
1 #!/bin/bash
2 #
3 #
4 if [ $# -ne 1 ];then
5 echo "please input one parameter"
6 exit 3
7 fi
9 if [ -e $1 ];then
10 echo $(file $1)
11 else
12 mkdir -p $1
13 echo "make directory:"$1
14 fi



 1 #!/bin/bash
2 #
3 #
4 if ! [ $# -eq 0 ];then
5 if [ $# -lt 2 ];then
6 echo "At leaset two parameter input"
7 exit 3
8 fi
9 anum=$1
10 bnum=$2
11 if [ $anum -gt $bnum ];then
12 echo $anum">"$bnum
13 else
14 echo $bnum">"$anum
15 fi
16 else
17 read -p "please input number a:" anum
18 read -p "please input number b:" bnum
19 if [ $anum -gt $bnum ];then
20 echo $anum">"$bnum
21 else
22 echo $bnum">"$anum
23 fi
25 fi




  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 #
  3 #
  4 for i in {1..100};do
  5     if ! [ $[$i%2] -eq 0 ];then
  6         let sum+=$i
  7     fi
  8 done
  9 echo $sum


  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 #
  3 #
  4 i=1
  5 while [ $i -le 100 ];do
  6     if ! [ $[$i%2] -eq 0 ];then
  7         let sum+=$i
  8     fi
  9     let i++
 10 done
 11 echo $sum



  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 #
  3 #
  4 i=1
  5 until [ $i -gt 100 ];do
  6     if ! [ $[$i%2] -eq 0 ];then
  7         let sum+=$i
  8     fi
  9     let i++
 10 done
 11 echo $sum




(1) 传递两个文本文件路径给脚本;

(2) 显示两个文件中空白行数较多的文件及其空白行的个数;

(3) 显示两个文件中总行数较多的文件及其总行数;

  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 #
  3 apath=$1
  4 bpath=$2
  5 anum=0
  6 bnum=0
  8 if [ $# -lt 2 ];then
  9     echo "please input enough parameter"
 10     exit 3
 11 fi
 13 anum=$(egrep "^$" $apath | wc -l)
 14 bnum=$(egrep "^$" $bpath | wc -l)
 16 if [ $anum -gt $bnum ];then
 17     echo "MAX space line file is:"$apath" Total space line:"$anum
 18 elif [ $anum -lt $bnum ];then
 19     echo "MAX space line file is:"$bpath" Total space line:"$bnum
 20 else
 21     echo "The space line "$apath" = "$bpath" Total space line:"$bnum
 22 fi
 24 anum=0
 25 bnum=0
 26 anum=$(cat $apath| wc -l)
 27 bnum=$(cat $bpath| wc -l)
 29 if [ $anum -gt $bnum ];then
 30     echo "MAX line file is:"$apath" Total line:"$anum
 32 elif [ $anum -lt $bnum ];then
 33     echo "MAX line file is:"$bpath" Total line:"$bnum
 34 else
 35     echo "The 2 file lines count is the same, Total line:"$bnum
 36 fi



(1) 提示用户输入一个字符串;

(2) 判断:如果输入的是quit,则退出脚本;否则,则显示其输入的字符串内容;

  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 #
  3 #
  4 read -p "please input a char:" achar
  6 if [ "$achar" == "quit" ];then
  7     exit 3
  8 else
  9     echo $achar
 10 fi



  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 #
  3 #
  4 if ! [ $# -eq 1 ];then
  5     echo "please input one parameter"
  6     exit 3
  7 fi
  9 results=0
 10 chars=2
 12 for i in $(seq 1 $1);do
 13     if [ $i == "1" ];then
 14         chars+="x1"
 15     else
 16         chars+="x2"
 17     fi
 18     results=$[2**$i]
 19     echo $chars"="$results
 20     if [ $i == "1" ];then
 21         chars=2
 22     fi
 23 done



  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 #
  3 #求两数之和
  4 function two_num_count(){
  5     read -p "please input two num:" a b
  7     if [ -n "$a" -a -n "$b" ];then
  8         counts=$[$a+$b]
  9         echo $counts
 10         return 3
 11     else
 12         echo "not enough parameter"
 13         exit 22
 14     fi
 15 }
 18 #求两数最大公约数
 19 function maxx(){
 20     local a
 21     local b
 22     local c
 23     local aold
 24     local bold
 26     read -p "please input two num:" a b
 27     if [ -n "$a" -a -n "$b" ];then
 28         aold=$a
 29         bold=$b
 30         c=$[$a%$b]
 31         while [ $c -ne 0 ];do
 32             a=$b
 33             b=$c
 34             c=$[$a%$b]
 35         done
 36         echo $aold" and "$bold" GCD is:"$b
 37     else
 38         echo "not enough parameter"
 39         exit 22
 40     fi
 41 }
 43 #求两数最小公倍数
 44 function minx(){
 45 #最小公倍数=axb/ab的最大公约数
 46     #求最大公约数开始
 47     local a
 48     local b
 49     local aold
 50     local bold
 51     local c
 52     local c1
 54     read -p "please input two num:" a b
 55     if [ -n "$a" -a -n "$b" ];then
 56         aold=$a
 57         bold=$b
 58         c=$[$a%$b]
 59         while [ $c -ne 0 ];do
 60             a=$b
 61             b=$c
 62             c=$[$a%$b]
 63         done
 64     #求最大公约数结束
 65         #求最小公倍数开始
 66         c1=$[$aold*$bold/$b]
 67         echo $aold" and "$bold" LCM is:"$c1
 68         #求最小公倍数结束
 69     else
 70         echo "not enough parameter"
 71         exit 22
 72     fi
 74 }
 77 echo "please input num to select function:"
 78 echo "1.两数值求和(Two number sum)"
 79 echo "2.求两数最大公约数(GCD)"
 80 echo "3.求两数最小公倍数(LCM)"
 81 read -p ":" snum
 83 if [ -n $snum ];then
 84     case $snum in
 85     1)
 86         two_num_count
 87         ;;
 88     2)
 89         maxx
 90         ;;
 91     3)
 92         minx
 93         ;;
 94     *)
 95         echo "Please select the correct options"   
 96         exit 22
 97     esac
 98 else
 99     echo "please choose"
100     exit 22
101 fi