VMware Data Recovery Integrity Check fails with the error: Trouble reading from destination volume, error -2241(1018060)


  • VMware Data Recovery Integrity Check fails.

  • Backups do not complete.

  • When running Integrity Check, you see the errors:

    9/6/2009 3:36:40 PM: Executing Integrity Check
    9/6/2009 3:36:40 PM: To Backup Set /...
    9/6/2009 3:36:40 PM: Trouble reading from destination volume, error -2241 ( Destination index invalid/damaged)
    9/6/2009 3:36:40 PM: Backup Set "/" will be locked until the restore point with errors are deleted and integrity check succeeds.
    9/6/2009 3:36:40 PM: Task incomplete


This issue occurs if:

  • There are bad restore points detected. Clear the bad restore points by marking them for deletion, and perform double integrity check. For bad restore points, you need to do this twice. 

  • Lock (.lck) files are present on the destination datastore.

Note: For more information on performing an integrity check, see Running a manual integrity check on a VMware Data Recovery deduplication store (1029296).


To remove the lock files:

  1. Log in to the VMware Data Recovery (VDR) appliance through the console with the root username and password.

  2. Stop the VDR application to ensure that any valid locks being used are removed:

    # service datarecovery stop 

  3. Change to the destination datastore and remove all .lck files from all destination datastores. For example, to remove the file store.lckfile from destination SCSI-0\:1, run the commands:

    # cd /SCSI-0\:1/VMwareDataRecovery/BackupStore/
    # rm -rf store.lck 

    Note: To find all *.lck files, run this command:

    # find / -name *.lck 

  4. Restart the VDR application after all lock files have been removed

    # service datarecovery start

Additional Information

You must ensure that there is sufficient space on the destination that is being used to back up the virtual machines.