How to successfully build the third ladder above survival: brand resonance.
Brand Resonance has similar effect with acoustic resonance in the same frequency of the resonance. Resonance also is used to describe human opinions and common meaning.
In the nature of the industry ladder, Brand resonance is used to describe the "cognize themselves" or get a resonance which the self-understanding reach with the "brand p_w_picpath". Briefly, it is the consumers consider that the self-p_w_picpath and brand p_w_picpath is the same.

Psychology pointed out that everyone in the process of growing up would be aware of its own, and the understanding of the process through three major ways:

One way is in the shadow of the mirror, aware of their external p_w_picpath and physical characteristics.
The second way is through participation in the day-to-day activities and accomplishments (outside feedback), aware of their capabilities and methods.
The third way is through communication with others, to affirm their own personality and the ability to communicate.

People mainly through the three ways, after a long period of observation, the p_w_picpath is affirmed, the right p_w_picpath of the self-awareness is the so-called "cognize themselves."
But but but, it's a funny thing  that everyone is  often doubtful about if the "cognize himself" is truth. They were not affirm that this "cognize themselves" and the reality of their own is absolutely same.
This phenomenon appears because of its failure that people can’t watch himself  by the perspective of a third-party. At the same time, communication and exchanges between the people of the process, each person have different understanding on you and make its credibility reduce, so everyone put the "cognitive own" truth in doubt.
Based on this suspicion, people tend to hope that his self-p_w_picpath from others could certainly agree with him, brings out another issue. How to get the recognition of other people? In addition to the social performance, consumption in the performance is, to use some unusual thing. For the girls’ simple purpose, buy some brands to demonstrate hers "ego". By others' understanding to this brand, when he learned that consumers using this brand, brand p_w_picpath will link to the consumers, so consumers get the self-performance and affirmation.

So what the beauty products company should do?
Brand personification
Brand has not life and character, then how can resonate brand with consumers’ "cognize themselves"? That is the brand strategy that carrying out personification and make brand have its character and ideology.
The ties, put links to the brand personality, are primarily through spokesmen and means of supporting applications.

The true role of spokesmen: to link their character and temperament with the brand, so that the brand has humanness.

Such links through the display of advertisements appear, and also matching applications. Matching is defined except spokesmen, the brand names, product packaging, and decorating shop, etc.
to be conti.....nued....