[Software Engineering]Responsibility-based pattern language..TBC

HCI, HCI and iVirtualWorld, outline of the paper with 10 papers reading list inside.

[1]John, B. E., Bass, L., Golden, E., and Stoll, P. 2009. A responsibility-based pattern language for usability-supporting architectural patterns. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering interactive Computing Systems (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, July 15 - 17, 2009). EICS '09. ACM, New York, NY, 3-12. DOI= http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1570433.1570437 

[2]John, Bonnie E. andBass, Len(2001) 'Usability and software architecture', Behaviour & Information Technology, 20: 5, 329 — 338



[1]The structrue of the paper is: 1.introduction, 2.A collaboration between industry and academia, 3. Reformatting the USAP, 4.The emergence of a pattern language for USAPs, 5. A pattern language, 6. A tool for using this pattern language, 7. Conclusions

[2] The structure of the paper is: 1. Introduction, 2.1980s, 3. 1990s, 4. 2000, 5. Into the future

John tried to illustrate the relationship between usability and software architecture. She defined the terms of 'usability' and 'software architecutre'. According to her definition, usability means "the attribute of a system that assuming it performs a needed function, makes it easy and pleasurable to learn and use." The software architecture of a program or acomputing system is "the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software components, the externally visible properties of those components, and the relationships among them."

From the paper I learnt the history for both of the usability and software architecture. In 1980s, with the increasing demanding of change user interface, separation and user interface tools are develped to solve the problem. MVC mode and Seeheim architecture are the examples for the separation of user interface. User interface tools includes user interface builders and User interface management systems. In 1990s, HCI and SE still went their separate ways. HCI professionals "are not involved in the design of the architecuture." In 2000,by some different means, the authors generated a list of general usability scenarios. For each one of these scenarios, the authors identified an architectural pattern that enables the achievement of that scenario. In the last part of the paper, the author claimed that "many facets of usability are indeed architecturally sensitive". For the future work, the authors will extend the genreal scenarios they collected to include multi-user and off-the -desktop scenarios. Another area of research is to "understand the relationship between usability architecture patterns and those of other quality attributes".


Usability and Software Architecture
The forgotten quality attribute and the forgotten design problem
 The scene:
Oh, no, we cann’t change that.
•    Even when the functionality is right.
•    Even when the UI is separated from that functionality.
•    Architectural decisions made early in development can preclude the implementation of a usable system.
1.    Current state of SA with respect to usability
2.    Our proposals as to how to improve the current state
3.    Evidence that our proposals have value
What leads to “We can’t change That!”?
For usability, iterative design is key.
For SE, architecture is key.
Iterative development is key
Needs requiring changes to the functionality
Needs requiring changes to the “screen-deep” user interface
Needs requiring changes that go beyond the “screen-deep” user interface
But why can’t we change that?
Usability is important to SE but
It’s only one of a number of factors
Costs, benefits, and schedule tend to dominate discussions of potential changes
What’s software architecture?
It’s the high-level structural design
Enumeration of all major modules
Enumeration of responsibilities for each module
Interaction among modules are specified
Why should you care?
Good SA->Reduce development and maintenance costs/Improve quality of product
Activities in SD
System formulation
Architecture design
Database design
System test and deployment
Just AD does nothing to do with the HCI
So what?
Decisions that make things hard to change are made with no HCI input
Implications of this gap span all development methodologies
Early decisions will always impact later ones
Activities in software development + well known HCI techniques + TODAY
Bring usability concerns to the table
Software engineers have analysis and design techniques for many quality attributes
Analytic models
Best practices
A patterns VS SA
MVC (as an example)
Our proposal:
Make relationship between usability specialist and SE proactive, not reactive
Isn’t this a solved problem? (Canceling)
Apparent not…
Usability supporting architectural patter?


S: scenarios

GR: General Responsibilities

SS: Sample Solution

Do USAP work?
Current state of SA with respect to usability
SA is forgotten by HCI METHODS
SA forget to design for usability
USAP’s are our proposal for how to bring usability concerns to the design of software architectures
USAPs “work” in the lab and in the field

posted on 2010-05-06 07:28 Zhu Qing 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏






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