
后台开发Spring很早很早就有依赖注入,Dragger(2) 出现后大型的Android 项目开发依赖管理也美好了。

以前在学习使用Dagger2的时候感觉理解绕,相似的模版代码还很多,哪里需要注入还要写DaggerXXX..inject(this);而且也违背依赖注入的核心原则:一个类不应该知道如何实现依赖注入;它要求注射类型知道其注射器, 即使这是通过接口而不是具体类型完成的。

谷歌大神们又研究出一套专门用于Android的注入方式,拓展Dagger2.android https://google.github.io/dagger//android.html


首先在Gradle 中引入依赖,目前dagger-android 还是Beta版本,建议及时更新最新

compile 'com.google.dagger:dagger-android:2.13'
compile 'com.google.dagger:dagger-android-support:2.13'
annotationProcessor 'com.google.dagger:dagger-compiler:2.13'
annotationProcessor 'com.google.dagger:dagger-android-processor:2.13'

#为什么不用Dagger2,要等Dagger2.android 出来才用

  • 项目规模小,即使使用Dagger2 也不能显著提高生产力
  • dagger 难以上手,项目组可能难以推广,或者都是Copy
  • 违背依赖注入核心原则,模版代码多

dagger2.Android 的出现很大程度的解决/缓解了以上问题

#在项目中快速使用 建议小范围或demo 大胆使用,修改添加一些东西慢慢尝试,注释都在代码里面;基本上的根据已有的规则慢慢熟悉就回了,demo 链接 https://github.com/AnyLifeZLB/MVP-Dagger2-Rxjava2,都在代码里详细的注释了。


这里有空再写 。。,,

#下面是官方翻译 https://google.github.io/dagger//android.html

Dagger 2相比比其他大多数依赖注入框架的主要优势之一就是其严格生成的实现(无反射)意味着它可以在Android应用程序中使用。然而,在Android开发中使用Dagger还是有一些注意事项。

One of the primary advantages of Dagger 2 over most other dependency injection frameworks is that its strictly generated implementation (no reflection) means that it can be used in Android applications. However, there are still some considerations to be made when using Dagger within Android applications.

哲学问题 Philosophy

虽然为编写Android 程序也是使用的Java,但在风格方面通常是完全不同的。通常情况下,这种差异是为了适应移动平台独特的 性能考虑。

While code written for Android is Java source, it is often quite different in terms of style. Typically, such differences exist to accomodate the unique performance considerations of a mobile platform.

但是,通常应用于Android代码的许多模式与应用于其他Java代码的模式相反。甚至很多Effective Java这本书上的建议 对于Android来说都是不合适的。

But many of the patterns commonly applied to code intended for Android are contrary to those applied to other Java code. Even much of the advice in Effective Java is considered inappropriate for Android.


In order to achieve the goals of both idiomatic and portable code, Dagger relies on ProGuard to post-process the compiled bytecode. This allows Dagger to emit source that looks and feels natural on both the server and Android, while using the different toolchains to produce bytecode that executes efficiently in both environements. Moreover, Dagger has an explicit goal to ensure that the Java source that it generates is consistently compatible with ProGuard optimizations.


Of course, not all issues can be addressed in that manner, but it is the primary mechanism by which Android-specific compatbility will be provided.


所以在Android开发中使用Dagger最好你也使用ProGuard Dagger assumes that users on Android will use ProGuard.

推荐的ProGuard设置 Recommended ProGuard Settings

注意在ProGuard设置有对应的考虑你使用了Dagger。 Watch this space for ProGuard settings that are relevant to applications using Dagger.

让Dagger2飞起来的东西- dagger.android

在Android开发中使用Dagger的主要困难是之一是许多Android框架类是由操作系统本身进行实例化的,像 Activity和Fragment,但是如果Dagger可以创建所有的注入对象那就再好不过了。悲剧的是您必须在生命周期方法中执行成员注入。这意味着许多类最终看起来像这个鬼样子: One of the central difficulties of writing an Android application using Dagger is that many Android framework classes are instantiated by the OS itself, like Activity and Fragment, but Dagger works best if it can create all the injected objects. Instead, you have to perform members injection in a lifecycle method. This means many classes end up looking like:

public class FrombulationActivity extends Activity {
  @Inject Frombulator frombulator;

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // DO THIS FIRST. Otherwise frombulator might be null!
    ((SomeApplicationBaseType) getContext().getApplicationContext())
    // ... now you can write the exciting code

这样就会有些问题 This has a few problems:

1.即使Dagger使我们的代码耦合性更低,但是如果要面临重构,我们仍然不得不去面对每个Activity中这样数行需要我们「复制」+「粘贴」的代码,这会给我们的重构带来一定的难度(试想一下,如果我们的应用有数十个乃至上百个这样的Activity或者Fragment容器,我们的重构计划,首先就要面对这样数百行的代码)。 并且随着新的开发人员加入(他们也许并不知道这些代码的意义,但是他们会复制粘贴),越来越少的人知道这些代码都干了些什么。 2.更重要的是,它要求注射类型(FrombulationActivity)知道其注射器。 即使这是通过接口而不是具体类型完成的,它打破了依赖注入的核心原则:一个类不应该知道如何实现依赖注入。

  1. Copy-pasting code makes it hard to refactor later on. As more and more developers copy-paste that block, fewer will know what it actually does.(项目组中太少人去研究Dagger)

  2. More fundamentally, it requires the type requesting injection (FrombulationActivity) to know about its injector. Even if this is done through interfaces instead of concrete types, it breaks a core principle of dependency injection: a class shouldn’t know anything about how it is injected. 这打破了依赖注入的核心原则:一个类不应该知道如何依赖注入,最好在需要的地方@Inject就注入完成了✅

The classes in dagger.android offer one approach to simplify this pattern.

Injecting Activity objects

  1. Install AndroidInjectionModule in your application component to ensure that all bindings necessary for these base types are available.

  2. Start off by writing a @Subcomponent that implements AndroidInjector<YourActivity>, with a @Subcomponent.Builderthat extends AndroidInjector.Builder<YourActivity>:

    @Subcomponent(modules = ...)
    public interface YourActivitySubcomponent extends AndroidInjector<YourActivity> {
      public abstract class Builder extends AndroidInjector.Builder<YourActivity> {}
  3. After defining the subcomponent, add it to your component hierarchy by defining a module that binds the subcomponent builder and adding it to the component that injects your Application:

    @Module(subcomponents = YourActivitySubcomponent.class)
    abstract class YourActivityModule {
      abstract AndroidInjector.Factory<? extends Activity>
          bindYourActivityInjectorFactory(YourActivitySubcomponent.Builder builder);
    @Component(modules = {..., YourActivityModule.class})
    interface YourApplicationComponent {}

    Pro-tip: If your subcomponent and its builder have no other methods or supertypes than the ones mentioned in step #2, you can use@ContributesAndroidInjector to generate them for you. Instead of steps 2 and 3, add an abstract module method that returns your activity, annotate it with @ContributesAndroidInjector, and specify the modules you want to install into the subcomponent. If the subcomponent needs scopes, apply the scope annotations to the method as well.

    @ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = { /* modules to install into the subcomponent */ })
    abstract YourActivity contributeYourActivityInjector();
  4. Next, make your Application implement HasActivityInjector and @Inject aDispatchingAndroidInjector<Activity> to return from the activityInjector() method:

    public class YourApplication extends Application implements HasActivityInjector {
      @Inject DispatchingAndroidInjector<Activity> dispatchingActivityInjector;
      public void onCreate() {
      public AndroidInjector<Activity> activityInjector() {
        return dispatchingActivityInjector;
  5. Finally, in your Activity.onCreate() method, call AndroidInjection.inject(this) before calling super.onCreate();:

    public class YourActivity extends Activity {
      public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  6. Congratulations!

How did that work?

AndroidInjection.inject() gets a DispatchingAndroidInjector<Activity> from the Application and passes your activity to inject(Activity). The DispatchingAndroidInjector looks up the AndroidInjector.Factory for your activity’s class (which is YourActivitySubcomponent.Builder), creates the AndroidInjector (which is YourActivitySubcomponent), and passes your activity to inject(YourActivity).

Injecting Fragment objects

Injecting a Fragment is just as simple as injecting an Activity. Define your subcomponent in the same way, replacing Activity type parameters with Fragment@ActivityKey with @FragmentKey, and HasActivityInjector with HasFragmentInjector.

Instead of injecting in onCreate() as is done for Activity types, inject Fragments to in onAttach().

Unlike the modules defined for Activitys, you have a choice of where to install modules for Fragments. You can make your Fragmentcomponent a subcomponent of another Fragment component, an Activity component, or the Application component — it all depends on which other bindings your Fragment requires. After deciding on the component location, make the corresponding type implement HasFragmentInjector. For example, if your Fragment needs bindings from YourActivitySubcomponent, your code will look something like this:

public class YourActivity extends Activity
    implements HasFragmentInjector {
  @Inject DispatchingAndroidInjector<Fragment> fragmentInjector;

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // ...

  public AndroidInjector<Fragment> fragmentInjector() {
    return fragmentInjector;

public class YourFragment extends Fragment {
  @Inject SomeDependency someDep;

  public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
    // ...

@Subcomponent(modules = ...)
public interface YourFragmentSubcomponent extends AndroidInjector<YourFragment> {
  public abstract class Builder extends AndroidInjector.Builder<YourFragment> {}

@Module(subcomponents = YourFragmentSubcomponent.class)
abstract class YourFragmentModule {
  abstract AndroidInjector.Factory<? extends Fragment>
      bindYourFragmentInjectorFactory(YourFragmentSubcomponent.Builder builder);

@Subcomponent(modules = { YourFragmentModule.class, ... }
public interface YourActivityOrYourApplicationComponent { ... }

Base Framework Types

Because DispatchingAndroidInjector looks up the appropriate AndroidInjector.Factory by the class at runtime, a base class can implement HasActivityInjector/HasFragmentInjector/etc as well as call AndroidInjection.inject(). All each subclass needs to do is bind a corresponding @Subcomponent. Dagger provides a few base types that do this, such as DaggerActivity and DaggerFragment, if you don’t have a complicated class hierarchy. Dagger also provides a DaggerApplication for the same purpose — all you need to do is to extend it and override the applicationInjector() method to return the component that should inject theApplication.

The following types are also included:

Note: DaggerBroadcastReceiver should only be used when the BroadcastReceiver is registered in the AndroidManifest.xml. When the BroadcastReceiver is created in your own code, prefer constructor injection instead.

Support libraries

For users of the Android support library, parallel types exist in the dagger.android.support package. Note that while support Fragment users have to bind AndroidInjector.Factory<? extends android.support.v4.app.Fragment>, AppCompat users should continue to implement AndroidInjector.Factory<? extends Activity> and not <? extends AppCompatActivity> (or FragmentActivity).

How do I get it?

Add the following to your build.gradle:

dependencies {
  compile 'com.google.dagger:dagger-android:2.x'
  compile 'com.google.dagger:dagger-android-support:2.x' // if you use the support libraries
  annotationProcessor 'com.google.dagger:dagger-android-processor:2.x'

When to inject

Constructor injection is preferred whenever possible because javac will ensure that no field is referenced before it has been set, which helps avoid NullPointerExceptions. When members injection is required (as discussed above), prefer to inject as early as possible. For this reason, DaggerActivity calls AndroidInjection.inject() immediately in onCreate(), before callingsuper.onCreate(), and DaggerFragment does the same in onAttach(), which also prevents inconsistencies if the Fragment is reattached.

It is crucial to call AndroidInjection.inject() before super.onCreate() in an Activity, since the call to super attaches Fragments from the previous activity instance during configuration change, which in turn injects the Fragments. In order for the Fragment injection to succeed, the Activity must already be injected. For users of ErrorProne, it is a compiler error to call AndroidInjection.inject() after super.onCreate().


Scoping AndroidInjector.Factory

AndroidInjector.Factory is intended to be a stateless interface so that implementors don’t have to worry about managing state related to the object which will be injected. When DispatchingAndroidInjector requests a AndroidInjector.Factory, it does so through a Provider so that it doesn’t explicitly retain any instances of the factory. Because the AndroidInjector.Builderimplementation that is generated by Dagger does retain an instance of the Activity/Fragment/etc that is being injected, it is a compile-time error to apply a scope to the methods which provide them. If you are positive that your AndroidInjector.Factory does not retain an instance to the injected object, you may suppress this error by applying@SuppressWarnings("dagger.android.ScopedInjectoryFactory") to your module method.


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