"true-CDP" and "near-CDP." In true-CDP, every write is captured and transferred to the protection disk, and you can roll back to any point in time. (Note that recovering to an arbitrary point in time can lead to application inc integrity issues.) In "near-CDP" granularity is not at the file write level, and recovery can occur to specific points in time. Backup Exec falls into this CDP category, with snapshots taken at intervals. True-CDP products can often be c as near-CDP to save disk space and reduce network traffic.

CDP市场前景乐观,用户在True CDP与Near CDP之间通常会选择后者,可以回到任意历史时刻没有太大的实际意义,且会产生大量的存储空间开销,微软的VSS服务就只支持最多同时存在64个版本的卷快照。重要的是,只有数据库系统对实时保护的要求较高,但是数据库系统的保护是不能简单地通过文件的实时保护来实现,实际上大型数据库都有自己的多服务器实时同步机制。有兴趣的话就了解一下吧。