12C ORA-错误汇总7 ORA-09870 to ORA-12100




                ORA-09870 to ORA-12100 8
ORA-09870: spini: failure initializing maximum number of open files.
Cause: ulimit system call returned an error.
Action: Check errno.
ORA-09871: TASDEF_NAME: translation error while expanding ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf.
Cause: Failure of sltln(?/tasdef@.dbf) while creating test and set pages.
Action: Check additional return error for more information.
ORA-09872: TASDEF_CREATE: create failure in creating ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf.
Cause: Create() failed when trying to create the tasdef file.
Action: Verify permissions on $(ORACLE_HOME)/dbs directory.
ORA-09873: TASDEF_OPEN: open error when opening tasdef@.dbf file.
Cause: Unable to open tasdef@.dbf file.
Action: Check errno. Possible permission problem. Verify that tasdef@.dbf file
ORA-09874: TASDEF_READ: read error, unable to read tasdef@.dbf file.
Cause: Read system call returned an error when attempting to read
Action: Check errno returned. Sgadef file may be corrupted or incompatible with
oracle version.
ORA-09875: TASDEF_WRITE: write error when writing ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf file.
Cause: Write call failed.
Action: Check errno returned. Possibly out of space on device.
ORA-09876: TASDEF_CLOSE: unable to close ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf file.
Cause: Close system call returned an error.
Action: Check errno returned. Possible operating system failure.
ORA-09877: sstascre: shmget error, unable to get a shared memory segment.
Cause: Error in shmget.
Action: Check errno returned. Verify that enough shared memory is available on
the system.
ORA-09878: sstascre/sstasat: shmat error, unable to attach tas write page
Cause: Error in shmat.
8-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Check errno returned.Verify that enough shared memory is available on
the system.
ORA-09879: sstascre/sstasat: shmat error, unable to attach tas read page
Cause: Error in shmat.
Action: Check errno returned.Verify that enough shared memory is available on
the system.
ORA-09880: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmdt error, unable to detach tas write page
Cause: Error in shmdt.
Action: Check errno returned.
ORA-09881: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmdt error, unable to detach tas read page
Cause: Error in shmdt.
Action: Check errno returned.
ORA-09882: sstasfre/sstasdel: shmctl error, unable to remove tas shm page
Cause: Error in shmctl.
Action: Check errno returned.
ORA-09883: Two Task interface: oratab file does not exist
Cause: The oratab file does not exist.
Action: Install oracle before you use it or recreate the oratab file.
ORA-09884: Two Task interface: SID doens't match current PU
Cause: You are trying to start oracle on another PU than you configured oracle on
or there is no entry for this SID in oratab file.
Action: Start oracle with this SID on its designated PU (see oratab file). Or install
the new database with SID.
ORA-09885: osnTXtt: cannot create TXIPC channel
Cause: The TXIPC driver failed to create pipes for two-task communications with
the oracle shadow process.
Action: You have probably exceeded the maximum number of open file
descriptors per user or the system file table is full. Note the operating system error
code and contact your system administrator.
ORA-09886: osnTXtt: translation error while expanding txipc@.trc.
Cause: Failure of sltln(txipc@.trc) while creating debug channel.
Action: Check additional return error for more information.
ORA-09888: osnTXtt: txipc channel creation failed
Cause: The txipc driver failed to create channels for two-task communications
with the oracle shadow process.
Action: You have probably exceeded the maximum number of open file
descriptors per user or the system file table operating system error code and
contact your system administrator.
ORA-09889: osnTXtt: access error on oracle executable
Cause: The txipc driver could not access the oracle executable.
Action: Check the permissions on the ORACLE executable and each component
of the ORACLE_HOME/bin path.
ORA-09870 to ORA-12100 8-3
ORA-09890: osnTXtt: malloc failed
Cause: The txipx driver failed to allocate enough heap space for its context area
Action: Contact your customer support representative.
ORA-09908: slkmnm: gethostname returned error code.
Cause: The system call gethostname returned an error.
Action: This is most likely an internal error. Make sure gethostname is successful
in other contexts, and if so contact Oracle support.
ORA-09909: Malloc of scratch buffer failed.
Cause: Memory needed for a temporary buffer could not be allocated. The
additional information field contains the number of bytes that ORACLE attempted
to allocate.
Action: Check the UNIX error number. It is probable that the system has run out
of memory. If there is no error, contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09910: Unable to find ORACLE password file entry for user.
Cause: No entry exists for the user in the ORACLE password file.
Action: Have the database administrator install a password entry by running
ORA-09911: Incorrect user password.
Cause: The password entered by the user was incorrect.
Action: Enter the correct password.
ORA-09912: Malloc of name buffer(s) failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to allocate memory for one or both of the buffers
that are used to hold the name of DBA and the operator users.
Action: Check the UNIX error number. It is probable that the system has run out
of memory. If there is no error, contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09913: Malloc of dummy name failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to allocate memory for the user name that is to to be
used in the encryption of the user's password.
Action: Check the UNIX error number. It is probable that the system has run out
of memory. If there is no error, contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09914: Unable to open the ORACLE password file.
Cause: ORACLE could not open the password file for reading.
Action: Check the UNIX error number. If the error number indicates that the file
does not exist, have the database administrator create the file by running
orapasswd. If the error number indicates insufficient permissions, ask the database
administrator to change the permissions. Otherwise, contact ORACLE customer
ORA-09915: Password encryption failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to encrypt a password.
Action: This is an internal error - contact ORACLE customer support.
ORA-09916: Required password was not specified.
Cause: A user attempted to connect as "internal," but did not specify a password.
8-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Connect as internal again and specify a password.
ORA-09918: Unable to get user privileges from SQL*Net
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's privilege set from the SQL*Net
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also
check the "additional information" field for the SQL*Net error. If there is no error,
contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09919: Unable to set label of dedicated server
Cause: ORACLE was unable to set the label of the dedicated to server to the
required value.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also,
check the privileges on the oracle executable. It should have at least
"allowmacaccess" privilege.
ORA-09920: Unable to get sensitivity label from connection
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's sensitivity label from the
SQL*Net connection.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also
check the "additional information" field for the SQL*Net error. If there is no error,
contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09921: Unable to get information label from connection
Cause: ORACLE was unable to retrieve the user's information label from the
SQL*Net connection.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also
check the "additional information" field for the SQL*Net error. If there is no error,
contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09922: Can't spawn process - background log directory not created properly
Cause: ORACLE was unable to spawn a background process because the
directory that will hold trace files of the background processes was not created
Action: Examine the directory pointed to by the initialization parameter
"background_dump_dest". Make sure that all of the following is true:
1. The directory exists.
2. The name indeed points to a directory, and is not a file.
3. The directory is accessible and writable to the ORACLE user.
ORA-09923: Can't spawn process - user log directory not created properly
Cause: ORACLE was unable to spawn a background process because the
directory that holds the trace files of the dedicated server processes was not
created properly.
Action: Examine the directory pointed to by the initialization parameter "user_
dump_dest". Make sure that all of the following is true:
1. The directory exists.
2. The name indeed points to a directory, and is not a file.
3. The directory is accessible and writable to the ORACLE user.
ORA-09870 to ORA-12100 8-5
ORA-09924: Can't spawn process - core dump directory not created properly
Cause: ORACLE was unable to spawn a background process because the
directory that holds the core dumps produced by ORACLE processes in the event
of exceptions was not created properly.
Action: Examine the directory pointed to by the initialization parameter "core_
dump_dest". Make sure that all of the following is true:
1. The directory exists.
2. The name indeed points to a directory, and is not a file.
3. The directory is accessible and writable to the ORACLE user.
ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file
Cause: ORACLE was not able to create the file being used to hold audit trail
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. If
there is no error, contact ORACLE customer support.
ORA-09926: Unable to set effective privilege set of the server
Cause: A dedicated server was unable to set it's own privilege set.
Action: Check the privileges granted to the ORACLE executable. It must have at
least "allowmacacess" privilege.
ORA-09927: Unable to set label of server
Cause: ORACLE was not able to set the label of a server to a new value.
Action: Check the privileges on $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle. Make sure that it
has "allowmacaccess" privilege.
ORA-09928: Unable to restore the label of server
Cause: ORACLE was unable to restore the label of the server to the value that it
had before raising it to database high.
Action: This is an internal error - contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09929: GLB of two labels is invalid
Cause: The result of a greatest lower bound operation on two labels was not valid.
Action: Repeat the operation with two different labels. Consult the system
encoding file for the values of valid labels.
ORA-09930: LUB of two labels is invalid
Cause: The result of a least upper bound operation on two labels was not valid.
Action: Repeat the operation with two different labels. Consult the system
encoding file for the values of valid labels.
ORA-09931: Unable to open ORACLE password file for reading
Cause: An attempt to open a password file for reading failed.
Action: Make sure that the permissions on the file have not been changed so that
the ORACLE user cannot open it.
ORA-09932: Close of ORACLE password file failed.
Cause: An attempt to close a password file failed.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for the specific reason.
ORA-09933: Deletion of old password file failed.
8-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The removal of the old password file failed.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for the specific reason.
ORA-09934: Link of current password file to old failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to create a link so that the old password file could be
Action: Check the UNIX error number for the specific reason.
ORA-09935: Unlink of current password file failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to complete the saving of the current password file.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for the specific reason.
ORA-09936: Open of ORACLE password file for write failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to create a password file.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for the specific reason.
ORA-09937: Chmod of ORACLE password file failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to change a password file to be readonly.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for the specific reason.
ORA-09938: Save of signal handlers failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to save the previous values of selected signal
Action: This is an internal error. Contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09939: Restoration of signal handlers failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to restore the previous values of selected signal
Action: This is an internal error. Contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09940: ORACLE password file header is corrupt
Cause: The header of one of the password files was not in the format that
ORACLE expected.
Action: Check the headers of both files. The header should be in the format "FILE
number. Remove the corrupt file(s) and re-run "orapasswd".
ORA-09941: Version of orapasswd or installer is older than file.
Cause: The version of orapasswd or installer that is being run is older than that of
the ORACLE password file. Since the file version is only changed when the format
is changed, this error means that the executable is using a different format than
that with which the file was created.
Action: Run a version of the installer or orapasswd whose version is the same or
later than that of the file.
ORA-09942: Write of ORACLE password file header failed.
Cause: The attempt to write out the header of the ORACLE password file failed.
Action: Check the operating system error number. It is possible that the file
system became full.
ORA-09943: Allocation of memory for password list component failed.
ORA-09870 to ORA-12100 8-7
Cause: When it is building a list of password file entries, ORACLE allocates
memory for various components. One of the allocations failed.
Action: Check the operating system error number. The system has probably run
out of memory.
ORA-09944: Password entry is corrupt.
Cause: An entry in an ORACLE password file was not in the format that
ORACLE expected.
Action: Removed the corrupt file(s) and re-run "orapasswd."
ORA-09945: Unable to initialize the audit trail file
Cause: ORACLE unable to write header information to the file being used as the
audit trail.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. If
there is no error, contact ORACLE customer support.
ORA-09946: File name too long for buffer
Cause: The buffer that was to be used to hold a file name was determined to be
too short for the generated name. This will happen if the translated name for
either a trace file or an audit file is longer than the maximum allowed, which on
many ports is 256 characters.
Action: Use a shorter file name.
ORA-09947: Unable to allocate connection attributes structure
Cause: ORACLE was not able to allocate the memory needed to hold the
attributes of the SQL*Net connection. The "Additional Information" field holds the
number of bytes that ORACLE attempted to allocate.
Action: Check the UNIX error number. It is probable that the system has run out
of memory. If there is no error, contact ORACLE customer support.
ORA-09948: Process information label retrieval failed.
Cause: ORACLE was unable to get the information label for a process.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If
there is no error, contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09949: Unable to get client operating system privileges
Cause: ORACLE was unable to get the operating system privileges for the client
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If
there is no error, contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09950: Unable to get server operating system privileges
Cause: ORACLE was unable to get its privileges from the operating system.
Action: This is an error that should never happen. Contact ORACLE customer
ORA-09951: Unable to create file
Cause: ORACLE was unable to create a file.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system failure. If
there is no error, contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09952: scgcmn: lk_open_convert unexpected return: open failed
8-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: The distributed lock manager returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to the distributed lock manager
documentation or contact your customer support representative.
ORA-09953: scggc: unexpected return of a lock convert
Cause: The distributed lock manager returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for lock manager error message and refer to DLM documentation
refer to the distributed lock manager documentation or contact your customer
support representative.
ORA-09954: scgcc: unexpected return status to callback of lock close
Cause: The distributed lock manager returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for lock manager error message and refer to DLM documentation
refer to the distributed lock manager documentation or contact your customer
support representative.
ORA-09955: scgcan: unexpected return status when canceling a lock
Cause: DLM system service x returned an unexpected value
Action: Check for system error message and refer to DLM documentation refer to
the distributed lock manager documentation or contact your customer support
ORA-09956: scgcm: unexpected lock status condition
Cause: A global locking system service returned an unexpected value.
Action: Check for system error message (if any) and refer to refer to the
distributed lock manager documentation or contact your customer support
ORA-09957: Unable to send termination request to IMON
Cause: The attempt to send a termination signal to IMON failed.
Action: This is an internal error, contact ORACLE support.
ORA-09958: IMON: two processes
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ORA-01017错误Oracle数据库中一个常见的错误,它表示用户在进行认证时没有提供正确的用户名或密码,导致登录失败。这个错误可能会在用户在进行各种数据库操作时出现,例如启动或连接数据库、执行SQL查询、创建或删除表等。 如果您遇到ORA-01017错误,首先应该确认您输入的用户名和密码是否正确。您可以尝试使用其他有效的用户名和密码重新登录数据库。如果您使用的是Oracle数据库的默认账户,例如SYS或SYSTEM账户,那么可以使用以下命令来重置密码: ALTER USER username IDENTIFIED BY new_password; 其中username为您要重置密码的账户名,new_password为新密码。 除了输入错误的用户名或密码外,还有一些其他常见的原因可能会导致ORA-01017错误。例如,您的数据库可能已被锁定,可能是由于某些数据库对象被其他用户或进程所占用,或者因为数据库正在进行备份或恢复操作。在这种情况下,您需要等待一段时间,直到数据库解锁。您还可以尝试重启数据库实例来解决此问题。 另外,ORA-01017错误也可能是由于网络故障或连接问题引起的。如果您正在通过网络连接数据库,请检查您的网络连接是否正常、数据库服务器是否可用,并确保您使用的是正确的连接字符串和端口号。 总之,ORA-01017错误可能是由多种原因引起的,但它通常表示用户输入了错误的用户名或密码。如果您遇到此问题,您需要核实提供的认证信息是否正确,并尝试使用其他有效的用户名和密码重新登录数据库。如果错误仍然存在,您可以考虑其他可能的原因,并采取相应的措施来解决问题。




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