今天在机子上查看日志,偶然间发现了一堆错误。因为之前配置过DNS 和 squid,报错,之后查错,某度了一下,没找到答案。


Aug  8 11:40:30 host named[1668]: error (unexpected RCODE REFUSED) resolving 'spacer.gif208.22.200.65.in-addr.arpa/PTR/IN': spacer.gif74.115.231.45#53
Aug  8 11:40:30 host named[1668]: error (unexpected RCODE REFUSED) resolving 'spacer.gif208.22.200.65.in-addr.arpa/PTR/IN': spacer.gif208.84.112.3#53
Aug  8 11:40:30 host named[1668]: error (unexpected RCODE REFUSED) resolving 'spacer.gif208.22.200.65.in-addr.arpa/PTR/IN': spacer.gif74.115.231.45#53
Aug  8 11:40:30 host named[1668]: error (unexpected RCODE REFUSED) resolving 'spacer.gif208.22.200.65.in-addr.arpa/PTR/IN': spacer.gif208.84.112.3#53


Bind : Unexpected RCODE (REFUSED) resolving ‘xx.xx.xx.xx.in-addr.arpa/PTR/IN’

By Kaven G. | December 31, 2011 0 Comment

Experiencing this error in Bind logs?

named[xxxxxx]: unexpected RCODE (REFUSED) resolving ‘xx.xx.xx.xx.in-addr.arpa/PTR/IN’: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx#53

This is probably because you have a forwarder in your named.conf that refuse your requests. Simply look at the end of the previous line : “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx#53” and search this address in your named configuration file – it should be located inside the forwarders :


forwarders { xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; };


forwarders { xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; };

You need to remove or comment this host to get rid of the error in log or allow your host to query this server if it belongs to you!

Tip : To make sure the remote DNS server you are trying to query is refusing your request, you can try to DIG a host like this replacing the domain and IP to meet your situation :


dig domain.tld @xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx


dig domain.tld @xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx