



例如:XY平面上的一个直线 y=2x-3; 

变换  -3=-2x+y;   其中:a=-2,b=-3


一种更好的表示方法是用r和q来代替ab。即:xcosa+ysina=r  【极坐标形势】




/* Copyright 1993-2003 The MathWorks, Inc. */   
/* $Revision: $  $Date: 2003/08/01 18:11:24 $ */   
 * RADONC.C .MEX file  
 * Implements Radon transform.  
 * Syntax  [P, r] = radon(I, theta)  
 * evaluates the Radon transform P, of I along the angles  
 * specified by the vector THETA.  THETA values measure   
 * angle counter-clockwise from the horizontal axis.    
 * THETA defaults to [0:179] if not specified.  
 * The output argument r is a vector giving the  
 * values of r corresponding to the rows of P.  
 * The origin of I is computed in the same way as origins  
 * are computed in filter2:  the origin is the image center  
 * rounded to the upper left.  
 * Algorithm  
 * The Radon transform of a point-mass is known, and the Radon  
 * transform is linear (although not shift-invariant).  So  
 * we use superposition(叠加) of the Radon transforms of each  
 * image pixel.  The dispersion(分布) of each pixel (point mass)  
 * along the r-axis is a nonlinear function of theta and the  
 * pixel location, so to improve the accuracy, we divide  
 * each pixel into 4 submasses located to the NE, NW, SE,   
 * and SW of the original location.  Spacing of the submasses  
 * is 0.5 in the x- and y-directions.  We also smooth   
 * the result in the r-direction by a triangular smoothing   
 * window of length 2.  
 * Reference  
 * Ronald N. Bracewell, Two-Dimensional Imaging, Prentice-Hall,  
 * 1995, pp. 518-525.  
 * S. Eddins 1-95  
#include <math.h>   
#include "mex.h"   
static void radon(double *pPtr, double *iPtr, double *thetaPtr, int M, int N,    
          int xOrigin, int yOrigin, int numAngles, int rFirst,    
          int rSize);   
static char rcs_id[] = "$Revision: $";   
#define MAXX(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))   
/* Input Arguments */   
#define I      (prhs[0])   
#define THETA  (prhs[1])   
#define OPTION (prhs[2])   
/* Output Arguments */   
#define P      (plhs[0])   
#define R      (plhs[1])   


mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray  *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray  *prhs[])   
    int numAngles;          /* number of theta values */   
    double *thetaPtr;       /* pointer to theta values in radians */   
    double *pr1, *pr2;      /* double pointers used in loop */   
    double deg2rad;         /* conversion factor */   
    double temp;            /* temporary theta-value holder */   
    int k;                  /* loop counter */   
    int M, N;               /* input image size */   
    int xOrigin, yOrigin;   /* center of image */   
    int temp1, temp2;       /* used in output size computation */   
    int rFirst, rLast;      /* r-values for first and last row of output */   
    int rSize;              /* number of rows in output */   
    /* Check validity of arguments */   
    if (nrhs < 2)    
                          "Too few input arguments");   
    if (nrhs > 2)   
                          "Too many input arguments");   
    if (nlhs > 2)   
                          "Too many output arguments to RADON");   
    if (mxIsSparse(I) || mxIsSparse(THETA))   
                          "Sparse inputs not supported");   
    if (!mxIsDouble(I) || !mxIsDouble(THETA))   
                          "I and THETA must be double");   
    /* Get THETA values */   
    deg2rad = 3.14159265358979 / 180.0;   
    numAngles = mxGetM(THETA) * mxGetN(THETA);   
    thetaPtr = (double *) mxCalloc(numAngles, sizeof(double));   //MATLAB的内存申请函数,对应C语言可以换成calloc函数
    pr1 = mxGetPr(THETA);   //获取矩阵的数组表达,返回数组的首地址
    pr2 = thetaPtr;   
    for (k = 0; k < numAngles; k++)   
        *(pr2++) = *(pr1++) * deg2rad;   
    M = mxGetM(I);   //获得矩阵的行数
    N = mxGetN(I);   //获得矩阵的列数
    /* Where is the coordinate system's origin? */   
    xOrigin = MAXX(0, (N-1)/2);   
    yOrigin = MAXX(0, (M-1)/2);   
    /* How big will the output be? */   
    temp1 = M - 1 - yOrigin;   
    temp2 = N - 1 - xOrigin;   
    rLast = (int) ceil(sqrt((double) (temp1*temp1+temp2*temp2))) + 1;   
    rFirst = -rLast;   
    rSize = rLast - rFirst + 1;   
    if (nlhs == 2) {   
        R = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(rSize, 1, mxREAL);   //创建一个rSize行1列的矩阵,其实也就是一个数组
        pr1 = mxGetPr(R);   
        for (k = rFirst; k <= rLast; k++)   
            *(pr1++) = (double) k;   
    /* Invoke main computation routines */   
    if (mxIsComplex(I)) {   
        P = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(rSize, numAngles, mxCOMPLEX);  //创建一个rSize行numAngles列的矩阵 
        radon(mxGetPr(P), mxGetPr(I), thetaPtr, M, N, xOrigin, yOrigin,    
              numAngles, rFirst, rSize);    //mxGetPr函数可以把刚才那个矩阵变成一个一维数组形式的存储方式,并返回一维数组的数组首地址
        radon(mxGetPi(P), mxGetPi(I), thetaPtr, M, N, xOrigin, yOrigin,    
              numAngles, rFirst, rSize);   
    } else {   
        P = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(rSize, numAngles, mxREAL);   
        radon(mxGetPr(P), mxGetPr(I), thetaPtr, M, N, xOrigin, yOrigin,    
              numAngles, rFirst, rSize);   
void incrementRadon(double *pr, double pixel, double r)   
    int r1;   
    double delta;   
    r1 = (int) r;   //对于每一个点,r值不同,所以,通过这种方式,可以把这一列中相应行的元素的值给赋上
    delta = r - r1;   
    pr[r1] += pixel * (1.0 - delta); //radon变换本来就是通过记录目标平面上某一点的被映射后点的积累厚度来反推原平面的直线的存在性的,故为+=  
    pr[r1+1] += pixel * delta;  //两个点互相配合,提高精度 
static void radon(double *pPtr, double *iPtr, double *thetaPtr, int M, int N,    
      int xOrigin, int yOrigin, int numAngles, int rFirst, int rSize)   
    int k, m, n;              /* loop counters */   
    double angle;             /* radian angle value */   
    double cosine, sine;      /* cosine and sine of current angle */   
    double *pr;               /* points inside output array */   
    double *pixelPtr;         /* points inside input array */   
    double pixel;             /* current pixel value */   
    double *ySinTable, *xCosTable;   
    /* tables for x*cos(angle) and y*sin(angle) */   
    double x,y;   
    double r, delta;   
    int r1;   
    /* Allocate space for the lookup tables */   
    xCosTable = (double *) mxCalloc(2*N, sizeof(double));  //MATLAB的内存申请函数,对应C语言可以换成calloc函数 
    ySinTable = (double *) mxCalloc(2*M, sizeof(double));   
    for (k = 0; k < numAngles; k++) 
        angle = thetaPtr[k];   
        pr = pPtr + k*rSize;  /* pointer to the top of the output column */   
        cosine = cos(angle);    
        sine = sin(angle);      
        /* Radon impulse response locus:  R = X*cos(angle) + Y*sin(angle) */   
        /* Fill the X*cos table and the Y*sin table.                      */   
        /* x- and y-coordinates are offset from pixel locations by 0.25 */   
        /* spaced by intervals of 0.5. */   
        **radon 变换中,极坐标下,沿r轴的theta角和每一个像素点的分布都是非线性的,而此处采用的是线性radon变换,
        for (n = 0; n < N; n++)   
            x = n - xOrigin;   
            xCosTable[2*n]   = (x - 0.25)*cosine;   //由极坐标的知识知道,相对于变换的原点,这个就是得到了该点的横坐标
            xCosTable[2*n+1] = (x + 0.25)*cosine;   
        for (m = 0; m < M; m++)   
            y = yOrigin - m;   
            ySinTable[2*m] = (y - 0.25)*sine;   //同理,相对于变换的原点,得到了纵坐标
            ySinTable[2*m+1] = (y + 0.25)*sine;   
        pixelPtr = iPtr;   
        for (n = 0; n < N; n++)   
            for (m = 0; m < M; m++)   //便利原矩阵中的每一个像素点
                pixel = *pixelPtr++;   
                if (pixel != 0.0)   //如果该点像素值不为0,也即图像不连续
                    pixel *= 0.25;   
                    r = xCosTable[2*n] + ySinTable[2*m] - rFirst;   
                    incrementRadon(pr, pixel, r);   
                    r = xCosTable[2*n+1] + ySinTable[2*m] - rFirst;   
                    incrementRadon(pr, pixel, r);   
                    r = xCosTable[2*n] + ySinTable[2*m+1] - rFirst;   
                    incrementRadon(pr, pixel, r);   
                    r = xCosTable[2*n+1] + ySinTable[2*m+1] - rFirst;   
                    incrementRadon(pr, pixel, r);   
    mxFree((void *) xCosTable);   //MATLAB的内存释放函数,对应C语言可以换成free函数
    mxFree((void *) ySinTable);   



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以下是使用C++实现Radon变换的简单示例代码: ```cpp #include <iostream> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace cv; int main() { // 读取图像 Mat image = imread("image.jpg", 0); // 以灰度模式加载图像 if (image.empty()) { std::cout << "无法加载图像" << std::endl; return -1; } // 创建Radon变换结果图像 int diagonalLength = image.rows + image.cols - 1; // 对角线长度 Mat radonImage(diagonalLength, 180, CV_32FC1, Scalar(0)); // 创建一个浮点型单通道图像 // 进行Radon变换 for (int angle = 0; angle < 180; angle++) { Mat rotated; Point2f center(image.cols / 2.0, image.rows / 2.0); Mat rotationMatrix = getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0); warpAffine(image, rotated, rotationMatrix, image.size(), INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar(0)); for (int row = 0; row < diagonalLength; row++) { float sum = 0; for (int col = 0; col < image.cols; col++) { int y = row - col; if (y >= 0 && y < image.rows) { sum += rotated.at<uchar>(y, col); } } radonImage.at<float>(row, angle) = sum; } } // 对Radon变换结果进行归一化 normalize(radonImage, radonImage, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX); // 显示Radon变换结果 imshow("Radon Transform", radonImage); waitKey(0); return 0; } ``` 在上述示例代码中,我们首先读取了一张灰度图像,然后创建了一个与原始图像大小和Radon变换范围相匹配的结果图像。接着,我们使用两层循环遍历每个角度和每个像素,计算Radon变换的结果并存储在结果图像中。最后,对结果图像进行归一化处理并显示出来。 请注意,这只是一个简单的示例,可能需要根据你的具体需求进行相应的修改和优化。


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