
        Inventory 用来定义被控制端

        Modules 定义被控制端可用的操作

        Ad Hoc Commands 定义被控制端可以执行命令的

        Playbook 批量运行的方式


            任务:由各模块所支持执行的特定操作;可以通过ansible-doc module_name来查看帮助文档,非常详细

                -m  user -a ‘name= password=’














       Contain one or more plays

       Written in YAML   文件时yaml格式的

          Declarative config

          not code

        Executed in the order in is written (aka Imperative)


       - 表示列表中的一项,具有相同缩进格式的是同一个列表中的元素

       - name: deploy web server

        user: foouser

        sudo: True

        hosts: all


         -name: install apache

         apt: pkg=apache2-mpm-prefork state=latest       

    1.1 YAML介绍

    YAML是一个可读性高的用来表达资料序列的格式。YAML参考了其他多种语言,包括:XML、C语言、Python、Perl以及电子邮件格式RFC2822等。Clark Evans在2001年在首次发表了这种语言,另外Ingy dot Net与Oren Ben-Kiki也是这语言的共同设计者。
    YAML Ain't Markup Language,即YAML不是XML。不过,在开发的这种语言时,YAML的意思其实是:"Yet Another Markup Language"(仍是一种标记语言)。其特性:
    1.2 YAML语法
    name: John Smith  键值对
    age: 41
    gender: Male
        name: Jane Smith
        age: 37
        gender: Female
        -   name: Jimmy Smith
            age: 17
            gender: Male
        -   name: Jenny Smith
            age 13
            gender: Female
    YAML文件扩展名通常为.yaml,如example.yaml。  .yml也行
    1.2.1 list
    # A list of tasty fruits
    - Apple
    - Orange
    - Strawberry
    - Mango
    1.2.2 dictionary
    # An employee record
    name: Example Developer
    job: Developer
    skill: Elite
    # An employee record
    {name: Example Developer, job: Developer, skill: Elite}
    2.1 变量
    2.1.1 变量命名
    2.1.2 facts
    # ansible hostname -m setup
    setup     Gathers facts about remote hosts  收集关于远程主机的信息
    # ansible -m setup
    [root@node1 ~]# ansible constrol -m setup

    2.1.3 register
         - shell: /usr/bin/foo
           register: foo_result
           ignore_errors: True
    2.1.4 通过命令行传递变量
        ansible-playbook test.yml --extra-vars "hosts=www user=mageedu"
    2.1.5 通过roles传递变量
        - hosts: webservers
            - common
            - { role: foo_app_instance, dir: '/web/htdocs/',  port: 8080 }
    2.2 Inventory
    ansible的主要功用在于批量主机操作,为了便捷地使用其中的部分主机,可以在inventory file中将其分组命名。默认的inventory file为/etc/ansible/hosts。
    inventory file可以有多个,且也可以通过Dynamic Inventory来动态生成。
    2.2.1 inventory文件格式
    2.2.2 主机变量
    [webservers] http_port=80 maxRequestsPerChild=808 http_port=8080 maxRequestsPerChild=909
    2.2.3 组变量
    2.2.4 组嵌套
    2.2.5 inventory参数
      The name of the host to connect to, if different from the alias you wish to give to it.
      The ssh port number, if not 22
      The default ssh user name to use.
      The ssh password to use (this is insecure, we strongly recommend using --ask-pass or SSH keys)
      The sudo password to use (this is insecure, we strongly recommend using --ask-sudo-pass)
      Connection type of the host. Candidates are local, ssh or paramiko.  The default is paramiko before Ansible 1.2, and 'smart' afterwards which detects whether usage of 'ssh' would be feasible based on whether ControlPersist is supported.
      Private key file used by ssh.  Useful if using multiple keys and you don't want to use SSH agent.
      The shell type of the target system. By default commands are formatted using 'sh'-style syntax by default. Setting this to 'csh' or 'fish' will cause commands executed on target systems to follow those shell's syntax instead.
      The target host python path. This is useful for systems with more than one Python or not located at "/usr/bin/python" such as \*BSD, or where /usr/bin/python is not a 2.X series Python.  We do not use the "/usr/bin/env" mechanism as that requires the remote user's path to be set right and also assumes the "python" executable is named python, where the executable might be named something like "python26".
      Works for anything such as ruby or perl and works just like ansible_python_interpreter. This replaces shebang of modules which will run on that host.


    #vim web.yaml
    -    name: web servers      剧本的名称,用于描述剧本自己的结构
     remote_user: root      远程主机上以那个用户的身份运行
     hosts: constrol                 此剧本运用于哪些主机
    -    name: install httpd (- name(中间有一个空格))
    yum:name=httpd state=present (用什么来安装)
    -    name: httpd service
    service: name=httpd enabled=yes state=started (这些选项是在service模块下的内容)
    #ansible-playbook web.yaml 

    [root@node1 ~]# cat web.yaml  这个是yaml文件的内容
    - name : web server
      remote_user : root
      hosts : constrol
      tacks :
      - name : install httpd
        yum : name=httpd   这里可以不用写state,因为默认为preset就是安装
      - name : start httpd
        service : name=httpd enabled=yes state=started
    [root@node1 ~]# ansible-playbook web.yaml
    ERROR: tacks is not a legal parameter of an Ansible Play  提示tacks参数出错,是没有tacks,应该是tasks,会自动检测语法

    [root@node1 ~]# vim web.yaml
    [root@node1 ~]# ansible-playbook web.yaml  运行.yaml
    PLAY [web server] *************************************************************
    GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [install httpd] *********************************************************
    changed: []
    changed: []
    TASK: [start httpd] ***********************************************************
    changed: []
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************             : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0             : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0   
    这里ok=3就是  安装ok  开机启动ok  启动ok
    [root@node1 ~]# cat web.yaml  修改后的.yaml
    - name : web server
      remote_user : root
      hosts : constrol
      tasks :
      - name : install httpd
        yum : name=httpd
      - name : start httpd
        service : name=httpd enabled=yes state=started
    [root@node1 ~]# ansible constrol -m command -a 'rpm -q httpd'  安装ok | success | rc=0 >>
    httpd-2.2.15-39.el6.centos.x86_64 | success | rc=0 >>

    [root@node1 ~]# ansible constrol -m command -a 'service httpd status'  运行ok | success | rc=0 >>
    httpd (pid  6871) is running... | success | rc=0 >>
    httpd (pid  24315) is running...
    [root@node1 ~]# ansible constrol -m command -a 'chkconfig --list httpd'  开机自启动ok | success | rc=0 >>
    httpd              0:off    1:off    2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off | success | rc=0 >>
    httpd              0:off    1:off    2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off   

    3.3 条件测试
    3.3.1 when语句
      - name: "shutdown Debian flavored systems"
        command: /sbin/shutdown -h now
        when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"  条件
      - command: /bin/false
        register: result   注册器
        ignore_errors: True  忽略错误信息
      - command: /bin/something
        when: result|failed  第一条命令失败时(result 为failed时),才执行第二条命令
      - command: /bin/something_else
        when: result|success  (result 为success时),才执行
      - command: /bin/still/something_else
        when: result|skipped  skipped:已经执行过跳过执行

    [root@node1 ~]# cat web.yaml
    - name: web server
      remote_user: root
      hosts: constrol
        - command: /bin/false
          register: result
          ignore_errors: True
        - name: reinstall httpd
          yum: name=httpd
          when: result|failed
        - name: stop httpd
          service: name=httpd enabled=no state=stopped
        - name: remove httpd
          yum: name=httpd state=absent 

    [root@node1 ~]# ansible-playbook web.yaml
    PLAY [web server] *************************************************************
    GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [command /bin/false] ****************************************************
    failed: [] => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["/bin/false"], "delta": "0:00:00.001693", "end": "2015-04-14 14:56:28.192788", "rc": 1, "start": "2015-04-14 14:56:28.191095", "warnings": []}
    failed: [] => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["/bin/false"], "delta": "0:00:00.013089", "end": "2015-04-14 14:56:28.354546", "rc": 1, "start": "2015-04-14 14:56:28.341457", "warnings": []}
    TASK: [reinstall httpd] *******************************************************
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [stop httpd] ************************************************************
    changed: []
    changed: []
    TASK: [remove httpd] **********************************************************
    changed: []
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************             : ok=5    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0             : ok=5    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0 

    [root@node1 ~]# ansible constrol -m command -a 'rpm -q httpd'  已经删除了 | FAILED | rc=1 >>
    package httpd is not installed | FAILED | rc=1 >>
    package httpd is not installed

    3.4 迭代

    在迭代中只能使用item变量,变量引用为{{  }}两个大括号,变量两边有空格
    - name: add several users
      user: name=` item ` state=present groups=wheel  stae=present(用户得存在,加入wheel组中)
         - testuser1  分别使用testuser1替换name=`item`中的item项
         - testuser2
    - name: add user testuser1
      user: name=testuser1 state=present groups=wheel   
    - name: add user testuser2
      user: name=testuser2 state=present groups=wheel
    - name: add several users
      user: name=` item`.`name ` state=present groups=` item`.`groups `
        - { name: 'testuser1', groups: 'wheel' }
        - { name: 'testuser2', groups: 'root' }

    [root@node1 ~]# cat adduser.yaml
    - name: add users
      remote_user: root
      hosts: constrol
      - name: add  server users
        user: name=` item ` state=present
        - testuser1
        - testuser2
        - testuser3
    [root@node1 ~]# ansible-playbook adduser.yaml
    PLAY [add users] **************************************************************
    GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [add  server users] *****************************************************
    changed: [] => (item=testuser1)
    changed: [] => (item=testuser1)
    changed: [] => (item=testuser2)
    changed: [] => (item=testuser3)
    changed: [] => (item=testuser2)
    changed: [] => (item=testuser3)
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************             : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0             : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0   
    [root@node1 ~]# ansible constrol -m command -a 'tail -5 /etc/passwd'  查看发现用户创建成功了 | success | rc=0 >>
    testuser3:x:503:503::/home/testuser3:/bin/bash | success | rc=0 >>
    [root@node1 ~]# ansible constrol -m shell -a 'pidof httpd|wc -l'   用shell模块时,可以使用管道 | success | rc=0 >>
    1 | success | rc=0 >>
    [root@node1 ~]# ansible constrol -m command -a 'pidof httpd|wc -l'  使用command模块时,不能使用管道 | FAILED | rc=1 >>
    pidof: invalid options on command line! | FAILED | rc=1 >>
    pidof: invalid options on command line!


    [root@node1 ~]# ansible constrol -m setup


    "ansible_default_ipv4": {   eth1网卡的详细信息
      "address": "",
      "alias": "eth1",
      "gateway": "",
      "interface": "eth1",
      "macaddress": "00:50:56:3a:5a:49",
      "mtu": 1500,
      "netmask": "",
      "network": "",
      "type": "ether"
    "ansible_distribution": "CentOS",     系统相关的信息
    "ansible_distribution_major_version": "6",
    "ansible_distribution_release": "Final",
    "ansible_distribution_version": "6.6",
    "ansible_kernel": "2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64",  内核
    "ansible_machine": "x86_64",   架构
    "ansible_os_family": "RedHat",   操作系统家族
    "ansible_pkg_mgr": "yum",    软件包管理


    [root@node1 ~]# cat tree.yaml  测试不是使用yum,用apt-get
    - name: tree install
      remote_user: root
      hosts: constrol
        - name: yum install screen package
          yum: name=screen
          when: ansible_pkg_mgr == "apt-get"
    [root@node1 ~]# ansible-playbook tree.yaml
    PLAY [tree install] ***********************************************************
    GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [yum install screen package] ********************************************
    skipping: []
    skipping: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************             : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0             : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0   
    [root@node1 ~]# ansible constrol -m command -a 'rpm -q screen'   screen没有安装 | FAILED | rc=1 >>
    package screen is not installed | FAILED | rc=1 >>
    package screen is not installed
    [root@node1 ~]# cat tree.yaml  测试用yum
    - name: tree install
      remote_user: root
      hosts: constrol
        - name: yum install tree package
          yum: name=tree
          when: ansible_pkg_mgr == "yum"
    [root@node1 ~]# ansible-playbook tree.yaml
    PLAY [tree install] ***********************************************************
    GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [yum install tree package] **********************************************
    changed: []
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************             : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0             : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0

    [root@node1 ~]# ansible constrol -m command -a 'rpm -q tree'  发现安装成功了 | success | rc=0 >>
    tree-1.5.3-2.el6.x86_64 | success | rc=0 >>

    四、ansible playbooks
        - hosts: webnodes
          vars:  自定义变量
            http_port: 80
            max_clients: 256
          remote_user: root
          - name: ensure apache is at the latest version
            yum: name=httpd state=latest
            remote_user: username(tasks下以指定用户运行)
          - name: ensure apache is running
            service: name=httpd state=started
          handlers:  只有被调用时,才能执行
            - name: restart apache
              service: name=httpd state=restarted
    4.1 playbook基础组件
    4.1.1 Hosts和Users
            -hosts: webnodes
             remote_user: root
            - hosts: webnodes
              remote_user: mageedu
                - name: test connection
                  remote_user: mageedu
                  sudo: yes
    4.1.2 任务列表和action
        play的主体部分是task list。task list中的各任务按次序逐个在hosts中指定的所有主机上执行,即在所有主机上完成第一个任务后再开始第二个。在运行自上而下某playbook时,如果中途发生错误,所有已执行任务都将回滚,因此,在更正playbook后重新执行一次即可。
        定义task的可以使用“action: module options”或“module: options”的格式,推荐使用后者以实现向后兼容。如果action一行的内容过多,也可在行首使用几个空白字符进行换行。
              - name: make sure apache is running
                service: name=httpd state=running
                  - name: disable selinux
                    command: /sbin/setenforce 0
                  - name: run this command and ignore the result
                    shell: /usr/bin/somecommand || /bin/true        
                  - name: run this command and ignore the result
                    shell: /usr/bin/somecommand
                    ignore_errors: True    前一个命令执行失败了,就忽略掉

   4.1.3 handlers
            - name: template configuration file
              template: src=template.j2 dest=/etc/foo.conf 使用template.j2这个模板配置文件,保存为foo.conf配置文件,当foo.conf配置文件改变时,通知notify触发某个handlers
                 - restart memcached
                 - restart apache    
                - name: restart memcached
                  service:  name=memcached state=restarted
                - name: restart apache
                  service: name=apache state=restarted

    [root@node1 conf]# cat httpd.yaml  yaml内容如下
    - hosts: constrol
      remote_user: root
        - name: Install httpd
          yum: name=httpd
        - name: copy configuration file
          copy: src=httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
          notify: restart httpd
        - name: start httpd
          service: name=httpd enabled=yes state=started
        - name: restart httpd
          service: name=httpd state=restarted
    [root@node1 conf]# ansible-playbook httpd.yaml  执行
    PLAY [constrol] ***************************************************************
    GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [Install httpd] *********************************************************
    changed: []
    changed: []
    TASK: [copy configuration file] ***********************************************
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [start httpd] ***********************************************************
    changed: []
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************             : ok=4    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0             : ok=4    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0   
    [root@node1 conf]# ansible constrol -m shell -a 'ss -tnlp|grep 80'  查看远程80端口是否启用了 | success | rc=0 >>
    LISTEN     0      128                      :::80                      :::*      users:(("httpd",9374,5),("httpd",9377,5),("httpd",9378,5),("httpd",9379,5),("httpd",9380,5),("httpd",9381,5),("httpd",9382,5),("httpd",9383,5),("httpd",9384,5)) | success | rc=0 >>
    LISTEN     0      128                      :::80                      :::*      users:(("httpd",26676,5),("httpd",26679,5),("httpd",26680,5),("httpd",26681,5),("httpd",26682,5),("httpd",26683,5),("httpd",26684,5),("httpd",26685,5),("httpd",26686,5))
    [root@node1 conf]# vim httpd.conf   修改监听端口为8080
    [root@node1 conf]# grep "8080" httpd.conf
    Listen 8080
    [root@node1 conf]# ansible constrol -m shell -a 'ss -tnlp|grep 8080' | FAILED | rc=1 >>
     | FAILED | rc=1 >>
    [root@node1 conf]# ansible-playbook httpd.yaml 重新执行
    PLAY [constrol] ***************************************************************
    GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [Install httpd] *********************************************************
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [copy configuration file] ***********************************************
    changed: []
    changed: []
    TASK: [start httpd] ***********************************************************
    ok: []
    ok: []
    NOTIFIED: [restart httpd] *****************************************************
    changed: []
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************             : ok=5    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0             : ok=5    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0   
    [root@node1 conf]# ansible constrol -m shell -a 'ss -tnlp|grep 8080'  8080端口ok | success | rc=0 >>
    LISTEN     0      128                      :::8080                    :::*      users:(("httpd",9668,6),("httpd",9671,6),("httpd",9672,6),("httpd",9673,6),("httpd",9674,6),("httpd",9675,6),("httpd",9676,6),("httpd",9677,6),("httpd",9678,6)) | success | rc=0 >>
    LISTEN     0      128                      :::8080                    :::*      users:(("httpd",26967,6),("httpd",26970,6),("httpd",26971,6),("httpd",26972,6),("httpd",26973,6),("httpd",26974,6),("httpd",26975,6),("httpd",26976,6),("httpd",26977,6))


    [root@node1 ~]# man ansible-playbook
    ANSIBLE-PLAYBOOK(1)     System administration commands     ANSIBLE-PLAYBOOK(1)
           ansible-playbook - run an ansible playbook
           ansible-playbook <filename.yml> ... [options]
    -t, TAGS, --tags=TAGS
       Only run plays and tasks tagged with these values.
       Only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values.
    [root@node1 conf]# cat httpd.yaml 
    - hosts: constrol
      remote_user: root
        - name: Install httpd
          yum: name=httpd
        - name: copy configuration file
          copy: src=httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
          tags: conf
          notify: restart httpd
        - name: start httpd
          service: name=httpd enabled=yes state=started
        - name: restart httpd
          service: name=httpd state=restarted
    [root@node1 conf]# vim httpd.conf
    [root@node1 conf]# grep 80 httpd.conf
    Listen 80
    #NameVirtualHost *:80
    # (e.g. :80) if mod_ssl is being used, due to the nature of the
    #<VirtualHost *:80>
    [root@node1 conf]# ansible-playbook httpd.yaml -t conf
    PLAY [constrol] ***************************************************************
    GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
    ok: []
    ok: []
    TASK: [copy configuration file] ***********************************************   复制配置文件发生了changed
    changed: []
    changed: []
    NOTIFIED: [restart httpd] *****************************************************    触发restart了也为changed
    changed: []
    changed: []
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************             : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0             : ok=3    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0   
    [root@node1 conf]# ansible constrol -m shell -a 'ss -tnlp|grep 80' | success | rc=0 >>
    LISTEN     0      128                      :::80                      :::*      users:(("httpd",9873,6),("httpd",9875,6),("httpd",9876,6),("httpd",9877,6),("httpd",9878,6),("httpd",9879,6),("httpd",9881,6),("httpd",9882,6),("httpd",9883,6)) | success | rc=0 >>
    LISTEN     0      128                      :::80                      :::*      users:(("httpd",27169,6),("httpd",27172,6),("httpd",27173,6),("httpd",27174,6),("httpd",27175,6),("httpd",27176,6),("httpd",27177,6),("httpd",27178,6),("httpd",27179,6))

    对httpd.yaml进行切分,通过- include来包含切分后的任务

    [root@node1 conf]# cat httpd.yaml
    - hosts: constrol
      remote_user: root
        - include: tasks/tasks.yaml  tasks文件的位置
        - include: handlers/handlers.yaml  handlers文件的位置
    [root@node1 conf]# mkdir tasks handlers  新建目录和文件
    [root@node1 conf]# vim handlers/handlers.yaml
    [root@node1 conf]# cat handlers/handlers.yaml
    - name: restart httpd
      service: name=httpd state=restarted
    [root@node1 conf]# vim tasks/tasks.yaml
    [root@node1 conf]# cat tasks/tasks.yaml
    - name: Install httpd
      yum: name=httpd
    - name: copy configuration file
      copy: src=httpd.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
      notify: restart httpd
    - name: start httpd
      service: name=httpd enabled=yes state=started
    [root@node1 conf]# vim httpd.conf
    [root@node1 conf]# grep "8080" httpd.conf   修改了一下端口
    Listen 8080 

    [root@node1 conf]# ansible-playbook httpd.yaml  执行yaml
    [root@node1 conf]# ansible constrol -m shell -a 'ss -tnlp|grep 8080'  修改端口ok | success | rc=0 >>
    LISTEN     0      128                      :::8080                    :::*      users:(("httpd",10379,6),("httpd",10382,6),("httpd",10383,6),("httpd",10384,6),("httpd",10385,6),("httpd",10386,6),("httpd",10387,6),("httpd",10388,6),("httpd",10389,6)) | success | rc=0 >>
    LISTEN     0      128                      :::8080                    :::*      users:(("httpd",27646,6),("httpd",27649,6),("httpd",27650,6),("httpd",27651,6),("httpd",27652,6),("httpd",27653,6),("httpd",27654,6),("httpd",27655,6),("httpd",27656,6))  