How to Debug your Stored Procedure?


How to Debug your Stored Procedure?


In many cases, you might want to test your SP on various scenarios and go through each step on how your data gets changed at each step. The below steps should help you to achieve the goal:

a)      Go to SQL Enterprise Manager -> Query Analyzer


b)      Click on Object Browser link (1) on the Top Menu to display all the databases in your Server


c)       Browse through to your Stored Procedure from the Left menu.

d)      Select your SP and right click.


e)      Select the Option “Debug”. 


f)       The “Debug Procedure” dialog box shows up with options to enter your test data in “Value” for the selected input parameter displayed in “Parameters”. If you have multiple input parameters, select each parameter and enter valid values. You could select the checkbox “Set to NULL”, if the input parameter can accept NULL values. The debug procedure also displays the “Parameter Type” and the direction (input or output) of the variable.

g)      Once the input parameters are entered, click on “Execute”.


h)      The SP will be displayed on the SQL pane and the “Debug” arrow shows up on the first line.

i)        You will be able to see your input parameters passed on to the variables and also any other variables that you are using in your Stored Procedure.


j)        You can debug to the next step by pressing “F10”


k)      You can use “F5” to execute all the steps in SP without toggling at each step.


l)        You can use “F11” to “step into” each step i.e., if you go one step further inside the current step to debug especially if you have used any other SP in your SP.


m)    There are many other options for debugging and you can find them at the top of your SQL pane.




To optimize queries in Hive, you can follow these best practices: 1. Use partitioning: Partitioning is a technique of dividing a large table into smaller, more manageable parts based on specific criteria such as date, region, or category. It can significantly improve query performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned. 2. Use bucketing: Bucketing is another technique of dividing a large table into smaller, more manageable parts based on the hash value of a column. It can improve query performance by reducing the number of files that need to be read. 3. Use appropriate file formats: Choose the appropriate file format based on the type of data and the query patterns. For example, ORC and Parquet formats are optimized for analytical queries, while Text and SequenceFile formats are suitable for batch processing. 4. Optimize data storage: Optimize the way data is stored on HDFS to improve query performance. For example, use compression to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred across the network. To create a partition table with Hive, you can follow these steps: 1. Create a database (if it doesn't exist) using the CREATE DATABASE statement. 2. Create a table using the CREATE TABLE statement, specifying the partition columns using the PARTITIONED BY clause. 3. Load data into the table using the LOAD DATA statement, specifying the partition values using the PARTITION clause. Here's an example: ``` CREATE DATABASE my_db; USE my_db; CREATE TABLE my_table ( id INT, name STRING ) PARTITIONED BY (date STRING); LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/path/to/data' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE my_table PARTITION (date='2022-01-01'); ``` This creates a table called `my_table` with two columns `id` and `name`, and one partition column `date`. The data is loaded into the table with the partition value `2022-01-01`.




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