ARM Linux系统移植
first : program the Bootloader p_w_picpath in bootshrap mode
1.配置超级终端,到115200,8-bit,no parity,1 stop bit ,and no fliow control.
2.连接UART到超级终端监听的计算机串口。(connect either UART to the com port Hyperterminal is listening to.)
3.设置导入模式开关到全开状态(set the boot mode switch to all ON for bootsharp mode.)
4.上电ADS。power on ADS.
5.输入“a “。板子会自动探测波特率,如果板子没有返回一个“:”,则需要调小波特率重试。type "a".MX1/Lwill autodetect the baud rate.if the board doesn't respond with a ":",please low the baud and try again.
6.安回车键光标跳至下一行。press <enter > the cursor will move to the start of the next line.
7.选择“发送传输文本文件”并且发送programBoot_b.txt文件。select "Transfer/send Text File"and send programBoot_b.txt.
8.程序将自动开始.Programing will automatically start,the messages "Erasing flash...","Blank check...","programing...","verifying flash..."and"Programing finished"will be displayed ong after one to refect progress through the programming.
second:Program Image Using the Bootloader.
1.设置导入开关模式为on off on on on on
3.键入回车进入bootloader菜单。hit<enter > as it boots up to either bootloader menu.
4.choose the appropriate option (0 for programing the bootloader,1 for progreming the kernel p_w_picpath and 2 for programing the rootdisk p_w_picpath)
5. 当屏幕出现“USB dirve ready for tranfer”,plug the USB cable to PC socket.
6.将相应的镜像文件拷进其中。(a new USB removable dirve will appear in windows explorer.copy the p_w_picpath,depending on the option choosen in step 4, to be programing to the USB dirve)
7.右击USB设备,选择弹出。Right_click the USB dirve and select the eject.Make sure the USb dirve is deselected or Windows will not allow the operation.
8.在显示“press any key to start program”后 按任意键可开始程序。On the console,the message "press any key to start program"will be displayed.press any key to start programming.