信是否正常。

       3 客户端的相关端口是否打开,如果是测试软件分发功能,可以直接把防火墙关掉。

       4 客户端,服务器与域控之间的通信是否正常,这个关系到客户端是否能自动找到管理点。

       5 在这里,我们设定服务器和客户端一切正常,防火墙也正常,网络也正常。我们看看一个正常情况下的软件分发,在服务器和客户端上我们从哪些日志中能观察出端倪。



       {题外内容:针对软件分发,我们可以做一个简单的规划,比如源文件放在哪里,SCCM服务器上或者文件服务器上。如果放在SCCM服务器上,势必会增加SCCM的存储负担,建议放在文件服务器上,因为一般来说文件服务器的磁盘空间大而且有灾备和故障恢复,如果你的文件服务器配置DFS的话,还可以利用DFS的一些优越特性。上一篇文章中,我们在建立新的软件包的过程中,服务器会问我们此包是否包含源文件,各位还记得吗?我们可不可以这样考虑,我把软件都放到一个客户端都能访问到的文件服务器上,一个可访问的UNC路径。那么,我在制作包的时候,我就可以选择此包不包含源文件,这样我便可以节约SCCM的存储空间。而且,我也不需要去更新我的分发点了,就算我改变了软件包中的内容。如果采用上面的方法,要注意的是,你在新建程序的时候,在命令那里一定要输入完成的路径如下:\\\\&lt;servername>\<softwarename>\<setupfilename.exe or msi> /<安装参数>。你也可以制作一个安装脚本,让客户端运行安装脚本也能行啊。}





STATMSG: ID=2300 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=SCCM2 SITE=100 PID=2384 TID=2920 GMTDATE=Sun Apr 01 13:57:18.621 2012 ISTR0="winzip" ISTR1="10000017" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="10000017"    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Start adding package 10000017...    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
The Package Action is 2 and the Update Mask is 0.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
CreatePackageSignature() called for Package 10000017 with version 1 with source as E:\software\winrar. KeepUnpackedSignature = 1    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
RDC:Successfully created RDC signatures for source E:\software\winrar for package 10000017 version 1    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
GetPackageSignature() called for package 10000017 with version 1. UnpackedSignature = 1    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Starting to hash E:\software\winrar for package 10000017    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Aquired context    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Created MD5 hash    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Starting to new hash E:\software\winrar for package 10000017    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Aquired context    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Created SHAhash    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Aquired context    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Created SHAhash    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Getting provider type for algorithm 32780    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Aquired context    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Creating hash for algorithm 32780    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Created hash for version 3 and algorithm 32780    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Aquired context    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Creating hash for algorithm 32780    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Created hash for version 3 and algorithm 32780    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
The hash for algorithm 32780 is 5:32780:1:1AD4BCD55D3E78F01EF541D45E920943DB8528BCF5C092213B1C05F440962C70    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
The RDC signature hash for algorithm 32780 is 5:32780:1:54C5844C9617C2D81FEEC894B7D1E40BAB097E4F4FE841B5C01D27ABA51103F7    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Getting provider type for algorithm 32772    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Adding these contents to the package 10000017 version 1.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
DeleteUnpackedSignature() called for package 10000017 with version 1    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
The hash of package 10000017 is 029061845B35ED81E2532E0D0AB2169A    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
The new hash of package 10000017 is 22FA8536CC3C6666EB8D0E77CFD180A27E64366D    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Package 10000017 uses the source directory directly.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
The size of package 10000017 is 1509 KBytes    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Adding these contents to the package 10000017 version 1.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Created policy provider trigger for ID 10000017    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Successfully created/updated the package 10000017    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
STATMSG: ID=2311 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=SCCM2 SITE=100 PID=2384 TID=2920 GMTDATE=Sun Apr 01 13:57:18.903 2012 ISTR0="10000017" ISTR1="" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="10000017"    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Start adding package to server ["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\...    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\ is NOT a Branch DP    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Will wait for 1 threads to end.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Thread Handle = 4780    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Attempting to add or update a package on a distribution point.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
for ["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\, machine account is to be used    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
STATMSG: ID=2342 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=SCCM2 SITE=100 PID=2384 TID=3524 GMTDATE=Sun Apr 01 13:57:18.977 2012 ISTR0="winzip" ISTR1="["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=2 AID0=400 AVAL0="10000017" AID1=404 AVAL1="["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\"    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Established connection to ["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Signature share exists on distribution point path MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\SMSSIG$\    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
The distribution point ["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\ doesn't point to an existing path.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Share SOFTSHARE$ does not exist on distribution point ["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
The best drive on the distribution point is E:\    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
The best drive for installing package on the distribution point ["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\ is E:\    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Try to create export SOFTSHARE$ on ["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
The drive share is accessible.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Successfully created the directory for the export.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Successfully inserted SOFTSHARE$ as an export to ["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Creating, reading and or updating Operations Management server role registry keys for a Distribution Point ...    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Get access to the package directory and the number of free bytes at that location.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Attempting to make an accessible connection to MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\SOFTSHARE$\, get its NOS path, and get its number of free bytes.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Used 1 out of 3 allowed processing threads.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3016 (0x0BC8) 
Established connection to MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\SOFTSHARE$\    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Getting the NAL path's NOS equivalent.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
The NOS path is \\SCCM2\SOFTSHARE$\    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4)
Getting the number of free bytes.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Sleep 3600 seconds...    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3016 (0x0BC8) 
The number of free K bytes 120398060    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Successfully made an accessible connection, got a NOS path, and, if requested, got the number of free bytes at this location.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Attempting to make an accessible connection to MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\SMSSIG$\, get its NOS path, and get its number of free bytes.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Established connection to MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\SMSSIG$\    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Getting the NAL path's NOS equivalent.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
The NOS path is \\SCCM2\SMSSIG$\    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
The number of free bytes at the specified location has not been requested.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Successfully made an accessible connection, got a NOS path, and, if requested, got the number of free bytes at this location.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Successfully set access security on MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\SOFTSHARE$\ for package 10000017    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
GetPackageSignature() called for package 10000017 with version 1. UnpackedSignature = 0    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Copying E:\software\winrar\WinRAR.exe to E:\SOFTSHARE$\WinRAR.exe, OK    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
RDC:Successfully copied package signature file C:\SMSPKGSIG\10000017.1.tar to \\SCCM2\SMSSIG$\\10000017.1.tar    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
RDC:Successfully set access security on \\SCCM2\SMSSIG$\\10000017.1.tar for package 10000017 signature file    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Successfully copied package 10000017 from E:\software\winrar\ to MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\SOFTSHARE$\    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
STATMSG: ID=2329 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=SCCM2 SITE=100 PID=2384 TID=3524 GMTDATE=Sun Apr 01 13:57:29.180 2012 ISTR0="10000017" ISTR1="E:\software\winrar\" ISTR2="MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\SOFTSHARE$\" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=2 AID0=400 AVAL0="10000017" AID1=404 AVAL1="["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\"    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
STATMSG: ID=2330 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=SCCM2 SITE=100 PID=2384 TID=3524 GMTDATE=Sun Apr 01 13:57:29.200 2012 ISTR0="10000017" ISTR1="["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=2 AID0=400 AVAL0="10000017" AID1=404 AVAL1="["Display=\\SCCM2\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=100"]\\SCCM2\"    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Successfully created/updated the package server in the data source    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
Performing cleanup prior to returning.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    3524 (0x0DC4) 
DP thread with array index 0 ended.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
DP thread with thread handle 4780 and thread ID 3524 ended.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Updating package info for package 10000017    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Created policy provider trigger for ID 10000017    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Package 10000017 does not have a preferred sender.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Package 10000017 is new or has changed, replicating to all applicable sites.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
StoredPkgVersion (0) of package 10000017. StoredPkgVersion in database is 0.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
SourceVersion (1) of package 10000017. SourceVersion in database is 1.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Adding these contents to the package 10000017 version 1.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
STATMSG: ID=2301 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=SCCM2 SITE=100 PID=2384 TID=2920 GMTDATE=Sun Apr 01 13:57:29.485 2012 ISTR0="winzip" ISTR1="10000017" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="10000017"    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 
Exiting package processing thread.    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2920 (0x0B68) 


6 包建立好了,接下来我们开配置播发,播发的建立时由offermgr.log和policypv.log日志文件来记录,我们来看看正常情况下的条目,我马上配置一个播发,注意播发ID。




Processing New offer 1002000F    SMS_OFFER_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2296 (0x08F8) 
STATMSG: ID=3900 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_OFFER_MANAGER" SYS=SCCM2 SITE=100 PID=2384 TID=2296 GMTDATE=Sun Apr 01 14:15:14.524 2012 ISTR0="winzip for test" ISTR1="" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=401 AVAL0="1002000F"    SMS_OFFER_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2296 (0x08F8) 
Examining collection: 1000000E    SMS_OFFER_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2296 (0x08F8) 
Advanced client offer changes detected for collection 1000000E, 1 added and 0 deleted.    SMS_OFFER_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2296 (0x08F8) 
Prepared policies based on 1 offer(s)  for 1 resources in collection 1000000E    SMS_OFFER_MANAGER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    2296 (0x08F8)



Looking for software policy and policy assignments that should be removed...    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Did not find any software policy or policy assignments that should be removed.    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Looking for Branch DP package policy and policy assignments that should be removed...    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Did not find any Branch DP package policy or policy assignments that should be removed.    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Looking for software policy and policy assignments that should be created...    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Did not find any software policy or policy assignments that should be created.    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Looking for Branch DP package policy and policy assignments that should be created...    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Did not find any Branch DP package policy or policy assignments that should be created.    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Did not find any changes in dependent programs.    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Looking for software policy and policy assignments that should be updated because of changes in package 10000017.    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Did not find any software policy and policy assignments that should be updated because of changes in package 10000017.    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C){在这里的时候都我都还没有建立播发,SCCM也没有发现有播发} 
Looking policy and policy assignments that should be updated for Branch DP package 10000017 ...    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
There is no need to update policy for Branch DP package 10000017 as the CRC has not changed    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Successfully updated policy  and policy assignment  based on package 10000017    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Processing DependentPolicy changes    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Processing TSReferencePolicy changes    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Querying the scan tool table...    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
scan tool crc: 0, 0    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
No changes to Scan Tool Policy    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
not yet time to do quarantine purge    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Waiting for changes...    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Detected changes in offer 1002000F {这里检测到了一个播发,就是我刚刚建立的}   SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Looking for CIN files    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
MEP-ProcessChangedObjects.    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
MEP-ProcessObjectsInRetry.    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Looking for software policy and policy assignments that should be removed...    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Did not find any software policy or policy assignments that should be removed.    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Looking for Branch DP package policy and policy assignments that should be removed...    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Did not find any Branch DP package policy or policy assignments that should be removed.    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Looking for software policy and policy assignments that should be created...    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
STATMSG: ID=5100 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER" SYS=SCCM2 SITE=100 PID=2384 TID=1036 GMTDATE=Sun Apr 01 14:15:19.668 2012 ISTR0="winzip" ISTR1="10000017" ISTR2="install" ISTR3="winzip for test" ISTR4="1002000F" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=2 AID0=405 AVAL0="1002000F-10000017-B2A66207" AID1=406 AVAL1="{b7cdbe27-6e4c-4d20-950b-879c1a30377a}"    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 
Successfully created policy 1002000F-10000017-B2A66207 and policy assignment {b7cdbe27-6e4c-4d20-950b-879c1a30377a} based on package 10000017, program install and offer 1002000F    SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER    1601/1/1 0:00:00    1036 (0x040C) 



CCliCfgControlPanel::OnInit    smscliui    2012/4/1 22:33:22    3200 (0x0C80) 
Succeeded loading resource DLL 'C:\Windows\system32\CCM\2052\cfg_res.dll'    smscliui    2012/4/1 22:33:22    3200 (0x0C80) 

Perform Action: Request & Evaluate User Policy - {3A88A2F3-0C39-45fa-8959-81F21BF500CE}. Message sent, id={10F18857-99AD-493B-8971-616F7A247BEC}    smscliui    2012/4/1 22:34:43    2072 (0x0818){这条很重要,说明了我的操作,我做了一次用户策略的更新。} 
Execute WMI Query: Select * From CCM_ClientActions where ActionID = "{8EF4D77C-8A23-45c8-BEC3-630827704F51}", Namespace: \\.\root\ccm\policy\machine    smscliui    2012/4/1 22:34:45    1148 (0x047C) 
Perform Action: Request & Evaluate Machine Policy - {8EF4D77C-8A23-45c8-BEC3-630827704F51}. Message sent, id={8A0F0CF8-7781-4D76-B90B-F007AEE52B15}    smscliui    2012/4/1 22:34:46    2072 (0x0818)这条很重要,说明了我的操作,我做了一次计算机策略的更新 
The schedule remains disabled    smscliui    2012/4/1 22:34:52    3200 (0x0C80) 
Received CCliCfgPropSheet::OnDestroy notification    smscliui    2012/4/1 22:34:52    3200 (0x0C80) 
CCliCfgDcmPage::FreeCallback - Detection Job is null.    smscliui    2012/4/1 22:34:52    3200 (0x0C80) 
CCliCfgControlPanel::OnExit    smscliui    2012/4/1 22:34:52    3200 (0x0C80) 


Download of policy 'CCM_Policy_Policy4.PolicyID="1002000F-10000017-B2A66207",PolicySource="SMS:100",PolicyVersion="1.00"' started (DTS job ID: '{51537B40-D0FC-4C3C-8528-AD9534740A8A}')    PolicyAgent_ReplyAssignments    2012/4/1 22:16:04    1744 (0x06D0) 
In CDataTransferService::~CDataTransferService    PolicyAgent_ReplyAssignments    2012/4/1 22:16:04    1744 (0x06D0) 
Successfully initiated download of policy 'CCM_Policy_Policy4.PolicyID="1002000F-10000017-B2A66207",PolicySource="SMS:100",PolicyVersion="1.00"'    PolicyAgent_ReplyAssignments    2012/4/1 22:16:04    1744 (0x06D0) 
Raising event:

instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_PolicyDownloadStarted 

    ClientID = "GUID:D3E515D4-74FD-489C-B51E-D58A0177F8AD"; 
    DateTime = "20120401141604.240000+000"; 
    DownloadMethod = "BITS"; 
    DownloadSource = "http://SCCM2.CONTOSO.COM/SMS_MP/.sms_pol?1002000F-10000017-B2A66207.1_00"; 
    PolicyNamespace = "\\\\LUCY-PC\\ROOT\\ccm\\Policy\\Machine\\RequestedConfig"; 
    PolicyPath = "CCM_Policy_Policy4.PolicyID=\"1002000F-10000017-B2A66207\",PolicySource=\"SMS:100\",PolicyVersion=\"1.00\""; 
    ProcessID = 1684; 
    ThreadID = 1744; 
    PolicyAgent_ReplyAssignments    2012/4/1 22:16:04    1744 (0x06D0) 
Raising event:

instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_AssignmentEnabled 

    AssignmentConditionID = ""; 
    AssignmentID = "{b7cdbe27-6e4c-4d20-950b-879c1a30377a}"; 
    ClientID = "GUID:D3E515D4-74FD-489C-B51E-D58A0177F8AD"; 
    DateTime = "20120401141604.256000+000"; 
    PolicyID = "1002000F-10000017-B2A66207"; 
    PolicyNamespace = "\\\\LUCY-PC\\ROOT\\ccm\\Policy\\Machine\\RequestedConfig"; 
    PolicySource = "SMS:100"; 
    PolicyVersion = "1.00"; 
    ProcessID = 1684; 
    ThreadID = 1744; 
    PolicyAgent_ReplyAssignments    2012/4/1 22:16:04    1744 (0x06D0) 
Cleaning policy for 'SMS:100' in '\\LUCY-PC\ROOT\ccm\Policy\Machine\RequestedConfig' (2012-04-01 22:15:24.720)    PolicyAgent_ReplyAssignments    2012/4/1 22:16:04    1744 (0x06D0) 
Trigger policy update for the compiled assignments    PolicyAgent_ReplyAssignments    2012/4/1 22:16:04    1744 (0x06D0) 
Download of policy CCM_Policy_Policy4.PolicyID="1002000F-10000017-B2A66207",PolicySource="SMS:100",PolicyVersion="1.00" completed (DTS Job ID: {51537B40-D0FC-4C3C-8528-AD9534740A8A})    PolicyAgent_PolicyDownload    2012/4/1 22:16:06    3132 (0x0C3C) 
Raising event:

instance of CCM_PolicyAgent_PolicyDownloadSucceeded 

    ClientID = "GUID:D3E515D4-74FD-489C-B51E-D58A0177F8AD"; 
    DateTime = "20120401141606.021000+000"; 
    DownloadMethod = "BITS"; 
    DownloadSource = "http://SCCM2.CONTOSO.COM/SMS_MP/.sms_pol?1002000F-10000017-B2A66207.1_00"; 
    PolicyNamespace = "\\\\LUCY-PC\\ROOT\\ccm\\Policy\\Machine\\RequestedConfig"; 
    PolicyPath = "CCM_Policy_Policy4.PolicyID=\"1002000F-10000017-B2A66207\",PolicySource=\"SMS:100\",PolicyVersion=\"1.00\""; 
    ProcessID = 1684; 
    ThreadID = 3132; 
    PolicyAgent_PolicyDownload    2012/4/1 22:16:06    3132 (0x0C3C)




Policy is updated for Program: install, Package: 10000017, Advert: 1002000F    execmgr    2012/4/1 22:36:48    1148 (0x047C) 
Raising event: 
[SMS_CodePage(936), SMS_LocaleID(2052)] 
instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent 

    AdvertisementId = "1002000F"; 
    ClientID = "GUID:D3E515D4-74FD-489C-B51E-D58A0177F8AD"; 
    DateTime = "20120401143648.067000+000"; 
    MachineName = "LUCY-PC"; 
    ProcessID = 1684; 
    SiteCode = "100"; 
    ThreadID = 1148; 
    execmgr    2012/4/1 22:36:48    1148 (0x047C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 22:36:48    1148 (0x047C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 22:36:48    1148 (0x047C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 22:36:48    1148 (0x047C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 22:36:48    1148 (0x047C) 
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyNewProgram entered    execmgr    2012/4/1 22:36:48    1148 (0x047C) 
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyNewProgram succeeded    execmgr    2012/4/1 22:36:48    1148 (0x047C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Verifying content availability for package 10000017 optional program install    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Requesting content from CAS for package 10000017 version 1    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Successfully created a content request handle {C8D02C37-CF18-4747-81A9-40B81AB1B03B} for the package 10000017 version 1    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Content availability verification for package 10000017 program install is in progress    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Content for optional program is now available. The location request ID is {C8D02C37-CF18-4747-81A9-40B81AB1B03B}    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:34    2524 (0x09DC)


In CDataTransferService::DownloadDataEx2    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    2072 (0x0818) 
UpdateURLWithTransportSettings(): OLD URL - http://SCCM2.CONTOSO.COM/SMS_MP/.sms_pol?1002000F-10000017-B2A66207.3_00    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    2072 (0x0818) 
UpdateURLWithTransportSettings(): NEW URL - http://SCCM2.CONTOSO.COM:80/SMS_MP/.sms_pol?1002000F-10000017-B2A66207.3_00    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    2072 (0x0818) 
Processing DTS job '{426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6}' for user 'S-1-5-18'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    2072 (0x0818) 
DTSJob {426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6} created to download from 'http://SCCM2.CONTOSO.COM/SMS_MP/.sms_pol?1002000F-10000017-B2A66207.3_00' to 'C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Temp\{BA3DE544-E775-46A2-9D6C-3D8291CDE924}.tmp'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    2072 (0x0818) 
Execute called for DTS job '{426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6}'.  Current state: 'RetrievedManifest'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    3892 (0x0F34) 
DTSJob {426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6} in state 'PendingDownload'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    3892 (0x0F34) 
DTS job '{426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6}' for user 'S-1-5-18' has been cleared to run.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    3892 (0x0F34) 
QUEUE: Active job count incremented, value = 1.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    3892 (0x0F34) 
Execute called for DTS job '{426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6}'.  Current state: 'PendingDownload'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    3892 (0x0F34) 
CDTSJob::ProcessDownload    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    3892 (0x0F34) 
Starting BITS download for DTS job '{426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6}'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    3892 (0x0F34) 
DTSJob {426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6} set BITS job to use default credentials.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    3892 (0x0F34) 
Starting BITS job '{39B420EE-BAC3-4B37-AA56-9461B4D24CC8}' for DTS job '{426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6}' under user 'S-1-5-18'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    3892 (0x0F34) 
Recording ID of BITS job.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    3892 (0x0F34) 
In AddUntransferredFilesToBITS    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    3892 (0x0F34) 
Calling AddFileSet on BITS job.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:46    3892 (0x0F34) 
DTS::AddTransportSecurityOptionsToBITSJob - Removing security info from DTS job '{426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6}'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:47    3892 (0x0F34) 
DTSJob {426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6} in state 'DownloadingData'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:47    3892 (0x0F34) 
CDTSJob::JobTransferred    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:47    1148 (0x047C) 
CDTSJob::JobTransferred : DTS Job ID='{426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6}'    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:47    1148 (0x047C) 
DTSJob {426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6} in state 'RetrievedData'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:47    1148 (0x047C) 
DTSJob {426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6} successfully completed download.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:47    1148 (0x047C) 
CBITSDownloadMonitor::~CBITSDownloadMonitor({426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6})    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:47    1148 (0x047C) 
Execute called for DTS job '{426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6}'.  Current state: 'RetrievedData'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:47    3892 (0x0F34) 
QUEUE: Active job count decremented, value = 0.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:47    3892 (0x0F34) 
DTSJob {426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6} in state 'NotifiedComplete'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:47    3892 (0x0F34) 
DTS job {426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6} has completed: 
    Status : SUCCESS 
    Start time : 04/01/2012 22:34:46 
    Completion time : 04/01/2012 22:34:47 
    Elapsed time : 1 seconds    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:47    3892 (0x0F34) 
Deleting persisted data for DTS job '{426E3699-25D1-40FA-99DC-D29D904F2DB6}'.    DataTransferService    2012/4/1 22:34:47    3892 (0x0F34)



Requesting content 10000017.1, size(KB) 1509, under context S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500 with priority Low    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
CCacheManager::GetCachedContent    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
CCacheManager::FindCacheInfo    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Created and initialized a LocationContentRequest    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
LocationContentRequest::SubmitLocationRequest 10000017.1, timeout 604800 seconds    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
LSCreateRequestInWMI    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
In LSNapInitializeLocationFilter for request {3F8AB56D-AD00-475A-AEF6-2BA05ED14889}.    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
LSCreateRequestMessageBody    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
ContentLocationRequest : <ContentLocationRequest SchemaVersion="1.00"><Package ID="10000017" Version="1"/><AssignedSite SiteCode="100"/><ClientLocationInfo LocationType="SMSPackage" UseProtected="0" AllowCaching="0" BranchDPFlags="0" UseInternetDP="0" AllowHTTP="1" AllowSMB="1" AllowMulticast="1" AllowFileStreaming="0"><ADSite Name="Default-First-Site-Name"/><IPAddresses><IPAddress SubnetAddress="" Address=""/></IPAddresses></ClientLocationInfo></ContentLocationRequest> 
    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Created and Sent Location Request '{3F8AB56D-AD00-475A-AEF6-2BA05ED14889}' for package 10000017    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
LS job {3F8AB56D-AD00-475A-AEF6-2BA05ED14889} submitted to get DP locations for content 10000017.1    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Successfully created location request {C8D02C37-CF18-4747-81A9-40B81AB1B03B} for content 10000017.1    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Created and submitted a new Content Request for 10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:33    228 (0x00E4) 
Location update from LS for content 10000017.1 and location request {C8D02C37-CF18-4747-81A9-40B81AB1B03B}    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:34    2524 (0x09DC) 
Download location found 0 - \\SCCM2.CONTOSO.COM\SOFTSHARE$\    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:34    2524 (0x09DC) 
Matching DP Location found 0 - \\SCCM2.CONTOSO.COM\SOFTSHARE$\    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:34    2524 (0x09DC) 
LocationContentRequest::GetDetails 10000017.1    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:34    2524 (0x09DC) 
LocationContentRequest.GetDetails returned ContentId 10000017 and Content Version 1    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:34    2524 (0x09DC) 
Releasing content request {C8D02C37-CF18-4747-81A9-40B81AB1B03B}    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
Canceling LS Job {3F8AB56D-AD00-475A-AEF6-2BA05ED14889} for content 10000017.1    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
LocationContentRequest::RemoveFromWmi    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
Requesting content 10000017.1, size(KB) 1509, under context S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500 with priority Low    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
CCacheManager::GetCachedContent    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
CCacheManager::FindCacheInfo    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
CCacheManager::GetCacheConfiguration    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
CCacheManager::FreeSpaceAndCheckDisk    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
CCacheManager::DeleteCacheToFreeSpace    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
We have enough space in cache. Now we will check for actual disk space.    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
CCacheManager::FreeSpaceAndCheckDisk - found space in cache    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
Created and initialized a DownloadContentRequest    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
CCacheManager::CalculateCachePath    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
Target location for content 10000017.1 is C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Cache\10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
DownloadContentRequest::SubmitDownloadRequest    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
CDownloadManager::RequestDownload 10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
DownloadManager::FindDownloadInfo with 10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
Calling DownloadContentEx, the type is 0    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
Submitted CTM job {6998692F-69AF-49A8-A86F-8F61E97D7498} to download Content 10000017.1 under context S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
DownloadInfo::SaveToWmi    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
DownloadManager: Request saved to Wmi    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
Successfully created download  request {ED24AB3A-D20B-416D-8E91-4E81C348202E} for content 10000017.1    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
Created and submitted a new Content Request for 10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    228 (0x00E4) 
CContentAccessService::NotifyDownloadProgressEx - downloaded size -1, total size 0    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2384 (0x0950) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2384 (0x0950) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2384 (0x0950) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2384 (0x0950) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2384 (0x0950) 
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyDownloadProgress entered    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2384 (0x0950) 
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyDownloadProgress succeeded    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2384 (0x0950) 
Location update from CTM for content 10000017.1 and request {ED24AB3A-D20B-416D-8E91-4E81C348202E}    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
Download location found 0 - \\SCCM2.CONTOSO.COM\SOFTSHARE$\    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
Download request only, ignoring location update    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
CContentAccessService::NotifyDownloadProgressEx - downloaded size -2, total size 0    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
Download started for content 10000017.1    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
DownloadInfo::SaveToWmi    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
Raising event: 
[SMS_CodePage(936), SMS_LocaleID(2052)] 
instance of SoftDistDownloadStartedEvent 

    ClientID = "GUID:D3E515D4-74FD-489C-B51E-D58A0177F8AD"; 
    DateTime = "20120401150736.917000+000"; 
    MachineName = "LUCY-PC"; 
    PackageId = "10000017"; 
    PackageName = "10000017"; 
    PackageVersion = "1"; 
    ProcessID = 1684; 
    SiteCode = "100"; 
    ThreadID = 2520; 
    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyDownloadProgress entered    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyDownloadProgress succeeded    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:36    2520 (0x09D8) 
CContentAccessService::NotifyDownloadProgressEx - downloaded size -3, total size 0    
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyDownloadProgress entered    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:37    2520 (0x09D8) 
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyDownloadProgress succeeded    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:37    2520 (0x09D8) 
CContentAccessService::NotifyDownloadProgressEx - downloaded size -5, total size 0   

CContentAccessService::NotifyDownloadProgressEx - downloaded size 0, total size 0    ) 
CContentAccessService::NotifyDownloadProgressEx - downloaded size 180, total size 1509    ) 
CContentAccessService::NotifyDownloadProgressEx - downloaded size 420, total size 1509   ) 
CContentAccessService::NotifyDownloadProgressEx - downloaded size 660, total size 1509   ) 
CContentAccessService::NotifyDownloadProgressEx - downloaded size 900, total size 1509   ) 
CContentAccessService::NotifyDownloadProgressEx - downloaded size 1140, total size 1509   ) 
CContentAccessService::NotifyDownloadProgressEx - downloaded size 1500, total size 1509   ) 

ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Download completed for content 10000017.1 under context S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
DownloadInfo::SaveToWmi    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyDownloadProgress entered    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458)

CUIEventGenerator::NotifyDownloadProgress succeeded    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyDownloadProgress entered    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyDownloadProgress succeeded    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
The hash we are verifying is 5:32780:1:1AD4BCD55D3E78F01EF541D45E920943DB8528BCF5C092213B1C05F440962C70    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CContentAccessService::NotifyDownloadComplete Start Content Hashing    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Found an alternate data stream    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Found alternate stream :Zone.Identifier:$DATA. This stream will be removed.    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Attempting to delete ADS c:\windows\system32\ccm\cache\10000017.1.s-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500\winrar.exe:Zone.Identifier:$DATA    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Hash matches 1AD4BCD55D3E78F01EF541D45E920943DB8528BCF5C092213B1C05F440962C70    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Hash matches 1AD4BCD55D3E78F01EF541D45E920943DB8528BCF5C092213B1C05F440962C70    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Hash verification succeeded for content 10000017.1 downloaded under context S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CCacheManager::GetCachedContent    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CCacheManager::FindCacheInfo    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CCacheManager::CreateCachedContent    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CachedContentInfo::SaveToWmi    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CachedContentInfo.SaveToWmi succeeded    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CCacheManager::CreateCachedContent succeeded    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Created a New Cache Item at location C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Cache\10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500 for 1.10000017 Size 1509 KB bytes    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Download succeeded for download request {ED24AB3A-D20B-416D-8E91-4E81C348202E}    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CDownloadManager::OnDownloadComplete    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
DownloadInfo::RemoveFromWmi for DownloadInfoEx2.DownloadId="6998692f-69af-49a8-a86f-8f61e97d7498",UserSid="S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500" succeded    ContentAccess    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Raising event:{向服务器提交日志记录} 
[SMS_CodePage(936), SMS_LocaleID(2052)] 
instance of SoftDistDownloadCompletedEvent 

    ClientID = "GUID:D3E515D4-74FD-489C-B51E-D58A0177F8AD"; 
    DateTime = "20120401150739.948000+000"; 
    MachineName = "LUCY-PC"; 
    PackageId = "10000017"; 
    PackageName = "10000017"; 
    PackageVersion = "1"; 
    ProcessID = 1684; 
    SiteCode = "100"; 
    ThreadID = 1112; 


Content is available for program install.    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Notify user package 10000017 optional program install is ready to run    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Execution Request for package 10000017 program install state change from WaitingContent to NotifyExecution    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Persisting request for program install package 10000017 in state Running    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyProgramReady entered    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:39    1112 (0x0458) 
CUIEventGenerator::NotifyProgramReady succeeded    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:40    1112 (0x0458) 
CExecutionRequestManager::OnContinueExecution package 10000017 program install    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
CExecutionRequest::EnterRsRuningState install    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Executing program WinRAR.exe /s in Admin context    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Execution Request for package 10000017 program install state change from Running to NotifyExecution    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Persisting request for program install package 10000017 in state Running    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
ExecuteScriptByScriptEngine: User context passed to ExecuteProgram is [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM].    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
CExecutionContext::CExecutionContext    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Command line arguments when parsed WinRAR.exe    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Command line arguments when parsed /s    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Execution Manager timer has been fired.    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Checking content location C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Cache\10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500 for use    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Successfully selected content location C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Cache\10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
GetFileVersionInfoSize failed for file C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Cache\10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500\WinRAR.exe, error 1813    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
CProgramExecution::CProgramExecution    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Executing program as a script    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Successfully prepared command line "C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Cache\10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500\WinRAR.exe" /s    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Command line = "C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Cache\10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500\WinRAR.exe" /s, Working Directory = C:\Windows\system32\CCM\Cache\10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500\    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Created Process for the passed command line    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Raising event: 
[SMS_CodePage(936), SMS_LocaleID(2052)] 
instance of SoftDistProgramStartedEvent 

    AdvertisementId = "1002000F"; 
    ClientID = "GUID:D3E515D4-74FD-489C-B51E-D58A0177F8AD"; 
    CommandLine = "\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\CCM\\Cache\\10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500\\WinRAR.exe\" /s"; 
    DateTime = "20120401150741.308000+000"; 
    MachineName = "LUCY-PC"; 
    PackageName = "10000017"; 
    ProcessID = 1684; 
    ProgramName = "install"; 
    SiteCode = "100"; 
    ThreadID = 1116; 
    UserContext = "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM"; 
    WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Windows\\system32\\CCM\\Cache\\10000017.1.S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500\\"; 
    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Raised Program Started Event for Ad:1002000F, Package:10000017, Program: install    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
GetProcessInfo - Process creation time high = 30216217, low = 788148665    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Execution Manager received Temp Path C:\Windows\TEMP\    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Power lease started with ID = 11016 for 7200 seconds    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
Persisting request for program install package 10000017 in state Running    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1116 (0x045C) 
CExecutionRequestManager::OnTimer - Processing the ClearNewProgramNotificationTimer    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
CExecutionRequestManager::ProcessClearNewProgramNotificationTimer    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Entering CTimerTask::CancelTimer.    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
CUIEventGenerator::ClearNewProgramAvailable entered    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
CUIEventGenerator::ClearNewProgramAvailable succeeded    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Cached CCM (user, session) is: (S-1-5-21-3650397070-3013653581-3419594766-500,2).    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
CUIEventGenerator::ClearNewProgramAvailable entered    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
CUIEventGenerator::ClearNewProgramAvailable succeeded    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Program exit code 0    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
CExecutionStatus::CExecutionStatus    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Looking for MIF file to get program status    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Looking for MIF file in directory C:\Windows\    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Looking for MIF file in directory C:\Windows\system32\    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Script for  Package:10000017, Program: install succeeded with exit code 0    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Raising event: 
[SMS_CodePage(936), SMS_LocaleID(2052)] 
instance of SoftDistProgramCompletedSuccessfullyEvent 

    AdvertisementId = "1002000F"; 
    ClientID = "GUID:D3E515D4-74FD-489C-B51E-D58A0177F8AD"; 
    DateTime = "20120401150741.808000+000"; 
    MachineName = "LUCY-PC"; 
    PackageName = "10000017"; 
    ProcessID = 1684; 
    ProgramName = "install"; 
    SiteCode = "100"; 
    ThreadID = 1852; 
    UserContext = "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM"; 
    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Raised Program Success Event for Ad:1002000F, Package:10000017, Program: install    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 
Execution is complete for program install. The exit code is 0, the execution status is Success    execmgr    2012/4/1 23:07:41    1852 (0x073C) 

        整个软件分发的故障排除,到这里就结束了。在这里给大家一个建议,我通常会遇到软件内容都已经下载到本地了,但是还是安装不成功。请大家在分发软件的时候,一定要用命令的方式在测试机上运行一次,看自己的命令有没有问题。注意到execmgr.log中的commadn line了吗?其实,客户端就是按照你在配置包程序时候的命令来执行的。所以,一定要保证命令的正确。


本文转自zhaonaiqiu 51CTO博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者





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