假设现在有server A 和server B 两台Asterisk服务器,分别分布在两个不同的公司A和B,其中A公司的分机是以80开头
在Server A上的配置如下:
  [serverB]   ----值得注意的是这个serverB是B服务器上的username的值。
   ; Specify the SIP account type as 'peer'. This means that incoming
   ; calls will be matched on IP address and port number. So, when Asterisk
   ; receives a call from and the standard SIP port of 5060,
    所以当Asterisk接收到一个来自192.168.1.102并且是标准的SIP 5060端口的呼叫的时候,
   ; it will match this entry in sip.conf. It will then request authentication
   ; and expect the password to match the 'secret' specified here.
  type = peer

   ;This is the IP address for the remote box (serverB). This option can also  be provided a hostname.
  host = www.serverB.com

   ;When we send calls to this SIP peer and must provide authentication, we use 'serverA' as our username.
  username = ServerA

   ; This is the shared secret with serverB. It will be used as the password when either receiving a call from serverB, or sending a call to serverB.
   这是一个和ServerB共享的一个密码。当从ServerB接收呼叫或是发送呼叫到ServerB的时候都 需要用到这个密码
  secret = p@ssw0rd

    ;When receiving a call from serverB, match it against extensions in the 'incoming' context of extensions.conf.
  context = incoming

   ; Start by clearing out the list of allowed codecs.
  disallow = all
   ;Only allow the ulaw codecs
  allow = ulaw

  exten => _60XX,1,Answer()
     same => 2,Dial(sip/${EXTEN}@serverB)
     same => n,Playback(nobody-here)
     same => n,Hangup()
     same => 103,Playback(busy)
     same => n,Hangup()
