List of Mozilla-Based Applications

List of Mozilla-Based Applications

The following is a list of all known active applications that are built using Mozilla technologies. This list is likely to be incomplete since we think there are many dark matter projects that we don't know about. If you have information about a new project or extra information about an existing project, please feel free to update this page.

A list of former Mozilla-based applications is also available.

NameDescriptionAdditional Information
389 Directory ServerLDAP serverUses NSS
A380 seatback entertainment systemmedia softwareThis blog post mentions a reference to Mozilla being used but I couldn't find more information about it.
Abstractaccounting tool 
Adobe Acrobatand Adobe ReaderPortable Document Format (PDF) softwareUses Mozilla SpiderMonkey
Adobe Flash Playerpopular browser plug-inUses NSS in Linux version
AdWatchcontent management systemUses XUL and XPCOM
AICPCU/IIA exam appexam delivery software 
Aliwal Geocodergeocoding & data on a map 
Amarok XUL remoteremote control for AmaroK music player 
Ample SDKJavascript GUI-framework 
AOL Instant MessengerIM clientUses NSS
Apacheweb serverDoesn't use NSS by default, but can be configured to use NSS with mod_nss SSLmodule
ApicaWatchsite performance monitoring toolUses Firefox as part of its monitoring package
Astyle CSS editorediting tool 
Atmailwebmail client 
Aviva for Javamainframe connectivity productUses Mozilla Rhino
BabelgumInternet TV service 
Basiliskpre-Servo XUL-based web browserUses most of the Firefox 55 source code
BatikJava-based toolkitUses Mozilla Rhino
BitBoxsecurity focused browserSeemingly based on Firefox
Blackbirdbrowser for African American community 
BlueGriffonwysiwyg editorNext generation version of Composer
BuzzbirdTwitter clientBuilt on XULRunner
Caminobrowser2.5m downloads and ~400,000 active users ... 
Celtxmedia tool 
Cenzic Hailstormvulnerability assessment and management toolUses Gecko
ChatZillaIRC clientStandalone version (XULRunner)
Chromium and Google Chromeweb browserUses Mozilla NSS and NPAPI libraries 
Chromelessbrowser with HTML-based interface 
ClassillaMozilla browser for Mac OS 9 
Clinesa clone of Color Lines (game)Standalone version
Cloudweb operating system 
Cloud BrowseiPhone/iPad/iPod Touch browserSeems to be Firefox running remotely on servers that people access through device
Conkerorkeyboard-oriented browser 
Convertigo Enterprise Mashup Serverserver tool for transactional web scraping and for web clipping 
CometBirdanother Firefox modModified version of Firefox
Couac (fr)web-based email and jabber app 
CouchDBdocument-oriented databaseUses Spidermonkey
Courtanet Benefit(fr)underwriting software for French insurance brokers 
Crosscheckbrowserless testing frameworkUses Mozilla Rhino
Crowbarserver tool 
Cycloctopusscreen scraping console 
Cyclone3content management system 
Dangermobile platformUses Gecko on the server side -- no longer active?
Desktop 2internal browser and portal clientExpeditors International of Washington, Inc.
Dogtagcertificate systemUses NSS
DojoJavaScript toolkitUses Mozilla Rhino in ShrinkSafe
Eclipse platformopen development platformThe AJAX Toolkit FrameworkStandard Widget Toolkit and EclipseMozilla projects make use of Mozilla
Elixon WCMS/XULWeb Content Management SystemFully remote XUL WCMS (no need to install extensions).
Entelechychat botUses XULRunner
Epic Browserweb browser based on ChromiumUses Mozilla NSS and NPAPI libraries 
eMusic Download Managermusic downloader for emusic 
eMusic Remotemusic manager 
Enlis Genome Personalgenome browser 
ESXXJavaScript application server

Uses Mozilla Rhino

EtnaXML wysiwyg editor 
Eudoramail and news applicationThe upcoming version 8 will be based on Thunderbird
Evergreenlibrary automation system 
Evolutionemail clientUses NSS
eXeeLearning XHTML editorSeems to be using XUL for some of their webui
Facebook Open PlatformFacebook Open PlatformThe FBML parser used in the platform is based on Mozilla code
FennecBrowser for mobilesAs Mark notes: Fennec is not Firefox, it’s a completely different application
FindThatFont!font management tool 
Firecastdigital signage and interactive kiosk toolsAlso used in Firecast EasyStart
Mozilla Firefoxweb browserWeb Browser usage stats from Global Stats
FossaMailemail client for Windows platform, based on Mozilla ThunderbirdDeveloped by Moonchild Productions, creator of the Pale Moon web browser
Flickr Uploadrimage upload toolsee Flickr Uploadr: Open Source and Powered by XULRunner
Foxkeh Clockclock 
FrizioneJavaScript development, testing and deployment environmentUses Mozilla Rhino
GeckoFXembeddable Gecko 
GjsJavascript bindings for GNOME 
GlobalMojobrowser that raises money for your favorite causes 
GLUEscripta JavaScript engine which can be used as a general purpose languageUses Mozilla SpiderMonkey and formerly called wxJavaScript
Gnomeoperating systemGnome 3 will use SpiderMonkey through Gjs
Google AdWords Editoreditor 
Google Gadgets for LinuxGoogle’s Desktop Widget engineUses XULRunner according to the Build Instructions
GraniGrain sizing assessment toolAccording to this wiki page Grani is based on XUL and XPCOM Daim
gwt-mosaic-xulXUL builder for Google Web Tools 
Hachette's Multimedia Encyclopediaelectronic encyclopediaThis product was using Mozilla in 2004 but I’m not sure if new version still does
HacketyHacklittle coders 
Helmaweb application frameworkUses Mozilla Rhino
Holt McDougal CD-ROMseducational CD-ROMsActivity Generator and Lab Generator are both based on custom Firefox distributions
Houdini3d animation toolsUses Gecko in embedded help viewer
HttpUnitautomated testing frameworkUses Mozilla Rhino
HtmlUnitbrowser for Java programsUses Mozilla Rhino
HyperInfoWeb Application plat formUses GoeckoFX
IBM WebSphere Lombardi Editionbusiness process management systemUses Mozilla Rhino and Mozilla XPCOM Eclipse plug-in. (Product was formerly known as Lombardi Teamworks)
IceDragonfast, secure and feature-rich Internet browserBased on Firefox
IDAe-Learning authoring systemAbout 200 users
IMVU3d chat client 
Incredimailmail clientSeems to use XULRunner
InstantbirdIM clientXULRunner application
ItsNatJava AJAX Component based Web Framework 
Javasoftware platformUses Mozilla Rhino
JavaLikeScriptJavaScript extensible tooling frameworkUses NSPR and SpiderMonkey
JaxerAjax server 
jslibsJavaScript development runtime environmentUses SpiderMonkey (Note: this is separate from the Javascript library jsLib)
JoyBiddereBay auction toolStandalone version uses XULRunner
jUST (fr)audioA tool for setting temporal tags in audio documents
JsDoc Toolkitdocumentation toolUses Mozilla Rhino
K-MeleonGecko-based web browser for WindowsEmbeds Gecko in MFC Mandelbrotcreates images of Mandelbrot setsXULRUnner application
KazehakaseGecko-based web browser for Unix 
Kirix Stratadata browser 
Kiwixoffline version of Wikipedia 
Kneemailprayer, praise, and journal application 
Komodo and Komodo Edit and Open Komododevelopment toolsMozilla-based application (pre-XULRunner style), XUL UI
KompoZerwysiwyg HTML editorunofficial bug-fix release of NVu
Kylovideo browserUses Gecko
BioFortis Labmatrixweb-accessible software application used for information management and integration of patient clinical, specimen, genetic and molecular assay dataBased on XUL
Liaison Groupwareclient for Novell’s email and collaboration serverPreviously called MozNGW
Linbox Kiosk Browser (fr)web browserDedicated browser for french prefecture and town hall
litlInternet computer for homeUses SpiderMonkey and Gecko
LiziLayersGIS application3Liz also creates some GIS Firefox add-ons
Logitech Harmony Remote Softwaresoftware for remote control deviceUses GRE or XULrunner
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishCD-ROM 
Lotus Notes / SametimegroupwareThe latest version of IBM Lotus Notes and Sametime can embed XUL applications
Lucidore-book reader 
Lx-Officeaccounting toolLooks like it makes at least some use of XUL
Maavissimple UI & communications for accessibilityFramework designed for elderly people with dementia but other applications
Mac OS Xoperating systemMakes use of some MPL files such as libsecurity_asn1
Maemo Browserbrowser for Maemo Internet tabletDevelopment name is MicroB
MagooClientbusiness process management toolUses Mozilla Rhino
Mantrasecurity tool 
McCoysecure update tool for add-onsXULRunner application
MediaCodermedia converterTranscoder for video, audio, and even devices such as Zen, Zune, PocketPCs, iPods, and PSPs
MekhalabrowserPart of the KhmerOS Linux distro
midbrowsermobile web browser 
Mockerymockup creation toolBuilt on XULRunner
mongoDBdatabase projectUses SpiderMonkey
Moyuraemail clientPart of the KhmerOS Linux distro


simple apps for MaemoUses XULRunner
MozNet .NET Controlembeddable Gecko for .NET applicationsWraps XulRunner for use in .NET applications
My Internet Browserlocalized browserUses Gecko
Myna Application ServerJavaScript application server for JavaUses Mozilla Rhino
NextCMS (fr)CMS 
Nightingalemusic playerCommunity run effort to continue Songbird support for Linux
OLPC Web Browserbrowser 
OneTeamJabber client 
OpenDocument Viewerviewer 
OpenGate's toolsCD burner, file browser, and hardware diagnostic softwaresOpenGate is the OpenSource side of the EasyNeuf project, “A Free Software Computer, Easy and Preinstalled”
Open Mashupsdevelopment tool 
OpenOffice.orgoffice suiteUses NSS
Openswanimplementation of IPsec for LinuxUses NSS
Orca Browserweb browserGecko-based version of Avant browser
Pale Moonweb browserOptimized browser developed by Moonchild Productions for GNU/Linux & Windows platforms, originally forked from Firefox
Palo SuiteExcel extensionUses Prism
PartyGamingonline gaming productUses Gecko
Penciltool for making diagrams and GUI prototypingAvailable as a firefox extension or a standalone app
Pentaho BI Suitecommercial open source business intelligenceUses XUL and Mozilla Rhino
Perseveretools for persistence and distributed computingUses Mozilla Rhino
Phlonemepublishing tool for Vocab Collab 
PhpEDPHP EditorEmbedded Mozilla browser in product
PidginIM clientUses NSS
Plain Old Webserverextension and standalone webserver5,000 users and 30,000 downloads
POE::XULframework for remote XUL application in POE 
Postboxemail clientStarted as a fork of Thunderbird
Printgroove JT Suiteprint process softwareUses XULRunner and Spidermonkey
Prism (was WebRunner)single-site browserXULRunner application
Pro/ENGINEER WildfireCADCAM product 
PsycRunnerChat, Messenger, Multicast toolkitAbout 1,000 users – XULRunner version of PsycZilla extension
Pyjamas-Desktopa Python Web Widget toolkitUses XULrunner DOM to implement the widgets and event handling. python-hulahop is required
Python-Hulahopa Python GTK WidgetUses embedded XULrunner, providing full access to nsI DOM and all other XULrunner interfaces, in a GTK window. It's possible to create your own python web browser with hulahop, and much much more besides.
QSOS XUL Editortool for the QSOS methodQSOS stands for Qualification and Selection of Opensource Software
Qtraxmusic clientBased on Songbird
QuickSTAFGUI client for Software Testing Automation FrameworkUses XULRunner
QuteComphone softwarePreviously named OpenWengo
Redcartext editorSeems to use XULRunner
Red Hat Directory Serverserver productUses NSS
Red Hat Certificate Systemserver productUses NSS
Regex Renamertool to rename files 
SamePlaceIM client 
Scenari Platformapplication suite for designing publishing chains 
Script ItAndroid development platformUses Mozilla Rhino, develop directly on your Android device
SeaMonkeysuiteA volunteer community legally backed by Mozilla Foundation with 2.5 million downloads
Secure Browserbrowser that uses virtualizationCreated by Dell
SEPTCMS for web siteMore information here (in English) and here (in French)
Skyfiremobile browser 
SipearIM client 
SmartReport Supervision Appliancenetwork monitoring and performance managementSmartReport is an appliance created by Acipia (France). XUL and the Mozilla Framework are heavily used in the GUI
SnapstickInternet on TVArticle that talks about Snapstick using Firefox
SOGogroupwareFront-end uses Thunderbird code
SongbirdmusicXULRunner application
Spicebirdcollaboration suite 
SpiderApeembedding toolUses Mozilla SpiderMonkey
Splashtop Web BrowserbrowserPart of instant-on operating system
sqlite-managerdatabase managerStandalone version of add-on
StealthSurfersecure Internet tools on USB keyUses Firefox and Thunderbird
StreamBasecomplex event processing platformSeems to use XULRunner
Stylizer CSS EditorCSS editorCSS Editor with built-in Firebug-like diagnostics and Gecko 1.8 preview
Sun Java Enterprise Systemserver productsUses NSS
Sundialbrowser with advanced domain name technologyBased on Firefox
SurfEasyprivate and secure web browsing 
Sweet16Apple II computer emulatorUses SpiderMonkey as a scriptable debugger for software running in the emulator
Mozilla Sunbird/Mozilla Lightningcalendar 
TabPressauthoring tool 
Talend Open Studodata integration softwareSeems to use XULRunner
Talking Clipboardtext to speech softwareRead ePub books, web pages, CHM, PDF, MS Word, RTF, RSS feeds
Telasocialkiosk appUses XULRunner
TenFourFoxbrowser for PowerPC-based Macs 
Timberwolfbrowser for Amiga OS4Based on Firefox - Project Page
Mozilla Thunderbirdemail47 million DL
TomTom HOME 2PC application to manage TomTom GPS devicesReview article from GPS Magazine; over 2.4m users
TopStyleHTMLXHTML and CSS editorSeems to have optional Gecko embedding but doesn't use it by default
ToxToxMedia Browser for TV5000 downloads
TrixulGUI toolkitUses Mozilla SpiderMonkey
TrustedBirdemail clientThunderbird bundled with a set of extensions (formerly known as Milimail)
TuneUpmusic collection organizerListed on XULRunner Hall of Fame but haven't seen information elsewhere
TuxGuitartabulature editorUses XULRunner
TwitFactorystandalone twitter/ client 
UISUniversity Information SystemIntranet application, 1000 users, Thin client based on FF3
Unison Desktopenterprise emailI think it's using mailnews code but don't have any information to link to. Feel free to supply references.
UOX3Ultima Online server-emulatorUses Mozilla SpiderMonkey
VerbosioXML EditorNo releases available
VerseMinderBible passage app 
Virgin Media Securitysecurity toolsSeems to use XULRunner
VirtualBoxvirtualization toolUse XPCOM as its component model on Linux
Waterfox64-bit variant of FirefoxBased on Firefox
Webissimoweb browserBased on XULRunner
Websecurifyweb Application Security Testing Environment 
Wesabemoney management toolAutomatic Uploader is a XULRunner application that runs headless in Xvfb
WikipediaOnDVDand Wikimedia by moulinoffline versions of WikipediaBlog post about projects
Wineimplementation of the Windows APIUses Mozilla SpiderMonkey and the Gecko ActiveX control
worksmart.netsuite of web-based workplace appsUses Prism
wxWebConnectWeb Browser Control Library 
xB Browseranonymous web browser 
Xbusinesscreate and send branded invoices, quotes or estimates 
XDFbilling and quotes software 
XiphosBible study software 
xmlDBEditordatabase editor 
xPUDLinux desktopxPUD: Linux with an XUL Interface, 10 Second Boot Time
XRapXulRunner Application Packager 
XUL Daimimage tool 
XUL Explorerdevelopment toolXULRunner application
XULJetJavaScript frameworkUses XULRunner
XULminegameStandalone version
Yahoo! Widgetsdesktop widgetsUses Mozilla SpiderMonkey
Yoono Desktopsocial networking appStandalone version of Yoono Firefox add-on
ZapSIP clientstatus update from August 2008
Zimbra Desktopemail and calendar applicationUses Prism
Zincvideo browserAccording to FAQ the standalone version is based on Firefox
ZKweb application frameworkMakes use of XUL
Zoteroreference managerFirefox extension and XULRunner application

Note: this page was previously hosted on and the history for that page can be found on that site.

Other places to find Mozilla applications include:

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