

public class wwHttp

 /// Fires progress events when using GetUrlEvents() to retrieve aURL.
 /// </summary>
 public event OnReceiveDataHandler OnReceiveData;

 /// Determines how data is POSTed when cPostBuffer is set.
 /// 1 - UrlEncoded
 /// 2 - Multi-Part form vars
 /// 4 - XML (raw buffer content type: text/xml)
 /// </summary>
 public int PostMode
  get { return this.nPostMode; }
  set { this.nPostMode = value; }

 ///  User name used for Authentication.
 ///  To use the currently logged in user when accessing anNTLM resource you can use "AUTOLOGIN".
 /// </summary>
 public string Username
  get { return this.cUsername; }
  set { cUsername = value; }

 /// Password for Authentication.
 /// </summary>
 public string Password
  get {return this.cPassword;}
  set {this.cPassword = value;}

 /// Address of the Proxy Server to be used.
 /// Use optional DEFAULTPROXY value to specify that you want toIE's Proxy Settings
 /// </summary>
 public string ProxyAddress  
  get {return this.cProxyAddress;}
  set {this.cProxyAddress = value;}

 /// Semicolon separated Address list of the servers the proxy isnot used for.
 /// </summary>
 public string ProxyBypass
  get {return this.cProxyBypass;}
  set {this.cProxyBypass = value;}

 /// Username for a password validating Proxy. Only used if the proxyinfo is set.
 /// </summary>
 public string ProxyUsername
  get {return this.cProxyUsername;}
  set {this.cProxyUsername = value;}
 /// <summary>
 /// Password for a password validating Proxy. Only used if theproxy info is set.
 /// </summary>
 public string ProxyPassword
  get {return this.cProxyPassword;}
  set {this.cProxyPassword = value;}

 /// Timeout for the Web request in seconds. Times out onconnection, read and send operations.
 /// Default is 30 seconds.
 /// </summary>
 public int Timeout
  get {return this.nConnectTimeout; }
  set {this.nConnectTimeout = value; }

 /// Error Message if the Error Flag is set or an error value isreturned from a method.
 /// </summary>
 public string ErrorMsg
  get { return this.cErrorMsg; }
  set { this.cErrorMsg = value; }

 /// <summary>
 /// Error flag if an error occurred.
 /// </summary>
 public bool Error
  get { return this.bError; }
  set { this.bError = value; }

 /// Determines whether errors cause exceptions to be thrown. Bydefault errors
 /// are handled in the class and the Error property is set forerror conditions.
 /// (not implemented at this time).
 /// </summary>
 public bool ThrowExceptions
  get { return bThrowExceptions; }
  set { this.bThrowExceptions = value;}

 /// If set to a non-zero value will automatically track cookies.The number assigned is the cookie count.
 /// </summary>
 public bool HandleCookies
  get { return this.bHandleCookies; }
  set { this.bHandleCookies = value; }
 public CookieCollection Cookies {
  get { return this.oCookies; }
  set { this.Cookies = value; }
 public HttpWebResponse WebResponse  {
  get { return this.oWebResponse;}
  set { this.oWebResponse = value; }
 public HttpWebRequest WebRequest  {
  get { return this.oWebRequest; }
  set { this.oWebRequest = value; }

 // ***member properties
 //string cPostBuffer = "";
 MemoryStream oPostStream;
 BinaryWriter oPostData;

 intnPostMode = 1;

 intnConnectTimeout = 30;
 string cUserAgent = "West Wind HTTP .NET";

 stringcUsername = "";
 string cPassword = "";

 stringcProxyAddress = "";
 string cProxyBypass = "";
 string cProxyUsername = "";
 string cProxyPassword = "";

 boolbThrowExceptions = false;
 bool bHandleCookies = false;

 string cErrorMsg = "";
 bool bError = false;

 HttpWebResponse oWebResponse;
 HttpWebRequest oWebRequest;
 CookieCollection oCookies;

 stringcMultiPartBoundary = "-----------------------------7cf2a327f01ae";

 publicvoid wwHTTP()
  // TODO: Add constructor logic here


 /// Adds POST form variables to the request buffer.
 /// HttpPostMode determines how parms are handled.
 /// 1 - UrlEncoded Form Variables. Uses key and value pairs (ie."Name","Rick") to create URLEncoded content
 /// 2 - Multi-Part Forms - not supported
 /// 4 - XML block - Post a single XML block. Pass in as Key (1st Parm)
 /// other - raw content buffer. Just assign to Key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Key">Key value or raw bufferdepending on post type</param>
 /// <param name="Value">Value to store. Used onlyin key/value pair modes</param>
 public void AddPostKey(string Key, byte[] Value)

  if (this.oPostData == null)
   this.oPostStream = new MemoryStream();
   this.oPostData = new BinaryWriter(this.oPostStream);

  if (Key == "RESET")
   this.oPostStream = new MemoryStream();
   this.oPostData = new BinaryWriter(this.oPostStream);

   case 1:
         Key + "="+ System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Value) + "&"));
   case 2:
     "--" + this.cMultiPartBoundary +"\r\n" +
     "Content-Disposition: form-data;name=\"" +Key+"\"\r\n\r\n") );

    this.oPostData.Write( Value );

    this.oPostData.Write(Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes("\r\n") );
    this.oPostData.Write( Value );

 publicvoid AddPostKey(string Key, string Value)

 /// Adds a fully self contained POST buffer to the request.
 /// Works for XML or previously encoded content.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="PostBuffer"></param>
 public void AddPostKey(string FullPostBuffer)
  this.oPostData.Write(Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes(FullPostBuffer) );

 publicbool AddPostFile(string Key,string FileName)
  byte[] lcFile;

  if(this.nPostMode != 2) {
   this.cErrorMsg = "File upload allowed only withMulti-part forms";
   this.bError = true;
   return false;

   FileStream loFile = newFileStream(FileName,System.IO.FileMode.Open,System.IO.FileAccess.Read);

   lcFile= new byte[loFile.Length];
   loFile.Read(lcFile,0,(int) loFile.Length);
  catch(Exception e)
   this.cErrorMsg = e.Message;
   this.bError = true;
   return false;

    "--" + this.cMultiPartBoundary +"\r\n"  +
    "Content-Disposition: form-data;name=\"" + Key + "\" filename=\"" +
    new FileInfo(FileName).Name +"\"\r\n\r\n") );

  this.oPostData.Write(lcFile );

  this.oPostData.Write(Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes("\r\n")) ;


 /// <summary>
 /// Return a the result from an HTTP Url into a StreamReader.
 /// Client code should call Close() on the returned object whendone reading.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Url">Url toretrieve.</param>
 /// <param name="WebRequest">An HttpWebRequestobject that can be passed in with properties preset.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected StreamReader GetUrlStream(string Url,HttpWebRequestRequest)
   this.bError = false;
   this.cErrorMsg = "";

   if (Request == null)
    Request =  (HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(Url);

   Request.UserAgent = this.cUserAgent;
   Request.Timeout = this.nConnectTimeout * 1000;

   //*** Save for external access
   this.oWebRequest = Request;

   //*** Handle Security for the request
   if (this.cUsername.Length > 0)
    if (this.cUsername=="AUTOLOGIN")
     Request.Credentials =CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
     Request.Credentials = newNetworkCredential(this.cUsername,this.cPassword);

   // *** Handle Proxy Server configuration
   if (this.cProxyAddress.Length > 0)
    if (this.cProxyAddress =="DEFAULTPROXY")
     Request.Proxy = new WebProxy();
     Request.Proxy = WebProxy.GetDefaultProxy();
     WebProxy loProxy = newWebProxy(this.cProxyAddress,true);
     if (this.cProxyBypass.Length > 0)
      loProxy.BypassList =this.cProxyBypass.Split(';');

     if(this.cProxyUsername.Length > 0)
      loProxy.Credentials = newNetworkCredential(this.cProxyUsername,this.cProxyPassword);

     Request.Proxy= loProxy;

   // *** Handle cookies - automatically re-assign
   if (this.bHandleCookies)
    Request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
    if (this.oCookies != null &&this.oCookies.Count > 0)

   //*** Deal with the POST buffer if any
   if (this.oPostData != null)
    Request.Method = "POST";
    switch (this.nPostMode)
     case 1:
      Request.ContentType ="application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
      // strip off any trailing & whichcan cause problems with some
      // http servers
//       if(this.cPostBuffer.EndsWith("&"))
//        this.cPostBuffer =this.cPostBuffer.Substring(0,this.cPostBuffer.Length-1);
     case 2:
      Request.ContentType ="multipart/form-data; boundary=" + this.cMultiPartBoundary;
      this.oPostData.Write(Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes( "--" + this.cMultiPartBoundary +"\r\n" ) );
     case 4:
      Request.ContentType ="text/xml";
      goto case 1;

    StreamloPostData = Request.GetRequestStream();

    byte[] buffer = newbyte[this.oPostStream.Length];
    buffer = this.oPostStream.ToArray();

    //***Close the memory stream
    this.oPostStream = null;

    //*** Close the Binary Writer
    this.oPostData = null;

    //***Close Request Stream

    //*** clear the POST buffer
    //this.cPostBuffer = "";

   // *** Retrieve the response headers
   HttpWebResponse Response = (HttpWebResponse)Request.GetResponse();

   //** Save cookies the server sends
   if (this.bHandleCookies)  
    if (Response.Cookies.Count > 0)  
     if (this.oCookies == null)  
      this.oCookies = Response.Cookies;
      // ** If we already have cookiesupdate the list
      foreach (Cookie oRespCookie inResponse.Cookies)  
       bool bMatch = false;
       foreach(Cookie oReqCookie inthis.oCookies)  
        if (oReqCookie.Name ==oRespCookie.Name)  
         oReqCookie.Value =oRespCookie.Name;
         bMatch = true;
         break; //
       } // for each ReqCookies
       if (!bMatch)
      } // for each Response.Cookies
     }  // this.Cookies == null
    } // if Response.Cookie.Count > 0
   }  // if this.bHandleCookies = 0

   // *** Save the response object for external access
   this.oWebResponse = Response;

    if (Response.ContentEncoding.Length  > 0)
     enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(Response.ContentEncoding);
     enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
    // *** Invalid encoding passed
    enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);

   // *** drag to a stream
   StreamReader strResponse =
    new StreamReader(Response.GetResponseStream(),enc);
   return strResponse;
  catch(Exception e)
   if (this.bThrowExceptions)
    throw e;

   this.cErrorMsg= e.Message;
   this.bError = true;
   return null;

 /// Return a the result from an HTTP Url into a StreamReader.
 /// Client code should call Close() on the returned object whendone reading.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Url">Url toretrieve.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public StreamReader GetUrlStream(string Url)
  HttpWebRequest oHttpWebRequest = null;
  return this.GetUrlStream(Url,oHttpWebRequest);

 /// Return a the result from an HTTP Url into a StreamReader.
 /// Client code should call Close() on the returned object when donereading.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Request">A Requestobject</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public StreamReader GetUrlStream(HttpWebRequest Request)

 /// <summary>
 /// Return a the result from an HTTP Url into a string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Url">Url toretrieve.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string GetUrl(string Url)
  StreamReader oHttpResponse = this.GetUrlStream(Url);
  if (oHttpResponse == null)
   return "";

  stringlcResult = oHttpResponse.ReadToEnd();


 /// Return a the result from an HTTP Url into a string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Url">Url toretrieve.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public byte[] GetUrlBytes(string Url)
  StreamReader oHttpResponse = this.GetUrlStream(Url);

  if (oHttpResponse == null)
   return null;

  stringlcResult = oHttpResponse.ReadToEnd();


 /// Retrieves URL with events in the OnReceiveData event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Url"></param>
 /// <param name="BufferSize"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string GetUrlEvents(string Url,long BufferSize)

  StreamReader oHttpResponse = this.GetUrlStream(Url);
  if (oHttpResponse == null)
   return "";

  longlnSize = BufferSize;
  if (this.oWebResponse.ContentLength > 0)
   lnSize = this.oWebResponse.ContentLength;
   lnSize = 0;

  Encodingenc = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);

  StringBuilderloWriter = new StringBuilder((int) lnSize);

  char[] lcTemp = new char[BufferSize];

  OnReceiveDataEventArgsoArgs = new OnReceiveDataEventArgs();
  oArgs.TotalBytes = lnSize;

  lnSize= 1;
  int lnCount = 0;
  long lnTotalBytes = 0;

  while(lnSize > 0)
   lnSize = oHttpResponse.Read(lcTemp,0,(int) BufferSize);
   if (lnSize > 0)
    loWriter.Append( lcTemp,0,(int) lnSize );
    lnTotalBytes += lnSize;

    //*** Raise an event if hooked up
    if (this.OnReceiveData != null)
     /// *** Update the event handler
     oArgs.CurrentByteCount = lnTotalBytes;
     oArgs.NumberOfReads = lnCount;
     oArgs.CurrentChunk = lcTemp;

     //*** Check for cancelled flag
     if (oArgs.Cancel)
      goto CloseDown;
  } // while


  //*** Send Done notification
  if (this.OnReceiveData != null && !oArgs.Cancel)
   // *** Update the event handler
   oArgs.Done = true;

//   returnlcHtml;
  return loWriter.ToString();

 public delegate void OnReceiveDataHandler(object sender,OnReceiveDataEventArgs e);
 public class OnReceiveDataEventArgs
  public long CurrentByteCount=0;
  public long TotalBytes = 0;
  public int NumberOfReads = 0;
  public char[] CurrentChunk;
  public bool Done = false;
  public bool Cancel = false;


wwHttp ww = new wwHttp();
  ww.ProxyAddress ="";  
  ww.PostMode = 2;

  string shtml = ww.GetUrlEvents("


1)通过Web Services传文件。

