Error: An error occurred: "Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deployment.ActiveDirectoryException" "Multiple pool objects found in Active Directory with the name 1:2 or FQDN Ensure your deployment does not use conflicting pool information, and clean up any stale entries from deactivated pools to continue."
1.        Open the ADSIEDIT.MSC tool from Server 2008 based computer that you have it installed on.
2.        With the top node ADSI Edit highlighted choose Connect To from the Action menu.
3.        Choose the Select a well known Naming Context option in the Connection Settings dialog.
4.        Use the Select a well known Naming Context selection to choose Configuration.
5.        Click on the OK button to add the Configuration context to the ADSIEDIT object viewer.
6.        Expand the Configuration container to browse to CN=Pools,CN=RTC Service,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=Contoso,DC=com.
7.        Select CN=Pools and view the Pool entry information in the Details pane.
8.        Locate entries that should be listed in the Name column.
9.        Select the Pool that is represented by the Name value.
10.     From the ADSIEDIT Action menu choose the Delete menu item.
Warning Remember that deletions from Active Directory, directory service using the ADSIEDIT.MSC tool are immediate and will become part of the next Active Directory replication cycle.
11.     Choose the Yes button when prompted.
12.     Make sure that Active Directory, directory service replication has completed the replication of the deleted Pool entry.
13.     Return to the Lync Server 2010 Topology Builder and continue with the Publish topology.